Friday, May 27, 2011

I am not sure how intelligent it is to decorate your bus with a picture of something you have never actually read.

I mean what if somebody decided to quiz her on what the document says?  That would be  AWKWARD!

("Who wrote the Constitution Ms. Palin?" "Uh, Abraham Lincoln? No wait, I know, Paul Revere!")

It would be like me driving around Anchorage with "America By Heart" stapled to my front bumper.

I wonder how much actual drive time Palin will put in during this bus tour?  As you remember last time she essentially flew from destination to destination, and only PRETENDED to be allowing her precious self to be driven on those dirty American highways on a bus.

Of course last time the only people she was trying to fool were the people stupid enough to buy her book, and then stand in long lines in anticipation of getting her autograph.  THIS time she would be trying to fool a much larger, and hopefully somewhat less ignorant group of Americans.

In other words, THIS time she may actually have to keep her skinny botoxed butt on the damn bus!


  1. Anonymous6:05 AM

    What's with the "One Nation" thing? I thought Granny LuLu believed that there were two nations: a Real America that loved her, and a Fake America that voted for black people and questioned the judgement of someone who would fly for ten hours in active labor rather than have her special-needs baby delivered at one of Fake America's top medical centers.

  2. Anonymous6:12 AM

    The Huffington Post is back to their usual fanatic Palin love-fest. They just can't stop putting up Palin stories. Calm down, HuffPo. You need to pace yourself are you might hurt yourself more than you already have.

  3. Anonymous6:19 AM

    It is much easier to throw people under the bus if she is on it at all times!

  4. Anonymous6:23 AM

    In all fairness, she stated publicly she flew to various cities on the book tour.

    The family is no stranger to RVtrips. (last June ring a bell).

    But is this another family vacation or the start of a campaign?

  5. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Karl Rove: 'I Don't Think Palin Thinks The Rules Apply To Her'

    During an appearance on Fox News' "On the Record" on Thursday night, Karl Rove weighed in on the political ambitions of Sarah Palin as signs emerge that the former Alaska governor may be laying the groundwork for a presidential campaign in the next election cycle.

    Palin is set to embark on a bus tour this weekend, beginning a trip that will traverse the eastern United States in Washington, DC. It was also reported this week that a documentary on the rise of the potential presidential contender and her tenure as governor will premiere in the key early primary state of Iowa next month.

    "I think it's the emergence of a potential race," said Rove on the possibility that Palin could make a run for the White House. "Look, I don't think she thinks the rules apply to her. She doesn't need to have the traditional trappings of a presidential campaign, no finance committee, she can raise the money, she doesn't need to go shake a lot of hands in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina."

    Rove added, "She gets to decide what the rules are that govern her campaign and go accordingly and politics is changing. Some people have done things that have been outside the norm of custom and have won."

  6. Anonymous6:26 AM

    WATCH: A Tour Of Palin's New Home

  7. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Do not count on $p actually being on the bus. Too much work. The books are out, and she and HP need to distract. HP has been been kissing ironing board butt from day one.

  8. Anonymous6:31 AM


    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment!!!!!

  9. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Sarah Palin "One Nation" is really Pauline Hanson - check out the real story of the nasty vile Pauline Hanson who also wrapped herself in the flag, the story is at Oz Mudflats.

  10. Matthew Peddle6:41 AM

    I honestly don't understand how anyone votes Republican. Even the rich white people they pander to have to admit that they're just making shit up as they go.

    "One Nation"? Since when do Republicans want one nation? Maybe that's what they meant when they passed laws to take reproductive rights away from women. Or when they illegally tried to destroy unions. Or when they tried to kick the president out because he couldn't possibly be American.

    These people sow ignorance and fear. They work to divide the country so they can reap the benefits. Then they push religious ideology as political action.

    One nation indeed.

  11. Anonymous6:42 AM

    She needs to state a purpose for this tour other than something lofty and ambiguous. What are her goals? To get a sense of her support? Will she cut it short if no one shows up to her stops or is this just a giant RV to take her family on a summer vacation?

  12. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Sarah just wants to hone in on "Rolling Thunder" to the wall in D.C. She is going to try to mug the camera and pretend she is the one riding the big bikes and remembering the soldiers who gave their lives.

    She and Bristol are also using the Massey brothers to gain more publicity and to sell books for Bristol as they pretend that Bristol is a liberal, gay loving and black loving girl. It is just another Palin hoax on America and their dialing for dollars and grifting tour.

  13. Anonymous6:51 AM

    It will be funny if she gives a bus tour and no one comes

  14. Anonymous6:52 AM

    i read that she's going to ride into DC on a Harley. Is that the action of a future president, or is that just a Snooki? (yes, I use Snooki as a verb)
    i think she'll be around to entertain us for years. think of Phyllis Diller or Anna Nicole.

  15. Not sure if everyone has seen this yet but Oz Mudflats has a great post up about Sarah Palin and the odd (read: UNORIGINAL) similarities between Palin’s One Nation tour and racist Australian (sad to say) Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party.

    Hint: they’re pretty much the same bigoted person – just on different continents. (Yes, Sarah, Australia is a continent also too. Just like North America – where the US is located.)

  16. The President is a Constitutional Law Professor. Could this be why she is doing this? I know she just stole Glen Beck's routine, but she wants us to know that SHE is just as smart as he is.

    hahahaaaa she is so transparent

  17. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Wow, see what the people of Anchorage think!

  18. Whoops, sorry, posted the Oz Mudflats link in 2 threads =D

    Too excited!

    No matter - the more people that see it, the better =D

  19. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Rove added, "She gets to decide what the rules are that govern her campaign and go accordingly and politics is changing. Some people have done things that have been outside the norm of custom and have won."

    6:24 AM

    Gee Karl, ya mean putting a pillow in her panties and calling it Tri-G? Is that the stuff outside of custom you mean???

  20. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Wonderful take on Sarah's magic bus tour...

  21. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Now this letter to Sarah from Kyle is so cool if it is authentic.

  22. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Anon 6:12

    You are correct about HP. There are now eight stories about the half term governor on their first two pages. There has been very little coverage of the President's extremely successful trip to Ireland, London, France, and Poland. The posts on President Obama are overrun with negative often vile comments. I do not understand their current attitude towards the President.


  23. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Not true! She reads everything that's put in front of her- she said so herself!

  24. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Relative in NH assures me $ can expect a welcome as cold as winter from the natives. Of course there are some oddballs in every state who will be tossing coins and flowers, but only the Divine Miss S will be fooled.

  25. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Oh, please no .... tell me she wouldn't even dream of crashing the annual Memorial Day Concert in DC. No, not even she would dare that insult. Would she?

  26. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Sarah Palin is the incumbent vice-presidential candidate. That she is not considered the next-one-in-line is only because of what she revealed about herself almost as soon as she was picked, which spooked the GOP establishment. But that establishment has already anointed her, however much they now want to scram.

    Hence the dog-whistle of the propaganda movie title, "The Undefeated." Those who live in the reality-based world will note that the last time Palin run for anything she was brutally defeated in an historic wipe-out. If she had stayed on as Alaska governor, the current polls suggest she'd be thrown out on her elegant heels. No: "The Undefeated" is designed to indicate that she remains undefeated by the Republican establishment and the media that actually asks questions of politicians.

    This is a populist once anointed by the establishment, now running against it. In these times, none of the other candidates has such a pedigree. Or her kind of will to power.

  27. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Hi Gryphen,
    Here is an article from NY Magazine about how Fox News operates:

    It describes how Sarah was turned down by CNN and picked by Fox, paid $1 million a year as part of a 3 year contract. It also describes everything that went wrong with the one Sarah Palin show they attempted on Fox. And, it includes the famous Roger Ailes quote, telling Sarah to "lie low" after the Giffords shooting last January.

    Sarah would never spend the money required to organize the Big Bus Tour. You have to wonder who is paying for it (Roger Ailes? Fox? Rupert? Tea Party People?) And, if you believe Lawrence O'Donnell, this is being done to #1 promote the conservative cause and #2 hype Sarah's "brand." She hasn't been making many speeches recently, and that last book was a disaster.

    Maybe the deal is "We'll rebuild your brand, and you'll be our attack dog." Next stop: Titanium Teeth, just like the dog that Seal Team Six used.

  28. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Somewhat O/T comment in NY Times:

    The Incompleted
    coming to Juneau

    The Unreturned
    coming to a Neiman Marcus near you

    The Redefeated
    coming to theaters near you, November 2012

  29. The Phila Inquirer reported today that Sarah will be stopping with her tour bus at Independence Hall this weekend. Apparently, it was a complete surprise to the Independence Visitor Center and to the local branch of the Tea Party! Yes, she never bothered to contact either organization or to apply for a permit or to ask for a special tour. What a clueless loser. Wait until she finds out that she can't even park her bus near the Liberty Bell without special permission!

  30. Anonymous7:23 AM

    No, no, SP wouldn't answer that question.

    "Who wrote the Constitution, Ms. Palin?"

    "All of them!"

  31. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Is this an extension of the bus tour that that wingnut Janine Turner did last Summer? She was going around on a bus, "teaching children about the Constitution".

    Bimbos, both of them.

  32. Anonymous7:27 AM

    She is setting out this weekend so she can use our dead and wounded soldiers for her personal gain. How much mo ey has she donated to their causes? Did her and beck actually donate the money they made off their rally's to any of the soldiers causes? President Obama has donated all the proceeds from his children's book and half of Nobel prize money to fisher house which provides housing for wounded soldiers families near v a hospitals. She doesn't even tip for gods sake!

  33. Anonymous7:29 AM

    The bus kind of reminds me of my kids video game back when "Twisted Metal" a demolition derby kind of game with a whole slough of character vehicles, charging through everything and eventually bursting into flames......

    "Sweet Tooth" the ice cream truck that had a wicked laugh coming from a grimacing clown head on top of it, if anyone here is familiar with the game, reminds me of SP's bus.

  34. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Nothing Karl Rove does or says is by accident. I am trying to figure out what that appearance meant. Are they backing her now, out of desperation? Or, do they know she will bring herself down with her own incompetence and so they are eager for her to get it over with?

    I think they may even have plans to bring her down themselves, once and for all. I am sure they could do so if they felt like it. Certainly the press will start to pay more attention (if that were possible) - I mean apply scrutiny, if she attempts a run.

    I am not personally convinced this is real, she may just be scrounging for last minute dollars before her reputation tanks completely.

    Or has the GOP decided this whole thing is a lost cause for them in '12, and they want to let her have her go and fail, to get her out of the way permanently?

    Karl Rove is an evil genius. There is more here. He was out bashing her a few months back, within the past year at least. What's up?

  35. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Gee whiz, 6:23, I dunno! You seem to know them so well, why don't you fill us in? Please don't leave out fascinating details such as where the happy family likes to eat out when they're on the road. We love us some Palin dining tales here!

  36. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Today would be a really good day to call all of your babygate sources together and call a press conference.
    Dare her to sue.

  37. Ratfish7:40 AM

    I wonder if some creative graffiti artist will paint cross hairs* all over the bus when it is waiting for Palin's jet to land as she travels from historical site to historical site.

    * Er, I mean "surveyor symbols" or whatever RAM claimed when she was lying after the Giffords shooting

    ps Palin's "Divide the Nation" Magical Mystery Tour will just be another notch in her story of delusion, lies and hypocrisy.

  38. Anonymous7:41 AM

    She has to keep coming up with ways to use PAC money for living expenses.If she is doing this tour she gets to have her expenses paid for the duration.She probably gets to pay Toad and Bristle too.


  39. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Something seems off about this bus tour. From our local paper, the Philadelphia Inquirer, about her planned visit this weekend:

    "The announcement came as a surprise to both the Independence Visitor Center and the local branch of the tea-party movement. A spokeswoman for the visitor center said Palin's people had not asked for a special tour of the Liberty Bell or applied for any permit. Teri Adams, president of the Independence Hall Tea Party, said no one from Palin's organization had contacted her."

  40. Hilarious Jimmy Kimmel SP campaign ad

  41. Anonymous7:55 AM

    When are the people with the orange jumpsuits going to put her in one ?

    I thought something was imminent ?

  42. Anonymous7:56 AM

    @ 7:47, I love it. That's the kind of juicy stuff we like to get ahold of.

    I am starting to think Karl Rove is just setting her up.

    Of course, Michelle Bachmann is the Tea Party's darling. Sarah is truly a rogue candidate, if she does try a run.

    Split, baby split! You go!

    (This is what I have a hard time believing Rove would allow to happen. I think they have plans to trip her up.)

  43. And note that the guys who did the bus graphics honed their craft on this pickup in a Jack in the Box ad

  44. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I wonder if her handlers will have recruit people ($) to greet the bus if the real participation is way too embarrassing? Oh that's right, the news will report the attendance numbers for the Palin Panhandling tour using the TP curve.

    Let's name the tour!

  45. Anonymous8:00 AM

    One Nation and all she does is spew hate. What a HYPOCRITE. Sarah please go away. People do not believe anything you say. You are ruining are great country with all your hate.

  46. Beldar Derriere Conehead8:01 AM

    Isnt Botox used to treat wrinkly behinds known as Buttox?

    (i cant think of anything derisive to say about Governor Lulu at the noment... But i'll think of something!!)

  47. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Sorry, Sarah can not spell Constitution much less understand the document.

  48. Virginia Voter8:29 AM

    Grandma Lulu's Hate Talk Express Bus To Nowhere is more clandestine than an undercover CIA safe house.

    The SarahPAC website has no itinerary , no public events, nothing. I am assuming that this is Dubya style know only open to "friendlies" with prescreened audiences and invitation only speaking venues. I'm sure her BFF Greta will be invited along, and FOX will have an exclusive , blah, blah, blah. I can guarantee you this is in conjunction with Fox.

    And fuck the Huffington Post...I deleted my iPad and iPhone apps. They are turning into another Drudge report.

  49. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Where's RAM? Is she busy tweeting and re-tweeting?

  50. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Annk @7:23 you forget the rules don't apply to granny Grifter.

  51. Ugh. I may have to go hide in the woods for the entire election cycle. I can't take much more of this crap.

  52. Anonymous8:40 AM

    It's not only HP that seems to be ignoring the Presidents trip. His speech to Parliament was historic, yet this seemed to be lost on the media. Why?

    As for the Grifter, the RW just want her out there stirring up ignorance and fear. It's all they got left.

    As too, "One Nation", that is a umbrella group of liberal organizations that is fighting for workers rights and had a large march on DC last fall. Over 400 Progressive groups are members. Is she trying to steal some thunder.

  53. Anonymous8:41 AM

    My Nomination for Sarah Palin's 2012 Presidential Campaign Song

  54. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Intelligent? Well, of course not, this is stupid, mentally unstable Sarah Palin.

  55. Anonymous8:46 AM

    The more I think about it, the more I agree with O'Donnell that she won't run. She is just taking advantage of the timing to drum up publicity. Even an unconventional campaign would require LONG TERM stumping, LOTS of debates, and LIVE interviews by media other than ones she chooses. Conventional wisdom is that her recent hype is not an indication that she will run. Now the question is, when Michelle Bachmann runs, will it be as a Tea Party candidate?

  56. This is the Tragical History Tour. Palin probably thought that her bus could just park near the Liberty Bell and that everyone would genuflect and let her and her entourage go to the exhibit like she was someone special.

    She is just attaching herself to any place, event or group that will let her follow. This is all a publicity stunt, designed to get more money from her deluded followers.

    She needed to get that bus to run over RAM and other disloyal followers.

  57. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Watch FOX use footage from '08 as a backdrop to their stories covering the tour if no one shows up but a few loonies.

  58. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Has Granny LuLu tweeted about this "tour"? Because I'm starting to wonder if she's been punked by either Rove, et al. or even Ram (as her parting shot when she got ass-canned for speaking ill of Brisket. I know you've got that picture but my husband is amazing when it comes to using Photoshop and I know the kind of faked images that can be created....

    Maybe they've realized that she needs to be shown the door, as she's not going away of her own volition.


    Excellent blog post from "The Moderate Voice" about Sarah running. Go for it, Sarah.

  60. Anonymous9:28 AM

    A conservative-progressive coalition demolishes the myth of Queen Esther of Wasilla in "Blind Allegiance", published May 24, 2011 by Howard Books. Reading this book is like watching an autopsy, seeing sickening pieces of putrid flesh pulled from a still breathing corpse, piece by ugly piece. It is fascinating, ugly and fearsome. It is also spiritually inspiring.

    This extremely well documented and equally well written book chronicles the descent of a once naive and idealistic believer in evangelism and Reagan conservativism, Frank Bailey, into the hell of Sarah Palin's emotionally driven nightmare of self-aggrandizement and ruthless push for power and fame. He loses his moral integrity and reputation in the process of carrying out the vicious personal attacks on Sarah's perceived enemies at her behest.

    Above all, this is a compelling moral saga of how a good man can lose his soul while trying to accomplish a "greater good", unfortunately, as his "greater good", Palin turned out to be a great moral and political disaster.

  61. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Sarah Palin has little to lose and everything to gain by running. I agree with this, along the diarist's contention that Palin stands a better than even chance of actually winning the Republican nomination. The diary goes on to suggest that establishment Republicans like Karl Rove have already essentially thrown in the towel for 2012, and may as well run Palin, the candidate they secretly want.

    That, I think, is a bridge too far. In fact, I'd argue the so-called conservative establishment will end up being Palin's biggest impediment to any prospective run. The people running the Republican party fear nothing more than Palin winning the nomination. They fear it because it would mean not only losing the general election in a landslide but also, potentially, completely tanking the Republican brand in a way that even George Bush was unable to achieve.

  62. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I think RAM has been fired since there is not a single post over @ C of Pee regarding "The Gas-Guzzlin' Grifter Tour"...

    She can always come on down to New Orleans and get a job on the ghost/vampire tours.

  63. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Anyone else think the tour is an attempt to get her name mentioned and take away from Baily's media spots?

    Also two, she googled One Nation, saw the way the term had been used before and figured so what about the negative association, it just means more "hits" for her and more media mention. The negative is always a win for Palin because she and her family are eternal victims to her cult.

    No one manipulates the media like the bitter quitter twitter.

  64. Anonymous10:12 AM

    A representative of Rolling Thunder was on MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell.
    He was furious that Palin had attached herself to their rally.
    She was not invited, she has invited herself.
    They do not endorse anyone despite the impression the Palin camp has given.
    She will not be on stage
    or given a speaking role.
    Her sudden appropriation of their rally for her craven purposes
    has caused the phone to " ring off the hook "
    with questions
    about her part in the rally.
    She has no part .
    She is distracting from the mission of the organization and the purpose of the rally.
    Typical Palin.
    She has to sully everything she comes in contact with.
    The Rolling Blunder.

  65. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Just saw man with Rolling Thunder who is very pissed that palin is coming. She is NOT invited and will NOT speak. Says it is not a political event and she will be a distraction. MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell.

  66. Anonymous10:23 AM

    According to a report on MSNBC, Rolling Thunder did NOT invite Palin to join them, they are NOT endorsing her, their head guy is more than a little miffed. He says their gathering is always about veterans, never about politicians.

    She does find new ways to be pathetic...again Sarah punks the media and they all fall for it"..just like the trip to see Mrs.Thatcher

  67. Anonymous10:55 AM

    here is the video:

  68. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Link to the video from MSNBC (with the Thunder spokesman):

    BTW Boycotting HuffPo; Arianna has appointed a rich RWer to edit the Canadian edition; Reisman (the editor) owns the largest chain of bookstores in Canada and BANS books she doesn't like.

    Sound familiar?

  69. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Now I understand the need to trademark the Palin names. Once the movie comes out that could lead to a market of movie memorabilia such as a clothing line with mix and mismatch separates and one-size-fits-all shoes right down to Happy Meals collectible fake glasses in Red-Neck woman and Nouveau riche.

  70. Aunt Ethel's Cat11:45 AM

    "The announcement came as a surprise to both the Independence Visitor Center and the local branch of the tea-party movement. A spokeswoman for the visitor center said Palin's people had not asked for a special tour of the Liberty Bell or applied for any permit. Teri Adams, president of the Independence Hall Tea Party, said no one from Palin's organization had contacted her."

    Somebody please quietly record the "Don't you know who I am?!?" scream-fest that will happen when Granny Narcissist doesn't get her way.

  71. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Is that a picture of Track adjusting the brakes?

  72. Anonymous12:37 PM


    Did you see that the Rolling Thunder people are upset by Palin's 'stealing their thunder?' They strive to be apolitical and to focus on the needs of the nations vets and they feel she is a distraction and is using their hard work and success as a cheap way to jump start her own self-promoting event. From MSNBC:

  73. Anonymous12:52 PM

    It would surprise me if the Palin bus doesn't get stuck in a major traffic jam in DC or on 95 on the way North...especially on Memorial Day weekend. Why aren't they going to tornado ally to provide relief to tornado victims?

  74. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Palin thinks the Vietnam Memorial Wall belongs to her .
    And the Liberty Bell.
    Politicians do all kinds of things , but, this really boggles the mind.
    It does indicate however that Palin does not have adults advising her.
    Rush Limbaugh , Andrew Breitbart and Sean Hannity may think this is terrific, but,
    it is a very dumb move
    by a very dumb woman.
    Who brings a bus touting themselves to a military memorial service ?
    Will the bus have loudspeakers blaring her website and asking for money ?
    A solemn occasion like remembering the MIA and the lost at the Vietnam Memorial
    should never be used in a such a trashy way.
    Everyone at Rolling Thunder
    should forcefully tell the Palins to take their roadshow elsewhere.
    It will only hurt the organization and their cause
    to be used this way.
    Shame on the national media , too, for indulging this vile behavior.

  75. BTW, the ad for the "life-sized" Sarah Palin cardboard cutout says it is 5'9" tall. Even in effigy, she needs to be bigger than real life!

  76. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Look for this to be another palin disaster.


  77. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Who needs intelligence when you're Sarah Palin?

  78. Anonymous4:23 PM

    My empathy belly and I cannot wait until she comes to New Hampshire!

  79. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I kept getting a niggle of memory about Sarah Palin and Harleys -- anyone else remember a visit to Sturgis SD and maybe, also, too, a pink Harley for Sarah? Check out this link:


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It just goes directly to their thighs.