Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell drives a stake through the heart of the idea that Sarah Palin has ANY intention of launching a Presidential campaign for 2012.

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So essentially Lawrence O'Donnell, and Jonathon Capehart, are simply pointing out what most of the media are not inclined to point out. Which is that Sarah Palin is no longer a viable politician, but instead simply a celebrity along the lines of a Lindsay Lohan. Only without the cocaine abuse and wasted talent.

And the reasons WHY the other "journalists" are loath to point this out, is because so long as they keep the possibility of a Palin Presidential run alive they can get more clicks on their websites, sell more subscriptions to their magazine, and attract more viewers to their cable "news" shows.

Which makes it even more interesting that Fox News so quickly jumped on this story, and reported it without ever even contacting Palin first (Since they are in fact the only news outlet with the capability to do so), to get her side of the story.

It kind of makes one wonder if the relationship between Fox News and Sarah Palin has not subtly changed somehow.

Or perhaps NOT so subtly changed.


  1. Anonymous6:13 AM

    It kind of makes one wonder if the relationship between Fox News and Sarah Palin has not subtly changed somehow.


    FOX now has some guy named after an ice cream interviewing Palin. I believe his name is Neopolitan or something like that.

    What's next, the FOX parking lot attendant will be interviewing Palin?

    Palin's days at FOX are numbered. She actually looks sad at FOX :(

    Boo Fugging Hoo!

  2. great looking Pit Bull. Kinda looks like Petey!

  3. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Any way to find out if she was really called for jury duty?
    Another question - when did it change from a "family vacation" to a bus tour? Of oourse, we know it was not really a vacation - Piper is the only one who apparently thought it was.
    Pat Padrnos

  4. Anonymous6:20 AM

    ...or Fox is merely perpetuating the "liberal media biased attacks on conservative values" meme that they've got so much invested in.

  5. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I think she started the whole thing so people would not read andrew halcros story today.

  6. Anonymous6:22 AM

    The Bristol Palin Date-Rape Question

    In Bristol Palin’s new memoir, she describes losing her virginity to Levi Johnston in a blurry scenario that sounds like drunken sex to some—and sexual assault to others.

  7. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Remember how during her NYC bus tour stop she said she was going to try to go back into Manhattan to say "hi" to her colleagues at FOX? She were staying in Jersey, across the water, and had been to Ellis Island at that point I think.

    She had a weird tone of voice and expression on her face for that exchange, like maybe FOX had ordered her in for a face-to-face meeting with Roger Ailes or something. She was trying to sound casual, but it seemed odd, especially since she had spent that time downtown with Donald Trump already and probably could have coordinated a visit to FOX sometime that day. Sounded like it was a last minute appointment, though. Unusual in itself, for such a celebrity contributor to their network.

    She said something about not being sure they could bring the bus through the traffic again. That's an absurd notion, as Manhattan is teeming with traffic - cars, buses, trucks - of all kinds. I would believe she was worried someone would stick another sign on the bus, though!

  8. Hey SP!! 'Tis better to be pissed off than pissed on!

  9. "Sarah Palin is . . . a celebrity along the lines of a Lindsay Lohan. Only without the cocaine abuse and wasted talent."

    Are you sure about the second sentence?

  10. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Snork! You're the best, Gryph! Thanks for my morning laugh. Love the illustration. So appropriate!

  11. OMG, "media catnip"!!!! LOL.

  12. Anonymous6:39 AM

    LOD was right about trump and he's right about palin. When will her bots realize she isn't running for president so they are wasting their money? I'm looking forward to the mass head explosions as it finally sinks in that she has been ripping them off this whole time. One of her bots might not take it well and seek revenge. Remember what happened to Gabby Giffords? That could just as easily happen to sarah. We know her supporters are well-armed. Its only a matter of time before one of them snaps on her and she will have no one to blame but herself.

  13. Anonymous6:41 AM

    What did Spiro Agnew say? Something about leaving someone twisting slowly in the wind? Want to bet they are just going along watching her self-destruct all on her own. Considering how many Palin stories they simply ignore the fact they reported it is really the big news here. Getting the message Sara? They might not cut her off at the knees, or they might have told her, "next bus trip you are out the door here". Possibly gave her the same message regarding Sudan. Sara filled a nice gap between the election cycles, sort of a paid clown to keep ratings up until the primary season started up. Now we are there and they have plenty of stories to keep themselves occupied. So they taper off with her, injecting just enough Palin to keep her faithful tuning in until the faithful largely go to someone who's really running. Then they'll discard her like the fluff she is

  14. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I'm thinking the honeymoon abruptly ended with her "blood libel" video.

    My speculation only; but her gasping breath and weird, intense delivery persuade me to think that she hoped to ride the high emotions of the aftermath of that massacre to fill her presidential sails.

    Of course she will "run" for president. How else to keep the media attention she desperately craves?

  15. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Say Goodnight Gracie!

    Looking back, Palin started being a political half-quit during the McCain-Palin candidacy when she separated from the campaign. She called it "Going Rogue" while the country could have called it "Going To Walk Out." It was the first sign that maturity wasn't part of Palin's makeup. It was also the first sign that she was going to use publicity - at whatever the cost, in whatever direction she chose fit.

    That sort of celebrity for celebrity's sake was used to great effect by people like Zsa Zsa Gabor who realized that she had a talent just for being ... famous. But Palin has barreled through fame with little talent, much less planning or thought or research. Much like her writing.

    But to give her her due, she has been entertaining. Now it's up to us to ask: was all that entertainment worth it?

    Another woman in history campaigned for President with the eye for publicity just as Palin has, but her sole purpose was publicity, everyone knew it, and everyone laughed with her: Gracie Allen.

  16. angela6:49 AM

    I love Lawrence. I think he goes to sleep at night shaking his head at all the bullshit.

  17. "loath" not "loathe," my friend.

  18. Anonymous6:57 AM

    OK, I just watched the clip and the key words were "Fox paycheck". No, she is not going to turn her back on that money. And "gravy train" associated with Bristol's book.

    So she has told Fox that she is NOT running for president. We know what that means. Watch her stab them in the back.

  19. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Here's one of the last paragraphs in B's book:

    Again, I'm not a role model, a dancer, or a preacher. I'm just a normal girl who couldn't hide her problems and learned a few lessons along the way. Namely, that not being afraid of life's imperfections and complexity is the first step toward truly living it.

  20. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Lawrence is taking a risk. It is impossible to predict what a person suffering from a mental illness will do in the future.

  21. Anonymous7:25 AM

    The pouting picture is the wrong pic. It should be one of the tongue hanging out pics. Please fix!

  22. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Sarah Palin is about to have herself a heart attack. When she cannot control little old Amazon from printing the truth or sway her minions to flood with bs, she has lost it.

    Todd Duck Man a can is coming your way!!!

    With SO MANY websites that can refute her claims - how can she say these things

    Chapter 11 of Bristol's book titled, Already Ben There, is asinine. In reality it should read, Ben Already Been There, Had That.
    Ben Barber gave an extremely detailed interview to The DailyBeast (Which just happened to get scrubbed two days ago, but not before Immoral Minority captured what Ben had said about Bristol). Ben was Bristol boyfriend, sometime live in roomie in her condo in Anchorage, Alaska she bought through her public relations firm, BSMP LLC. (How outrageous Bristol was having sex with while she was collecting hundreds of thousandths of dollars from Candies and unwed teenage shelters telling other girls not to).

    Bristol breaking up with Ben to go back to Levi, Ben said set off Track and Todd. Ben is quoted as stating, "Track was "disappointed and didn't approve of the situation"--so much so, Barber says, that Track called his sister two four-letter pejoratives". WOW!!! What a reaction. At least Track was honest, even if profane. Ben ended his interview (Which is a two page must read) with predicting why Bristol and Levi were selling to tabloids they were in love. Ben said, "They may go get married, make however much money and call it quits." Yup, yup that is what Bristol did. All the while using her little Tripp as a pawn instead of a son. Levi seemed sincere in wanting to do whatever Bristol told him to in hopes of being with his child. People and Us Magazine are Palin country when it comes to getting exclusives, it is obvious Bristol set those up, as she did Levi thinking they were getting back together.

    Ben leaves readers with one last exchange which shows Bristol was active again (If she ever really stopped). With her incredible weight gain and rumors, "Barber says he texted Bristol last night, asking whether she was pregnant again. No, came the answer, Barber says".

  23. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Some of us have said for a long time that she is not running. It is quite obvious that she is not if you know ANYTHING about campaigning. Bachmann hired Ed Rollins, & she's actually taking his advice. Newt's staff quit because he wasn't running--just trying to sell Newt merchandise. Palin doesn't have a staff (sorry, Piper doesn't count). She's got some old guy who she pays a minimal monthly retainer to (but she doesn't listen to him) & 2 guys she fires/re-hires when she takes 5 days to put on a fake campaign in the lower 48, dissing Paul Revere. RAM was a big part of her little pretend staff & she's out. There is no there there.

  24. JADEZ7:40 AM

    palin will be gone from fox within 3 months...just as i predicted over at joes site.........

  25. Anonymous7:46 AM

    As with ANYONE she works with, she turns everything into chaos and discord. Imagine the folks at FOX have found out all about her! We no longer see her being interviewed by the top rated folks at FOX. Greta's ratings have dropped considerably and I think it is because of her connection to Palin.

    Palin is like the black plague!

  26. Anonymous7:48 AM

    If we could count how many times $arah has contributed on Fox in this past year alone, it's maybe a couple of dozen times? Twice a month, doing a 10-minute contribution, and in that 10 minutes, always 2 or 3 minutes talking about herself, answering questions about her latest escapade and whether she's running. So her contract was a great deal.

    If that's all real americans had to work for, with a paycheque (several million) for approximately 240 minutes (4 hours) of work a year, well that's priceless!

    She's not running.

  27. Anonymous7:51 AM

    @anon 7:29- Thanks for posting the Amazon comments. This one was made by someone who actually liked Bristol:

    I purchased this book to support Bristol Palin thinking it would be a book about her Christian values and raising her son alone, sharing her experiences with others. Instead it read like a cheap romance novel and after reading just a couple of chapters I was physically upset and disheartened.

    As a Christian I was embarrassed and shocked at Bristol including very personal and inappropriate experiences about losing her virginity then drinking at 15. These are things you share with nobody other than your diary and a parent when seeking guidance. Proper girls don't publicize these salacious details that might embarrass their family and possibly their child one day.

    I'm very disappointed in Bristol for exposing these things to make a bit of money. If I were her parents I would be humiliated and livid. It makes them look very careless and non attentive to what was going on with their teen daughter to get into these circumstances. I had only good thoughts about Bristol until now. There's some things that we just weren't meant to know.

    I'm going to pray that Bristol finds her way and that she has changed but I won't be finishing the book nor would I want any of my friends to read it either. God Bless you Bristol.


  28. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Wonder what Greta thinks of the excuse about jury duty? Greta was all scheduled to go with the team, SP and Franklin on July 9th; was Greta and her Fox crew notified of this cancellation?

    Was Graham and (Samaritan's Purse) also notified? Wonder what he thought? Jury duty which could be avoided to do charity work and she doesn't ask to be dismissed?

    I don't think they buy it either.

  29. Eppito8:01 AM

    It would seem the “ignobitch’s” house of cards is slowly collapsing. It amazes me no end how this woman has gotten away with so much up to now. And what a contradiction she is; stupid but calculating, seemingly gracious yet as vindictive as the Red Queen.

    It appears she has pressed the fence much too far and far too hard. The karmic backlash of her many indiscretions circle like sharks, and well earned it is. Ironically, she has made American political history, but her legacy will be one of deceit, mediocrity, and massive ignorance. She is living proof, to quote Lincoln, that you can fool some of the people all of the time.

    Still, I find her immensely fascinating; making a fortune out of whiny victimhood, talking loud and saying nothing, commanding a following of fools who have yet to awaken (but that alarm is set), and making a mockery of political discourse, and all the while screeching all the way to the bank. Until she came along I couldn’t remember seeing the word “grifter” so often on the net. I would add to that. The woman was born in the wrong era. Just imagine the kind of vaudevillian she’d had made.

  30. Does no one realize that she and Fox set this up. Evidently there has been much question about Fox allowing her to stay and question about the legality of her "bus tour". This absolves Fox completely and keeps their cash cow safe. What despicable people.

  31. Cracklin' Charlie8:08 AM

    Fox will televise the train wreck, and make a jillion dollars off $arah and family.

  32. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I think she started the whole thing so people would not read andrew halcros story today.

    6:22 AM

    Link, please?

    I enjoy reading Halcro's take on all things Palin. Hope you're right about a new one!

  33. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Well all I can say is the minute Sarah Palin is forced to sever ties with FOX, we can finally breathe a sigh of genuine relief.

    Without them she is nothing.

    She is a pariah in the GOP, I firmly believe.

    She can continue to be a celebrity, however, and there is always the HSN. What would she sell, though? Now that's a good drinking game!

    (As evidenced by the sincere comment from the Conservative Christian above, that group is probably on to her and her family. It's about time. She might have had a shot as a televangelist, otherwise - though her acting skills would have needed to improve dramatically.)

  34. nogravity8:40 AM


    You have to help spread this video by Senator Bernie Sanders about the Koch Brothers and Social Security:

  35. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Proper girls don't publicize these salacious details that might embarrass their family and possibly their child one day.


    What about guys who trash his mother in law and son's other family? Will you support Levi's book of hate because to call Bristol hateful, one cannot escape calling Levi the same.

  36. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Since she is the only Faux pundit or as Grandma LULU says pundint, that didn't resign, I think we all know she is not running.
    Lulu will grift a while longer, but I do not think she is stable enough to hold up on the campaign trail. Remember, her experience with McCain was just those last few VP months. There is NO WAY she could be on a grueling schedule for well over a yr. Raising campaign funds, schmoozing, town hall weetings , rallies---no way Lulu could do it.
    Heck she had a breakdown in the middle of those few months of the McCain campaign...they had to bring her back to the McCain ranch and fly in a Dr to monitor her. Her fans will continue to send their little checks, but no big money is baking her, nor will they.

    Little Rabbit

  37. Anonymous8:57 AM

    The jury duty excuse came twenty fours after Sarah's first nah-nah-nah tweet. It took that long to think something up or find someone to assign her to jury duty. Seriously, if someone has a major business trip planned that cannot be changed, they can postpone jury duty to a later date. For Sarah to cancel the bus tour and the trip to Sudan means that something is up.

  38. Anonymous9:09 AM

    @8:44 - False equivalency. You MUST be a Palin supporter or a Palin as you are illogical. Obscure little Levi Johnston is not the same as the daughter of the most recent GOP VP nominee--not by a long shot. His celebrity exists SOLELY because John McCain, Sarah and Bristol put him onstage--and have been sniping at him ever since. Levi is not the same as Bristol. Bristol is the one with the media power behind her. How else to explain her pathetic performance on DWTS? She was not a star, couldn't dance, and should not have been on the show. Mama Grizz got her on it. That's the Palin media power in action.

  39. bws589:11 AM

    Proper girls don't publicize these salacious details that might embarrass their family and possibly their child one day.


    What about guys who trash his mother in law and son's other family? Will you support Levi's book of hate because to call Bristol hateful, one cannot escape calling Levi the same.

    Um darling anon, that quote came from Jenna in the Amazon reviews of the book, jenna is a good Christian woman who was shocked and horrified by the reality of Bristol in the book as opposed to the mythology jenna had been fed

  40. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Albert Lewis said...

    "loath" not "loathe," my friend.

    Don't you mean loathe not loath?

  41. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Bristol's book of lies is going to come back at her two-fold.

    This book clearly shows that Bristol is simply trash and she is leaving it for her kids to read.

    What kind of mother would do this? Trash, no christian faith, and no morals is the new Bristol.

  42. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Judge Napalatono. He was a pundit on Faux during the Clinton impeachment trial. His wife is an attourney also but I forgot her name.

  43. Anonymous9:34 AM

    'jury duty'??...thats what she's claiming?
    why would she get a jury summons, she doesnt vote, hasnt changed her AK address.

    sorry dont buy it.

  44. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Anon. 8:44 - a young man calling out an adult woman publicly? If it's lies, she as an adult can defend herself. As far as Levi's son and the mother of his son, I do not recall him ever talking about the day they conceived his son, or details about their first sexual experience. I hope he doesn't write about this in his book either, because that would be wrong. No parent should publish these details in a book if they are thinking about their child's feelings. A baby cannot defend himself.

    But the mother did discuss intimate details of her sexual experience. She is the one who claims she is a christian. Levi has never made that claim. She should know better.

  45. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Anon 8:44 The Christian who reviewed and commented on Bristol's book did not call her "hateful".

    I am weary of Palinistas deploying a defense falsely accusing people of hatred. That is their mind game. If one does not praise, gush and applaud the Palins or excise their behavior you are a hater. These people think like toddlers. Hateful behavior done by the Palins is deleted or justified. When anyone speaks of Palin behavior the speakers are labeled hateful so the Palins could get away with murder.

  46. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I think things went to pot with the bus trip when the poster on IM 4:32 let go with the Trig birth events. My guess, she is in AK trying to find and payoff that poster to keep things quiet. If the info is true, it screws up Sarah's chances for more $$$$ from the right to life gang and probably her religious groups. It makes her appear to be a nutty and self serving witch. Her daughter's book would be total embarrassment to any mother other than a trailer court hussy.

  47. Anonymous9:49 AM

    8:44--"What about guys who trash his mother in law and son's other family? Will you support Levi's book of hate because to call Bristol hateful, one cannot escape calling Levi the same."

    Just shut up. Your false equivalencies are pathetic. Unless you're a child--please don't be Piper!!-you know very well the significance of a mother disparaging her child's father.

    It seems more and more obvious that this book of Bristol's exists only to get a jump on what Levi is about to say in his book. Not about his son, apparently, and not about the mother of his son, but about SARAH PALIN. It always comes down to her, doesn't it.

  48. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Eppito @8:01 said: "The woman was born in the wrong era. Just imagine the kind of vaudevillian she’d had made."

    There was an op-ed about that, actually!

    But, I'll add the genius observation of an OLD commenter at C4P (and really, aren't they all geriatric over there?) who compared Sarah Palin to the kind of "eye candy" once exhibited by Loretta Young. Oh, I'm still laughing about that one! Loretta Young!

  49. Anonymous10:16 AM

    anon at 8:44
    Levi has never had a mother-in-law, He has never been married.

    But go ahead and think that any young w3oman should write about her sex life. It is unseemly, sordid, and frankly--just plain trashy. Bristol is just a slutty little whore that drank and did drugs quite early and it's sad that her son will read about how she exchanged sex for "gifts" (there is another word that could be used and that is prostitution). It's too bad that the Palin's allowed their children to run amok without the proper guidance and values that most parents give their children.

  50. Anonymous10:16 AM

    OT: I think Bristol wrote about Levi plying her with wine coolers and the fact she didn't remember sex the next day to gain sympathy and so she didn't have to take responsibility. Little did she know the firestorm it would ignite. She is going to be on GMA and other shows to promote her book and the question of date rape is inevitably going to be asked. She best be careful how she answers that question...I'm hoping she gives Levi more ammunition for a lawsuit.

    Good article on the Daily Beast "The Bristol Date-Rape Question"$PB8cCb7-a

  51. Anonymous10:19 AM

    @8:44, who said: "What about guys who trash his mother in law and son's other family? Will you support Levi's book of hate because to call Bristol hateful, one cannot escape calling Levi the same."

    I know reading comprehension is not a strong suit for Sarah Palin's fans, but if you could try really hard and read the whole comment that you quote from (Jenna @7:51), you would know that she was quoting a review at Amazon. In addition, I highly doubt she has any interest in Levi's book. Now, shoo!

  52. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Last night: Countdown with Keith ...: Worst Persons: Gingrich & Palin

  53. Anonymous10:43 AM

    @9:14 I agree with you, it should have been "loathe." "Loathe" is a verb and "loath" is the adjective, as in loathsome.

  54. Gasman11:20 AM

    As much respect as I have for Lawrence O'Donnell, I've got to disagree with him on this one.

    He opines that Palin will not run because "Sarah Palin is no longer a viable politician."

    Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence, viability has never been a consideration for Palin. When was she EVER a viable candidate? Remember, we are talking about Sarah Palin, a deluded, narcissistic, feckless batshit crazy moron who believes that Paul Revere set out to warn the BRITISH! This is the same Palin who thought that Africa was a country. This is the same Palin who can't comprehend the difference between North and South Korea.

    She is thicker than shit.

    If it is a stupid, bad, hopeless idea that has not a chance in hell of succeeding, you can bet that Palin will be FOR IT! Hell, the only ideas Palin has ever had are bad ones.

    Viability? She doesn't give a fuck about viability! God TOLD her Hisownself that she would be president some day! Who you do you think Palin is gonna' believe, you and the other pundants [sic] or the omnipotent creator of the universe, Almighty God? Viability, schmiability!

    Of course her running for anything other than village idiot is just about the dumbest idea in the very long history of dumb ideas. Of course she doesn't have a Grand Wizard's chance in Harlem of winning. Of course even people in a persistent vegetative state understand she is not viable. PALIN DOESN'T CARE!

    GOD TOLD HER SHE WOULD BE PRESIDENT! She heard God's voice - with lots of reverb - in her own head. Since there is so little else in her head thought-wise to interfere, she heard God's voice loud and clear. She gets nothing but constant confirmation from her ass kissing sycophants who are every bit as deluded as she is. Additionally, all of the other voices in her head agree with God: SHE IS DESTINED TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

    Lawrence, you make the common mistake of applying logic to Palin's motives and actions. She is naught but a lowly being whose "brain" activity. such as it is, is limited to the brainstem only. She operates purely upon instinct. She is like a moth to a flame, Larry Craig to a bathroom stall, or a fly to a turd. She is simply, uncontrollably, inexorably compelled to do this.

    Palin's instinct tells her in no uncertain terms, "RUN FOR PRESIDENT AND YOU WILL WIN!'

    She will lose spectacularly in a grand and humiliating fashion, but just like the scorpion and the frog - guess which one is Palin? - she can't help herself, it's her nature to seek out the position for which she is least qualified.

    Oh, Palin's running. Mark my words.

  55. Anonymous11:28 AM


    Hey, Bristy. You accuse your boyS' father of date rape, yet HE is 'trashing' YOUR family?

    Delusion must be genetic.

    Levi has never, EVER publicly disparaged you BRISTOL...and the ONLY TIME he has lied is when you told him you'd get back together and he could be with his sons as much as he wanted IF he would just tell the media that he didn't mean it when he told the TRUTH about your mother being a spiteful know-nothing who watched wedding shows and ate fast food while she was supposed to be running a state and raising her kids. Of course once Levi DID what you asked, you ditched him quicker than you could down a shot of goldschlager and unzip the jeans in front of you. ANY jeans, all of em, that were in front of you.

    I realize you're acting out some because you're pissed that your mother basically stole your first baby. need to learn NOW...being a vindictive lying shrew is not going to erase that pain.

  56. Anonymous11:31 AM


    sorry, all I know to call you. Be careful if the whole Palin clan is in Wasilla looking for trouble. Someone mentioned your comment might have been a dagger for Sara so it wouldn't surprise me if she's looking for the snitch. Laura's blog is getting interesting snippets as well, the truth is finally starting to rise up through the shroud of secrecy.

  57. Eppito said...

    It would seem the “ignobitch’s” house of cards is slowly collapsing. It amazes me no end how this woman has gotten away with so much up to now. And what a contradiction she is; stupid but calculating, seemingly gracious yet as vindictive as the Red Queen.

    Were you referring to the "Red Queen" as characterized in the novel by Phillipa Gregory? As I was reading it, I kept thinking that Palin was a modern-day Margaret Beaufort.

  58. Anonymous11:52 AM

    @8:44 "What about guys who trash his mother in law and son's other family? Will you support Levi's book of hate because to call Bristol hateful, one cannot escape calling Levi the same."

    The quote you're responding to was from an Amazon customer who was Christian and a fan of Bristol... until she read the book.

    I highly doubt that person had any intention of buying levi's book, so I don't know who you think you're addressing other than the voices in your head.

  59. imnofred11:54 AM

    I agree with Gasman. I still think Palin runs. She cannot stand to not be front page news and it is killing her that Michelle Bachmann has stolen what she feels is hers, the Tea Party Crowd.

    He massive ego will not allow her to simply watch the nomination process, it will make her run.

    Also, I truly believe that she thinks that she has been chosen by God to be our next President.

    Hopefully, something will surface about her that will PREVENT that from happening.

  60. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Well well. Looks like we have a Bristol in our midstol.

    B, nobody buys that anyone besides you would post over and over about how horrible no good very bad awful and you should smell his breath, too!!! Levi is. NOBODY BUYS IT. Capice?

    You should ask your mom if using up every chance you have to speak out on petty perceived grievances has helped HER with her lifelong struggle with intellectual inferiority.

    At 20 years old, you've already had at least two children and more likely three...had a laundry list of sexual partners which I'm guessing did not include safety precautions for your health or theirs, and most've butchered your once lovely face to resemble a cross between Snooki and The Wicked Witch.

    Get that ridiculous implant taken out. Reclaim your real face, the one GOD saw fit to give you rather than the one sold to you by a paid scalpel jockey who cares nothing about your individuality or whether your sons even recognize you.

    Your mom will NEVER redeem herself, Bristol. Never. She's said and done SO many stupid and horrible things, it can't be erased from the public perception. But YOU can still save yourself. Admit your mistakes, apologize for constantly bashing Levi in defiance of a court order, and take back that insanely stupid lie that your chin grew two inches because you had your perfect teeth aligned.

    You will find life is so much nicer when you can be yourself instead of having to transform at will into Abstinence Princess of the GOP.

  61. Slightly OT: Just had lunch with my in-laws. They were traveling on the east coast during Sarah's bus tour. They visited the North Church 2 days after Sarah was there. They got into conversation with the church staff, partly because we also have Wasilla connections. The church staff said Sarah was really clueless about history. Also, she was nice to the tour staff but incredibly rude to their gift shop employees.

  62. Anonymous1:21 PM


    Have you heard anything specific about SP hunting down 4:32 for a payoff and/or a scareoff?

    I was in Anchorage last week and I heard she was hightailing her skinny butt back here because she "heard a rumor" that a journalist was pretty sure he had winnowed down the hospital 4:32 worked for and gotten down to just 2 or 3 employees whom it could have been. SP supposedly freaked, came back here right away in serious damage control mode.

    The person I was talking to said SP called CBJ before she was even all the way home and kept calling several more times. CBJ did not answer. Or return text messages.

    I did not mention this last week because even though the person I was talking to is a hundred percent trustworthy, it's still unsubstantiated rumor at this point. But when I saw you mention it, I thought what the hey...if it's true, it will drive SP ten types of crazy to see that even THIS secret is not safe from the clutches of IM comments!

    Anyway, with RAM out of the picture...SP is so...unmoored...when it comes to stuff like this. It's JUST like her to hear about a journalist planning to try and set up an interview with 4:38 and just totally spazz out- no plan, no nothing...just hightail it back to Alaska CBJ a bunch of times? Yeah that'll do. Idiot!!!

    I'm going back to Anchorage next week to visit with my inlaws and I may ring up my friend and see if there are any more details to be had about this.

  63. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Can someone point me to the post that has the 432 response? I must have missed it.

  64. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I know she met with the FOX folks when she was in New York - wonder what went on? Love that picture of the dog(s) - LOL!

  65. Calli Pygian1:52 PM

    Is there any way to verify this jurist claim??

  66. Anonymous1:54 PM

    @ anonymous 6:39... so much wishful thinking.

  67. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Couldn't Palin just have lied to FOX news about her possible plans to run for president? She proudly refuses to play by the rules, so why not say she has no plans to run and then run anyway? Maybe if she had to sign something legally binding that said she would not run she'd honor her word, but even then, I wouldn't put it past her.
    I have to disagree with O'Donnell that she's brilliant at being a celebrity. She's lazy and knows that she doesn't have to really do anything noteworthy to get the media to follow her around and hang on her every word. That says a lot more about the media than it does about her. Palin's not a genius, she's shameless and the media is her biggest enabler.

  68. Pennyspruce2:19 PM

    You guys are on a canine roll! I never thought the relationship between Fox and Palin would be long lasting. Her contract probably won't be renewed.

    She may be useful only up until the 2012 election.

  69. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Anyone seen Brisket with her sex book today?

    She's lying about the virgin thing cause Levi was not the first boy that Brisket made a home run with and there are lots of people that know all about Brisket and her loose morals.

  70. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I found 4:32 here:

  71. Anonymous3:09 PM

    anon 719: "Here's one of the last paragraphs in B's book:

    'Again, I'm not a role model, a dancer, or a preacher. I'm just a normal girl who couldn't hide her problems and learned a few lessons along the way. Namely, that not being afraid of life's imperfections and complexity is the first step toward truly living it.'"

    Wow, that's pretty profound, Bristol. So, now we're all wondering: When are you going to stop being afraid of life's complexity, and tell your meddling, lying mother that you want your first baby back?

  72. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Ooooweeee do I hope that's true about a journalist tracking down 4:32. I bet if true it's someone from that Business site which seemed to take the comment as a gauntlet to the public re people helping prove the story ONE way or the other, once and for all.

    BTW it's funny we aretalking about RAM and talking about 4:32 on the same day. I hear RAM confronted SP about some things in 4:32 post, NOT at all in an accusatory way, basically saying this sounds credible, people are GOING to believe this person, we have to prove this lying bitch wrong, etcetc. And Sarah went new-kew-lar as GWB would say. She screamed at RAM and told her she would still be a starving artist nobody without Sarah and then she said "even though you've obviously never missed a meal" which is really mean.

    It just happened to occur around the same time as the Toki Tweets. But I'm pretty sure either/or would have been the end of RAM. Sarah may parade a statement "from" RAM out but only to try and make posts like this one look bad. RAM is definitely, definitely OUT of the circle, and if she is still being paid, it's only because she knows where SO many bodies are buried.

  73. indy_girl3:26 PM

    "She's lying about the virgin thing cause Levi was not the first boy that Brisket made a home run with and there are lots of people that know all about Brisket and her loose morals."


  74. Anonymous3:53 PM

    I can't click the 4:32 link. Help, Gryphen.

  75. Anonymous3:56 PM


    I don't know about Sara lying to Fox but my general feeling is Fox made those people quit if they intended to run because they saw they might have legal issues to deal with. If Sara turns out to be running, she may be able to dance around it but there are too many signals and actions she's taken that have signaled a run and it's possible Fox may have some serious problems with that. And that might result in fines, ergo money. The one thing Fox looks after more closely than anything is money. If Sara runs you can bet she's gone in a nano-second and she may have had to sign something when she met with Fox affirming she wasn't running under financial penalty if she does. If I were in Fox's shoes I would certainly have some paperwork so she can be sued if she reneges and runs. I suspect they are suspicious enough of her and that may explain their willingness to run a story about her quitting the bus tour. That's the first time I've seen them run any story about her that wasn't completely flattering or pandering. Her tweet taking a shot at Fox signaled her own anger at them. Think this will come to a head soon enough

  76. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Holy cow, Anon 3:23pm. Has Sarah's cruel temper finally wounded RAM to the core??

    I hope she has saved her pennies, and can go off somewhere quiet to reflect. Maybe in a year or two she will say to herself "I lived to promote that mean, deceitful woman. What the hell was I thinking???"

  77. Anonymous4:17 PM

    "I think things went to pot with the bus trip when the poster on IM 4:32 let go with the Trig birth events. My guess, she is in AK trying to find and payoff that poster to keep things quiet."

    I was thinking the same thing.

  78. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Is there something inherently bad about getting an education beyond high school (although, I am not too sure that was completed) that the dim-witted and cheap in every sense of the word painintheass family is morally, ethically, fundamentally against?

    They are the biggest bunch of goobers that have just about had their run at trashing everything and everyone...well, just because they could like the asinine hillbillies they are.

    Time is almost up this has been waaaaay overdue. Catchup time to get all their unflippingbelievable overdue sorry derriers outa sight. Go on now...shoo...don't care where you're going...just get gone!

  79. Anonymous6:04 PM

    4:05, I have also heard of a vicious reaction from Sarah when questioned by Mansour about the details of 4:32's post. Although this is only speculation on my part, I believe Sarah's over-the-top, profoundly explosive reaction to Mansour saying she wanted Sarah to help DISPROVE what 4:32 presented...was likely a severe and very harsh turning point for Mansour.

    Remember, this is someone who left her family and alienated all who loved vindictively promote Sarah and justify every last one of Sarah's cruel, misdirected, or just plain stupid blunders. She covered up Palin's involvement in the murders and attempted murders. She fought her inner voice screaming "why are you DOING THIS???" for all this time.

    Also worthy to note- the many remarks about Mansour's unpleasant appearance. They are true. She looks bloated, weasely, and beady-eyed. BUT...if you look at photos of Mansour before meeting Sarah Palin, she was actually quite pleasant looking. She had a nice smile and a friendly countenance. Sarah's ugliness literally seeped into her.

    So here we have Mansour having sacrificed everything to be Sarah Palin's chief henchwoman. Her family, her creative pursuits...her very appearance. And when she said to Sarah "people are going to believe this person, she sounds really legitimate...let's prove her wrong and shut her down"...and Palin responded by screaming, saying how DARE she be questioned about her own CHILD...and viciously calling Mansour fat for good measure.

    I imagine Mansour's eyes widened...and she had a sickening realization: "I've given up everything...for a fraud, an insane woman".

    It almost makes me feel bad for Mansour. Almost. If she apologizes to all she demeaned, harassed, and exploited...I might consider actually feeling bad for what she went through.

  80. Anonymous6:45 PM

    @6:04 - RAM is posting here in the 3rd person, making excuses for herself. Sigh. RAM, you are anti-American for all you did for Palin. RAM was the new Bailey. Now they're under the bus together.

  81. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I hope that dog got his rabies and distemper shots, having his genitals so close to Palin's face is dangerous!

    Love the graphic!

    Fox is playing dumb for ratings, they know she's not serious about running, and they "fired" the others who declaired just to make them look "Fair and Balanced"
    But I doubt the ratings are that good, she doesn't have her own show, only appears on a few fox shows as a commenter.
    BUT, her recent quit fest does open the door to letting her go. She's bitten the hand that feeds her one too many times, including that link to fox news isn't going to sit well.

    Tick Tock Tick Tock.... Sarah, you ARE the weakest link..... bubbye!

  82. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Thank you for posting your thoughts about Rebecca Mansour, Anon 6:04pm.

    I agree with many of your points.

    As I was reading RM's background, about her interest in movies and screenwriting, I thought "Had she not been entranced by SP she and I could be friends."

    I thought she looked healthy and happy in the photo from her collage days. As long as my friends take an occasional bath, and wear relatively clean clothes, I really do not care if they are considered "hot" by magazine standards.

    I think RM was looking for a cause to serve, a place to belong..

    I think her service to SP is literally destroying her sense of self, her faith in her own ability to tell what is truth or lies...

    I hope she can find the strength to stagger away from this toxic person she put her trust in.


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