Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Even as daughter Bristol makes plans to live with two African American young men, Sarah Palin cannot resist letting her racist flag fly on Twitter.

From the Twit's Twitter page:

The link leads to an article by the Daily Caller (a right wing rag that is always going after the President and First Lady over something), which calls Michelle Obama out for daring to have a poetry reading in the White house that includes African American poets.

The article which completely ignores the other poets and songwriters invited to the poetry reading (Which by the way includes such scary gangsta rap/poets as Elizabeth Alexander, Aimee Mann, Jill Scott, Kenneth Goldsmith, Alison Knowles, Bill Collins and Rita Dove.), focuses solely on the inclusion of Lonnie Rashid Lynn, Jr., AKA “Common” as an indication of....what?

Apparently "Common," who is also an accomplished actor, rap artist, and four time Grammy winner, once wrote a piece of poetry which expressed the frustration that black men feel concerning their mistreatment at the hands of the police, and might possibly have contained a reference to "burning" President Bush, though that is not really clear to me when I listened to the poem. 

Here listen for yourself and tell me if this excludes this gentleman from having an audience with the First Lady at the White House.

Now my next question is how are the sentiments expressed by this gifted young man, expressed in verse rather than bullets, in any way worse, or more provocative, then the threats of violence expressed by the Second Amendment Task Force who advocate arming their members in order to stand up to the Federal Government (And who are numbered among Sarah Palin's most ardent supporters), and the violent imagery which has become Palin's trademark?

What is the real difference?  Other than the color of his skin of course?

Is it acceptable to talk about guns, and violence, and fighting back against oppression, when you are Caucasian, yet suddenly frightening and intolerable if it is expressed by somebody whose skin is of a darker hue?

You know I don't care how many African American men Bristol Palin chooses to live with, she will NEVER remove the stench of racism from her family.  And it is apparent to me that Sarah Palin has no intention of even attempting to change that perception.

Update: Lonnie Rashid Lynn, Jr., AKA “Common” also has a Twitter account:

You should all go over and see the back and forth, Common and his friends are rally having some fun with this.

I think Sarah may have, once again, picked the wrong opponent.


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Whatever. Her husband is a secessionist.

  2. Anonymous8:53 AM

    This woman has no idea of culture. Every person has the ability to be an artist, a poet, a painter. IT is the ability to tap into that one great thing you are that makes you special.

    Color has nothing to do with it. Only would PALIN mention that a artist is of a certain race.


  3. Oldmolemann8:57 AM

    Go to the Caller site to read the whole article. Then read the first two comments after the article.
    Fuck you Sarah Shit-Face. At least you don't dissapoint by slithering out with more absurd twits.

  4. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Whaddaya bet she tweeted this to stir the pot and potentially sabotage Bristol's reality show deal?

    Yes, the parents are racists through and through.

  5. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Stupid fucking bitch. Sorry but that is all I have. She just cannot let it go, can she. I mean they could invite Reagan (if alive, of course) to the WH and she'd still pitch a fit.

  6. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Sarah is playing up to her racist base. The people who are sending her all her money. Bring on the ice bergs.

  7. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Oh Lovely, White Sarah Palin alows her little daughter Piper to bring home her little friends to a house known to be the resident of a man who solicits prostitutes as well as pimps out his prostitute to his associates.

  8. Loose Era9:11 AM

    she's not running. her handlers would not let her near a twitter machine if she were. all snark, all stupid, all the time.

    Hey Sarah - how's that pussy footin around claim workin out for ya? 65% think it's the right call, including the more serious Rs. Emails in three weeks! [insert 'Jaws' shark is approaching music here]

  9. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Gryph I follow Common on Twitter, because I'm a huge fan. Common is laughing at Sarah Palin and Fox.

    Check out the tweets.

    LOL! RT @Duplaix: in today's "stupid" news, @Common is the new Sista Soulja http://bit.ly/k8uNan LOL!

    So apparently Sarah Palin and Fox News doesn't like me. @rolandsmartin http://fb.me/wtbMKgKO

    LOL! send me the link of what Palin said. RT @emokidsloveme: So @common woke up to find he was on Sarah Palin's shit-list? #JokesForMiles

  10. Loose Era9:12 AM

    ps the Massy boys are aspiring rappers too.

  11. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Gryphen, come on. This one is obvious. Sarah got A LOT of blowback from her bots yesterday over Brisket's new show. Sarah has to do SOMETHING to make the racists keep giving $$ to Sarah PAC.

  12. Archivist10009:20 AM

    This, from the woman who put CROSSHAIRS on fellow Americans because they were political opponents?

  13. Anonymous9:22 AM

    As I've said time and time again - this woman cannot fall off the face of the earth fast enough!!

  14. The idiot has waaaay too much time on her hands if she has enough to comment on every move the President and his wife make.

    Hey SP (yeah we know ya read this blog) Get a fuckin job, oh wait, you can't keep one because you always quit.

    Crawl back into the snake pit ya crawled out of Ssssssssssscarah and leave civilaztion alone.

  15. Anonymous @9:05

    Great point.


  16. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Common is a very nice guy; fantastic poet and all around great guy who gives back.

    Shitty Sarah is a skank!

  17. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Link to article in The Atlantic:


  18. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I have much respect for the First Lady and her willingness to promote the arts. I felt the same pride in Mrs. Bush when she was in the Whitehouse. Pure class.

  19. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I thought that we would never see,
    A twaddling twit like Sarah P.

  20. Anonymous9:37 AM

    "Anonymous said...

    Stupid fucking bitch. Sorry but that is all I have. She just cannot let it go, can she. I mean they could invite Reagan (if alive, of course) to the WH and she'd still pitch a fit.

    9:01 AM"

    Like Saint Ronnie would be
    caught dead in the non-White

    Remember "Restoring America's
    Honor" their teabagging klan
    rally? Why was America no
    longer honorable? Because she
    let a black man in?

  21. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Wow, she's really flying her racist flag high now. Will she be able to scrub her tweet?

  22. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Sarah Palin is ignorant when it comes to poetry/art and their relevance to social issues. if her pastor isn't talking about it — it isn't relevant for her. She is absolutely brain dead when it comes to literature, art, poetry and anything else that requires higher brain function. She also reeks of racism and is without any sense of self reflection so she can't see it.

  23. Really, it's more about getting attention than anything else. She can NOT stand that the President doesn't even give her a thought, that the FLOTUS is popular and engaging, and SHE wasn't invited to that ther' po-try 'n kultur 'n stuff.

    It's all about getting attention. If we all just turned our backs...

  24. Anonymous9:43 AM

    So I'm about finished with Dunns book. It's so boring and dry. While it is decidedly one-sided, he's not too unfair. However, there are several inconsistencies. That is not how her decision to resign went down. But he wouldn't have been privy to her family discussions that came before her professional discussions. Also, not to be too nitpicky, he states her parents were in Juneau for the parade (pg 351). Her parents were in matsu walking the parade there with her sisters, Piper, Todds parents, and friends. There are a couple glaring lies from old classmates that would be hard to disprove or prove as it's a specific person's story.

    The mayoral years still works against what I witnessed living there during that time. I don't necessarily think the sources are liars. I will report latewr with specifics.

    About the current post, the family is racist. The older generations may be borderline due to age, but they definitely do not think any race is deemed lower.

  25. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Regardless of the particulars of her silly antics, it's hilarious how she quit her job and then pretends to critique how others do theirs. She's a sad excuse for a human being.

  26. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Typical - playing both sides of the street.

    Hey, Paylin, there are people that listen to the news AND read! No matter what you tweet, your base is going to know your daughter is moving in with a couple of black guys.

  27. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Sarah can't be taken seriously as a serious presidential candidate. But, she still is on Murdoch and Fox's payroll as the attack dog heckler. Only, Sarah doesn't realize that's her role. She was hired because she plays the high school mean girl with such authenticity. She is being paid to be the insult-comedian.

  28. Anonymous9:51 AM

    The Tragedy of Sarah Palin

    From the moment Sarah Palin’s acceptance speech electrified the Republican convention, she was seen as an unbending, hard-charging, red-meat ideologue—to which soon was added “thin-skinned” and “vindictive.” But a look at what Palin did while in office in Alaska—the only record she has—shows a very different politician: one who worked with Democrats to tame Big Oil and solve the great problem at the heart of the state’s politics. That Sarah Palin might have set the nation on a different course. What went wrong?


  29. Anonymous9:53 AM

    She's pretty desperate for attention. Thank God no one pays attention anymore except for the super gullible.

  30. angela9:57 AM

    Stupid ass Sarah.

    Whistling to her cousin loving fans that she's still a racist no matter who Bristol fake lives with.
    Also, I guess she thinks putting on her white pointed hat will make people ignore the fact Dunn's book came out today.

    I'm reading it now . . . . .

    Oh yeah, she's only going to get nastier and more racist since she hired Breitbart's scum sucker. Should be interesting to see if she actually starts burning crosses. She's trying to be so vile and unelectable her bots will be confused and still send money.

  31. Virginia Voter10:01 AM

    OK, I listened to this poem several times, and it sounded like "burnin" was used as an adjective, Common was calling George Bush , Burnin Bush, perhaps using the biblical reference? Anyhow, the whole point of the poem, in my opinion is how black men are held to a different standard of scrutiny than the rest of society. Common points out that Bush is a criminal...although he didn't point a gun at anyone, his war in Iraq still caused innocent people to be killed.

    To the folks that thought we were being racist by finding amusement in the irony that The plot of Bristol's tv show had her living with two black guys, now do you get it? Sarah Palin's whole schtick is playing upon the racism that fears and fuels her base of supporters. Her daughter living with black guys on her show to make money in Hollywood is just too awesome, right? Sarah now how has to tweet her racism to cover for her daughter! Hell, I've been living with a black guy (my hubby) for 20 years, can I get a show too?

    Hey, I've been reading Dunn's book, and it is very enlightening, if not a little scary. Sarah has been mentally unstable for a long time, and her MO of attack and criticize has been with her since middle school. She hasnt matured beyond the age of 12. Bristol has followed in her footsteps.

  32. Archivist100010:02 AM

    In her acceptance speech, Sarah quoted Westbrook Pegler ... who once wrote : "Pegler wrote: "Some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies."

    She put crosshairs on fellow Americans/political opponents ...

    Now she is going after the First Lady for inviting a poet who has written about police abuse against Black youth??

    Does she have a clue as to how ridiculous she is?

  33. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Oh, Sarah, you never let me down. I can always rely on you to be a fucking moron. I had the pleasure of seeing Common perform live in October 2009. He was opening for Maxwell in Dallas and was AMAZING! Hooray for talent and creativity! Boo for all that closeminded hatred.

  34. What is the reference to "burn a bush?"

  35. I think Keith O said it best: "That woman is an idiot!".

  36. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Great post Gryphen!

    She had to re-establish her racist credentials since Bristol is now moving in with 2 black men. Maybe she doesn't like the new reality show after all. Does she know that Kyle and his brother are coming out with a rap album? Will they have rappers over for dinner? And this from the woman that would invite Ted Nugent to the White House.

    That Daily Caller article she linked to cherry-picked the lyrics to one of Common's songs. What a hypocrite. $P thinks Common (the rapper/poet in question) spoke out against Bush and his WMD's and police brutality in a rap so he shouldn't be allowed to attend poetry night at the Whitehouse, but she speaks out against POTUS almost daily with violent, racist undertones and on foreign soil. She also targeted a police officer when she and Todd harassed Trooper Wooten.

    So what's worse - Rapping about government/police intimidation or actual intimidation from a government official?

    What's worse - Rapping about racism and injustice or fanning the flames daily with lies and racist, violent rhetoric? How is $P's use of violent rhetoric any different than the gangster rappers who use the same thing in their lyrics? If the hook of a black rapper's song was "Don't retreat, Reload" people would be incensed yet $P says it all the time and she has a much larger audience.

    Common has a foundation in Chicago to help youth achieve their goals in life.

    $P collects money from fake charities and bankrupts real charities with her speaking fees.

    Whether you like rap or not, Common is a talented poet and offers the world something positive and I can see why Flotus would have invited him to attend. I cherry picked my own Common song addressing incest, death and a friend coming out. After reading the lyrics, who do you think has something to offer this world Common or $P?


  37. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Someone should forward that tweet and article to Kyle and his brother. Maybe they'll change their mind about the show with Bristol.

    I don't think they realize the amount of racism that's going to come flying their way once that show hits the TV.

  38. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Wouldn't it be grand to twitter to Snowdrift Snooki about hidden camera pics of Bristolslut fucking a 'black man'.

    Would send Snowdrift over the cliff!!!

  39. Anonymous10:42 AM

    So what, exactly, would Sarah term a good entertainment HER White House?

    Would it be a Botox party?

    A gun cleaning night?

    A KKK meeting?

    Sheesh, this woman's jealousy of POTUS and FLOTUS is disgusting. She is a stalker!

  40. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Oh, good lord! Is the woman unaware that "rill 'merikuns" actually know, understand, and appreciate this poetry?

    Fucking Toby Keith would be sleeping in the Lincoln Room as a regular guest if $P were Pres, and he ought to be strung up by his balls for his shit.

    Fucking retards.

  41. Archivist100010:55 AM

    OOPS ... reposting this because I didn't make it clear that Pegler was talking about Bobby Kennedy... brains on the floor ..

    repost: In her acceptance speech, Sarah quoted Westbrook Pegler ... who once wrote (of Bobby Kennedy) "Some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies."

    She put crosshairs on fellow Americans/political opponents ...

    Now she is going after the First Lady for inviting a poet who has written about police abuse against Black youth??

    Does she have a clue as to how ridiculous she is?

  42. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Whaddaya bet she tweeted this to stir the pot and potentially sabotage Bristol's reality show deal?

    IF there even IS a reality show. Don't forget, the failin' Palins LIE, ALL the TIME, even when there is no need to do so.

  43. Sarah would silence Common; she would pretend that discrimination isn't real.

    Please watch Freedom Riders, premiering May 16 on PBS to see what the U.S. was like just 50 years ago and the struggle that got us the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (the year Sarah Palin was born).


    Segregation ended but the reacism lives on and Sarah Palin is feeding it. When she, Rand Paul, the tea party, and others talk about getting the federal government out of our private lives and out of our business, they'd take us back to the days of institutionalized hate.

  44. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Tom Tancredo - who Snowdrift Snooki endorsed for CO Governor -- is on MSNBC right now saying that Obama is more of a danger to the US than bin Laden was, or than Al Qaeda.

    I'm sure she'll be tweeting out her denunciation any moment now...Waiting......still waiting...

  45. Sarah, RAM, and Tammy Bruce are racist tweeting uneducated fools. Three very nasty women who wouldn't hesitate to destroy someone, they have no moral compass.

    If I saw any of them on the street, then I'd move to the other side. They must have had horrible childhoods that has resulted in them being such social outcasts.

  46. Anonymous11:37 AM

    From what I hear, I think it's okay to say Black these days, not all dark colored people are of African descent.

    Are WE really going to make an issue of Bristol living with two black brothers? We should just be concentrating on the fact that she's doing a reality show and pimping her son the way she accused her baby daddy of doing.

    I'm only disappointed that Kyle, someone who WORKED HIS ASS OFF in DWTS is going to let Bristol get away with being such a half-assed loser on the show and still have gotten paid - and for giving her license to say, "See, people like me, I'm nice, not racist and stupid."

  47. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I smell a bump in the news cycle and public interest in Common.

    He is a hot actor with mad skilz.

  48. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Common defended Rev Wright:

    "He never really was against white people or another race," says Common. "It was more against an establishment that was oppressing people. I think we all can see that this country has problems and a lot of it starts in the political system."

    "What I picked up from the pews...was messages of love. Anything that was going on against that love he would acknowledge and expose. He's been a preacher that's helped raise one of the greatest political figures in the world, and hopefully, the next President. He's also raised one of the greatest rappers in the world."

    "GOD DAMN AMERICA!! We believe that God approves of 6 percent of the people on the face of this earth controlling all of the wealth on the face of this earth while the other 94 percent live in poverty and squalor while we give millions of tax breaks to the white rich.”

  49. Anonymous11:42 AM

    You just go right ahead, Ms. Palin, because if people decide you are an unapologetic racist you may just push them to want to support Barack Obama even more in the next election.

    Don't jump on me for reverse racism, either. There are many people who felt he was qualified, and yes, who also wanted to support potentially the first black president - because it was an idea whose time had come, and he was the man for the job.

    As for this rapper's lyrics about police brutality - he's right. Black men don't have a chance in this country when it comes to the police. They are guilty until proven innocent.

    I know of a young, unarmed black college student who was shot in cold blood by the police. If he had been in the same circumstances and had had white skin, he'd still be alive today. If Sarah and her minions can't deal with that cold reality - f%# 'em.

  50. Anonymous11:50 AM

    11:08, and if there IS a reality show, Sarah could be stirrin' the racist pot to grab more publicity for the show. She's all about grabbin' that free publicity, doncha know.

  51. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Anon @ 10:24: "She had to re-establish her racist credentials since Bristol is now moving in with 2 black men."

    That's it exactly. Pathetic as hell, isn't it? And yes, she does have too much time on her hands to be tweeting about such stupid shit as another poster stated.

  52. Anonymous12:18 PM

    And intelligent, thoughtful Common is somehow worse than Ted Nugent how?

  53. TruthSeeker12:34 PM

    Anonymous @ 9:05 am said...
    "Oh Lovely, White Sarah Palin alows her little daughter Piper to bring home her little friends to a house known to be the resident of a man who solicits prostitutes as well as pimps out his prostitute to his associates."

    Perfectly stated, Anonymous.

  54. There's a tradition of previous White Houses hosting people with purportedly controversial lyrics.

    Pl. read:

  55. Anonymous12:42 PM

    It's so painfully obvious that Palin had no idea who Common is, had no reason to care about who Mrs. Obama invites to the WH for poetry reading, but that she dutifully knee-jerk tweets in blind obedience to her minders.

    The woman is an idiot.

  56. Anonymous12:45 PM

    What a bully. She just sits around all day waiting for an opportunity to poke someone in the chest just to get attention. The sad think is we all fall for it and the MSM does NOTHING to call her on it. She is the ultimate mean girl. Well, I bet some of Common's women fans would set her straight. Watch out scara, you coward, those girls are not afraid to mess up your hair. Why don't you come out of your hiding behind your facebook and twitter and say that to their faces?????? Chicken????? Fortunately, the real world ignores you and just shakes their head in pity when you do things like this. Desperate Much?

  57. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Was Sarah Palin always a looney,
    hateful bitch? Has she always
    been a female Rush Limbaugh,
    Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck? Is this
    just her nature? Has she ever been
    a kind, generous, warm-hearted
    soul? No?

    You'd think people with money,
    who can afford nutritionally
    balanced meals, therapists, gyms,
    vacation time & the $$$ to go
    anywhere and do anything, wouldn't
    be so mean. What is she so
    angry about? Why wasn't she
    biting George Bush's ankles?
    She stays after Obama constantly.

  58. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I think people need to relax about Reverend Wright. It's just too easy to twist the intent of his words and take them out of context. Much of what he said was also true.

    His church has done a ton for the needy.

    African Americans have every right to be pissed off about the way things have operated in this country, for a long time. It's getting better, but still.

  59. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Thank you Mr. president. At long last the presidents says it as I have said it before. Now I can start putting my keyboard to use again. My blog has been domant since 2010. I was disgusted by the Palin politics, media who promotes her, all minions at Fox who are hired by an immigrant from Australia.Especially that I know most of the media outlets are owned by an immigrant Rupert Murdoch.

    "Washington (CNN) - President Barack Obama used an immigration speech Tuesday to take a jab at News Corporation CEO, Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox News Channel.

    Obama quoted the CEO, an Australian native, who said "Immigrants have made America great as the world leader in business, science, higher education and innovation."

    "That's Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox News, and an immigrant himself," Obama said. "I don't know if you're familiar with his views, but let's just say he doesn't have an Obama bumper sticker on his car."

    and I am one of those immigrants that has been irked by Rupert and his FOX minions Sarah Palin, Greta, Hannity, Glenn Beck inclusive and the rest on Fox, who have sold their souls for money.

  60. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Amy Poehler on "Saturday Night Live's" Weekend Update, alongside a dancing Sarah Palin: "The Sarah Palin Rap"

    My name is Sarah Palin you all know me

    Vice prezzy nominee of the GOP
    gonna need your vote in the next election

    Can I get a 'What What' from the senior section

    McCain got experience, McCain got style but don't let him freak you out when he tries to smile
    cause that smile be creepy
    but when I be VP

    All the leaders in the world gonna finally meet me

    How's it go eskimo
    Tell me what you know eskimo
    How you feel eskimo
    (ice cold)
    Tell me tell me what you feel eskimo
    (super cold)

    I'm Jeremiah Wright cause tonight I'm the preacha
    I got a bookish look and you're all hot for teacha

    Todd lookin fine on his snow
    machine so hot boy gonna need a go between in wasilla we just chill baby chilla

    But when I see oil let's drill baby drill

    My country tis a thee from my porch I can see Russia and such all the mavericks in the house put your hands up all the mavericks in the house put your hands up

    All the plumbers in the house pull your pants up

    All the plumbers in the house pull your pants up

    when I say 'Obama' you say 'Ayers'
    Obama. (Ayers) Obama (Ayers)

    I built me a bridge - it ain't goin' nowhere.

    McCain, Palin, gonna put the nail in the coffin of the media elite
    (she likes red meat)

    Shoot a mother-humpin moose, eight days of the week
    [three gunshots]

    Now ya dead, now ya dead,
    cause I'm an animal, and I'm bigger than you holdin' a shotgun walk in the pub everybody party, we're goin on a hunt

    la la la la la la la la
    [six gunshots]

    Yo I'm Palin, I'm out!

  61. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Stay classy, 10:32AM.

  62. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Sarah is ignorant and racist, she also hires trash like RAM and others to work for her. They are nasty, vile people with their hand out for everyone's money and would swiftboat anyone who got in the way of their own agenda.

  63. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I listened to the poem and I totally agree with you Gryph. What Common has said is no different than what the TeaBaggers have said about their rights to take up arms, except that his way of expressing it is more artful and more justified! Saying that, I don't want to see ANYONE take up guns to solve their problems; I still believe that nonviolent resistance is the way to go. Nonetheless, what a great event the First Lady has planned. I wish I could have been invited.

  64. meena1:22 PM

    But roughly half-a-yea­r ago, Fox News had a different tone about Common. In an October 2010 report for FoxNews.co­m, reporter Jason Robinson interviewe­d the "rap legend" and told him, "your music is very positive. And you're known as the conscious rapper. How important is that to you, and how important do you think that is to our kids?"


  65. meena1:40 PM


    Pl. also let ur blog followers be aware of:

    But roughly half-a-yea­r ago, Fox News had a different tone about Common. In an October 2010 report for FoxNews.co­m, reporter Jason Robinson interviewe­d the "rap legend" and told him, "your music is very positive. And you're known as the conscious rapper. How important is that to you, and how important do you think that is to our kids?"



  66. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Could it be Scarah was trying to get back at Tina Fey? Common played a bad guy in the movie "Date Night" with Tina.

  67. I agree with Curiouser at 11:18, and also too, that nasty, socialist government can get out of our lives...until we have a snowstorm, flood, hurricane, tornado, fire, drought, mudslide, sinkhole (or maybe we just need a new choo-choo train like Scott Brown does). Then they're the first ones with their hands out asking for "free" money.

  68. My daughter, granddaughter just home from college, and I were watching President Obama's press corps dinner speech two nights ago on the internet. The "Lion King" portion went viral at her Indiana college, but she hadn't seen the rest of it, nor had my daughter. We sat down to watch it, laughing like crazy at his remarks, so my six year old grandson came over to see what was so funny. My granddaughter said, "Look, Jahaja, that's the President of the United States and the First Lady." He watched for a moment, looked at us, and said "They're brown like me." That's right, honey, they are brown...just like you.

  69. Oops...I meant Scott Walker's choo-choo train between Milwaukee and Chicago.

  70. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Barns/Yarns - You must be Hawaiian to intimidate that badly. ;)

  71. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I think Sleep Talkin' Man said it best...


  72. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Notice how Sarah links to everything that is nasty,racist and downright stupid....jumping on the Trump wagon and getting birther crap all over her face...Trump is still under it.She is swimming in the cesspool of hate,bigotry and evil.Her friends are Brierbart and his ilk, and sarah dear you are not comming out from this crap...we can smell it miles away.

  73. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Don't forget that she is a firm supporter of Ted Nugent, who has an entire arsenal of rhetoric that would make even the most violent extremist cringe....

  74. Punkinbugg4:25 PM

    Sarah, you think you are a "fighter" who "won't give up!"

    But you are really a sore loser.

    Americans, even Republicans, DO NOT LIKE sore losers.

    Throwing your sour grapes over the White House fence does not make you a statesman.

    It makes you a racist fool.

  75. Anonymous4:37 PM

    As I've said on many an occasion, her default setting will be her undoing. She cannot help herself; it's a part of the wiring you see. Thank you $arah, for yet another glimpse into your shallow, one dimensional mind.

  76. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I don't think that "Sarah Palin" actually does the tweeting....I think that RAM does....the fact that "Sarah Palin" by getting into this tweeting dust-up with Common, for me; shows that Sarah, and Todd Palin(Who was the real Governor of Alaska In my opinion) are definitley not running for the POTUS in 2012.

    Thank you.

  77. Anonymous7:51 PM

    I really have to thank Sarah for being a racist bitch. I've heard of Common but until today was not aware of his message, work and organization to help kids. So because of Sarah's ignorance, I've been enlightened.

  78. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Sarah Palin, Fox News, and the rest of the rightwing cabal are today's version of the Salem "witch" burners. Cackling, evil, hissing scary people who are eager to spread hate and paranoia throughout this country like a cancer.

    It's backfiring, though. They probably just made a budding rap artist a household name.

  79. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Anon @ 9:45 said...

    "Regardless of the particulars of her silly antics, it's hilarious how she quit her job and then pretends to critique how others do theirs. She's a sad excuse for a human being."

    LOL, that's exactly right...Sarah Palin quit her job she could criticize how others do their jobs!

  80. Sarah Palin's idea of art is probably a black velvet painting of a crying Glenn Beck.

  81. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Yes, I really want a President of the United States who gets riled up about a poem. It's not like we don't have actual and pressing goals to achieve in this country. We really do have all the time in the world to deal with climate change and a mass exodus of jobs to foreign countries that we can put these issues on the backburner and worry about what some rapper sang in a song once.

  82. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Hannity Hates Common’s Anti-Bush Rhetoric, But Defended Ted Nugent’s Violent Anti-Obama Rhetoric

  83. Anne In DC7:18 PM

    All Palin and company have done is to elevate the status of Common in a way it might not have been otherwise. She is a simpleton who is still eaten up with jealousy and bitterness that she is not in the White House. Of course, she is not alone in making a fool of herself, because FOX itself once praised this artist. It's all about finding some excuse to criticize the Obamas who stand head and shoulders about all of these loons, who always end up looking like the northern end of a jackass heading south.

  84. meena8:24 PM

    Master piece:
    Jon Stewart’s Epic Takedown Of Fox News For Pushing Rapper Common’s W.H. ‘Controversy’



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