Thursday, May 19, 2011

Here is a VERY positive review of Geoffrey Dunn's book, "The Lies of Sarah Palin." Leave it up to the Canadians to do it right.

From Macleans:

As the title makes very clear, this is no “on the one hand, on the other hand” summation of the 2012 Republican presidential prospect. For Dunn, an award-winning investigative reporter who is a frequent contributor to the liberal Huffington Post, there is no other hand to Palin. (Except for one acknowledged factor, with which any fervent Palinite could agree. That sine qua non of presidency seekers, that all-consuming drive? She has it in spades.) Dunn has that quality too: his 400-plus pages setting up the case for Palin as a pathological liar, an “approval-seeker on steroids” and someone almost universally considered—by former supporters, let alone enemies—to have some sort of mental disorder, is backed by more than 100 in-depth interviews. It’s probably more than he needs; Dunn’s subject, after all, is the woman who signed her email announcing the birth of her fifth child, Trig, not with her name but with “Trig’s Creator, Your Heavenly Father.”

I am working on an interview with Geoffrey in the very near future.  It should prove very interesting.

If any of you have ideas for questions you would like asked please leave your suggestions in the comments section.  I cannot promise he will answer all of them, but you never know.

(BTW if you have NOT ordered yours, you can do so here.)


  1. arrggghhh! Still waiting for my copy because my Amazon super saver shipping has it waiting for Bailey's book.

  2. OT On Morning Joe they laughed heartily at Palin spewing her escalated bashing of the media and allegation the lamestream media wants to dictate the discussion defending Gingrich. Classic Palin making up what he did not say while declaring and vilifying the media twists words. Even Pat Buchanan laughed at Palin.

  3. I'd be interested to know if there was ever a point when Mr. Dunn liked/admired Mrs. Palin. If so, what were the qualities that he thought that she possessed and what were the biggest disappointments in learning about her true nature?

  4. Anonymous4:44 AM

    I would like to see Dunn's book be reviewed in this manner by the legitimate American press.

    What is wrong with them, anyway, that they are so loathed to do their job and why are they content to appear lazy and incompetent to the rest of the world? They should hang their heads in shame.

  5. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Sarah Palin is going to run for POTUS! Fucking A!
    She is a psychopath.......and her bid for the presidency will prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

  6. Anonymous4:53 AM

    What happens when Todd's love child is revealed?

    Sarah Palin slams Arnie's silence on love-child as 'pretty disgusting'

  7. Anonymous5:00 AM

    OT: Interesting points of view from 2 very different comments on Politico:

    "Do you think that compassionite Christian conservative, sorry Sister Sarah Palin, said the same thing about her daughter who got herself knocked-up and had a kid out of wedlock? I can't ever recall having read where she found Bristol's behavior "discusting". It is what it is....."

    "Bristol Palin was not married, was not an elected politician and did not lie about anything to a spouse or a whole state of people."

    And this person was pro-Palin but this qualification on when it's ok to criticize is of interest.

  8. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Please ask whether the McCain staffers are apologetic for running a mentally unstable person for VEEP to a man with known health issues.

  9. Anonymous5:15 AM

    OT:"The Moore Report: Palin’s perfect storm"
    partly bases the viability of a Palin campaign on the weak GOP field but I feel that he doesn't take into account the importance of Bachmann and now Nikki Haley. I think that their potential campaigns are where the real competition would be since they seem to be 3-of-a-kind, with Sarah at the low end of qualifications between the 3.

  10. momcat4obama5:16 AM

    I'm reading the book on my Nook, and it is very good, very well written, very well researched.

  11. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Finally. The media silence about Dunn's book is really pissing me off. They don't want the truth to get out and kill their cash cow.

    I won't be surprised if Bailey's book next week receives the same treatment from the media. It is very disheartening.

  12. Anonymous5:59 AM

    It is pitiful how the timid and passive press in this country are scared of taking a stand on anything to do with Sarah Palin. Mr. Dunn has taken a stand - THE stand - and gone on the record with well-supported, factual evidence of her mental health, integrity and character issues.

    History will give him his due, because he will have revealed the documented truth about her, before what promises to be her very public, ugly and altogether spectacular implosion.

    True Blue Girl

  13. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I suspect the Washington Post is waiting for Bailey's book to come out and then they'll review them both in one article.

    inside the beltway

  14. Anonymous6:02 AM

    O/T Arnold's two youngest sons were born five days apart. Can this story get any worse?

    Why yes, I think Palin's story will top this...

  15. OverMountainMan6:09 AM

    Gryph, Or anyone who can give me the answer !

    When are Palins emails supposed to be released ??? I thought it was sometime this month ??

  16. Anonymous6:15 AM

    It is sad we have no real news reporters, or investigative reporters like we use to, on TV, newspapers. Everything is owned by the corportations now, they are afraid for their jobs. Everything now adays is fluff entertainment news. Once we went to the 24 hr news, they repeat the same news and over and over and still don't report on all news. I too thought , She shouldn't say anything about Arnold's problem, to the public, What about her husbands alleged child, getting sex from and sending others to MS Tripp, and his Separatism involvement, which needs to be investigated more. She's skating on some thin ice there.

  17. Anonymous6:16 AM

    womanwithsardinecan - I ended canceling both orders and then ordering Dunn's books separately and then going back and preordering the other book

  18. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I am nearly through Dunn's book. My favorite chapter is "Rogue".

    In the previous chapter, Mrs. Todd P is in one of her depressive states, after having blown the Katie Couric interview.

    The McCain campaign goes out of it's way to baby her back to health. Once she is back on her feet, with the "victory" of "debating" Joe Biden (O'Biden she called him) it Rogue Time!

    Having walked her back from the edge of her personal cliff, she returns the favor by knifing one and all in the back, repeatedly.

    This is Mrs. Todd P at her self-destructive best. At a time when professional relationships within the Republican party could have been built, she takes a match and tank of gasoline, sowing discord and chaos at each event.

    There were a handful of men she was able to charm (she made sure to be super nice to her speechwriter) but nearly everyone else was just aghast at her diva behavior.

    Rational thought and common decency do not matter to this woman. She will run for POTUS every four years.

    I second an above poster. Did Dunn get any indication of responsibility from the team of people who worked so hard to make Mrs. Todd P look like a sane person?

  19. I wonder how tightly the people in control of these newspapers have their hands around the throats of those who might actually write about the book. It seems to me the reporters might be in fear of losing their jobs and future careers. Or maybe it is just incompetence, but I feel there is more behind the scenes than meets the eye.

  20. Dunn's book is very enlightening - only read about 100 pages so far - but I am convinced Palin WILL RUN for president - she can't win, but the damage she can do to our nation is frightening - she wins even if she loses, because the face that she ran will fire up her base into a frenzy, and they will have four years to scream, foam at the mouth, and run around in circles while speaking in tongues to worship at her feet until she runs again in 2016 - it will be truly disgusting.

    If she didn't win - she would lose her base - and that she will not risk - so she has to run for President to keep the admiration and money flowing in but more importantly Palin is just too stupid to know she is unqualified - money and attention are important to her, but the drive for power is stronger - I truly believe she sees the Presidency has her divine right and that it will happen - she is delusional but she will run.

  21. Anonymous6:25 AM

    One wonders who the person (s) are behind Sara that gives her a free pass with the media. I have to believe Dunn must know who are these people and why they really want her to run. I'd like to know what he thinks about the power she has over the media and where it came from. She was a half term governor from a state miles from the lower 48. Is it oil? I really wonder

  22. Anonymous6:28 AM

    In the last post about Trig's parentage, the "baby shower" was brought up. his event has always seemed staged to me. Please read this post and the comments about it:

  23. This book is so well written and very very readable. Sarah Palin has done so much damage and imagine the people and causes she has hurt that we do not know about.

  24. I read it on my Nook the day it came out and loved it. I was worried, however, about a few typos I saw - I am afraid that someone will interpret those as either a rush to publish or bad writing/editing, and I think this book is too important for that to happen. One question I have is this: Does he think any of the anti-Palin McCain Campaign staffers will EVER go on record about the lies she told them or the things she left out? Does he think anything will EVER happen to prove her lies (For instance: the lies on her resume and on her questionnaire for the campaign)? Does he think Americans will ever have enough and remove her from the spotlight, just as they turned the lights out on her "concession speech" trick?

  25. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Dang! I'm with you womanwithsardinecan. I haven't received my book either - same reasons. Frustration isn't the word, it's gone far beyond that.

  26. Anonymous6:53 AM

    OT, but this is either frightening or comical!

  27. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Just When You Thought It Was Safe, Sarah Palin Slides Into 2012 Waters

    So, you thought she wasn’t going to run. You think she’s just playing her base for money. You think she’s too stupid to run. But she wasn’t too stupid to wait out the first round of vetting by fire. Sarah Palin is actually a rather wily political animal.

    For two years, liberals have been telling me Sarah Palin is too “stupid” and “lazy” to run for the Presidency and to stop paying attention to her, but they don’t know her like I know her. She believes in her mind and heart that God wants her to be President. If someone believes that, what place does reality have in their decision-making?

  28. Anonymous7:01 AM

    The whole separatist thing keeps getting swept under the rug. WHY?

    What does Palin have on the MSM that they keep giving her a free pass?

    They went after Obama for Bill Ayers yet not one peep about her separatist work and Todd's membership?

  29. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Here is my question for Geoffrey.

    It appears you interviewed Anne Kilkenny for your book. In her infamous email of 2008 she paints a realistic picture of Palin; petty, vindictive, hypocritical, relentless. It's a very believable email.

    Except for the part where she states that Trig is Sarah's baby and there is no cover-up. How does she know this? Did you ask her about this?

    Thanks and BTW this is an excellent book with wonderful word-smithing. Bravo!

  30. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Question for Geoffrey Dunn:

    Were you able to talk to the other carpool moms around the time of her "too-bull"?

  31. Anonymous7:24 AM

    In order to have the story covered in the MSM, the way that Arnold's story is being covered, what kind of evidence is necessary to prove that Sarah did not give birth to Trig?

  32. Question for Dunn - does he think that those responsbile for covering up for Palin during the campaign (i.e. Mcain and Republican bigwigs) will ever be exposed and held accountable for unleashing her on the public and putting a totally unqualified person up as a possible vp - what can be done to get that story out to the main street media

  33. Anonymous8:16 AM

    It would be great if this book and the others coming out would be made available as audiobooks. I rarely have time to sit down and read, but I have ample time to listen to audiobooks in the car. If you could pass along the suggestions I'd be much obliged. Itunes has every book written by Sarah or written about her in a positive light, and not one of the books of FACT about her. Thanks a million!!

  34. Anonymous8:31 AM

    halfway through the book. Read it during 3 flights and had a little trouble reading because everyone who saw the cover wanted to chat. Seems like "rill" amaericans across the country are NOT fans of Palin :)

  35. I'm reading the book now. I can only take a few pages at a time because Dunn does such a good job of revealing her toxicity.

    The next book on my reading list is "A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mother" by Janny Scott. I will be a refreshing change!

  36. I read a book not long ago, seems like the name was The Candidate, although I can't confirm that now. It was about the backroom manipulations to defeat a sitting (moderate) judge. The political manipulators put a nutcase guy out there as a candidate. When it came time to really campaign, they told him to get lost, and they put their own, oh-so-perfect, candidate in there to defeat the incumbant whom they could not control. It would seem that multiple nutcases are being used to distract us, and at some point a "dark horse"...white horse more likely...will gallop forth to (attempt to) save the day for the GOP.

  37. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I think the situation at "home" has deteriorated to the pont where she is at a loss to keep things under control. Toad and the "kids" are tired of the whole charade, and she is getting desperate. The vision of untold wealth into the far distant future is not in the cards anymore. Her appeal has faded to all but the few. Even O'Reilly, Beck and to an extent Greta have lost interest. Looking around, there are few loving people by her side. Reality has just bitten her in her scrawny arse.

  38. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I'm still waiting on my copy to arrive from Amazon and the Frank Bailey book next week after it is released. Then, I will happily embrace the McGinnis book. I cannot believe I know stupid people from my old church days that support this sociopath and think she is great. It makes me sick. I cannot believe she has not been taken down yet for all her lies an vitriol and racism! How does she continue to get away with it? She has more skeletons in her closet than anyone else in politics I have ever seen. Yet, she drones on and on. I am grateful for the IM website. I find it so appalling that she continues to have a voice. Palinbots must be amongst the stupidest people on the earth. I despise this psycholigal disaster of a human being that haunts the airwaves. A pox on her and on Fox news. I hope they all go down the tubes. The sooner the better.

  39. Enjay in E MT9:35 AM

    About 1/3 thru and even after following Palin since she was tapped I am finding things I didn't know about her.

    I ordered it on Kindle for immediate access and hardcover for indepth research with margins for notes!

  40. FrostyAK10:10 AM

    Corporate media is not going to promote anything that trashes $ahara's supposed "conservative principles". The fact that she HAS NO principles of any kind doesn't matter to them.

    She is a fantasy that they choose to prop up. For one reason - more money.

  41. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I bought my copy at a large chain bookstore last week. Two days after release and I had to ask for it, it was not on display. Both the employee who found it in the storeroom and the cashier had not heard of the book. They were both interested and asked questions about the book.

    I noticed a number of word typos, usually the kind that would slip by spellcheck. I have not noticed a single factual error of any kind.

    It's a book which will have many readers wondering how this woman came so close to being the Vice President, even though she obviously had no idea what the responsibilities were. The profile revealed by Dunn is ugly from the beginning to the end. She leaves a trail of lies, betrayal and ruination in her wake.

    The most striking aspect is that EVERYONE she associates with in any business or political way has a reservation waiting under the bus. She must hand out the ticket when you meet her.

  42. Anonymous11:32 AM

    9:02 - do you live here in Alaska? Because I do, and I found your comments to be what I have experienced as well. Sally looks exhausted. I haven't seen Chuck in a while - but the past few months, he, too, seemed beaten down. As much as I feel her family members have responsibility to assume in her rise and fall, part of me feels sorry for them - mostly for Sally and the kids. I heard from an educator who works with one of the girls the other day and she said, rather quietly, " I think the Palin thing is starting to fade."

    We can only hope.

  43. Anonymous2:00 PM

    This book is wonderful. Just when you think you can't dislike Paylin anymore you read something else about her.This woman (an she is a disgrace to humanity) is vile and despicable. I had my local library order a copy and I bought one for myself. Highly Recommended!!!!


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