Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Raven-Symone is doing this wrong.

Courtesy of US Life Post:

“That’s so Raven” star Raven-Symoné, who has previously described herself as “thick and fabulous,” showed up looking quite thin on the catwalk for the 18th Annual Race to Erase MS event on Friday (Apr. 29).

Just look at this poor woman!

Sure she has lost quite a lot of weight, and the transformation is amazing, but just look at that chin!  It is still just as stubby and rounded as it was BEFORE she lost all of that weight!  Talk about an epic failure.

Now if she had only followed the special diet that Bristol Palin followed she could have had results like this:

I think the problem is that Raven-Symone went on one of those diet/exercise programs that make you lose weight ALL over your body, rather than one of those spot reducing diets that only focuses on slimming your face, and increasing the muscle mass of your chin.

Hey, perhaps Bristol could write a how-to book about what she changed in her diet to achieve such startling results.  You know right after she finishes proofreading the memoir that they are writing for her, and after she is finished pretending to enjoy hanging around African American men in her new "completely lacking in reality " show!


  1. padoreva6:10 AM

    One thing no one is saying about plastic surgery is the fact that it severs nerves in the process and numbness often results that lasts for years. I had a severely deviated septum and had surgery on my nose when I was Bristol's age. And since I was doing that for a valid medical reason, my insurance paid for most of the procedure. The bonus was that my surgeon also modified my nose and made it smaller and more refined.

    I was well into my 20s before I had feeling back in my nose. It was totally numb, but it looked good and I could finally breathe properly.

    After my experience, I wonder about some of these people like Heidi Montag and Bristol, who have had extensive surgery. It's a very weird experience to have a part of your face feel numb.

  2. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Not only did Bristol's DIET make her chin all pointed but it made her lower lip puff out! ;O)

  3. wakeUpAmerica6:26 AM

    Definitely a giant serving of snark for breakfast. LOL

  4. Anonymous6:31 AM

    How do you do a weeks/months long reality show while you're trying to raise a two year old child? What is she thinking????

  5. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Whe is Julia O'Malley of the adn going to write a piece about people she knows who saw Bristol on the treadmill at the gym and they could see her chin get longer every week?

  6. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Bristol does not even look like the same girl. She has had too much surgery. How sad.

  7. remember the good old days....when ricky hollywood was a menace to the paylin society?

  8. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Ugh, that's so scarecrow.

    Poor gal, she looked miserable fat but she is going to be awfully drugged up or starving every moment of the day if she wants to maintain this look. Maybe she's on the Sarah Palin diet of diet Red Bull / Dr. Pepper and power bars to turn herself into a bag of bones.

  9. Anonymous6:51 AM

    From what I see, going from top of the head down, she has:
    1. hair extensions;
    2. botox in the area above the eyebrows to allow them to arch;
    3. botox in the lower eye area to eliminate the bagging when she smiles;
    4. narrowed and lowered nose tip;
    5. possible veneers;
    6. possible lip enhancement;
    7. adjustment to the jaw line either through lipo or shaving down; and
    8. (everybody's favorite) chin implant.

  10. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I actually feel some pity for Bristol. Her new face makes her look clownish and EXTREMELY unnatural. She WAS a very physically attractive woman and is now some sort of plastic freak. Maybe if she'd had real loving, nurturing parents, she might have had a been sense of self esteem and confidence in who she was.

    I can't imagine that anybody thinks that this is an improvement, including Bristol. I suspect that she will be very sorry that she tried to change her face so drastically. If her mental health wasn't in jeopardy before, I imagine it is now.

    Way to go Sarah, you selfish ignorant bitch.

  11. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Ah, yes, the old "deviated septum" excuse. LOL! What I mean is, that while padoreva may have indeed had a REAL one, every person I've ever known in or out of show business who has a nose job always tells people they HAD to have a nose job because of a deviated septum. When I had to have some plastic surgery on my arm after being cut by some glass the plastic surgeon grinned and told me that's what surgeons tell their patients to use as an excuse and that next to NOBODY actually has a deviated septum. But in this day and age, why even lie about it - plastic surgery is so de rigeur. Padoreva, you must be one of those rare statistics who really had a deviated septum :)

  12. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Poor baby! Brisket was preparing for a "reality" tv show....of course she needed surgery!

  13. Anonymous7:20 AM

    At a passing glance, I would've said, that's Nicole Richie.. Raven looks good. Go on, girl!

    This a young woman who has worked hard since childhood. She's wealthy beyond anything Bristol could ever imagine. She earned her money on her own merit, not off who her mother is.

  14. Anonymous7:24 AM

    "Raven-Symone is doing this wrong." I trust you so, that I almost fell for that. hehehe!

  15. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I can't figure out why Bristol is trying to fool anyone with the weight loss excuse. The photo of her post-Tripp at the Candies event shows her much slimmer than she is now. And chinless.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Anonymous8:12 AM

    padoreva---regarding the numbness...

    When you apparently have no other feelings--like what might be good for you or your child, what might be a good career choice, what might be a real life goal to have, etc.--what's a little more loss of feeling?

  18. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Bristol has a tendency to defy all odds:
    1. The only contestant (ever) who gains weight during DWTS.
    2. Reshapes and elongates her chin and nose while dieting.
    3. Spends 5 months out of school and out of town due to mono. Those pesky rumors of pregnancy were from haters.
    4. Can live with her boyfriend while practicing abstinence.

    What a special, special girl. Who said she had no true talents?

  19. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Haha! Thanks for the laugh, Gryphen.

    The shameless lies of this hillbilly grifting clan are growing more transparent every day.

    When I think of the GENUINELY talented, high-integrity young people out there that would really shine, I do get irritated at this plastic young woman. What an awful role model.

    I hope that chin of hers will comfort her in her old age. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Her decisions today will haunt her for decades.

  20. Anonymous8:52 AM

    If Bristol had parents who valued education, even a little bit, she might never have become pregnant in the first place. What little I saw of SPA and the inside of the house confirmed that they read nothing. How can you have school age children and not have any books around? Or kids' magazines? Or something that looks educational? You'd have thought they could have had a stager come in and line up a set of encyclopedia at least. It is really sad that these lids think that their lives will be successful if they can nab the next TV gig, have one more surgery, or golly, convince the Washington Speakers Bureau to sign them up to give inspirational speeches on topics they know nothing about...like abstinence and education! Isn't the bloom off that rose yet?
    And by the way, BIO network...the TLC network lost viewers and sponsors with SPA...good luck expecting people to tune in to watch Bristol lie and abuse her child.

  21. Anonymous9:40 AM

    omg...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESNajLpgF0E

  22. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I too noted the Palin household was devoid of books. It looked like an attempt at a furniture showroom with the addition of a large-screen TV. SO appropriate for the Palin parenting style. NO books on the floor, no children's toys, no homework spread out, no half-finished school projects, no life being lived!

    And, photos of Palin's offices as governor displayed the same furniture showroom touch. SO Palin! No stacks of papers, no obvious work going on.

    The Palin family is actually anything anyone pays them to be. They are pointless on their own. There is no there.

  23. Anonymous10:55 AM

    If she feels good, that is it. It is her face. She has to live with it.

    many lie how they got their looks. That is human nature.

    Look at Kirstie Alley, is she really a size 6? I doubt it. Why lie? Because she does just like Bristol and Sarah. Entertainers, though Bristol has no talent that I can spot. A lousy speaker, a really rotten awkward actress, as bad as you can get.

    About the only thing you can say that men will like is that she is eager to hook up and puts out, unlike her abstinence lies.

    She will always be chunky now.

  24. dancingthroughlife12:00 PM

    6:52- if a septum is deviated enough, it will change the appearance of a nose, so to straighten it will cause a change in the way it looks (even if it's unlikely that it will get smaller/more narrow). Padoreva said their surgeon ALSO modified the nose. That means in addition to, not as part of a septoplasty.

    I've had a septoplasty, and due to how severely my septum was/is deviated, it's likely I'll have to have another at some point. If indeed I do have to undergo surgery on my septum again, I can't rule out asking them to make the results as close to my 'original' nose (or 'better') as they can- I'm still in my twenties, and as looks-obsessed as society is today, I can't blame people, even Bristol, for wanting to change what they don't like about themselves. To lie about it, though, when it's so blatantly obvious, is ridiculous and makes you look beyond foolish.

    Padoreva- I can imagine her chin is still numb. I think it would be funny to see a picture of her with food or something on her chin (because she can't feel it there).

  25. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I guess she won't be able to pull her hair back anymore.

  26. Raven-Symoné looks great and her chin is cute.

  27. According to whoever talked to the press, Bristol only lost 5 pounds in addition to her surgery.

    Allow me to call bullshit on that theory.


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