Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Gryphen gets e-mail.

So I went over and checked the old inbox today and read through many of your tips, supportive words, and suggestions for future posts,  and was felling pretty good about the community of visitors that I have attracted to this blog.  I mean many of you are extremely intelligent, well educated, and very reasonable people.

Seriously, I am the best you can do?

Just kidding!

But seriously have you looked around?

Anyhow just when I was about to tear my rotator cuff patting myself on the back, I ran across the e-mail posted below. 

Now as you will see, it starts off sounding pretty reasonable and then...well you will just have to read it for yourself.

Well I would expect that from your Blog statement that you are and should be hanging Obama from his balls each and every day he is in office for screwing this country up one side and down the other, and if you are not in agreement with my statement you are a phony and a liar. He and his friends and associates who are known radical, marxist are pushing this country in a socialistic or communistic form of control. If you have half the brains you alledge to have you know this already and should be telling the people about it day in and day out. Also, Richard Dawkins doesn't use the brains GOD gave him. He will not discuss or debate any solid Christian Creationist nor can he use any solid evidence to prove evolution as it doesn't exist. the only science in evolution is science fiction. He wants you to believe there is no God but life came from a rock. Math Science states that the longer it takes for something to happen the chances of success are less not more. Therefore the billions of years needed for evolution reduce any chance of success to it not happening at all. There is more observable evidence for creation than evolution. It's there if you want to see and know it, mounds of it. Evolution is a non science using scientific terms to mislead and confuse. Evolutionist will intimidate, ignore and surpress any fact regarding creation and avoid discussion or debate as well as ridicule the individual. It is very close to the tactics that Alinsky teaches in his book "Rules for Radicals". Which by the way, Obama has studied and used. Evolution violates the basic scientific rules and procedures it claims to hold. So far the hard evidence for evolution have been hoaxes, frauds and outright lies. If you would like some facts, honest scientific facts let me know. it will at least make you think with science, logic & reason. Andy

Well okay then.

Now let me give you a little advice if you are frustrated with what I blog about, and are thinking of telling me off.  Try NOT to throw EVERY SINGLE thing you dislike about liberals into your e-mail.

If you want to go after my politics, then stick to politics.

If you want to go after me about religion, then stick to religion.

If you want to go after me about evolution, then stick to evolution.

And if you want to suggest I am a homosexual, then try to stick to that.

It just kind of dilutes your point if you attempt to slam me on EVERY aspect of who you think I am in one e-mail.  My God man, pace yourself! You can write other e-mails. Well YOU can't because I identified your e-mail  as spam, but you get my drift.

Anyhow I just thought I would take a moment to give out a few pointers.  After all since I attract such an impressive group of fans, I should have high expectations for my detractors as well.  Don't you think?


(P.S. By the way, I have never read Saul Alinsky's book.  Am I missing something? Do you guys think I should?)


  1. Maybe you should also tell him about paragraphs - ugh.

    Thanks G for the gift of this blog. It is truly appreciated.

  2. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I am a Christian I believe in God and creationism, but people like this man and Sarah Palin do damage to Christians who try to live a good life and keep God's commandments. They are more like terrorist that kill in the name of Religion. Sarah is the anti christ.

  3. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Andy = weirdo egro Andy = palinbot.

  4. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I don't even know where to begin with this one. Did I miss something? Were we recently discussing evolution? I subscribe to Bill Mahr's thoughts on creationism. "People who don't believe in Evolution, are not allowed to get flu shots. The very fact that we have to remake the shot every year is PROOF OF EVOLUTION!" I'm paraphrasing a bit. You get my point.


  5. sewnup7:16 PM

    Don't worry about that kook; he's probably somebody in the same mental hospital Sarah will end up in. They make about equal amounts of sense.

    Must be pretty scary to be a control freak in a world you can't control....and BLOGGERS you can't control?? Oh, boy, BIG threat! Just ask Scary Scarred Sarah.

    Poor devil.

    Too bad you have to deal with these nitwits but you're doing a good job of it. Many thanks.

  6. Olivia7:18 PM

    These people are seriously disturbed. Do you ever read the Daily Kos creepy emails that he posts on Saturdays? I think one of those guys got loose and went off on you. Honestly, the freaky emails like this and the ones that Kos gets are a clear sign that you are incredibly effective and should keep up what you are doing.Congratulations!

  7. Anonymous7:23 PM

    "Pressured speech (or writing) is rapid, virtually nonstop, often loud and emphatic, seemingly driven, and usually hard to interrupt. It typically occurs in mania and in some drug-induced states and in severe anxiety states."

    Poor dude has bipolor disorder, schizophrenia or some similar problem. Either that or he is just an enormous douchebag.

  8. I love it! Great response:)

  9. Sometimes I actually feel sorry for people like that - just for a moment. What kind of life can they have when they're so consumed with rage and hatred? How can there ever be any joy in their lives?
    But then I remember that they may be parents, raising a new generations of haters, or teachers displaying their rage to vulnerable minds - or voters - endangering the America that I know and love.

  10. Anonymous7:28 PM

    There must be a Rethug Loon Gene!!

    Sounds like Limbough almost blew a gasket!!

    While discussing, well probably ranting, about Weiner, a caller to Rush's show asked: "how is this different from you going to the sexual tourist destination of Dominican Republic with a bottle of Viagra?"

    Rush tore into the caller and in typical textbook fashion of a Rethug Loon, responded:

    "What you describe about me isn't true," he said. "You are repeating Internet rumors based in hatred and misinformation."

    Why would I expect anything but lies for his response. His re-writing of documented history about himself!

    Hmmmmmmm -- has that familiar tone. Who might I be thinking of??? Hmmmmm!!

    Actually, pretty much every and any Rethug!!! Palin, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and on and on and on.....

  11. Mrs. M7:30 PM

    LMAO! Oh my, Gryphen... I don't know what else to say... that is one hell of an email. Crazy much?

    I have this image of the person who wrote that email furiously smashing the keys of their keyboard... heart racing, sweat dripping down their brow... "This'll show that SOB Gryphen!"


  12. carrieoki7:31 PM

    Don't know if you should read Alinsky's book, but you must watch The Jon Stewart Show for tonight, June 8, 2011. Simply hilarious!

  13. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Gryphen - I don't generally comment, I just read and enjoy (for over two years now). However, if you actually haven't read Alinsky, I think you're in for a treat if you do.

  14. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Dear Andy,

    If you have half the brains you alledge to have you know this already and should be telling the people about it day in and day out.

    Honey, there is no 'd' in allege.

    Also, are you a graduate of the SOTDRT (school of the dining room table)? I ask because your grasp of science reminds me of those poor students whose parents won't let them use actual science books because it conflicts with their religious beliefs.

    Very, very sad.

  15. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Don't worry, there'll be better days.

    Aw shucks, gryphen, so nice of you to pay such nice compliments to your readers. You too deserve a good pat on your back, {{pat, pat}}.

  16. Anonymous7:38 PM

    If you think this is odd, go read Kos on Saturdays. Hate mail-a-palooza; with poll.
    I love your politics & your snark - Illegitimi non carborundum.

  17. the thing about internet rants and emails of this sort is that i can never tell if they're sincere....

    but i suppose many of them are, see link below for a great explanation of the connections between genuine crazed fundamentalist viewpoints and actual pieces of parody or satire:

    Poe's Law

    my apologies to "andy" if your copy/paste of his email altered any of the formatting, but i also find the correlation between irrational and fundamentalist beliefs and the lack of line-breaks, grammar, and the almost guaranteed use of some caps-lock in written statements very prominent.

    but a good poe knows that by now too......

  18. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Honestly, Saul's book is good. I'm shocked you haven't read it as you seem like the type to read that sort of stuff.

  19. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Wikipedia states......

    Saul David Alinsky (January 30, 1909 – June 12, 1972) was an American community organizer and writer.

    He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing and has been compared in Playboy magazine to Thomas Paine as being "one of the great American leaders of the nonsocialist left."

    He doesn't sound so bad to me. :)

  20. Anonymous7:47 PM

    At first, sure seemed as if Sarah was writing to you. But then it went beyond her intellectual ability. And, there were some big words spelled correctly. But not all.

  21. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Always good to be reminded that there are some seriously crazy people out there. It's no wonder he thinks people are afraid to debate him and his ideas. He probably has no idea how nuts he sounds.

  22. Gasman7:55 PM

    Andy is a fucking moron. He can’t spell, he mangles syntax, his subjects and verbs not only don’t agree - they aren’t even on speaking terms with one another, and he seems to have great difficulty in forming complete sentences. Andy also seems to be utterly baffled by the dark art of punctuation. It is beyond his ken. It is rather precious when feckless buffoons like Andy try and weigh in on meaty subjects like science. Kind of like listening to Palin or Bachmann lecture on U.S. History.

    Andy is the kind of person that think Palin makes sense on every issue. Andy eagerly nods in agreement when he hears Michelle Bachmann waxing idiotic. Andy thinks that Huckkkleberry is an eminent theologian, Trump a brilliant economic super genius, and that Newt Gingrich is just too damn smart for him to understand.

    Andy is a whole bagful of batshit crazy put in a blender set on “high.” He is pissed. He really isn’t quite sure WHY he is pissed, but he IS pretty sure that, atheists, lesbians, those with pony tails, welfare recipients, pot smokers, Prius drivers, fanny-pack wearers, soy half-caff double Mocchachina drinkers, fans of musical theater, socialist/communist/Marxist/Leninist/Stalinist/Maoist/Trotzkite/Kenyans, vegetarians, people with college degrees, people with high school degrees, people who graduated junior high, people who can read, people who bathe, people who brush their teeth, people who have teeth, people who look beyond their own branch on the family tree when searching for a spouse - in other words - LIBERALS are the ones responsible for everything that is bad in his life and everything that is wrong with the world, and you, Gryphen, are the scapegoat for all of that limp-wristed liberalism.

    Andy is an inarticulate douche nozzle who can’t form complete sentences, but he’ll lecture you on why you aren’t that smart.

    Andy IS a fucking moron.

  23. I didn't know kool-aid comes in the flavour Palin

  24. I think it's kind of nice that Sarah's writing to you herself.

  25. Anonymous7:57 PM

    There are much more enlightening comments that have never seen the light of day. If you choose this "troll of the day" as an example of posts that you dislike you perhaps should rethink how you do business. This is a harmless troll, just a person venting with noting to say. Those that have attempted to have a voice regarding important topics are not allowed a voice.

  26. Anonymous7:59 PM

    It just reminds me of a homeless persons crazed rant on the street, chasing after you, yelling...and you can't seem to get away fast enough! Sad & creepy.

  27. linda8:00 PM

    as i read through that i was wondering when my brother found out about this blog. LOL! sounds just like him at family get togethers!

  28. Anonymous8:08 PM

    You do deserve that pat on the back Gryphen. And, I loved your pointers to Andy. Very funny.

  29. The only people I have ever heard mention that book are right wingers. Maybe they are the primary readers of the book. I don't know. A friend's husband had it in a stack of his books, but he couldn't recall who had given it to him, and hadn't read it. I glanced through it and found it utterly boring. Can't imagine somebody using it as their playbook. The whole Alinsky thing is some sort of urban myth these people started. Andy's entire email is gibberish. He was probably home schooled (don't jump on me. I know there are some people home schooling who actually teach stuff, but it sure isn't these right wing religious households.). The guy isn't even good at spouting his brainless talking points.

  30. aj weishar8:13 PM

    This opens up a whole new can of conspiracy. Obviously this is Sarah Palin's twin brother. He has her same sense of wandering off into other topics. Looks like he scored some amphetamines before he wrote this. The dude is all over the place, firing away.

  31. Anonymous8:15 PM

    LMAO!! Wow that Bot Andy has his panties in a twist does he?!

    Anyway, anyone that calls President Obama a progressive or a liberal is off their fricking rocker. While I voted for and support most of what our president does, he is a centrist NOT a anything but a centrist. As a progressive liberal I am smart enough to know that.
    Bots are strange critters and are fucking retarded.

  32. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Some time ago, before the days of emails and the internet, people sent wacko kook letters via old fashioned snail mail. I met a local TV critic, whose daily column reviewed TV shows in a newspaper column. He explained that he got at least two or three letters a week threatening to kill him because the writer disagreed with his opinion about a show. He laughed it off by saying the the letters were written in crayon because the inmates weren't allowed to have anything sharp, like a pen. He also said that it went with the job.

    There have been people who go off of their medication, especially now in a bad economy when they have lost their health insurance. Or, this poor guy forgot to take his medication today. There is so much wrong with the email that you gave it fresh air by posting it on your blog. It should be a wake up call about the some of the extreme people who follow extreme, unreasonable beliefs. We don't usually read that stuff here, (except for the letters that state that Sarah Palin is a model mother and we shouldn't criticize her family because they deserve privacy).

    So, don't take it seriously. That letter must be making the rounds of other places on the internet. There is no reasoning with him, either. It makes as much sense as Sarah Palin's description of Paul Revere warning the British that the Americans are coming! It makes as much sense as Sarah Palin saying that the Statute of Liberty is a warning not to make the mistakes that other countries made. Like Sarah, this guy isn't aware of how dumb he is. (He may take that as a compliment).

  33. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Andy, is a poop!

    But, have to say, loved the photo of the pussy cat - fit perfectly w/the email to you.

    Yikes! There are many, many more pro Gryphen than anti....Andy is the kind of 'anti' that doesn't matter.

  34. wakeUpAmerica8:22 PM

    Ha! That was hilarious, especially the picture at the end. That fellow needs some serious meds. "Calling Nurse Ratchett! Calling Nurse Ratchett!"

    I have never read Saul Alinsky, and I doubt that Obama has either.

  35. Anonymous8:26 PM


    Andy, let's sprinkle some tranks in the cheerios tomorrow, mmkay?

    Gryphen, if you're getting them this FLIPPIN' riled know you're doing something right!

    Methinks certain flying monkeys are a lee-tul but scared of what might be contained in a certain release of emails...

  36. Anonymous8:28 PM

    yeh, good choice of cat pic for that one.
    it was just how i was feeling.

  37. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Hey awesome, you got Email from Glenn Beck! I'm jealous...

  38. Sounds a little like palin with the word salad and the lack of ability to express ideas and thoughts coherently.

    I bet he thinks palin is the perfect candidate to beat POTUS Obama.

    I bet he goes to church each Sunday and considers himself a 'christian', and his duty to educate you and others and refudiate anything that makes sense.

    Life is too short. Delete it.

  39. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Well Gryph, I like you just the way you are. And gee, what a compliment. PZ Meyers gets email like this all the time, so it seems you have really risen to the top.

    Don't know about Alinsky's book, but you might want to check out a few good reads I just finished and can recommend.

    "The Conscience of a Liberal" by Paul Krugman (lessons in movement conservatism, very educational and very readable)

    "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein. (bone chilling exposé of Milton Friedman's 'free market' capitalism - reprehensible doesn't begin to describe what our country and corporations have done) This is a must read!

  40. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Wow, Gryph- this guy's smarter than Richard Dawkins, President Obama, AND Saul Alinsky? Heck, probably smarter than all of them put together, right? Yet he somehow has nothing more than a whole lotta lonely, spare time on his hands, which he chooses to use to rant - hatefully, effusively to a lowly Alaskan blogger. I just don't know how he could have been overlooked by the Nobel nominating committee for all this time. It's just such a waste.....

  41. "Now as you will see, it starts off sounding pretty reasonable and then...well you will just have to read it for yourself."

    Really? That was a " reasonable" start? Thank God I don't get the emails you do! I'm not sure how long I'd last!

    Thanks, Gryph, for all you do, everyday!

  42. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I doubt Andy has read it either as I don't believe it comes in Hooked on Phonics!!!

  43. Ruthie8:40 PM

    Congratulations! This is the kind of mail you get daily when you are a government employee.

  44. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Dear Sarah (may I call you Sarah? After all I am feeling like the adult here), we have had difficulty communicating lately, and I know you read IM constantly so maybe you will be reading this. I and everyone else who love you are very worried about you and your frame of mind. It seems the more we try to get close the farther away we get. Some of us have been talking, and the consensus is that we want to convey to you first of all how much we love you. You are beautiful and full of life. That said, it also seems that you are tormented by something not of this world. Demons perhaps? There is something you need to know Sarah, that many of us have been afraid to say to you for fear that you will draw away. Those voices in your head ARE NOT God, Okay? I'm sorry you seem to thinl they are but remember the Bible says to beware of the antichrist. If you dig deep into your soul I think you will recognize it, and know you need to stop listening to those voices, whether they be demons or the symptom of some psychological disorder. The force you are brining to this earth is chaos, which you know in your heart of hearts is not the intention of God our creator. Please listen to this voice of reason, for the sake of the country, the world, and humankind.

  45. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Glen Becks new internet channel is going to be included on the Roku (its a device for streaming shows from Netflix,Amazon,etc.)$4.99 per month

    Just the possibility it could be on there makes me not like my Roku as much.

  46. Andy, you just keep ringin' the bells at Gryphen to protect our guns & warn the British so we can appreciate our American way of life in this here United States. We need to love and preserve our freedoms and take back our country before the Obama death panels allow him to again steal the next election and put us under Sharia law.

    You betcha!

  47. Anonymous9:00 PM

    An UPDATE:

    The Thatcher ally quoted in my original blog told me on Wednesday that members of her circle were standing by their decision after the description of Palin as "nuts" was reported in the US.

    This is what the ally told me on Wednesday:

    Margaret will not be meeting Sarah Palin. If necessary we will make sure that Margaret has an off day when Palin is in London.

  48. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Andy is America, a good bit of America. He's disenfranchised and looking for a good reason that his life has not turned out exactly as he thought it would. He exemplifies the portion of the populace that is wanting answers for why American Life has not gone their way. These people vote; these people support Palin. We Libs can mock folks like this but remember, they vote and they could turn the tide faster than we can imagine.

    It is so easy to mock the undereducated and disenfranchised; like shooting fish in a barrel, just like making fun of Palin. It's easy, but there are people that believe it and people like Joe McGinness and Howard Dean take Palin and these people seriously, because they vote, and they want change that THEY can believe in, just as we glommed onto Obama in 2008 for Change that We Could Believe In.

    They live different lives than many of us but they want to be part of the process that is Democracy. They want their piece of the pie, if they can't always express themselves as eloquently as some do.

  49. Anonymous9:02 PM

    So, did Paul Revere ride a dinosaur? Just trying to map this out.

  50. the thing about internet rants and emails of this sort is that i can never tell if they're sincere....

    but i suppose many of them are, see link below for a great explanation of the connections between genuine crazed fundamentalist viewpoints and actual pieces of parody or satire:

    Poe's Law

    my apologies to "andy" if your copy/paste of his email altered any of the formatting, but i also find the correlation between irrational and fundamentalist beliefs and the lack of line-breaks, grammar, and the almost guaranteed use of some caps-lock in written statements very prominent.

    shall we blame lack of formal education, mental illness, low IQ, or all of the above?

  51. Sweet anny9:13 PM

    Thank you Gryphen, for all you do and will do and have done. I haven't had much to say lately, because, though I still come here everyday, I am saddened by most of what I read here. No one deserves the fallout from the sarastorm-not one single one of us. Not even one single one of the palinistas. I am very apprehensive about what will happen to the pees when they realise they have been had in a very demeaning way. It is reported now that no matter how they spin it, the "family vacation" has broken either campaign laws or or PAC regulations. This on top of criminal ignorance. I read where even Pravda has called her treasonous for repeatedly attacking our president on foreign soil in a time of war. Why oh why hasn't someone called her out on this? And she claims "blood libel"? She is only a private person, yet she gets preferential treatment from federal employees, and w/o footing the bill for all the public resources she plundered? All while saying spending is our biggest problem? The marital split, (denied so far: who you going to beleives says Sarah, me or your own lying eyes?) the "family values", egregiously breaking laws for her own financial gain? Can someone tell me, please, the why of it all? Why it is all being ignored, when you or I would be in jail? The incessant lying, the pregnancy hoax, which cannot be denied. Does no one find it useful, outside of forums like this, to expose this travesty? I could weep for the level of national discourse these days. Truly. I am saddened.

    Sarah. This is for you, honey. Your glass is neither half full nor half empty. Your glass is simply too big.

    I have said this before, it bears repeating, from the Book you claim to follow:

    "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."

    Also appropriate, from one of Frank Herbert's masterpieces:

    "Here lies a fallen god;
    his fall was not a small one.
    We simply built his pedestal
    a narrow and a tall one."

    And we, with collective horror, await, not able to turn our eyes from your self-immolation.

    Thank you again, Gryphen, I have passed beyond hating her. She will be her own biggest victim. But who can she blame then?

    p.s. I hope you will understand if I wandered off topic abit. Have been saving some of this.

  52. Anonymous9:16 PM

    That dude is seriously fucked up. Reminds me of the Tucson nutjob's ramblings about currency.

  53. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Warning! TALIBANGELICAL ! ! !

    Evidently, your blog has seriously gotten under somebody's skin. (giggle) They have an allergy to reality, facts, or truth. They manufacture their own.

    This one is obviously just plain nutty, probably a lycanthrope who howls at the moon regularly.

    And it is similar to some of the hate mail Kos posts.

  54. I have to give you a pat on the back, too, Gasman. I LOL'd.

  55. indy_girl9:25 PM

    Gryphen, I'm not familiar with Alinsky's work, but if the book in question makes conservatives apoplectic with rage, it's probably a worthwhile read.

    Actually, I would say the same goes for ANY book that appears on right-wing hit lists for banning, burning, removing from libraries, etc.

  56. P.S. Gryphen, if you don't have a "Hall of Fame" for blog entries and comments, you need to start one with this. Both your post and the comments are priceless.

  57. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Oh dear, Andy....where do we start?

    Maybe I'll just mention that I was taught evolution - as solid scientific fact - by a nun who was also a scientist, in a Catholic high school, 46 years ago. Her opinion was that the millions-of-years-long evolution process demonstrated the loving care and precision that God took with his process of creation.

    I think you need to go back to school.

  58. The sad thing is people who think like this person are walking around all over the place and some of them are legislators. They are totally illogical yet think those who require information and facts are stupid. That is why we have to find a way to just work around them rather than let them get in positions of leadership.

  59. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Poor uneducated Andy. If he or any other bible thumper would like to see scientific proof of how the world and life came into existence I would like to recommend the best explanation I have ever seen.

    This professor is a joy to watch and listen to.

    "Big History: The Big Bang, Life on Earth, and the Rise of Humanity"

    Taught By Professor David Christian, D. Phil., Oxford University,
    Macquarie University

    Available at:
    I prefer the video lecture series. Should open one's eyes if they are not too brain damaged by bible thumping religionists.

    Professor Christian makes the scientific explanations simple enough that even a christionist should be able to comprehend the material.

    Should be followed by viewing 'The Greatest Story Ever Sold' and see where your "religion" was plagerized from.

    Zeitgeist [Religion] The Greatest Story Ever Sold (35,701 KB)

    to download go here,

    click on the large blue DOWNLOAD button.


  60. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Hey Gryphen - thanks for reminding me. I've been hearing about this Alinsky guy for what? Almost 3 years now. Evidently he is the root of all evil and Obama follows him. I think I will check it out. I wonder if the guy is still alive and/or who gets the royalties from the book sales.

  61. Enjay in E MT9:53 PM

    I cannot imagine the Bot-mail and trolling comments you must get everyday. Don't think I could take it!

  62. Anonymous10:12 PM

    could andy possibly be the reincarnation of timothy mcveigh ?

    fuking homegrown taliban mofo's

  63. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Anonymous at 7:23 wrote:

    Either that or he is just an enormous douchebag.

    Stop that! I am an enormous douchebag, and I resent being lumped in with someone that stupid.

  64. Anonymous10:25 PM


    By publishing this, you missed an opportunity to engage this fellow in a debate from which you could have sussed out even more hilarious material that you could have published as a small book: 'Inside the Teabagger Mind'

  65. Anonymous10:30 PM

    I guess the thing to do with that comment is to cut and paste it, exactly as it is, and post it at every right wing post, include the famous Sea of Pee-People. There should be a note attached that one of their ardent followers meant to post it there, but it ended up in the wrong blog by mistake. You don't want any people who share the same line of thinking to miss their leader's words. You might also add that copies have been forwarded to the local authorities as well, because an institution may be missing one of its regular patients.

  66. honeybabe10:32 PM

    so sad, all that hate, anger and fear and it doesn't accomplish anything good. just a lot of wasted energy. he would hate to know that i pray for misguided souls like him. hopefully some day he will learn better. sarah's shelf life is about done. what will he do then?

  67. Anonymous10:45 PM

    It's as easy as e equals mcsquared.

    Andy = Andrew Breitbart= piece of shit

    If you have to write all of your talking points with no punctuation, capitalization, or sentence structure you might as well hold your breath at the same time and write a really, really, really long list.

    Gryphen, would you mind passing along that e-mail address?

    I do have a few items that my spam filters have caught that I'd like to share with this reasonable,kind-hearted, diversity-respecting, well-informed, courageous, intellectual giant who was nice enough to pass along some tips from his/her own happy, successful life.

    In fact, I'll bet that many of your readers have many things that they would like to share with this fine person.

    IP address might also be helpful for those who are techno-savvy.


    Jass Reamer

  68. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Poor guy (or gal):

    1. is certain that Jesus rode a
    dinosaur, not a donkey;

    2. thinks sex-ed is for liberals;

    3. thinks using comdoms are an

    4. has probably never read a book
    longer than the kid's books in
    the waiting room of his dentist;

    5. Scratch off #3. He has no need
    for a dentist since he already
    has 8 good teeth left;

    6. still thinks his sister is a
    bitch since she turned him down;

    7. he also thinks his sister is still a virgin at 15 because she's only blown half of the football team and though she had 3 kids, she said she was having them for someone else.

    8. I could go on, but he can't read anyway, and if he learned how to, he'd be a sinner and have to go to hell with all the lame stream media.

  69. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Typical hate-filled Palinbot email. In the last 3 years they cry about Saul Alinsky "tactics". I still never bother to look that up myself - it's just another one of their many made up conspiracies of how they can explain to themselves why everyone attacks their "beautifully buxomed" mini-skirted high-heeled beauty pageant winking queen bee. I've said it before and I'll say it again - if Granny Lou looked like Susan Boyle you can bet on it that she would have been overlooked. It's all about the poster girl calendar girl in their imaginations. Somehow because Granny looks beautiful it automatically makes her able to set this country on the "right path". Bunch of frickin' flippin' dunces just like their idol. She is not qualified, never has been and never will be. Granny doesn't even want the job. She just wants the worship & money so she can pay for her air-conditioning walled compound in Abbotabad, AZ. BTW is it not illegal to use PAC money for "family vacations" ? Granny has the LSM by the balls and she's right about them. She plays 'em like a fiddle. They have no compunction going after MEN, but hey don't touch Sarah...let her have her way or else she'll call you a pedophile or get you put in jail! Yes the MSM has become the LSM, so she's right about that!

  70. Anonymous11:11 PM

    As a writer, all u need to do to cure writer's block is read your e-mail. Then you'll have too much material for a year. Pick and choose wisely.

  71. Thenorwegianblue11:34 PM

    Gasman --
    What KaJo said.
    You are spot on!

    (pushing "like" button)

  72. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Thanks for spending the time to operate this blog. It is making a difference.

    As to this email: political nutbaggery and scientific nutbaggery in the same email? That's not so surprising is it? Could there be a cause and effect relationship?

    You should read the Alinsky book- just because everyone else referring to it hasn't read it. They just saw it Beck's whiteboard, or heard about it on rightwing radio. They usually can't read, and think that public libraries are for socialists. If you have read the book (actually he wrote three) you can ask them if they have read the book. They'll be alarmed if you tell them that you have read it.

    The first thing I thought of with the creation debate nonsense was a blog which spends a lot of time debunking and mocking this kind of foolishness. Perhaps he has been mocked and banned there and so has decided to spam you instead. Warning usually very irreverent. Not for the religiously insecure.

    Maybe just forward his email to PZ Meyers,at the above blog and ask if any of his wankers have gone astray.

    One of today's posts there features a video with the blogger and the very same Richard Dawkins mentioned in the rant you got (and Occam's Razor).

    The blogger reports a strange encounter :

    ...Some of my favorite weird pseudo-philosophical babble were his claims that he had evidence, but that it was "conceptual evidence", and imbedded in one long spewage was this claim, that "occam's razor must be uncaused, therefore it must be eternal". I was frequently bemused as he started regurgitating long strings of rapid-fire memorized arguments.

    Another interesting moment is when they deny that the Quran contains the story of the great flood, when AronRa brings it up. Either they were lying or they don't know their own holy book: see Sura 11.

    Another of today's posts gives the Pharyngula debunking to what the creationist pseudo scientists send around to use in their schools and churches.

  73. Anonymous12:00 AM

    This blog is most enjoyable....

    I find the content of this blog filled with compassion, truth, and cleaverly fun writers.

    I want to read every post and I'm not a big reader, or a person with a capasity to spell correctly when I post. I'm kind of a loner to tell you the truth. I feel kind of distant in social setting because my heart belongs with the possitive vib on the Immoaral Minority. This is the place for me and my soul to laph and play, smile and stay awhile.

    My hat is off to you Gryphen, and all your cool friends that keep me balanced with there cleaver wit. I think I would love your socials and mingling with this crew...

    Sorry Andy, but your brown noseing mostlikely didn't get you a job with $P. Get under the bus now. I think you should stay on your meds and go back to school.

  74. Keep going Gryphen.

    Isn't this part of the frayed social media thing?

    Thanx, nem

  75. angela12:39 AM

    Oh my.
    hahahahahahaha. . . . .

  76. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:28 AM

    Ah, I see where the Queen got the inspiration for her verbal vomit--all those deranged people you see standing on the corner ranting loudly to themselves. Isn't this similar to speaking in tongues?

  77. Anonymous2:42 AM

    It baffles me that Andy has enough intelligence to learn to work a computer and that he is smart enough to figure out how to navigate the internet.

    How can one possess enough brain power to embrace 20th century technology, but stay immersed in a complete and utter lack of science education?


  78. Anonymous3:28 AM

    I will call my mother-in-law and ask her to unplug my father-in-law's computer. It will take him weeks to figure out why it's not working. So you will get a little break from "Andy".

  79. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Boy, if he thinks PRESIDENT Obama has screwed our country I can't even imagine what he thinks Bush did.

    Of course, I am sure this idiot thinks Bush is wonderful.

    On the plus side at least Andy can spell better than most of the bots;)

  80. First comment is the reason I was going to leave a comment. I guess he never heard paragraphs are your friend.

    He does sort of prove that he doesn't read you all the time. He would know some of your statements and kinda where you stand on religion.

    But it is nice that he isn't regurgitating grifters name in anything.

  81. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Creationism and racism go hand in hand. The fundies can't believe in evolution not just for Biblical reasons, but because that would mean that whites and blacks (and other races) are all equal as they would all be descendants from the same monkey-like creatures. Their religion allows them to believe that God created whites to be more equal than blacks. Andy's just another racist asshat.

    Plus, his statement at the beginning that "if you don't agree with me then you are a phony and a liar" demonstrates that he's uneducated garbage. But interesting post anyway.

  82. Anonymous5:07 AM


  83. The e-mailer forgot to insult your favorite sports team. I wonder if he had a list:
    Religion - Check
    Politics - Check
    Books - Check
    Science - Check
    Sports - Damn I can't find where Gryphen talked about sports, I guess I'll just have to send it anyway.

  84. Anonymous6:24 AM

    The vindictive cross-eyed BITCH is going to have a rude awakening when one of her victims is able to fight back. Maybe more of them will come forward when Fox stops backing her, and the Koch brothers finally realise how mind numbingly stupid she is. Can't wait for the day when she is on her own. Child Protective Services in Alaska should do a check on Trig, since he has not been seen in a while, not even in photos.

  85. Anonymous6:35 AM

    What's amusing is the arching overtone of Sarah Palin's inflated sense of importance and self that's evident when she takes on her schoolmarm persona and decides to lecture us about American history and the lessons we should be learning from it. (Psst, someone tell her to learn the history first!)

    Well, here's a history lesson for Sarah Palin:
    "hubris" from the Greek "hybris."

    Investopedia Explains Hubris:

    What Does Hubris Mean?

    The characteristic of excessive confidence or arrogance, which leads a person to believe that he or she may do no wrong. The overwhelming pride caused by hubris is often considered a flaw in character. While these hubris feelings are often justified, they often cause irrational and harmful behavior.

    Chief executive officers and very successful businessmen who are overcome with hubris tend to be difficult to work with in team settings.

    Hubris may be developed after a person encounters a period of success. Corporate executives and traders overcome by hubris may become a liability for their firms. A manager might start making business decisions without fully thinking through the consequences, or a trader may begin taking on excessive risk. In many cases, people overcome by hubris will bring about their own downfall [my emphasis added].

    Children, please note last sentence in article above.

  86. Thank you Annoymous 8:59

    Gryphen, I never heard the joke in this article:
    The likes of Limbaugh do find it troubling when people supposedly on the right dare to criticise Palin. I remember some were upset when I blogged after the 2008 US presidential election that John McCain's private thoughts about Palin were detailed in a British diplomatic cable. I wrote:

    In one joke doing the rounds, the Republican presidential candidate has been asking friends: what is the difference between Sarah Palin and a pitbull? The friendly canine eventually lets go, is the McCain punchline.

  87. Anonymous8:29 AM

    This type of idiocy is exactly why we need President Obama's Health and Education reform.

    Let's hope Andy gets the help he so desperately needs.

    great response, Grypben.

  88. One word summarizes all that was written in this clowns post...

    F O S S I L .........

  89. Anonymous8:53 AM

    This jerk is just Sarah Palin's kind of Christian. He is everything Christ is NOT. I am thinking that all these so called Christians just need to drop the facade completely and call themselves Republican and quit claiming the Christ they apparently do not know.

  90. Anonymous9:13 AM

    At the risk of offending, what are these people so angry about? They live in one of the most desirable countries in the world. There seems to be some sort of entitlement dementia - where did that come from? Reality TV? Church? I don't get it. It seems to be worse these days and I suppose part of it is that the rich continue to have free rein to suck every ounce of money from the 98% of us who aren't rich. They start at the bottom so the people just below them don't really notice and feel safe but the pressure keeps on coming and gradually they'll have almost all the money. They keep getting away with it because they are too focused on meaningless topics like evolution or social issues. How do these people think debunking evolution, outlawing abortion, two examples will make their lives better? Will help them find a job? Feed their families? I never understand this. The economy sucks, Congress refuses to work on job creation, instead works on disenfranchising the poor and needy. Think having a bunch of people wandering around the country homeless and hungry is going to be good? OR safe?

    Oh bother, they are just too crazy for words. And Sara is their Queen.

  91. ibwilliamsi10:15 AM

    I have never read Saul Alinski's book either. Do you suppose that there is more than one paragraph in it?

  92. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Is this from Willow's boyfriend Andy?

  93. erica from dallas6:05 PM

    Saul Alinsky was used by Barack Obama when he was a community organizer.
    When I worked with President Obama's first campaign we studied and were trained in Alinsky's common sense methods.It was important information that would be helpful in any party.
    I did not read the book although it was advised .I also seem to remember that it wasn't Obama's "bible."I forgot all about the book.I think I will try to find and read it

  94. Anonymous5:47 AM

    ahhh, poor fool, he's just pissed he didn't get raptured.

  95. Anonymous5:48 AM

    ahhh, poor fool's just pissed he didn't get raptured.


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