Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Tina Fey!

From one person who gets under Sarah Palin's skin, to another who actually wore it, I would just like to say thanks for making us laugh while revealing just what a crazed, uneducated nutjob the Grizzled mama truly was, and for for doing your part to help keep her botoxed ass out of the White House.

In honor of the lovely and courageous Tina I will embed a video of her receiving her Golden Globe award which does NOT have anything to do with "You-know-who." Because on YOUR birthday it should be all about you.


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I occurs to me that "progressive" people are failing to present good themselves as moral, reasonable, responsible, competent people even though that is the case.
    The "conservatives" claim all those positions despite the obvious reality that they are if anything less reasonable, less moral, less responsible, worse citizens.
    The argument needs to be made that progressive values are indeed proper values and are worthy of respect, whereas "conservative values" are largely just fear and hate showing through.
    Thirty years of uncontested talk radio and News Corp hate spew have taken their toll on our civil society and reduced it to our current uncivil mess. Progressive values are the only thing that can fix the problem.

  2. Happy B'Day to Tina, you rock girl!

    Check out Malia's blog today for the Sarah and Monica Lewinsky piece. It's funny as heck.

  3. Anonymous9:15 AM

    She's the lady that got famous for imitating Palin isn't she?

  4. Anonymous9:16 AM

    "Bitch is the new black"--love it.

    Problem is, in spite of reading how the rightwing crazies now in power, have enacted over a THOUSAND different bits of legislation, taking away freedoms that women have been enjoying, until now--they still count millions of women as supporters.

  5. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I love her so much. I'm reading her autobiographic book, Bossypants, right now and it is laugh-out-loud funny. She is self-deprecating and at the same time exudes warmth, humor and a keen wit. ...the polar opposite of you-know-who, she-who-must-not-be-named.

  6. Tina, you're wonderful!

  7. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Happy Birthday Tina! Love you (in a non-lesbian way)

  8. Anonymous10:15 AM

    9:15, you must not get out much. That's okay, you're here to learn and that's what counts.

    Tina had a successful acting and comedic career long before Sarah Palin was foisted upon the world stage. Tina, notably with Katie Couric, was one of very few in the Media who showed the world how shallow and unfit Sarah Palin is. THAT made her beloved.

    Happy Birthday, Tina. What a truly gorgeous woman, inside and out.

  9. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Who doesn't LOVE Tina Fey?

    o/t Found this video (really just an audio) on Syrin's blog this week. Thought others may enjoy it as much as I did.

  10. Happy Birthday Tina! Today is my birthday too!

  11. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Happy Birthday Tina! Loved you on SNL and now 30 Rock, recently picked up Bossypants, love it!

  12. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I don't say this to be mindlessly shallow ( unlike the knuckle draggin' paint chip eatin' retard sea-0-pee'ers are relative to that vile, ugly $carah ) but Tina Fey is outwardly drop dead gorgeous, and I'd safely bet inside as well

  13. Tina positively ROCKS: Funny as hell, and quite the hottie, too. There's even science to prove it. Well... it's sorta science. OK, it's not science, but still:


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It just goes directly to their thighs.