Thursday, June 09, 2011

Methinks the Palin-bots are freaking out!

This is an ACTUAL e-mail that one of my readers just forwarded to me.

Subject: Mama Grizzlies In Action for American Values

To: (Name redacted to protect my source. Hah! WE can play that game too!)

Team Sarah
American Values in Action.
A message to all members of Team Sarah
Be A Media Volunteer


Do you think that the media should be focusing on the issues that our nation is facing (i.e. 9% unemployment, a housing crisis, and gasoline hovering at an average of $3.73 per gallon nationally)? We do too but instead, the media is focusing on the emails of Sarah Palin, a governor that has been out of office for almost two years.

It seems that the Washington Post and the New York Times are both recruiting volunteers to scour through the hundreds of thousands of emails that are due to be released tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. Alaska time. It’s been previously reported that some 2,000 emails will not be released and that many of the released emails will have details redacted by the state lawyers thus making it difficult to fully understand the context of the subject matter at hand. Therefore, we are asking that Team Sarah members go to the following links and volunteer to be a reader/commentator of these emails.

New York Times:

"We’re asking readers to help us identify interesting and newsworthy e-mails, people and events that we may want to highlight. Interested users can fill out a simple form to describe the nature of the e-mail, and provide a name and e-mail address so we’ll know who should get the credit. Join us here on Friday afternoon and into the weekend to participate."

Washington Post:

"We’ll be posting them here, and are inviting you to comment on the most interesting or most noteworthy sections. Please include page numbers and, where possible, a direct excerpt. We'll share your comments with our reporters and may use facts or related material you suggest to annotate the documents displayed on The Post site. We may contact you for further details, by way of your registered e-mail with the Post, unless you specify otherwise in the comments."

If you are participating in this call to action please join us in the Mama Grizzly Group here and provide any informational updates.

The Tiny Team Behind the Team

Visit Team Sarah at:

Now I have NO idea if there is really anything of value in these e-mails, but just watching the flying monkeys freak out is already making this e-mail dump one of the BEST things ever!

Still waiting to hear back from the Washington Post, but even if I don't get picked I will be combing through those e-mails on Crivella West with a fine tooth comb. And I imagine that many of you wil lbe right there with me.


  1. Anonymous7:38 PM


  2. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Well, it proves one thing, there is an organized response team out there waiting on bated breath to respond to the call. Now, what motivated this?

    Were they sure that the emails would take days and maybe even weeks to go through? When both NYT and WaPo offered they expected to get through them quickly I think that caught them completely off guard. Perhaps they thought they had more time for Sara to come up with some great PR thingy that would distract from the moment and revelations. Given the way she upstaged Rolling Thunder and Mitt I'm sure she had something to do and now with hundreds of evaluators things will be out there by Friday afternoon and on into Saturday.

    Mostly though, it seems to show me that Sara knows there is going to be bad news. I don't think these monkey's mobilize on their own and this last ditch effort speaks of desperation. Watch for Palin to try something soon.

    And watch your ears, the screeching will be unknown to us until now.

  3. Wolfbitch7:48 PM

    I loved this part: "If you are participating in this call to action please join us in the Mama Grizzly Group here and provide any informational updates."

    They pretty much make it clear they're looking for somebody to be their little spy. They're scared of something.

    I don't suppose the emails actually contain things like.... "Got a new Preggo Belly today, so I should look great for the next announcement" or "Found a replacement baby for that wrinkly eared one, this new one's cuter. Now I need somebody to find me a three-year-old."

  4. Anonymous7:50 PM

    The emails will be available on,0,6865226.story

  5. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Gryphen, do you know the date of the portrait of Sarah, Todd & Trig (blue doggie sleeper) which accompanies your "NOT a conspiracy" post from April/May? If that is from the 4/21/08 unveiling of Trig, you may notice that Palin's bangs grew nearly an inch between Gusty photo 4/13 and that photo with the sideswept bangs.

    Kind regards!

  6. Anonymous7:54 PM

    It's true!! I snuck my way into Team Sarah and find their cheerleading amusing but this shows them in a tail spin. Hoping to find wonderful stuff in the emails to brag about. Seriously?!

  7. These poor people are willing to send their money for her to play with. How pitiful. You want to shake some sense into them. People, she is screwing with you!

  8. Anonymous7:56 PM

    I am torn between two reactions-

    Refusing to get my hopes up after hearing that HER LAWYERS (how is THAT fair???) had the chance to go through the emails first.


    Thinking her lawyers might have been lazy and didn't even read through them very well...combined with Sarah's ALREADY having told us "they'll be taken out of context" (how does she know what context anyone ELSE will see them in?)...things still might be pretty damn skippy!

    Gryphen, I hope you find the biggest, smelliest moose patty in her backyard of emails!

  9. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Sarah will be in the news soon - she will do something to try and distract from the emails.

  10. Anonymous8:01 PM

    The Grandgrifter had best scuttle-her-butt on over to Fox Noose, for it's time to pay the piper (pun intended).

    And sarah, you get an "E" for effort in forestalling the release of this information... and though your stoolies may have concealed quite a bit ~ you still won't get away with it. (others have copies, also too!)

  11. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I love how the Team Sarah geniuses conveniently omit the fact that these e-mails were requested NEARLY THREE YEARS AGO. Uh, could that be why there's so much interest? You think?

  12. Gasman8:09 PM

    I wonder if there will be any court challenges to the redacted or withheld e-mails? How the hell can a governor claim exemption from the law? There are no fucking national security issues here, so it seems as the only possible reasons to withhold or redact e-mails would be in a blatant attempt to skirt the law.

    If and when she declares herself a candidate, she needs to be hammered on releasing ALL of the other e-mails.

    If she can't be trusted with be open and honest in the smallest of state governments, how the hell can she claim to be trustworthy of overseeing the biggest government of all?

  13. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Please,please forward copies of the email to the Washington Post,LA times,and any other media outlet who needs to publish it for a laugh!!


  14. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Frequently Defeated Granny needs to deflect from these emails, STAT!

    I suggest announcing another faux pregnancy or maybe "accidentally" getting her big ol' head stuck in a banister.

  15. WakeUpAmerica8:16 PM

    The Team Sarah people aren't even eating the low-hanging fruit. They are so mentally deficient that they only get the fruit rotting on the ground.

  16. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Were they saying that when Sarah was courting the media on her bus trip just last week? I think not! - C.

  17. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Found an error in there:

    "The Tiny Team Behind the Team"

    Should be:
    "The Tiny BRAINED Team Behind the Team"

    Fixed it for you.

  18. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Liked you posted the email. That will cause a few heads to explode over there as they try to find the traitor

  19. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Gives further confirmation of them being devoid of a brain as they believe there is ONE lonely employee each of NYT, WP, etc. and therefore is unable to work on the emails, economy, gas etc at the same time.

    Now we know the Bots have a problem chewing gum and walking at the same time and most definitely know they could not review the emails and do anything else! Kids, make your own dinner - I can't look at these and make dinner at the same time!!!

    Why are we surprised -- they remain stunned and stupid.

    They seriously think they will hijack this as if the NYT etc people are depending on the public to review these. DUH

    So if 3 of them get picked and if one finds somethings, writes an email and sends it to the other two, a hint - it would be the same wording!!! The chances of that together with the same spelling errors, etc. -- what a joke. And as if the other 97 reviewing won't see it -- like they didn't get the same emails!! And of course if it was WP they were emailing, of course MSNBC or NYT won't notice it!!

    If it quacks like a moron.....

  20. Anonymous8:24 PM


    Any more news on Palin's alternate mouthpiece? Haven't heard much from her since the tweets got out.

  21. Dinty8:25 PM

    I stand vindicated in my earlier concerned statement when you stated you had applied to work with the post on this. Jeez, I hope they didn't get the idea from me!

    They will be trolling the comments section of each of these document dumps. They're entitled to their opinion, but of course they will be shoveling a little more than opinion.

    We have to take it upon ourselves to also be there in the comments section - making clear and rational arguments (minimize the name-calling and hyperbole) and not let them drive the narrative with drivel about how happy she and her family were at Applebees and how we are afraid of her because she's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

    See you guys in the comments sections of the Post and NY Times tomorrow!

  22. Anonymous8:26 PM

    OMG. I just was reading through ome of the comments on the Post and they are out in full force attacking the Post and anyone that might dare to question their mighty queen. Its laughable. Its just like Frank Bailey said in his book, she is still out there trolling the sites to get her input out there, praising herself to high heaven. My goodness!

  23. Anonymous8:26 PM


    I'm sure if she steps up to the plate there will be many people coming forward to demand the emails, all of them, not redacted. And they will probably get them or make it a big enough issue it hurts her badly. No reason for withholding that information from the people of the state. She talks about openness, didn't she say we've kicked over all the rocks or something like that? Then why hold them back?

  24. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Oh yea, they are freakin, big time. Even the flying monkeys can't make this one go away.

  25. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I just don't get it! The bots are POSITIVE she is a squeaky clean, highly ethical being! So WHY do they care about the e-mails?
    You'd think they would be rejoicing in their knowledge that she will be shown to be a hard-working, honest, brilliant Gov!

    I love it that they are squirming.

  26. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Gryphen -- It looks like they've changed their approach, and won't be "picking" anyone, but will be accepting comment from anyone. From the link you provide for WAPO:

    UPDATE: We have had a strong response to our crowdsourcing call-out on the Palin e-mails. We've reconsidered our approach and now would like to invite comments and annotations from any interested readers.

    My guess is that they caught wind of the Flying Monkey plan and don't want to give away one of the coveted 100 spots to bots. Instead, they will filter through the "Queen Sarah is wonderful, and these e-mails prove it also, too!!!!" submissions with the real ones, as I'm sure you and some of us IM folks will provide. Game on!

  27. Anonymous8:35 PM

    The email release is incomplete. That would mean the last 10 months of emails would be released beyond the limitation period for ethics filing against her. Criminal??

    Huff sets out that the emails don't even cover her full time in office - they say it only covers from Dec 2006 to September 2008. Her last 10 months in office, the State has not started to process or review yet.

    "It's not clear yet whether the 24,199 pages being released will contain any major revelations, but they will provide a fresh look at the inner-workings of her office from the time she took office in December 2006 to her ascension to vice presidential nominee in September 2008. Requests have been made for emails from her final 10 months in office. The state hasn't begun the process of reviewing those yet. Palin resigned partway through her term, in July 2009."

  28. Dinty8:37 PM

    BTW, this cuts both ways. Why don't we volunteer for the Mama Grizzlies? The email addy is right there.

  29. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Possibility Palin will be sued for trademark infringement. Kewl!!

    "One Nation" is trademarked!!!

  30. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Finals comment on the WAPO update:

    It appears that the flying monkeys aren't realizing that they won't be taking coveted spots away from real researchers. Ha ha.

    So, they will be wasting their time scouring through them, just to report . . . nothing. Maybe they'll learn something? I doubt they'll report anything newsworthy, because that would be negative to their Queen.

  31. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Check it, bitches!

    Palin II Archive..."coming SOON"!

    Is it wrong for me to be genuinely excited? If it is then SIR I DO NOT WANT TO BE RIGHT!

    I wonder what granny Lou Lou is doing/thinking RIGHT this moment...

  32. Anonymous8:48 PM


    Great story to read at KOS. I only just saw it and could not help but laugh.

    "Sarah Palin buys AZ home that was purchased by 'Robosigned' title releaseby"

    "did miss Palin just procure a property to which there is no legitimate title"

    Wouldn't that be grand!!


  33. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I clicked and visited momentarily Team Sara's site. Then I got scared when it wanted my email address so I stepped back through the worm hole and came back to this century. Frightening stuff. I wanted to read the party like it's 1773 story and when I went it wanted me to register. So I googled because she's said so many lamebrained things since 2008. And what I came up with was story after story of her supporters rewriting the story to make it look like she wasn't wrong. Reminds me all over again of Paul Revere. Why would she ever go back to Boston in her life?

  34. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Anybody can join Team Sarah. All you have to do is tell them why you're joining, like you can say you saw her on the FailBus Tour and were impressed. You know, lies and flattery, like she gets from everyone else around her.

  35. You know, I have a feeling her bot team isn't as large as it use to be. Thing is, just a few can be so annoying it seems like there's more than there really are.

    That said, I think the bots that will go through these will be those close to Palin. Regular bots are low on the intelligence scale so they wouldn't be able to know if it needs a lie to explain something away. Only a lying Palin would know when another lie is needed.

    Anyway, there's plenty of out of work journalists that if they volunteer, the newspapers will grab them first.

    I'm also sure the newspapers would tap into those in Alaska who can be proven non-Palinbots.

    As an aside, I also think this would be great for journalism or paper-trail forensic students.

    Are the other emails released earlier still available online?

    Good luck everybody! I know I'll be looking at them, though I doubt I'll understand her gibberish.


  36. Anonymous9:13 PM

    No need to worry about federal crimes involving Palin and Parnel. You can bet Gov Parnel is hiding those emails.

  37. Anonymous9:16 PM

    BEWARE NYT and WaPo, don't let Palin cronies help you and distort the truth.

  38. Gasman9:21 PM

    "... recruiting volunteers to scour through the hundreds of thousands of emails that are due to be released tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. Alaska time."

    What's with the "hundreds of thousands of emails?"

    These assholes can't deal with numbers beyond two digits?

  39. Anonymous9:24 PM

    I went to sea o' pee - their main worry seems to be that sarah might have used some swear words in the e-mails. A poster asks the rest of the zombies to forgive her if she did swear - after all, she is human and under pressure from her responsibilities (paraphrasing).

    Yep - I am SURE that a few swear words will be the WORST of it - NOT.

  40. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Gryphen, who paid for Sarah's atty. to review the emails - the state or SarahPac? We know Sarah didn't...

    And, if her attorney has reviewed them, she already knows what is in the emails that could be damaging or that she has nothing to worry about - she got redacted what she wanted...

  41. Considering how the Alaska government keeps back information with all kinds of rationalizations about lots of issues and have really ramped it up with several incidents lately I doubt there is anything of much interest in those emails. They may however let some through if they want a particular person to be harmed.

  42. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Off the subject but interesting:

    It is well known that if a Democrat politician does something illegal or questionable, it is guaranteed that Sarah Palin will make a mountain out of a mole hill. Example, one of Obama's officials used the word "retard" and Palin faked rage and wanted him fired even though fellow FOX commentators used the same word and Palin did not say a word.

    With that said, did anybody notice that Sarah Palin did not say one word about Democrat Weiner's pictures of his penis? Sarah did not call for Weiners resignation? Why not Sarah? It is because if she opens her mouth about Weiner's nasty pictures it would bring the wrath of Immoral Minority readers against Sarah Palin because Todd had sex with Shailey Tripp.

    Not one peep from Sarah... ROFLOL

  43. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Hi Sarah, Hi Bristol, Hi friends of the Palin Family! Please do not think for a minute that you will be able to sign up for anything as a way to prevent people from reading those emails. Mother Jones and MSNBC have their own stage that will be looking, along with dozens of other media outlets. There aren't enough of you.

    Everyone saw how you jammed the voting for Bristol on DWTS. She didn't win. Everyone saw Sarah try to do a do-over on her Paul Revere flub. It didn't work. The truth has an interesting way of coming out, and there are too many people who will pick over the emails for details.

    I would also like you to know that you don't know what we're looking for. Maybe it's the fact that there are no prenatal check ups for The Governor in late 2007 and early 2008. Maybe there ARE appointments for something else in there, not government but personal business. Maybe there is a beauty shop appointment for a tint and touchup that no pregnant woman would have. Maybe there are too many Starbucks for a pregnant woman. Maybe it's a house that looks like a sports center. Maybe it's getting kids out of trouble when those kids shouldn't be getting in trouble. Maybe it's Dairygate or Troopergate. Maybe it's some communication people that might raise some eyebrows. Maybe it's Sarah's non-stop schedule when she was just supposed to have given birth. You don't know what people will be looking for, and you can't be everywhere.

    As for that "two years after she left" crap, the delays are due to Sarah. It makes it look like she is trying to hide something.

  44. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Gee - the request for the emails was made in 2008, so never mind the current issues.

    If the state had not taken so long, we could have already put this behind us.

    Of course, this might just turn off $arah's money spigot...

  45. They're releasing them hard copy. I expect only one copy per e-mail. As I understand it, representatives of the media will be picking up boxes to take and scan and post and have people read.

    Now, who is overseeing this? Who is making sure someone doesn't just show up and take a box and shred the contents? I can totally see certain e-mails all being concentrated in one box and that box conveniently goes missing. Someone came and took it. No one checked their credentials. No one knows who they were. Etc.

    Do you see where I'm going with this?

  46. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Of course they are freaking out. Like they freaked out with Brisket on DWTS and cheated to keep her on the show. They love boycotting and sending out death threats to senators and comedians alike. Their little "private" email lists send out directives EVERY SINGLE DAY on how to cheat online polls and whatever else it is to reach their goal for the queen. They secretly admire Timothy McVeigh and love and cheer bombing & killing doctors who perform abortions. They always freak out. Nothing new. The only thing I admire about Sarah's fans is how UNITED they are (even though it's for a hateful lying purpose) and DO have effect.

  47. Anonymous11:00 PM

    "out of office two years" because she QUIT IN THE MIDDLE OF HER TERM, you morons.

    I agree though. The real incriminating stuff is being held back or redacted. So why are you getting all, "wee-wee'd up"?


  48. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Several lear jets are sitting out at the Juneau airport tonight. hmmmm .... I may have to go sit across the street from the state capital tomorrow morning and drink my coffee. May be kind of fun to watch the news people walk out with all those boxes of emails. I hope journalists are downtown tonight getting Juneau's opinion of her ... dang I should have gone out for a drink tonight at the place most of the legislative staff hang out at .... most traveler's end up finding it (if they are staying downtown) ...

  49. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:23 AM

    Yeah, wonder what Noodnick of the North's handlers will come out with today or tomorrow to counteract this little onslaught? Maybe a long, eardrum-imploding video rant about "ethics," good ol' Amurikan "family values" and Anthony Weiner? Gotta be something in the wings--there always is.

    The overgrown, overfed, whining toddlers were really out protecting their Fantasy Mommy last night on the WaPo thread. Some nasty shit, too, directed at the author and his family. Wonder why the FBI isn't called out on some of the truly batshit crazy 'Bots? Oh, right, they're all protected under the Palin Umbrella of Terror. Silly me.

    Meanwhile, back in Sanityville, Gryphen, hope you're chosen to go through the WaPo portal to read the emails. I'll be checking Crivella when I can. Good luck!

  50. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Here's a very INTERESTING article dated 9/5/08.

    Us Magazine Hit Hard by Canceling Subscribers After Palin Attack

    The ending is my favorite:
    To appropriate a saying, arrogance goeth before the fall. And "Us Weekly" just took a tumble.

    I wonder what we could substitute for "Us Weekly" that would make it more 'judicious' for today.

    This too is worth looking at:
    Five thousand might not seem like a large number at first glance, but it’s significant in the context of Us’ printing schedule. The magazine goes to press Monday night, which means subscribers don’t receive their issues until Friday or Saturday. In other words, the cancellations are coming from subscribers who, in many cases, haven’t even gotten their hands on the actual issue.


  51. Anonymous2:36 AM

    This is what I imagine the e-mails to look like:

    From Palin:

    Hi XXXXX,

    Well that XXXXXXXXX was Friggin aweful!!! You had better XXXXXXX your friggin XXXXXX bs straight or else. XXXXXX will see to that.

    XXXXX is XXXXX in XXXXXX friggin XXXXX ok?

    I love puppies.

    the governer , Sarah

  52. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Ha, they're so screwed, as reading comprehension is most likely NOT the strong suit of your average Palinbot!

    "Hey, Betty Jo, can ya tell me what this here means? I love The Governor and all, but she don't make too much sense in these emails!"

  53. Anonymous2:50 AM

    Oh NOW she's just a governor who's been out of office for almost two years.
    These people are Tri-Gs.

  54. Anonymous2:51 AM

    I wish a few well known journalists would write articles that are specifically about the Palinbots. This could be a great blog post G. You mention them as in this but a specific one with examples. This is what the NYT and WP should cover, not articles depicting Palin as a serious politician.

    There are so many examples of the palinistas sick disturbed behavior. Look at this new lawsuit. And we all know other examples. I just came across this op Ed which is another reminder of how mentally ill they are. If they weren't, they would crack down on this, but they don't.
    This guys op Ed is spot on!!

  55. A J Billings3:00 AM

    I'm reading the Bailey book right now, and it's obvious that Frank was, and still is somewhat prejudiced by his religion.

    I guess that's to be expected, as anything faith based is by definition based on precepts that are not provable ,and essentially unknowable by the rest of us.

    In spite of his previous 'worship" of Queen grifter Paylin, I'm happy that he's exposing the emails, and that he seems like a solid guy and I"m thankful he has revealed facts and risked his rep and maybe his life by writing it.

    please consider releasing All Palin's EMAILS TO WIKILEAKS. They have redundant servers around the world, and have a great way to catalog for searching and sorting.

    Gryphen, if you can get Frank to release to Wiki, that would do the world a service. There could be mails that Frank has that could shed light on future lawsuits or that would support any of the "gates".

    Thank you Gryph for your endless time on this blog. $PAYLIN must be taken down politically,, and have her mouth shut for her..

  56. FloridaDem3:03 AM

    Makes no sense that the bots say, it's a waste of time to focus on emails, then they declare they want to waste THEIR time on sifting through them. How asinine. And of course while there's likely to be nothing incriminating, I'm sure they're hoping they can grab a few embarrassing ones and hide them in their purity panties or something. What do they really expect, anyway? "Don't look at this one!" Ha ha.

    By the way, the same asses who claim we're picking on Sarah on personal stuff are over at huffpo right now trashing Hillary about her clothing, her weight, her age, her appearance, etc. Hm....wonder if the NEW AND IMPROVED faux feminist Sarah will come to her defense. Or her daughter, who whines about "the haters."

    Last time I checked, Hillary had a college degree, a job, and the same boobs and chin she was born with. Hellloooooo? Palin clan??????

  57. Virginia Voter3:23 AM

    Honestly, I don't hold out much hope for these emails. The real story here is the cover up by the State of Alaska. It took over two years to process a request that should have taken 3-6 months tops. The ongoing protection of Sarah Palin by the current administration is corruption at it's finest

  58. Anonymous3:24 AM

    So whats Sarah afraid of, she definitely is messing her pants.

    Mama Grizzly is just a whiney azz screaming "protect me".

  59. Heidi33:25 AM

    If it turns out that these emails are a dud (and they won't be - at least to us - because we know exactly what tiny clues we're looking for), here's what I think might happen:

    If the major players get disgusted, they'll file a lawsuit demanding to see the 2400 withheld pages. Can you imagine the clout if the biggies joined forces? Legal fees would be NO PROBLEM for the LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, or any of the other huge media outlets who filed the original FOIAs.

    So no matter how you look at it, and despite the disgustingly partisan and privately motivated redactions (CYA's), I think there's plenty of grist for the mill.

  60. In all of this I have forgotten that the people of Alaska have a much bigger interest in this than my narrow interest. People might just demand to know the FULL CONTEXT of some emails if they impact things that happened to Alaskans other than Wooten and Trig!

  61. Anonymous3:50 AM

    9:24 said: "I went to sea o' pee - their main worry seems to be that sarah might have used some swear words in the e-mails. A poster asks the rest of the zombies to forgive her if she did swear - after all, she is human and under pressure from her responsibilities (paraphrasing).

    Yep - I am SURE that a few swear words will be the WORST of it - NOT."
    That is hilarious! I have to say, even in the last batch of emails (still available on Crivella West), Palin and Todd came off as total asshat morons, but they didn't "cuss".

    The 'bots are true dipshits. No other word for them!

  62. Anonymous4:05 AM

    So let me get this straight, The Flying Monkeys loved all the attention the Lame Stream Media gave Mama Grizzly during her campaign for more money in her Fill the Servant's Purse tour. But more the emails finally arrive and it's "keep on moving on real topics , no news here" That is trademark Sarah Palin. and the same thing Frank Bailey wrote his book about.

  63. The flying monkeys have been released to save their master.

  64. You know, what we may have here in Sarah Palin and her gang is nothing short of a continuing criminal enterprise potentially rivaling anything the mafia has ever been involved in, everything from simple theft and extortion, and up to and including murder(s).

    Is there any surprise at all that they are now trying to game the emails?

    Yesterday you published a story about Mr. Thoma's experience at the hands of Sarah and her gang. Your first comment was an attempt from a Palinbot to continue to go after people like Mr. Thoma as: "freaking nuts" and "liars, now they are attention-seeking, morons looking for fast cash."

    Hell, that comment is proof that Mr. Thoma's case has merit.

    I hope the U. S. Attorney in Alaska is taking notice of what may well be a crime family similar to the mafia.

  65. teutonic134:46 AM


    I won't have time to sniff through the emails- but tell your readers to word search "HCG". It is the acronym for Human Corionic Gonadatropin (the protein tested for in pregnancy tests in urine).

    The term "HCG positive" or "HCG negative" means someone either is (positive) pregnant or isn't (negative). That might be the scent to something bigger.

    I want some of the credit baby (if it goes down like that).

  66. Anonymous5:09 AM

    More awesomeness from Bats Left/Throws Right:
    ... if you ask me the real question is how you can have a major political party in a country bristling with wealth and international menace which managed to nominate a brain-damaged Wal*Mart shopper for Vice President. The fact that some people eventually caught on is small beer by comparison.

    I recommend the whole piece!

  67. Can you even imagine calling yourself a "mama grizzly" ? It is such a grossly disgusting phrase for a woman. Do you have any idea how bears look close up or how they smell? It is not pleasant and it is nothing short of terrifying. We have bears all over the place where I spend my summers..I know bears.

  68. Okay. It's Friday. Where are the emails?

    (Yes, I'm impatient...I'm excited to begin looking through them)

  69. Anonymous5:21 AM

    I find it telling that the Mama Grizzlies immediately assume that only negative information will be revealed about their Queen. . .little optimism displayed that possibly these emails might vindicate Sarah, or put her in a positive light?

    That says it all.


  70. saw her by mistake when I was flipping channels - re: her e-mails - she was pouting with her newly filled and shined lips while stating "let's face it, every rock in my you'know has been looked at and overturned"


    the clown

  71. Dis Gusted5:42 AM

    can we assume that the e-mails between SP and her 'stalker', Shawn Christy, have been red-acted?

    those would have been fun to read....


  72. Anonymous5:47 AM

    If there is something out there that smells, even if there is redacted content on it, can't the court take action on it? And, if they ask Palin questions, and she lies under oath, what then?

    It is interesting to watch her ego swell in proportion to her plastic surgery.

  73. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Here is what you look for: $.

    Here is the question you ask:

    Were state funds expended in terms to do this innappropriate task?

    Who benefitted from this task?

    That is, how much state $s went to vendettas?

  74. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Ask for a forensic audit of her Mayor's office budget and Governor's office budget.

    Uncle Ted was brought down by his "Chalet." Ask for an audit of the house Sarah received from contractor materials and audit Spenard's contract etc., from the contract to build the auditorium she built. Look at the bids for the job. In essense, the city of Wasilla paid for Sarah's house with their property taxes.

  75. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Everything about Sarah is this group that manipulates the brains,just pretend that she has clout with a few keyboard
    bullies,like the Queen of Bullies herself.

  76. Anonymous6:31 AM

    This is when Bailey can really strut his stuff and come to Jesus and reveal the true e mails.Redacting is not what Jesus would do.

  77. LisaB25956:49 AM

    Considering EVERYONE will have access, I'm not sure what they hope to achieve? Not point out something damaging? Surely someone else would? Trumpet Sarah's coherent and efficient style of government? *shrugs* I guess they can try.

    I too feel the emails are going to be redacted heavily so as not to leave the State of Alaska's butt open to lawsuits. If I were an AK state official, I wouldn't leave my state hanging out to dry just to get Palin.

  78. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I thought now Washington Post has invited EVERYBODY to read the emails since there were too many people who applied in the first run.So no 100 people limit.

  79. Anonymous7:20 AM

    IF she is worried about the emails being taken out of context because they are redacted why didn't she insist that they not be redacted?

  80. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Here is an example of upping the bet on a bluff. It works until you run out of stake, or have to show the crappy cards in your hand. Is the bot activity organized and directed by close Palin associates?
    That doesn't matter when major news organizations experience the
    stupidity and inconvenience the bots bring.

    Another example is saying that there is nothing to see in these emails. Keep saying this for nearly three years as you stall and bumble; and print out emails only to then redact with crayons or whatever tools are at hand. Then make copies and ship them from bumfu*k nowhere instead of using Uncle Ted's series of tubes. Keep this charade going even as the queen quits and heads south for greener pa$ture$. Coincidentally have emails go outrecruiting bots to say this some more, and disrupt online operations at the media organizations, just as some of the emails are released.

    Raise the bet. That's what the HMFIC can do. Make major news organizations charter jets to either have boots on the ground to scan the paper produced by the state (so they can be put into Uncle Ted's tubes), or to actually load and haul the boxes of paper produced by the state to the lower 48. Where they can then be scanned and uploaded. Because in the lower 48 there is such a thing as not poking the major news media in the eye with a sharp stick. After all, they are e-mail and not snail mail. Make some excuses,and then do that again and again. Because there is a HMFIC.

    Raise the bet again. Be sure that there is something the news media wanted, that they have to make further court filings to get. Because they won't do this. There is nothing in these emails; they just can't be seen. 'Trust us'. That's what the fairy tale says anyway.

    P.S. Thinking that jamming up Andree is a good idea when are the other filers are the ones who are really jammed by all of this is more of the same kind of magical thinking. Except these other filers can make this a part of the story. It almost sounds petty and vindictive. Will that be a part of the story today? The inconvienience that some might view as obstructionism? Say it ain't so. No one will believe this.

    Remember, if the major news media have already spent the money for the jets and travel, if there is a story to find, they just might find it this time. They might start looking for the HMFIC so they can answer some questions.

  81. Anonymous7:41 AM

    My hubby doesn't like it but those two bimbo actresses, Angie Harmon and Janine Turner are banded from my teevee. Are they still part of TeamSarah aka Pathetic Palin Pantysniffers?


  82. Anonymous7:59 AM

    I wonder how hard they tried to get these released July 1 the Friday before the fourth of July? He he!

  83. Anonymous8:53 AM

    "Here's our plan: We will be picking up the documents when they're made available at 9 a.m. in Juneau and flying them back to Anchorage. We are sharing our documents with ABC News and KTUU-Channel 2. The plan is to take them to a legal-document service in Anchorage to be scanned and converted into digital files. By late afternoon, we should have the emails on a set of fairly large, non-searchable PDFs that we’ll post here on our Alaska Politics blog. We expect the documents will be converted to searchable PDFs later in the evening (the process of making them searchable takes quite a bit longer). We’ll post those as soon as we have them."

    Why can't the State of Alaska scan Palin emails instead of waisting paper and trees to make hard copies? Anchorage Daily News is capable of having it scanned within a few hours! Because the state made hard copies the boxes have to mailed by horse and buggy instead of electronically mailed.

  84. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Were Palin's lawyers involved with selecting what emails could and could not be seen by the public?

  85. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I feel the Palin emails the state of Alaska is not revealing should be seen by an Alaska Democrat and Republican Senator to see why they were withheld and if there is any funny business going on.

  86. Anonymous8:59 AM

    They are freaking out because they are worried that there is something to find. They have lost sight of the fact that our government workers work for us.
    Yeah, they really hate the left and it's "corrupted tactics". I guess that excuses their bad behaviour.

    "read this, look at what it says we should do. let's comment/email irrelevant info, or GOOD, HELPFUL things we find in the emails. start off with something like "wow! found interesting info, might hurt palin!!" and then proceed to write a good thing you found in the email, or something completely irrelevant.

    clog their inboxes and comment threads. overwhelm the system!!"

    Does this sound like they trust her? Does this sound like constituents of a public servant elected represent them, or more like a trouble- making family member that they are yet again trying to cover up for? If they have to do this, she aint so great and honest afterall, eh, p-bots?


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