Sunday, June 19, 2011

I think Michele Bachmann might be full of shit when she claims to have "raised' 23 foster children.

Courtesy of CBS News:

After her speech at the Republican Leadership Conference, I asked GOP presidential candidate and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann about her repeated claims that she has "raised" 23 foster children, a comment she reiterated in an interview with CNN following her speech.

Writing in the Daily Beast this week, Michelle Goldberg quoted Kris Harvieux, who worked as a senior social worker in the foster care system in Bachmann's county, who said at least some of Bachmann's placements were likely short term.

"Some of them you have for a week. Some of them you have for three years, some you have for six months," he said. "She makes it sound like she got them at birth and raised them to adulthood, but that's not true."

According to Goldberg, the Minnesota Department of Human Services reports that Bachmann's foster care license allowed her to care for at most three children at any one time; she had the license for 7 1/2 years.

Asked to explain her situation with her foster children, Bachmann said "we took children in as teenagers."

"Their family was facing a challenge and they weren't going to be able to be at home with their parents and so we took them in as teenagers," she continued. "And our job was to see that they graduated from high school and were successfully launched into the world."

Asked how long they lived with her, she said "it varied."

I asked Bachmann to explain the parameters of how long the children lived with her - was it as short as one week? As long as three years?

"It varied, it really varied depending on the children," Bachmann responded. "And we've never gotten into specifics about the children because we've always wanted to observe their privacy and that of their families. As I'm sure you can appreciate."

Watch her face as the reporter asks her how long the children lived with her.  Just look at her face, she is DEFINITELY not telling the truth and wants to quickly change the subject.

And you know the thing is it's a pretty intelligent lie to tell.  There is really NO way to independently check any records to find our if she is full of shit. Because of confidentiality guidelines those records are completely private, and nobody who has read them is allowed to discuss what is inside of them.

Essentially Bachmann is completely safe from having her lie revealed to the public.

You have to admit it is smarter than faking a pregnancy, but no less disgusting.

She and Palin are both extremely manipulative and devious women who use children as a shield to protect them from criticism and to create the myth of the "Supermom."


  1. And they just keep getting away with ALL the lies!!!

  2. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Well, as someone who has met lifelong foster parents, I smelled bullshit at the number 23. Michelle is in her 40s? Most women in that age group who raise foster kids have typically seen 5-10 children. Most probably wouldn't have stayed there the whole time (until age 18). 23 is a huge number for her age. It's also problematic for many reasons.

  3. I always had a gut feeling she was full of it when it came to her foster mom story. Anything to get people to co-sign on your b s is the republican way.

  4. Anonymous6:01 AM

    "Oh gosh, you know, in the great history of us desiring to progress values of young people from not such ideal circumstances, it varied, it really varied depending on the children," Palin responded. "Really appreciative, Todd Todd Todd, Bristol the Pistol, Piper the Diaper and all of 'em, any of 'em we've had over the years have never gotten into specifics about the children because we've always wanted to observe their privacy and that of their families. It's the families that we owe our freedoms to to instill patriotic christian values. And if you Lamestream folks really want to know, I'll look it up and get back to ya."

    Hmmmmm, it does sound like a more intelligent Palin tactic. . .

  5. Oh, by the way, a college English professor once informed me that "Corn is raised, children are reared." Thought you might like that.

  6. Anonymous6:05 AM

    ...Her principal problem is, to put it gently, she’s stark raving mad. Even in a radicalized party and the most extreme House majority caucus in generations, Bachmann stands out as one of Congress’ most loony-tunes members.

    I won’t deny that this is likely to help Bachmann with many equally-unhinged Republican voters, but I also believe the party desperately wants to win in 2012. Even the most wild-eyed Tea Party fanatic understands, at a certain level, that the American mainstream is far more likely to laugh at Michele Bachmann than vote for her.

    Regardless, she’s clearly running, and we’ll see soon enough whether the Republican base is really that far gone.

  7. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Why can't these conservative women simply be satisfied that they've contributed to the greater community other than for themselves or their own children? Why do they have to build such supermom narratives?

    Being a mom that meets their responsible gestational needs and upbringing should be good enough for god's sake.

    Instead we've got these bullshit artists taking every little thing they do and blowing it out of proportion. Sarah Palin could field dress a moose while mowing the lawn with her DS child strapped to her back while balancing the budget as the State's CEO and Commander in Chief.

    Christine O'Donnell and Michele Bachmann can take uncredited constitutional law bible studies classes and call themselves experts and exert their whack-job interpretations on the rest of us.

    They have done nothing to 'progress' the conservative women's movement. There's an untapped niche Ladies of the Right - if you are competent, sane and normal, you can be heralded and appreciated by the mainstream.

  8. Anonymous6:11 AM

    The Bachmann campaign is probably frantically digging into their records to track these gals down to see whose willing to go on the record of benefiting from the "altruistic rearing" those whack-job Bachmann's provided in the most vulnerable time in their lives.

    I don't blame them for remaining silent, I wouldn't even want to be on those invasive freaks radar ever again either.

  9. Chenagrrl6:13 AM

    Next question. Who are her real children and how did THEY deal with having strangers take up residence for a day, a week, a year, three years.

    It takes a very special set of adult skills to keep a family of 5 kids on even keel as foster children come and go. So when did she have time for this successful tax-law practice? Between stalking gay-rights demonstrations. (Random thouht: How did she deal with Fkids who were gay, or acting out gay?)

    She has a lot more explaining to do on this.

  10. Anonymous6:15 AM

    What name for this unwitting group should the MSM place on these 23 foster girls?

    The Bachmann 23?
    The Id'il Circumstances Gals?
    Lemonade Bachmann Babies?
    Bachmann Fosters Overdrive?

    I feel bad for these girls having been taken advantage of and exploited for their condition to add brownie points to the Bachmann record. Now the press will have to dig them up to help make Bachmann a martyr or expose her as a Palinesque Exaggerator.

  11. Anonymous6:15 AM

    And how much was she compensated for taking in each child. While many people fister as an act of kindness, many do it for the money. Just sayin'...

  12. Anonymous6:28 AM

    She's 55.

  13. Anonymous6:28 AM

    How is it violating the privacy of the children, if she were to say that the child staying with her the longest was there X months and the child staying with her the shortest time was there X days.

    Well folks, it appears we have another habitual liar running for prez.

  14. Anonymous6:31 AM

    You get paid for that. Like her farm subsidy. Do the 23 kids have to sign non-disclosure documents before they can leave?

    What a pathetic, self congratulatory douche bag, aka a Republican....

  15. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I have wondered about this also. To "raise" that many foster children, you would need a hotel and a live-in staff!! If she would tell the truth and say she has "cared for" 23 foster children - that would probably be closer to the truth.
    Pat Padrnos

  16. comeonpeople6:40 AM

    of course she is full of shit. It' s fairly ludicrous to think someone with her job can nurture and raise 23 children. Let's just be honest here. I'm not bashing working women, as i am one myself. But Raising means from infancy to adulthood or pretty darn close to it.It is a very very tough job to rasie kids in that it takes alot of work, creativity time love and selflessness. She may have provided a ,home, security and hopefully some nurturing to 23 kids. But raise them? Bullshit. No one beleives her and if they do then they deserve to have her govern/represent them.

  17. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Oh wait, so she can throw it out there "publicly" that she "raised" 23 teenage girls (some being pregnant or perhaps all of them were pregnant?) but when confronted about the specifics, Bachmann suddenly becomes a clam & informs the reporters that she wants to "observe their privacy"???
    WTF is up with that crap?

    If she wanted to "observe" and respect their privacy, then she should have keep her trap shut & never boasted about her being this all-great Foster mom of 23 teenage girls just in order to give herself a pat-on-the-back and have her blind-sheeples give her tons of accolades for being so brave to take on such a chore of "raising" foster kids. Especially the "pregnant" ones.

    Oh yeah, and how much $$$$s from the State of Minn. did Bachman receive for taking in those 23?
    Probably just as much as she received in Farm Subsidies!
    Another HYPOCRITE that one!


  18. Anonymous6:47 AM

    You are probably correct about the foster children. However, having foster children is hardly a qualifiction to become President.


  19. Anonymous6:49 AM

    @ 6:15 Anon.

    I've always referred to the "23" as "The Mysterious 23" because Bachmann is the only one to speak about them.

    "Them" who should have had "their privacy observed" without her putting them out there "publicly" that they even WERE her foster children.

    See the "Double-Standard" Bachmann is already throwing out there?
    Pathetic is what she is.


  20. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I've always thought there was something fishy with that claim.

  21. I may write a letter TO God...
    Dear God,
    Please, not another one.
    Thank you,
    ..and if you want to see a truly wonderful couple who fostered many children, and I know because my daughter, as a young single lawyer, mentored Tony Garrison through Families First and had constant interaction with the Lewis family for over 7 years. These are the people who do real good in this world.

  22. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Remember that MB called AmeriCorps a Re-education Camp? Then her own son joined AmeriCorps a few months back.


  23. Anonymous6:54 AM

    You know, if they really took in foster kids and provided them with some stability and kindness, I don't care how long of a stretch they did so. We badly need more families to do so, as we do not have enough safe and nurturing orphanages. HOWEVER - I distrust people who brag about their good deeds as much as Bachmann makes a point about bragging about this. She never talks about it in a humble way, it's always in a tone that trumpets how righteous she is. So I'm suspicious on that count alone.

  24. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Well, at least you guys don´t have to pretend to be nice to these intolerant SOBs. After the ´08 election, these arseholes dropped all pretense of civility and commenced to spitting on every ¨so-called conservative¨ who dared to have a different view of things. Now the MB thousand-yard death stare has replaced the SP cockeyed ding-a-ling winking.

    F.o.c.k them.

    President Obama gets my vote.

  25. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Why does the media feel it can investigate and question Bachmann on her motherhood but not Palin?

  26. wakeUpAmerica7:00 AM

    Personally, I would re- phrase that as:

    What a shining example of a pathetic, self congratulatory douche bag of a Republican....

    Otherwise, you got that about right.

  27. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Up here she is called the Big NO because she votes against everything related to the human condition, or at least improving it. As she gets closer her voting record needs to be looked at as well as her farm subsidies received and foster children taken in. Not a pretty sight.

    In the end she's an attractive republican crazy who rose to power by voting against everything.

    Best shot of her, pushing through a crowd to get close to W, watching it you can almost see him cringe in fear. I suppose he saw she was wearing knee pads and didn't want her going there while the camera's were rolling

  28. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I'm sorry, but as much as I dislike Bachmann and her politics, I will still give her credit for taking children for whatever length of time, who are in crisis, into her home. That is commendable, and something I personally don't have the generousity to do. So she gets props for that from me. Also the fact that I don't know her bio childrens names and have never seen a picture of them is also commendable. It is what Palin should have done with her children instead of throw them out there for media consumption.
    So if BAchmann chooses to keep her kids out of the public eye, good for her and we should respect that.

    Now if she pulls a Palin and throws them to the wolves then thats on her, but so far she has not done that, so Bachmann's children should be left alone. If she sticks to allowing them their privacy as it appears she has done and is doing, I totally respect that aspect of her mothering.

  29. Anonymous7:06 AM

    If that's the best they've got, then run her. I am so disgusted with this country and the apathetic, uninterested populace that continue to vote these people into office that I'm "almost" ready to say, "you know what, America? If you don't wake UP, you get EXACTLY what you deserve." In my opinion, this is exactly what they're counting on....a detached, disinterested public so they can pull their crap on us. The MSM and true investigative journalism has let us down, and bloggers can only do so much to open people's eyes.

    I am a woman, and as far as I'm concerned if the Bachmanns and Palins of the world want to play with the big boys then they are subject to FULL scrutiny on every last behavior/action/statement and stop hiding behind their uterus crying "foul!"

  30. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Let me add, don't be hypocrites. Bachmann is doing what we all say Palin should have done.

    God I can't believe you made me defend Bachmann. I feel dirty, but right.

  31. Anonymous7:09 AM

    From what I understand the "children" were mostly pregnant teenagers. Her husband is a counselor and he believes he can cure deviant behavior such as gayness. Wonder what those girls had to endure.

  32. wakeUpAmerica7:12 AM

    I can't stand the Minnesota Cuckoo, but let's give credit where credit is due. Fostering is difficult under the best of circumstances. If Bachmann and her equally crazy husband were doing it merely to improve her political creds, 4 or 5 foster kids would have been enough, don't you think? Someone who takes in 23 is doing it because he/she believes in what they are doing (assuming it isn't for the money) even if it is only for a couple of weeks with each child. Bringing in a foster child completely disrupts the house, at least for a little while. To do that 23 times couldn't have been to improve her image.

  33. Anonymous7:17 AM

    There is something unwholesome about this foster children story. Why only teen girls? That preference is very suspect. Were they housekeepers, babysitters, or something else?

    I have heard Bachman say they had nothing to worry about from her husband. WTF does that mean and why would she have said that. Another weird comment from her --- none of the girls are in jail at this time. Why would she volunteer that?

  34. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Local bloggers cover the candidates better than the regular media.

    Ripple in Stillwater (one of the local blogs reporting on Michele Bachmann) has a revealing post up now.

    Is Stillwater the next Wasilla?

    By Karl Bremer

    With Michele Bachmann’s entry into the 2012 presidential race, is her hometown of Stillwater, Minnesota, about to suffer the fate of Sarah Palin’s Wasilla, Alaska? If media response in my inbox is any indication, the answer is yes.

    Just in the days since Bachmann cleverly hijacked the first GOP debate of the 2012 campaign with the hardly surprising news that she had filed papers to be a candidate, I’ve been contacted by no less than four members of the national and international press about Bachmann’s background. Several already have visited Stillwater and more are on their way. The question on all of their minds is: What on earth kind of people elected Michele Bachmann?

    This was also interesting:

    Some reporters have begun challenging Bachmann’s oft-repeated claim of having “raised” 23 foster children. Others are nosing around husband and chief political strategist Marcus Bachmann's Christian counseling clinic, long rumored to be a practitioner of “curing” gays.

    Click through to see what the reporters should be asking Michele Bachmann. If the reporters won't ask the questions, then maybe the voting public should ask Michele these questions.

  35. nogravity7:27 AM

    The reporter should have asked her if she could name them all. First name only would be fine.

  36. Anonymous7:41 AM

    As a issue this seems a small one. The Bachmanns did apparently have foster children and apparently there were not significant negative issues that arose from that.

    Michelle is an idiot and has no place as an elected representative but they did, to a great extent, put their money where their mouth is and I give them full credit for that.

    I do think it is worth noticing that when she was speaking about this issue she sounded sane and calm very unlike her shrill unhinged political speeches and press conferences.

    It is a pity that people like Bachmann, Palin, Breitbart and so many others are not willing to remain within their sane boundaries. They are too vain and ambitious to notice how altered they are in thought word and deed when they step beyond the limits of their capacities.

  37. Anonymous7:43 AM

    To the poster who asked how much Michele got paid to be a foster Minnesota you get 30 bucks a day per kid, max 3 kids at any one time. So she got up to 2700 a month. Pretty good money for just taking teenagers in. I wonder why none of the 23 girls have come forward and said what a great role model Michele and Marcus are.

  38. Anonymous7:58 AM

    If most were pregnant girls, maybe she counted each as 2 kids :)

  39. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I believe Bachmann's foster kids are largely irrelevant in the bigger picture of her pernicious religious personal and political agendas. Posts like this feed the perception of "haters" and hand the faithful ammunition. By throwing out this little stretch of the truth as likely calculated red herring bait she's catching some suckers on both sides of the division.

    She's taking lessons from Palin, learning some things and putting them into practice. Pernicious vs. Perfidious.

    Don't feed the trolls, indeed.

  40. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Do ANY of these foster kids speak out about how well they were treated by Bachmann and her family? Even if ONE came forward it might help. Out of 23, surely one would speak up and support her. Maybe she will have to pay one of them?

  41. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I agree nogravity @7:27; that was my first thought too. Ask her to name all 23, first names only.

    I'll bet the ranch she can't do it. She was in it for the $$$$$, that's all. Just like the bogus farm subsidies she gets.

  42. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Our family actually did foster care in Washington County, Michelle's county. They are absolutely correct in stating that some may stay a few days and others for months. In fact, Michelle et al may have done respite care for other foster families and only had children on a weekend or as substitute foster parents when their actual foster parents were gone, etc. Me thinks they are definitely on to something.

    If you do the math with her license limited to three children, to have 23 children over 7.5 years, she would have the children only a year each. This assumes she was always at 3 teens consistently. Trust me, that isn't how it works.

  43. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Chennagrrl. What a great question! Having been a foster parent, it can be difficult for the family's children, especially if they were fostering teens. Troubled teens can be stressful for a family and can be masters of divide and conquer. Having 23 troubled teens in and out of your home for 7.5 years would definitely take a toll on your own children.

  44. Anonymous9:05 AM

    7:17am. That part isn't really suspect. Depending on the ages of your children and your family structure, you can tell your placement worker your preference. As example, if I had teenage boys of my own, accepting teenage girls in the home could be a sure way to make things more difficult.

  45. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Those stating what she received per day don't take into consideration that foster parents provide food, transportation, supplies, etc. to these children.

    The problem for Bachmann isn't the money foster parents receive, it is the fact that she rails against government involvement and socialism while putting her hand out for farm subsidies and foster parenting money.

  46. Feeling brave today, I clicked over to C4P to confirm that delusion, stupidity and hate still coexist over there. A common theme is the conjecture about when Palin will announce her run for POTUS, but there is also an undercourse of frustration about being 'strung along'. I kind of expected to see a SarahPac link following this comment; "At times we really need to take that hard step back and ask does she want to run. Not do we want her to run. Maybe she enjoys what she is doing?" Of course Sarah enjoys what she's doing, what grifter wouldn't enjoy a free ride, now keep sending her your hard-earner money so she can continue to do what she does best!

    It does appear that 'Palin Panty Sniffer In Chief, Sean Hannity', has fallen out of favor with the peebots, who now refer to him as " Vannity". Their pet name for Michele Bachmann is "backstabbsmann", because in their delusional minds, she dared to challenge their Queen. So delusional are the peebots, that many of them actually believe that Bachmann is not a serious candidate, but rather, just a ringer for Romney. One peebot referred to Bachmann as "crazy eyes Leona Hemsley (sic)" and introduced the claim that Bachmann was going to great lengths to imitate Sarah by copying her hairstyle, her walk, her style of dress and makeup - and they're expecting the Kawasaki glasses any day now. Personally, I don't see any of that, but it brought out a surge of agreement from the delusional peebots. They are absolutely - peeing - their - pants - terrified of Michele Bachmann!

    Mitt Romney is affectionately called "Mittens" and Tim Pawlenty is "Hee-Haw". They hate Ann Coulter, previously called 'brilliant' and 'perfect', because she dissed the Quitter Queen one too many times and then had the audacity to express her love for Chris Christie and praise for Romney. One comment suggested that Coulter needed a brain scan! Maybe the peebots could get in on that brain scan with a group rate. Considering the size of the collective C4P brain, it shouldn't take very long!

    I also found the perfect example of the stupidity that exists over there on the dark side in this comment; "It's high time education is no longer compulsory and people began paying out of their pockets for books and transportation. If they want an education, let 'em put their money where their mouth is and get it. "
    'Nuff said.

  47. WakeUpAmerica9:18 AM

    annie said...
    "I may write a letter TO God...
    Dear God,
    Please, not another one.
    Thank you,


  48. TruthSeeker9:33 AM

    Every time I read of or hear Michelle Bachmann bragging about raising 23 foster children, the image of "puppy mills" comes to mind. Not a reassuring or pleasant thought.

  49. DaleinSanAngelo9:35 AM

    If there is something hinky about any of the kids she had in foster care, one or some of them will step forward. This really could come back to bite her in the ass hard.

  50. Olivia10:10 AM

    I had 6 teenaged foreign exchange students living in my home over a period of years. Never would I even consider saying that I "raised" those kids. I would bet money that each of those kids lived in my home longer than any of her paid for foster kids lived in her home.

  51. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Bachmann did such a good job raising 'kids', especially her own, that her son in 2009 joined 'AmeriCorps' - which she once called a 'Re-Education Camp' unfit for her kids. Really!!!!

    I don't recall her 'praising' her son when 'stumping'. Wonder why!!!

  52. Anonymous11:05 AM

    At some point, Bachmann or her slob husband had to have said that gay and/or black/muslim teachers should not teach our kids as they will indoctrinate them.

    There should be an ad done showing her saying that then ask the question 'How many of the 23 did you and your husband 'indoctrinate'??' - on the subjects of abortion, etc. You know -- those Rethug talking points.

  53. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Although I think she is kooky and I detest many of her policy statements, I think she and her husband have done a good job with their kids. The eldest is an MD and the other boy is a special ed teacher. You can find them online, but it takes some effort. Some older articles about the foster kids are more accurate. Some stayed a couple of years, many just a few days. Sure, she got compensated. But she stepped up to the plate and has kept her kids out of the public glare. I would never, ever vote for her, but she deserves some credit in the family department.


  55. Two Minnesota web sites with extensive information about Michele Bachmann.

  56. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Why would the ditzy broad bring it up if she wanted to protect their privacy?

    I will call bullshit on this one.

    Twenty-three kids in 7 1/2 years.

    michele has been a big dizbot like forever. Now the repubaggers want to pond the clown off as if she is viable.

  57. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Even the British media is starting to notice Bachmann and her extremist views:

  58. Anonymous12:17 PM

    "The Bachmann campaign is probably frantically digging into their records to track these gals down to see whose willing to go on the record of benefiting from the "altruistic rearing" those whack-job Bachmann's provided in the most vulnerable time in their lives."

    Or they're trying to see how many of them might have embarrassing info, and paying them to stay silent?

  59. Bachmann has a farm, so these teenagers, who were the ONLY age of foster kids she had, are built in slave labor........nice!

    It would be very interesting if one or some of them came forward...I'll bet she has paid them off already, or put them to work for her campaign or her PAC.

  60. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Really? her husband is a counselor that,at times treats young pregnant women? Really?

    That sounds like a conflict of interest. What a racket.

    I agree that if she does get compensated for talking in foster kids she is a hypocrite.

    What is this about bachmann's and a dairy farm?

    Sounds like she is ready to get out of the kitchen.

  61. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Michelle Bachmann's foster children were very short term to have that many in so few yrs. I find it very strange since I am quite familiar with the fostercare system.
    There are only two types of fostercare that are set up on a short term basis
    1)emergency fostercare--when children are removed and a permanent placement has to be found ( example-- child removed from home on a weekend and offices not open)

    2) medically fragile fostercare--medically fragile includes children leaving the hospital for ay reason that have been removed, disabled children that need extremely involved care ( most MedFrag fostercare parents have some medical training--such as myself, I was an RN)

    Michelle was NOT emergency nor medically fragile foster parent--which signals to me that they just shuffled them through their home for quick paychecks--they took ALL girls, most older teens that require minimal care.
    The Bachmann's fostering raises my eyebrows as it should everyone.
    PS it has NOTHING to do with a fosterchild's privacy if you discuss your role as a foster parent.

    See, I will discuss mine.
    I did medically fragile fostercare for 22 yrs. I thought it was the best fit for me and I could do the most good since I was an RN. I had 38 short term kiddos, some recovered enough to go into a regular foster home, some had extreme disabilities and ended up having to go into full care facilities. 4 we adopted, one of which is my spec forces combat vet son :) who has blessed us with a wonderful DIL and 2 grandkiddos. Unfortunately our other 3 adoptive children all had cystic fibrosys and lived very short lives--while it is hard to talk about them without crying, I know we LOVED them and cared for them as much as any parent could.

    See no details, no names, no invasion of privacy....Michelle Bachmann is full of BS.

  62. Anonymous1:07 PM

    As I understand it, most if not all of these foster children were pregnant teenagers. Were the Bachmanns keeping these girls from getting abortions even when they wanted them? Were good homes found for these babies, or were they raised by young mothers who either didn't want them or were inept at caring for them? I see a brewing scandal in this story.

  63. Remember the actual statistics: she had a license for 7 1/2 years; she could have 3 at a time; she had 23 pass through her house. She may have done some real good for a few at a critical time in their lives, but I doubt she "raised" any of them. In my opinion, she actually is less credible because she makes a big deal of it. If you really want a supermom, I give you Michelle Obama who has worked at a high power job, now is one of the most effective First Ladies ever, and whose daughters are a credit to her parenting skills.

  64. Anonymous1:24 PM

    "Even the British media is starting to notice Bachmann and her extremist views:

    12:13 PM"

    Thanks for the informative link. It explains a big part of why the nut should get out of the kitchen.

    And to think crazy people support her. GMAFB


  65. 23 kids over seven years. That's about 4 months each. Unless she wants to correct that.

    You know, you can foster a child by sending a dollar a month to some Xtian relief organization.

    Maybe she sent $23 a month.

  66. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Michelle Bachmann of the flashing eyes. They just flash when she is trying to shut someone down. Funny.

    She has toned done the googly eyes, though. They were out of control when she first hit the national scene. I am sure someone worked with her on that.

  67. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Gryphen - Did you see Chritiane Amanpour this morning? Some dude was comparing Bachmann and Palin. Said when Michele opens her mouth at least you can understand her. He also mentioned Palin and her lies.

  68. Punkinbugg3:02 PM

    Some people I know are in this line of work/service, and yes, the state pays them to keep kids for a few days up to a few years... but it's not very easy work.

    It sounds like Bachmann had a total of 23 kids come through her house. If that's been twisted into raising 23 children to maturity, she needs to set that record straight before it comes back to haunt her.

    I kept ONE teen girl who was a friend of my daughter's for about a year, and it was a very, very difficult year. If MB kept 23 different teen girls for one week each, I'm sorry, but I have to give her props for that.

    Just don't lie about it Michelle.

    You don't have to copy Sarah that much, do you?

  69. Anonymous3:04 PM

    "I will still give her credit for taking children for whatever length of time, who are in crisis, into her home."

    selling babies is a lucrative business especially when it increases your church membership.

  70. Anonymous6:03 PM

    If she truly wanted to protect their privacy, and it was done with altruistic intentions, she wouldn't even mention the fact in the first place.

    My neighbors have had foster children for years and calls them her kids, knows them by name, and is still part of their lives.

    What parameters tell someone their children are ready enough to be "launched into the world?" What an absolutely idiotic statement to make, and yes, she's full of shit- you can see it in her face in this video.

  71. Chenagrrl6:08 PM

    Michelle needs to come clean. I give her props for working in the foster care system (still doesn't qualify her to be president). It is possible that she was an emergency caretaker, meaning she had children overnight or for a week or two, maybe a month.

    Or since pregnant teenage girls can seek emancipation depending on state laws, she may have been a transition caretaker.

    In any event, she did not rear 23 foster children, and she needs to be clear on that.

  72. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Anon @ 12:54

    Thank you for sharing. You are a better person than me and most I know.

    Thank you, but it seems you feel you have been rewarded for your services.

  73. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Re: "There is something unwholesome about this foster children story. Why only teen girls? That preference is very suspect. Were they housekeepers, babysitters, or something else?"

    Well, let me just say, have you seen Marcus (Bachmann)? Do you know what gaydar is? Did your gaydar go on high alert?

    Well, I think you have your answer as to why no teenage boys. It would be too tempting.

  74. Beldar X. Agerate Conehead8:01 PM

    23? Are you certain that's the number? I'm pretty sure I heard it was... 123. yeah, 123. That's the ticket!

  75. Anonymous9:35 PM

    anon at 7:39
    I think thats exactly why there were no boys. It's well known that Marcus (the self loathing closeted gay man) roams the gay bars in the Twin Cities. I hope Michelle does get the nomination because I don't think that Marcus can control his urges for any length of time.

  76. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Just another Republican hypocrite who's not at all bothered to line her own pockets with government welfare yet doesn't want anyone else to get a share of the pie as witnessed by taking in (I can't even say she 'raised' them) 23 foster teens (can't say 'children', either). And add this to her bs from the Guardian:

    Then there is the issue of the Bachmann family farm in Wisconsin. The large rural property has been the recipient of considerable government largesse in the form of agricultural subsidies, despite the fact that Bachmann is a vociferous critic of government handouts. Yet Bremer's blog has reported that the farm has reaped the Bachmanns about $154,000 of government cash since 2001. That is obviously not illegal but – given Bachmann's virulent dislike of state welfare – it could make for some interesting headlines.

  77. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I lived in her district and the rumor was that these foster children were pregnant teenage girls . I never saw proof and I need to give her credit for taking on that kind of responsibilty plus I have never heard anything bad about her biological children . Infact I heard one of her sons volunteered with something like the peace corp for a year . I don't agree with her politically either and always supported her Democratic opponent . I believe that most of these foster kids were pregnant teens who had chosen to give their babies up for adoption . Think about it she belonged to an evangelical prolife church and I am sure they had contact with an adoption agency . If your daughter got pregnant and had decided to give their baby up for adoption wouldn't be easier to send her away to have the baby . The old exchange student story . That is what my friends sister did when she gave her baby up .

  78. FYI Michelle Bachmann had her house declared a treatment home so she could garner a higher rate per day per child. She likely received 50.00 per day from the government to take care of these teenagers. If she had each of the 23 children for one year she likely would have collected $511,000. Also, she sent her children to a private school, foster kids did not get what she considers the best education, only her biological children were entitled to that although she was receiving $1500.00 per month per child. I'd say foster care subsidized the education of her biological children.

  79. Anonymous6:32 AM

    You people are sick.

  80. The foster program and CPS are among the most corrupt programs. I would like to know how many of these children were ripped from their homes because their parents couldn't afford to fight the system. So is this why the Repugnicans are against abortion and some even want to ban birth control? More babies to unwed mothers means more foster kids that can be taken away and placed in good Christian homes with Stepford wives like Michele? There is something that smells very evil about this women. She needs further scrutiny.

  81. Anonymous10:38 PM

    These comments help me regain some trust in Americans ability to reason sufficiently to see the blatant lies that politicians,such as Bachmann, tell.

  82. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Remember when she was bragging to be from the same town as John Wayne. Well, she was.. Just a different John Wayne who was a serial killer. Not a hero. Today she bashed Obama for scare tactics, her website has a flash video showing a graph of jobs in a hole. She is not a leader.


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