Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Queen of England honors our President. And you know, I think she meant it!

Wow!  That was quite impressive.

You know I cannot help but notice that while Sarah Palin cannot even get an audience with the severely ill, and dementia stricken Margaret Thatcher, that President Obama is warmly welcomed by the Queen, who has certainly seen her share of presidents, prime ministers, and royalty, yet seems truly impressed with our most current leader.

I don't know about all of you, but this picture makes me very proud of who we have in the White House.

(H/T to The Only Adult in the Room.)


  1. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Gryphen - I think the Queen is smitten with the Obama's. I can honestly say, I have never seen her so genuinely taken like this..remember this?

    She too is glad there is an adult in the Whitehouse..

  2. Anonymous4:18 AM

    What a great picture. They were showing the dinner toasts on MSNBC yesterday and it was so great to see. And seeing the photos of President Obama, Michelle, Kate and William, it was like a meeting of the super tall people!

  3. Anonymous4:26 AM

    The wise Queen knows class and humility in a person full of greatness....we are very proud of our President and First Lady.

    Compare this with the reviews of can't fool the Brits,makes our MSM look like the suckers they are.

  4. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Proud indeed! And didn't Michelle look absolutely gorgeous? WoW! I can't help but make comparisons. =)

    What an awesome President & First Lady we have.

  5. Anonymous4:49 AM

    O/T: Very good news:

    "The three-way race between Hochul, Republican Assemblywoman Jane Corwin and self-funding independent Jack Davis offers at best mixed omens for the 2012 campaign. Hochul drew a stronger than expected 47 percent of the vote, and Corwin won an anemic 42 percent, but the 9 percent Davis took as a third-party candidate prevented any candidate from getting a telling majority.

    A former Democrat running as a Tea Party standard-bearer, Davis likely skewed the results against the GOP nominee. Yet Hochul wasn’t exactly fighting on even ground, either: Republicans hold a registration edge in the 26th District and John McCain won the area in 2008 by 6 percentage points. She was also outspent by the wealthy Corwin and Republican outside groups."

    I was able to vote in this race to replace the Republican that resigned, Chris Lee. Of course my husband voted AND my son was able to vote for the first time! As you've said before, our youth show a lot of promise.

  6. When I saw this I, too, was thinking how ridiculouosly out of place Sarah Palin would look beside the Queen.

    But Camilla might like her...

    Your link to Frank Bailey's interview on MSNBC will not load for me. Here is another link:

  7. Anonymous4:51 AM

    This was lovely and a beautiful event recognizing two countries alliance.

    In contrast I thought of the Palins and their inability to dress respectfully or business like even at campaign rallies. It is a requirement of public positions and leaders to speak void of slang and wear appropriate attire. It is a norm for people to dress appropriately for occasions. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when suitcases opened for the RNC disregarding running for the position of VP.

  8. Paige4:57 AM

    Love love LOVE this!!! I can just tell what she's thinking:

    "oh my, he's so much hand-som-ah in puh-son! *girlish giggle*"

    Believe me your highness, I would be thinking the SAME thing!

  9. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Just for a minute, picture the unthinkable and imagine Palin in this role. Red dress, Naughty Monkey shoes, winking at the Queen, inability to speak the English language, believing that she is on a mission from God, etc. Sorry for the frightening image, but use it to focus on making sure she never holds an elected office again.

  10. patience5:02 AM


  11. Anonymous5:04 AM

    so, reading Blind Allegiance was like reading a day to day report of the fashion industry. or martha stewart world. Anna Wintour, Martha and Sarah could be triplets in their need to control, their need for the high life,their desire to be at the top. All 3 are said to be "bitches" and they get bad reputations. While no one should condone using people and acting indignantly, men have behaved the same way since the beginning. So, when suffragettes paved the way for women to take traditional manly jobs, is it right to criticize them as being unwomanly?

    I mean, they are still women. They love, they cry, they give birth, they raise their families. The difference is, women today work.Still a scary thought to a lot of people.

  12. Anonymous5:19 AM

    It's ludicrous to compare Palin with President Obama; she's a shameless, ignorant quitter--with no title, no job, no clue.

    Kindly do not elevate her standing by making these kinds of comparisons.


  13. Anonymous5:21 AM

    This is ONLY the second state dinner that England has ever hosted with a US President as the guest of honor. I think that says it all :)

  14. Beldar Maricopa Conehead5:34 AM

    The haytors can say what they want, but i think we can all agree our man cuts a mighty fine figure im tails. Can you imagine a President Lulu at state dinners resplendent in her black bra, sheer whote blouse and tacky tin tiara from her 1982 Miss Wasilla Fish Entrails pageant?

  15. Anonymous5:45 AM

    this is random but at dwts last night, Bristol is soooo going for the sarah look. Now I know she needs corrective lenses (or did) but wearing stylish framed while dressed like mommy, flanking daddy with mommy on the other side is telling. Palin inc indeed. kyle was to her right

  16. ManxMamma5:46 AM

    This is such a welcome relief from anything Sarah. I love our First Family!

  17. Anonymous5:51 AM

    In this case I can't even imagine how one can compare Palin's effort to visit with Thatcher with President Obama's meeting with the Queen of England. Palin isn't really anyone important at all ... a self-constructed temporary celebrity who is also a failed candidate for U.S. Veep and a failed governor. President Obama is the leader of the free world. Apples and oranges.

  18. Anonymous5:54 AM

    This is nice, seeing our President being treated with the rspect he deserves. Unlike in this country. The so-called "journalists" in the US should be ashamed of themselves. They repeat every slur and insult coming from the repubs. including brain-dead $carah, yet overseas the President is well liked and respected. Compare this with the W trip!!

  19. Paige5:54 AM

    Beldar, you are spot on, my friend.

    I got an actual shudder thinking about the family Palin in the same position-

    Granny LuLu Sarah: well hey there Lizzy! It's ok if I can you Lizzy right? I need a pitcher for my Facebook so I'm gonna hug your neck right quick- Brissstol! Hand mama that fun-saver! Ok Lizzy, smaaaal and say kay-so!

    I'm sure if Her Royal Highness was forced to endure LuLu's word salad in a hybrid fake folksy wiskaaawnsin/veddy veddy british accent, she'd be thinking "fetch me my royal cattle prod" pretty darn quick.

  20. Anonymous6:00 AM

    I feel bad for President Obama having to sit next to Cowmilla. Anyway some haters are saying the POTUS fucked up his toast to the Queen. Like Scarah could do any better.

  21. Anonymous6:07 AM

    What do you want to bet saree gets the second photo and has one of her monkeys remove POTUS and insert a photo of her instead. She can hang it over the mantle at the new digs in AZ and within a month her state dinner with the queen will be part of the Palin truth

    I wonder if she'll wear the blue shorts with red pumps that are five sized too big for her?

  22. Anonymous6:09 AM

    4:59, I thought the same thing! There Granny would be, desperately trying to hit on Charles or Philip in her short skirt and Naughty Monkey heels, ugh! She would be humiliating for the US.

  23. deebee6:31 AM

    I closely followed our president's visit to Ireland also.
    He absolutely wowed them there too. Gracious,charming,endearing,without puking on a prime minister or embarrassing gaffes. What a wonderful change!
    Once again I am proud to be an American.

  24. Anonymous6:53 AM

    and just to mention it once in a while, Michelle Obama is highly intelligent and educated.

  25. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:55 AM

    Beldar Maricopa Conehead @ 5:34am--

    "...President Lulu at state dinners resplendent in her black bra, sheer whote blouse and tacky tin tiara from her 1982 Miss Wasilla Fish Entrails pageant?"

    LOL! Always look forward to Beldar "Fill-in-the-Blank" Conehead's comments. Hope the weather is good in Remulak!

  26. I love this picture. Our President looks absolutely tickled to be standing next to the Queen. The Queen looks pretty happy also.

  27. laprofesora7:47 AM

    Our President is so suave, he looks completely comfortable in those tails, unlike someone else I can think of-cough-Bush. And FLOTUS looked fabulous in her white gown. So nice to have a classy first couple for a change. THEY'RE the kind of people I'd like to have a drink with.

  28. One of the news items yesterday said that the Queen only goes "all out" for two state visits a year. The Obamas are getting the full treatment (and then some, I swear). I think she was really taken with them when they visited before. Remember, Michelle gave her a hug and horrified all the protocol folk? The Queen hugged her back. Who could not love Michelle?

  29. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Those look like real genuine smiles! Nice picture and should make the U.S. extremely proud of their President and First Lady.

    Am sure Queen Elizabeth gets a chuckle out of the latest Palin phenomenon as well.

  30. joeymac8:31 AM

    Well, lookit. Lizzie is reading from an ancient teleprompter. Can't she speak extemporaneously?

    Snooki only keeps a few notes on her palm.

  31. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Dear Anonymous @ 5:04- Triplets? Hardly. Both the editor of Vogue and Martha Stewart at least represent taste and appropriate behaviour in public. Sarah could easily fit into the animated French film "Triplets of Belleville".

    As far as is known, only two of the three birthed as many babies as they claim. If you'd like to try for a "twins" comparison, study up on how graciously Martha endured her prison sentence and how much she tried to help the other incarcerated women. Now let's see if Sarah can meet that challenge (soon, I hope)!

    Also, too, don't forget that the Queen of England has performed a traditionally "manly" job for sixty years without whining. Sarah? Nary a day.

    -Wild Tortoise

  32. Anonymous9:21 AM

    How tall is President Obama? Standing next to Queen Elizabeth, he looks like he's 7' tall! I love reading about him on this visit!

  33. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Picture Scarah and Toad there with union jack pendants and cuff links... ugh.

  34. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Hear, hear! I'll raise my glass to that . . .

  35. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I'm ashamed of the way the president is treated in this country especially by the palinbots. Palin is an outright racist and she knows it. Fox makes me sick. Their motto is repeat a lie often enough and it will be believed. Sarah's motto too. The religious right has their share of hatred and flying darts aimed at this president. I find it sickening. Franklin Graham and Sarah Palin should have a child together. A new creation from frankenpalin. Disgusting. They can teach it to hate just like Jesus would do. What goes around represening itself as "Christian" these days is too appalling for words.

  36. Because that is whole fracking point - THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS. The fate of the world is in the hands of a few leaders and the very idea of Sarah fracking Palin being one of them should frighten every last sane person to their souls.

    Sarah Palin is a celebrity and a one-time politician. She has never shown any interest in governing, any interest in understanding history and its lesson and has shown an abiding commitment to being the stupidest person in any room. Sarah Palin should never be allowed to lead this great country. Ever.

    Stop underestimating Palin - if we do, we will regret it like we regret GWB.

  37. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I love Obama and I'm glad he's our president.

    He made a couple of mistakes - he started his toast to the queen before "God Save the Queen" was played and was drowned out by the music. He then finished his toast without skipping a beat.

    He signed the guest book - May 24, 2008. Must have been suffering from jet lag, because that's a freaky mistake.

    I love him anyway. Yay Obama!

  38. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I am extremely proud of President Obama, and very very grateful. The man is world class, bright, polished and dignified!

    I shiver when thinking of what might have been had he not won. Too scary to think about. It is why the TRUTH being told about the execrable harpy is so important!!!!

  39. Anonymous12:29 PM

    President Obama has mastered the extremely difficult art of being classy and dignified while simultaneously being warm and approachable.

    (I think it's that famous grin that does it!)

    Funny how I don't cringe in fear and embarrassment when he speaks like I used to with the Shrub!

  40. Anonymous6:03 PM

    We all know all too well that they wouldn't have given McCain and his vituperative VP this sort of treatment. We chose the right one this time around and we've got to keep him in office for the next go around. WE NEED HIM.
    M. from MD

  41. Anonymous7:40 PM

    What a great time to be alive and witness this man claim his place in history.

    Fox is going crazy because he's overseas while the tornadoes are happening.

    He's working on building up trade with the US, he's bolstering the image of this country on the world stage, and with Netanyahu's announcement that he's willing to meet congress and make some painful compromises for peace with palistine, Obama is apparently working behind the scenes trying to negotiate peace, I doubt Ben came to this realization on his own.

    Fox is stuck on stupid, they can't fathom the terms "multitasking" and "Detante".

    How many days did Shrub spend on the ranch in Texas on a "working vacation" during his tenure, and what, exactly did he ever accomplish?


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