Thursday, June 09, 2011

Alaska Senator Mark Begich to Sarah Palin: "Someone who quit Alaska is not someone I look for to get Alaska policy decisions on."

Courtesy of Politico:

Sen. Mark Begich is turning a deaf ear to Sarah Palin's demand that he make drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge a condition for his vote to approve raising the nation's debt ceiling.

"She's not really on my radar screen to take advice from," the Alaska Democrat told reporters Tuesday.

"Let me put it this way. It's always interesting to read what she has to say," Begich said. But, he added, "Someone who quit Alaska is not someone I look for to get Alaska policy decisions on."

In discussing the debt ceiling vote on "Fox News Sunday," Palin said: "How about people like Sen. Begich, a Democrat from Alaska. He better get ANWR in this bill, opening another domestic source of energy up there in Alaska when he votes yes for increasing the debt ceiling."

Begich, a supporter of drilling in ANWR and the Chukchi Sea, suggested that Palin look to persuade her fellow running mate Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) to open ANWR to drilling.

"I would encourage her to talk to her senator because our senators, me and [Lisa] Murkowski, already aligned on this," he said. "I know she's talked to McCain, who is her new senator where she lives. He hasn't supported [drilling in] ANWR in the past, hope he will."

I have not had as lot of reasons to feel the desire to give my senator a high five lately, but this response definitely deserves several high fives, and an "atta boy" as far as I am concerned.

And Begich is ABSOLUTELY correct that Sarah Palin has essentially abandoned Alaska, and has NO right to tell OUR Senator how he should vote. 

However I completely support her calling up John McCain and giving him a piece of her tiny, insignificant mind. And I also support HIM telling her to FUCK OFF!

Which by the way, I am almost CERTAIN he is dying to do.


  1. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Hey Gryphen, Mark knows about Bristol being pregnant in 2007. He knows she was drinking, smoking acting wild at her family's cabin near Safari Lake.

    Mark should be talking to Henry Blodget. Why not send your senator an invite to contact Henry? Ya know, Alaskan to Alaskan in effort to get Sarah to sit down and shut up once and for all?

  2. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Y'know, I think Sen Begich just did - a bit more politely, but essentally, that's what he did. Ha!

    Some days do start out well, after all.

  3. Anonymous2:44 AM

    One has to wonder if her "new senator" McCain would love to tell her to FUCK OFF too...if he hasn't already!

  4. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Must be somethin in those emails...distancing himself rightly so...yeh....and if we don't listen to her in Alaskan politics why do some fee she is worthy of coverage....geeezzz...

    YEH ALASKA ....about time


  5. FloridaDem3:04 AM

    I dunno, not thrilled he supports drilling in ANWR. Drilling won't increase the supply for Americans or lower the prices. The USA exports oil, in fact. It all goes on the same market.

    Oil companies have land all over the world they sit on and don't drill on because they want to control the price. In the Gulf, they were capping the well when it broke, not drilling the well.

    Maybe it's good financially for Alaska to give in to oil companies and drill in a preserve, but it's not good for the rest of the country and it's not good for the environment. And while Alaska was a welfare state for a while, I think those times are over, so if Alaskans think the money the state makes is going to trickle down to them, I think they're mistaken.

  6. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Mark is correct Sarah lives in Arizona with her BFF Johnny.

    Waiting for first aerial video showing Sarah in bathing suit floating in her new pool.

    Sarah... every helicopter or plane flying by new house may be filming...

  7. Anonymous3:18 AM

    SP only does what she was told to do in pageants 30 odd years ago, and that was to offer to "get back" to judges that she'd never see again, and to bend every answer to her personal agenda. I think this still works in pageants, which have gone realiTV.

    I'm glad for what Mark-Mark said-- this shows that her voice as someone who spends little time in state and who didn't care about it when she was here means very little to him. It also sheds light on the fact that she aligned herself with The Enemy in JMcC. Her influence has done nothing for "the great state of Alaska."

  8. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Good for Mark! I was wondering how long she was going to be able to use Alaska before someone called her out on it.

  9. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Hahaha. Even Sarah Palin does not have the cohones to call John McCain ever again... unless its to blackmail him, maybe about what he (and his team) knew about her family issues and when he knew it.

  10. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Good for him. That was perfect and really sums up how people, in general, feel about Sarah.

    "It's always interesting to read what she has to say."

  11. Anonymous4:14 AM

    I do not support more drilling anywhere (and would have loved to be in on the recent discussions about Germany ending nuclear power altogether) but I do applaud Begich for his putdown of Citizen Sarah. More to come, I bet, as she tries to ingratiate herself with current lawmakers and finds doors slammed in her face! Run, Sarah, run, back to the hole you slithered out of.

  12. Nice response Sen. Begich. Snap.

  13. Interesting that Sarah tried to paint Begich as being against ANWR when he isn't. Palin was well aware of Mark's position on ANWR, which makes it obvious that her lone aim was to misrepresent it. Need I point out how blatantly dishonest it is to do something like that, and on national television to boot?

    There is the appearance that Sarah approaches everything in life with a level of dishonesty few of us can even begin to fathom. Maybe I'm wrong about this, but she misrepresents (or lies) so often that it is getting hard to avoid this conclusion.

  14. Ratfish5:40 AM

    Senator Begich called a spade a spade, a quitter a quitter.

    The "mama grizzly" is no more.

  15. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Senator Begich showed the half wit who has balls.

  16. Anonymous6:40 AM

    This article makes my day !

    I am always happy to know of someone credible and mature who has called out Palin and put her in her place.

    I saw through her immeadiately and I get thoroughly giddy when this happens .

    Gryphen , you have my sincere appreciation .

  17. Ratfish7:15 AM

    lbts@5:39AM said: "Interesting that Sarah tried to paint Begich as being against ANWR when he isn't. Palin was well aware of Mark's position on ANWR, which makes it obvious that her lone aim was to misrepresent it. Need I point out how blatantly dishonest it is to do something like that, and on national television to boot?"

    If her lips are flappin', she's lyin'.
    You betcha, also, too.

  18. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Good for Sen. Begich! How can anyone who lives in Alaska not feel that she has "quit" on them? The fact that she is now living in a time when Alaska seems at its most desirable climately..shows she is done with you all. She has even screwed up the whole snow bird idea.

    No matter what else he has done in his life, in my mind John McCain will always be a traitor to his country by letting this woman get away with the horrible things she said and the way she allowed..even encouraged..people at her rallies to say things that should never have been allowed (whew..that sentence reads like Sarah herself wrote it). He should have pulled her leash in that time and let her know that she was hurting the entire country. He did not then, and he doesn't do so he is complicit in the harm she is doing.

    You'd think after the way she cost him the presidency, he would be so over her by now. Guess horny old men remain horny old men no matter what.

  19. emrysa7:56 AM

    "Someone who quit Alaska is not someone I look for to get Alaska policy decisions on."

    HA! suck it, quitter.

  20. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Yea, Senator Begich! (And, I am not a registered Dem.) I voted for you and President Obama. You guys have not done everything as I would have liked, but you still are my favored!

    Thanks for your comments about Palin and the fact she no longer has meaningful input (and especially knowledge!) of/for matters that concern Alaska. She is nothing more but an embarrassment to us and most of all a 'quitter'!

    I hope McCain tells her where she can go too. Those poor folks in AZ now having her amongst them! Maybe the scorpions and tarantulas will like and find her.

    Hopefully, McCain will tell her to go to hell should she contact him.

  21. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Love her dillusional style, she thinks people must do what she says, as if she's the anointed one, or has any sway whatsoever in what Senator Begich's policy is.

    How's that "Obey!" thingy working for ya, Sarah?

  22. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I love it! Her new senator is John McCain. Ask him, La Palin. Maybe he'll finally let you do that concession speech.

  23. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Sarah Jones pointed this out.


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