Thursday, June 30, 2011

Keith Olbermann delivers more bad news to Bristol Palin.

(I removed the embed because it was stuck on auto play.  To watch the video Olbermann's "Worst Persons in the World" featuring Bristol Palin just click here.)

Gee now Bristol has something ELSE in common with her mother besides a vindictive personality, being famous for no good reason, and emasculating the men in her life.


  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    It's so good having Keith back on the air! He was always one of my favored!

  2. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Did Bristol have the poor judgement to also read her own book for the audio version? Why would someone with such a poor quality voice (Sarah) read her own book?

    I feel sorry for those 18 audio book purchasers. Perhaps they were bought for the hearing-impaired.

  3. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Holy God...

    I was just going to paste the URL for brisket's chinplant


    but I encourage EVERYONE to WATCH the whole Worst Persons.

    Remember the mine explosion that killed TWENTY NINE MEN?

    Turns out the big bosses kept TWO sets of safety records, just to keep from having to do expensive safety upgrades.













    and those Big Bosses are still in power getting PAID!!

    Go Rethugs!

  4. angela7:37 AM

    I'm so glad Keith is back.
    No bullshit with him . . . Well, some fun bullshit anyway.

  5. Keith used a picture of Bristol pre-chin implant. How pathetic are the sales of her memoir? After all the national media appearances, she should have a best seller. Too bad she didn't book on The Daily Show. Every time an author appears with Jon Stewart, his or her book jumps up the list. Too bad Oprah's finished. Book Club selection? Hah!

  6. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I will not buy Bristol's book... I am waiting for the movie to come out.

    Bristol "I am a slut" Palin would have drawn maybe five people to the book signing if mom was not present.

    Bristol... your career as a best selling author is over.

  7. I love Keith, but the video just started automatically.

    Was that just me?

  8. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I will not buy Bristol's book... I am waiting for the movie to come out.

    Bristol "I am a slut" Palin would have drawn maybe five people to the book signing if mom was not present.

    Bristol... your career as a best selling author is over.

    7:47 AM
    and even WITH her media whore mother she only drew a very, very small crowd.

  9. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I love how Keith does his homework and reports the 'facts'.

    Under 1500 total print and audio (18) books sold in it's first week - when that is the timeframe of the 'big sale numbers'.

    I also love the fact that Mark Halperin has been indefinitely suspended from MSNBC for referring to the President as a 'dick'.

    I've always found Little Baby Marky as arrogant -- he rips the President for not having a backbone yet when President Obama called the GOP out -- Little weiner Marky got his 'nappy' in a knot! WAH, Wah, WAH

  10. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Um, Bristol's not vindictive. Do you know her?

    And her book did in fact reach #180 on amazon. That's not too shabby.

  11. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Stop calling her a slut. 1. You dont know her 2. you have zero proof 3 she never said that for all we know

    Can you refute any of that? Not rationally, no you cannot. I however, can refute everything Mercede has said with her own ex friends as sources and her own words. Yet Gryphen won't acknowledge this. Why?

  12. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Gryph, FYI, this video is on autoplay and very loud.

  13. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Maybe if she would told some drama-filled lies about her mother, or a made up previous pregnancy, or a bizarre fictional story concerning her little brother, she would have sold more? Oops, forgot who we were discussing here. Levi and the blogs have already done all that.

    However, the fact that she surpassed #200 on amazon isn't shabby.

  14. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Hey Palin Clan!!


  15. Dear Bristol Fairy Tale Troll8:16 AM

    @7:58- pissedtol not vindictive? Yeah, I know her. I've heard what she's said & done to Levi on national TV. Like she said terrible things about him on ELLEN with Mark Ballas at her side. Like when she gave the country the
    middle finger on DWTS. Like when she told a ghostwriter lies about rape & a tent. You moron: she's nationally & publicly vindictive!

    And as far as #180 on Amazon...that's excruciatingly low considering all the free national PR & media exposure she's had!! Ghastly! I got up to #16 on Amazon on a book I wrote all by myself with no media coverage beyond news of its release!

  16. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I will not buy Bristol's book... I am waiting for the movie to come out.

    Bristol "I am a slut" Palin would have drawn maybe five people to the book signing if mom was not present.

    Bristol... your career as a best selling author is over.

    7:47 AM
    ------------------------------------Ol' Brisket admitted to fucking Levi with another couple in the tent, she is a SLUT, a sleazy ass slut.

  17. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Our resident Fairybot doesn't understand Amazon rankings OR the fact that the "I'm a slut" comment was written by Bristol on her own MySpace page.

    And, Bristol's not vindictive? Really? That's why she's badmouthing the father of Tripp all over the place. She announced on teevee that she hates Levi more than she can say.

    And, by the way...YOU DON'T KNOW BRISTOL! You are deluded and scary.

  18. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Anon 8:01am:
    I however, can refute everything Mercede has said with her own ex friends as sources and her own words. Yet Gryphen won't acknowledge this. Why?

    If you have so much info you should start your own blog.

  19. Anonymous8:19 AM

    @8:01 - Bristol labeled herself a slut on MySpace! It is preserved for all time; McCain's cyber clean-up team did not get to it in time. FACT. Do you want the link?

  20. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I think it was a great idea for Brisdull to write a book and then promote it.She is making enemies left, right and centre as she sticks her big hooves into her plastic mouth. I'm thoroughly enjoying the spectacle. Lol.

  21. Gryphen: where and when are Bristol's next book signings ... you usually do one after another, and at least half a dozen. I think the others are in smaller towns; I think the turnouts will be even lower. Is Sarah going to continue to shepherd this book signing tour? Because it is a FAILURE! Major failure. It is going to be even more embarassing down the road.

  22. Anonymous8:23 AM

    @ 7:58AM & 8:01AM -Hi Pigstool! You must be feeling totally humiliated right now. Even with your mom there to hold your hand you only managed to get 10's of people to show up! How sad...the pictures of the empty rope lines are making everyone laugh out loud. Why don't you get out from under your mom's thumb and get your own life instead of living in your mom's shadow? You know you don't have to be so bitter just because you're so jealous of Mercedes. She's better than you. Accept it and move on. It doesn't matter how much plastic surgery you get, you will never be as beautiful as Mercedes.

  23. Anonymous8:28 AM

    If Bristol isn't a slut, then why did she create the "Gold Rush" move? Why did people is high school call her "fries"? As in "Do you want fries with that BJ?" Let me guess, everyone else is lying and a Palin is the only one telling the truth. LMAO. Its a big conspiracy! The Palin "family" is nuts.

  24. Anonymous8:34 AM

    @7:58 AM

    We know Bri$tol by her words and her actions. She is vindivtive like her stupid mother. Always out for revenge, and looking to hurt people.

    So, Bri$tol's book made it to #180 at Amazon. It didn't last long, though. Last I checked, her book dropped back down into the 300's.

    @8:01 AM

    Stop calling Bri$tol a slut, or WHAT? What are you going to do about it? The Palin lies can, and have been easily "refuted" too.

    Why are you talking about Mercede? No one said anything about her?

  25. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Anon 8:01

    Bristle was fucking Johnny C. when she was 14/15.

    SLUT with a cap 'S'.

    So your little BS has now been tanked so go cry somewhere else.

    As to your Mercede statement -- those you refer to are Bristle's pals and therefore don't hold water.

    Bye Bye Anon 8:01 -- See you on the other boards. I know who you are.

  26. Jaime8:35 AM

    8:01 I however, can refute everything Mercede has said with her own ex friends as sources and her own words.

    Okay, let's see your refudiative proof. (One hint: hiding behind "Anonymous" as you make these oh-so-angry claims is NOT a good start.)

  27. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Great to see Mr. Olberman back on air!

  28. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I wonder how iron-clad Bristle's contract is for the reality show with Kyle Massey? The producers HAVE to be having second thoughts by now. Does not boe well, does it? All that surgery, and she will fade into the background. Guess what is missing is REAL TALENT, Bristle. There are too many young women in L.A. with acting, singing, dancing talent who look a HELL of a lot better than you, and they look their age. Bristle could be mistaken for Octomom.

  29. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Bristle's Book Tour Dates provided by publisher Harper Collins including a Walmart with no location LOL:

    Promoting Not Afraid of Life
    Tuesday, July 05, 2011
    757 Brookwood Village Birmingham, AL 35209

    Thursday, July 07, 2011
    ABC-TV/The View

    Friday, July 08, 2011
    WAL-MART (no info as to where even provided - what a joke by HC)

    Saturday, July 09, 2011
    21001 N Tatum Blvd Phoenix, AZ 85050

    No further dates are provided. Last info I saw there were only 2 dates. Appears they are making it up as they go as clearly they know now -- IT AIN'T SELLING!!! The first signing for HC was an embarrassment!!!

  30. ibwilliamsi8:49 AM

    I'm really not happy with Frontier VIOS that they took Current TV OUT of my lineup before KO's show started up. I had it as part of my regular package and then one day it stopped working and they think I should pay extra for it. If that isn't Corporations trying to keep a balance to Faux News out of people's homes I don't know what is!

  31. Update on the Amazon rank: Let's make that #574 right now... dropping like a rock. I wonder how much William Morrow got screwed out of on her advance?

  32. Anonymous8:53 AM

    RAM @ 7:58 & 8:01 - We do know Bristol is vindictive because her book is full of vengeance. We do know Bristol is a slut because she said so in her own words on her own twitter and there's screen shots to prove it. If you have the goods on Mercede, please show them or consider yourself powned.

  33. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I wonder what Keith and Jon Stewart do with Mark Halperin today?? That's going to be good being Mark Halperin has been suspended from MSNBC.

    Jon Stewart's show tonight should be a two-fer - skewer Mark Halperin and Stewart's guest - Bill Kristol!!!!

  34. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Capital L.O.S.E.R. = brisket and the grifter quitting queen on the facebook realm

  35. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Bristol and Willow. Yes, she's a slut. Perhaps even both of you are. It's not like you have a great, moral mom either. She slept around as well. How do you think your big bro arrived so soon after the 'wedding'? As did your granny. It's a pattern. but if you go to 'church', clap your hands 3 times, turn around and get a purity ring, your suddenly a re virgin again. How many times can you do that? I just might want to try it someday.

    Her booK? Won't be on my shelf. Her abstinence tour? LOL. My 16 yr old daughter calls her a joke. She said if she wants to an example of abstinence, she'll talk to her mom (me) since her father and I waited until after the wedding.

  36. Anonymous9:06 AM

    And Brisdull continues to make enemies.

    Bristol Palin Knocks, Misspells Middletown In New Book
    Candidate's Daughter Says Historic Hotel Had Cockroaches

    Read more:

  37. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Gryph, You said Mercede would be addressing Bristol's lies in the book. Do you know if that's still a plan?

  38. Anonymous9:08 AM

    WTG Keith! Brisket Hollywood hates you. Watch out though, you will probably get on the Palin pedophile/rapist list - it's growing daily.

    I just read some of the funniest comments over at Wonkette "Palin Family Leaves Empty Mall of America Book Signing Half Hour Early".

    Yes, it's turning out to be a very fine day!

  39. Anonymous9:12 AM

    "Maybe if she would told some drama-filled lies about her mother, or a made up previous pregnancy, or a bizarre fictional story concerning her little brother, she would have sold more? Oops, forgot who we were discussing here. Levi and the blogs have already done all that.

    However, the fact that she surpassed #200 on amazon isn't shabby."

    @8:04 AM

    So are you admitting most people don't give a damn about Bri$tol's boring book of lies? You call us liars, but most people have never heard of the IM. But, most Americans have heard of $arah Palin, and she is a known LIAR, they don't like her, and they don't trust her. Bri$tol's book did not stay in Amazon's top 200 for long. It had a massive drop. No matter how you spin it, the book it failing.

  40. Anonymous9:18 AM

    anonymous 8:01

    We didn't call her a slut, Bristol called herself a slut.

    1. We've come to know Bristol quite well. That's what happens when you put yourself on a reality shows and give constant interviews in the press, not to mention publishing a biography.
    2. We have taped video evidence showing the full context of Bristol's remarks. This constitutes proof positive.
    3. See number 2.

    You cannot refute anything that Mercede has said, Bristol. If you could, you would.

    Yeah, we know it's you, Bristol, you're the only one dogging Mercede.

  41. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Someone said

    "On any given day, the MOA has over 100k visitors, (no shit!) That means that at least 99,700 people who were already there actively avoided seeing the Palins."

  42. Anonymous9:24 AM

    "And her book did in fact reach #180on amazon. That's not too shabby."

    Hey troll @7:58 AM,

    I just checked Amazon, and Bri$tol's book is at #553! Her book hasn't even been out that long. Pathetic.

    $arahPac needs to buy up bulk orders of Bri$tol's book A.S.A.P.!

  43. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Seems Brisket is extremely threatened by Mercede.

  44. Anonymous9:41 AM

    IS THIS THE END OF SNOWBILLY GRIFTING? The jihadist conspiracy of elitist liberal shopping mall patrons struck with merciless force yesterday at Minnesota’s Mall of America: only 300 people showed up to attend the Sarah and Bristol Palin book signing of Bristol’s new memoir about her life as a drunk pregnant teenager. The family abandoned the stage half an hour before the end of the time slot because there was nobody left. So are we at last witnessing the sad finale of Real American Freedom? Our true patriots are no longer willing to give up fifteen of their last dollars to support the unemployed offspring of this screeching, nightmare opportunist woman. Wait wait, oh come on, uh, how about if Sarah Palin says, “The Constitution of the United States is fricking awesome” three times out loud to anyone in line? Will they hand her some of those crumpled, sweaty dollars in that case?

    From the CityPages:

    The rules set up by Mall of America officials for Sarah and Bristol Palin’s book signing yesterday seemed to have been written in anticipation of an army of fans. “‘Camping out’ is not allowed,” the rules read. “Beginning at 5 a.m., guests will be allowed to line up.”

    But there was no teeming crowd of rabid Palinites at 5 a.m. And less than a half hour into the appearance of Bristol, Sarah and Todd Palin, the crowd had dwindled to a trickle of latecomers.

    Palin has also dropped down to single digits among likely voters in a new Fox News poll. Can we say that America has finally started to quit Sarah Palin? Because we can’t say it any other way


  45. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I still wonder what the powers that were smoked on that made them think having this drip of a young woman write a book was a good idea.

    I mean, come on, it's not as though she survived insurmountable odds and fought her way out of the projects as a single mom and went on to get a Ph.D or anything like that!

    She's just one more dumb, middle class brat who got caught up drinking and partying and ended up pregnant. Somehow though, because she's Simple Sarah's daughter, she deserves adulation?

    Spare me.

  46. Anonymous9:54 AM

    OT, see the post-propaganda film premiere word salad transcribed on Mudflats:
    "…so our state could be a contributor to the rest of the U.S., instead of a taker from the U.S. because we have the energy up there and we can be producing, we can be supplying to allow all of us energy independence, energy security. We worked so hard on that. We worked so hard on ethics reform. We worked hard on cutting budgets and vetoing the largest amounts of money in our state’s history, and all those things that the lamestream media completely ignores and wants to dismiss, and yet that set a foundation for what our administration was going to be all about.

    So it’s it’s very humbling to know that someone has put such effort into documenting what our team was able to accomplish. And it was a pretty simple agenda. It was all about smaller smarter government, putting the faith and the power back into the people of our state and of course that needs to uh be transitioned into our nation where the people of this country are empowered again and individual rights and freedoms and responsibilities before America so our state could be a contributor are once again embraced by Americans and that will bring us back to the exceptional place that America should be. But humbling to know that someone has put such effort into documenting my team’s efforts, but even more than that, at the same time as acknowledging what this has documented for me personally. It’s just the the realization that that it’s not about me. The movie’s not about me – it’s about America’s values; it’s about the work ethic that you here in Iowa you all embrace. ..."

  47. Anonymous9:58 AM


    "I hate the babies, they disgust me. My older six are animals, getting more and more out of control, because I have no time to properly discipline them. The only way I can cope is to lock myself in the bathroom and cry. Sometimes I sit there for hours and even eat my lunch sitting on the toilet floor. Anything to get peace and quiet. Some days I have thought about killing myself. I cannot cope.

    Obviously I love them - but I absolutely wish I had not had them."

  48. Anonymous10:00 AM

    The push is really on. There is a full page (and then some) article about Bristol and her book in Chicago Sun Times:

    It's all the same stuff that you've read before. They must really be working the publicity to get her sales up there isn the 2,000 and 3,000 level. How in the world is she going to attract an audience for a TV reality show? It already has such a lame premise, but what am I saying. People will watch fat people try to lose weight, hoarders refuse to throw stuff out, a humungous family, and all of those other train wrecks. Say, what a good idea for a reality show: auto accidents and train wrecks.

    Seriously, Bristol never had anything to say, and it's too bad that some company is losing money printing the crap that sounds like girls in high school mean-mouthing each other.

  49. Anonymous10:02 AM

    @7.58 AM Right now, Bristol is at 553 in books, no where near the top 100.

  50. Anonymous10:04 AM

    LAM, "It was clearly to nice of a day for fans of former governor Sarah Palin to come to the Mall Of America"....okay excuse number 541 for Palin's total FAILURE!!!

  51. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Anon 9:41

    Palin has also dropped down to single digits among likely voters in a new Fox News poll. Can we say that America has finally started to quit Sarah Palin? Because we can’t say it any other way


    This is great news in that I'm getting tired of 'Popcorn'!! I should have bought shares in popcorn companies -- I'd be rich!!!

  52. Anonymous10:33 AM

    One of things that irks me about the Palins, is that they believe people hate them for no reason.

  53. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Thanks, Gryph, for the removal of that very, disruptive 'auto-play' :o)

    Ya done good!!!

  54. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Tripp is alive!!

    He was at the booksigning.

    Sarah, Todd, Bristol, Tripp & his stroller pusher.

    Comment was made that the President doesn't get that much 'security wanding'. Tells you how much Sarah believes she's important. Yea -- she's important for my compost bin!!

  55. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Anonymous said...
    One of things that irks me about the Palins, is that they believe people hate them for no reason.

    10:33 AM


    The fact is she believes everyone she like her and her views yet she spews pure hate and terrorist remarks at those that don't.

    Palin clearly is devoid of a brain in that she thinks the first amendment was only written for her.

    I hope someone lobbs some more 'vegetables'!!!! They would be kind in that they're offering up to share knowing that produce prices have increased!!

  56. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I love his "Worst Person in the World" segments. LOL!

  57. Anonymous11:02 AM

    To add to my post of the link that Tripp is still alive -- I also notice he's still sucking on a dummy. He's now supposedly 2 1/2 -- enough already.

    IMO it shows that Scarah & Bristle are not only the same in being liars, vindictive -- but they are the same in child raising. LAZY!!

    Loved the comment by the girl commenting that Bristle blames everything on the father (Levi) -- "It takes two" and the reference to birth control pills "Probably didn't take them or took them wrong"!!!! Didn't paint a pretty picture of BristleButt

  58. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Where is TRIG???

  59. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I see that Sarah sent one of her famous letters to her "friends" with what to say on the anti-Palin blogs because they all repeat the same thing.

  60. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Keith is better than ever.

  61. Dis Gusted12:47 PM

    Tripp is alive!!


    it's not Tripp that everyone is concerned for - it's TriG, the DS child.

    PLUS Ruffles....

  62. Anonymous said...
    Um, Bristol's not vindictive. Do you know her?
    And her book did in fact reach #180 on amazon. That's not too shabby.
    7:58 AM
    You lie. Bristol is a nasty, ill-bred vindictive person as proven by her own words. She has attacked DWTS fans who were unhappy with you bots gaming the votes ("big middle finger"). She has made nasty comments on facebook. She wrote disrespectfully of Cindy McCain's gracious offer to be godparent to Bristol's expected baby (and demonstrated total ignorance of what a godparent is). She has made vindictive comments about Meghan McCain (and went on to repeat and amplify those comments in an interview). She made unnecessary criticisms of the hotel she stayed in during the RNC convention (also ignorantly spelling the name of the town incorrectly). She laughingly re-iterated in a television interview how much she hates, yes hates, Levi, the father of her child.

    Put a microphone in front of Bristol's freakish plastic face, and she, like her horrid mother, will jump at the opportunity to make nasty comments about other people.

    She is, in fact, a vindictive, spiteful piece of work.

  63. Anonymous said...
    Stop calling her a slut. 1. You dont know her
    8:01 AM
    She's a slut. Her behavior, described in her own words, and her well-publicized statements and activities since then, make it very clear. She is a slut.

    I don't give a damn what Mercede says or does. I base my opinion of the Palins on their own words, and their own actions, which prove them to be low-class, ill-bred, immoral, unethical, dishonest trash.

    You need to learn to punctuate and/or spell correctly.

  64. SusieQ4:50 PM

    She is actually going on The View? I am surprised she would agree to that considering that she may be asked questions.

    You know, real questions, ones her mother wouldn't approve of because answering them would involve stepping outside the false reality construct the Palins have created. Or she'll jump around them like her her mother and then blame the media for it.

    Bet she cancels that one...

  65. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I have to say that I was elated to see Keith was slated to return but in my area of Ohio we are blacked out from getting Current TV via satellite and I do not and cannot get cable in my rural area.

    I am sorely disappointed that Al Gore has not succumbed to the outcry by others like myself and allowed a streaming podcast with commercials online.

    Finding myself in this position I have resorted to something I have always abhorred and raged against. I found the episodes available on and downloaded them. Unfortunately they are off line for maintenance according to their alternate site as of today.

  66. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Keith delivers the facts quite eloquently, as usual. I never watched current tv before, it's now one of my favorite cable channels, not because of Keith, but because of the breadth of timely documentaries and quality of journalism.

  67. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Keith Rocks!

    Hey, Gryphen,

    I've found a great way to describe Bristol's book sales. It's good because it uses numbers and graphics that are pretty easy for the bot's to follow along with the rest of us.

    I give it a six, quickly headed to a seven. ;0) So appropriate.

  68. @Anon 10:50 AM

    Thanks for the link to the video of Bristol at the mall signing books. It was the first time I had seen a picture of Tripp since Jan., of this year. In that picture, he was in Arizona in a shopping cart being pushed by Bristol and I think (not sure) the elderly lady with them, was the same person pushing the stroller at the mall. (His grandmother?)

    Why no picture of Bristol holding him or with Tripp near the table where they were signing books? There was a scene of Bristol in the hallway holding a young girl and then handing her off to someone. But none of her holding Tripp.

    Is that strange or what?

    Just askin'...

  69. indy_girl10:39 PM

    Anonymous at 801am said..."I however, can refute everything Mercede has said with her own ex friends as sources and her own words. Yet Gryphen won't acknowledge this. Why?"

    Maybe because you're an anonymous poster AND troll (or a Palin!)

  70. Anonymous10:51 PM

    "Bristol Palin Knocks, Misspells Middletown In New Book
    Candidate's Daughter Says Historic Hotel Had Cockroaches"

    Takes one to know one.

  71. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Seems Brisket is extremely threatened by Mercede.

    9:26 AM

    She should be. Mercedes knows what bristol and sarah did with those babies.

  72. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Ahahaha, great comment about Brisket's book signing fail on Wonkette:

    "The bells on my special Andy Warhol 15 minutes of fame alarm clock are ringin' like Paul Revere on meth right now."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.