Friday, May 27, 2011

"Rolling Thunder" spokesman concerning Sarah Palin's hijacking of their event: "She is not invited to speak. We are not endorsing her. But we can't stop her from coming to ride, if she wants to ride."

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I don't think that this time Sarah Palin is going to be able to steal THIS particular group's thunder.

I do not think it could be ANY clearer that these people simply do not want her around.

But does anybody think she will get the hint?


  1. Sweet anny12:39 PM

    Numbness in the nether regions is too facile an explanation for the apparent disconnect this media whore has from the reality the rest of us enjoy, no matter if my son says she is a numb c**t.

  2. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I am so pissed this woman has the nerve to try to steal the show from these men and women who are trying to honor the dead and keep alive the memories of the MIA/POW's that are still out there lost from their families. She has not one shred of decency in her bones. To think of her standing at the Wall blathering her damn mouth with sound bites and talking points just makes me ill. If she had any decency she would come there anonymously instead of trying to hijack a memorial service. I truly fear the potential response of people who see her trying to horn on to get her warped monkey's to fall all over her in adoration. It is so unfathomable that this woman thinks she can upstage something so solemn. Is she going to start hitting funeral's next? I hope this blows up in her face and she is booed from the Mall. Heaven help her if she tries to crash the speaker's platform

  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    No, the WGE Quitter Queen Esther thinks she can get a rise out of her 'followers' by running around in leather chaps.
    She is a disgrace, and NOCD.
    Not our class, darling.

  4. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Gawd, I can't stand this woman. This whole but tour thing makes my blood boil. Now Politico is trying to cover her ass on this Rolling Thunder thing.

    I'm sure whoever the hell this Joseph N. Fields III from AK Vets who supposedly invited her to participate and to speak doesn't have any affiliation with the National Rolling Thunder Organization.

    Just another situation where her staff has to provide cover when things are not thought out and organized properly.

  5. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Just think about it -- Toad around the guys of Rolling Thunder -- Toad will pee his pants!!

    Toad thinks he's so a big shot -- he'll be in 'wimp land' just because of his arrogance as the guys in Thunder are kewl guys but won't take shit from a 'turd' like Toad. When he & Scarah try to suck up to them - they'll see right through them.

    They won't be disrespectful of Scarah, but she is in over her head but is too brainless to know it.

    Toad would be stupid enough to think he could ride -- wouldn't try it as many know the truth of Palins and would sooner run them off -- off the road!!

    They'll shut her down real quick if she thinks she's gonna overtake the event and speak. Ain't gonna happen. Can't wait to see her try and she thinks she'll be able to. Truthfully, they should lock her out of it as she'll have her morons with her and it's not her event. I've told some friends to run her off!!

  6. Anonymous12:53 PM

    The woman took her flip-flop wearing daughter to a former governor's funeral. She has zero understanding of appropriate behavior. She's been invited by an AK group. There's sure to be camera crew with her. The skirt will be short, tight and red. Lots of God, motorcycles and beer bellies. A videographers dream assignment.

  7. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Let's hope that this is just the start of the type of reception she's going to get from now on. HuffPo is going to look like fools and maybe will start to do some backpedaling as it becomes obvious that Sarah is damaged goods and has no support outside of her self-built realm. I can't wait for her to be run out of town. It is time for her to face the music. She's like a bad penny...

  8. Anonymous12:54 PM

    And her invitation came from ...

    ALASKA - calling in favors Sarah?
    Who owed her in Alaska to get her an invitation to ride with Rolling Thunder so she can try to steal the healines?

  9. Now THAT pisses me off! She has no honor or shame.

  10. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Don't tell me the media isn't in this woman's pocket. Look how ABC and Politico scrambled to find quotes from random state chapter people saying they were fine with her coming. Something is really, really odd regarding the relationship between Palin and the media. I honestly think the MSM is infested with rightwing scum.

  11. Anonymous1:00 PM

    So now that ABC and Politico are saying she was invited, there is a huge debate over whether she was or not. Everything this woman touches turns into hostile animosity. Everything. When will she go away? And how long will it take America to recover from one woman tornado of discord????

  12. @12:27: I just visited the AK Vets website ( and did a search for Joseph N. Fields III , Rolling Thunder and Sarah Palin. No information was found on their site regarding any of these terms. Don't know if that means anything, but, if AK Vets were involved with Rolling Thunder, wouldn't there be some mention of it on their site?

  13. OverMountainMan1:02 PM

    I hope I had a little to do with this , This morning I was looking over the Hardball blog when I came across the Rolling Thunder story, I started thinking how in the hell can these guys endorse this miserable woman so I went to their official website and their FB page and there was nothing about Palin and the RT Memorial ride, So I wrote in to the blog under one of my pseudo names "RL " post #3 and asked them to look into what was going on

    By 1 pm MSNBC was asking the question !! Who knows ????

  14. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Rolling Thunder is a real grassroots organization. Sarah's shtick with a big ass bus and the private jets is an real assroots organization.

    Some of these riders actually served their country and they know what REMFs smell and act like.

  15. Anonymous1:02 PM

    She's so pathetic I almost feel embarrassed for her. Like that loser in school who would follow your group of friends around and just be a hanger-on, not taking a hint that they don't like you. That's our pathetic granny LuLu so desperate for attention.

  16. ams356 aschneider1:03 PM

    I've been in Washington during that ride. No one will even see her.

  17. Anonymous1:03 PM

    She is absolutely amazing in the fact she could care less about others and it is, and always will be, about HER.

    I'd love to be in a crowd where she is and yell out what I think of her. (She'd probably have me arrested!!) People need to voice their opinions directly to her - verbally and with signs. She needs to be knocked down to size!

  18. Anonymous1:04 PM

    She is setting out this weekend so she can use our dead and wounded soldiers for her personal gain. How much mo ney has she donated to their causes? Did her and beck actually donate the money they made off their rally's to any of the soldiers causes? President Obama has donated all the proceeds from his children's book and half of Nobel prize money to fisher house which provides housing for wounded soldiers families near v a hospitals. She doesn't even tip for gods sake!
    Politico is already saying she was invited by someone from Alaska. They even had an email didn't they read frank baileys book she probably wrote it or had someone write it.

  19. @12:58 - even the man interviewed by Anrea Mitchell was fine with her coming. He just said she wouldn't be part of their program. No talking, camera hogging, program high-jacking. But, if she wants, she can ride. Rolling Thunder is an open event, everyone's invited to attend. I could tell he is not the least impressed with her.

  20. Anonymous1:07 PM

    maybe $carah can show off her talent of being able to suck start a Harley Davidson, eh?

  21. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I just love it. I remember, way back before the Iraq War started, a bunch of motorcyclist flag wavers (don't remember the group, perhaps a local chapter of this one) repeatedly encircled a peace demonstration in Chicago. They were clearly in favor of the war, which of course was their right, particularly if they were vets. There was a lot of tension in the air, when you added in the rows of Chicago police poised with riot gear and plastic handcuffs at the ready. (Over-reaction, of course.)

    This just shows that you can't make assumptions about any one group, however. These Rolling Thunder people can see through Sarah Palin. She can't find quarter among them. She is such a horse's you know what!

    I just love it.

    Btw, NBC did not fawn over the Palin story last night. In fact, they highlighted Bailey's book and interviews. They will probably try to redeem themselves to a small extent if she runs.

  22. I wonder if her plans had anything to do with President Obama speaking at Arlington this weekend?

  23. Anonymous1:09 PM

    She won't get the hint. What...she gonna change her look-at-ME nature over night? No way.

    She's got her minions figuring out exactly how to steel the show. I'm sure she's got Fox News pions lined up to televise every fake wave, wink, and smile she flings out to on-lookers.

  24. Anonymous1:10 PM

    What a loser, she wasn't even invited?

    Not if Paul Senior from Orange County Choppers is around, he's a serious Palin panty-sniffer and if he's around, he'll make them cue Pomp & Circumstance for the Great Pretender.

    I doubt they'll boo her off, she'll sport some tight pleather and be ingratiatingly folksy - she'll work the crowd. They won't help but respond.

  25. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Reading Politico it seems like the local Alaska people got called in to cover her ass once again. She's invited to the ALASKA part of the day, not the actual rally. How she can take a small thing and try to make it a national event is so typical of her. I hope this blows up in her face - can't believe she is this callous toward our war dead. And Todd? I hope he tries to outmacho the veterans. These people have no idea who they are dealing with. These men are veterans of a real war, not survivors of the DWTS crowd. How dare she even show her face let alone open her pie hole. Sadly the MSM will pick it up and make it the entire focus of the event. It will hurt her far more than it will help.

  26. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Q: Who is this Joseph N. Fields III?

    A: He's a Governor Sean Parnell appointee. PIONEERS' HOMES ADVISORY Board in 2009.

  27. Anonymous1:12 PM


    Looks who owns the so-called leftist media. Mostly right wingers. ABC in particular has become regular TV's equivalent of Fox, their pandering to Sara is shameless and getting worse

  28. My god, she is an idiot and so are the people that "work" for her!

  29. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Obviously, if Paylin had any actual respect for the vets, the organization, or the cause it supports, she would've attended incognito, not turn it into the palin circus.

    What a fucked-up sociopathic beyotch!

  30. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Rightwing scum own the media.

  31. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Play it again Sam!

    Too good!

  32. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I don't know that they DON"T want her there, but they are becoming quite fed up with her using their venue for a built-in crowd showing. Just a little more fed up, and they will probably ask her to piss off and find her own rally. What a slimey QUITTER.

  33. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Dear Ms. Palin:

    As the brother of a Vietnam MIA, "stay away from Rolling Thunder you miserable excuse for a human being".

  34. No, she will not get the hint. Exactly the opposite: she has gone on the defensive. Now ABC and others are reporting that she WAS invited: by the Alaskan Rolling Thunder group. As I commented on the Mudflats, can't you or AKM, or someone up there find out if this is indeed the truth OR, did Toadie call up one of his cronies (who perhaps "owes him one") and say Pay Back Time: we need to get a rebuttal out quick?

  35. Anonymous1:24 PM

    If she shows up wearing leather chaps and, god forbid, some club's jacket, then she deserves nothing but ridicule. Worse than Dukakis in a tank.

  36. fromthediagonal1:27 PM

    Come on Gryph... SP won't get "the hint" unless they disconnect the microphone from her claws!

  37. Another point: as Anonymous at 12:58 alludes; ABC and Politico scrambled to get some quickie interviews of people saying they were ok with her coming on the ride, and yet when one of them (Regg?) was asked how Sarah came to be affiliated with Rolling Thunder, she responded that she did not know (from the Politico article). This whole - she was too invited - is trumped up (pardon the pun).

  38. Anonymous1:28 PM


    BINGO!!!!! You are exactly right. So who in the media will challenge the media? They, like her, are without shame, integrity, ethics.

  39. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Over at Gawker:

    Sarah Palin’s Grifter Bus Tour: The Trailer
    Jim Newell — Sarah Palin's big Tour de Grift doesn't kick off until Sunday, but you can watch a mediocre 52-second YouTube about it right now! Watch as her slaves prep the bus, decorating it with stock photos of the Constitution and flags and mountains. Palin narrates some gibberish about the Constitution. An artist's rendering of George Washington is shown. Then some more stuff about the Constitution, etc.

  40. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Anon 12:58 said, "Don't tell me the media isn't in this woman's pocket. Look how ABC and Politico scrambled to find quotes from random state chapter people saying they were fine with her coming. Something is really, really odd regarding the relationship between Palin and the media. I honestly think the MSM is infested with rightwing scum."

    I agree 100%. I expect Politico and Fox to cover for her, but ABC is really going out of their way to cover up Scandalous Sarah.

    Sarah's relationship with ABC is very interesting. "Something's Rotten in Denmark"

    I knew something was fishy going on since Sarah's fluff interview with Adulteress, Barbara Walters; The View treatment of Levi and Mr. Baily; Robin Roberts shameless trip to Alaska; Bristol's DWTS fiasco; Boo Gate; and the fake relationship with one of Disney's Manufactured kid, Kyle Massey.

    Perhaps we should do some digging on the relationship between ABC/Disney and the Palins. I bet there is a lot of Dirt.

  41. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Does Sarah think she's going to ride along with the bikers in her Bus-To-Nowhere waving to people? What a low life user.

    I guess I shouldn't be surprised she's trying to exploit Rolling Thunder for her own benefit. After all, she has no qualms doing the same thing to her kids.

  42. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Looks like the Toad has now called the Alaska chapter and forced them to invite the bitch Sarah.

    There is photos on another blog of the bus and it says PAID FOR BY SARAHPAC on the back. She is grifting and using peoples hard earned money to get her some celebrity and she doesn't give a damn about Rolling Thunder or their message.

  43. Anonymous1:33 PM

    "So I wrote in to the blog under one of my pseudo names "RL " post #3 and asked them to look into what was going on"

    Thanks OMM!

  44. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Maybe someone in that organization would be interested in her frequent references to her son's COMBAT experience driving VIPs around!

  45. fromthediagonal1:35 PM

    Anonymous @ 1:02pm:
    SP thinks she can promote herself as the mother of a combat veteran at this event of remembrance.
    You are so right:
    Those Veterans in Rolling Thunder who have served in dangerous places and situations will smell the REMF position her son briefly occupied, and I do hope they will not tolerate this fool lightly.

  46. Anonymous1:38 PM

    She can't draw an Obama-sized crowd on her own, so she has to piggyback on other people's events. She's a leech, period.

  47. I don't think sarah has a clue that she is the most hated woman in America.
    In 2008, her rallies were filled with adoring supporters of the McCain/Palin ticket.
    In recent months, she gave speeches only to friendly audiences (who paid big money to gawk at her).
    The ONLY event that was not 100% palinbots was the Madison, WI screech- the protesters far outnumbered her little group. They rang bells and BOO'ed loudly.

    This SHOULD have given her a clue of how she will be received on her ME ME ME ME ME bus tour.

    My fellow Americans: PLEASE - get your signs ready for "AIP Todd" and "Crosshairs Sarah" and show up - and BOO as loud as your lungs will allow.

  48. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Please people stop calling her Queen Esther. You are condoning her staged religious reverence. She is not a a Christian. Palin's only comparison to anything religious would be the "false prophet".

  49. Anonymous1:47 PM


    Take your BALL and go HOME, Your Heinous!

  50. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Mudflats has a post up on this as well and a commenter links to a photo of the license plate on the "bus". The bus is an RV - the same vehicle that was seen in great detail on the Palin AK reality show.

    Oh and by the way, the bus wrap for the book tour cost SarahPAC $13,000.

  51. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Sarah's behaving just like Westboro Baptist Churchgoers who hold anti-gay protests to disrupt funerals. She's nothing more than an unconscionable, exploitative, opportunist! Trying to turn POW and MIA supporters into her political armada! It's shameless and depraved.

  52. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Hey Rolling Thunder boo the shit out of this whore.She adds nothing and is good for no one.This lousy bitch is going to your rally for her own self promotion,Just remeber which party got bin Laden.

  53. emrysa1:58 PM

    you have to laugh at this. yet another example of the quitter making herself look like a dipshit.

  54. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Holy crap I did not think this was possible. Normally these bikers would just vote for Sarah cause they want to bang her. But this guy is pissed that she's taking away from the importance of the cause. Ouch! This is really bad for Palin, she's going to freak about this. Her base will start to implode, the palinbots are going to attack the bikers and IT'S ON!!

  55. Anonymous2:05 PM

    She did solicit the invitation...
    By Andrea Mitchell and Lauren Stephenson, NBC News
    WASHINGTON — One day after Sarah Palin announced her bus tour, a group sponsoring a Memorial Day weekend event she plans to attend said they never invited her.
    "She wasn't invited. We heard yesterday she came out with a press release she was coming to Rolling Thunder," Ted Shpak, national legislative director of Rolling Thunder, told "Andrea Mitchell Reports." Shpak is one of three members of Rolling Thunder's current leadership who says he had no idea Palin was coming until it was posted on her website.
    On Thursday, the former governor of Alaska and potential GOP presidential candidate announced her bus tour on her political action committee's website, The tour is to begin in Washington, D.C., where Palin plans to participate in the Sunday motorcycle rally sponsored by Rolling Thunder Inc., a group that raises awareness of prisoners of war and those missing in action.
    "She's not invited to speak. We're not endorsing her ... (but) we can't stop her from coming to ride, if she wants to ride," Shpak continued.
    Organizers of Rolling Thunder say their guest speakers are Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
    Palin's representatives say they were invited to Rolling Thunder - by a former board member who is emceeing the event.
    Mike DePaulo tells NBC News he had a standing offer for her to ride with them from the Pentagon across the bridge to D.C. - and that he got a call from what he called "the Palin campaign" on Wednesday to see if they could take him up on it. He coordinated it with a friend of his, Joe Fields, of the Alaska Veterans' Advisory Council, who had worked with Palin when she was governor.
    A spokeswoman for Rolling Thunder says they frequently invite celebrity guests to ride with them.
    DePaulo says he has a permit for the Palin bus to be parked on Henry Bacon Drive near the Lincoln

  56. Jeanabella2:10 PM

    After the last fiasco in WI with the crowds booing her, I believe she is afraid to get off her Bus in DC and find no one but a few bots there, so one of her "inner circle" got a bright idea and went to work to get the quitter queen invited somehow. There may be a fear factor and what better protection can you have than thousands of guys on bikes.

  57. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Politico has an email from May 13 inviting palin.

  58. Anonymous2:16 PM

    She just looks like a fool really.

  59. Anonymous2:20 PM

    She knows what it sounds like when 15,000 people boo you from that hockey game way back when. I'd love for her to hear the sound of 500,000 people booing. Serves her right for turning this into her own parade. She's a shameless publicity whore.

  60. Anonymous2:22 PM

    @ 1:32

    Don't forget DWTS is an ABC show. I think the news and entertainment part of the media outlets are becoming blurred.

  61. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I think people should be pounding on the idiots who now claim they invited her. I can't even write my thoughts out about it right now. They invited her because?????? I really wonder what the hell they were thinking? Or were they pressured like so many Alaskans to do her bidding and invite her. You knew she would go and try to take all the attention for herself. How dare you dishonor the dead like this?

  62. Anonymous2:32 PM

    "We're here for a reason." Translation: "Sarch, you fucking parasitic opportunist, go and crawl back under the rock you came from."

    Dumb broad.

  63. Anonymous2:39 PM

    @ 1:07 PM #1:
    Suck start a Harley!!!
    I haven't heard that phrase in 20 years.
    How dare the Quitter try to take funds away from our vets? What a money sucking leech.

  64. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:44 PM

    What the hell is Sarah "Harley" Palin going to ride at the rally? A tricycle? How about a Hoveround, like the majority of her base?

  65. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I wonder if Toad has ever driven a Harley. I assume they will rent only the biggest one out there. And he'll climb on and she'll climb on behind him, and then what? I have never been on a motorcycle, but I suspect it's very different from a snow machine. I hope when they crash they don;t hurt anyone else. Will Sarah dare wear a helmet over her wig of the day?

  66. As she roars in on a bedazzled, sparkly Kawasaki, flags a'flyin, in her Fredericks of Gollywood Vuitton leathers, there will be trouble.....

  67. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Everywhere she goes divisiveness and drama follow. I so hope this blows up in her face.

  68. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Sarah Palin should be allowed to speak at Rolling Thunder!

    Sarah Palin told the world she raised a combat vet so why wouldn't she be allowed to speak.

    What do you mean Sarah's son Track is not a combat vet? Sarah said he was.

  69. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Sarah does not need to be invited...she just shows up...and then she take credit for the event.

    We will see all of Sarah's "adoring fans" for the rest of the year.

  70. Randall2:57 PM

    One of these days Sarah is going to show up uninvited somewhere - where she will be negatively confronted.

    It will inevitably be caught on video.

    It will be impossible for her to defend or deny.

  71. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Are Sarah and Todd licensed to ride motorcycles? Ya need more than a license to drive a car.

  72. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Um, Sarah? If the Rolling Thunder gig falls through? Think reeeeeally hard before you decide the Wall would be a good second choice for a photo op. And stay away from the Jefferson Memorial, too.

  73. Anonymous3:05 PM

    What ever Sarah does it is done for political reasons.

    Why did Sarah have to build herself up as the mother who raised a combat vet when we know she did no such thing because Track was never a combat vet?

    Sarah just be proud Track served for two years and let it go.

    As far as Sarah riding with Rolling Thunder it is all political, it is Palin's Me Me Me moment.

    Palin was a vp candidate over 2 years ago, why all of a sudden she wants to ride with Rolling Thunder? Why didn't she ride last year or the last two years?

    Why? Because President Obama shows up to speak and draws a big crowd and Sarah wants a big crowd too. The problem is that she can't draw a crowd like Obama so Sarah piggy backs off of Rolling Thunder.

  74. Anonymous3:18 PM



    If Sarah is not there just let yourself in and enjoy.

  75. Anonymous3:21 PM


    Don't bet the farm that the bikers will protect sara if things get dicey. You have to understand the dynamics of the majority of the bikers who attend. The war in Viet Nam split my generation in half. There were as many anti-war veterans as there were pro-war vets. For the most part we tacitly agreed without ever discussing it that the real issue was honoring our fallen and in the case of Rolling Thunder to keep the POW/MIA's in people's minds, that trumps whether you supported the war or opposed it. I know a lot of people don't understand how we could stand together on something but we do. It doesn't matter what we believe or where we come from or what our ethnic, religious beliefs are. What matters is we honor those that didn't come back regardless of what they looked like or believed. One of my best friends was violently anti-war and he died saving a fellow Marine during a firefight. Another was just as violently supportive of the war. He was one of the men my friend covered while they pulled back to safer ground. No one bitched about how the hippie saved them, they all were crushed to lose such a good man. So, she may be in for a surprise when, and I mean WHEN because she cannot help herself, she goes political. It disturbs me to no end her antics may disrupt the day but that's who she is, a monster. How anyone in good conscience support such a shameless creature is beyond me.

  76. Anonymous3:33 PM


    You should post the story with the title something like what Anon 1:53 commented. Something like:

    Sarah Palin is political equivalent of Westboro Baptist Church Fred Phelps -- Westboro hijacks Vet funerals while Palin hijacks Vets Rolling Thunder

  77. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Oh, if the birthers can claim POTUS's birth certificate was cooked up on Photoshop I can stand by and make the claim the so-called email Politico is touting can just as easily be faked, it takes no effort to get someone to exchange an email after the fact and simply overwrite the dates. Nothing at all, totally bogus email. They knew asking her was political. They apparently didn't invite the REAL Governor or Lt Governor, instead opting for a political grifter they knew wanted to come to get back in the spotlight. I can't speak for other vets but that kind of shameless pandering to her is disgusting

  78. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Hey over at Rightspeak, the bozo palin lovers over there think she was invited.

  79. Anonymous3:46 PM

    annon @ 2:52
    you might try checking out Track's military discharge papers. The discharge code plainly states he WAS NOT a combat vet. The oxycontin addicted, school bus brake line cutting delinquent was at most a courier/driver and was never involved in a firefight.
    Alls this is is more unmitigated bullshit from the queen bullshitter her$elf, lou $carah, white trash, uneducated fraud extraordinaire

  80. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Sweet anny wrote: no matter if my son says she is a numb c**t.

    My husband calls her a cunning stunt. Both fit her to a "t".

    Southern Virginia Voter

  81. Anonymous4:18 PM

    If all mothers of combat vets should be asked to speak then she can get in line behind the mothers whose sons and daughters actually fought and those come after the ones who lost their children. From what I know Track never saw a firefight and was never exposed to danger. Get off your lies Sarah, they just keep piling up and they will bring you down

  82. ibwilliamsi4:24 PM

    I imagine that there will be some sort of "family emergency" that will prevent her from attending.

    Do you suppose she rides a hog as well as she shoots?

  83. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Heard this on MSNBC and she is appalling. She has no shame. And even if she was invited, which I doubt, she still could have attended without shouting it out to the world. She could have respectfully kept her big trap shut.

  84. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I think we should start a fund for someone who will step up to Palin and slap her across the face. That is what I'd like to do!! She is evil and in no way represents a 'christian'. Thank God the majority of the U.S. holds her in disregard. Can hardly wait for her to fall from who she 'thinks' she is and truly isn't!

  85. Anonymous5:21 PM

    So Toad, the Alaska Independence Party member wants to ride in support of the veterans.

    Please some one send an audio tape of Vogler to the other iders.

    "And I won't be buried under their damn flag," Vogler

  86. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I love in DC and I have always looked forward to rolling thunder every year. I love these people. When I found out that Sarah was possibly leading the event, I wanted to vomit. I would never feel the same about it again. These people that ride in this event embody a spirit that is the antithesis of Palin and her griftiness.

  87. Ratfish5:43 PM

    She was invited by the head of a veterans advisory council in Alaska who is a friend of Palin's and a Palin/Parnell political appointee. While he is a well-respected veteran in some circles, being invited by an individual is not the same as being invited by an "Alaska Veterans Group."

    After all, an official State of Alaska advisory board did not- and these days would not- invite Sarah Palin to anything.

    An individual who happens to be a member of the advisory council did.

    ps Can you imagine what Palin would do if someone was trying to crash her party?

  88. Anonymous5:55 PM

    My husband was in Viet Nam and lost a lot of friends. We wanted to go to the Wall but not now, while Sarah is there. It is too painful and too personal. Why cant she leave these people alone? She is completely devoid of empathy.

    Wasnt it bad enough that McCain fought against bringing back MIAs and squealed like pig to the Viet Cong and treated those people trying to find the MIAs, like dirt.

  89. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Trying to co-opt the Thunder mission will come around and bite her bony ass. Bring it $arah! Nobody invited you, stupid crasher!

  90. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Why does she feel the need to steal the show? Memorial day is about honoring the war dead; honoring those who served. Someone needs to tell her that if she wants to keep playing the "my son is a combat veteran and NOBODY can take that away from me" bullshit, then she better be prepared for someone revealing that his "combat veteran" status is a myth. Watch it there $arah, you are about to tread on ground that you aren't prepared to handle.

  91. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I still have a cousin that remains an MIA, while we do presume he is dead at this point it pains me greatly the ANYBODY would try and use his memory for their own political gain. I am weeping as I write this, his memories belong to his famlly at this point and his family and tribe only. For this bitch to try and hijack mt cousin is sickening. No one has cared for over 40 yrs that an army ranger sniper that they sent into Laos is missing except his family.
    It is disgusting that ANYONE is trying to steal his soul at this point.
    Cousin Jack I still remember your kindness and how you always had time for the "little brat". We still love you and will always love you, you are my blood.

  92. Anonymous6:58 PM

    anon at 1:22 my cousin has been IA since '67 and I couldn't6 agree with you more

    little Rabbit

  93. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Ignorant bitch.

  94. kellyofsiam7:19 PM

    I am a veteran. The Palins are cunts.

  95. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Palin's billboard-bus has a permit for a prime location during Rolling Thunder. Between that and network-wide coverage of the invite-no-invite discussion, the publicity team for Palin must be thrilled.

    Rovian rule - never miss a news cycle good or bad.

  96. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Force son Track to go to Iraq to keep him out of jail for cutting the brake lines on 20 school buses and then claim he was a combat veteran while he actually was no more than a parking valet- check

    Go to Israel and wear Star Of David bling- check

    Go to Haiti with a billionaire televangelist for photo op- check

    Free publicity at Rolling Thunder Rally to kick off her fake campaign while doing fancy pageant waving on the back of a rented Harley for a photo-op- check

  97. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I'm a harley rider & lover. There's a famous t-shirt that says on the back, "If you can read this the bitch fell off!". Well it can't happen soon enough.


  98. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Granny and Fox News co-opted and sadly took Rolling Thunder by surprise using them as a free photo op for a kick-off for her fake campaign. Email Rolling Thunder and let them know what you think!


  99. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Anon 12:47, I can't remember which MSNBC show I watched today, (I think it was Cenk)but the man from the group he interviewed said that she was invited by a former Board Member who is no longer with them. Figures!

    My apologies if someone else posted this, but I haven't read all the comments yet.

  100. Anne In DC3:28 AM

    As someone whose oldest male cousin on my maternal side was a Vietman War veteran who suffered emotional trauma from all he experienced there, I greatly admire and respect Rolling Thunder's mission. It's obvious that they want the event to be non-political since the people it's designed to honor were of all political persuasions. But Palin, being as delusional and dense as only she can be, sees this as an opportunity to burnish her political image. I hate the way she tries to give her son a status he has never earned, since he went to the military to avoid jail for his criminal acts and was never in danger. While he doesn't appear to seek the limelight, she uses him as a political prop like she does all her children.

    I sincerely hope that if she tries to horn in on their event and gain attention for herself, they will give her exactly the kind of reception she encountered in Wisconsin on April 16 with the anti-Walker protesters. For the first time, it seems that she got the kind of reception she deserved as opposed to the kind she thinks she is entitled to.

  101. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Where can we email Rolling Thunder to voice our opposition? This situation is vile. What a slap in the face to our combat vets and our men who gave their lives for our freedom.

  102. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Rolling Thunder should arm themselves with a dozen eggs each.

  103. Anonymous5:42 AM

    I hope that the supporters of this event will be holding signs to support the riders. As the Palins ride by, they should flip their signs around so the grifters can see what's written on the back ... Boo's, Go Home Grifters, and 'Palin sucks'. And, Sarah darling, that's how America feels about you.

  104. Anonymous8:08 AM

    To contact rolling thunder:


    click on the contact tab

  105. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Those who have served, and family members of those who have served, have my gratitude and compassion.

    For me, the point isn't so much about whether or not she's allowed to participate, especially if some individual did invite her. There's nothing we can really do about that.

    Rather, it's the fact that she will basically be hijacking what is essentially a sacred remembrance event in order to raise money for herself and jumpstart a possible presidential run. It's truly, truly disgusting.

    Rolling Thunder members need to speak out against this. Her appearance must be neutralized, the story must be about the questionable nature of her participation. I am counting (perhaps erroneously) on the MSM to focus on this aspect. FOX may take it at face value and cover it, but others had better show it in a negative light. It would be the only justice in this situation.

    Does she have a relationship with these people? Has she been active with this group before? Does she even do Veteran's events? I know she throws Track's service out when she needs to, but I honestly think she is conflicted (fearful) about that getting too much scrutiny, so she hasn't been able to exploit it as much as she would have liked.

  106. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I sent a comment to

    I am sure that Palin will make everyone happy and people will embrace her because she has suffered too.

    Did Tawd serve? DId her Dad serve? I think her Dad should have served but probably headed over the border. Or mental illness.

  107. ibwilliamsi11:55 AM

    Was able to get an email message at the link at

    I suggested that they encircle $arah, Inc. with their bikes and keep it loud. Make it impossible to get a sound bite.

    If they make a stink, it will have to be covered by someone. The woman is a she-devil.

  108. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I never thought I would say I miss the days when the 24 hour news cycle was dominated by Britney Spears. She may have been crazy but at least she wasn't a crazy, hateful, vindictive, fear mongering, bitchy, narcissist intentionally trying to inject herself into the 24 hour news cycle. As soon as Palin got back to Alaska, after losing the election, she started her damn media blitz playing the campaign victim, and she hasn't STFU in 3 years! Now it's Rolling Thunder. If Palin really wanted to honor the veterans, she shouldn't have her own dog and pony show going on at the same time. This huge crowd of bikers will already be established so fortunately Palin can collect donations for her PAC!

  109. How typical of this P.O.S to attempt to create this kind of trouble among a peaceful organization, she enjoys the controversy, some saying she was invited and others saying she was not. Even if she were invited to just ride,she assumes she was invited to SPEAK, since she is good at twisting the constitution to her advantage, if she is not allowed to SPEAK at the event she will say her first amendment rights were infringed upon. Just a typical sociopath.


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