Monday, May 30, 2011

While others made fools of themselves this Memorial Day weekend, our President was quietly comforting those in despair.

Courtesy of Obama Diary



  1. sewnup2:21 AM

    Where he's talking to the short woman with a blue top he's sort of hunched over to get down where she is, plus leaning slightly in her direction. Quite a contrast with Sarah's posture when she's interacting with people.

    He actually seems to care about and be interested in people, rather than the impression she leaves, which runs along the line of "Oh, I'll bet you are so glad to be here to see me." More than once that has come through so loud and clear that even my 18-year old grandson, apolitical in the extreme, has mentioned it.

    She has many reasons to be ashamed of herself. And she thinks she's anointed to serve? She's got some serious disconnects going there. If the people around her gave a whomp about her they'd collect the woman and personally deliver her to a psychiatrist's office.

    My guess is that the hangers-on think they will somehow benefit from her actions and are therefore reluctant to interfere on a selfish basis. Or maybe they just want to be first in line to watch her crash and burn.

  2. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Wonderful coverage--doing what a President should do and Quitler wouldn't (unless it was a huge photo op).

    BTW, no one seems to have done their homework on Rolling Thunder, which is a rightwing org, and which leads me to believe that by appearing on natl TV and "disavowing" an invitation to Quitler, they were absolved of any controversy. Ha. They endorsed GWB in 2000 and 2004, went to the WH and even gave him an honorary membership. And yesterday was not political? They're not protected by the Bush regime for their non-profit status now, I suppose.

    I think it was a complete set up, and when you read this, you'll understand why:

    They're also part of the same smear campaign against a real Vietnam vet, John Kerry.

    Both RT and Quitler each got the publicity they desired--mission accomplished.

  3. Nan C (aka roswellborn)3:09 AM

    As a Missourian, I am enormously grateful that President Obama went in person to Joplin. I'm grateful to have heard his words in that video.

    Joplin especially, will remember his visit, his words. They will also remember who was willing to hold their lives hostage to budget-bargaining.

    Thank you Mr President.

  4. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Even tho he had some notes with him, You could see he spoke from the heart.Bless Pres. Obama. I love him dearly.

  5. Anonymous3:47 AM

    And he didn't need a motorcycle, a bad wig, and a big cross to show what kind of man he is.

  6. Anonymous4:09 AM

    I truly believe he will go down in history not for the color of his skin, but for how he did his job. I am proud of our president, even when I disagree with him. He is compassionate, tolerant, and even-keeled.

  7. OT, but did you see the new animation, Gryph?

  8. F J Dandy4:40 AM

    Americans should be proud of their President. He is a king, gentle, family man with a great sense of humor. President Obama demonstrates true leadership and heartfelt compassion. Forget about Quittypants, she's a distraction.

  9. Anonymous4:41 AM

    That last picture just made me cry. I have never in my entire time as a voting citizen seen a more genuinely caring and compassionate President. He is a wonderful human being.

  10. Anonymous4:43 AM

    I love our President.

  11. Anonymous5:20 AM

    I am thankful every day that he is our President.


  12. Anonymous5:31 AM

    The horrific experiences shared by those who survived leave me in awe of what people survive.

    Let us emphasize the President has a job to do.

  13. Anonymous6:03 AM

    When I was in high school, in Arkansas, a tornado struck my hometown and destroyed my neighborhood. Fortunately, it occurred late at night on a Sunday night when most people were in their (mostly brick) homes, so there were no fatalities in my town and only 2 (still too many) in a nearby city. Then-President Clinton came to my street (though I did not personally see him) to see the damage and talk to my neighbors. I tend to see these things as political stunts sometimes, but that gesture really meant a lot to me when I, as a teenager, was facing the total loss of the only home I had ever known. Kudos to President Obama for going there and showing the people of Joplin that America is grieving with them and ready to help. God help those people, who have suffered enough, if Sarah Palin shows up there in 6 months with Scamaritan's Purse and a camera crew.

  14. Anne In DC6:23 AM

    President Obama comforted the people in Joplin both out of the compassion in his heart and the realization of the responsibilities his job entails. There will always be people who criticize him, to the point of comparing him with someone we all know who made the RT event about her. These same folks who make these pointless criticisms should keep in mind that the House Republicans want to cut funding for addressing natural disasters like the one that befell the people in Alabama, Mississippi, and Oklahoma as well as Joplin. That should focus them on who really cares and who doesn't.

  15. Anonymous6:30 AM

    @3:47 Amen!

  16. The love and the compassion in those pictures ... you can feel it.

  17. Beldar 'Rolling Asunder' Coneheaf6:59 AM

    He's a good man.

    Meanwhile, over in Opposite World, the deluded fans of the grandstanding narcissistic screechy wretch accuse our president of being a grandstanding narcissist.

  18. FEDUP!!!7:18 AM

    He actually goes in there and hugs real people, not just selected ones, and he actually talks to them and hugs them - not like a certain "president" we knew from seemingly 'ages' ago, and not like some certain Grifter that goes wayyyy after the main threat is over, and only shows up for a photo opportunity at a place that was not really affected by the crisis and only brings cookies no help at all.

  19. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I love you, President Obama. I have a picture of the First Family hanging in my office. You and your family are a true inspiration to all Americans. Thank you for caring about the victims of this catastrophic, tragic devastation, and for showing up in person for them, on my behalf, as an American citizen. I cannot go there myself, and I am so glad that you were able to comfort and support to our citizens in their times of desperate need.

  20. This was for a town who voted 66% for McCain and will probably voted for the Republican the next time. He definitely was doing his job as President of all Americans. I would also add that this is what a real Christian looks like.

  21. Anonymous8:40 AM

    That third picture says it all: touching and genuine.

    I love that man.

  22. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Thank you, Gryphen, for constantly keeping the discrepancy of Palin and President Obama front and center. I have to admit I, too, get that Chris Matthew tingle every time he speaks! I love our President. His class, dignity, caring and compassion remain in sharp contrast to the money gurbbing, headline stealing of Palin.

    An interesting blog idea. The layout would be two columns. On column would show the various accomplishments, video, photos, etc. of President Obama. The other column would show video, photos, and activities of Palin. Every sound bit she gives would be met with a sound bit from Obama. The contrast would be startling.

  23. Anonymous8:52 AM

    There is very little political gain for the President in going to Joplin other than to comfort the citizens of his country. A stronghold for the Republican Party if ever there was one.

  24. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Guess you missed the videos of Palin actually helping clean up the devastation of the previous tornado? More than just a photo op...

  25. Anonymous9:08 AM

    "Elizabeth said...
    I would also add that this is what a real Christian looks like.

    7:34 AM"

    Yup. Calm, compassionate, not showy.

  26. Anonymous10:04 AM

    @8:59 - Guess you missed that she did that for five minutes while being filmed....under the auspices of Franklin Graham's "charity." Palin never helps anyone.
    And if you think she does, you should go talk to the Alaska Natives, starving to death in winter, to whom she served cookies, while governor.

  27. Anonymous @8:59 I saw the video of Palin in Alabama, "helping" with the clean-up. I also heard the person who was interviewing her on TV, namely Greta VS talk about how she and Todd took the time to fly "all the way from Alaska to Alabama just to help the tornado victims" and I didn't hear Sarah correct her misinformation. Palin had given a speech the night before to a group for her usual $100k, the group was to benefit special needs citizens, remember the ones she allegedly holds "near and dear to her heart", the same ones who she makes $$$$ from. No freebie speech for them. It took 4 different offers until they got her, they just had to come up with her price. Sarah can always be bought. There's a name for women like her and it fits her perfectly. She's an attention whore and a liar. She should have corrected Greta and let her know why she was there. She also had a day to kill before her speech in CA or else the people who were victims of the tornado never would have seen her botoxed butt in their area. Here's a question for you--how much money did she donate to the fund for people in need in Alabama? If she had, we would have heard about it. That's for certain.

  28. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I would just like to point out, as seemingly trivial as this is, his attire vs. Palin's when she was in Haiti. He is wearing business casual--probably sweating because I know how hot it gets in the Deep South, but also professional and respectful. He doesn't look like he's on a vacation sight-seeing tour. He looks like he's there to work and offer comfort and respect.

  29. Anonymous11:19 AM

    If we "play the race card," look at how many Civil Rights violations happened in Mississippi in the 1960s and how prevalent discrimination still is in many parts of the South, Obama's visit is even more significant. He could have sent Biden, as a representative of the administration, to Joplin; we all know Obama was just in the UK, and he could have used that as a reason not to travel to Mississippi, either extending his Europe visit or claiming he had to get back to DC. Instead, he goes to an area where, as Elizabeth said, most people didn't vote for him and many might even hold his skin color against him. And he's talking to them, hugging them, engaging with them.

    God bless you, President Obama.

  30. Anonymous7:36 PM

    The content of this man's character beams through in this video. As others noted, Joplin was solidly with Mc Cain and that sock puppet he had for a Vice President, what was her name again?... rhymed with Failing.... anyway,

    When a disaster strikes, we're all Americans first. I stood behind Bush when 911 happened, because I respect the office of the Presidency, though I didn't vote for him nor support his policies.

    Thank You, Mr President. You have a great mind and a humble heart, your love for humanity and genuine capacity to relate to people in their time of need makes me proud.
    You've restored dignity to the White House.

  31. Ignia3:49 PM

    My name is Emily Morrison. I and my husband are joplin missouri tornado survivors. Our home was destroyed, and all we were able to salvage was some clothes and some dishes. We were some of the luckiest. We were insured, we survived, and we got out even that much of our belongings.

    Dean wells, who the President talked about in his seech, was a coworker of mine for several years when I worked at the home depot down here. To hear the president praise him and tell his story meant so much to me. He was truly an amazing man, always wanting to help those around him.

    I buried my cousins husband today. He bled to death in her arms as he used his body to shield her from debris. I wish I had known him better. There are literally hundreds of such tales. I wish I could say I was one of them.

    Instead I froze when I came across my first severely wounded, and wrang my hands in panic and indecision, before turning away, helpless.

    Around 1/3 of our city is destroyed. We were the 5 th largest city in state not all that long ago. to put things in perspective, our insurance adjuster worked katrina, and he told us he had never seen destruction on a scale like this.

    But I would like to address some murmurings about the president's visit I have been hearing, and hopefully reach a somewhat broader audience than just my out of state friends.

    I have heard some complaints that he was too tardy in his appearance. To that I say: no. He was right on time. Until two days before his appearance, we were still looking for survivors. When he came... There were only bodies left to find. And time has no meaning for the dead. To those who say he came too soon: he came in good time to renew the hope of the victims, and recharge our flagging spirit. If he had waited much longer, despair would have won, and many would have given up. The volunteers we depend on so much right now would have trickled away, and we would have been left alone, forgotten, in the rubble our dreams had become.

    He took great personal risk coming here. With walmart and academy destroyed, and all of the untraceable guns and ammunition they held loose and unaccounted for, in an area of the country that holds the wbc and dr tiller, right wing fanatics and rednecks... He drove with his windows down through the streets, and left the safety of his vehicle to give comfort to those who just weeks before would have cheerfully discussed shooting him over coffee at the local waffle house.

    This man is a true leader in every sense of the word.


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