Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Maybe not the best thing about taking out Osama Bin Laden, but definitely in the top three.


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    He's our next President.

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    You probably mean, Getting rid of Obama. Jeeeeeeezzzz!

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    The Tragicomedy Of Sarah Palin

    ...That oil tax was a way to get back at the Republicans she hated (and who had humiliated her), and to win power by a populist appeal, backed up by a virulent Christianism - hostile to the moneyed elites of the GOP and unmentioned by Josh. It was a massive new windfall for Alaskans, already accustomed to a socialist state, and doesn't hinge on good government reform arguments to make political sense. Which ambitious politician wouldn't see a tax on oil companies as worth trying for? And she wasn't stupid. Sending much fatter checks to Alaskans boosted her ratings into the stratosphere, and created that brief bubble when she was attractive to national Republicans. Yes, she allied with Democrats to get back at the Murkowskis. But does Josh really think there was a unifying, bipartisan, pragmatic reformer underneath? Does he think she was and is a Republican Barack Obama? That Matthew Scully wrote a speech Palin really didn't want to give? Does he think her entire behavior since her insane selection by McCain has been foisted upon her when she'd really rather be discussing healthcare policy at the New America Foundation? I mean, seriously.

    I guess it's counter-intuitive to argue that Palin, deep down, is a bipartisan progressive reformer, foiled by a cynical McCain campaign, trying to galvanize the base. But it's also - from every single thing we know about her - untrue. The only consistent thing about her is not bipartisan reformism, but a will to power, fueled by resentment of whomever foiled her last. More paranoid and vengeful than Nixon, more divisive than Buchanan, more deceptive than Clinton, more delusional than George W. Bush, more psychologically unhinged than any candidate for the vice-presidency in modern times, she is what she always has been.

  4. Anonymous10:41 AM

    This is a good piece on the real Sarah Palin that many have seen all along but the MSM is finally willing to acknowledge. I like the last statement, which has double meaning.

  5. Re "The Tragicomedy Of Sarah Palin"

    Excellent dissertation by Andrew Sullivan. What really disturbed me about the referenced article is that Lawrence O'Donnell chose to use the article to claim that Sarah has been misrepresented since her selection as VP and that she really was a public service promoting reformer. He SAID as much on his show. Has he lost his mind? This one article is the truth about Sarah and everybody else, including our own eyes, speak falsehoods?

  6. Anonymous11:06 AM

    President Obama defeated two terrorists on May 1st: Osama bin Laden and sarah palin. What can she rail about now? What other intangible can she pretend to bring to the table? Toughness has always been one of her intangible ¨strengths¨ that is always lacking in her opponents. From the Charlie Rose interview:

    ¨National security issues, I think, uh, you know. Candidates are gonna be asked, are you doing, even as a candidate, and are your intentions to do all that you can to help secure these United States and I think every elected official needs to ask themselves that.¨

    So, too, is her ¨freshness¨ gone. Does she know how wrinkled her arms and legs look on television? How glazed over her eyes look? sarah´s brand is either cockeyed wig or worn-out tattoo.

  7. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Well said!

    X-Gino made some powerful connections in her flaming assent to wealth and supperfical power.

    Were will she go? Does she have a campaine of her own......or is she just for the RRR high bidder that needs a pretty face?

  8. At the Huffington Post (I know, not the 'goto' place anymore, but I still visit) there is an article about a poll that shows Obama at a 60% approval rating. The Right Wing Nut Jobs are all over it. You can hear their little pin heads exploding and the spittle flying as they 'argue' against the 'socialist Kenyan usurper.' I read the article and scanned the comments this AM. I love the smell of RWNJ anxiety in the morning.

  9. Anonymous11:52 AM

    sarah palin has dropped from ¨Hottest Governor¨ to being seen as the ¨Dumbest Quitting Governor from the Coldest State,¨ and clearly can no longer cash in on her looks. The sixty-year-old-looking Palin´s high cheekbones could rival any senior citizen´s; she´s shabbily dressed, and often wears her dirty wig with gold highlights alarmingly cockeyed.

  10. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I agree that she looks far older than she reportedly is.


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