Saturday, June 04, 2011

Another Palin sighting in Arizona.

Finally! Something on her bus that truthfully represents the Sarah Palin we all know, and loathe.


  1. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Regarding the absence of Trig: we are always (rightfully) bagging on Sarah for dragging her kids front and center. So I'm glad she isn't doing that with Trig...HOWEVER, the fact that she isn't is very peculiar, and we all know it isn't because she cares about him.

    I fee certain it is because she knows babygate is going to blow open and she is trying to minimize any pictures or worse, her mouth running out of control about him, before it all happens.

  2. Anonymous4:49 AM

    That is AWESOME!

  3. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Not Word Salady enough.

  4. I don't know about the "finally," Gryph. That "I, The Media Whore" sign on her bus accurately identified Sarah Palin's persona.

    People need to start taking seriously the fact that Sarah Palin's "word salad" is a readily observable symptom - Schizophasia - of a major mental illness - Schizophrenia.

    If Sarah Palin suffers from the severe mental illness of Schizophrenia, the last place we need to put her is behind the button that launches nuclear missiles and starts wars. And this isn't just a random opinion from someone on the other side of the political spectrum, its a clearly observable and well documented fact that Sarah confirms every time she opens her mouth.

    I don't think it does any good "hating" Sarah Palin, or attempting to place any value (or disdain) on the mish-mash that comes out of her mouth. We need to start showing more (or any) sympathy towards Sarah, and hope that she receives some help for this serious mental illness.

  5. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Here are some ideas for the next leg of the "trail" "Does this bumpit make my BRAIN look big?" "Guess how many grandchildren I have now?" "Bristol should have stayed and googled Paul Revere for me. It is NOT my fault I got it wrong" "Let's see how Victoria Jackson would do on a trail like this"

    'guess how many grandchildren I have now?"

  6. Anonymous5:29 AM

    4:52 The powers that be at Fox should be held accountable for this insane woman. McCain did not vet her at all, trying to pretend that she is qualified for president now makes him look like an even bigger fool than we knew he was. This should be a wake up call to repubs. that the powers that be only want a warm body in the WH, not an intelligent person who wants what is best for the country. All the so-called "journalists" at Fox (yes, you Greta, Bill-O, Hannity) are making asses of themselves. Interviewing this crazy woman, and pretending to take her idiotic answers seriously. They are demeaning themselves each time they do this.

  7. Anonymous6:35 AM

    lbts.. I don't "hate" Granny. Contempt is closer to the mark, and the sooner she is behind bars or in a mental asylum the better.

    I don't "pity" her either. Many people struggle every day with a heavier burden and less resources. Do they think they ought to be president of the US? Do they think stealing and lying is clever? Do they hold grudges for years and years over any remark that does not flatter them?

    If the elders of Emmonak asked for food and fuel during a difficult winter, what kind of person (who's JOB is to care for all the people of the state) would sit on her hands and turn a blind eye while children went to bed cold and hungry?

  8. Chenagrrl7:07 AM

    Bless you Anonymous at 6:35. I too thought she "sat on her hands when it came to the fuel issue in western villages.

    Then, when Samaritan's Purse showed up for its 15 minutes of effort, she made it on the plane, bumpit and all.

    Absolutely, disgusting. Bill Egan, Mike Stepovich, Jay Hammond, would have organized an airlift and gotten the state behind them. She was just shameful! It was at that point that I began to seriously question her leadership ability.

  9. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I feel as though I keep having to apologize for my state's insanity and Sarah's arrival in the state confirms the worst about us. We are not all like Brewer, Pearce, Arpaio, Trent Franks, Quayle et al even though it seems that way on a regular basis. Again, I'm sorry USA for our crazy right wing contingent. After all, we do have champions like Gabrielle Giffords, Daniel Hernandez and those like them who love and promote the best in our state.

  10. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Trig's wearing a tee shirt that says "I'm with Stupid" while Sarah flings her monkey poo in a desperate attempt to dodge the floodgates when Babygate goes viral.
    I think she's in hyper-manic phase bracing herself for the fallout.

  11. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Totally off-topic, but check out this video of someone with more dancing ability than Bristol Palin. You'll be glad you did.

  12. Anon 6:35 keep reminding us of Emmonak, I try to also. Sarah yells about how Christian she is, but when it became her job to feed the hungry and shelter the cold, she refused to move until embarrassed by real Christians and non-Crhistians the world over who were doing what she wouldn't.


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