Wednesday, May 18, 2011

With a donation of $25 or more to President Obama's reelection campaign, this can be yours.

Courtesy of the LA Times:

A fundraising e-mail sent to supporters Wednesday morning offers up—for the donation of $25 or more—a “Made in the USA” T-shirt , featuring a picture of the president on the front and an image of his recently released long-form birth certificate on the back—a tweak at those who think Obama was not born in the United States and therefore not eligible to be president.

“Last year, the president said, ‘I can't spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead,’” writes deputy campaign manager Julianna Smoot. “This is about as close as we can get.”

I don't know about all of you, but I am getting me one of those shirts!

And so can you, by clicking right here.


  1. I ordered the coffee mug about an hour ago.

    I just know it'll make my coffee taste even more delicious.

  2. Does the label of the tee actually say it was made in the USA too? It will be very embarrassing if it isn't.

  3. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Order the cup too.

  4. Anonymous11:35 PM

    I'm going to get a mug come next payday!

  5. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Yes I LIKE the t-shirts and saw them on TV. I would be proud to wear one yes indeedy -YES WE CAN!

    BTW check out this recent interview in The Arctic Sounder with Walt Monegan.

    Disgusting Sarah is now accusing Arnold of being "disgusting". Talk about glass houses!


  6. Yes just what i want to do send that sell out of a CHANGE reformer money and another vote. You living in dream land Gryph. I don't think your paying attention bro. Two of his SCOTUS picks just voted to kill our 4th amendment rights. Are you paying attention?

  7. Can I stamp "Free Bradley Manning!" onto the front of mine?

    Why are we still in Afghanistan?

    Why are we still in Iraq?

    Why are we deepening our involvement in Bahrein on behalf of the government there, where doctors and nurses are being tortured and rounded up, and Sunni legislators are being hounded out of the government?

    Do you really think this birth certificate t-shirt more important than the above issues, Gryph, my dear friend?

  8. Anonymous11:41 PM

    As a highly caffeinated individual I chose the coffee mug, and one for my coffee loving friend. But either way this a creative and effective way to both support President Obama and mock those that exposed their ignorance and intolerance. Fools! We got the last laugh.

  9. Sharon_Too_Also11:44 PM

    O/T Love the T-shirts but this is just so funny:

    Better watch out G - O'Reilly's wise to your methods:

    "After starting off by saying that Schwarzenegger is ultimately at fault for the consequences of his actions, he argued that the reason most politicians get brought down down by scandals involving their personal lives is because of "cowardly sociopaths" on the Internet who "hide in the weeds in their basements" and write "the most vile things" about them."

  10. deebee12:21 AM

    If Honolulu would create a program benefitting poor newborns funded by selling certified Barack Obama birth certificate copies, I'd buy one of those as well.

  11. Anonymous12:30 AM

    I would sooo luv it if these shirts were made and printed in Kenya.

  12. Pat in MA3:08 AM

    You can get a mug for a $15 donation:

    I'll be enjoying my coffee in one very soon :)

  13. Anonymous3:12 AM

    Dems Abroad sent me the email offer for ther coffee mug - same thing but only %15

    I'm gettin' both!


  14. Anonymous3:36 AM

    What a genius! I ordered the coffee mug instead of the t-shirt.

  15. Calli Pygian6:21 AM

    @ AKjah 11:40-

    I hear you, and agree. Right now he is only the lesser of two evils, and by only a hair's breadth.

    It's just more of the same, or as Daltry sang, " Meet the new boss, he's the same as the old boss..."

  16. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I've ordered the T-shirt and I will be supporting the President's re-election campaign.

  17. My husband told me about this shirt yesterday and said he's getting one.

  18. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Ordered T-shirts for the whole family and a coffee mug for me :)

  19. Anonymous3:27 PM



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.