Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Here is the link to a blog for you to send to the next person, on either side of the ideological fence, who attacks our President for not doing enough.

Somebody sent me the link to this blog today, and it contains the MOST comprehensive list of President Obama's achievements that I have ever seen.

Here is just a sampling.

Legislative Prowess

Despite the characterizations of some, Obama’s success rate in winning congressional votes on issues was an unprecedented 96.7% for his first year in office. Though he is often cited as superior to Obama, President Lyndon Johnson’s success rate in 1965 was only 93%. http://n.pr/i3d7cY

Wall Street Reforms and Consumer Protection

Ordered 65 executives who took bailout money to cut their own pay until they paid back all bailout money. http://huff.to/eAi9Qq

He pushed through and got passed Dodd-Frank, one of the largest and most comprehensive Wall Street reforms since the Great Depression. http://bit.ly/hWCPg0 http://bit.ly/geHpcD

He made it so that banks could no longer use YOUR money to invest in high-risk financial instruments that work against their own customers' interests. http://bit.ly/fnTayj

He supported the concept of allowing stockholders to vote on executive compensation. http://bit.ly/fnTayj

He wholly endorsed and supported the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of 2009 that would close offshore tax avoidance loopholes. http://bit.ly/esOdfB http://bit.ly/eG4DPM

He made a deal with Swiss banks that permits the US government to gain access to the records of criminals and tax evaders. http://bit.ly/htfDgw

He established a Consumer Protection Financial Bureau designed to protect consumers from financial sector excesses. http://bit.ly/fnTayj

Civil Rights and Anti-Discrimination

He advocated for and signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which made it a federal crime to assault anyone based on his or her sexual orientation or gender identity. http://bit.ly/gsMSJ7

He pushed through and signed a repeal of the discriminatory “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy that forced soldiers to lie to fight for their country, and put our troops at risk by disqualifying many qualified soldiers from helping. http://bit.ly/fdahuH

He appointed Kareem Dale as the first ever Special Assistant to the President for Disability Policy. http://1.usa.gov/fi5IY0

He extended benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. http://1.usa.gov/g2RLCj

He's appointed more openly gay officials than anyone in history. http://bit.ly/g1lA7D

He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, restoring basic protections against pay discrimination for women and other workers. This was after the GOP blocked the bill in 2007. Only 5 Republican Senators voted for the bill. http://bit.ly/fT3Cxg

Wrote and signed an Executive Order establishing a White House Council on Women and Girls to ensure that all Cabinet and Cabinet-level agencies evaluate the effect of their policies and programs on women and families. http://bit.ly/e1puTk

He expanded funding for the Violence Against Women Act. http://1.usa.gov/dSbI0x

And it just goes on, and on, and on from there.

Go ahead and give it a visit.  Then bookmark it for the next time somebody sends you one of those "Obama is failure" e-mails, or calls you on the phone and asks "How is that hopey changey thing working out for you?"

Or hell look up your least favorite Republican politician, or Fox News talking head, and send it to THEM.

I just sent it to Michele Bachmann.  I expect a full apology directed to our President from that bitch later on today.  Do you think I should hold my breath?


  1. Anonymous2:31 AM

    I think they forgot to add to the list that he photographs VERY well, if ya know what I mean!

  2. Ah, now I have an easy, user-friendly print out to keep handy "just in case". I love it! I live in a "divided house", i.e., my Sig-other of 14 years is a....Conservative Republican. A truly wonderful person but misguided.
    We try not to discuss politics, but alas, after a few sakes while enjoying some Japanese food, sometimes it can get ugly.
    I am happy to say that Sig does listen most of the time. Sig is bending. Sig no longer keeps FOX news on 24/7. I caught Sig watching MCNBC and CNN one morning. WTH? Sig thinks Palin is a moron now.
    I pointed out recently, many of Obama's accomplishments so far in office. Sig was intrigued, then astonished as he had never heard of any of this. He has lived too long on the other side of the FAUX NEWS filter. Yesterday Sig said "You misunderstand me dear, I am NOT a Conservative Republican, I am a Centrist". Hmm, when did THAT happen?
    This particular link is going to be quite useful to me, and I appreciate it Gryphan. :)

  3. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Yes, I'm tired of not only the rightwingers like Bachmann dissing our President, but the leftwing, who think everything should have been done yesterday, as well.

    I've had disagreements with some of what he has not been able to accomplish, which, if you investigate enough, was blocked by Rethugliscum and DINOs.

    And you bet I'll vote for him in 2012 again. There is no alternative except the neo-fascistic ravings of the extremists. Who needs that?

  4. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Thanks for posting this Gryphen. And I must say, I LOVE that picture!

    I find it sad that our media today don't provide much of what we should be hearing about; instead it's non-stop minute by minute accounts of Charlie Sheen, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton sitings.

    Also, when I grew up we had a respect for the office of the President, regardless of their party affiliation. I can't stand to hear junior high and high school kids bashing the President, with no sense of propriety or manners.

    And Gryphen thank you also, for what you do; I have almost stopped going to my old news outlets, because I come here first and you've always got a great post. Thanks!

    R in NC

  5. Anonymous3:12 AM

    His record is extraordinary, yet asshats continue to yell that he has done nothing. I am so proud of him, especially when I chat with family overseas. The rest of the world is dumbfounded that we aren't celebrating having the smart guy in charge.

  6. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Don't hold your breath - we want you around for the ultimate smack down.

    Thanks for the link!

  7. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Mr. Obama goes about his business, quietly doing his job without drama or fanfare, slowly, meticulously moving forward with profound changes in the national landscape. His complete confidence and grasp of the presidency is apparent to anyone who has done their homework, and doesn't listen to the talking heads and pundits, and everyone with an opinion. If he can't get it done through Congress, he find otehr ways, legal ways, to get the job done. He is a formidable leader and man.

  8. Thanks!

    And he appointed TWO women to the Supreme Court, two women IN A ROW. He did not give us one woman then back to men but two in a row and I find that remarkable.

    We also signed a UN Declaration on the rights of Homosexuals which would not have been signed under a GOP president.

  9. LOL...I wouldn't be expecting an apology any time in the near future from Bachman or any other right wing zealot.
    I forwarded the info on to my Democratic friends so that in the coming months they will be armed with facts when faced with the fiction that Republicans are spewing.

  10. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Thanks Gryphen, great stuff.

  11. F J Dandy5:57 AM

    Thanks, Gryphen. I love President Obama and his beautiful family. As a Canadian, I am a bit envious that we don't have him!

  12. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Um, what did you say Gryph? I'm too busy drooling at the picture of the President. he he

  13. barns/yarns6:30 AM

    He is such a super nice guy and his family is great too.

    He has done so much for this country and has really done well with all the hate attacks against him.

    Did I forget to add that he is also a very handsome man.

  14. lostinthemidwest6:35 AM

    Thank you very much for the link. I'm sure it will be needed in the coming months....
    not that anyone I send it to will take the time to actually read it, but because it will give me immense pleasure to send it.

    The link is appreciated.

  15. Anonymous6:36 AM

    He's definitely done a lot, and I'm very proud of him for that. But comparisons to LBJ need to stop. It's not just the quantity of legislation that LBJ got through, it's the astounding quality. I mean, we're talking major, major reforms. Medicare, anyone? The War on Poverty? LBJ was quite possibly one of the most effective legislators AND presidents this country has ever seen.

  16. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Anon at 4:57 am: "Mr. Obama goes about his business, quietly doing his job without drama or fanfare, slowly, meticulously moving forward with profound changes in the national landscape."

    Yep, but he doesn't tweet bombastic statements and strut up and down the country in a garish bus. So the simpletons conclude he must not be getting anything done.

  17. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I read the list and it mentioned the Matthew Shepard Act. Didn't Bill Clinton sign that one into law? Anyway Pres Obama still rocks!

  18. I just tried to add the link to my Facebook page. I got a message that it was blocked as abusive. That definitely didn't set very well with me. I filled out their form to "lift" the block, but I am having doubts about Facebook on this. Any suggestions from commenters out there?

  19. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Thank you, Gryphen, for posting the link on President Obama's achievements. The list goes on and on when you read through the link. Most Americans are completely unaware of all that Mr. Obama has done for us because the news media never tells us these things, never lists anything that is good. The news media in this country is NOT a "liberal media." Never was, and unfortunately because of its corporate connections, never will be. Thank you again. I'm so glad that we worked on his campaign and look forward to doing so again.

  20. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Our current president, President Obama has moved mountains of good legislation through with his leadership. I am happy that I voted for him and will vote for him again.
    I am quite progressive, but I am happy with what this centrist president has done, he has exceeded what I thought he could do in one term and this term is not even over. Every time I read the list of accomplishments, I know my vote was well placed in 2008.

    OBAMA 2012!

  21. Possibly the rest of the commentators here could try adding the link to Facebook and sending the same objection to it's being blocked that I did. Methinks "somebody" out there doesn't want the public to know all of our president's great accomplishments.

  22. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Just tried posting the actual link to my Facebook page and was informed by Facebook that the link has been previously reported as "abusive". Amazing that someone would flag this as abusive....someone must be afraid of the truth.

  23. PollyinAK7:16 AM

    Hmmm... I bookmarked this link as you suggested, but I tried sharing the link on Facebook, but it won't let me. I keep getting this message: "This message contains blocked content that has previously been flagged as abusive or spammy. Let us know if you think this is an error."= me thinks the opposition is trying to bury this website from being "shared"= anything we can do?

  24. Anonymous7:50 AM

    To those getting the blocked on Facebook message, you can report to Facebook that the link is being blocked in error. A box will pop up that you can fill out when you attempt to post it to your profile.

  25. Anonymous7:50 AM

    This is a fantastic picture of our President!

  26. FEDUP!!!8:49 AM

    Under 'consumer protection', unfortunately, there is one BIG detriment: He DEREGULATED GMO crops! :( :( :(


  27. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Well, since so many said they had problems in osting the link on fb, I linked to IM's article, and it went through... :P

  28. OKAY. Let's take that executive compensation thing. Sure, stockholders can now vote on it. But it's not binding. So what? You vote against a raise and bonuses and he gets them anyway.

    What has that accomplished?

    Sure, you can try to vote the guy out, but he has enough cronies on the board and enough high stakes stock holders to outvote the little guy.

    So nothing has changed. It only has the appearance of change.

    Watered down, compromised out, given away. Bipartisan pipe dream.

    The supermajority squandered.

  29. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Can someone please tell me why the professional left feel it necessary to trash this President? It's bad enough that Democrats really don't have a TV news station that will support him. I have given up on MSNBC, now I stick to reading blogs. It's not that I want a constant rosy picture painted of President Obama, but I would at least like to see some fairness when it comes to reporting on him.

  30. I also was unable to post the link to my FB wall. I filled out the form. Methinks the teabaggers were hard at work here...

  31. Anonymous11:08 AM

    The Obama administration accomplished a lot of that list. What the President his own self has done is mostly cave in to Republicans. He's more of a Republican than George H.W. Bush was.

  32. Anonymous12:43 PM

    "Super Majority squandered?" Really, were you asleep when the Republicans constantly blocked the majority's attempt to pass legislation? The founding fathers called that the "Tyranny of the minority".

    So what are you going to do? You gonna vote for the people who got us into this mess and have worked hard to keep us here or are you gonna vote for the people who have worked their butts off to try to do something that benefits people other than rich ones?

    I am disappointed that some of what he campaigned on has not come to fruition but I will definitely vote for him again....the alternative is far too scary!

  33. beldar hussein conehead8:15 PM

    thanx, gryphen, this is very impressive and useful. have to wonder what he'll accomplish in his next 5+ years in office, zeus willing.

  34. The link to the article is being censored by Facebook. It will not even let someone post it to their own freaking wall. Here's an article about it and other shady sensoring crap going on at FB http://www.addictinginfo.org/2011/08/15/hey-facebook-are-you-really-censoring-political-free-speech-in-america/


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It just goes directly to their thighs.