Saturday, June 04, 2011

Bill Maher, and his panel, have a field day with the carnage that resulted from Sarah Palin's bus tour.

Look how HARD Melissa Harris-Perry laughs at Sarah Palin's ridiculous misstatement about Paul Revere.

Take notice Palin-bots, that is how EVERYBODY reacted to that clip.  No matter how hard the idiots over at the Sea O'Pee try to bullshit their way out of this, Palin is a complete dumb fuck, and every time she opens her mouth she is doing her opponents work for them.

In other words NONE of us ever have to really "make things up" about Palin or her family.  All we have to do is bring the truth about them out for everybody to see.

And do you know who I consider my most important source?  Here's a hint, she spent the last couple of days handing out autographed copies of a document that she does not even understand.

(BTW if that hint was too vague for you then go ahead and  click that link up above and you will find a community of people who will never make you feel like the dumb kid in class again.)

(H/T to Mediaite for the clip.)


  1. Anonymous7:55 AM

    All u smarty pants elites are wrong granny quitter got the story right just ask c4peepee

  2. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Sarah's bus tour was a Train Wreck.

    Biker bitch to Paul Revere... pure comedy gold.

  3. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Maher, he just nailed it so right. There were so many parts of it that made me laugh out loud. The part about wearing the Star of David with the bikers was great though.

  4. Anonymous8:10 AM

    This clip was a total riot, the queen of idiots has provided a lifetime of material for comedians. She's cheap and easy and never ceases to amuse.

  5. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Melissa is my FAVORITE - so incredibly smart and introspective. She is the anti-Palin. And yes, that is the best example of Sarah Palin's Stupidity on Parade that I have seen in ages. Quit makin' shit up Sarah!

  6. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Well, Dumb is as Dumb does!

  7. Anonymous8:17 AM


    Don't go to the Sea of Pee unless you have a really, really strong stomach. These people are all about saying Sara nailed what really happened during Paul Revere's ride. They are telling the rest of us that we are wrong and Sare was right on the money. Did I say money? Freudian slip. She's going back to regroup in AZ? Probably just to count the money that came in and decide if it's enough to get them through until the next stop. She'll keep traveling because she needs the money and I'm guessing the speaking engagements aren't coming fast enough or the book royalties aren't big enough to feed the monster she's created.

    "I need more money, click the button. Do you know how much gas costs for this freaking bus? And five star hotels? And that Star of David? I got it from a street vendor who told me it was 24 carrot gold and he'd let me have a deal so I had to Jew him down and that made me feel really good, haggling over a Star of David. Is that called irony. But it still cost me a fortune. MY GOD people, if you want to see and hear me you better pony up and make the checks larger than before because I can't live like I deserve, hell, money's so tight I can't even fly home (on a borrowed airplane - whose is it anyway?) and visit my precious grandchildren, er child and grandchild - what? You say Tripp is just minutes away right here in AZ? That can't be right. I thought he was in Los Wasilla."

    Time out while she takes her meds. She'll be back soon


  8. Spudnuts8:25 AM

    Where can I get a blueprint of Palin's brain? I'm building an idiot!

  9. Anonymous8:26 AM

    "She should be in summer school!" Hilarious and so true!

  10. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Melissa's observation that we've all seen way too much "reality" television, and our sensibilities warped because of it, is frighteningly spot on.

    Its the first real explanation that has any credibility, of WHY so many of us would even entertain a notion of making such idiots our PRESIDENT.

  11. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I encourage anyone who has not read articles at C4P to go read the linked one. It is shocking.

    Isn't Palin's answer casting him like her going through the countryside making alot of noise about freedom, taking rights awY from independent people, taking guns away?

    Time will tell if she mangles history using historical figures to brand herself as the consummate patriot as if our federal government is British rule.

    Hilarious to see the side by side photos of the oversized cross and star of David.

  12. Anonymous8:31 AM

    This clip was priceless - yet scary. The amount of coverage this ignorant woman gets is an indication that our country is indeed in trouble. Maher's ending comment says it all.

    As a mother of 2 college students, I worry about their future. I've fought my own battle against cancer, now the country needs to fight the cancer of Sarah Palin. If she were ever to get a national position - I will leave this country that I love.

    Life is difficult enough; Sarah Palin (for all her stupidity) makes me ashamed that someone of her caliber has a minute of press-time.

  13. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Oh so TRUE Gryphen! In a way, your work here is so zen... just observe, and notice how what she SAYS she stands for is so at odds with her material actions.

    But please do not lose the humor and snark. I appreciate being able to laugh at this woman, in between gasping in horror at the way she uses her children, husband, state and nation.

  14. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Bashir is right, Olbermann is correct, majority of people are spot on. palin is the biggest idiot on the planet.

    The egomaniac and her hillbully dysfunctional family are fucking walking jokes, and they don't understand the jokes' on them...tragic, embarrassing jokes.


  15. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I can't wait to incrementally watch her little propaganda film. This is going to be a bigger mess! : )


  16. She has two brain cells left and one is giving life support to the other.

  17. Anonymous9:01 AM

    So Abby Normal did get implanted in someone. Mel Brooks was right on albeit a bit early. Keep reloading and not retreating Sara. Off to Iowa and South Carolina to educated them folks and destroy the Repub primaries. Think she's hoping to cause enough chaos to force them to let her run on her terms? I await the Republican responses. I'm pretty sure she won't get too far when things get serious unless they are all gutless cowards. Someone simply needs to fire the first shot, metaphorically of course. Once they all bear down on her the quitter will run for cover and blame the media for ruining her vacation. Be nice if she showed up and the MSM actually had the guts to ignore her and focus on the real candidates for a change but that's asking too much of them sheeples

  18. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I know it's been said before, but Sarah's "Paul Revere" story is just soooo similiar to the Frank Elan tape where she discusses her "tight abs". The sing-song delivery, the un-eye contact, lyin' and bullshittin' her way through it.
    Someone should splice those together.

  19. Virginia Voter9:05 AM

    Ha, even the Republican dude from NY immediately disowns Sarah as one of them.

    The wearing of the Star of David in NY was mortifying. Does Sarah think all New Yorkers are Jews??

    It took a few days, but the press finally got the new Katie Couric interview 2.0 out of this ridiculous trip

  20. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Sarah Palin has successfully neutered herself.

  21. Anonymous9:05 AM

    At the pee pond this clip is absolute truth Palin is doing what she said which is teaching history.

    I can't wait to see Tina Fey impersonate Sarah the history teacher on the family vacation. Will it be Jewish mama or biker chick idiot wearing long leather coat and heels.

  22. Anonymous9:07 AM

    When can we change the C4P to CPR? She sure seems to need something. Reminds me of an aging beauty queen running hither and yon desperately seeking attention. Wait! She is an aging beauty queen. Never mind

  23. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Melissa's laugh was genuine...cracked me up! Love Bill as he totally has Palin nailed and I'll wager he'd like to say other things about her, but doesn't.

    Palin screwed herself even more on her bus 'trail' vacation - her words! And, poor, poor Piper - she couldn't have worse parents.

  24. Anonymous9:11 AM

    When Palin starts a sentence, she has absolutely no idea where it is going. She begins with the word "He," and then her lone neuron fires and she adds the word "who." Who the fuck talks like that? I am fifty years old, and don't think I have ever started a sentence with "He who" in my entire life.

    Then, she needed a verb. What did "He who" do? With her brain bouncing around her empty head like a ping-pong ball in a clothes dryer - we have a winner: "warned!" Got it? "He who warned!" Subject (sort of) and verb! Now we're getting somewhere, and putting that communications degree to good use, also too.

    But warned is a transitive verb, and needs an object. So who or what did "He who" warn? Looooooong pause while she rummages around that sock drawer of a skull. Wasn't there something about the British way back then? Maybe he warned them? What the fuck, I could start clucking like a chicken and my followers would swear off eggs for a year. So yeah, "He who warned the British."

    Wait a minute, though. "He who" was a real American. Why would he warn the British about anything? Damn! Took a wrong turn on that verb. But let's keep going anyway. God opened this door so let's plow on through, right? If the British were the bad guys, what could a real American warn them about? Quick palm check - there's the word "guns" written there, so let's make it about guns. Okay you Limey motherfuckers, just try taking away our guns and our precious freedoms to let our children shoot themselves in our own homes.

    By this time, the Palin train is picking up steam and the words are actually coming together with some rhythm, even if they are complete bullshit. Uh-oh! There's a bend in the track ahead, so let's slow down a bit. Listen to the way she makes the word "town" have three syllables. But once she makes it back to the straightaway, she can just recycle a bunch of bullshit from the first half of the statement (arms, freedom, more arms).

    There's stupid; there's really stupid; and then there's Sarah Palin. But I'd have to say that there's a fourth level of stupid beyond that: if you're a Palin supporter, then you are absolutely the dumbest of the dumb.

  25. Anonymous9:15 AM

    When Sarah rolled out her tour bus and called it a family vacation, it was obvious that she was looking for attention. But Willow, Piper, and maybe even Todd believed her and actually thought they were going on a family vacation to have some time with their mom/ wife. Now wonder they got angry when it turned into a reality show.

  26. Anonymous9:24 AM

    What' even more interesting 'Piper is right there and doesn't even flinch.
    That is probably about the level of quality of education she has received.

    Note that as as soon as she shit on a fellow republican she ran home and hid.
    Sarah will not appear on Romney's short or even long list of possible Cabinet ministers. Though ambassador to the Central Africa Republic might do her a lot of good, but not so much good for the Republic.

  27. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Anonymous said...
    The part about wearing the Star of David with the bikers was great though.
    8:02 AM

    Yes. And somebody needed to start point out the obvious.
    That Star of David only appears when it is politically correct to wear it.

  28. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Maybe she's been getting her US History from one of those new "revised" Texas schoolbooks.

  29. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Her Presidential bid slogan (Clinton's was two Clintons for theprice of one)-
    Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest for maximu leadership.
    Your vote counts three times.
    Get three times the value for you tax dollars.
    Three idiot's minds are better than one.
    Even all three Witches of Endor didn't have the recipe for success that Sarah does.

  30. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Gryphen... work harder.

    If she ever gets to Whitehouse.. the first Predator drone strike will be real close to your house..

  31. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Hey, where'd Palin go? Game Off, I guess, after 5 days. What a trooper she is. (NOT)

  32. kilob9:39 AM

    Sarah Palin is not an idiot, she's mentally ill. She has a combination of Scizophrenia and Schizophasia

    In the mental health field, schizophasia, commonly referred to as word salad, is confused, and often repetitious, language that is symptomatic of various mental illnesses.[1]

    It is usually associated with a manic presentation and other symptoms of serious mental illnesses, such as psychosis, including schizophrenia. It is characterized by an apparently confused usage of words with no apparent meaning or relationship attached to them. In this context, it is considered to be a symptom of a formal thought disorder. In some cases schizophasia can be a sign of asymptomatic schizophrenia; e.g. the question "Why do people believe in God?" could elicit a response consisting of a series of words commonly associated with religion or prayer but strung together with no regard to language rules.

    Schizophasia should be contrasted with another symptom of cognitive disruption and cognitive slippage involving certain idiosyncratic arrangements of words. With this symptom, the language may or may not be grammatically correct depending on the severity of the disease and the particular mechanisms which have been impacted by the disease

  33. Melissa Harris-Perry couldn't be any cuter! It cracked me up listening to her laugh.

    Normally, watching anything Palin is painful and something to avoid. And, yet, I keep playing Palin's Paul Revere clip over and over and over. May this be the end of both her faux campaign and political commentary.

  34. Anonymous9:53 AM

    She's running, she's running--back to AZ. Game OFF.

  35. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Someone said the British want a "do over" since they had NO idea Paul Revere was trying to warn THEM.

  36. Anonymous10:03 AM

    RE: Schizophasia. Listen, I am the first to say Sarah Palin cannot string together a coherent thought, but what that is referring to is the kind of rambling, disjointed language patterns of the chronically mentally ill. As in, people who are mumbling nonsense on the street or those who are repeatedly committed to psych wards.

    This language disorder is far more severe than Sarah Palin tripping over her words because she hasn't a clue what she is even talking about.

    She's not a schizophrenic, either. She probably has some sort of personality disorder, emotional problems galore, and perhaps even bi-polar disorder and/or a substance abuse problem. These are very different, and I don't even think she is schizo-affective. Delusional, yes.

    Sorry, but I know something about this and I get uncomfortable when this kind of mis-information gets bandied about.

  37. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I cannot imagine how Palin's kids handle all this negative media about their mother. You'd think that Palin would stop this charade to PROTECT her kids. But, to her ALL coverage (positive and negative) is just 'more' coverage that feeds her huge ego.

    But, then I forgot - per Willow and Piper - the media ruins things for's what they've been told by their horrible parents.

    Sarah and Toad have brought this all on themselves and have no one to blame but themselves. They are not the people they elude being.

  38. Anonymous10:11 AM


    brilliant analysis!

  39. Able Mabel10:13 AM

    I predict that Granny LuLu will soon be collaborating with David Barton and Mike Huckabee to do a series of books and dvds about Paul Revere.

  40. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Say what you want about Palin. McCain STILL thinks she can beat Obama in 2012!!! He is as nuts as she is, unless he just will not admit that she was a HUGE mistake on his part. McCain, Murdoch and Ailes should HAVE to explain what is so special about this dumb cluck that she gets so much air time and publicity. Fox pays her $1 million a year for this CRAP.

  41. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign10:18 AM

    Her week was so bad it was almost like a cartoon. Maybe it is a cartoon - hell, I don't know anymore since my up is down and down is up and left is right and right is left and I can't remember how to count anymore, and BTW can anyone remember the order of the months every year and aren't there seasons, too?

    Take a minute out of your day and yell "Blam Blam, Ring Ring!" It sort of helps drown out the stupid.

  42. Anonymous10:20 AM

    ha! she's know trying to blackmail the GOP?

  43. Anonymous10:25 AM

    On Hannity: After demonstrating a shocking ignorance of Paul Revere, Palin lectures Fox viewers the importance Of being “In Touch With Our Nation’s History”

  44. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Sometimes I think of the Untouchables, the part where Al Capone is talking about Ness and screams:

    "I want him dead"

    Makes me wonder if there are days Sara sits around with her handlers all nodding numbly as she screams for your head and that of several other bloggers who keep bringing up the unfortunate truths of her lies

  45. Anonymous10:34 AM

    9:11: WELL DONE!!!!!

  46. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Its so simple.
    Senator--App $200,000 per year
    Potus----App $400,000 per year

    To run for either she has to give up-

    SarahPac-App $5,000,000 per year
    Fox News-App $1,000,000 per year

    Do the math


  47. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Brilliant! More please!

  48. Anonymous10:46 AM

    The truth about sarah is hard to accept. Don´t blame the messenger. Gryphen did not put those words in sarah´s mouth.

    McCain knows sarah is unfit for office. He also knows she is very fragile and may not be able to take much more. Some of those people accompanying her on the bus tour were babysitting sarah. People are worried about her.

    Isn´t it obvious?

    sarah cannot take care of herself, let alone her children.

    Enough with the death threats. sarah, and sarah alone, is responsible. She has gone rogue on the very people who actually care about her.

  49. Irishgirl10:46 AM

    @Anon at 9.11
    I laughed heartily at your post. It was sublime.

  50. Next thing shel'll have Paul Revere being chased by some British guy on a large steed with a long flowing cape and a Jack-O-lantern for a head. DUFUS!!

  51. Gryphen, did you notice in the Palin 'n Paul Revere video when Sarah was blathering, she did the same slow-blink, batting-eyelashes, coy-little-girl-voice routine she did in the Elan Frank video when she thumped her chair-padded stomach?

  52. Knowing how sensitive she is to slights and criticism, the reaction to her Revere blunder has to be driving her out of her crazy-ass mind. I can picture the rant in my mind.

    I also noticed, and posted this elsewhere, that her inflection on that piece of fiction was exactly how she sounded in the video with Frank Elan- the one where she patted her square belly and talked about how she "hid it because my abs were tight, and I could hide it..." Anyone else notice this?

    She speaks a very peculiar way when she telling a whopper of a lie, or she's speaking of something she does not know.

  53. Anonymous11:42 AM

    To the people writing about how Sarah can't speak. I think that the problem is twice as bad as you are describing. Sarah has problems receiving information and processing it. The result that we see is that she doesn't know what she's talking about, literally.

    She was in Paul Revere's house, surrounded by signs and information. She must have just gotten the lecture that as Revere rode into each town, they townspeople summoned everybody by ringing church bells. They had not other communication system. But, Paul Revere didn't ring the bells, and his signal was (were) the lanterns in the North Church Tower.

    Sarah didn't understand what they had just told her, couldn't sort it out and it came out as a jumble. That is why she really does have to write stuff on her hands. She has no way to sort things out. Revere didn't warn the British. He warned that the British soldiers were coming to take away the arms of other British subjects, The Patriots.

    Sarah's problem is that she has no knowledge or understanding of how all of those British people got there in the first place. Why some of them were against others, and what their grievances were, besides taxation. (There was a list, you betcha). She is incapable of taking past history lessons and relating them to the story she was just told about Paul Revere.

    In a way, we have reached an important place in discussing Sarah Palin. She asked everyone not to be critical of Trig. And, now I have to explain to you that Sarah was born this way. Chuck Heath couldn't break her to his will (his words). Her brain does not know how to sort incoming information, process it and make it available when she needs to remember who Paul Revere was. There is no way that Sarah can explain anything, because she simply can't.

  54. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I absolutely adore Melissa...she is so smart! I try to watch Maher when I's on pretty late in our area, so often wait and watch it later.

    As much as I like many of the things he says (especially about religion) I always have this little niggling in the back on my brain, reminding me that he and Ann Coulter were/are an "item". How smart can he be if he found that person attractive in any way? How much of what he says is like her, just said to get attention? I find her the most lothesome person ever...right up there with Babawawa and Mrs. Todd Palin....true Media Whores.

  55. Anonymous12:03 PM

    9:11 I think that was even funnier than the Maher segment. I have to ask... are you a professional comedy writer? That was truly brilliant!! xo

  56. Okay, that's it.

    The next time any reporter approaches SP they NEED to hand her a BLANK MAP of the UNITED STATES and STAND THERE, FILMING HER until she completes it.

    If you think you'd have trouble, well, work on it...but you did not Already Run for Vice President of the United States, did you?

  57. Anonymous12:22 PM



    Comic Genius...........

    I do hope you are writing and getting paid for it, that riff was brilliant........I simply can't stop laughing.

    Paylin is the gift that keeps on giving.

  58. Beldar Sigmund Conehead12:25 PM

    C'mon, Gryphen. Dont you think calling the screechy wretch "a complete dumb fuck" is just a teeny bit harsh? Sure it's 100% irrefudiatably true, but just a teeny tiny bit harsh? As much as I dislike her I can always find something nice to say about her...

    (Nah, I'm just funnin' ya... I haven't had a single positive thought on her behalf since Gramps McCain cynically foisted her on the Lower 48 in 2008...)

    But I do have a prediction: the growing number of references to 'mental illness' as a way of explaining her erratic behavior will trigger a baffling and unwarranted barrage of attacks on our president's mental health. (They already call him a moron to try to counterbalance her stupidity, for example)

    The objective being to create a collective shoulder shrug among low-info voters figuring "them there politicians is all a bit unhinged. At least our'n is white!" and hopefully dismissing the mounting evidence that the screechy wretch has "stripped a gear" or two. Watch for it....

  59. Anonymous12:26 PM

    No wonder $P hightailed it on back to AZ. Alaskans don't want her and the British are coming! (Will & Kate, of course :)

    Hey Sare, how's that celebrity-thingy workin' out fer ya?

  60. Anonymous12:30 PM

    The ruse of having a "family vacation" has been thrown under the bus. No mention of "family vacation" in AZ airport video, ditto in Hannity-SP interview, posted at Sorry Piper.

    Those little white squares reflecting off her glasses and the fact that there is less word salad in the Hannity interview suggests to me that she must be reading off a teleprompter.

    So why did she cut the bus tour short? Any ideas?

  61. Anonymous12:30 PM

    @ 9:11 AM

    That analysis was pure gold and hilarious to boot. Excellent job!

  62. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Anon 10:03 AM

    Thank you for your post. Saved me having to do it. :D

    This matters, folks. There is plenty to be said about SP without making long-distance diagnoses from wikipedia.

  63. Anonymous12:45 PM

    9:03am said...

    I know it's been said before, but Sarah's "Paul Revere" story is just soooo similiar to the Frank Elan tape where she discusses her "tight abs". The sing-song delivery, the un-eye contact, lyin' and bullshittin' her way through it.
    Someone should splice those together.

    I was going to say the same thing. Also, too, notice how she slowly open and closes her eyes...It is the same as the video. I have noticed for awhile now that she does that eye thing when she is lying.

    It would be a great post to put the two video's together.

  64. DaleinSanAngelo12:46 PM

    “I look forward to the vigorous debate that will no doubt ensue.” But she turns down the invitation to the CNN debate. I think her Paul Revere history lesson was the nail in the coffin. She immediately went into hiding after that debacle. I predict she will be released by FOX in the near future, and without them she will not have a friendly platform

  65. Anonymous12:51 PM

    It is kind of hard to see her do the eye thing because of her glasses, but here is the video...

  66. @9:11- Gasman, is that you? That has your beautiful stamp written all over that post! If it isn't, someone is giving you a run for your money on those gorgeous Palin rants of yours!

  67. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Check out the Time photographer's photo of Sarah's feet. Her toes are beginning to curl. Didn't that happen when Dorothy's house fell on a witch in Oz?

    Watch out Arizona! These things are going to be put into sandals and on display in your state. You can thank John McCain for that. Oh, that's right, you guys elect him. Karma.

  68. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Family Vacation??? The bus exterior resembled "Greyhound" or "FedEx" marketing. I have visited 20 states and three foreign counties. The only vehicle identification required is a valid registration and license plate. Passenger names are not required on the exterior. This trip was for marketing and nothing less.

    Sarah Palin is an idiot and we all know that. Some other moron came up with this vacation bus idea. What worries me is the identity of the other morons handling her chain.

    I don't give a rat’s ass about anything John McCain has to say. He may be an educated version of Sarah and was outed when SP was chosen as a running mate.

    Piper is an over grown brat who showed SP's bad parenting skills. This blog has been trying to point out those parenting deficiencies forever. Finally I have an understanding of what was said.

    The whole world (including her chain handlers) is laughing at SP.

  69. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Anon @ 9:11 You made my day.

  70. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Where is Trig? Six days is a long time for a 3 year old to be with out a mom, or even grand parents. I wish the press would look into this. She could do so much good by sharing his progress, or lack of it. What a disservice to the community of DS parents to act like life goes on as normal in the family.

  71. Anonymous1:51 PM

    10:03 is right. Sarah does not have schizoapasia. I have worked with people with that disorder and although she speaks in a word salad it is not the same thing. I've seen this posted a lot lately and it's just wrong. She is not schizophrenic either.

    She could be bi polar and/or have a personality disorders, but you can't diagnosis someone without knowing their entire history and family, etc.

  72. @9:11



  73. Anonymous1:57 PM

    When Stupid Sarah "went to 5 colleges", did she actually enroll in any classes or just walk across the grounds? For that matter, did she ever attend/graduate elementary school? Maybe grandpappy Heath just flew over all of them with her!


    This is the pathetic moron who claims to be doing the bus tour to "edjukate amurakans"?

    Am I in the Twilight Zone or is this just a horrible, extended nightmare?

  74. Anonymous2:01 PM

    9:11, you are brilliant! You've got her completely pegged.

  75. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I'd sure like to be the proverbial fly on the wall watching/listening to her handlers trying to coach, albeit POUND stuff into her head, AGAIN for "Round Two" if there even CAN be one.

    You're a LAUGHING STOCK, Your Heinous. Grab those $$ from your ignorant cult while you can.

    I know you can spend that PAC money as you see fit until you declare. I suggest INTENSE psychotherapy.

  76. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Sarah "We Tell the Truth" Palin

    Palin talking about the President:
    “He’s not just misstating, he’s not just misconstruing…he’s lying…”

  77. Anonymous2:10 PM

    The C for P people are shocking. They sound delusional and I feel sorry for them because they clearly idolize her and are headed for a big fall.
    They truly believe Sarahs version of Paul Revere is correct. They think she is a scholar and brilliant and that President Obama will be a cinch to crumble in a debate. They think he, the one who graduated from Harvard, is stupid.

    Their post about Fox turning on Palin is mind- boggling. They all hate Fox which I found so interesting. They think Sarah is the only star and r now there is a concentrated effort to get her to quit Fox. Roger Ailes doesnt want Sarah to run for President because she refuses to be Aile's puppet. They are nuts. Truly there is something wrong with them and It's amazing to read their comments.

    If you go there, swig some whisky first. A lot of it.

  78. Anonymous 9:11. I teach advanced grammar in college, and adored your linguistic analysis of Palin's thought processes! Just lovely. During the 2008 campaign, my students and I would shout at the TV, please, a finite verb, please.

  79. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I have a little sharing to do, G! first let me say that my MIL and me are as close as "real" mother and daughter and she is my sole babygate ally in my family. My hubby is a great man. But he doesn't GET why babygate is so important to me. But ohhhhh my fiesty MIL does.
    So on with my sharing. Sorry if it's long but I don't want to leave anything out.
    Gryphen, I had to come tell you before I even unpacked! Noooo this is not any scandalous gossip or new information, but it IS f*cking hilarious!
    My MIL and I were on a layover yesterday, flying to our new town while my husband and two teenage sons drove a uhaul & trailer to our new-to-us house. My MIL sprang for first class upgrade since they said several seats were open, and since she had about 300k unused points. I was excited bc I had never even been in business class.
    So I'm marveling at how comfy the seats are and just as I whisper to my MIL "I want to LIVE here, it is sooo cool and comfy!" she is throwing glances up and to the left. I was not getting it so she finally said "SARAH PALIN!" and points.
    She knows I loathe SP with the fire of a thousand arson torched churches. Immediately I decided it was my chance, I'm going to get out my iPad, load up "a tale of two babies" and ask her if she's got a moment. My MIL said not to do it if Piper was with her, so I decided to get up and 'accidentally' wander the wrong way to the restroom, figuring I'll eyeball SP, walk through the curtain, and be told by a flight attendant on the other side that I have my own restroom in first class & can turn around. Easy peezy, right....
    I walk by SP and note with glee that it seems NONE of her family is with her. I suppose she could have stuck them in coach? But I did not recognize anyone she was near and she wasn't talking to them so I think she was traveling alone.
    And here is where my heart started to beat so fast I could hear blood rushing in my ears:
    There is SARAH PALIN, with a blackberry in one hand and a tablet computer in the other (not an iPad, I think...or if it is, it doesn't look like mine)...and GET....THIS....
    THEY ARE ***Both*** turned to IM!!!!
    I totally lost my nerve AND composure and I'm pretty sure SP thought I zoomed by her, turning red, bc I was "in the presence of greatness" or something...but since I now know FOR A FACT she reads here, I can tell her straight up: Sarah, you crazy bitch...are you so obsessed with Gryphen you have to read IM on two screens at the same time?!?

    I really wish I had kept up my nerve...but I suddenly was irrationally scared that I'd be thrown out of first class for messing with SP and my MIL has been saving those rewards for ages and I didn't want to "waste" first class...I'm sorry folks, I just froze:(
    We got off before she did so I couldn't see if she was really traveling alone or not. My MIL and I spent the last 30 mins daring each other to give SP a note that said "Free TRIG" and THEN I was just sure I was going to come up with some funny way to mention to her (SP not my MIL) that she should watch "School House Rocks" to help with her "problem" (bc of the whole Revere thing)
    But I never came up with anything:(
    As we were deplaning my MIL rightly said if you don't take this chance and say SOMEthing, you will be so mad at yourself...
    So as I was gathering my purse and iPad bag my MIL said "did you enjoy first class?" and I said verrrrry loud "next time I'll take time to relax and not READ SO MUCH IMMORAL MINORITY!!!" and my MIL "caught it" and said in that wonderful older-lady (sorry, Ma) hard-of-hearing gruff bostonian tone "don't fawlt yuh-self, that Gryphen is such a SEXY BAS-TID!"
    And then my MIL and I hauled ass like we'd just rung the principal's doorbell & left a bag of poo!

    HI SARAH! it's 2011. Banana clip-REALLY?!

  80. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I bet she's plotting how to best upstage Will and Kate when they come for their state visit.

  81. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I'd love to see 9:11's comment over on the sea-0-piss "site"


  82. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Anon 10:46 I don't understand your post I really don't.

    What death threats??

    Who was baby sitting her? If she is so unstable why is she out there doing a bus tour?? And she went rogue on who?

    Sorry I am being sincere. Can you elaborate??

  83. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Gryphen, I understand if you don't put this comment through. I just love Sadie and Levi both...I think Sadie has been a victim of the Palins and I think Levi has been victim of the Palins AND that "who's on first?" duo debacle which "oversee his interests".

    I am 100 percent team Sadie, team Levi. DOES seem right now that Sadie is just...stringing us along. To state once again that the gloves are off, she's gonna TALK...and then not only NOT talk but doesn't put through comments since yesterday?

    I believe her intentions are pure. But maybe you need to have a blogger-ly word with her about how SAYING she will talk...and then NOT talking...IS going to make sone people think she is in the Palins' pocket.

    Sadie, if you read will never, EVER win with Bristol. She's jealous God gave you a lovely face, sparkling eyes, and a slamming body which hasn't had as many pregnancies as it has pedicures. She will NEVER forgive you for being "better".

    Just say what you know while people are willing to pay for it...if Bristol makes hundreds of thousands for telling lies...SOMEONE should make something off the TRUTH, right?!

  84. California Dreamin'2:37 PM


    Fucking brilliant!! I was ROTFLMAO!

    Seriously, though, it seems like she's on some or some other downer in that clip.

  85. AJ Billings2:38 PM

    This video is a longer excerpt taken before the now infamous Paul Revere blowout.

    It and has some shots of Palin sticking her tongue out with her lips nearly shut, and closing her eyes like she's on Ecstasy or some designer drug.

    go to

    Turn off the sound, and start it playing, At about 18 seconds, pause it, and then click forward 1 second at a time.

    She is licking her lips, sticking out her tonque, and closing her eyes exactly like stoners do at a rave, or like she’s on speed and her mouth is dry. It’s a very peculiar thing for someone who knows they are on camera.

  86. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Holy kerapp, this is depressing. You've heard the expression "I didn't know whether to laugh or cry", right?

    Well I SERIOUSLY do not know which to do. Sure, it's funny as hell- "oh, hum, well, see...Paulie got on his horsey, see...because he had to let the British know their arms weren't gonna be taken! Or their LEGS! And he just got on his gorse there, any of the horses, all of the horses that were put in front of him..."

    But then how miserably, truly depressing is it that a semi-large contingent of Americans think this imbecile can LEAD us?! She doesn't know the "little golden book" of American history! Can you imagine her dealing with heads of state?

    "well sir, what I always wondered about eye-ran, is where did you run to? Because I too am a runner, see..."

    "so nice to meet you, I tried to find the rosetta stone for 'african' on ebay but I guess it was sold out..."

    "Pipe, you wanna press this here big red button in mr putin's office?"

    I mean...LORD. I have to laugh or I really WILL cry.

  87. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Anon at 2:15 w/ the airplane story - Hahahaha!! PS Hi Sarah!

  88. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Sarah with Chris Wallace tomorrow on Fox News Sunday, whaddya think he will lob her way?

    We've all seen the spin now re the Revere babble, and the counter from C4P and others. Methinks Sarah is gonna run with some version of the spin that she was only telling it like it really was.

    But...isn't it interesting that C4P is hitting Faux News, yet that is still Sarah's mainstay of fair and balanced viewership? At some point, some one from Fox is not gonna lob her softballs. I think tomorrow may be the day.

    Stay tuned....

  89. Irishgirl3:02 PM

    Now, I am laughing at the comments at 2.15.

  90. Anonymous3:02 PM

    @2:15 That is EFFIN hilarious!!! Thanks SO SO much for sharing.

    HI Scarah you ol' crusty-crotch harpie! tick-tock, tick-tock...

    Gryphen is a real AMERICAN HERO; EVERYONE with a brain LOVES HIM! He saved the USA from YOU AND ALL OF YOUR ENDLESS LIES & CONS!

  91. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Well she's retreated for now but she's sure to rear her head into our airspace again before the carnage is over.

  92. California Dreamin'3:07 PM

    OMG 2:15 that is hilarious!!!! You and your MIL rock!!!!

  93. Anonymous3:11 PM

    "Where is Trig? ... She could do so much good by sharing his progress..."

    She will, now that she's read here that she should.

  94. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Gryphen, you need to erase the sick message about Mercede that anonymous troll has left on your blog. Nuff said.

  95. Anonymous3:29 PM

    @ Anon 2:15pm...friggin hilarious!...

  96. Anonymous3:34 PM

    @ 2:21 PM

    I'd love to see 9:11's comment over on the sea-0-piss "site"
    I would post it there with no hesitation but they've blocked me from commenting.

    Really would love to see 9:11's brilliant post on every Pro-Palin site.

  97. Anonymous3:34 PM

    RE: Will and Kate. I'm sure Sara will either A) try to upstage them by showing up in LA or B) Try to meet with them for a "State" dinner while they're there. I think we can be assured she will try to steal the moment. She can't resist or curb her own sense of importance

    "Of course they will be thrilled to meet with me. They won't get another chance until I'm President and then I won't meet with them because they aren't important enough. I'll bring Bristol so we can make Kate realize what a dog she is, nothing compares to my Bristol's beauty = even though the guy hacked her face up pretty bad she's still more beautiful than that skinny...."

  98. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I don't know what 10:46 was referring to; but I will tell you that I know Sally and Chuck are exhausted from all the crazy. Anytime a camera caught Sally, she looked like she looks out here in the Valley - like she's aged 20 years in the past three years.

    I think in her heart of hearts she now knows she was being very enabling of Sarah for so many years - and that Sarah is now totally out of control.

    I spoke with a close family friend - it's was last fall - but she said that even some of Sarah's family members have tried to get honest with her -- and she'll have none of it. She's doing what she wants. Period. It's like she's gone rouge on herself. Weird.

    There is no one in her world she listens to. No one.

  99. Anonymous3:41 PM

    @ anon 2:15pm - That is classic.

    Hi, Sarah, you pitiful, brain-dead lunatic! How does it feel to get thrown under the bus by Fox, the GOP, and your own family? Those tires are going to leave some permanent marks. But it is really fun to watch.

    Thanks for the laughs!

  100. Anonymous4:07 PM

    "It is nice to take a break here and kind of regroup, and get back out on the trail and show people America's great historical sites," said Palin. CBS News, June 4

    Her Political-Action-Committee-paid vacation is to show people historical sites.

    Huh. And she's doing that, how, exactly? Her website? By video? Through journalists?

    Does she have any true understanding of the millions of annual visitors to America's historical sites?
    How odd and contrary and dissonant to be lectured by a woman who has vacationed in Hawaii a number of times, but has _never_ been to historical sites and museums.

    Not as a child of Chuck and Sally Heath and preceding generations that live in Washington state and Idaho. (Although she did tell journalists that she had been to camp and visit relatives in Arizona as a child.)
    And not as a parent. Her own children don't go to museums and art institutions, don't participate in school-sponsored travel like Close-Up and Model U.N., and STILL haven't been to America's historical sites!

    Hey, Sarah! Family First! Then lecture the rest of us...

  101. Anonymous4:12 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    Anon, RE: Schizophasia. "Listen, I am the first to say Sarah Palin cannot string together a coherent thought, but what that is referring to is the kind of rambling, disjointed language patterns of the chronically mentally ill. As in, people who are mumbling nonsense on the street or those who are repeatedly committed to psych wards."

    I was thinking the same thing...Sarah Palin isn't affected in that way; she's just really, really, really fucking stupid.

  102. Anonymous4:21 PM

    2:15, CLASSIC!!! Thank you much for sharing! My neighbor flew in from the East coast last night and he said he saw Sarah in a preboarding lounge--he said she looked like "a hundred miles of bad road" with makeup caked in her wrinkles- heeeee!

    Gryphen- just you can say you've been DOUBLE FISTED BY SARAH PALIN!

    (Sorry all, I know that was awful, I just couldn't resist)

  103. Anonymous4:31 PM

    OMG on her toes! What in the world would cause such a thing? I get cramps in my toes that make them go out of line sometimes..but they always go back. It is very painful. Any medical people out there who could give us an idea of what to make of her very strange toes?

    And..if you had toes that looked like that, wouldn't you wear shoes where they didn't show?

    The woman is truly a disaster..from her horrible hairdos to her scary toes!!

  104. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I just read on Daily Beast that Meaghan McCain and a left wing comedian (maybe his name is Josh Black...sorry I am old and CRS) are traveling around the country together. She is going to blog about visiting the different states and cities.

    Hmmmmm.wonder where Sarah got the idea to do the same thing..only on a much grander scale, she bigger equals better in her pea sized brain.

  105. Anonymous4:40 PM

    That was brilliant!
    I was reading it via my iphone at a picnic today and laughing myself silly. People were enjoying me enjoying you!!

  106. Anonymous5:16 PM

    @2:15 LOL, you should have whispered "Say Hi to Uncle Gryph for me" as you returned to your seat

  107. Anonymous6:56 PM

    anon @ 9:11 Funniest post!!!!!!!!!!! (O/T: interesting that your post is at 9/11)

    anon @ 2:15 LOL! What fun! Wonder why she was alone. Suspect that the family was is in coach since they exited the Phoenix airport together.


  108. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Anon at 9 11

    You absolutely nailed it! That is how the language center of Sarah's primitive reptillian brain must work. For such a fertile woman, she always has verbal pregnant pauses, followed immediately by brain farts and fragmented thinking.
    There's a cognitive dissonance that's distinctly obvious in her twitter, facebook, and "author" voice, but the "news commenter" and "unplugged" versions of Sarah Speech are definately the real, stupid Sarah.

    Love your observation, please keep commenting, I couldn't stop laughing because it's so true!

    Oh what I wouldn't give to have her go through a lie detector examination on live tee vee.

  109. Anonymous7:35 PM

    @ 2:15 Thanks for sharing your "adventure". I'm afraid if I had seen Palin, I would have said loudly:
    "EEWWWW, what's that smell !?!"
    and have started searching the air for the source of the odor.

  110. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Anon @ 2:15, thanks for sharing your story...I thought it was hilarious.
    I'm guessing she reads here to get tips because her lame-brained bots sure don't have any.

  111. Her voice also sounded the same, especially in that sing song way, when she talked about Putin flying over to Alaska. There is really something wrong.

  112. Gasman8:22 PM

    Palin: "He who warned the British that they weren't gonna be taking away our arms by ringing those bells and by making sure that as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were gonna be secure and we were gonna be free and we were gonna be armed."

    WTF is this ignorant bitch babbling about? She has no fucking clue what Paul Revere did or what she is actually saying. Anybody who could listen to this ignorant drivel and STILL think this congenital moron should be POTUS obviously is lacking a functioning pre-frontal cortex.

    I hear tell that Palin and Michelle Bachmann are co-authoring a book on the American Revolution. It's titled "Stuff About the Revolution We Pulled Out of Our Asses."

  113. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Loved the airplane story! We finally know what she reads.

  114. Martha3:38 AM

    That 9:11 eye roll and fumble for words was also the same as the Katie Couric interview when she badmouthed journalists and couldn't find a next word. Katie helped with "mocked" and Sar went with it. 9:ll, thanks (but no thanks?) for the whole new perspective on Sarah. I already spend too much time on her, and now I feel as if I have to look at everything again and watch for that left-looking lost look.

  115. Anonymous4:40 AM

    to 2:15, Sarah uses ipads. Willow had one at a book signing that she was reading something on.

  116. FloridaDem5:48 AM

    anon 9:11 that is brilliant and funny! And so true. But I think she's picked up the old republican anthem, "if you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit." Only thing is, usually these are smart people doing the baffling, so it works. But when she does it, it just comes out a big sloppy mess.

  117. FloridaDem6:20 AM

    I finally got through all the comments, very funny all of them. The Anon at 2:15 was amazing. And yes, you should have said something to her. But now we know she reads here. Wonder if she posts?

    Well Sarah, if you're reading the comments, which I'm sure you do but probably not this far down.....I'd like to say that I know you have what you want, which is money and attention, but for your own good get off the right wing train, for gods sake. You could still make money and be sensible. Oh and btw, thanks for throwing women under the bus! You may not want to believe you have, because you have all these female groupies, but trust me, you did.

  118. Anonymous1:46 PM

    At least Sarah could have purchased the Cliff Notes to American History.

  119. WakeUpAmerica1:48 PM

    I wish you would use a different moniker than "anonymous" so that I can make a point of reading your hilarious comments. I'm still wiping the tears off of my face. That was great! However, I sometimes skim through the comments. I'm sure I'm not the only one to do that, and I would hate to miss another one of your comments.

  120. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Yes, Sarah has an iPad but she also has a brand new blackberry tablet called a PlayBook. It does look similar to the iPad but it is a bit more streamlined than the iPad 1st gen and it runs flash which even the iPad 2 doesn't run. I think the PlayBook is most likely what 2:15 saw Sarah using. She has a touchscreen blackberry and these two devices are meant to complement each other.

    I heard through semi reliable sources (tech sources, not political/palin sources) that RiM gifted Sarah with a souped up PlayBook before its official release.

    Sorry for geekin' out ;)


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