Friday, June 03, 2011

Not only does Palin's bus tour do NOTHING to educate the American people about this country despite what she says, it also appears she is actively distracting others from learning anything about it.

The poor tour guide is doing his level best to teach these tourists something about the history of Bunker Hill, but Palin is disrespectfully keeping the crowd from hearing him by keeping the focus on her as she signs autographs using her daughter's back. (Apparently Piper got demoted from security detail to "handy writing surface.")

Perhaps if Palin were more interested in education she would not have mistakenly claimed that Paul Revere "warned the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms by ringing those bells."

Warned the British?

Rang bells?

Take away our arms?


Isn't there a third grade child around to correct this imbecile?

Or I guess she could just visit this educational site for children and learn the facts.

And it is in THIS woman's house that Willow Palin is supposed to get her education.  Not bloody likely.


  1. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Sarah Palin is rude, crude, and cannot listen to others, due to her mental illness. She has an IQ of 80, at best. She should have, at the very least, encouraged those young girls to listen to the guide and signed her stupid autographs on Piper's back AFTERWARDS.

  2. Anonymous6:11 AM

    On the road, Palin's tour a rolling menace

  3. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Too bad $carah didn't move to Texas. Imagine how valuable all her knowledge would be to the people there who are re-writing American history books? Also, too, they have low I.Q. people in office and vote for them, like W and Perry. $carah really made a mistake moving to Arizona instead of Texas.

  4. Anonymous6:20 AM

    To channel Keith once again: that woman is an idiot!

    No wonder Piper acted like a brat the other day because her mother doesn't know the first thing about manners.

    How incredibly rude and crude to sign autographs when someone is speaking for your benefit. Moron.

  5. Svalbard6:20 AM

    Maybe she was worried about the right to arm bears, and whether they might have her in their crosshairs some day.

  6. Anonymous6:26 AM

    When Palin goes off on things like this current tour to the N.E. and her parents and Todd also go, who takes care of Trig?

    Palin's explanation of Paul Revere's ride is about as articulate and correct as her telling school children what a vice president's job entails.

    When Palin veers from vague and generalized ranting, she gets off the rails, doesn't she? Any attempt to get her to provide a specific answer to a question results in more word salad rants or this version of Paul Revere's ride or the earlier VP job description.

    Does she know ANYTHING other than memorized and too-oft repeated vitriolic attacks and pacifying narratives?

  7. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Funny you should mention 3rd graders...I asked my 8 year old yesterday if she knew about Paul Revere.

    I was told the story about how Revere had to put up signals to warn the British were coming.I asked if bells were rung and she looked at me like I was crazy and she told me he was quiet.I was then told that Revere had friends ride with him and was arrested.

    I was impressed with the kid and asked how she knew all little elitist had read two books about the ride this year.

  8. imnofred6:34 AM

    I saw her little speech on Paul Revere in Boston and it was pathetic. Besides not knowing what she was talking about, it sounded more like her catch phrase words of that she says this "vacation" is about all strung together.

    She is truly an idiot.

  9. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I just love how she wore a t-shirt yesterday, because we were all harping on how her candidate attire contradicted her claims about this being a family vacation.

    Hi Sarah.

  10. Anonymous6:36 AM

    OT, now that Edwards has been indicted and it was the first time they used FEC laws in a criminal case maybe, $arah ought to take note as to how she is spending her PAC money and filling out her reports. This will lay the rules and laws for the future!! $carah, be careful, you just may end up in John E's position, it took a few years but, he was taken to task!! You never know what will come back and bite you in your a$$!! Karma's a you know what!

  11. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Sarah Palin’s bus is plastered with a mockup of the U.S. Constitution. But her entourage — both the three-vehicle motorcade that includes the bus and the smaller, two-SUV version she uses for smaller events — hasn’t been very respectful of the traffic laws.

    They speed. They run red lights and stop signs. They make last-second lane changes to get off the highway, sometimes without signaling.

    Read more:

  12. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Sarah is a fucking idiot! She isn't even a good parent, some idiots at least love their kids, but not personality disorder Sarah.
    Sarah if your bizzaro world tour comes by me a pic will be posted on the 'net with a your bus and a sign that says
    "Who is Trig's Bio Mom?"

    Little Rabbit

  13. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Thankfully she's headed home, wherever that is. Will Toad be waiting at the door wrapped in Saran Wrap with scented candles burning? Or will he be surprised she came back to AK and he has to send the masseuse home early? I'm sure she's screeching away today, blasting the LM for making her look like a fool when it's her own words and actions that turn into fodder. Maybe the LM was following her more to catch her gaffes than her presence. That would be in interesting turnabout. I see that even Politico is turning on her a smidge. I think they, the right, are going to start treating her as a candidate. Throwing Mitt under the bus was not a good move, even if Roger ordered it. Smacks of the desperation she must be feeling. In the mean time, everyone but Pipette and the parents bailed on the family vacation (I'd love to have been there when Toad announced his leaving, or Sara ordered him to go), more books are coming, someone is finally starting to weigh in on the baby birth story and Mercedes is back. Got to be tense in the wasilla home, wherever that is

  14. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I LOVE that Palin has put her classless ignorance on display for the entire country to see.

    She's losing supporters by the day. Even the senior lady next door to me who was a big supporter now sees Palin for what she is. This bus trip probably will do far more damage than good and that's exactly why I encourage her to continue her "vacation" with the press in tow.

  15. Anonymous6:49 AM

    WTF is this moronic freak of nature trying to say!?? Paul revere rang bells to stop the british from taking our arms? Huh? What a retard. She has no idea what she's talking about. Pathetic.

  16. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I actually think that Palin is using this "vacation" as a fact finding mission (Sarah style) to write her next book: "U.S. History for Tea Party Dummies". Sure to be a best seller for those with less than an average IQ.

    I feel so sorry for her children. As a mother myself (that had to home-school my oldest due to health reasons), I feel that based on her knowledge (or major lack of) of U.S. history it is little wonder why her kids cannot finish high school or go to college. I pity her children for her total lack of knowledge. Delusional and scary best describes this warped person. Having come from a dysfunctional family myself, I can only say that I was blessed in that I was not one of her kids.

    Yes, Sarah – you do have all it takes to be the next POTUS! (Sarcasm)

  17. Anonymous6:51 AM

    What kind of schools do they have in Alaska? Seriously. Sarah is about my age, she would have been in middle school during the Bicentennial. Or was her family too busy trying to secede to learn "One if by land, two if by sea?"

    No bells, Sarah. Lanterns.

  18. laprofesora6:53 AM

    Paylin doesn't realize that she and her PAC are paying for the campaign ads for the DNC in 2012. All the DNC has to do is run this clip of her nonsense about Paul Revere with the caption: "Is this the best America can do for President?" GAME OVER.

    I have to add, she couldn't take five minutes and google "Paul Revere"? She cares that little about appearing prepared? Keep up the good work, Paylin, the Dems are lovin' it.

  19. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I also liked the lesson about the Statute of Liberty as a reminder not to make the mistake that other nations make.

  20. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Anon at 6:25AM, maybe you should donate your darling girl's book to Palin. Hell maybe we should ALL send her a copy of it! Can you imagine the look on her face when several hundred copies of a child's book show up to correct her sorry assed story?

  21. Anonymous6:58 AM

    She opens her mouth and the stupid just flows out.

  22. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Maybe Palin is casting Paul Revere he is her mirror making noise, clanging bells, "they are taking away our arms" , our freedom. She even takes Revere down to her level. The dead and their legacy are not safe from her.

    I look forward to Tina Fey writing a skit of Palin on jeopardy answering American history questions using her words verbatim.

  23. Anonymous6:59 AM

    What married woman who has five children and one grandchild takes a "family vacation" with one child, her parents, and no husband?


  24. Anonymous7:00 AM


    We don't need or want her in TX. There are some smart people in Tx, too.

  25. Anonymous7:02 AM

    HOLY SHIT! I am dizzy from the spin that I just experienced while making the huge mistake of visiting this hellhole (C4P).

    What sort of delusional people are writing this nonsense? I find myself agog and running for a shower...yechhhhh. Talk about cultish behavior.

    Boy, when she gets taken down fully, these people will blow their brains out! It's like nothing I've ever seen, the drool is almost running from my laptop...last time I'll ever venture into THAT web address.

    ...It was at that point when Fox
    decided to throw Governor Palin under the bus. Ailes’ advice to Governor Palin had nothing to do with protecting her; it was all about protecting the Fox brand. Governor Palin realized that she was on her own and even those who she thought she could count on to defend her were about to stab her in the back. It was from that point onwards that Fox’s attitude towards Palin changed...

  26. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Apparently Piper got demoted from security detail to "handy writing surface."

    Thanks for the laugh, Gryphen. But, really, I feel like crying.

    Poor. Fucking. Kid.

  27. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Truly cringeworthy. I feel embarrased for her.

  28. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Bells and guns. Paul had his hands full, ringing bells, shooting a gun, while hanging onto those reins. Palin is the ultimate embarrassment. It's the arrogance that gets me. She clearly clueless about Paul Revere but boldly plunges in with both empty lobes of her brain. She doesn't care that she can be fact-checked, she just dives right in, blatantly advertising here stupidity. Who can blame her? Her coffers are running over with money. The media hang on her every word. They never challenge her, so she keeps right on blathering nonsense. This has been going on for three years now. I suspect we're stuck with Palin and her trashy family for the next 40 to 50 years.

  29. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Technically, Revere (and 40 others) was warning that the British regulars were marching out to seize the rebels' arms stores. But he wasn't warning the British they couldn't do it, he was warning the REBELS. And he wasn't firing shots and ringing bells, it was a SECRET mission. And since he was British himself.... Oh, where does one start? That woman is an idiot.

  30. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Is it actually possible for someone over the age of 8 to NOT know exactly whom Revere was warning? You wouldn't think so but, there she is.

    And I only wish I was there trying to listen to that tour guide so I could tell Palin to shut the fuck up.

  31. Anonymous7:26 AM

    As a "journalism" major who's always spouting off about "who, what, when, where, why," Palin goes zero for three in less than ten seconds. What a dunce.

    It's going to be immensely entertaining to see how SP and camp try to spin this. Sad when you basically have to operate in full-time damage control mode.

  32. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Paul Revere's warning to 'protect them from their arms being taken away' -- which is her reference to 2nd Amendment Rights -- said 2nd Amendment didn't exist for another 15 years.

    This is the kind of info that Texas is using to rewrite or what I call whitewashing the true history from text books. Just like Bush and Rumsfeld's books.

    The more they say it, the more they believe it -- it becomes 'truth' to them.

    Don't let facts get in your way.

  33. Anonymous7:29 AM

    She's not only stupid. She also racked up 4 Pinocchios for her lies:

  34. Anonymous7:30 AM

    That was horrible to watch! Disrespectful to the guide at the very least. I thought this "tour" wasn't about "her"! - so she says. - She could have signed the autographs after his speel.

  35. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Poor Piper! This circus is going to forever be emblazoned in her psyche as Worst Vacation Ever.

  36. Anonymous7:32 AM

    That clip shows exactly why Sarah Palin, Imbecile Extraordinaire, does not do interviews that aren't scripted.

  37. Nan C7:35 AM

    Y'know, this is the first video ever of SP that her shrill voice didn't make me turn off the sound (if I didn't shut the whole thing off altogether).

    Oh, she's educating the public all right; the more she talks, the more she exposes herself for what she is.

  38. Roll up! Illogical History Tour!

  39. Anonymous7:42 AM

    The way the camera was focused on Her Royal Silliness, there is no way anyone could tell how big a distraction she may have been to anyone else who was there. And it is of interest to note that the people who were getting stuff signed were pretty much the same age as Piper.

  40. It is just a continual mind-numbing exercise to try and understand HOW the WORLD'S media follows this bimbo around like a herd of panting dogs...

    This has GOT to be one of the stupidest people alive and yet she gets treated like some form of royal lump?? WTF is right!!

  41. Beldar Furrowed Conehead7:46 AM

    Clearly she is everything bad her negative caricature claims her to be. At some point, tho, our attention should be shifting to question the judgment, if not the mental health, of her supporters. How can anyone consider this maroon a viable candidate for zoning board member much less president of the United States? Her only demonstrable skill - besides attracting sums of money disproportionately large in comparison to her meager abilities - seems to be clumsily parroting Tee Hee Hee Party talking points. How does this country survive when significant numbers of its citizens believe our elected president is a "stoopid muslin born in Kenyum" and look to the screechy wretch for salvation? Even if she isnt electable, her supporters empower her to crazy-up the debate and prevent us from focusing on real solutions to looming disasters.

    The snark is fun, but her continued damaging impact on American politics should be very sobering to all moderates leaning one way or the other.

  42. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Sarah.. you fucking MORON... all you have to do is google... Paul Revere Wiki...

    In 5 minutes you will learn about Paul.

  43. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Is it possible to see Sarah's Birth Certificate? She and her husband spent so much time trying to secede, that I think she was secretly born in Canada. She couldn't possibly be this ignorant, and trying to be taken seriously as a Presidental candidate. No wonder other countries are laughing at this, anywhere else she would have been laughed off the national stage a long time ago. How ironic she's on a history tour, and doesn't know a darn thing about US history

  44. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I am reading Dunn's book and it is full of how she knows nothing but continues talking with a bunch of lies thrown in also too.

    Yep, she is an idiot.

  45. This is a disgrace.
    This woman does not know basic American history. She is a liar if she believes what she said about Paul Revere.
    She has the attention span of a gnat.

  46. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Read that Palin is flying home today - interesting if true since it is the same day Mercedes says she will start blogging again mmmmm...coincidence? According to Sarah the Lying Quitter - there are no coincidences.

  47. Anonymous7:55 AM

    SARAH - This is for you.

    By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

    Listen my children and you shall hear
    Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
    On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;
    Hardly a man is now alive
    Who remembers that famous day and year.

    He said to his friend, "If the British march
    By land or sea from the town to-night,
    Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch
    Of the North Church tower as a signal light,–
    One if by land, and two if by sea;
    And I on the opposite shore will be,
    Ready to ride and spread the alarm
    Through every Middlesex village and farm,
    For the country folk to be up and to arm."

    Then he said "Good-night!" and with muffled oar
    Silently rowed to the Charlestown shore,
    Just as the moon rose over the bay,
    Where swinging wide at her moorings lay
    The Somerset, British man-of-war;
    A phantom ship, with each mast and spar
    Across the moon like a prison bar,
    And a huge black hulk, that was magnified
    By its own reflection in the tide.

    Meanwhile, his friend through alley and street
    Wanders and watches, with eager ears,
    Till in the silence around him he hears
    The muster of men at the barrack door,
    The sound of arms, and the tramp of feet,
    And the measured tread of the grenadiers,
    Marching down to their boats on the shore.

    Then he climbed the tower of the Old North Church,
    By the wooden stairs, with stealthy tread,
    To the belfry chamber overhead,
    And startled the pigeons from their perch
    On the sombre rafters, that round him made
    Masses and moving shapes of shade,–
    By the trembling ladder, steep and tall,
    To the highest window in the wall,
    Where he paused to listen and look down
    A moment on the roofs of the town
    And the moonlight flowing over all.

    There is more, but I doubt you've read this far, you moron.

  48. Anonymous7:58 AM


    "Mom, who is Paul Revere?"

    "Aw hell, Piper diaper, be still so Mommy has a writing desk.

    Piper:"Mom! You want me to show my ass and embarrass everyone again today? Cuz I will...!"

    "Ok, Piper diper, goddammit! Paul Revere, let me think. Was he that colored man on CNN? No, wait, that was...oh, I know, he played in a band and uh, um, and then founded Taco Bell, isn't that right, Todd?"

    "I don't know, Sarah. Do you want me to call Greta again and ask her"

    "Well, I'll just be damned. You don't know shit, do you, Todd?!"

    "Hey RAM!!! Put down the frickin' box of Krispy Kremes and drive this goddamn bus to Taco Bell NOW! You people know I can't take my crazy pills without a crunch-wrap supreme! Why doesn't anybody on this goddam bus ever think about ME? ME! ME! ME! Its suposed to be about me!!!"

  49. Anonymous7:58 AM

    What a rude bitch. I sure wish that tour guide would have said something to her in a polite way and put her in her place or one of the other guests. I would have asked for a refund and complained to the ticket office. She is so clueless it is painful to watch.

  50. Anonymous8:01 AM

    OT, but I am wondering why SP isn't at the Faith and Freedom Conference this morning.

  51. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Did everyone sees the photos online of Palin meeting the Palin impersonator in Boston? The impersonator was better dressed and more attractive. A better Sarah than Sarah...

  52. Time for someone to make a list of all of the historical "facts" we are learning from this tour. Letterman?

  53. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Really, Mitt Romney has so much to work with, I hope he goes nuclear on the bitch. String together some of her greatest idiotic hits in a video--from Couric on down to this Paul Revere business. Do it as voiceover while showing her most disturbed and insane facial expressions, of which there are also millions. That way, the pretty face doesn't distract. You get the insane bitch speaking as an insane bitch. Do this and much worse, Mitt, please.

  54. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Just hilarious the way you present this, Gryphen.

    She just loves her some autograph signin' doesn't she?

    Can't disappoint her lovin' fans.

    Really, it appears SP has gone over the edge with her "it's not all about me" tour. Sister Sarah, the fiscal conservative could have saved a lot of PAC's money by staying home and facebooking these stories by googling them. Burning fuel, practically running down bodies with that bus peeling and burning rubber, going through red lights, speeding, wasting a lot of people's time, by not showing up..........I'll bet she spent $25,000 (including the bus wrap) or more.

  55. Dis Gusted8:09 AM

    What married woman who has five children and one grandchild takes a "family vacation" with one child, her parents, and no husband?


    6:59 AM


    some key words need to be corrected - the child stalker that she sued stated that court records indicate she is divorced.

    there are no other children living with her except Piper and that may not even be 100% of the time

  56. Anonymous8:09 AM

    "My 2011 Summer Vacation Visiting Historical Sites With My Mom"
    - by P.I.G. Palin

    I rode a bus all day and then had to stand next to my mom with my usual frown as she smiled and signed crap. I had a miserable time. I wish I could of left with my dad and my sisters those lucky bitches, but my mom needed family with her so she would not look stupid and I was forced to stay as usual. Can't wait till I'm 18 so that I can live with Bristol or I might just get pregnant early and live with my baby's daddy and his family.

    The end
    Piper Palin

  57. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Will the humiliation of Piper Palin never end? I have never before seen a mother so publicly and callously disregard her own daughter's dignity.

    Sarah, those little girls you signed autographs for will one day be embarrassed for you. Right now they don't know any better. You are a seriously disturbed individual.

    Todd, will you please protect your children.

  58. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Does Sarah think there is someone who is above the law? Why yes, she is!

    "Sarah Palin's tour a rolling menace"

  59. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Mom, who is Paul Revere?"

    "Aw hell, Piper diaper, be still so Mommy has a writing desk.

    Piper:"Mom! You want me to show my ass and embarrass everyone again today? Cuz I will...!"

    "Ok, Piper diper, goddammit! Paul Revere, let me think. Was he that colored man on CNN? No, wait, that was...oh, I know, he played in a band and uh, um, and then founded Taco Bell, isn't that right, Todd?"

    "I don't know, Sarah. Do you want me to call Greta again and ask her"

    "Well, I'll just be damned. You don't know shit, do you, Todd?!"

    "Hey RAM!!! Put down the frickin' box of Krispy Kremes and drive this goddamn bus to Taco Bell NOW! You people know I can't take my crazy pills without a crunch-wrap supreme! Why doesn't anybody on this goddam bus ever think about ME? ME! ME! ME! Its suposed to be about me!!!"

    7:58 AM



    "Piper:"Mom! You want me to show my ass and embarrass everyone again today? Cuz I will...!"

    "Ok, Piper diper, goddammit! Paul Revere, let me think. Was he that colored man on CNN? No, wait, that was...oh, I know, he played in a band and uh, um, and then founded Taco Bell, isn't that right, Todd?"

  60. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Sarah Palin on Paul Revere: "
    He who warned, uh, the…the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh, by ringin’ those bells and um by makin’ sure that as he’s ridin’ his horse through town to send those warnin’ shots and bells that uh we were gonna be secure and we were gonna be free…and we were gonna be armed."

    That's not snark. She said this. You know, there was a time in this country where if someone publicly uttered something like this, the media would be openly speculating - and I'm serious, people - if that individual was mentally retarded.

  61. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Hope SP's current "inner circle" read Bailey's book. So, they can plan their departure.

  62. Enjay in E MT8:17 AM

    Obviously, $P didn't read any of the display information while racing thru the Paul Revere House to get back to the crowds.

    Scarey to think her kids are homeschooled most of the time.

    Off topic, am wondering if she & perhaps "the Donald" aren't seriously considering running as Independents.

  63. Anonymous8:18 AM

    @ anonymous 8:09: You know, some of your essay was funny, but calling a kid a pig is not, no matter how awful her mother is. Let's not descend to the spitefulness of palinbots, ok?

  64. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I just made myself look at this Rude and Classless woman carry on her signings while the park guide is SPEAKING to others right in front of her!!!!! I'm losing my mind. How could an adult, not just an adult, a person who has lived on this planet with other human beings for 47(?) years, have the utter self-absorption she displays and not be called out for it, EVER? Instead of giving this hard-workin' Amurkin her undivided attention, and telling the children who come up to her to wait a moment, she disrespects the man completely and carries on her business. This is not a way to start my day, I already feel sick about this whole thing. Shitfire, there are ways to proceed safely if you truly have info. Don't be afraid.

  65. The Great White Dope

  66. Anonymous8:20 AM

    The only bell in that story is the dumb-bell that's telling it.

  67. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Dis Gusted said...
    What married woman who has five children and one grandchild takes a "family vacation" with one child, her parents, and no husband?


    6:59 AM


    some key words need to be corrected - the child stalker that she sued stated that court records indicate she is divorced.

    there are no other children living with her except Piper and that may not even be 100% of the time

    8:09 AM

    Please post link to story.

  68. Anonymous8:21 AM

    "I look forward to Tina Fey writing a skit of Palin on jeopardy answering American history questions using her words verbatim."

    Actually, after this jaw-droppingly moronic bus tour, Tina Fey may be out of a job portraying Palin's stupidity--because Palin now has perfected writing and performing her own material. That bit about Paul Revere's ride: priceless! Fey could not possibly improve anything that comes out of Palin's own mouth. Palin is now a hilarious, if not slightly more grotesque caricature of herself! It cannot be improved upon. (Apologies to Tina Fey who is a comedic genius!)

  69. I have not posted a comment in a really long time but this is too funny not to share. A commenter on youtube wrote this regarding Palin's idiotic 2nd amendment interpretation of the ride of Paul Revere:

    Paul Revere went on to become a legendary lumberjack in Minnesota along with his trusty blue ox Babe Ruth. Sadly Babe then died of Mad Cow disease or as it was called back then Lou Gehrigs disease. Revere was never the same, he hit the bottle pretty hard, but on the plus side he then found Jesus, and changed his name to Saul and became a famous saint. He was burned at the stake by the British who had sailed to America in Joan's Ark. His place of death is now the Minnesota state capital, St. Paul.

  70. London Bridges8:23 AM

    Sarah learned her world history from watching the Rocky & Bullwinkle Show - Mr. Peabody & his boy, Sherman's Improbable History.

  71. Anonymous8:24 AM

    One more time LOL:

    Piper:"Mom! You want me to show my ass and embarrass everyone again today? Cuz I will...!"

    "Ok, Piper diper, goddammit! Paul Revere, let me think. Was he that colored man on CNN? No, wait, that was...oh, I know, he played in a band and uh, um, and then founded Taco Bell, isn't that right, Todd?"

    7:58 AM

    Thanks again...

  72. Anonymous8:28 AM

    She's going home? Well, that was a poorly planned, ill-conceived, child-abusive, idiocy-revealing, phony, chaotic, disingenuous, stinking heap of a family vacation.

  73. Anonymous8:28 AM

    If I didn't know better, I'd think SP has some autistic problem or some dyslexic problem that's been masked or covered up by her parents. Maybe she was still able to manage carrying out some functions, but maybe the family got together a long time ago and configured a way to protect her from being exposed and this is why they are always with her, or at least someone close is glommed onto her whenever she travels or speaks.

    If she did have a learning disability, why wouldn't she just admit it and carry on; why try to hide the fact and make herself look 10 times worse.

  74. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Can't wait to see the SNL skit on paylin's history of Paul Revere. Those writers are going to have so much material they won't have to think for themselves for years.

  75. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Why you guys blaming Sarah for not knowing historical facts?

    It is Bristol's fault, Bristol is Sarah's paid “Googling Looker Upper Advisor” and she along with Todd and Willow bailed on Sarah.

    Those low life trader bastards did not wake up and take Piper with them when they escaped late at night and now Piper is stuck with Sarah for the rest of the summer by herself or until she moves in with Bristol.

  76. Ten Reasons Sarah Palin Should Run For President.

    I thought it was joke until I read it. Is this Amy Siskind another bot?

  77. Anonymous8:40 AM

    If you watch the video on WHDH Boston look at Palin entering the store and look at Palin inside the store.

  78. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Dis Gusted,
    Please, please provide a link, we want more info :)
    Or even better, get the info to Gryphen.

  79. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Damn! I just finished my senior year in high school and need to pass my history class in summer school to get my diploma or I have to come back next year as a 2nd year senior and start all over.

    I just went to my first day of summer school and repeated what Mrs. Palin said about Paul Revere's ride and was expecting an "A+" for my oral report but my teacher thought I was making a mockery of his class and he kicked me out gave me an "F+" and told me not to come back and then told me to kiss his ass!


  80. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I thought my dog was dumb.
    Really? Sarah, your ignorance is glaring. You, yourself, cannot believe, unless you are mentally insane, that your intelligence qualifies you to be the President of the United States.

    Because let me tell you, there can't be many people left in the US that believe you are smart enough. The stuff you are making up is on video, preserved for posterity. It can't be disputed.

  81. Anonymous8:48 AM

    there is a petition going around online, telling all the major news outlets that we are SICK of the 24/7 coverage of Palin. It says that she cannot make up her mind whether to run or not, yet gets followed everywhere - WHY??

  82. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I've seen smarter turnips.

  83. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Anonymous 8:20 said: "The only bell in that story is the dumb-bell that's telling it."

    HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  84. Anonymous9:00 AM

    It would be instructive to have some average looking woman stand in and repeat Sara's words and actions from this trip. Wonder how her fans would appreciate her if she wasn't attractive physically to them? My twenty year old son just watched her Paul Revere history lesson and thought I was kidding her or it was an SNL skit. Kind of reminded him of her take on what the VP does.

  85. Themanyidiociesof$arah9:02 AM

    Words fail.

  86. Anonymous9:05 AM

    8:40 a.m.

    If you watch the video on WHDH Boston look at Palin entering the store and look at Palin inside the store.

    That's interesting! Besides the obvious: not wearing the same clothes, her hair seems longer in the first part. Face looks different too. Why would they substitute a different first part? Is this older footage? Did she just take off that red jacket. What is being hidden?

  87. erica from dallas9:10 AM

    What's with the TLC on her sleeve.Sarah is just a shameless billboard.It is all about the money.
    Is this trip going to be another reality show?
    No please

  88. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Sarah is using this tour to "teach" us all about the foundations of our liberty. Because by using it for education, she can use her PAC money for it. But she has to somehow make every "lesson" fit her bizzare political narrative. At Rolling Thunder, she loves her emissions, hey, no cap and trade, pollution is good. At Mount Vernon, it's about working hard at home and at your job, even if you never wanted to be President (she forgot to mention his slaves), a subtle dig at the unemployed in this country. At the "Statute" of Liberty, she coyly turns her statement into a slam on illegal immigrants. And in Boston, Paul Revere's ride becomes a lesson in Second Amendment rights. Could she be any more transparent? Stoopid, stoopid woman.

  89. Anonymous9:18 AM

    "My 2011 Summer Vacation Visiting Historical Sites With My Mom"
    - by P.I.G. Palin

    I'm not calling a kid "PIG"... It's her name "Piper Indy Grace Palin" according to Wikipedia, I just used her initials with periods. See Wikipedia below.

    Anonymous said...
    @ anonymous 8:09: You know, some of your essay was funny, but calling a kid a pig is not, no matter how awful her mother is. Let's not descend to the spitefulness of palinbots, ok?

    8:18 AM

    In 1988, Palin eloped with his high school sweetheart, Sarah Heath.[32] The Palins have five children: Track Charles James (b. 1989), who has enlisted in the United States Army and deployed to Iraq on September 11, 2008; Bristol Sheeran Marie (b. 1990);[33] Willow Bianca Faye (b. 1994); Piper Indy Grace (b. 2001);[18] and Trig Paxson Van (b. 2008), who has Down syndrome;[34][35][36] and one grandchild: Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston, born in 2008 in Palmer, Alaska, to Bristol and Levi Johnston.[37]

  90. Anonymous9:20 AM

    She used her own daughter as a ledge to sign autographs...what a bee-yatch!

    Poor Piper. Seriously. WTF. Poor kid.

  91. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Too bad one of those kids didn't have her sign a confession regarding several of her "crimes". Darn, missed a chance for a good one. Wonder whose driving the bus home. Wherever that is? Will they take the banners off before it departs?

  92. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Must See TV:

    Professor Sarah Palin is sticking to her previous story that Paul Revere warned the British with gunshots.

    Maybe she knows something we don't know?

  93. padoreva9:33 AM

    8:40 The clip you posted:
    shows Palin in a darker long-sleeved shirt outside the bakery and her hair appears longer, in addition to her face looking different.

    Inside the bakery, she is in a T-shirt. She is wearing different earrings. It appears that she has a double posing as her. The one outside the bakery looks older, more wrinkled.

    Good catch.

  94. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Third grader? My second grader came home with a written report about George Washington which contains why more facts than this dip shit knows.


  95. Anonymous9:33 AM

    This guy is becoming my hero...The Idiot Queen..

  96. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Don't suppose any of our crack journalists asked her what happened to Toad and Brisket? Departing early happy or not so much?

    And in a very discomforted way I saw and read John Oliver's question to Sara and it never made The Daily Show? Are they also into her now? Very disturbing, would have at least made a good moment of Zen as I doubt she had a clue who he was. Also they failed entirely on the Paul Revere comments. What happened Jon, get slapped down from Viacom? No more fun with Sarah?

  97. Anonymous9:44 AM

    History says Revere was warning the Rebels, Sarah says Revere was warning the British?

    Sarah says North Korea are our friends?

    Sarah does not know if Africa is a continent, country, state, city or a community in East Los Angeles and she wants to be POTUS?

  98. Anonymous9:44 AM

    She's obviously absorbing absolutely none of the historical info the tour guide is providing. Doubt she's even listening as she appears to be in her own little world. I agree with 6:08 am. All the autograph signing and ego stroking could have happened after the guide spoke if she was truly sincere about what she touts as the purpose of her 'tour'. Even if Piper was inclined to listen and, perhaps, learn something, how could she fully concentrate with someone constantly scribbling on her back? Another sad and ridiculous display enhanced by monstrous shoulder pads and fake boobs. Geezzz...pathetic!

  99. Anonymous9:45 AM


  100. WalterNeff9:52 AM

    Greatest Sarah comment after this post:

  101. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Looking at how Sarah Palin is incorrectly teaching history to America during her paid family vacation, I think the state of Alaska should review the report cards of the kids that were in Chuck Heath's class.

    You might be surprised that those kids along with Chuck's biological kids should not of graduated from high school and should re-enroll to get their GEDs.

  102. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I remember Sarah Palin boldly jumped on journalists and said they should be correctly reporting the Who What When Where and Why.

    With that said, Sarah went to 5 or 6 colleges to get one degree in journalism, does that mean Sarah should be reporting the true facts of history instead of making it up as she goes along? Or is it that reporting events as it truly happened only applies to other journalists and not to Sarah?

    Just asking Sarah?

  103. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Was Palin high? Drunk? In that video at WHDH? She's got the tongue thing going and she's got the "Proud to be STOOPID and UNEDUCATED" thing going as usual. Not only all that but she coughed in a bakery!! And she had on a TLC t-shirt .. doing a little advertising for TLC?

    I wish John McCain could be forced to watch 2 or 3 hours a day of Palin's stumbling and bumbling idiocy. On the other hand, he's already suffered torture.


  104. Anonymous10:02 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    If I didn't know better, I'd think SP has some autistic problem or some dyslexic problem that's been masked or covered up by her parents. Maybe she was still able to manage carrying out some functions, but maybe the family got together a long time ago and configured a way to protect her from being exposed and this is why they are always with her, or at least someone close is glommed onto her whenever she travels or speaks.
    8:28 AM"

    I've always thought she was challenged enough to require constant supervision. Todd had to sit in on her meetings as governor...They watch her like a hawk. She is terribly off.

  105. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Gryphen, what's this about Sarah returning to Alaska? Does it have anything to do with The Globe Gossip article about her and Todd? Does it have anything to do with the revelations at IM last night? Maybe the emails?

  106. Anonymous10:06 AM

    O/T, but maybe someone who has read Bailey's book can help me out. I just got the kindle version, and can't find where any photos are located. Are they even in the kindle version? I read someone had posted the page number on one of Gryphen's posts, but don't really have the time to dig through all the comments. Thanks in advance!

  107. Anonymous10:08 AM

    She can't wait to see the basement at the Alamo. Does she need someone to follow her around and slap her when she forgets to breathe?

    I used to feel sorry for her kids, but seeing as they all grew up to be as rude and vacuous as their spawn momma, I can only hope for them a rapid decent into obscurity.

  108. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Why is she wearing a TLC t-shirt? Are they sponsoring her One Nation Redneck Family Vacation?

  109. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Anonymous @6:11 AM

    Thanks for the politico video. I wish the police would start ticketing the bus and the SUV's in her "entourage". She thinks she's above the law no matter what she does! I think that's what she means when she yammers about "FREEDOM" - freedom to do any damn thing she pleases.


  110. Anonymous10:12 AM


    I need your humor right now. StewBeef, Colbert, Gryph and you literally lower my blood pressure with your humor of this feckless twittler...

  111. Anonymous10:12 AM

    @ 8:49 and 9:33

    That was one of those Palin impersonators. They were photographed together earlier.

  112. betsy s10:13 AM

    Gryphen. Seriously. We are being punked. This preposterous "Vacation" episode has been created by some other party/parties (Ailes, Koch brothers, Rove?) to accumulate such risible outrage in the country that prompting Jeb Bush to run in 2012 will be a welcome relief.

    The woman entering the bakery in the red jacket is SP's 'double'. Lots of tongue stuff with SP here, what does that come from?

  113. Anonymous10:16 AM

    WTF is wrong with Sarah and Todd Palin?

    Were they on Meth when they named their children?

    Is Sarah Palin presidential material?

    They give their daughter Piper first and middle names that if you used her initials it spells P.I.G.?

    "Piper Indy Grace" Palin

    On top of that, they name their DS child Trig which means TRI-G

    Trisomy G, or TriG, for short.

    Does Sarah have a nasty sense of humor or what?

    The medical term for Down Syndrome is Trisomy-21 or Trisomy-g. It is often shortened in medical slang to Tri-g.

    Is it not perfectly possible that the very name given to this poor child, being reared by Bristol, is another form of mockery of his condition, along with the "retarded baby" tag?

  114. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Here's the Gawker comment mentioned by WalterNeff:

    *Facepalm* I am constantly amazed how she thinks the beauty queen approach of "string-enough-words-together-in-30-seconds-and-smile" suffices for responding to the press. I cannot believe how someone this vapid has gotten this far in life. I ask you, would you trust a medical version of Sarah Palin to treat you?

    Patient: "So doc, I'm a little nervous about this procedure. Can you walk me through it?"

    Doctor Palin: "Well I'm gonna git on there and just, you know, take it out. I'm gonna git in there and take it out so you won't have it anymore, so you won't be sick anymore. And then you're...uh...going to be better and it'll, you know, be gone. It'll just all be gone."

    You're right, too much of a stretch. Gotta dumb it down... How about a waitress version of Palin?

    Customer: "What's the special of the day?"

    Waitress Palin: "Our special...uh...cod. The Cod Special."

    Customer: "Okay. How's that prepared and does it come with anything?"

    Waitress Palin: "Well...uh...that's a good question and...uh...I appreciate you asking that question because it's good. The Special Cod is specially prepared by our fantastic chef who's just a real good, real hardworkin' American. He'll cook that right up for you, special-like, and it's just delicious. And then I'll bring it out and you'll like it, it's just real tastey."

    Customer: "Okayyyyy...I'll just have the fish and chips with a Diet Coke."

    Thirty minutes later, no fish and chips, no diet coke.

    Customer to random other waiter: "Hey, can you get my waitress...Sarah, yeah her name was Sarah. I ordered the fish and chips with a Diet Coke thirty minutes ago and I haven't seen her since."

    Random Other Waiter: "Ooh, sorry bro. Sarah just quit. Just up and quit and it was only halfway through her shift."

    Who the fuck thinks this woman can work with Congress and manage a country? Who? And why?????

  115. Anonymous10:29 AM

    anon @8:19 regarding calling Piper a pig... blame the parents! Those are Piper's initials:

    Piper Indi Grace Palin

  116. Anonymous10:32 AM

    anon 8:40 on the WHDH video.. that's not Sarah entering the store in the red jacket, it's the Sarah Palin impersonator, seen here in another pic:

  117. Did you see the creepy lip licking in the bakery? It seems involuntary and bizarre.

  118. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Sarah Palin's Bus Tour: Mission Accomplished.

    TPMDC reports that one of those coincidences Sarah doesn't believe in just happened.

    "New Hampshire’s Biggest Paper Puts Romney Announcement Below Palin Tour"

    If Mitt Romney was looking for huge headlines from his Thursday campaign launch in New Hampshire...well, he might have reason to be a bit disappointed.

    Friday's front page of the New Hampshire Union Leader, the state's largest newspaper, has Romney's launch seriously overshadowed by two other events: The death of former Gov. Walter Peterson (R) -- and Sarah Palin's tour of the state....Romney's kickoff was reduced to a mere inset photo within text of the Palin piece, and a small headline, "Romney Announces."

    Click though to the Union Leader story online and there is this:

    Palin said she would be involved in the next presidential campaign, though not necessarily as a candidate.

    She wished good luck to Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who formally announced his candidacy for President Thursday. She hobnobbed with important GOP officials, and criticized big government and high taxes.

    “The Tea Party movement is beautiful and I’m proud to be a part of it,” she said.

    In addition to the 'good luck' wishes:

    ...Jennifer Horn, founder of the conservative group, “We the People,” told the New Hampshire Union Leader: “It was not a typical campaign-style stop at all. There were no prepared remarks. She greeted everyone individually as they came in and then she walked through the group and continued to have conversations.

    “It was very casual and laid back.”

    Jennifer Horn said she discussed the debt ceiling and a balanced budget amendment with Palin, as well as “the need for more ‘Mom’ common sense in Washington.”

    Horn said Palin told her she is “praying about” whether to run for President.

    More details on the halfbaked Alaskan's attendance at the clambake at

  119. Anonymous10:41 AM

    G - JESUSHC Are you reading the comments at Laura Novaks blog? Read the messages from Wholy Mary.

  120. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I sure hope Sarah and her guards are reading the comments from wholy mary on laura novaks blog. There are messages for Sarah there from this person.

    ps unless it is a big hoax

  121. Anonymous10:49 AM

    The Washington Post and Politco articles are simply unbelievable. She is making up huge lies and practically knocking over people with her big bus.

    But what is more interesting are the comments!

    Her fans justify every single stupid thing or lie she says! It is simply unbelievable to read their comments.

    What is wrong with them. Historical facts are historical facts!

  122. There was a Palin impersonator that showed up in that footage. I didn't listen to see if they identified the poor woman.

    We have one hockey mom in Wasilla that bleached her hair to avoid the unwanted attention she was getting from paint chip eaters around town. I guess this lady enjoys looking like the Idiot Queen.

  123. London Bridges11:44 AM

    The House's wasting public payroll time publicly reading the constitution is likely what set off Jared Loughner and his killing spree in addition to Sarah's crosshairs. Sarah's handing out Queen Esther versions of the Constitution is more attempts on her part to incite violence.

    She is telling her Kool-Aid drinkers that the President and Congress don't know anything about the Constitution. She is the "keeper of the U.S. Constitution!"

  124. Anonymous11:49 AM


    The link you put up about Paul Revere's ride is not factually correct, although far better than Sarah's garbled gobbledygook! If you want to correct the information about Paul Revere, go straight to the horse's mouth, so to speak.

    Here is a link to the Paul Revere House's website, where they tell the real story:

    Longfellow's telling was also skewed because he took poetic license.

    Also, I thought it was really tacky for her to be wearing the TLC t-shirt while touring yesterday, but I am guessing she was paid well to do so.

  125. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I love that people are getting offended by Piper's initials. Baby name books will tell you to check all the names to make sure they won't spell a potentially embarrassing word.

    I knew this girl, she was LSD. The president is BO. My grandma was ROE. I'm a CAB.

  126. Anonymous11:57 AM

    @nab: Yes, about the lip licking! Why does she do that and stick out her tongue all the time?! A couple of people have suggested it's a side effect of medication. What kind of medication does that?

  127. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Please make it stop

  128. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Anonymous said..."regarding calling Piper a pig... blame the parents! Those are Piper's initials:

    Piper Indi Grace Palin"

    I don't care. It's meant in the same mean-spirited way Palin means it when she calls our President Barack Hussein Obama. And this is a little girl. I DO blame her parents for giving her an awful acronym for her name, so why should we be jerks like they are?

  129. Anonymous12:57 PM

    It's not just that Sarah Palin says stupid things. It's that she never says anything coherent.

    Sarah Palin's brain doesn't even function well enough for her to notice that she makes no sense.

    John McCain's selection of this stupid, ignorant, dishonest person borders on treason.

  130. Anonymous1:49 PM

    "Can't wait to see the SNL skit on paylin's history of Paul Revere."

    Sadly, their season is over until fall, I think. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

  131. Anonymous2:24 PM

    This reminds of when I had a 1-on-1 student aide in a class I was teaching who would leave her student to go around and "help" other kids in the class, telling them the wrong way to do things. Arg!

  132. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Pathetic: In the paul revere gaffe video she actually keeps looking to Piper to bail her out! ROFL

  133. Nobody seems to remember what the bells were. When Paul Revere, or one of the others, arrived at a town with the message, the town official/crier rang the church bell to call the militia from the nearby farms. Ringing the church bells was a signal that help was needed.

  134. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I just showed the Paul Revere video to my 19-year-old and told him it was part of Sarah's "campaign to educate and energize Americans about our nation's founding principles".

    "Wow" was all he could say as he burst out laughing.

    Thanks for the week of laughs, Sarah! It was all I hoped it would be. It was a good reminder that you are still just as incompetent as ever and why you hurt John McCain's POTUS campaign.

  135. Anonymous3:02 PM

    All those uneducated idiots chasing after $P are collecting autographs that have no value because there are gazillions of them out there. How crass, discourteous and sick this woman is. How can we get the "lamestream" media to halt this charade of ignorance that displays to the world how dumbed down Americans are?
    Will the Republican party eventually implode because of her hateful, vitriolic, incendiary word bombs? What can save us from this scourge John, the stupid McCain visited on us? What additional ideas out there would help us wipe $P and her family's faces off our internet and the television? We cannot allow this circus to shortchange our information on the upcoming elections and she, in her crazed, demented, sick behavior is causing us to lose out on what is really happening in the rest of our world. HELP!

  136. Anonymous3:08 PM

    John McCain's selection of this stupid, ignorant, dishonest person borders on treason.

    12:57 PM


  137. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I believe she got her bells mixed up. She was thinking of Taco Bell. Paul stop at Taco Bell before his ride with the headless horseman.


  138. Even the newswoman got it wrong.

    Revere didn't hang the lanterns in the Old North Church, Robert Newman did.

    Revere and William Dawes took different routes to warn of the troop movements.

    Palin is so ignorant, this footage should be the lead story for all major media outlets.

    Sarah Palin: too stupid to be President.

  139. Anonymous4:09 PM

    In all fairness, she had only JUST learned about Paul Revere that day. She hadn't had a chance to let it sink in.

    And to the person who keeps asking about some double standard for Trig (and Tripp), it's pretty easy to figure out:

    book signings and other publicity events-kids don't belong

    family vacations- bring the family.

  140. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I should have added: either that was not really a family vacation or Trig is not viewed as an important part of the family. Which do you think it is?

  141. Anonymous5:28 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    I should have added: either that was not really a family vacation or Trig is not viewed as an important part of the family. Which do you think it is?

    4:17 PM"

    If it had been campaigning he would have been along.

  142. TruthSeeker5:30 PM

    I'm Canadian and we were not taught about Paul Revere in our school system. Even so, we up here know a heck of alot more about Paul Revere than Palin does.

    Her stupidity astounds us.

  143. Question: Does anyone know if The Learning Channel is contributing financially to SP's bus tour? She's been seen in many of the photos and video wearing tee shirts featuring their initials on the sleeve.

  144. Anonymous8:48 PM

    No wonder she's so jealous of the President and First Lady. They're parents who love each other and are raising two beautiful, well mannered, well rounded, educated young ladies whose parents take advantage of every "teachable moment"

    Sarah's raising wild, organic, free range, attention hungry, uneducated brats, you know, just like Sally and Chuck, the bone collectors.
    Piper learned nothing, no respect for her elders, rules, no factual history, not even how to properly face the consequences of poor behavior and apologize appropriately.

    How's that "OBEY!" thingy working for you, Sarah?

  145. Anonymous4:41 PM

    "@nab: Yes, about the lip licking! Why does she do that and stick out her tongue all the time?! A couple of people have suggested it's a side effect of medication. What kind of medication does that?"

    That may be tardive dyskenesia.....involuntary movements caused by long-term exposure to certain psychiatric meds.

  146. Anonymous said at 2:43 PM...
    "Pathetic: In the paul revere gaffe video she actually keeps looking to Piper to bail her out!"

    As if dropout Piper is going to know anything more than stupid "homeschooling" Sarah does. Hilarious.


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