Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Frank Bailey jumps into the lion's den, and gives interview to premiere Palin panty sniffer Sean Hannity

I have to admit that Bailey has some rather impressive balls to go on Fox News.

Of course despite how he is being painted by the Palin-bots, Frank is a dyed-in-the wool Fox News loving, anti-choice promoting, red state conservative.

The video cuts off halfway through the interview, but you can read the rest for yourself here.


  1. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Hannity is an ASS!

    Bailey on Hardball tonight:

  2. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I read the book, it makes Palin look awful, but Bailey is simply a hideous reTHUG, I dont forgive him, he needs to go to jail with his former princess. The book is good but repetitive, and eventually is uninteresting.

  3. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Hannity is trying to make it seem like Bailey used personal emails that didn't belong to him in this book. SP was stupid enough to use non gov accounts, so they belong to whoever sent/received, don't they? Why doesn't Hannity ask why they were using these other email accounts? Oh right, he doesn't 'care about gossip'...

  4. ManxMamma3:07 PM

    No limp lack of cajones there! Good job Mr. Bailey.

  5. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I guess Sean isn't interested in vetting Palin. He doesn't care if she's honest or not - he only cares about getting into her pants.

  6. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I bet Frank Bailey knew before he walked into that studio that Hannity was going to the usual Palin smears at him - "you are attacking HER CHILDREN" you are facing ethics charges (ie: you are a liar).

    All this is attacking the messenger, Frank Bailey; notice that they do not question the TRUTHFULNESS of the book.

    God bless Frank for standing tall and taking the barbs and arrows. He has an important message for American conservatives, and more power to him.

  7. California Dreamin'3:16 PM

    Hannity IS an ass! He defends his queen by claiming that Bailey is attacking her children. I've read the part that he's talking about and Bailey absolutely DOES NOT attack Bristol. He said he felt sorry for her. He paints Sarah as a callous, uncaring mother who is dismissive to her crying daughter, who she is talking to on her cell phone.

    Bailey held his own against idiot Hannity.

  8. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Hannity is the worst.

  9. CharlotteB3:20 PM

    No matter what he did in the past, Bailey went on Hannity's tv show, answered questions and talked about his book without filibustering. Palin is scared shitless even to go on O'REILLY anymore, let alone Anderson Cooper or Rachel Maddow. Bailey's got balls, and I appreciate that. Gonna go buy the book now.

  10. F J Dandy3:20 PM

    Bailey is demonstrating what Quittypants lacks - character.

    Good for him.

  11. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Monologue (5/24/2011) Lopez -Sarah Palin is moving to Arizona-

  12. GoingBrogue3:21 PM

    I'm torn between the comment above ("Bailey is a rethug") and my natural empathy toward someone who seems truly repentant.

    I guess the bottom line is...Bailey admitted to committing untold numbers of illegal acts. However, he freely confesses and is offering the truth as an act of contrition. Which makes me think he should be shown leniency.

    But then I think about his ridiculous treatment of Babygate, which I call "The Mudflats Treatment"...and it's impossible for me to believe he didn't/doesn't know something is up. Bailey has children. He knows how often a woman goes to the doctor for a healthy pregnancy, nevermind an extremely special-needs, cardiac challenged baby incubating (allegedly) in the womb of a woman considered to be practically elderly by pregnancy standards...

    Come on, Frank. Tell the WHOLE truth and I'll believe you're truly, truly sorry.

  13. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Bailey:Sean let me ask you a question. Why aren't you and the folks on this network talking about her honesty.

    Hannity : responds- saying he does not vet anyone. Its not on the transcript!

  14. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I predict best seller very soon. Nice. And more than I had hoped for.

  15. Anonymous3:25 PM

    How interesting will a 2 hour campaign ad be?

  16. Anonymous3:29 PM

    While hannity does show himself to be a panty sniffing ass, he has a point. When msnbc released that batch of emails, I read frank to be a glee-filled friend/super assistant in the admin. I know what Blind allegiance is. I still have no problems with Sarah as a person, as I have never ;"hung out with" her therefore i cannot judge or discuss her personality (as most of you cannot). I do know some of her school friends so I have some perspective.

    Public repenting against a famous person takes balls, yes it does. I dont understand how someone with such strong values did those things.

    I want to know when Sarah made her 180deg turn. It appears to have been slightly before the RNC illegal activity, as I believe she was rightly against it for obvious reasons. She used to be such a sweet girl and wonderful person. I guess it is true. Power is dangerous.

    I ask you all to seriously dig into our current leaders and not take anything at face value. Go back and watch those speeches where the president doesnt have a teleprompter or prepared words. Read the books written about people. I know unauthorized biographies aren't too legit, but it is something

  17. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Confirmed: Car and house in Arizona belong to Palins

  18. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I am trying to get my chores done before I sit down and read "Blind Ambition" but pick it up and open it at random.

    Page 52: Palin says wearily "the circle of trust is much smaller" there are only two people I trust.. points at Todd..NOT HIM.

    Holy crap. Even back then, S and T were NOT telling each other key pieces of information, telling their aids, Don't tell S... Don't tell T... playing their assistants against each other.

  19. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Please. no one will go to jail. fines may be paid however.

  20. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Interesting that he readily went into the mouth of the lion and emerged unbowed. I don't think I like the guys politics but at least he speaks with some degree of honor. As to trashing Saree he really did hold back. I think he knows a lot more about Babygate than he lets on. What people don't talk about is the time between Saree realizing she was pregnant and then going for the testing that revealed Trig was Tri-G. And in its aftermath I can't believe Saree wasn't talking about it in the least. He claims he was blindsided about the pregnancy and yet it's clear he was in the inner circle. How did he not know? How did he read her emails and have her never mention the pregnancy of herself or the daughter? Those are things I think discredit him in some minds. I do think at some point he'll write another tome, perhaps as more is revealed. I do think that is going to come out faster now that Saree isn't in AK, running around pounding anyone who speaks out against her into the ground. Wonder how Saree is feeling about the new dirt on Brisket, shacking up with one of her two new housemates? Didn't Brisket just sell a story about how she was done dating and screwing so she could focus on being a mother

  21. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Professor Brad Scharlott is back at Laura Novak's.

    "The Ides of Sarah's Spring, 2008
    Or....The Amazing Shape Shifting of Sarah Palin in 2008. A conversation with Prof. Brad Scharlott"

  22. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Good job troll @ 3:29 PM
    You hit a bunch of the regular talking points:

    "Hannity is a panty sniffer but he has a point?"

    No he doesn't and calling him a panty sniffer doesn't make us believe you are "one of us".

    We don't know $P so we can't judge her personality.

    But we can judge what we do see like her venomous mouth, her vitriol, her racism, her obsession with President Obama, her petty vindictiveness, her selfishness...etc.

    You're an insider because you know some of her school friends.

    Hello... the lady is in her late 40's. Most people are very different from who they are in Middle and high school. Let me guess your the one who said someone lied to Geofrey Dunn in his book.

    She used to be such a sweet girl and wonderful person. I thought you didn't know her personally, so using your own logic, how can you judge if she was ever nice or wonderful? That's also what all the people under the bus said at one time too.

    And of course check out our "Current leaders" speeches without a teleprompter.

    I don't suppose you're referring to OUR president. You just couldn't help yourself. Just because you didn't say his name, doesn't mean we're not smart enough to see through your BS.

    Please head back to the peepond where BS is the language of choice.

    Buh bye

  23. Anonymous3:56 PM

    I want to know when Sarah made her 180deg turn. It appears to have been slightly before the RNC illegal activity, as I believe she was rightly against it for obvious reasons. She used to be such a sweet girl and wonderful person. I guess it is true. Power is dangerous.

    Read the Alaskan Blogs. Read Dunn's book.

    There was no turn. Just steppin' on the gas of her ship of state as the power accumulated. She has been like this since she ran for city council in Wasilla. She was like this before, also, too. Deceitful and hateful from the word go. Weren't there people like this at your high school? How many of them have changed for the better?

  24. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Fox News is gutless. The video doesn't bother to show where Frank Bailey is challenging Hannity as to why he's not questioning Sarah's honesty or why Fox News isn't vetting conservative candidates.

    Is it because Fox News already knows there's no "there" there? No one to endorse?

    Fox News = Pathetic waster of airtime and a drag on the GOP.

  25. Anonymous3:59 PM


    I guess G. knew about Laura's post!

  26. @3:29 Go back and watch those speeches where the president doesnt have a teleprompter or prepared words.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're an idiot. I've watched him often - take his 90 minute Q&A with the Republican Congressmen for an example - he's fantastic! Now you go back an take a look at Queen Sarah WITH telepromter and prepared words. She's a freaking disaster!

  27. Anonymous4:22 PM

    he said on hard ball she is smart??? in 5 years she has failed to prove that, sorry Frank...

  28. Virginia Voter4:24 PM

    God, Hannity is just a total douche, isn't he? That annoying voice, outdated hair, and overall demeanor is just so unappealing in every way...ugh.

    I have seen several of Bailey's interviews now, and he comes off as refreshingly honest, and very relaxed because he has nothing to hide. He has owned up to his mistakes, and that must have been incredibly freeing for him. Of course I don't agree with him politically, but I have respect for his decision to come clean, and if he profits off his misery he was put through by Sarah and Todd more power to him.

    Sarah and Todd Palin deserve every bit of bad karma that comes their way. They are evil and dishonest to their core. They have used and manipulated people in their quest for power and money, discarding them when they were no longer useful, or they felt betrayed. The fact that ANYONE would still align themselves with these monsters is appalling . It seems that the Palins attract weak minded simpletons who become entranced by Sarahs Queen Esther vibe or something, I can't explain it. The Palins truly are vampires...they literally bleed their supporters dry, and move on to their next prey.

    Heads up Arizona, you guys are next. Bailey has warned you.

  29. Pondering Mistral4:26 PM

    If Frank is a rethug and insincere, how would we know if he was sincere?

    I'm asking because I really don't know what to believe.

  30. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Read the interview transcript and loved how Bailey turned it on Hannity at the end and asked him why he wasn't interested in palin's honesty or in vetting candidates. Also loved how Hannity "had to end the interview because of breaking news" as soon as Bailey asked him the hard questions.

    I just returned from the local Borders, here in conservative-land. They have Bailey's book prominently displayed on the table of new books just as you enter the store and also at eye-level behind the registers. I bought my copy and am eager to start it tonight!

  31. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Anyone know what breaking news was on Fox today that interrupted the interview? I don't/won't watch Fox so I will have to rely on those who do. Maybe one of the trolls wandering around in here can fill us in

  32. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Anon 3:29

    FUCK YOU creep! Sarah was NEVER a good and sweet girl. You are so full of crap! Then you turn on our president who has so much integrity, yet you can't see it because you are a racist pig.
    Go tell lies somewhere else. I'm sure you don't know any of Sarahs friends. There is something really wrong with you and Sarahs other cult members.

  33. Anonymous4:44 PM

    "I ask you all to seriously dig into our current leaders and not take anything at face value. Go back and watch those speeches where the president doesnt have a teleprompter or prepared words. Read the books written about people. I know unauthorized biographies aren't too legit, but it is something"

    You are a blithering idiot and I think your name is Chuckie.

  34. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Frank Bailey says he is a Fox News conservative, that he still follows Limbaugh and Beck. Well, maybe after he sees how Fox News cut and pasted his words - leaving out anything that might embarrass Hannity, he will reassess how much he can trust his beloved Fox News.

    I'm reading the book and in it you can begin to understand how someone could be caught up in Sarah's campaign for Governor and how a basically decent guy like Frank could start doing things he'd regret. He's very clear and honest about his lapse of integrity and honesty. But unlike what Hannity was inferring - it wasn't Frank who was deciding to do those things - it was upon explicit or implicit orders from Sarah or Todd.

    Also, while reading the book you can understand how he finally grew to realize how far from his ideals he had fallen and why he felt he had to face up to those things and expose what he did and what Sarah expects her followers to do as well as what Sarah and Todd themselves do - the ends justify the means, destroy anyone who isn't "with them," et cetera.

    Blind Allegiance is an important book. I was hooked by just the prologue written by Ken Morris. Jeanne Devon's strong editing and sense of pacing is evident as well. This is not a hatchet job. It is a thoughtful, human and painful retelling of naive loyalty that was destroyed bit by bit. I like how Bailey says no one should worship another person. We should only worship God - even though I am not affiliated with any religion, I think he's spot on with that realization.

    I think his example might help others step back and view Sarah as a person and see her tragic flaws.

    Now, if he could himself could just step back and see Limbaugh and Beck for the frauds they are, he will be making significant progress towards rationality.

  35. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Young Turks take on Baily's book.

  36. Olivia5:16 PM

    I would hope that his tour of the Faux programs would turn Frank away from being a dyed-in-the wool Fox News loving, anti-choice promoting, red state conservative, but I know it won't. I have a feeling he considers the ball searing interviews he must endure as his penance for what he did. He must go through it to get right with God.

  37. Anonymous5:39 PM

    @3:29.... Or how about when OUR president is able to have an actual conversation about policy (including specifics) on the Sunday shows (Meet the Press, etc.) and 60 Minutes--No teleprompter or memorized phrases assembled as "word salad."

    I applaud Frank Bailey for his honesty and being willing to own up to his mistakes. I do not agree with him in many political areas, but I commend him for that and have respect for him.

  38. OverMountainMan5:47 PM

    Frank Bailey ate Sean Hannity's lunch !!

  39. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Hannity is airing part 2 now!

  40. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Hannity Shockingly Obtains Exclusive From Documentary Potentially "Prelud[ing] " A Palin 2012 Run

  41. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Thisd is excactly why I haven't bought his book. He is a non repentent GOP member, seemingly thinks he is not guilty for his part in the cover up of a state level politico that was mentally ill. Sorry Frank, you are not getting my $$$$. All the Palin bot apologists beware, not all of us will innociently by your story, you were part of the issue to begin with.

    Little Rabbit

  42. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Bailey was on again tonight (Hannity) the last part of the show. Hannity is trying so hard not to discuss the content of the book, but instead question FB on why he didn't quit instead? He doesn't care about what FB's message is in the book; all he wants to do is try Bailey, like a criminal, on what his motives were for writing the book.

  43. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Sean Hannity showed a preview of SP's movie and Meg Stapleton is in it.

  44. Anonymous6:29 PM


    You mentioned:

    "Also, while reading the book you can understand how he finally grew to realize how far from his ideals he had fallen . . ."


    I could not help but wonder if sarah had not cast Bailey out of her shrinking inner circle, if he would have ever reached a point of "awakening?" I also still have a hard time "believing" that Frank was/is clueless about "sponge-belly-square-pillow."

    Baby steps, perhaps.

  45. "Of course despite how he is being painted by the Palin-bots, Frank is a dyed-in-the wool Fox News loving, anti-choice promoting, red state conservative."

    He states that in the very beginning of his soul-cleansing treatise on the vile and unethical Sarah Palin.

    Franks book is detailed and well written but there is nothing that hides his ongoing adoration and lust for Mrs Palin.

    I am enjoying the book for the same reason I enjoy rubbernecking a tragic accident.

    I hope Frank is feeling absolution but if I were his wife, I would be feeling the pain to the depths of my soul.

  46. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Bailey did a great job of sticking to his points and not getting bullied. Sean realized it too, because he cut him off. Breaking news, my a$$.

  47. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Bailey has balls...Sean was trying to piss him bad so sad...

  48. Erica from Dallas8:08 PM

    Frank Bailey came off as a sweet honest man that got got tangled up with the rising star Sarah Palin. I can see how he could worship her and enjoy being famous.
    I also loved Sean Hannity trying to tear Bailey apart.It is pretty hard to be so mean with such a sweet guy.He just looked like a bully.Not the best night for Hannity.haha!

  49. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Bailey on Hannity - Part 2

  50. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Little rabbit you need to go back to school.

  51. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Bailey was on Hannity again tonight. Here's Part 1:

    Hannity is unflippinbelievable! I can't believe he treated Frank this way.

  52. Anonymous8:57 PM

    anon at 8:16 Why I have 3 degrees, though I do suffer from dyslexia. But actually people who have dyslexia have an extremely high IQ mine is 187 which is actually lower than my siblings without dyslexia.
    As for my opinion on the writer, he is nothing more than another Palin panty sniffer that decided to collect a paycheck after he was thrown under the bus. He is no better than SP and if he were truly a decent person he would have exposed her yrs ago.

  53. onething9:44 PM

    Sean Hannity is a total POS!
    Boy did he show his colors!

  54. onething9:46 PM

    Oh yeah, and notice how Hannity doesn't respond to anything Bailey actually says, but instead tries to make it about him, instead of about Palin.

  55. Anonymous10:26 PM

    To all of your that shared your insight after reading the Dunn book and the Bailey book and watching all of the interviews, thank you for sharing. No matter what these tomes, McGinnesses included, have to say, Palin will make it as far as the voting public allows her too. We will know in November 2012 who will lead us for the next 4 years. We can all argue for and against Palin until we are blue in the face, but the fact remains, that books or no books, movies or no movies, only time will tell what portion of the American public is interested in her.

  56. onething10:28 PM

    Wow, Sean Hannity was a snarling wolverine in the second interview! Bad, bad, bad.

  57. I think this man is an unprincipled piece of s..t! However, I have bought his what does that make me?!!!!

  58. Anonymous12:49 AM


    Hang your head in disgust, Fox News. You sicken me.

    (Sorry for yelling). Acutally, no. I'm not sorry.

    Thanks for taking it like a man, Frank. Apparently the only good here is that you know how drunk Sean is on the kool-aid because you were yourself for a long time. Keep your chin up. People living in darkness rage against light. That's all this interview was: Sean raging against the light of truth.

  59. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Bailey goes on FOX news and talks to Hannity... faces his critics.

    Sarah Palin refuses to go on Meet The Press or talk to Chris Mathews... what a coward!


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