Thursday, July 28, 2011

Celebrity website mocks Bristol Palin's plastic surgery.

A website called Wonderwall has posted a number of celebrities before and after pictures and asked their visitors to rate them. They feature Madonna, Heidi Montag, Ashlee Simpson, Pamela Anderson, etc.

Some of those featured actually looked better after their surgeries, and ALL of them are in show business which makes their obsession with their appearance somewhat understandable.

But then they also featured Bristol.

Here is the before picture that they used.

And here is the after which also incudes how the visitors mocked her attempt to improve her looks.

Having over half of the people taking a survey say that your new looks, which you paid good money to improve, should be categorized as a "fail," cannot feel good for anybody.

When asked about why people should support her mother's possible run for the GOP nomination, Bristol often cites her ability to run her household and raise her family with good Christian values, as "proof" that she can run the country.

So using the very yardstick that Bristol bizarrely claims proves her mother's competence, what are we to make of an unmarried teen mother's choice to mutilate her face with plastic surgery, lie to the press that it was from "jaw surgery," while in pursuit of a reality show career?  What does that say about Bristol's self esteem, and what exactly does THAT say about Sarah Palin's child rearing abilities, and how that relates to her abilities to run the country?

I can say as a father, that I would NEVER place my daughter in a situation where she could be mocked or humiliated, just to further my carer or aspirations. Never. And I doubt that most good parents would.

Which I guess means I will never be labeled a "Papa Grizzly" now will I?


  1. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Sarah has no control over anything and her temper tantrums don't help.

    It's not the world that's letting you down, Sarah. It's you. Really. And you've passed down your negativity to your children. For shame.

  2. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I never noticed before how much higher her forehead is in the "after". It is especially obvious in these particular comparison photos.

    How'd they DO that?

  3. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I don't think Bristol is a very nice person, but actually feel bad for her that she believes she looks better now. Her face does not look like a healthy young woman's face any more and most people would have had surgery to remove the chin she has plastered on her face on purpose. What sort of perverse value system creates the sense that deformity is beauty? Oh, that's right. The pathologically shallow celebrity wanna be value system that Sarah has foisted on to her children It's sad, really.

  4. Anonymous10:32 AM

    even this 'before' picture shows some plastic surgery. Bristol had a broken nose in elementary school - her first surgery was a nose job to get rid of the broken hump and to shorten the hook.

    I don't think she was even in high school yet at the time....not that she was ever in high school much.

  5. Anonymous10:38 AM

    The fact that Bristol can, bold as brass, claim that her new face is not the result of Plastic Surgery tells me all I need to know about her character.

    Also, Bristol's claim that her Mother is fit to be POTUS and leader of the free world tells me that is not fully functional as a thinking adult.

  6. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Can we expect a FB bash, a dismissive Tweet or a sea of pee rebuttal?

    I know they all read these comments. Too bad Brisket didn't check with someone sane before she signed on for the new face. Very poorly done, looks like the sucked about five pounds of fat from under the chin and put a Cats Paw combat boot replacement heel out there one the end of the old chin.

    Now she just looks like a 30 year old washed up porn queen

  7. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Let me be the first to say that Bristol WAS a very pretty girl (in that natural girl next door way).

    This might be the only positive thing I'll ever muster as now I fear her looks have been irreparably damaged. Her behavior and attitude very much match her new unpleasant appearance. SIGH.....

  8. WakeUpAmerica10:54 AM

    Bristol is exhibiting the Michael Jackson syndrome of self-loathing and mutilation. It's tragic. She has completely lost her physical identity and turned into a nasty little lying bitch just like mommy dearest. Makes a mother proud, doesn't it?

  9. Poor child. She looks just horrid. Jaw implant, uneven cheek implants, plumped up lips. Oh my. She was pretty at one time

  10. Anonymous11:00 AM

    She was as pretty as Willow, and Willow is a babe.

    The surgery and fluctuating weight have made Bristol look prematurely worn out, like faded tattoos.

  11. Anonymous11:05 AM

    when I read your topics I find it kind'a fun to imagine Mr Whitekeys' voice speaking your written words.
    Keep digging and keep up the good work !
    Thanks for all you do...also...too...


  12. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I think when she looked in the mirror with her old chin, she saw Grandpa Chuckie, and that's the real reason she mutilated her face.

    Which points to a desperate need for therapy that she obviously has never gotten.

  13. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I'm not going to knock anyone getting plastic surgery because they want to look better - thank goodness there are skilled surgeons who can do it. I am surprised that a Plastic surgeon would have altered Bristol's face at such a young age though. Most people's faces do not fully mature until they are well into their mid twenties. Bristol's face was not fully "mature" yet. She had fat removed from her face and neck, which she will regret doing in a couple years. I believe she also had a chin implant. The chin does not suit her face, and is going to need to be tweaked - probably several times - because her face is going to change with time, and right now, it does not suit her.
    If, as she says, she only had oral surgery, then why is she not wearing braces still? After jaw surgery, one usually has to wear braces for 8-12 months so your teeth realign properly.. I never saw her wearing braces, did anyone else?
    Whatever she had done, she's still swollen from it. Hopefully she'll look better soon.....

  14. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Bristholes's chin implant ranks right up there with Joan Van Ark's facelift. In the EPIC FAIL category.

  15. Randall11:16 AM


    Track had to go the military because he was guilty of some crimes - but his mom used her influence as a Governor to keep him out of harm's way - and now he knocked-up his girlfriend?

    Bristol got knocked-up, then later got into the finals of DWTS by cheating, had such poor self-esteem that she underwent plastic surgery, then wrote a book accusing her child's father of date-rape?

    Willow got busted breaking into a neighbor's house, was photographed drinking booze right out of the bottle, then threw her friends under the bus to save her own ass?

    Piper runs around in designer jeans and handbags - bought with Republican party money - and is snotty to just about everyone she comes into contact with?

    Do I have all of that correct?

    And HOW does that qualify Sarah to be the leader of the free world again?

  16. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I do feel sorry for Bristol, to a point: NPD nutcase for a mother, for starters, but also too, the good-looks genes on both sides of the family mostly passed her by. Palin herself was pretty before the inner ugly won out; Todd, Track, and Willow are plenty attractive. And Bristol suffered big time by comparison to dazzling Mercede. But the before/after photos give one a renewed appreciation for the fresh-faced wholesomeness that she did have. So, yeah, there is some degree of sympathy. OTOH, no matter how unenviable your childhood is, I believe it's a measure of character for adults to decide, do you want to be a damaged child your entire life? Or are you going to find a way to rise above it? I guess there's still time for Bristol, but the rate & direction things are going do not inspire optimism.

  17. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Gryphen, I think some before and after pics of Tawdry would fit nicely in to an article sometime too. It's quite obvious that Tawd self loaths his origins and has had drastic surgery to remove any essence of his native hertitage.
    As for the Palin's, they must have gotten the worst plastic surgeon in the country. I have had plastic surgery to remove some scars from an injury incurred during a violent rape. As much as I wanted the scars removed as soon as possible, I researched and found a marvelous surgeon to help me.

  18. Bristol Palin Fairy Tale Troll11:24 AM

    Bristol is a strong girl who loves her big, happy closest family ever. She loves babies, popcorn, camping with friends, and talking long walks with Tripp and his new puppy. The family is chillin in their backyard family swimming hole, everyone in Alaska loves to hang with them, and they think Sarah and Bristol are funny, private, and very close.

    Sarah and Bristol are so confident in themselves that they have mutilated their faces beyond recognition just because they want to feel pretty.

    OK, fairy tale bots, I took care of your rantings for this thread, so you can go back to stalking Bristol on Facebook.
    Seriously, Bristol and Sarah must have some seriously distorted self images....Sarah with her Botox, wigs, inflatable boobies, and wildly inappropriate clothing choices, and Bristol with her elongated chin, hair extensions, dowdy wardrobe are the poster family for dysfunction and self loathing. Ugh

  19. Anonymous11:26 AM

    The Palin "family" is sick and disturbed. They are jealous of normal Americans who have close families. Without Sarah they would be normal but she has ruined the lives of all of them. They have very thin skin and cannot take even the slightest criticism. I look forward to the day Piper realizes this and writes her tell all book revealing the dark disturbing secrets of this dysfunctional "family".

  20. Bristol looks 35 yrs. old after the facial surgery, she was much cuter before especially in the above photo.

  21. Sally in MI11:30 AM

    Gryph, not only will you not qualify as Papa Grizzley, but you will never have a chance to be First Dude either. Are you heartbroken?

  22. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Bristol threw away her looks to be a creation of her mother, she is truly ugly now.

  23. emrysa11:36 AM

    hahaha well you know the bots are going to race over and skew the poll - they don't believe in honest outcomes, cheating is fine because the ends justifies the means.

  24. Anonymous11:41 AM

    All of these decisions are Bristol's. Trust me. Do you REALLY think Sarah wants any of her kids to undergo the same sexist and harsh criticism as herself?

    And btw Griff, you're a dick. Bristol had lipo and only lipo. Crime?

    YOU, a man, are a major a reason women feel inadequate.

    It's a good thing Bristol had high self esteem and self worth, as well we amazing friends and family supporting her. If she didn't, she'd be Mercede Johnston, who never leaves the house without makeup and NEEDS compliments to survive.

    Am I wrong?

  25. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Sarah's a supportive mother. What's she going to do, tell her adult child, "no honey, you cant make your own decisions."

    Man, you and the left prove EVERYDAY you're hateful people. Bristol is one strong woman with AMAZING self worth to continue her current lifestyle. That should tell you everything you need to know.

    Considering you don't know her, I would back off the attacks. She grows stronger everyday as a result of immaturity.

    Bristol is a beautiful young lady with so much to offer if you'd stop assuming things and, ya know, maybe let her live her life on her terms.

  26. Anonymous11:46 AM

    anon 12:28, do you know her?

    Because just by reading blogs, I think Gryphen is a bastard. But I don't know him so I reserve judgment and just call him an angry little liberal who wouldn't know common sense if it bit him.

  27. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Still think it's a chin implant?

  28. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Doesn't seem to me they were mocking her; more like telling the god-awful truth. It WAS an EPIC fail.

  29. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Bristol's carried herself quite gracefully, especially since a bunch of losers feel the need to dump on her for reasons only the devil would understand.

    What part of "you can't judge someone you've never met" don't you understand?

    Do you, Gryphen, realize how you're representing yourself and your political party via your blog? You post weird, untrue rumors, outright lies, and personal bias, then rarely retract any of those things when they're proven false.

    Oh yeah, you're living up to your blog philosophy real well.

  30. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Where are all the people who called her an enormous cow last fall? A little lipo isn't bad. It's not like she has a new face. She looks the exact same.

    You never post horrible pictures of democrats. When people are frequently photographed, of course there will be bad ones. Bristol's still a naturally pretty girl who also happens to be sweet and compassionate as well as strongwilled and unwilling to take shit from immature morons.

    That's respectable. She's not a doormat and it takes a good parent to raise a kid who knows how to take care of herself and one who has a drive to succeed in a harsh world.

    Let's see: what have YOU made of your life and your bad past decisions?

  31. dancingthroughlife11:56 AM

    Looking at those two pictures, I see someone who was pretty, as someone said, in a girl next door way, a little bit of her native heritage showing- but unique, not cookie cutter, the way she does now. It's awful that instead of choosing to lose weight to lose the softness around her chin (some would call it pudge, but it's something most people of "average weight" or with a small chin have), she chose lipo in addition to all the other crap she had done. She looks hard and fake now.

    Had she gotten a trainer and/or nutritionist to lose the DWTS baby weight, she would have been the girl we saw at the first Candie's town hall, not this Jay Leno/Octomom hybrid.

  32. Anonymous11:58 AM

    What does she care? She's not afraid of life and whatnot. They are a tight family and love each other and always have each other and their huge middle fingers pointed at us. And they have the thickest skin ev'ah. And God is on their side, also too.

  33. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Now Gryphen, what's the point of this post? It's rude and not even accurate. Are you trying to give ALL liberals a bad name or just perpetuate your immaturity.

  34. Grizzlies react based on fear and not reason. So no, Gryph, you would never, ever be a papa grizzly.


  35. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Look at all the people trying to backtrack their past statements calling Bristol fat and ugly when she's NEVER been either of those things.

    Bristol is beautiful wearing no makeup (which is often) and beautiful wearing stage makeup. She's carries herself with grace even when people behave immature and she wasn't remotely kidding when she repeatedly said to the haters "you're feeding my fire"

    She is one confident, strong chick who will come out on top.

  36. Anonymous12:15 PM

    No offense G man, but your daughter also doesn't personally choose a public life. If she did, you can believe she'd receive harsh attacks as well. People who choose this life have the personal fortitude to handle the critics.

    Bristol's still going strong and more confident than ever. What does THAT say to you? I hope it says, "you're a liberal ass who has no other way to bring someone down other than to personally attack them."


  37. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Anonymous said...

    All of these decisions are Bristol's. Trust me. Do you REALLY think Sarah wants any of her kids to undergo the same sexist and harsh criticism as herself?

    And btw Griff, you're a dick. Bristol had lipo and only lipo. Crime?

    YOU, a man, are a major a reason women feel inadequate.

    It's a good thing Bristol had high self esteem and self worth, as well we amazing friends and family supporting her. If she didn't, she'd be Mercede Johnston, who never leaves the house without makeup and NEEDS compliments to survive.

    Am I wrong?

    11:41 AM
    Bristoll had an eye lift, cheek implants, chin implant AND lipo.
    If you are correct and if Brisdull is so sure of herself, why would she even had lipo. And we are well aware that Brisdull loves wine coolers and tents. BTW that "swimming hole" is called a lake and lets hope no one actually swims in the poisoned waters of a dead lake(or maybe thats whats wrong with the Palins); And I hope you are wrong about a puppy, the Palin;s have a poor track record of actually taking care of any animal that they have had before--PETS ARE NOT DISPOSABLE!!!
    As a women, no man can make ME feel inadequate, any feelings like that are from your homelife, upbringing, or from mental health issues.

  38. Anonymous12:20 PM

    bahahaha this is just ONE MORE blog post that ensures Bristol will succeed in everything she pursues. It must suck to know she's the one who is taking the high road.

  39. Well, they can use a dipilatory, or wax your hairline, or they can cut behind your upper hairline, pull, then sew it all up. A lot of people wax to give themselves a more intelligent looking forehead, but it needs to match the face. I think all the fairy tale bots are so funny. They say the same things about "happy, happy, happy," but no one mentions how sad this whole sordid story is. Joyce Carol Oates wrote a wonderful book about a grifter family. I wish I could remember the name. This reminds me so much of the way I felt about them.

  40. Anon @10:32

    I had broken my nose twice. It's a very painful experience. But if you need to have Plastic Surgery for it, they do it right away. You cannot wait. If you do, it's much more painful and you may not get the desired results.
    I never had Plastic Surgery. I just accepted I have a small bump in my nose and moved on.
    But I'm not into vanity. I feel they can take me or leave me as I am. If my word is not good enough, my looks will not improve it any.

  41. Anonymous12:23 PM

    What's the matter palins? You beg for publicity for accomplishing nothing and when you get some that is negative, you can't handle it? Everybody picking on you? Poor widdle palins.

  42. Anonymous12:25 PM

    "That's respectable. She's not a doormat and it takes a good parent to raise a kid who knows how to take care of herself and one who has a drive to succeed in a harsh world."

    Let's see, Bristol lacks education, has low self esteem, has no skills, loves to moan during sex and it only takes a couple of wine coolers to get in between Bristol and her panties.

    Yessiree bob, that Sarah raised her daughter correctly.

    Hope the nanny is raising Piper.

  43. Anonymous12:26 PM


    Hmmmmm.....touch a nerve, did he?

    Oh, that is the first we heard about lipo. Hmmmm...did you let something out of the bag?

  44. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Sigh. That "before" pic just makes me sad. She looked so good before "Kardashianing" herself into another processed generic pointy chin media girl.

    But if she's happy and it makes her feel better about herself, then more power to her. It's certainly none of my business.

  45. Anonymous12:27 PM

    "You never post horrible pictures of democrats."

    This is a anit-Palin blog. Go find your ugly pictures of democrats someplace else.

  46. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Over at the C4P they are reporting that the Youth for Palin site received some horrible comments threatening the Palin girls with rape by the Bloods and Crips. How much much you do want to bet that the threats came from Bot hoping to garner more support for her highness, the victim. amirite?

  47. Wow. The bots are all over this one here.
    Hey Bots!!
    If Bri$tol was such a happy, secure close family girl, why did she fuck up her face?? People who feel secure do NOT have plastic surgery or even Lipo at the young age of 20 years old, or how ever old she is.
    You have no logic to your argument.
    You make no sense whatsoever!!
    Go back to your own blog, Palin KKKlan!! We already know the crap you spew. It's an endless stream. We can predict it before it falls from your lying botoxed lips.

  48. Anonymous12:29 PM

    With a retard for a mother and a perv for a father I can understand why Bristol is a dumbass uneducated sex addict.

  49. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Dang, Griff, you pushed somebody's buttons.

    I guess somebody really doesn't have a thick skin after all.

    I wonder if you can purchased a thick skin at a plastic surgery center?

  50. Wow, the trolls are out in force today!

    Anon 11:17, I do share your sympathy for B, a little bit. Yes, she is following her mother right down the Grifter path, and yes, she's been a right B*tch of late, but I don't think she's had many role models of what it means to be a strong, intelligent, and graceful woman. She sure didn't get it from Sarah, and I can't think of many other good female role models who've stuck around. Gee...wonder why?

  51. emrysa12:43 PM

    anon @ 11:41 am sez:

    "It's a good thing Bristol had high self esteem and self worth,"

    oh yeah, girls with high self esteem and self worth get plastic surgery, lipo, teeth veneers, and spend time publicly complaining about "haters" and blaming everything on others.

    these are not the actions of someone with high self esteem and self worth - how can you not realize how ridiculous you sound?

  52. Hey Troll:

    Bristol claims corrective jaw surgery so is SHE lying about that too? Only Lipo???

    And a forehead lift (5 tiny incisions) lifts the eyes and makes her forehead higher, for the person who asked about that.

    Remember when she bombed out as an actress? Yo Yo Ma? She looked her very best ever in that show. Sad.

  53. Anonymous said...
    All of these decisions are Bristol's. Trust me. Do you REALLY think Sarah wants any of her kids to undergo the same sexist and harsh criticism as herself?
    And btw Griff, you're a dick. Bristol had lipo and only lipo. Crime?
    YOU, a man, are a major a reason women feel inadequate.
    It's a good thing Bristol had high self esteem and self worth, as well we amazing friends and family supporting her. If she didn't, she'd be Mercede Johnston, who never leaves the house without makeup and NEEDS compliments to survive.
    Am I wrong?
    11:41 AM
    Since you asked, yes, you are wrong. Completely wrong. Totally wrong.

    Oh, and if aging hag Sarah doesn't want to invite sexist remarks she needs to stop waggling her tongue at every man she sees, dress in an age-appropriate and professional manner (that means stop with the mini-skirts, leopard print hooker shoes at business lunches, purple velvet and hooker boots at a veteran's hospital, etc.) and stop thinking that winking during a vice-presidential debate is a reasonable way to try to score points.

    She also needs to stop using perverted, sexist accusations of rape and pedophilia against any man who disagrees with her or dares to criticize her. Her relish for using distasteful emasculating verbiage against men is sexist to an extreme.

    Young women Bristol's age with high self-esteem and self-worth do not mutilate and distort their faces to the point that they look like a different person.

    Young women Bristol's age with high self-esteem and self-worth do not have a history of unhealthy relationships, early sexual activity, early illegal drug and/or alcohol use, and unwed teenage pregnancy.

    Young women Bristol's age with high self-esteem and self-worth and a child to raise do not bounce around from state to state, house to house, looking for, what? They provide a safe, settled and stable environment for their child and model positive values such as education, work ethic, and stable career decisions.

    And most of all, young women with high self-esteem and self-worth do not take their child on an "I'm Going to Travel the Country and Trash Your Father From One End To The Other In Front Of As Many Cameras And Microphones As Possible Tour."
    "Bristol had lipo and only lipo. Crime?"

    Bristol herself admitted to jaw surgery, dumbass.
    I don't agree with everything Gryphen says or writes, but his love and support of his daughter shine through in any post he writes that mentions her.

  54. Anonymous12:44 PM

    anon @ high noon
    why don't ya just slither back under yer rock you slimeball apologist.
    Ain't just "liberals" that see through the scamming grifting lying cowardly palin's, plenty -0-conservatives, ( heck anybody that walks upright for that matter) can see through the palin facade.
    Ain't just libs you dumbass..

  55. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Wow, Gryphen, you sure hit a nerve!

  56. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Looks like the BrisTroll showed up late and is trying to make up for it with some diarrhea of the keyboard. If Brisfigured is on my teevee lying about plastic surgery, bitch is fair game.

  57. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Batshit crazy Mama = befuddled and low self esteem children.

    Bullying in school can contribute to the low self esteem as well. With parents too pre-occupied to deal with the bullying, it can lead to things even worse than disfiguring the face with plastic surgery.

    A shame we have come to this place in history where nothing matters but looks.

  58. emrysa12:48 PM

    lol I guess willow is earning her paycheck today. brisdull has "AMAZING self worth?" roflmao brisdull's actions do not support your comment at all.

  59. Anonymous said...
    Sarah's a supportive mother. What's she going to do, tell her adult child, "no honey, you cant make your own decisions."

    Man, you and the left prove EVERYDAY you're hateful people. Bristol is one strong woman with AMAZING self worth to continue her current lifestyle. That should tell you everything you need to know.

    Considering you don't know her, I would back off the attacks. She grows stronger everyday as a result of immaturity.

    Bristol is a beautiful young lady with so much to offer if you'd stop assuming things and, ya know, maybe let her live her life on her terms.
    11:45 AM
    Oh, knock it off with the Bristol's so strong crap. She clearly has some pretty severe emotional issues which you would recognize if you cared about her.

    Also, too? Your silly "she's getting stronger every day, she's getting so strong, blah, blah, blah" is beginning to make her sound like some freaky "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" remake.

    She's not getting stronger by the day, she's getting nastier and more vindictive by the day. There is a difference, you know.

  60. Anonymous12:51 PM

    11:52 said: Bristol's carried herself quite gracefully, especially since a bunch of losers feel the need to dump on her for reasons only the devil would understand.

    What part of "you can't judge someone you've never met" don't you understand?

    adjective /ˈgrāsfəl/ 

    Having or showing grace or elegance

    If you call "graceful" giving America the big middle finger, bumping and grinding on DWTS, and publicly trashing her child's father and a whole lot of other folks in her book. Not to mention mutilating her face through plastic surgery, which is painfully obvious. She doesn't look like the same person.

    Whatever criticism she is currently experiencing, she has brought on herself by putting herself squarely in the public eye. If she's so strong, why the need to protect her in blogs? You are undermining her supposed strength by treating her with kid gloves.

    As to "you can't judge someone you've never met," who said that's a rule to live by? It may be true for criticism solely fed by rumor, but this criticism comes from her very public change in her appearance, along with her book and attempts at reality show career. She has made herself fair game.

    I think Bristol had a huge disadvantage by being raised in such a dysfunctional family, and it's clear she's received bad advice. So I feel for her. But if she's going to beg for celebrity, she has to take her licks, too.

  61. Anonymous12:54 PM

    11:16 And......where is Trig?? Does he wear his hearing aids. Can he speak or just gesture? Signing or speaking?
    And what about his glasses?? Is he in school??
    Does the family have fundraisers for DS organizations?

    Bristol is a spoiled, insecure, talentless mean girl. But I still will always feel sorry for her. I shouldn't but imagine having Sarah for a mother?

    One of the fairy tale trolls wrote here that the Palin family is so close they " breathe each other." The bot thought this was wonderful but it isn't. If true, it is the sign of a sick, dysfunctional family. A well adjusted happy 20 year old does not do that to her face. Bristol and Sarah both have body dysmorphic disorder.

  62. Anonymous12:56 PM

    No ... sorry. The Palins do not have thick skin. If they did they wouldn't spend every day reading this blog and trying to answer it sounding like a whole bunch of different people. People who are secure in themselves do not need to keep defending themselves. Done.

  63. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Where are all the people who called her an enormous cow last fall?


    she musta' gained 60 pounds during her most recent pregnancy - she's dropped the cow now. Is that the baby Track's running around with?

  64. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Bristol tried to look like a Kardashian but it was an epic fail.

  65. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Notice how 'the chin' on the Dr. Drew show lamented that it is so appalling that people focus so much on appearances. Yet she has plastic surgery to improve hers!!
    what a hypocrit - and I wonder how Bris-dull feels when she sees the chin ridge every time she smiles. Ugh

  66. LMAO. These are the funniest trolls ever. I guess the whole Palin clan is hunched over their keyboards this afternoon trying to deal with the "Fail" vote.

  67. Anonymous1:15 PM

    The thing about the "before" picture is that's Bristol when she has a bunch of extra weight on her. Pictures of Bristol when she's thinner show a much more defined cheek and jawline. In other words, she took the easy way out and it makes her look like a freak.

  68. Anonymous1:16 PM

    So, tell us, Gryph, are there multiple fairy tale trolls on the attack today, or is it just one, maybe coming from BROOKLYN?

  69. Anonymous1:18 PM

    BFF Kyle Massey doesn't see the difference:

    "...we were the first to show him the "before" and "after" pictures, and he confessed that he "didn't see the difference" between the two, and thinks "she looks the same" in the photos."

    Will Sarah Palin be making an appearance on their show? He wouldn't "rule it out," but he wouldn't "rule it in, either."
    I guess that means she is.

    I don't know where the bit about the production company comes from. There's a production company out of Calgary might be the company, but it's Helping 'Hand', not 'Hands'

    They are Ranaghan Studios - "outreach, intercession, internet, multimedia".
    "The Ranaghan Studios has helped many Christian organizations spread the message of Christ through DVD production and other recorded broadcasts.
    Christian television is also a passion that our studio has pursued and continues to pursue today.
    A dedicated core team as well as many volunteers and professionals have worked together to produce music, drama, dance, teaching and other suitable materials to further the Kingdom of God."

    They have or will produce a show called Love In Action. It sounds about right. But it doesn't seem like something the Bio Channel would carry.
    And yes. Kyle and Chris Massey are good Christian boys, also too.

    But Bristol's really gonna have to get that abstinence message figured out. She's not for it; she is; now she's not, again. She "hates the word abstinence" and "everybody knows" she hates it, and thinks people "should have safe sex."

    Huh? What does that mean, exactly? You "hate" the premise, the philosophy of abstinence? Or you literally hate the word?
    Oh, and that message about "safe sex"? That's a great message, but not the same message as _abstinence_. Safe sex is about measures to avoid spreading diseases. Which may or may not be effective in preventing pregnancy.

  70. Wow, Bot City. LOVE the comment about Bristle taking the high road. That's why she's calling the father of her child a "gnat" and saying he stole her virginity. I spent nearly two decades not saying ANYTHING negative about my son's dumbass father, except in close confidence to close friends. I certainly did not "write" a tell-all "memoir" trashing my son's father, and go around the country repeating the ugliness. Bristle is a trashy girl. Levi may be just as trashy, but so far Bristle easily outstrips him in public trashiness. BY FAR. Why don't you fairy tale trolls go talk to a few child pyschologists and social workers to educate yourselves about the emotional devastation that vindictive parents like Bristle cause. Tripp is stuck with his mother. She may love him but she's a flippin' immature bitch and it will come back to bite her on her mommy ass. I figure sweet little Trippy will start acting out at about age 13. Given that Bristle has never matured past the age of 16, good luck with that.

  71. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Hey Bristol defenders. If you really love and want to help Bristol, stop lying about her and get het to a good psychiatrist and therapist. This isn't about liberals and conservatives! Many conservatives can see the real truth about Bristiil and her family.

    Bristol is NOT a strong, confident happy person. That simply is not true. I know many 20 year olds who are and they are in college and are working. A happy girl does not TRY on purpose to have a baby at age 15! That is unheard of in my conservative circles. She actively tried to get pregnant. A happy confident well adjusted girl owns her mistakes. Bristol blames Levi for everything. Her book was an embarrassment and did not show a happy well adjusted person. Her weight has gone up and down by 40 or so pounds for several years. That is NOT normal for a teen. She either has/had an eating disorder or multiple other unreported pregnancies! Healthy girls do not drastically change their face. She mutilated hers.

    And what are Bristols plans for supporting her family when her mothers star is gone? She has no skills and no education.

    And why can't Bristol have a strong, long term private and stable relationship with a good man?? She never has.

    Please STOP slamming Mercedes. This isn't about her! And from the ouside, Sadie is far more secure, emotionally stable, responsible and kind.

    You don't help an insecure, angry, vindictive girl like Bristol by accepting and excusing her sick dysfunctional behavior. Anyone who does this doesn't truly want to help Bristol her.
    You help someone like this by not enabling them and encouraging them to get help!

    What a dysfunctional family. It's truly sad.

  72. Anonymous1:25 PM

    The girls just can't stop facebook.
    Their new names over there are will palin and bri palin - in case you want to "friend" them.

  73. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Bahahaha. I see the troll bait worked. Hi Bristhole @11:41, 11:45, 11:46, 11:52, 11:56, 12:00, 12:10, 12:15, 12:20! A little obsessed with Gryphen aren't you?? Touched a nerve did we? So how's that no self-esteem, totally jealous of Mercede thingy workin' out for ya? ;-) You should probably get off the blogs and go take care of your children now. Don't let the door hit ya fat ass on the way out. KThxBye! Bahahaha

  74. Anonymous1:26 PM

    When you put yourself out there when you have no personality, no education, no acting skills, no dancing skills and an unwed mother to boot. Geting a new face saying it was jaw surgery. Get caught in so many lies and grifing Did you read about the film co that Brisdull has up in Alaska has asked for tax breaks, like her mother got. I guess now she's saying she lives in Alaska. What liars. Trying to get everything possible off the tax payers like her mother. Well expect to be judged Brisdull. How many houses and codo has she had 3 by 20 ? but was robbed of an education.OH I guess she'll get the last house paid for by the state of Alaska. Where does she live?

  75. Anonymous1:28 PM

    How many of us know a teenager who has a young child, isn't married, and just had plastic surgery on her face? How many of us would think this was normal behavior for a teenager? It really isn't. Pee bots can spin it all they want, but the vast majority of teenaged girls are not doing this. I know if one of my kids had a friend who did this, I'd be very concerned about their emotional state.

  76. Anonymous1:30 PM

    lolling at the Palin fairy trolls.

    Brisdull and her mother were never good enough for America or any other part of the world and they better get used to it. They are uneducated trash past their sell by date.

    Not only are the Palins toast....they are burnt toast.

  77. Anonymous1:30 PM

    The Bristol fairybot is how she judges people she doesn't know for judging people they don't know.

    I guess hypocrisy comes in handy when you're a Palin apologist/stalker/pathetic fangirl.

    And, seriously? You're trawling the boards, putting in all that effort for Bristol Palin? Bristol Palin?? Is she really worth that much of your time? By your own admission, you don't know her personally. Get a life, for heaven's sake!

  78. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Palin issues a warning to GOP before debt vote‎.

    OOOH this should scare them??? WTF people she quit, she nobody.

    Listen to roland:

  79. Anonymous1:36 PM

    You know, Gryphen, why worry about Bristol? Just let Bristol continue on her path to being a B list celebrity - it will ensure that she will never have an effect on public policy in her entire life.

    Five more years and the same will be true of her mom. Sarah Palin will never be more than a low-rent Ann Coulter.

  80. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Yeah, obviously a plant at C of P about the "Blood and Crips" rape threat.

    Nobody would want to rape the Palin girls. They are ugly inside and out.

    It's almost like, in certain quarters, cries of implied rape threats (always fake, like David Letterman's infamous comment which Sarah misinterpreted as being a call to rape her underaged daughter) are mistakenly used by these crazies to try to elevate the sexual appeal of these daughters -- but they aren't appealing. People who haven't drunk the Palin KoolAid know this.

    I was at an event recently and talked to about ten young men 18 - 25 about the Palin girls. To a one they said, "Ugly, stupid, crazy, embarrassing" about both Bristol and Willow. Most of them didn't know who Piper was, so this was just about the older sisters. A lot of them used the word "freak" about Bristol post plastic surgery, too.

    Yeah, they've got real appeal all right. In the C of P-ers dreams.

  81. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Isn't it amazing that the Brisdull troll calls Gryphen a dick and a bastard and says he don't know Brisdull but the troll doesn't know Gryphen but says he is a liberal, a dick, and a bastard.

    Hey Brisdull troll, is your name Willow Palin, Bristol Palin or Ivy Frye or maybe Rebecca Mansewer? After all, using the words dick and bastard means you probably are a palin cause that's the way they talk.

    Hey, someone is really jealous of Mercede; so the troll poster must be Bristol Palin, the plastic surgery reject of the year.

  82. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Is the Palin family stalker troll going for a record number of lies per post? Literally everything they say is opposite of reality. Sad.

  83. Anonymous1:54 PM

    She was a lot prettier before.

  84. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Jaw surgery, my ass!

  85. Hey Heather?

    I know you want to defend your friend Bristol but you're wasting your time.

    Tell her to keep her legs together, shut her mouth, get a REAL job, and raise her kids. And do it where we don't have to see or hear her anymore.

    You want us to stop being mean to her & leave her alone??? Then tell your good friend most of America can't stand her or her family and would LOVE it if they all fell off the face of the planet. They are toxic, nasty thugs that contribute NOTHING.

    How many books has your good friend sold??

    Wanna know WHY??

    NOBODY CARES. She has done NOTHING except pump out a brat that has become her meal ticket. BIG DEAL.

    Be a good friend Heather. Tell her to go get an education cuz she can't dance and nobody wants to read her book. Her show will bomb too. I GUARANTEE it.

    I guess she can always roommate with Casey Anthony when the ratings drop...I wouldn't let her babysit tho..

  86. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Me, me, 12:44 PM! I'm a conservative and I can see through the palin facade! It's like a pasture full of stinking cow manure.

  87. barney2:10 PM

    According to the fairy tale troll, who sounds exactly like Bristol Palin, the more Gryphen posts about Bristol, the stronger thick skin she gets.

    So my suggestion is for Gryphen to do posts daily about Bristol so her skin will get thicker and she will be stronger in life; Gryphen would be helping Bristol to grow cause we all see and know now how thin skinned Bristol really is in life.

    Lets feature Bristol's lies and her book bombing weekly so she can finally mature; is that okay with you fairy tale troll?

  88. As a teacher in a large urban school I can tell you the Bloods & the Cribs would not even come close to writing such statements. That is not their's not about raping white girls. They have way to much to do on the corners to even be bothered getting online and writing something so ridiculous...

  89. Anonymous2:15 PM


    Gryph, could you UN italicize the blog rolls and right hand menus?

    It's a change, but HARD to read bud.


  90. Anonymous2:15 PM

    So now we know why Bristol moved back to Alaska, so she could get money from Alaska for her fake reality show. Mama $arah set that all up when she was governor so they could get Alaska film credit monies for themselves in the future. Grifters, all of them.

  91. Anonymous2:20 PM

    The only thing strong about Bristol is her chin. She has a very strong (plastic) chin.

  92. Anonymous2:29 PM

    You can tell when the Palins are losing the game and need backup. That's when they throw out canards (that's for you Bristle) about stalkers, perverts, and child molesters. Wonder if the Palins will ever learn about crying wolf.

  93. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Just heard that the house postponed voting on Boehners bill. I'll bet Sarah will take credit...she just called upon the Teabagger freshman.
    Gawd I hate her.

  94. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Is that 26% "Aww" as in "aww how sad this girl mutilated her face so bad her own son doesn't recognize her" ? Or is it more like "Aww damn I think I'm gonna be sick!" ? Just asking.

  95. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Bristol Fairy Tale Troll:
    Why are you blaming Gryph for this? Go complain at the website who is running the story. Are you that stupid that you cannot go directly to the source? It's called a link. Click on it. You're welcome.

  96. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Poll at c4p. Hahahaha. They are going to have to start a thread about how their own poll is rigged by whoever posted it against Palin as she is seen to be SUCKING MAJOR ASS with her fan club members.

    Are you planning on going to Iowa for Governor Palin's speech on September 3rd?

    Definitely Yes 19.92% (100 votes)

    Yes if she's already an announced candidate at the time 3.59% (18 votes)

    Yes if it's confirmed she will announce during the speech 7.97% (40 votes)

    Definitely No 37.85% (190 votes)

    Thinking about it, ask me again later 30.68% (154 votes)

    Total Votes: 502

  97. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Bristol, girl, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YOUR FACE??? You used to be so pretty...

    I guess you made your outside look like your inside. Pity.

  98. Anonymous3:02 PM

    I don't think she looks bad. The "cat lady" looks "bad". Bristol now looks like her mom which is no surprise- she is her mom.
    I think there is so much to say about these weirdos why hit on what is not that bad? Going Hollywood is what they are all about. Let's lose them there.

  99. Anonymous3:17 PM

    "I can say as a father, that I would NEVER place my daughter in a situation where she could be mocked or humiliated, just to further my carer or aspirations. Never. And I doubt that most good parents would."

    Wise words, Gryphen, and I think that most parents would agree. (I can think of a couple of exceptions, selfish people who think only of themselves and have no sensitivity towards their kids).

    Sarah started by putting pregnant, unmarried teen Bristol on the convention stage, along side her "future husband," Levi. The kids could have stayed in Wasilla, but Sarah had few qualifications, and her family was what defined her.

    Compared to her siblings, Bristol has been rewarded financially far more than most 20 year olds, especially 20 year olds who do not have any special talent and aren't particularly smart or clever. I always felt that in return for "favors," maybe giving something or someone precious to Sarah, Bristol has been reaping the rewards.

    In return, Bristol also owes Sara for the rest of her life. Sarah must have covered for Bristol's first pregnancy and was damned if she was going to cover for another. They must have a love/hate relationship, each one owing the other, each one hold the other hostage.

    It's unbelievable that Bristol had a swell condo in Anchorage, a 5 bedroom house in Arizona, a house on Lake Lucille, TV shows, books, all at the young age of 20. Bristol really is not that pretty. She cannot speak well. She is not smart. She is not talented, well, not in the sense of singing, dancing, acting, or playing a musical instrument. She does have talents, though, which have earned her -what- a million undeserved dollars, give or take a thousand.

    Let her ruin her face; she didn't look that bad before. After those dismal book sales, who is going to watch the reality show that she is filming? When she appeared with Dr. Drew, she sounded like a dumb teen aged kid who has a lot of growing up ahead.

    Bristol, since you and your family do read the blogs, I suggest the better long range goal is education, not celebrity. Take the money that you have, enroll in school and learn something. And, please do your kid a favor and let him play with other kids besides Trig. Trig belongs in therapy. Tripp belongs in a pre-school, not on your hip, screaming his head off all day long. You both will benefit from a little away-time. You need to grow up, and so does he. Oh, and the only way that you might actually accomplish this would be to move away from your mother's powerful influence. All baby birds learn to fly and leave the nest. Grow up!

  100. Beldar Sniffy Conehead3:19 PM

    *sniff*... *sniff*...

    Hey, Gryphen, have you noticed a bad smell starting to fill the comment area of your blog lately? Hard to put my finger on it... Smells a bit like old polyester short sleeve dress shirts, wadded up kleenex, Dr Scholl's shoe inserts and Old Spice aftershave aka "tea party man" smell.

    OT: Did you see the "Defend The QUEEN!!!" display following Roger Ebert's surprisingly uncritical review of "The Undeported"?

  101. Anonymous3:22 PM

    To this day, no one in the Palin camp has explained how Bristol gained 30 pounds while working out regularly on DWTS. She's admitted to "jaw surgery", ok, that could, possibly, maybe explain the face, but probably not. BUT, why did the girl pork up in her abdomen in such an amazing way while working out and dancing 8 hours per day?

    I think the facial change was planned as a red herring to take the focus off of her swelling abdomen whilst dancing. If a baby didn't come from that swollen abdomen then that girl had a 20lb tumor hanging out in her midsection. We haven't heard about "tumor surgery" so what gives?

  102. Anonymous3:24 PM

    mrich2500 said...
    As a teacher in a large urban school I can tell you the Bloods & the Cribs would not even come close to writing such statements. That is not their's not about raping white girls. They have way to much to do on the corners to even be bothered getting online and writing something so ridiculous...

    2:13 PM

    Aren't they called "Crips" rather than "cribs"?

  103. Oppps...Aunt Heather you just told on yourself by posting that Twitpic....I don't think your crazy sister will appreciate you posting pictures of her Mini-me!

    Wow.... you Heath's are really a bunch of dumb hillbilly's! Thanks for finally solving the mystery of which Fairy Tale Troll YOU are..."Bristol is strong....Blah, Blah, Blah....LOL.

  104. Anonymous3:42 PM

    All of the sudden the fail percentage dropped to 24% and the the aww percentage rose to 62%. Things that make you go hmmmm.

  105. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I think Sarah looks very masculine. I dont have Photoshop. Could someone do a photoshop of her with a man's haircut and no lipstick or eye makeup?

  106. Thanks, Annie @ 12:21 p.m. The book, I believe is Them. I am ordering it for my Kindle. Sounds like the Grifter Gang for sure.

    Actually, it's a pity about Bristol. Can you imagine how she will look ten years down the road? Expecially if she doesn't "keep it up?" Oy Veh.

  107. Anonymous4:15 PM

    @1:37 Anon, regarding "Hey Brisdull troll, is your name Willow Palin, Bristol Palin or Ivy Frye or maybe Rebecca Mansewer? After all, using the words dick and bastard means you probably are a palin cause that's the way they talk."

    You hit the nail on the head. I was thinking the same thing - I recognized right away that post was from someone in the Palin camp. Dick and Bastard are dead giveaways since they talk cheap like that.

    Looking at their picture link posted about Brisdull's plastic chin (ha ha Did she or didn't she??? We all know she did), now we know who it is. Hee hee, isn't it funny that they read these blogs. I can just imagine. But when you have God on your side it's all ok.

    Too bad they don't realize God is on everyone's side, it's just how you choose to honor yourself and the people you love as well as the life you were given and what you do with it.

  108. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Boy, this blog certainly got out the palinbots! Bristol has ruined her face. In trying to look older, she overdid it and now looks like a washed up porn star. No talent, no looks, no celebrity.

  109. Anonymous4:23 PM

    I wonder how she explained to Toddler Tripp why Mommy doesn't look like mommy anymore. Maybe he didn't notice since she is seldom around anyway. He probably figures she is just another nanny.

  110. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Before, her face was young and pretty and all parts fit together. Now her face looks like a patch work quilt of pieces that don't fit together. Very sad.

  111. Anonymous4:31 PM


  112. Anonymous4:32 PM

    11:45 AM -
    "She grows stronger everyday as a result of immaturity."

    I do believe you meant 'maturity' instead of 'IMmaturity', but you're far more accurate this way!

    * * * * * *

    I find it incredibly sad to think that her son would have a hard time identifying her if she were placed in a room full of Kardashians and other hard-looking Hollywood types. She has aged at least 10 years, which will NOT be appreciated a couple of decades from now. There's not doubt that, as poor as the quality of the surgery clearly was, she will have to undergo repairs and revisions in the future.

    She has many years of being unhappy with herself ahead of her and that's just not something you can fix with lousy plastic surgery. She needs some good therapy to deal with her self-esteem issues and whatever other problems life with her dysfunctional family has cursed her with. She needs to find some type of skill that can be turned into a real career and she needs to get some education or vocational training so she can provide a decent life for her son. And no, a reality show and a book no one wants to buy do NOT count as a real career!

  113. Anonymous4:37 PM

    People who have plastic surgery lie about it. Celebrities lie about it. Hell one of the teachers in my building went from a 34A to a DD and swore she got it by working out. You're supposed to politely agree with them to their face, tell them how "rested" they look, or how healthy they look, but then analyze every little thing behind their back. God! Don't these Palin bots know how to play the game??

  114. Anonymous said...
    Over at the C4P they are reporting that the Youth for Palin site received some horrible comments threatening the Palin girls with rape by the Bloods and Crips. How much much you do want to bet that the threats came from Bot hoping to garner more support for her highness, the victim. amirite?
    12:28 PM
    We're supposed to believe that the Crips and Bloods are visiting a Youth for Palin site?!


    There go those Palins again, throwing around the rape accusations. What horrible people the Palins and their cult followers are.

  115. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Willow used to be pretty. Now she is a carbon copy of Snooki and Paris. Gag.

  116. Anonymous5:43 PM

    It's so funny that the bots will charge over here to pretend that lots of people are writing, but their attention spans are so short that they have to write a bunch of posts all at once and then go back to whatever the low-information people do in their spare time.

    Bots, you would do better to space out your posts over a day or so.

  117. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Since Bristol will be a granny in 14 years top (Granny Bristol, only 34), its appropriate that she already made herself look like a middle-aged woman at 20 with all her plastic surgery.

    By the time she's a granny at 34, she'll look about 60.

  118. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I think Sarah looks very masculine. I dont have Photoshop. Could someone do a photoshop of her with a man's haircut and no lipstick or eye makeup? @ 3:46 PM
    I have 2 pics you might like, but have no way of linking them here -- so I have sent an email to Gryph, hoping he will share them. LOL

    They are 'keepers' -- Have a good one.

  119. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

    Gryphen, I just love it when you do posts like this! You're basically commenting on a poll that another website did about celebrity plastic surgery, and the fairy tale trolls go all ballistic on YOU for happening to agree with the vast majority of voters on that site?

    These posts are just wonderful, they bring all the trolls out from under their bridge to nowhere to get all "holier than thou" on your liberal ass, not realizing what they're doing to raise the popularity of your site by adding hits!

    Am I Right?


    The aluminum foil chewers take the bait every time.

    Bristol chose the glamorous life, and in her desperation to fit in, the only way she could compete was by getting extensive plastic surgery. Pathetic, I bet the money could have paid for an education and a lucrative career path. Men find brians sexy, but a neuvo riche twenty year old riding her last name's coattails is too impatient to wait four whole years!

  120. Anonymous7:18 PM

    "She's carries herself with grace even when people behave immature "

    Hahahahahaha. Yea, going on national television and declaring to want to give everyone a big fat middle finger is just sooooo graceful.

  121. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Anonymous 1220pm, "bahahaha this is just ONE MORE blog post that ensures Bristol will succeed in everything she pursues."

    She sure was successful in getting pregnant deliberately the second time, wasn't she?

  122. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Anonymous said...

    To this day, no one in the Palin camp has explained how Bristol gained 30 pounds while working out regularly on DWTS. She's admitted to "jaw surgery"

    Maybe what Princess Winecooler was working out on DWTS was her jaw ....on the floor in the rehearsal room!

  123. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Palin sold her own soul and the souls of her family members to the devil for fame,money and power,too bad that no matter how much her supporters deny this,the evidence is there.

  124. SusieQ10:11 PM

    Why would Bristol think she would go unnoticed having such surgery when there are so many photos of her out there in the world to use as comparison? She's not a normal teen in that respect. She's been thrust into the public eye because of her mother.

  125. To this day, no one in the Palin camp has explained how Bristol gained 30 pounds while working out regularly on DWTS.

    A worthwhile inquiry, Anonymous 7:55, and one deserving clarification. Per the self-mythologizing Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far, Bristol proffers the following jaw-droppingly inane explanation:

    Everyone talks about how strenuous the Dancing with the Stars workouts are, but they're nothing compared to any high school basketball practice. Though one contestant famously lost forty-one ponds, I have to assume it's because she was not active beforehand. Because I was an active kid before I started, this show actually took my activity level down a notch.

    No, she is not being facetious.

    Furthermore, she goes on to blame a lack of consistent jean-wearing for her failure to notice to the 5 [!!!] pounds that inadvertently found their way to her physique. Perhaps one day the Spandex Apologia will match the infamous Twinkie® Defense in the annals of jurisprudence.

  126. Anonymous7:10 AM

    omg GAG GAG Brisdulls verson of why she gained weight durning DWTS
    She was an active kid, and activity level wasnot as streneous as she was used to.When was the last time she particapated in a basketball practice? She has had a pregnancy or 2 since. supposedly she was working in an office before DWTS, and then the Levi engagment and picture money when was she practicing basketball?? She always seems like a turtle to me and she couldn't keep up with Mark he had dance around her, I saw him drag her around. Does anyone believe that?? Laughable. I think if she put the effort in to it, dancing 4 to 6 hours a day, doing all those moves her waist line would not have expanded as it did. After a couple of dances around the floor, sweat starts dripping off of ppl,best arobic activity one can do. Where is her christian values about not telling lies, The bible talks about liars (not good)shows she has no shame.

  127. emrysa7:26 AM

    @ Heiko, 11:42 pm:

    omfg. dwts took her activity level down a notch? then why the hell was she huge in the levi reunion pics & video in july - before dwts? I mean, I know the girl is super dull, but that is really out there.

    gryphen if you get bored, that book passage is deserving of it's own post! holy shit I cannot believe she said/wrote that.

  128. emrysa7:27 AM

    shit just imagine what mark ballas thinks about that quote after he had to drag her fat ass all over the stage every week! omfg.

  129. Dis Gusted7:37 AM

    Pathetic, I bet the money could have paid for an education and a lucrative career path.


    too bad Bristol is retarded. She would have to pass her GED and she is incapable.

    A college would have to open that allows children without diplomas to enter before Bristol could attend.

  130. onething7:19 PM

    I just spent a half hour trying to find the photos of all the celebs. I would have liked to see it but I could not navigate that weird site.

  131. Wow, a woman this young undergoing heavy plastic surgery? At this age they should be seeing a psychiatrist before any plastic surgeon steps in for a quote.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.