Sunday, June 05, 2011

This is what happens when you become a parody of yourself. Sarah Palin edition.

Umm, I hate to bring this up, but that is NOT Sarah Palin.

You can tell because she is not a crazed, right wing, nutjob. She just plays one on TV.


  1. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I'd vote for Tina Fey before I'd even consider Sarah Palin as a contender. What a bunch of idiots at Faux.

  2. Anonymous3:55 PM

    L to the fucking L. Too much Fox!

  3. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Leave it to FOX to not know the difference...nor care.

  4. Hahaha. Fox News no less. Can things get any worse for the Queen of the Idiots? Sarah honey, anymore, they're just not that into you.

  5. F J Dandy4:02 PM

    Hee-hee-hee...Quittypants is a cartoon character!

  6. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I have a hard time believing that was a mistake on their part. ;-)

  7. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Tina is so much better looking, non-plasticky, and younger!

  8. Gryphen, That's hilarious. Thanks for watching faux news for me.

  9. angela4:12 PM

    Tick, tock, Sarah . . . . . .

  10. wakeUpAmerica4:15 PM

    Oh I bet Sarah is livid. She is probably throwing cans at the TV.

  11. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Now I'm gonna duck for cover on this one......but did you notice the hair color of "commenteer:?

  12. laprofesora4:23 PM

    Uh-oh. I think I can hear those cans hitting the fridge all the way here in PA.

  13. Anonymous4:47 PM

    When is she going to finish her family vacation? This was an AWESOME week! She is a hoot! The more exposure, the better. If she wants camera time, give it to her, all she wants, just make sure she talks.

    What happened to Trig? Poor baby, did he turn ugly, get fat, die, or something? Why is she hiding him?

  14. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Doesn't matter, 4:22. She's just a newsreader. It is all the behind the scenes people who are responsible, right up to the director.

  15. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Paging Dr. Freud. Classic slip.

  16. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I am a born again Christian. I try to walk the walk. From what I have read in the Bible, it is my feeling that Sarah's ill will toward those who have shown her unyielding kindness and further, the exploitation of her children, particularly Trig, makes her the Antichrist. Because everything I have witnessed her doing has been not what Jesus Christ would have done. She has no humility, compassion, nor love for mankind. But, she will steal for money.

  17. Anonymous5:11 PM

    O/T What's up with this comment from Mercede Johnston's blog. Who's me?

    Anonymous said...
    Mercede, You know don't you that all these people don't give a damn about you. All they want is to convince you that they love and adore you so you will eventually tell the evil truth about how Palin had to fake Trig as her own in order to cover up for your naughty family.

    Well don't tell them. And I don't have to tell you that because you aren't going to tell on your family anyway are you. It's just too sick a story to ever tell.
    Love, Me.
    June 3, 2011 9:31 AM

  18. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Totally intentional.

  19. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Did Fox get punked or did Sarah get punked?

  20. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Sarah Palin rewrites Paul Revere story and now Palinbots try to rewrite history on wikipedia to match their Quitter Queen's mistakes! Wiki editors say no way.

  21. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Probably the same person who transposes a "D" for the "R" when a Republican politician gets busted for doing something naughty.

  22. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Agree with 4:02, I suspect this was not a mistake! Palin's bit the hand that feeds her a few too many times!

  23. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Unfortunately, she got free coverage from a more professional news organization. Can't wait for an orange jump suit on the real Grifter Granny.

  24. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Sarah Palin's Spokesman speaks out about Paul Revere

  25. padoreva5:37 PM

    This is the beginning of the end for Sarah at Fox. That was intentional. They think she's a joke.

  26. Anonymous5:46 PM

    To Anonymous @ 4:02PM

    "I have a hard time believing that was a mistake on their part. ;-)"

    That's exactly what I was thinking. Fox may be cutting her loose.

  27. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Gryph you have to contribute to the #AccordingtoPalin hashtag on Twitter. The responses are hilarious.

  28. Anonymous6:01 PM

    OT on Mercedes and her "just me" writers. She's been quiet for several days and no new comments have come through since the day she got that message. It was clearly meant to be threatening and it appears to have shut her up. Was it Brisket? RAM? Willow? Doesn't matter, someone inside the family circle reached out and sent her a clear message and it seems she might have gotten it. There must be some really, really dark shit she and the insiders know about these babies. Very sad and scary. Let's hope others can get it out from under the rock without putting anyone in harm's way

  29. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Is it true Frank Bailey is going to donate part of his proceeds from his book to restrict abortion rights even in a case of incest?

    I didn't buy his book nor will I if that is true.

  30. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Leave it to Palin's flying monkeys to reflect badly on her by trying to change facts on wikipedia. Just wait till her 2 hr. "movie" comes out at the box office. Their knuckles will be bleeding just like when they tilted the votes for Bristol on DWTS. They have NO REALIZATION of the fact that they only make their queen look worse than she already is. Keep it up c4p! You only damage your idol's reputation if it can get any worse! Go for it!

  31. Anonymous6:30 PM

  32. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Now wait a minute. What is this about Sadie being muffled? Is this true?????????

  33. Anonymous6:37 PM

    A great improvement over the original.

  34. Anonymous6:41 PM

    @ 6:09 PM

    got any links to show that Bailey is donating proceeds "to restrict abortion rights even in a case of incest"?

    Where on earth did you hear that? give a link PLEASE.

  35. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Me thinks that anonymous @ 6:09 pm is a palinbot and trying to start a rumor. pfffft.

  36. Anonymous6:48 PM

    From NPR's Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me this weekend.

    SAGAL: All right. Matt, here is your next quote. KASELL: This isn't a campaign bus. This is a bus to invite more people to be interested in all that is good about America. (Soundbite of laughter) SAGAL: That was somebody letting us know that her big bus with her name on it that's being followed around by hundreds of cameras isn't a campaign bus. Who was it? Mr. WORKMAN: She was just here for some New York pizza. Sarah Palin's One Nation tour. SAGAL: Yes, exactly, Sarah Palin. Well done, Matt. (Soundbite of bell) SAGAL: Sarah Palin's cross country road trip is not a political event, she says, but just a summer vacation with her family, just like the ones you have. Except your summer vacations probably do not have a title. (Soundbite of laughter) SAGAL: Hers is called the One Nation Tour. And she's, you know, just like any of us, has brought along her husband and her kids and all the typical road trip stuff like suntan lotion, stuff for s'mores and Greta Van Susteren. (Soundbite of laughter) SAGAL: It's a road trip to important historical sites like Gettysburg in Pennsylvania and Trump Tower in New York City, where our founding fathers first made gold plating and toupees. (Soundbite of laughter) SAGAL: Can you imagine how miserable her kids must be? Hey kids, this summer we're going to lead a cavalcade of increasingly frustrated journalists slowly up the eastern seaboard. (Soundbite of laughter) SAGAL: And Piper is like, can't we just stay home and gut fish like we usually do? Mr. BODDEN: No, I mean the idea that Sarah is on a bus tour across America for the entire summer, how many wild animals in Alaska are breathing a sigh of relief? (Soundbite of laughter) (Soundbite of applause) SAGAL: They're no longer incessantly watching the skies.

  37. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Anon 6:09. I don't know your source, but I wouldn't put it past the C4P'ers to come up with a rumor like that to try and stop people from buying it...targeting the very people who would most likely be interested it...the socialist, liberal elite, marriage & baby hating, gay...all us bad guys, don'tcha know!

    You wouldn't be the source of that rumor now, would you?

  38. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Okay, I reacted to Anon 6:09 before I read Gryphen's previous post. I'll shut up now and wait to hear what develops relative to this. Apologies to 6:09.

  39. LOL. Some Fox flunky used a picture of Tina Fey!

    I wonder if they did it on purpose?

  40. Anonymous7:20 PM

    God, that comment gives me the chills:
    "...And I don't have to tell you that because you aren't going to tell on your family anyway are you. It's just too sick a story to ever tell.
    Love, Me."

  41. Anonymous7:26 PM

    That message to Mercedes was threatening. Somebody is desperately trying to make sure she doesn't tell anybody anything.
    "Love,Me" said
    "...Palin had to fake Trig as her own in order to cover up for your naughty family."

    Bristol and Levi weren't married so why would Sarah worry about the reputation of the Johnstons? That doesn't make sense. But it does say that Palin faked the pregnancy. Oops. Did somebody not think through their nasty threat?


  42. Mercede is NOT being muzzled, and everything is not a conspiracy. So chill!

    Her computer is still not working and she is having trouble moderating her comments with her I-Phone, even after I told her how.

  43. Anonymous7:37 PM

    If it is true that "Frank Bailey is going to donate part of his proceeds from his book to restrict abortion rights even in a case of incest...", then I am sorry I bought his book. I wish I had known about his donation. I would have gladly waited for the library. "Restriction of Abortion Rights" and "Incest" are not one damned bit compatible. Donating to the local Planned Parenthood.

    So, thanks Frank...Oh then too, also try to get over the rilly bizarro and such a crazy lady you're still verklempt for.

  44. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Honestly, Ms.Fey seems really normal and sensible in contrast to (the former) Mrs.Tawd Palin™©.

    Who wouldn't rather look at Tina Fey
    than The Wasilla Weasel?

  45. About Frank Bailey's plans to donate his profits to restrict abortion rights, etc:

    See the comment by Frank Teller:

    There's a link to a radio interview with Bailey. I have not listened to it. Jeanne Devon replied at FDL that it's none of her business "where Frank donates his money."

  46. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Hey, Gryph, have you seen this blog?

    Grab some pics of Sarah. I always love it when you run the most unflattering pictures.

    She's all smoke and mirrors and wigs and makeup, but she's rapidly aging.

    This one is a doozy.

    But I think this one is my fave because she can't hide the aging neck -- maybe she should resort to scarves again like during Babygate

  47. Anonymous8:41 PM

    i agree it isn't any of our business where Frank donates his money. I do wish I had not bought the book, although Jeanne will benefit.

    I suggest, if you can afford to, make a donation to Planned Parenthodd or NARAL Pro-Choice America. And please speak to the young women in your circles that may not understand how the progress that has been made for women over the last 40 years is now under attack.
    They do not have the same frame of reference as those of us who lived through those times.

  48. Anonymous8:42 PM

    I saw Shannon Bream on Fox today and she commented that Sarah "steals the headlines." Plus Sarah dissed Shepherd Smith to Chris Wallace. Ailes has to hang on to Smith--so that wasn't too smart of Palin. Maybe the Tina Fey picture is payback or at least a jab at Palin.

  49. Oh how funny!

    Think someone'll tell SP?

  50. Anonymous8:45 PM

    So if you people donate to Planned Parenthood -- that`s not something that the `Right` believes in.

    What if they tell you where you should donate. I can hear the bitching now. He can`t tell me what to do -- well quit telling him if it happens to be true.

    Grow up people. You`re immaturity is showing.

    You want the truth on Palin but are judging the messanger for his choice. YES, I said `HIS CHOICE`. Something you spew that you fight for but are unwilling to give to others. HYPROCRITES

  51. Anonymous8:47 PM

    We appear to have not only the `RIGHT BOTS` but the `LEFT BOTS` too are posting here.

  52. Anonymous9:11 PM

    No Gryphen - you love to bring this up! And I love that you do. Too funny.

  53. Hi Sarah; hot enough for ya??

  54. Anonymous9:49 PM

    8:45, no one is being a hypocrite. What is sad is that apparently YOU missed the whole point about choice. First, buyers have every right to support or not support an author based on whom or what that author supports. However, and this is the most important issue, people such as Frank Bailey want to ELIMINATE CHOICE FOR RAPE AND INCEST VICTIMS. That isn't a "choice" any thinking and empathetic person would make. It isn't like an opinion, to which every person is entitled. It is a pompous, controlling action under the guise of faith and deserves to be scorned.

  55. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Too funny. I hope Faux News keeps her through 2012, though. If they cut her loose, she might just run to keep the money coming in.

  56. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Okay those photos of Granny are hysterical and that last one, wow. I like this one too:

  57. Anonymous9:56 PM

    @8:45 PM

    Yet you are here judging us. FUCK OFF.

  58. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Here's another scary photo of Granny Lou:

  59. Anonymous10:14 PM

    When Bailey turns his emails over to the news organizations that are getting the others,then I'll believe that he doesn't still have his nose stuck up Palin's skirt.

    Everyone and their mother already knows Palin is a bitch, so not much is new about that.

    He sure did try to get his point across that Palin really,really really is the birth mother of Trig.

  60. She still gives Tina material!10:24 PM

    I still don't think that she gave birth to Tri-G or even adopted him. I think all the babies playing him are with their moms. The quitter didn't plan this far in advance!

    As far as Fixxed News? That was a prank by the guys who do the computer programming.

  61. Anonymous10:27 PM

    8:45 PM
    Bailey can spend his money any way he sees fit, but you see so can we.

    I CHOOSE not to support him or his causes monetarily. See how that works?

  62. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Here's another scary photo of Granny Lou:

    I'd say it's time for Granny to go get her marionette lines refilled with Juvederm. Perhaps that's why she interrupted her bus tour - emergency visit to the dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Or maybe Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, jack of all trades, family doc and deliver of special needs infants, shoots her up.

  63. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Anon at 8:45: You aren't making sense. There's nothing hypocritical about questioning where to spend your money. That's MY choice. If it's determined that he is, in fact, donating the proceeds to such a cause, I can choose NOT to spend money on his book. He has a choice, but so do I.

    (But I suspect, as others have said, that this is an attempt to thwart Bailey's book sales.)

  64. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Arizona Liberal's view of sarah's history teachin paul revere fable-

    Glad to see she's not liked in Arizona.

  65. Anonymous11:04 PM

    This is funny on so many levels. The obvious Tina Fey photo (wonder if SNL owns the rights to that image?)

    After I read the words "TRACKing the movements of some 2012 contenders"

    Sarah's commenting days on Fox might be numbered. After Greta blogged about Sarah avoiding the media, she goes on this bus trip, and suddenly allows reporters other than Greta to ask her questions. Then she does the Revere lie, and the "Statute of Liberty" mistake. Someone outside of her posse is unimpressed with their investment.

    I get the image of someone with a pooper scooper. Does this mean some are incontinant?

  66. Anonymous11:06 PM

    3-2-1 cue the's gone international..

  67. Anonymous11:12 PM

    That is a Masterpiece, just perfect. One of these days even the glue sniffing, paste eating lunatics will abandon Faux News.

  68. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Maybe the rumor that Frank is donating to pro-life causes is a ploy to get more pro-life Palin-bots to buy Blind Allegiance. The more Palin-bots that read the book, the better. They need to see what a sham the Quitter is in real life and see how they've been hoodwinked by her seductive winking ways. Sarah's a know-nothing, vicious, prom queen opportunist and she proves it in Frank's book. I think everyone should read it regardless where the profits might go.

  69. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Another not-too-subtle hint from Roger Ailes.

  70. Like she always says, there are no coincidences...

  71. Anonymous2:05 AM

    Let us compare. I have read more about Palin in the past three years than I care to admit, including Going Rogue (hey, I worked in a bookstore!), Dunn's great book, Bailey's book, Floyd Orr's excellent analysis, and Maria Littman's funny one. I have also read Bossy Pants. I know this- if Tina Fey and Sarah Palin were to engage in a battle of wits, sense, and grace, there would be no contest. And if Tina Fey says she is not running, I believe her.

  72. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Personally I think it could work in our favor if Frank Bailey donates his money to that cause.

    Us socialist, liberal elitists don't need to read his book to know what a dangerous and unfit person SP is.

    But if a few Christian Right people pick the book up and read it and he manages to convince them of how awful she is and how un-Christian she is - then that is a very good thing.

    Frank is a person most of us would disagree with and if he stays true to his beliefs while screaming Sarah is a fake - it will be more believable to the people that are having a hard time seeing thru her lies.

  73. I just posted a consumer warning at Amazon about Frank's donation intention and I advised people not to buy the book. ugh.

  74. Anonymous3:38 AM

    I think that was no mistake...Ailes is hanging her out to dry.

  75. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Is Faux really THAT stupid?

  76. LisaB25955:06 AM

    ZOMG! Ya gotta wonder if it's deliberate.

  77. Anonymous6:36 AM

    The "me" comments could be 1) nonsense or 2) a threat to spread lies that the Johnstons were up to something terrible that led to Palin's pregnancy hoax.


    Thank you, Anon!

    I just checked it out!

    The pictures are fantastic!


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