Thursday, July 07, 2011

Bristol Palin on the View talking about her book of fables.

In this very brief segment of the interview Walters is trying to confront Bristol on why she seems to blame Levi for "stealing" her virginity. It is a little uncomfortable to watch, mostly because of how Bristol lies her ass off about what took place that night, and her feelings afterward.

I am looking for the FULL interview, as there is much on it that I feel needs to be addressed, so if any of you can find it I would be very grateful.


  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    The beginning of this video shows some really cute close-ups of Tripp. Also, Barbara mentions Bristol's noticeable weight loss... hmmmm!

  2. angela11:32 AM

    Bristol is just doing what her mother taught her do to.
    Lie every time you open your mouth and act like a victim.

    The world is so much bigger than these small town grifters. They are pitiful.

  3. Tyroanee11:33 AM

    Did Bristol just say she had broken her morass code?

    She is just the ultimate flame thrower of "Makin Shit Up"...

  4. Anonymous11:38 AM

    She lies with a straight face - just like her mother. Insinuated that Levi has given up custody of the little guy - but, it hasn't been done legally. One on the panel asked that question.

    I'm seriously thinking Levi is NOT the father of that kid!

  5. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Moral code? What moral code? The Palins don't have a moral code in the conventional sense. Their's is more of a sliding target that depends on what goodies are available to be plucked at the moment. The Palins are their own religion in that they continually sin, lie, and change history and then give themselves absolution. The Palins are holier than thou because they have decreed it so. They are indeed unconventional Christians.

  6. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I just don't understand. Why does this crap get attention and air time on national television shows?!!

    Why can't Alaska be represented by something quality and interesting and competent?!!

  7. Now her chin looks like an ass. What going ON?!?!?

  8. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Ok, it was all right for her to keep having sex with Levi, after he stole her virginity, because she'd already broken her moral code?

    This reminds me of when I was in Catholic school, when we were still required to refrain from eating meat on Friday. The way we saw it, if we slipped and had bacon for breakfast, it was ok to have a burger for lunch and steak for supper because what the heck, we'd already sinned.

    Notice how she's keeping the botched side of her face away from the camera?

    I wonder why no one has really picked up on Bristol, Tawd and $carah getting drunk together? Or was that a spoof page from Bristol's book that was posted on-line?

  9. Anonymous11:55 AM

    You should be able to view the full episode tomorrow, Gryphen.

  10. Virginia Voter12:10 PM

    Here's how Bristol felt about her virginity bandit last summer:

    Do you think Levi and Bristol messed up the rose petals in the shape of a heart on her bed after Levi proposed? Abstinent, my ass. I wonder if Levi, Ben, and Gino will vouch for her.

    He, he, doesn't look or sound like the same person, right?

    I don't think the full video will be online until tomorrow.

  11. CorningNY12:10 PM

    How nice for Tripp to know his celebrity-whore mother went on national TV to talk about her sex life. Is there a category below white trash?

  12. Anonymous12:11 PM

    What a bunch of bullshit! I can't believe The View wasted their time on having this lying bitch on the show.

  13. laprofesora12:12 PM

    She sounds like an idiot. Guess it runs in the family.

  14. O/T but good news all the same, David Duke CANNOT run for any public office in this country EVER. He plead guilty to tax evasion back in 2002.

  15. Anonymous12:17 PM

    A number of times a guest appears on The View, they appear on Joy Behar's show that night. Not Bristol -- BUT it will be interesting because of her comment in the book about the others at DWTS -- Margaret Cho is scheduled to be on Joy's show on HLN on Wednesday, July 13th!!

  16. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Briscut -

    Question - if you have no 'moral-center', can you have a moral-code?

    Also, if there are no morals in your homelife, then it's easy to stray from your code.

  17. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Can anyone imagine in real life a group of successful older ladies discussing with a 20 year old moron how she was drunk and lost her virginity? The Palin family episode is a dark mark on our country.


  18. lets see what this ho considers breaking her moral code..lying? nope
    drinking at 15? nope
    having sex while drunk? only the first time
    continuing to have sex for years with the same guy who you claim stole your virginity? nope....

    i dont agree this clip was uncomfortable....2 and the other view women try to make her comfortable and give barbara credit for trying to expose the silly story bristol is telling.
    i doubt many people watching this care about this kid...

  19. Anonymous12:25 PM

    The View 7-7-11
    The last 2:43 --(from You Tube)

    Not much here IMO--

  20. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I saw the full interview. It was quite boring. They talked a lot about how cute Tripp is, he was in the audience. But as I noted earlier, none of the co-hosts hugged Bristol, even though she has been on The View before. They almost always hug/kiss returning guests.

  21. Anonymous12:27 PM

    She said once she broke her moral code it was OK to continue. That must be Palin family values.


  22. Anonymous12:28 PM


  23. Anonymous12:31 PM

    From The View 7-7-11
    Another 0:54

  24. Anonymous12:34 PM

    You are doing a Great Job Gryphen !! Keep up the good work..

  25. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Whoopie's body language is priceless. She wants to scream and is holding back. I hope Joy Behar grilled her, but I don't think so. Why doesn't anyone ask her anything other than this same dumb shit about losing her viriginity. I mean why would anyone buy this book? she's everywhere and what more could possibly be in that book. arggg

  26. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Hoping this goes through on the second try.She broke her moral code? Is that Palin speak for "Everything we do,we do for money"? And that is the code she broke? Bris-dull has become as pathetic and disgusting as her mother.That whole family makes my skin crawl!!

  27. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Messages on ABC The View forum are awesome. BTW, her book is still dropping after all these appearances. Every time Bristol opens her mouth she pisses more people off. With her confessions she should be glad she is an American. That bitch would be stoned in a handful of countries for all her "Mistakes".

  28. Anonymous12:39 PM

  29. Anonymous12:42 PM

    "I figured if I did it once it was okay to do it again because I'd already broken my moral code."

    This line is not gonna fly with the fundies. I grew up among the fundies, and we were ALL gonna be abstinent until marriage. I don't know ANY girl who vowed to be abstinent and then "broke her moral code" who felt like it was okay to keep doing it. Sure, most of them "slipped up" again, but they either kept resolving not to or they lied about it. I knew one girl who insisted she was "re-virginized" right up until she had to tell everyone she was pregnant. Then she swore she had only "slipped up" once. I can't even count the number of girls who got pregnant their "first and only time."

    And no virgin who was raped would be so lackadaisical about continued encounters with the same guy.

  30. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Oh man the comments coming from Bristol's, The View, interview are brilliant. She can kiss away another year she banks $200,000.

  31. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Last chance Mercede. Speak now or forever be in fear of the Palin's. After the backlash of today's interview the public at large in only going to pay attention to anything Bristol until about Wednesday next week. You have something, you better use it now, Bristol's 15 are up.

    If you want to pay the bitch back, you has lessor a week to do it.

  32. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Barbara bent over backwards to fawn for this family...When whoopi very mildly prefaced a question with "people have criticized you for..." then Barbara immediately interjected that "people are saying good things too !!"

    This whole thing with Bristle was schmaltzy softball CRAP.

  33. Anonymous12:53 PM

    When Barbara Walters first says something about Bristol being 17 on that camping trip, Bristol just nods. Later she says, "I wasn't 17...I was younger." Did anyone else get the impression that she didn't give the specific age because can't keep track of how old she supposedly was when she lost her virginity?

    I also noticed how quickly she corrected Walters' comment about "if you hadn't been high." "Not high, drunk." It felt more like a "sticking to the script" correction to me than setting the record straight about an actual event. reminded me of the "introducing Tripp" interview with Greta V.S.--when Greta asks Scarah about her reaction to the pregnancy, Sarah sort of falters. Bristol, in what I think was her only comment after her mother "crashed" the interview, said, "We were all surprised." Her tone, to me, sounds much more like a reminder--stay on script, Mom!--than someone sharing recollections of an actual event.

    I also found it interesting that she didn't answer Walters' question about whether she consented to sex, just jumped back into her well-rehearsed "I'm not accusing Levi of rape..." line.

    I thought Joy's asides were hilarious--like she's pretending to be this friendly older woman and Bristol's buying it, but Joy's really kind of making fun of her.

  34. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Good Stuff here.

    Barbra should have pulled up Ben Barber's comments or at least this one Bristol gave to Hannity.

    Palin told Hannity. “I made a decision to go out, sneak out with my friends, get drunk and have sex for the first time. I own up to that mistake in the book—I talk about that being one of my biggest regrets.”

  35. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Actually, there really isn't much more, Gryphen. I saw it live and it was the same old answers--she can't even come up with new things to say, boring. I checked the msgg board over at the view and they are not really even discussing it. It is a dead horse, it seems no one cares--thankfully. She should watch herself and listen to herself talk, man, it is painful for the rest of us to sit through. Brissdull, honey, go back to school and learn some new words.

  36. Anonymous1:00 PM

    So why the silence from Levi on this?? And why has Ms. Tripp been so quite for some time? Were they paid to shut up? Fox or Palin must have bought those very damaging emails?

  37. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Um, you have no credibility to address anything she says. You can comment, but you personally cannot refute anything. None of us can.

  38. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Well, when Tripp was an infant, his father put him in a magazine full frontal. Class ALL THE WAY.

  39. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Pssssssst Gryphen. Bristol went off on Meghan and Cindy McCain again, carrying their Louis Vuitton, blah, blah. I remember on Huffington Post, during the campaign, there was a picture of Piper Pay-lin, carrying a Louis Vuitton miniature purse. Can you find that?

  40. Anonymous1:08 PM

    All she's doing is saying she would have behaved differently if she could go back in time. Wouldn't we all?

    THAT is genuine. THAT I know to be true.

    None of us know her. We cannot judge her based on anything other than rumors. We weren't there.

  41. Anonymous1:08 PM

    All she's doing is saying she would have behaved differently if she could go back in time. Wouldn't we all?

    THAT is genuine. THAT I know to be true.

    None of us know her. We cannot judge her based on anything other than rumors. We weren't there.

  42. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I also think that Levi is not Tripp's biological father. Does anyone know if Levi is still paying child support?

    It's really pitiful that Bristol goes on TV and with her child in the audience, says that she asked his father to give up his parental rights and that Levi wants nothing to do with Tripp.

    When she mentions God, it makes me cringe. She is such a hypocrite and a fake Christian.

  43. Anonymous1:10 PM

    So ?? I suppose we'll see Levi's rebuttal tomorrow ??

  44. I mostly stay away from "Bristol" commentary - Sarah is the actual enemy - but, holy crap, that girl is just plain dumb !!!

  45. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Levi could have his son more. He chooses not to. I think he's using the distance to create an environment that benefits him financially. Ie book sales. Remember the vegas hotel interview. He was all about the book sales.

    What he doesn't realize is, to people who have been following closely (while not a lot), he and sadie have previously told 2 different stories. Neither sound too accurate. We've seen levi stumble on reembering the past. He didn't remember their first date. I highly doubt sadie remembers any specific details. Teens up there spend most of their time wasted.

    So is levi going to ignore his truths (abt himself) and focus on things from the limited time he spent with the family?
    That was so long ago.

    Damnit mccain. These dumbasses would be living in obscurity if not foryou. The same events would have played out though, minus the publicity.

  46. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Only those who will write positive critiques need attend.

    I've Been Banned from Sarah Palin Documentary

  47. Anonymous1:29 PM

    "I thought Joy's asides were hilarious--like she's pretending to be this friendly older woman and Bristol's buying it, but Joy's really kind of making fun of her."

    Well, they can't make fun of her the way they want to on the air, but you know that the makeup room will be a FUN place to be!!

    You must know that they all sit around before/after the show and talk sh!t about the guests. Espcially this one.

  48. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Sarah's (stay away from my kids/everyone's attacking our family/why am I the only one whose kids lives displayed on gossip mags?) daughter, Bristol, wants to write about her sexual meanderings with Levi in her book, discuss it on national tv with highly-viewed tv talk shows, to older men and women, and doesn't seem to have a shy bone in her body about it.

    On another note, I can't help but bring up Casey Anthony where it's been reported that her lawyer has signed a contract with an agent in LA shopping for a reality show, among other possible projects for her. If she writes a memoir about her and her daughter's life, does this nauseate people enough? Where are the media's boundaries? Will Barbara Walters schedule Casey for an interview? When do we say "enough" with these narcissistic attention-craved people who take or make a bad situation and make loads of money off of it?

  49. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Well, if you write a book about your sex life and your 15 mins is due to your sex life and a baby out of wedlock,and your mother and you use this to make money...BaWa has every right to ask these questions especially when everyone knows your answers are lies.

  50. I love the body language and facial expressions of Whoopi in this video. She had something she wanted to say and it most likely had something to do with reality as usual.

  51. Anonymous1:32 PM

    The only thing worse than listening to a Ho discuss her sex life is listening to a retarded ho discuss her sex life. Brisket's vocabulary is very small, I doubt she has an IQ over 75, making her retarded.

  52. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Having watched the interview, I liked Joy at the very end when they were ending the segment, Joy telling Brisket to not cut off Levi from being a part of Tripp's life. I didn't catch whether Brisket responded.

  53. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Anonymous: None of us know her. We cannot judge her based on anything other than rumors. We weren't there.
    1:08 PM

    Yes, yes. Sure. This is not a story worthy of comment, defense, judgement. There's nothing _here_ to "judge".
    This stuff is meaningless, irrelevant, trivial, trite, mundane, over-exposed. Waaay waaay too much attention on absolutely nothing. It's a Seinfeld episode.

    The most intelligent reasonable thing that can happen (and the kindest to this silly girl who hasn't yet learned the significance of grown-up stuff) is to simply ignore all this Bristol side-bar, except as it directly relates to Sarah Palin's presidential campaign.

    Let's stop providing relevancy to this 20-year-old's teenage cheerleader life.

  54. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Is this an Alaskan thing or just the Palins that still shove pacifiers in the mouth of boys as old as Tripp?

    I seen him in the audience sucking on a pacifier. Give me a break.

  55. Virginia Voter1:38 PM

    Bristol has mastered the art of using her child as a shield and prop, just like Sarah. She plops the little cherub in the front row on his nanny's lap, so Whoopi and Joy, both moms themselves, go easy on her. Well played, bitch, well played.

    No matter how cute the little money maker is, no one's buying your book, Bristol.

    Oh, and Fairy Tale Trolls, if you don't know Bristol, why do you defend her? She would throw you under the bus as fast as she did to Cindy and Meghan McCain, and laugh while she did it. Bristol , like Sarah , is only out for herself. Without the McCain's, she'd still be pulling coffee in Wasilla, and we'd all be better off.

  56. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Tripp looks like elisabeth. It sucks that tripp was an accident created by two people in an immature relationship but cest la vie. Things could be a lot worse. I just wish L and B would end the media war but I do understand why they don't. We don't know either of them. We don't know what Levi wants in life. We don't know what happened in the past. I highly doubt Levi, sadie, or Bristol remembers much of the past. A sister wouldn't know the things she says she does. Levi wouldn't remember one specific moment. Esp when drugs were rampant.

    All parties have lied. Everyones credibility is shot. Why bother continuing to ruin their futures? That's pretty bad when you want the worst for someone. Please say you disagree. We cannot force anyones hand. Not even Gryphen. If levi is using the drama and hostility to make abuck via book, whatever. He has to live with that.

    We cannot change what people do or fail to do. A real father would see his child semi regularly.

  57. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Too bad one of these interviewers don't have Mercede walk onstage to confront Bristles. How can something be stolen when she gave it away repeatedly prior to the camping trip?? Ask why she named her baby Tripp after her father's "girlfriend"?

  58. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Book of fables? Did you read it? The book is mostly true and what you may think isn't, you can't even justly refute.

  59. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Sarah brought Piper to the Philadelphia hockey game and onto the ice so people would not boo her.

    Why did Bristol have Tripp in the audience listening to the View commentators ask her questions about sex? How come Tripp was not in a back room somewhere? Did Bristol do this so that the View would not attack her?

  60. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Tripp is a big boy and was on the View sucking on a pacifier.

    Brisket, paleazzze tell me this boy does not sucks on your cow teats?

  61. Anonymous1:48 PM


  62. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Rememeber we do have 2 people who don't have a positive view of levi, his ex Brianna and Ben. Brianna said he would fudge the trutha nd Ben said he rarely asked for Tripp.

    We try to defend this boy, but really, what is there to defend? So he's "writing" a book, WITH 2 anti-Palin folks. So he posed Tripp, with Tripp fully frontally nude. He doesn't have job prospects, he doesn't have ANY high school education.He can write ALL DAY LONG how much he loves Tripp but how does that translate with the past events?

    It sucks that Tripp is a teenage accident born to 2 immature 18 year olds. Whatever. But the boy is loved and happy. Despite not being fought for and having parents who put him in the media, he will grow up loved and stay happy. Bristol is a great mom who i splanning for the best future possibly. Are you all trying to ruin their futures because you choose the other side? That's not mature or MORAL.

    We know nothing about the real situation, nor do we know anything about the past. We have one sided conversations and biased opinions. We base out judgments based on people's who have little credibility and WHO have ulterior motives.

  63. Anonymous1:54 PM

    It cannot be said too many times...


  64. Anonymous1:55 PM

    What I see making 'headlines' and 'increased viewing' on the national media today is absolutely sickening. Palin comes on the scene as the candidate w/McCain and has had everything to do w/the mental downsizing of our society. McCain should be knocked sideways and backwards out of Congress. He makes me sick!

    I cannot believe that Barbara Walters has stooped to the level she has and she should be ashamed of herself in her old age! I've lost total respect for her! And, I have no clue how Joy and Whoopi kept their mouths shut!!!

    Nobody in our media handles the Palins the way they should....don't have them on their shows and don't give them FREE press especially when they constantly knock the media with hateful commentary. The Palins are a pile of crap, lies and deceit.

  65. Anonymous1:55 PM

    CorningNY "is there anything lower than white trash?"

    Yes, it's called Palin. They're like cockroaches - they never go away, they leave nothing but germs and disease behind. When we see a cockroach, we say, "Someone get that Palin!" It's what we've been doing in my family for two years now.

  66. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Wow, the troll comments are getting increasingly inane. All we have to go on re: Bristol's behavior are rumors? Um, no, we're talking about her OWN BOOK and interviews here.

    And I would be happy to stop judging Bristol. I'll do it as soon as she stops forcing her surgically altered face into my life via TV appearances, reality shows, and ghost-written novels being flogged where I shop.

  67. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Bawa Walters asked Bristol about abstaining from sex until she got married and what if she got married at 30? Would she be abstain from sex for 20 years and Bristol said no sex until she gets married.

    I could be wrong but I thought in Bristol's book she said something about not being abstinent?

    What's going on here?

  68. What a class act. I can't wait for Brisket to become of the First Daughters.

  69. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Can anybody tell me why the View had Bristol Palin as a guest? Her book is not selling!

    What did she say on the View that was of any importance to anybody?

  70. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I broke my moral code right before college with Bridull's uncle - wouldn't have though, had I known he was engaged to her aunt. Anyone associated with those clans are liars.

  71. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Can anybody tell me why the View had Bristol Palin as a guest? Her book is not selling!

    What did she say on the View that was of any importance to anybody?

  72. Anonymous2:13 PM

    "Um, you have no credibility to address anything she says. You can comment, but you personally cannot refute anything. None of us can."

    @1:04 PM:

    Yeah, like we can believe anything Bri$tol says. Her credibility is shit.

    Anonymous said...
    "Well, when Tripp was an infant, his father put him in a magazine full frontal. Class ALL THE WAY."

    1:06 PM

    "Full frontal?" What do you mean? Nude? So what? People see naked babies on t.v., in movies, and in magazines, all the time. I guess that's a lot of people with "no class" then.

    Speaking of "no class," Bri$tol lied to her parents, snuck out of the house, engaged in under-age drinking, and fucked her boyfriend, then lied that he had "stolen" her virginity. Now, she exploits her little "mistake" so she can make money to alter her face.

    Lots of class. Not.

  73. Anonymous2:14 PM

    She said that the bc pills didn't work "as they were supposed to". Did she admit that she had Trig? After all, she was 15, going on 16 when the incident happened, wasn't she?

  74. Anonymous2:15 PM

    You keep screaming liar at her, but you continue to listen to Sadie as if she's the gospel and the absolute truth on someone else's life. You refuse to acknowledge the discrepencies in Levi and Sadie's story telling however.

    All in all, everyone in the situation can only speak from their perspective. We cannot refute anything, as we 1. don't know them2. werent there 3. haven't firsthandedly witnessed the last 3 years.

    I think people are idealizing Levi and WANT him to do things one expects a father to do. I think you'd criticize a Palin for anything regardless of truth just because of politics.

    These are lives you're discussing. Judgment should be reserved for death. Each party is just trying to create the best life possible, no matter the route. Let them live and deal with their problems their own way. At least Gryphen stopped hiring people to stalk Bristol. If anyone is putting Tripp at risk, it's bloggers by drumming up anger out of spite and blind allegiance to one side of the fight.

    That is pretty evident.

  75. Anonymous2:21 PM

    "All she's doing is saying she would have behaved differently if she could go back in time. Wouldn't we all?

    THAT is genuine. THAT I know to be true.

    None of us know her. We cannot judge her based on anything other than rumors. We weren't there."

    @1:08 PM

    Yeah, yeah. We all wish we could go back in time and change things. That still doesn't mean a know-nothing liar like Bri$tol Palin has any real reason to write a book. She's just trying to make money, like her mother. In the real world, (outside the blogosphere) most people don't give a shit about her mistakes, and are tired of hearing about them. People who LIE aren't genuine. We don't have to know her. She contradicts herself.

  76. Anonymous said...
    All she's doing is saying she would have behaved differently if she could go back in time. Wouldn't we all?
    THAT is genuine. THAT I know to be true.
    None of us know her. We cannot judge her based on anything other than rumors. We weren't there.
    1:08 PM
    Organize your story better next time.
    1) Nope, not all of us would do things differently if we could. Some of us made good decisions the first time around.
    2) You say you know that to be genuine and true. Then you say that none of us know her or can judge her because we weren't there. Which is it?
    3) Don't you mean we can't judge her on rumors? You said exactly the opposite.

    We can judge her on conflicting things she has said or written, stupid things she has said or written, nasty things she has said or written, and hypocritical things she has said or written. And yes, those are legitimate things to do even without having met her.

    So get off your high (and stupid) horse.

  77. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Bristol just lies and lies and lies. BUT that's okay, because once she lied the first time, she'd broken her Moral Code against lying. So, go ahead Bristol, lie some more.

    Lying is more than a code violation, though, it's one of the Ten Commandments,. Bearing false witness against they neighbor, or thy tent mate? How do you excuse that, Bristol?

  78. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Tasteless, tactless, thoughtless, careless, classless, graceless - who cares about this dimwit?

  79. Anonymous2:31 PM

    "Book of fables? Did you read it? The book is mostly true and what you may think isn't, you can't even justly refute."

    @1:43 PM

    Fuck reading her "book!" How do you know EVERYTHING in the book is true? Bri$tol can't even keep her story straight, and some of what she said has already been proven to be lies. She's even "refuted" herself! Her book is full of lies, just like her mother's fact-checked ghost-written trash!

  80. Anonymous said...
    I just wish L and B would end the media war but I do understand why they don't. If levi is using the drama and hostility to make abuck via book, whatever. He has to live with that.
    We cannot change what people do or fail to do. A real father would see his child semi regularly.
    1:42 PM
    You seem to be confused. Bristol has been bad-mouthing Levi publicly for well over a year. She has been jumping in front of cameras at every opportunity and exploiting Tripp whenever she can.

    Meanwhile, not much has been heard from Levi for many months. He hasn't been chasing the media to anywhere near the extent of the Palin media hogs.

    "If levi is using the drama and hostility to make abuck via book, whatever. He has to live with that."

    What are you babbling about? Bristol is the one who wrote a book bad-mouthing Levi and has been blathering on about it in front of anybody that will stick a microphone in her face. Not Levi!

    And how is he supposed to see Tripp, if Tripp is his, while Bristol drags the boy all over the country, moving here, there, and everywhere, with no regard for stability or consistency?

    You bots and Palins must be very afraid of Levi's upcoming book.

  81. Anonymous2:36 PM

    This is just a bizarre display of stupidity. What is this all about? I honestly look at the arc of Bristol Palin's life and I see nothing extraordinary except for the fact her mother was picked as a way to sex up an old deluded senator's failing run for the presidency.

    Well, of course, there also is her equally egocentric mom who in a state of mania decided she was equal to the job of being vice president of the country. Her ambition was so beyond her capabilities she also neglected to notice she had given birth to a seriously challenged child that same year. She also was hauling around the baggage of a delinquent son and her pregnant daughter. Both were obviously screaming for her attention.

    Bristol's "stole my virginity" story makes for a pretty lame story line against the backdrop of her mother's pathetic parenting and absurd conviction she could govern the country. Wow Brisdull, you sure missed the mark on this one. If you had explained this to all of us you might have made it further up the best seller list.

  82. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Barbara told on The View one day that Roger Ailes is a very good friend of hers. That is how she got Bristol to come on the View And why she did not want to ask hard questions.

  83. Anonymous2:37 PM

    We can't know anymore about Bristol's faith than Obama's, or Sarah's, or Bush's, or the pope's real feelings.

    Faith is personal. You seem to be blindly judging based on your political hatred. Honestly, if you met Bristol at a cafe, you'd probably hit it off. You know, if you were mature enough not to be a dick and attack her for reasons you can't back up.

    She has a point about Levi. When he wanted to use real names in the custody trial (as opposed to aliases which would be the mature decision), he couldn't give one reason why it was beneficial to use real names. He couldn't articulate why he should be "afraid" of Sarah. Because that storyline Levi tells is BULLSHIT. Sarah has nothing to do with him. His issues are with his ex. Bristol's the one who was enraged over the ridiculous amount of interviews he gave using their name, Bristol's the one who was mad at the full frontal of baby Tripp in the magazine.

    If you recall, Sarah had her own issues. Yes, I'm sure she sided with Bristol as a mother would. But to accuse your son's grandmother of meddling? That is immature and doesn't help your stance of being a "great dad."

  84. Anonymous2:37 PM

    The 'I'm not having sex until I'm married' statement has tire tracks all over it.

    She made that same statement on her appearance on Oprah.

    Where did Gino stay in AZ -- at Brisket's house!!!

    Gino didn't fuck her?

    If you believe that - I have some swamp land you might be interested to buy!!! For a good price!!

  85. Anonymous said...
    Book of fables? Did you read it? The book is mostly true and what you may think isn't, you can't even justly refute.
    1:43 PM
    How would you know what is true and what is not? Are you one of the Anonymi that claim no one can know what is true or not?

  86. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Sarah Palin must read the comments on Immoral Minority.

    One question readers on this site keeps on asking is how come there is no recent picture of Trig and Sarah?

    Guess what we seen on the View today? A Sarah Palin photo op with Trig was shown on the show.

    Here's a question for ya, WHY show a staged picture of Trig and Sarah?

    This interview had nothing to do with Trig or Sarah! I don't remember anybody asking a question about Sarah and Trig. That picture was shown with no comments about it? Did Sarah ask Bristol to show this picture during her interview on the View?

    Hey Sarah, your photo op with Trig does not make you a mother. Sarah here's something for you to think about, a true mother would of taken her child with her on the family vacation instead of playing to the cameras! You understand Casey?

  87. Anonymous2:41 PM

    That skanky hair, is it a wig or what?

  88. Anonymous2:41 PM

    To 2:31, I did read her book and there's a lot of truth in it. There's are things I and you couldn't possibly know as well.

    It's just weird to call it one big fable when there are truths in it. The emotion in it is real. The early stories are real.

    Look, she and Levi both have "refuted" themselves. They, along with Sadie, have provided many contradictions. All I"m saying. No one is credible.

    These are their lives. Who cares what she writes. ITs HER LIFE. You're blind hatred for her isn't going to stop her. She's a friendly girl who really doesn't care that there are "idiots" who judge her. This I know.

    I just think it's weird that Gryphen relies on Sadie to tell THE truth when she has given conflicting info than that of her dear brother.

  89. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Actually you have no idea who's lying and who's not. But in the end, why does this matter? Why are you trying to destroy someone's life? Even Casey, a sociopath, was given a second chance. Bristol's someone none of you know. Chill out. Taking sides when you don't know either party is immature.

  90. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Piper Palin LV

  91. Anonymous2:44 PM

    @1:53 PM

    Nice try, Palin fairy-tale troll. You keep saying "WE don't know them, WE don't know what happened, (implying that you are including yourself) blah, blah..." But then you start shitting on Levi Johnston, judging him and talking about how horrible he is, and what an awsome mother Bri$tol is. How do you know that? Your bias sticks out a mile, also too. Sooo mature. If Bri$tol was such a great mother planning for the future, she would go back to school too, and get a real job, instead of using her "mistake" as a meal ticket. I doubt Tripp will be happy. He will be bitter, smug, and vindictive, like the rest of the Heaths/Palins. And, we are not trying to "ruin their futures." They are doing a fine job of that themselves. None of the Palins have any credibility either, and they have ulterior motives, too: MONEY!

  92. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Must check out the comments on the Fredericksburg, Texas newspaper's Facebook post announcing Bristol's scheduled appearance at the local Walmart tomorrow at 6:00. Too funny! BTW, Fredericksburg is a lovely small town in the Hill Country just outside Austin, the liberal oasis of Texas. Someone has misjudged the audience on this one!

  93. Anonymous2:45 PM

    To Nefer, you say you CAN judge her on conflicting things she's said. So, do you judge Sadie and Levi on their conflicting stories?

    "Some of us made good decisions the first time around."

    Well lucky for you. Way to brag that you've NEVER made a poor decision of dated a notable loser with no future.

  94. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Oops: here's the link for the Fredericksburg Walmart book signing announcement:

  95. jcinco2:45 PM

    I just watched the whole episode by going to The View web page as they have full episodes.

  96. Anonymous2:46 PM

    All I want to know is, why believe what Levi says as the only truth and third party Sadie who wasn't even around back then and condemn Bristol for owning up to her poor decisions.

    Shouldn't be all hope that everyone owns up to regrets and poor decisions? That's how we a humans mature.

  97. ann_s2:47 PM

    Anonymous 1:53
    If Sarah Palin had not very carelessly put herself so close to being elected VP we would not care about these people. We care about the country and that is why everything trashy about the Palins that is true should be expanded upon and investigated. They are now stealing money from the poorer, uneducated part of the United States that follow them, and love them. Personally, I don't care how much money they receive from stupid, and most likely, racist, followers. I just want their lack of leadership qualities to be shown to the world so they will disappear from politics. I am disgusted by this young woman telling the world about her sex life. Does she not think that there are gross men all over the place...right wing crazies, fantasizing over her and picturing her having sex in a tent with a bunch of people around and screaming in ecstasy. What a fool, actually all of them, fools, her mother and father included, to allow her to write that book. Stupid.

  98. Anonymous2:48 PM

    1:53 You are so full of shit. The idiot Bristol - following in the footsteps of her mother - continues to spread horrid things about her son's father (if he is his father!). Levi has kept his mouth shut for months and months...Bristol is the one showing 'the little guy' all over the media and making money from doing so. She's as sorry an excuse for a mother as is Sarah.

    Remember "American Citizens" - very few believe any of their crap. They are going down, down, down slowly but surely!

    That poor little guy...he's going to absolutely HATE his mother when he gains maturity.

  99. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Anon 2:21, I assume you will say the same thing about Levi's book. His book is being written for the same reasons. He even said it's just for the money and that he wouldn't discuss the book. (Vegas video)

    You can't support Levi and condemn Bristol. Be an adult.

  100. Gryphen: are you going to post the whole interview and address as you put it some of the issues that need to be addressed? A couple of people in different places have referred to her making a statement that the "bc pills didn't work like they were supposed to." So if she was 15, taking bc pills (for whatever reason, her periods/cramping, acne -yes the older ones used to be given to girls with severe acne as the hormonal changes would clear up their faces sometimes) and the pills did not work - she got pregnant, right? At 15. Were there contradictions in other parts of her story too? It sounds like there might have been.

  101. GBIllinois2:51 PM

    Anonymous said...
    She said that the bc pills didn't work "as they were supposed to". Did she admit that she had Trig? After all, she was 15, going on 16 when the incident happened, wasn't she?

    2:14 PM
    I believe you're on to something here. . .sounds Like BP admitted to getting pregnant that "first time".

  102. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Haters feed her fire. You have to have realized that by now. That's what is funny about the whole thing. If she really cared about what people think, she'd go home and continue to raise her happy son. She's taking her opportunities as they come and is enduring the criticism.

  103. Anonymous2:53 PM

    This girl is as dumb as a box of rocks, with just about that much personality. The ladies of the View looked like they were giving her a pass because she was just too easy a target for ridicule, so stupid and so obvious about her lies.

  104. Anonymous2:55 PM

    LOL Bristol gave everybody in the View audience a free book. Ha ha, she has to give them away or she has to pay monthly fees to store those worthless pieces of shit. This way by giving them away on the View she can at least write them off as a business expense.

    If I were Bristol I would donate those pieces of shit to homeless shelters, they could always use toilet paper.

  105. Anonymous2:56 PM


    Like the Palins, you are a classic hypocrite (hmm, maybe you ARE a Palin?). You complain that everyone is judging Bristol based on nothing more than gossip, because we don't really "know" her.

    Then you attack Levi's parenting and credibility, offering as your sources RUMOR--secondhand sources who have no cause to say anything positive about Levi.

    You don't know Levi. Where is your proof?

    We actually have more than rumor by which to judge Bristol. We have her repeated appearances in two television series, a ghost-written attempt at a book, and numerous interviews on television and in magazines.

    We have far more from the horse's (she does kind of look like one with that huge chin) mouth when it comes to Bristol than is available when it comes to Levi.

    And frankly, I'd take the word of almost anyone over a Palin. The apple doesn't seem to fall far from the tree when it comes to Bristol and Sarah, and Sarah lies about as much as Casey Anthony.

  106. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Here's a full clip:

  107. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Like Bristol has said many times, people have the right to their opinion. Also, "haters, you're feeding my fire"

    Yeah, I'd say she doesn't give 2 shits about what anyone thinks. Strong girl. Strong family. They were gokarting earlier this week. And fishing. I hope you are all making similarly great memories with your loved ones as she is. I hope your lives don't just revolve around a computer and saying hateful things about others.

  108. Anonymous3:00 PM

    @2:15 PM

    So, I guess you keep defending Bri$tol because of politics too, then? If you keep saying that WE don't know them, including yourself, then how the hell can you know if Bri$tol is telling the truth or not? You keep saying that Bri$tol is telling the truth, but it's everyone else who's lying. Please. Bri$tol can't even keep her own story straight.

    She is a fucking liar, and so are you! And, Gryhen did not "hire" people to "stalk" Bri$tol Palin. Where is your proof? Are you another Palin crying wolf, just like the lies about people always wanting to rape, or already raping (Bri$tol) the Palin daughters?

    Bri$tol is the one putting her child at risk, not us. She's using him like a prop, and parading him around, just like her mother did to Trig.

    And drumming up hate out of spite is what a demagogue like Bri$tol's mother is known for!

    Fuck the Palins, and fuck you, too!

  109. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Bristol needs to STFU.

    This is a true survivor.,,20508678,00.html

  110. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I see Willow, Bristol or Sarah Palin are making all the comments about nobody knows Bristol and slamming Levi and Mercede.

    You Palins are so obvious, why don't you idiots get an education cause your comments sound so very elementary. You know, like a 5th grader.

  111. Martha3:10 PM

    Have you noticed all the open-mouth smiles she does? They're kind of breathy and cute-looking, but I wonder if she can't close her mouth right anymore.

  112. Anonymous3:16 PM

    @2:37 PM

    It seems you keep bashing us, judging us, defending Bri$tol, and dragging the president into this, for because of your own hatred, and political reasons. (Gotcha!)

    Levi posed "full frontal" with Tripp. Who cares? He's a BABY! What is it with you Palins and raping children, naked children, pedophiles looking through children's windows, etc?

    What's immature was $arah Palin (a grown-up in body only) going back and feuding with a teenage boy in public. So presidential. Not. I noticed you never accuse Levi of trashing Bri$tol, and are fixated only on what he said about $arah Palin. $arah Palin should be glad he's not talking trash about her daughter, instead of always thinking about HERSELF!

  113. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Jaycee Dugard was 11 when her VIRGINITY WAS STOLEN. Jaycee Dugard was only 14 when she birthed her first child in a tent in the backyard of the bastard that STOLE HER VIRGINITY.

    Bristol Palin needs to go to Hell!!!

  114. Anonymous3:19 PM

    The book is just fiction with sex, lies and ignorance all rolled into it. It reads like a cheap romance novel written by a 7th grader.

    Of course, everyone that knows Bristol knows that she is not very educated and as they say she is just slow.

    She has made a ton of money off of John McCain's vp pick, and the child Tripp. Bristol has used Tripp endlessly in photo ops for which she was paid very well.

    I am very surprised that Bristol hasn't used her other child as a money maker. Why is that, Bristol?

  115. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Ok, after reading all the comments, I had to watch the video.

    I think most of us have broken our "moral code" - on various issues- but then felt wrong- and didn't do "whatever" again. Bristol says its okay to do "it" again because she already broke her moral code.

    That is real BS. What about "repentance"?

  116. Anonymous3:25 PM

    To 2:41 PM:

    I don't give a fuck if you read her book! YOU said YOU weren't there either, and that YOU don't know her, either. So how the fuck do YOU know what she said is true, or not then? If she doesn't care what us "idiots" are saying about her, then why does she bother wasting time attacking her critics? She is a lying bitch like her mother! She has already been stopped! Her book is not selling, and is dropping like a rock on Amazon! And, now you're asking "Who cares what she writes? It's her life!" She is making her life our business, and it's bullshit for fuckers like you, to get mad when we comment on it! Your hatred and political bias sticks out too, motherfucker!

  117. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Bristol for heavens sake, just shut up and take care of your kids. It is pitiful that Tripp still has a pacifer, you are not doing your Motherly duties and it is really showing in your child.

    Also, please get an education; your interviews are really high schoolish and you sound so immature. Quit bashing others cause it just makes you look petty.

    Bristol, this is advice from a grandmother who has learned a lot by experience and education. Grow up, quit blaming others.

  118. GBIllinois3:30 PM

    BOT@ 2:58 said:

    "I hope your lives don't just revolve around a computer and saying hateful things about others."
    Project much??

  119. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Actually you have no idea who's lying and who's not. But in the end, why does this matter? Why are you trying to destroy someone's life? Even Casey, a sociopath, was given a second chance. Bristol's someone none of you know. Chill out. Taking sides when you don't know either party is immature.

    @2:43 PM

    Shove it. You keep taking Bri$tol's side, so that makes you just as immature. No one is trying to "destroy" her life. If you don't think it matters, then why are YOU here frothing at the mouth defending Bri$tol? Idiot.

    I'm glad I don't know Bri$tol. I don't want to know her!

  120. Beldar Bloodmeal Conehead3:31 PM

    Gryphen, any truth to the rumor there's a sequel in the works called: "Still not yet afraid of life: My next 12 months"?

    My interest in this young lady could fill the navel of a bedbug. With room to spare.... Lots and lots of room to spare.

  121. Anonymous3:33 PM

    She has few social skills and sad to say it really shows. This book was a disaster and Bristol hasn't a clue about what a mess she has made of herself in public.

    So sad about the facial surgery with chin implants, something just doesn't look right with her face now.

  122. Anonymous3:35 PM

    to the 1st anon at 2:37..

    how's it feel to be a feckless "moran" ?.....dipshit....

  123. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I thought in her book Bristol said she is not abstinent, but on the View she said she will wait till marriage?

    Am I wrong? Did I miss something?

  124. Anonymous3:36 PM

    To Nefer, you say you CAN judge her on conflicting things she's said. So, do you judge Sadie and Levi on their conflicting stories?

    "Some of us made good decisions the first time around."

    Well lucky for you. Way to brag that you've NEVER made a poor decision of dated a notable loser with no future.

    @2:45 PM

    Are you admitting Bri$tol IS a liar? I don't know about Nefer, But I personally have never dated a loser, got drunk when I was underage, or became pregnant when I was a teenager. I've made some bad decisions, but not as bad as notable, liar and grifter, Bri$tol!

  125. Anonymous3:37 PM


    Its nice to know that the grifter family is happily spending that SarahPac money you send her while your family does without.

  126. Anonymous3:41 PM

    @2:46 PM

    What is your point? Why do you keep repeating the same thing over, and over, again? People owning up to their mistakes is nothing new. People have been doing that since forever! Who is Bri$tol trying impress? Why again, should we believe a known liar like Bri$tol, either? You are not going to change any minds here, so why waste your time?

    What do knuckle-draggers like you know anything about how we humans evolve?

  127. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Anon 2:21, I assume you will say the same thing about Levi's book. His book is being written for the same reasons. He even said it's just for the money and that he wouldn't discuss the book. (Vegas video)

    You can't support Levi and condemn Bristol. Be an adult.

    @2:48 PM

    Um, asshole, I am an adult. (At least compared to you!) I never said I "supported" Levi. I don't. I'm not going to buy his book, either, FYI. At least he'll admit he's in it for the money. I only wish Bri$tol would own up to being in it for the money, too, since we're talking about owning up to mistakes. You can't support Bri$tol and condemn Levi, either. Works both ways. You obviously have no idea what it means to be an adult.

  128. Anonymous3:51 PM

    According to public court records, the custody issue filed 11/4/09 is still an open case. There has been no dispostion made.

  129. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Re: "Yeah, I'd say she doesn't give 2 shits about what anyone thinks. Strong girl. Strong family. They were gokarting earlier this week. And fishing. I hope you are all making similarly great memories with your loved ones as she is. I hope your lives don't just revolve around a computer and saying hateful things about others."

    Did Sarah put down her two Blackberries while "gokarting"?

  130. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I wish someone would ask her about her latest baby, the one she was pregnant with during DWTS and that was born earlier this year. She has been abstinent for how long? A month? A week? For the last two days?

  131. Anonymous3:56 PM

    "Haters feed her fire. You have to have realized that by now. That's what is funny about the whole thing. If she really cared about what people think, she'd go home and continue to raise her happy son. She's taking her opportunities as they come and is enduring the criticism."

    @2:52 PM

    What fire? I think we haters are feeding her appetite, though. I think she's starting to pack on the pounds, again!

    Except she won't go home, STFU, and raise her "happy" (for now) son, because she DOES care what her critics think of her! She is not enduring the criticism. She's just like her thin-skinned mother. Her "opportunities" will run out soon. Her book isn't selling, and no one will watch her stupid t.v. show, either.

  132. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Sorry, call me stupid, but I just don't understand this supposed Palin/Heath "moral code" where girls (and presumably boys) don't have sex until they are married.

    Sally Sheeran misplaced her moral code way back in 1962 when she got knocked up with Chuck Jr. before tying the knot with Chuck Heath Sr. (shotgun wedding shortly before the baby "popped out."). (I guess it's fitting that Bristol's middle name is after grandma "knocked up before marriage" Sally).

    Then Sarah Heath misplaced her moral code way back in 1988 when either Curtis Menard Jr. or Todd Palin (take your pick) knocked her up with little Track.

    And then, 'lo and behold, Bristol, also too, misplaces her moral code. But in Bristol's case, it's only because big bad Levi forced her to drink 25 wine coolers and not because she was following in the footsteps of Grandma Sally and Mommy Sarah.

    How long before little Tripp loses his moral code? Mark my words, Bristol will be grandma Bristol in 15 years tops.

  133. Anonymous4:05 PM

    "Like Bristol has said many times, people have the right to their opinion. Also, "haters, you're feeding my fire"

    Yeah, I'd say she doesn't give 2 shits about what anyone thinks. Strong girl. Strong family. They were gokarting earlier this week. And fishing. I hope you are all making similarly great memories with your loved ones as she is. I hope your lives don't just revolve around a computer and saying hateful things about others."

    @2:58 PM

    Bri$tol wanted to give us "haters" a great big DWTS middle finger. Remember that? She cares. Trust me. That family is not strong. I don't care how many times they go fishing, or whatever. I'm so jealous! Not! Big deal. Some of us do those things with our families, too.

    I only wish the Palins lives didn't revolve around reading what bloggers are saying about them, and whoring for media attention to make a buck.

  134. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I feel so sorry for Bristol. It's so hard to go through life with a damaged face, and a low IQ.

    Did you notice in the full clip on YouTube that she pauses, blips, and seems to forget how old she was when she first had sex?

  135. emrysa4:09 PM

    yeah brisdull is so strong and cares so little about what others think that she had surgery to re-arrange her face. if she didn't care what others thought and said about her, she wouldn't have had surgery, DUH! damn, you dreg defenders are the stupidest people on the planet.

    it's also pretty amusing that "we can't judge brisdull," but at the same time and in the same posts you people are judging mercede and levi. goddam, you people are dumb. no wonder the us is going down the tubes.

    brisdull lied under oath and put a young man in jail, and you want to come here and talk about how she's honest? fucking please, she's a congenital liar just like her disgusting mother.

  136. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Whoopie Goldberg's daughter also had a baby at 16, but I bet her daughter didn't get a book deal, a reality show and a high-paying corporate speaking gig.

  137. Anonymous4:19 PM

    The Legend Of The Fall.

  138. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I cannot get that Greta interview out of my head where Sarah uses the term shocked for the pregnancy and Bristol says "we were all surprised" when Sarah was tongue tied. First pg my ass. What Bristol, didn't know you can become pregnant soon after a failed pregnancy or giving birth?

    My brother and I are 8 mos apart. I was a preemie conceived one week after my brother was born.

  139. Smirnonn4:20 PM

    The chit never falls to far from the bat. Yet more paylump nonsense.

    Love the blog, Gryphen!!! :)

  140. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Really?? She is not enduring criticism? She IS still out there trying to help other teens not make stupid decisions that will irrevocably change their lives.

  141. Anonymous4:22 PM

    That woman (Bristol) is an idiot! She has no poise whatsoever...she just barged to her place on the couch without greeting anyone. All the ladies, including Elizabeth, looked like they were thinking things they could not say during the whole interview.

    How Bristol can write Levi stole her virginity when she was drunk and couldn't remember it and then in these interviews say she's not saying "date rape" has to be beyond anyone's comprehension. She sure paints Levi as a horrible dead beat Dad insinuating that he never wants tho see his child...AND she was saying it all in front of Tripp.

    How the Palin's get away with all their shit is beyond me.

  142. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Bristol is too dumb to realize she's created a "brand" no self respecting person would want. She's a joke, and not in a good way. Her contribution to 2011 pop culture is a new way to say stoopid skank. This is from Wonkette, too funny:

    "The daily life of American children in 2011 is, at best, a tragedy. They are obese from inhaling Pop’em donuts in front of the teevee, knocked up from having slumber parties in the wilderness, and they are also only mildly literate. The obesity thing is Michelle Obama’s problem, but when it comes to education, the brave teachers and school administrators of Atlanta, Georgia will do whatever it takes to put their students on the road to success. Of course, actually teaching children is extremely difficult, especially when kids are poor (and obese, probably) so the next reasonable alternative is for teachers to hang out at each other’s houses, drinking boxed wine and scribbling out their students’ incorrect answers on all the important tests. READ MORE »"

  143. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Just watched the full episode. Oh please, Barbara asked Bristol if she wanted a career and her (rehearsed) response was, "I'm only 20. I don't know what God has in store with me."

    Can't these grifters ever stop with the God stuff? I guess she's the new Tammy Faye Baker.

  144. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Here is URL to the full episode of today's The View. You need someone with searching skills; this was an easy find.

  145. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Okay, I find it really offensive the Fredricksburg, TX has a Walmart. What is the world coming to? Does Dooley's no longer exist???

    That aside, Bristol should feel right at home in a Walmart being such a fashionista & all. It's not like she's signing at the dollar least not yet.

  146. any of 'em, ALL of 'em!!!!4:44 PM

    Bristol's fake Christian "moral code" (and something else) had already been broken when she went camping and got in that tent with Levi!

  147. Anonymous4:47 PM

    2:15 PM, you're funny.

  148. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Just watched the full segment. OMG. She repeats herself almost verbatim in every interview--not just the same ideas, but the exact wording. The references to God make me want to vomit.

    Also, I call BS on her flippant "it's not hard to be abstinent" comment. If she really was celibate, she would know and acknowledge how difficult it can be at times. I know several couples who waited until marriage to have sex, and not one of them would say, "Yeah, it was an easy thing to do." Most say it was a struggle but worth it--an honest response, but one that requires a smidgen of self-knowledge and introspection, so she wouldn't be capable of it.

    In my personal experience, the decision to be abstinent can take its own emotional toll. Even when you're honest with a guy about your intention to wait for sex--whether it's waiting until marriage or just waiting until you're confident that the relationship has a future--there's heartache. I've encountered multiple guys who say they're okay waiting, then break up with me when I don't fall into bed with them immediately. They all seem to think they'll be the one who will make me change my mind. For a high-profile figure like Bristol Palin, I think that would hold even more true. If she really was celibate. Which I don't believe she is.

    I'm in my mid-30s and stopped dating years ago. It's too difficult to explain my lack of sexual history to guys, too daunting. I hate that I've reacted this way. I hate that Bristol Palin is being a public "abstinence advocate" when she's so clearly full of sh*t. She is doing no one any favors.

  149. Anonymous5:01 PM

    At least Levi finally admitted the relationship was always rough. I hate when people pretend like things are perfect. Summer of 08 was a rough time, before that was a rougher time. I mean cmon. They weren't even dating just before Tripp was conceived. That broke up right after the birth due to endless fighting.

    Yeah, real healthy for a kid. I'm glad they ended the charade.

  150. Anonymous5:02 PM

    4:20, I didn't think of that aspect of the "We were all surprised" comment, but that's an excellent observation. I thought her whole "I told my mom in May" schtick on The View didn't quite correlate with the story she told on that GVS interview.

    Also, she says this time it "wasn't hard" but then seques into worrying about how she would pay for diapers. I thought the question was how difficult it was to tell her parents. In the GVS interview, she says "harder than labor." This time, she seems much more relaxed about that.

    I think she's confusing multiple pregnancies and the attendant conversations with her parents.

  151. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Anon 1:08 wrote:
    "All she's doing is saying she would have behaved differently if she could go back in time. Wouldn't we all?

    THAT is genuine. THAT I know to be true.

    None of us know her. We cannot judge her based on anything other than rumors. We weren't there."

    I call total BULLSHIT on your statement. You just admitted that you don't know her. So how on earth can you say "THAT I know to be true." You Palinbots are so full of it, it is ridiculous. Go defend this stupid, nasty piece of trash liar Bristol somewhere else.
    No sympathy here for complete liars and idiots like her. Whining about the McCains is LOW CLASS. She would be NOWHERE without them. Doesn't she know this? What a stupid stupid cow! She IS STUPID. THAT I KNOW!!

  152. Anonymous5:08 PM

    This is the full show for today with Bristol's interview. You will notice, she didn't greet anyone, she pass everybody and set down and left Barabara with her arm open to embrace her. I don't think she will be invited back.

  153. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Hey 1:53 who wrote: "All she's doing is saying she would have behaved differently if she could go back in time. Wouldn't we all?

    THAT is genuine. THAT I know to be true.

    None of us know her. We cannot judge her based on anything other than rumors. We weren't there."

    ARE DONE YET??? YOU KEEP POSTING OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Is this your full time job? Are you paid for it. Do you honestly think that we can't tell you are a Palinbot? Please do not use the word WE as you are not talking for 95% of the people who read here....

    You are full of crap.

  154. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Anyone that butchers their face (ghastly, I might add)like she has at 20 has issues. TONS of 'em. You aren't fooling ANYONE, Bristol.

  155. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Bristol is trying really hard to act like she didn't get drunk, snort meth, party on Oxycontin, and screw her current "boyfriend" for years before she was in that tent. Was there ever a more skanky skank?

  156. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Anon 2:41 PM, aka "This I Know" is in the house.

    Shoo, troll, go away!

  157. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Get in on the fun at the Business Insider!

    "The Sarah Palin Movie Trailer Was Just Released"

  158. Anonymous5:16 PM

    "She IS still out there trying to help other teens not make stupid decisions that will irrevocably change their lives."

    How much has Bristol donated from the sales of this book to unwed teen homes or anything related to charity?


    The only reason Bristol is still rolling out that ass and her chin is because Sarah needs something that can keep the Palin name in a news cycle. The book bombed it is still crashing, sucks to be a Palin when all you got is Bristol's chin left.

  159. Anonymous5:25 PM

    4:22 p.m.
    Really?? She is not enduring criticism? She IS still out there trying to help other teens not make stupid decisions that will irrevocably change their lives.


    Even IF she were sincerely trying to dissuade other teens from making "her" mistake, the most visual message those teens get is that Bristol has (for now) achieved what ALL teens want: money and fame.

    Bristol, go away and do something real.

  160. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Sherri, Elis, Whoopi nor Joy looked thrilled with Bristol. Most of the time they frowned.

    Also, most guests stop and greet each woman as they reach the sofa. She just walked up and plopped down.

  161. Anonymous5:31 PM

    You Palins are so obvious, why don't you idiots get an education cause your comments sound so very elementary. You know, like a 5th grader.
    Most 5th graders I know are ten times smarter. (at least)

  162. Anonymous5:33 PM

    What is with this very stupid Palin supporter (or Palin) on this thread. What a HYPOCRITE! I have never seen such a stupid person. You keep telling us we don't know her, you don't know her, then you lay a bunch of judgements on all of us.


    Sarah is a LIAR. Bristol is a LIAR.

    I can't think of a positive thing to say about them. I am not a hater. I just hate hypocrites and liars. It isn't even about politics.

    GO AWAY - you are convincing NO ONE here that Bristol is a good strong girl from a good strong family. And they go go-karting, and fishing and eat at Taco Bell. They have GOD on their side and each other.

    BULL BULL BULL. It is all a bunch of lies and everyone knows it...They are not strong, they are not fun, they are not close. They are dysfunctional, stupid, trash who are stealing money from their supporters. I say stealing because she lies to her supporters day in and day out.

  163. Anonymous5:33 PM

    What the hell happened to her face, she looks like Octomom now.

    Is that whose photo she showed the plastic surgeon before she went under the knife?

  164. Anonymous5:35 PM

    gokarting ???????

    Is that a word?

  165. Anonymous7:49 PM

    @ Anon 4:43: Yep. We do got a Walmart, but Dooley's is still alive and kickin. I plan to be on the BP welcoming committee and may have to buy a book just to see her chin.

    Anonymous in Fburg

  166. ann_s7:51 PM

    She is still wearing those God-awful shoes. When will people with new money realize that just because something is expensive doesn't mean it is in good taste. Hideous.....and I know good shoes.

  167. Anonymous8:04 PM

    "Let them live and deal with their problems their own way."

    Really 2:25? Gladly. As soon as Bitchtol stops shoving her fat arse in front of all the media outlets, and into my living room, gladly. I guarantee that not even a tenth of the attention and judgment would be coming her way if she'd stayed in Anchorage, worked at her ill-deserved office job and gotten a degree.

    And I also guarantee you, that if everyone took your advice, Bitchtol the media prostitute would be very, very angry with you because she'd have NO career and be quickly broke. Capiche?

  168. Anonymous8:05 PM

    ann_s 7:51
    She is still wearing those God-awful shoes.

    I immediately noticed the shoes and gagged. But what can you do -- 'Ya can't fix stupid trailer trash that ain't got class!!!!!'

  169. Anonymous8:06 PM

    "We have far more from the horse's (she does kind of look like one with that huge chin) mouth..."

    Equines everywhere are insulted and ask that you retract that statement.

  170. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Indeed @ 5:11 - She has tons of body image issues. Wearing inappropriate and way too much clothing - constantly pulling it around her like a protective shield - obsessive/compulsive behavior. With all her cash, she needs a shrink.

  171. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Looks like this blog is a magnet for the Palins. Hello, Lou Sarah and Bristle.

  172. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Dear Fairytale Bot:

    Please stop referring over and over again to baby Tripp's nakedness as "full frontal."

    You sound like a pedophile.

    Signed, Rational people who understand that there is nothing disgusting or shameful about pictures of naked babies, especially nothing that can be compared to strip clubs or skin magazines (aka, "full frontal").

  173. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Re. Barbara being such a suck up... I also noticed how she spontaneously added that (of course, Bristle had not even considered abortion, EVER, because) even "your mother rejected that option despite knowing that she was carrying a DS baby."

    What an empty kiss-ass.
    I have an entirely different opinion on Barbara based on how she pampers these frauds.

  174. Anonymous9:31 PM

    It is my hope that any love she has for her son will surpass her need for revenge.

  175. Anonymous11:42 PM

    I did post this over at the Business Insider. The entire subject of women using babies for the sake of making a buck really, really disturbs me! What does this say about our mind-set and reality tv? Has everything become reality tv?

    Think about it. We have women who make money off of their "body parts" meaning getting pregnant and having babies, so that they can get enrich themselves and become celebrities. Why abort when there is money to be made? We've got Octomom, Kate Gosselin, Sarah Palin, the Dugger family, "Sister Wives" with multiple children shows and now Bristol jumping on the gravy train wagon. Did I leave anyone out? Oh, then MTV ads in the newspapers searching for 16 yr. old pregnant girls for reality TV shows and 14 yr. olds are trying as hard as they can to get on the show. How many of those little girls want a baby to love them and get rich while doing it at the same time? After all, Bristol did it. What wonderful role models these people all are. Now you can kill your baby (ala Casey Anthony style), get away with murder and stand to make TONS of money for doing so. She's already got book & movie offers coming left & right.

    Then we have impoverished destitute nations where there is a black market for human baby parts for sale. It's called organ trafficking. International rings exist that kidnap children to perform sophisticated transplants of kidneys and corneal tissues for wealthy Europeans and North Americans who pay top prices - no questions asked. The Latin American countries listed as confirmed traffickers in child organs are Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Honduras, Colombia, and Mexico.

    Ask yourself, what really is the difference between a 3rd world country doing this vs. a sophisticated and civilized country that we think we are? In either case an innocent child's life is being used and either ends up dead or his future life and well being is not considered whatsoever - ALL of it for the sake of $$$$$$$$. So who values children more - WE or the "other ones"?


  176. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Speaking of baby "full frontals" isn't that how the Ice Mother of the North Star posed with adopted Trigg on stage and in front of the cameras at every single photo-op? Trigg was clothed of course except for the time she posed him with only a sweater, pampers and no socks or shoes in 30 degree weather while everyone else was wearing fur coats. Gotta get that kid face-outward when the cameras are rolling, you betcha!

  177. I had the "pleasure" of watching this as it aired while trying to eat my breakfast....bad timing. Good grief BRISTOL!! HER SON was sitting in the front row and she spoke poorly of his father, discussed openly about how Tripp's Daddy does NOT SEE HIM, like it's Levi's decision.
    WHAT HAPPENED to the court order of not saying anything bad about each other for the kid's sake? Maybe that's why Levi hasn't said anything about anything all this least he is following the court order. I feel so sorry for that little boy having to grow up with a skewed view of his own Father. Bristol also states that she has FULL CUSTODY. I was under the impression that the court ordered JOINT with Physical custody to the Mother. There IS a difference.

  178. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Anon at 241 said "[Bristol's] a friendly girl..."

    From the number of early sexual partners she appears to have had, it sounds like she was a lot more than "friendly."

  179. Anonymous3:31 AM

    We all understand that it's only a matter of time before she's pimping out Tripp to fill her coffers.

  180. Anonymous3:39 AM

    ann_s said...
    She is still wearing those God-awful shoes. When will people with new money realize that just because something is expensive doesn't mean it is in good taste. Hideous.....and I know good shoes.

    7:51 PM

    Now replace the word "shoes" with "chin".

  181. Anonymous3:45 AM

    CorningNY said...
    How nice for Tripp to know his celebrity-whore mother went on national TV to talk about her sex life. Is there a category below white trash?

    12:10 PM

    Yessireee Bob, there are your garden variety grifting trailer park white trash.

  182. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Anonymous said...
    She said once she broke her moral code it was OK to continue. That must be Palin family values.


    12:27 PM

    Family tradition goes back to Sarah with Curt Menard and Todd's snow machine ex-business partner. Hey Todd what ever happened to Curt?

  183. Anonymous3:57 AM

    I thought the interview was totally boring. However, the one thing I picked up on was when Brisdull was asked about whether she considered abortion and she said no. Barbara Walters comments that her mother (Scarah) also did not choose abortion when she knew she was carrying a baby with Down Syndrome. Look at Brisdull's face. She just stares, straight-faced, and says nothing. It's the look someone has when they are hiding something.

  184. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Whoopie's body language is priceless. She wants to scream and is holding back. I hope Joy Behar grilled her, but I don't think so. Why doesn't anyone ask her anything other than this same dumb shit about losing her viriginity. I mean why would anyone buy this book? she's everywhere and what more could possibly be in that book. arggg

    12:35 PM

    Why doesn't anyone ask her anything other than this same dumb shit about losing her viriginity.

    Well because Sarah Palin works for FOX.

    Then there is Roger Ailes who is a big wig with FOX.

    Then there is Barbara Walters who is good friends with FOX's Roger Ailes.

    Then there is that wine cooler guzzling canvas tent whore who stopped taking her birth control vitamins and but kept on riding the hockey player bareback who is related to Sarah Palin.

    That's whatcha call the Circle of Life.

  185. Anonymous said...
    To Nefer, you say you CAN judge her on conflicting things she's said. So, do you judge Sadie and Levi on their conflicting stories?
    "Some of us made good decisions the first time around."
    Well lucky for you. Way to brag that you've NEVER made a poor decision of dated a notable loser with no future.
    2:45 PM
    Nice try, bot.

    Levi is not plastering himself all over the media, so no, I don't feel any need to "judge" his allegedly conflicting stories. I don't follow Mercede at all, and she isn't jumping all over the national media, so I don't feel any need to "judge" her.

    Bristol is all over the media in every that she possibly can be. Sorry, people will form opinions on what she says and writes whether you like it or not.

    You say I was bragging? Where did I say I never made a mistake? I said some of us. But you are correct on one thing. I never dated a loser with no future.

  186. Anonymous4:47 AM

    4:22 PM - she's not helping anyone voluntarily - she's making money you eejit! If she really wanted to help teens, she wouldn't charge $30k for a 15 minute speech.

  187. @anon 3:49:"You can't support Levi and condemn Bristol."

    I can, and I do.

  188. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Re: Fredrickberg, Tx

    Kinky Freidman said this is the town where shoes are tied with little Nazis.

  189. Anonymous7:38 AM

    If Brissy was as drunk as she claimes to have been then she doesn't know who fucked her that night in the tent ... Levi, his buddies ... or as her mama would say, "all of um!"

    So either way she is caught lying again by blaming Levi for something that she only knows from hearsay.


  190. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Fuck off palinbot! I'm sick of you asskissers, just fuck off!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.