Friday, June 10, 2011

Rachel Maddow covers the implosion of Newt Gingrich's candidacy.

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So who do we think is the next Republican Presidential candidate to self destruct?

Santorum? Romney? Pawlenty? Bachmann? (You know after she declares of course!)


  1. Anonymous3:27 AM

    When does a "raging fire in the belly" become an inferno? Just askin'

  2. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Read emails at HuffPo:

    "Help Us And Be Among The First To Read Sarah Palin's Emails"

    "We'll contact you as soon as we have the documents available for you to read."

  3. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Click on the tweets to read replies. It looks like Sarah has not been able to keep up with deleting unfavorable comments:!/SarahPalinUSA

  4. Anonymous4:12 AM

    the next to implode? to steal a phrase from Granny Palin: "any of them, all of them"

  5. Beldar Fig Newt Conehead4:37 AM

    Jeebus says "Santorum"!

  6. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Sarah.. tell Todd to open a $500,000 line of credit at Tiffany.

    Use it to buy a fake engagement ring for unwed Bristol.

  7. Dinty5:20 AM

    I predict it will be His Frothiness:

  8. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Now Sarah is the new 'Rocky'!

    Sarah Palin's Documentary to Go Nationwide July 15

    Sarah Palin's documentary is coming soon to a theater near you.

    ARC Entertainment, the publicity firm behind "The Undefeated," announced today that the film that chronicles Palin's curtailed term as governor of Alaska, will open in AMC theaters across the country on July 15. Cities and regions featuring "The Undefeated" include Dallas, Oklahoma City, Orlando, Atlanta, Orange County, Calif., Phoenix, Houston, Indianapolis and Kansas City.

    In a statement released by ARC, a co-founder of the production company behind the film compared "The Undefeated" to the "Rocky" movies, with Palin filling in for the fist-swinging Sylvester Stallone.

    "We are thrilled that AMC will give 'The Undefeated' a national theatrical release this summer," said Victory Film Group co-founder Glenn Bracken Evans. "The documentary is made to be seen on a big screen. With its story of a small-town girl who, against all odds, rises to the pinnacles of American government, the film plays with all the drama of a 'Rocky' picture, only with a woman as the central figure and with politics instead of boxing."

  9. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Sarah Palin snub by Margaret Thatcher aides infuriates US rightwing

    A firestorm on the US right has erupted after the Guardian reported that Sarah Palin will be denied a meeting with Lady Thatcher on the grounds that it would be "belittling" for her to meet the darling of the Tea Party movement.

    Rush Limbaugh, the conservative radio host, devoted the opening section of his radio show to denouncing the "preposterous" Guardian report, as Palin supporters accused Thatcher's circle of disgracing the former prime minister.

    The US conservative right reacted furiously after the Guardian reported that Thatcher's aides had decided it would be inappropriate for her to meet Palin, who is planning to visit London next month en route to Sudan. Palin has been touring US historical sites (an excursion that saw her slip up this week on the subject of Paul Revere, the American patriot who made a famous "midnight ride" to warn of approaching British forces).

    One Thatcher ally told the Guardian: "Lady Thatcher will not be seeing Sarah Palin. That would be belittling for Margaret. Sarah Palin is nuts."

  10. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Newt and his wife decided to take the cruise before donations dry up. He must not have spent much time in the sun, unless he met wife #4 nd was in her cabin? He is just in it for the money. Never stood a chance. He has too much baggage, not including Calista who was having an affair with him while castigating Bill Clinton. Good Catholic, church choir member?

  11. Anonymous5:30 AM

    The handover will fire the starting gun on a new race to find the stories, insights and funny bits hidden in more than 24,000 pages of documents.

    Our US crack correspondents Ewen MacAskill and Ed Pilkington will be holed up in a Juneau hotel room combing through thousands of Palin emails as fast as they can read, while Richard Adams in Washington will be live-blogging whatever they – and our US colleagues – find here.

    But given the size of the cache, we reckon the collective eyes of thousands of you will find the juicy bits more quickly, so we'll be publishing the raw mails on our website as quickly as we can and asking you to tell us which ones are interesting and why.

    They'll be pretty rough and ready – no headlines or details of what they're about – but we hope you'll help us by using our simple system to tag them according to what subjects they cover, and how interesting they are.

    We'd love it if you'd alert our editors, via a button on each email, or Tweet us at @gdnpalin, about any emails that you think our reporters should be examining. Remember that each numbered document represents a single page, so you have to click to previous and subsequent pages to see a full email. Now, as Ms Palin once exhorted: "Drill baby, drill!"

  12. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Newt Gingrich team resign, leaving would-be president high and dry

  13. Anonymous5:36 AM


    He has a google problem still.

  14. Anonymous5:40 AM

    People are saying thtat because Sarah used the phrase "not for public consumption" to describe some emails, (as I think most govs would) people think there's explosive stuff in them.

    Remember, she used that phrase about those pictures that were leaed via Kernell. I think she just enjoys privacy as shes said all along.

  15. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Wow, I never knew how many words rhyme with **defeated**.


  16. Anonymous5:46 AM

    OT. Andrew Sullivan
    Limbaugh, Palin And "The Left"

    "As usual, the tired old bigoted comedian Rush Limbaugh took offense that anyone could call Sarah Palin "nuts," even though she is quite obviously a few sandwiches short of a picnic, and her grip on reality is, shall we say, tenuous. And as usual, Limbaugh blamed it on the left, i.e. the Guardian's Wintour/Watt blog. What he doesn't understand is that Palin's nutsiness is not a partisan matter in Britain, or anywhere else in the world. It is an obvious truth marveled at by all. Palin's emergence as a serious figure in American politics has made the country a laughing stock across the world. The idea that a stateswoman like Thatcher, in advanced dementia, would be used by such a crackpot is simply unseemly."

  17. I so loved watching this last night. I have been through the torture of living in his district years ago....and now all of these things have gone national. It's about time.

  18. Anonymous5:57 AM

    AMC movie theaters across US to run Palin film.
    Note the purpose of the movie is to " make money
    not to get her elected to anything!". So is she running or not?

  19. emrysa6:47 AM

    yeah I got a good laugh last night when I saw that he had so many staff people resign - apparently, because of his wife.. I bet ol' newt is having a pretty shitty day today. and good for him the lousy pig.

  20. Anonymous6:55 AM

    People forget---Rocky lost.

  21. Beldar Johnny Reb Conehead7:30 AM

    Gryphen, now, y'all bettah keep ya eyes on Texas governah' Rick Walker Perry. Yes sir, he's the real deal! He's a "dark" horse candidate... but... the good kind, if ya know what ahm talkin' about. Ok? 'K? 'K? Wink. Wink...

    Perry 2012!!
    Now with 5% LESS Secessionism!!

  22. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I wouldn't trust HuffPo with anything. It has turned in to a Breitbart, RW depository. Just sayin'.

  23. Anonymous7:54 AM

    My apologies to everyone for the ignorant Palin film being shown in Indianapolis.

    Jen from IN

  24. Thanks for posting the Rachel Maddow piece. Thorough and very informative. I had forgotten the details of why I despise him so. What hubris to think that anyone would want him as president - oops. Forgot about Palin for a moment there. Everywhere else in the world, she is perceived as a looney tunes creature, but in the US, there are still quite a few that will believe anything, having been edumicated by the tabloids and reality TV.

    OT a bit. I was working a wedding this weekend (caterer) and I spoke with the photographer who told me that his son was featured in one of those wedding reality shows. His son came off as a real dick, but the photographer told me that his son was encouraged to behave this way because the production company paid for half the wedding. Verifies just what a scam most reality shows are. I'll bet that Sarah is jealous of all the ways that Newt has made money from the foolish.


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