Friday, June 17, 2011

All Michele Bachmann needs to do next is don a pair of Red Naughty Monkey Pumps and the transformation would be complete!

Courtesy of Media Decoder:

Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota has made a deal to publish her memoir, selling a book to Sentinel, a conservative imprint at Penguin Group USA, two people familiar with the negotiations said on Thursday.

Ms. Bachmann, a Tea Party favorite who announced her presidential candidacy during the Republican debate on Monday, has been shopping her memoir for weeks, meeting with several New York publishers to discuss a possible deal.

The book is tentatively expected to be released this fall. John Fund, a columnist for the Wall Street Journal, will assist with the writing of the book.

One person who saw Ms. Bachmann’s proposal said the book was largely biographical, an account of the formation of her political and economic ideas. Ms. Bachmann was “very impressive” in her meetings with publishers, winning over the skeptics in the room, the person said.

Look I know that people keep trying to poo poo the idea of Michele Bachmann being Sarah Palin's somewhat smarter sister, but come on!  All this woman needs is a husband who pimps out young women, a fake pregnancy, and a teen daughter who, after giving birth out of wedlock, was getting paid to talk about abstinence, and she would BE the Grizzled Mama!

By the way who buys these books? I mean after paying for Palin's bus tour, her new house in Arizona, and Bristol's brand new chin, aren't the Teabaggers just about bled dry by now?


  1. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Don't forget the Biker Bling like the oversized cross & Star of David/"Snowflake." And does SP have any tatts? She really needs one of those, too.

    I'll never forget how Bachmann ambushed George Bush in the aisle after the SOTU speech and practically gave him tongue right there. The last time Bush looked that terrified was 9/11.

    Bachmann will make a wonderful nominee. Just think how FABULOUS she'll look in those pantsuits hubby Marcus picks out for her!

  2. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Wall Street Journal is owned by NewsCorp, the parent co. of FoxNews. Think Fox is picking Michelle over Sarah?

  3. Anonymous3:34 AM

    Isn't she supposed to be representing the people of Minn? When does she find time for THAT in her very busy schedule of running for president, debates, TV appearances and interviews? I imagine her book will be laden with all sorts of religious expressions, to prove how Christian she is. The more I see of herm, the more irritating she becomes.

  4. Anonymous3:48 AM

    I'm sorry, does everyone think they need to write a "memoir," like Obama did, to become president? It's only relevant if you haven't obviously been trying to run for the presidency, or already put your name in the hat! I mean really... really?

  5. Anonymous3:54 AM

    I'm sure she'll have a chapter devoted to her phantom foster children, and another devoted to how she home schooled them all while running a business, getting her law degree and running for office. She'd better also include a chapter on her loving husband who thinks gays can be converted back if they love God enough...that will win her a vote or two. if "Going Rouge" hadn't been used, that would be a fine title. If there is such a serious recession, where does the GOP get all the disposable income for book advances and then to buy these tomes about their heroines?

  6. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Michelle Bachmann is EVERY bit as crazy as SP. She is a nutjob and she is not too bright either.

    Not bashing all christians BUT I was in the born again movement & I know that these people don't care whether these people are smart or know even the least little bit about anything outside the church doors. They say they are christian and by golly that is just good enough! They really believe that these people can do no wrong and they really CARE about them. They want our nation to be run by God.

    SP and MB both KNOW this - they are not stupid about everything (except the things that count though). They KNOW their followers don't care if they know anything. They KNOW that all you have to do is invoke a little prayer and mention Jesus and they are good to go.

    Sarah really didn't need her stilletos and short skirts. She didn't need her make me 2 cups bigger "special" bras. She didn't need to giggle, wink and act flirty. However, she does know that it brings her more attention. Maybe she did it to get the attention of the men who didn't care so much about the Jesus aspect.

  7. I think Michele Bachmann is batshit crazy, but she is also educated, genuinely hardworking, cares about kids, and doesn't quit jobs. I can never figure out why somebody like this who is obviously smart is also obviously dumb as a post and totally looney tunes. I hate to say it, but I think we do her a disservice by comparing her to ol'Sarah, who is truly dumb and truly crazy.

  8. Anonymous5:41 AM

    How much makeup does Palin wear anyway? She has freckles in some of her pictures from high school so she cannot have the olive skin that she purports. I suspect she is completely grey by now if not balding. Thank God for Bumpits--they cover bald spots and provide a holding spot for fake hair.

    I know that Bachman is crazier than a loon but I think she has a brain. And, for some reason, unlike Palin, she is actually beautiful and probably is without her makeup. Actually, she always looks really natural to me.

    Bachmann has some dignity about her. Palin looks and behaves like a fluffer at a senior citizen home. And, Bachmann lives her family values while Palin just makes it up as she goes along. I doubt any of Backmann's kids would ever think of doing anything that Palin's kids have done.

    Christ, as a kid I never behaved like the Palin kids.

  9. Anonymous6:47 AM

    And don't forget the clear glasses!

    Maybe we should all start sending a pair to Ms Bachmann.

  10. Dis Gusted6:53 AM

    . And, for some reason, unlike Palin, she is actually beautiful and probably is without her makeup. Actually, she always looks really natural to me.


    lots of plastic surgery. Evidently her surgeon is much better than SP's.

    Her education is not all it's purported to be but at least she has a degree.

  11. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Bachman may be crazy, but she's not stupid. She's well-educated, articulate, hard working, and as best I can tell, pretty authenticate and consistent. She also seems to care about the world (with some deluded ideas of how the world works, but genuinely cares about the world).

    What she doesn't have is the willingness to wink, show leg, wear provocative clothing, etc. She looks and acts like a professional. A professional with crazy ideas, but a professional. I don't know if this makes her more or less formidable an opponent.

  12. Chenagrrl7:24 AM

    I want to know about the 23 foster kids. I know from foster care and it just seems like this is a little too glib. I mean the woman is presenting herself as barely old enough for Congress, so when did these 23 foster kids pass through her household and what became of them?

  13. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Somehow, if you can't write a book by yourself (with the assistance of your editor), then to me you're not an author. You are talking into someone else's ear who shakes up all the words and then writes what s/he thinks will make the book readable. You're a contributor, not an author.

  14. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Well, Naughty Monkeys AND a pair of naughty glasses.

    There, fixed it fer ya.

    : )

  15. Anonymous9:20 AM

    John Fund assisting with the writing? That says it all! Hee hee.

    Fact check had a list posted today of many of the misstatements (lies) Bachmann has made.

    It's a good start, but there are many more outrageous exaggerations and falsehoods she's put out there. Hopefully someone somewhere is compiling a complete and total list of ALL her lies. Like Palin, she's into prevarication on a grand scale. Gees, both these females are such menaces.

    Regarding "...aren't the Teabaggers just about bled dry by now?" PAC and tea party donations are the ones known about. There's always the "suitcases full of money" that might surreptitiously appear here and there. The CONS have a highly vested interest in Palin/Bachmann survival--base/votes.

  16. Anonymous9:24 AM

  17. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I wouldnt vote for Bachmann, I dont agree with her views. But, I consider her a professional woman not a woman like Palin acting like a "Pro" if you get my drift.

    She may have had lots of plastic surgery but she doesnt look overdone like Palin. She looks like a normal woman. Palin looks like mutton trying to be lamb.

  18. Dis Gusted10:57 AM

    For six years, from 1992 to 1998, she warehoused a total of 23 special needs, pregnant, teenage girls.

  19. Anonymous11:14 AM

    She got custody of four (4) foster girls at a time - 23 total in 6 years. She didn't 'raise' them....

    They were already raised when she got them. They had their babies and then left. It's not clear if they were allowed to keep the babies or if the babies were passed through an adoption agency.

  20. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Bachman doesn't seem attractive, in any way, to me, until someone posts her photo next to Palins.

    The "debate" making her look like a viable candidate says nothing, look at the crap on stage with her?

    At least she got an education, and is a lawyer, if she needs someone other than a copy editor to write a book, I seriously doubt her command of language is any higher than her command of historical facts.

    Wonder if any of her foster gals had a down syndrone baby or a baby with a ruffled ear? Now if that's included in the book, she'll have little trouble selling it, other than that, the only market is the Christian Radical Right and the unwashed masses who watch fox and believe Sarah farts rainbows and shits skittles.

  21. Anonymous12:13 PM

    This is a book I would definitely NOT buy. Bachmann is just another tea party nut, like Palin, who doesn't have a clue, and doesn't care about the middle class and working poor majority of Americans. I wish we could learn more about all these foster children of hers, and how each one of them is doing TODAY. it is one thing to take in these kids for monetary gain, yet another to nurture and encourage them, and be interested in their progress, as you would a child you gave birth to.

    People are more than fed up with all these phoney politicians and wannabe politicians, and how they seek to "use" others for their own gain. Enough is enough already - hope that people can come forward with true facts. Thanks!!

  22. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I hope people jump on the Bachmann bandwagon because it makes Palin more irrelevant.

  23. Anonymous6:26 PM

    the state of minnesota says the average reimbursement for foster children in their state is 1786.00 per month per child.. times 23.. payed by tax payers to Ms. Bachmann.. times 12 months a year.
    that is near 40,000 a month of tax payers dollars she collects...From what she calls socialism..No wonder she hasn't adopted pays more to foster them..


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