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"86 million? Now THAT is a pretty fucking big deal Mr. President!" |
In a conference call with reporters this morning, the Obama re-election campaign used its fundraising numbers to signal that its base of supporters is engaged and energized for 2012.
Campaign Manager Jim Messina fired off the numbers: 552,000 individual donors, 260,000 new donors who didn't contribute in 2008, and average contribution of $69 per donor, 98% of total contributions coming from donations of $250 or less.
"This should end any chatter about our grassroots base," he said on the call.
Every time the media decides that Obama is losing something, he always proves them wrong. Isn't that right Bin Laden?
By the way I proud to report that I am one of these 552,000 individual donors. How about you?
I'm proud to say I', one of the 552,000 too and will donate again in 2012. Obama 2012!
ReplyDeleteI am a supporter, and although I thought it was far too early to be getting blitzed with campaign 2012 emails, the bizarre, hateful and often stupid actions of the GOP (including my Governor/ruler and his legislature here in MI) convinced me that I needed to show my support early. President Obama is far from perfect, but at least the man values people over profit.
ReplyDeleteGreat News!!!
ReplyDeleteOT~ I was just watching my local news channel (in Nashville) and they said $arah has announced that she will not make a decision on running for POTUS until late August/early September. $he did say that she knew she could beat President Obama!! LOL!!
They immediately changed the subject and went to a video clip in order to contain their laughter!!
I love it. Now Sarah, can you still beat Obama? How much money do you have in your war chest? How come you do not have $86 million dollars? Because no one is going to waste their money on a dummy.
ReplyDeleteOh hell yeah!
ReplyDeleteEvery day all you hear is Obama has lost women, Obama has lost Jews, Obama is losing the African American vote . . . Obama has lost blah blah blah.
I live in a state where one of the asshole teabagging governors are trying to shut schools, basically destroying women's choice and fucking the unions.
Here, many of the Dems are so socially conservative its scary—but they still vote Dem.
I am a liberal in a state that went for Obama, but is now being run by psycho republicans and all the baggers and others can do is bitch about what this president has or hasn't done. A lot of the inner party whining in my state made Dems stay home in 2010--so we got the fucker rethug governor and lost our Dem governor. Now, of course, they are weeping.
I'm sick of the whining from everyone. I live in a reality based world where these mofo republicans are trying to hand the whole country over to whoever has the most corporate pocket change. The media is constantly giving the GOP a hand job, but no matter how the facts will out they will still keep the but, but but, shit up about The President.
I don't support all of President Obama's decisions
(if anyone does they aren't thinking for themselves) but the man is brilliant and still alive dealing with a House that is suicidal just to bring him down . . . .
Rant over.
Every Month - it's like a bill I pay. lol
ReplyDeleteI will be a new donor.
ReplyDeleteWhenever I got pissed off in the 2008 campaign--or whenever I was especially inspired by a speech-- I sent a (small) donation to Obama.
ReplyDeleteI sent one last night. It's a concrete action that furthers my wish to have someone in the White House who is trying his best to intelligently and compassionately serve the public and advance the public good.
Those who are on politics only for their own greed and their own good do not speak for me.
I'm a donor too.
ReplyDeleteI'm a proud donor too!
ReplyDeleteI'm a donor, too, sent $250.00 through ActBlue when he announced his reelection campaign.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm not sending more. I'm sending the rest of my campaign dollars (and I've saved up a few!) to House and Senate candidates. They're the ones who need donations. We must regain the House and keep the Senate, in order to keep the country moving AHEAD, with Obama at the lead.
ActBlue.org is a fabulous site for donating to Democratic candidates. I always donate through them - they send on every penny you give - and they keep a record of your contributions, so it's easy to go back and see to whom and how much you've donated.
I too am one of those early donaters and I will be donating again. My donations are usually small, but that way I can donate again as things heat up, or issues I support come to the front, etc. I also am a paying member of the DNC ... at the lowest level ... but nevertheless.
ReplyDeleteAngela ... ditto your rant! Thank you for ranting so I don't have to.
ReplyDeleteThe ability to raise tons of money is not a sign of greatness, but a sign that said candidate should be defeated at all costs.
ReplyDeleteI'm also proud to be counted among the early contributors to President Obama's re-election campaign.
ReplyDeleteOur local paper has an editorial about Mitch McConnell who has publicly stated that the Republicans will do nothing to resolve the mess made by George Bush and company until President Obama is no longer in office. How much do these Republicans care about this country? Not much! Their venality, immaturity and nastiness has grown beyond bounds. We must give President Obama a second term and a solidly Democratic Senate and House so that progress can finally be made towards solving the mess left by the last Republican White House. People like Mitch McConnell have enriched themselves on the backs of the American people and they give nothing in return.
Yep, one of the 552,000 and proud of it! Got my "Made in the USA" coffee mug to make a point as well.
ReplyDeleteI'm just wishing I could get a mug with a picture that I think you posted right after the whole birth certificate/Bin Laden death weekend...Obama in a black cowboy hat saying (I think) "Can I get you anything else you m*****f******?" Do I have that right?
Andrew 5:55
ReplyDeleteStop doing the red acid. They made an announcement a while ago over the intercom system that it is the baaaaaddddd acid.
I'm one of them 552,000 supporters, and started donating early.
ReplyDelete@ MACaroni45 said...Every Month - it's like a bill I pay. lol
YES, me too. I consider it a wise investment! And for those that haven't donated yet, it is one "bill" that feels good. $5, $10, it adds up on a regular basis by millions of people. Remember, the campaign doesn't take donations from PACs or lobbyists, that way President Obama isn't beholden to corporations.
I'm in and one of the 552,000 who donated.
ReplyDeleteThank you
Proud Obamabot.
I like to donate directly to some House and Senate candidates. Senator Bennett in CO, had a close re-election race, happy that he won, so we have him for another six years. Now, I'm donating to Alan Grayson (FL), he's great, check him out. Even though my donations are small, I hope that a candidate in CO, FL, etc, feel good when they get a personal donation from someone in another state. (especially AK, home of SP-lol)
ReplyDeleteI echo Phoebes' comments about Act Blue. I also learned in 2008 how important it is to support good candidates in other states, and Act Blue makes this very easy. And early support is especially critical.
ReplyDeleteWe are all in this together.
I thought, if people out there are sending their money to PAYLIN for her piece of sh!t movie, to *puke* "support" her, I thought..
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna make MY money talk louder than any post I can make.
Proud to be one of the 552,000 ~
and Proud to have contributed in 2012!!
Barack The Nation!! :)
I think President Obama is pragmatic enough to realize that real change would require two terms. He can become far more decisive in a second term because he wouldn't have to worry about an upcoming 're-election'.
ReplyDeleteDonated last month and will send more as I am able. Support our candidates and support our bloggers. 2012 will be even more critical than 2008. Can't give the plutocrats a stronger foothold now that they've whipped their lemming legions into their latest frenzy.
I'm proud to be one of the 552,000 also and will continue to contribute until Nov 2012
ReplyDeleteI also support other Dem candidates when I can (via Act Blue)
I can only do small amounts at a time - but every contributions count
Yesterday, in a small town in Colorado I spoke to the woman who really works at making the liberal agendas possible in a state that has wavered in the past. I introduced her to our house guest who used to be a White House chief of staff for a Democratic president many years ago. They talked, and her words were so prophetic in what, I believe, will be the way this next election will go. She said that she has started saying to everyone, Republican or Democrat, "Just do the right thing.". We have to believe that the majority of people are good ...and will. My friend was very impressed by her and her focus in a town of 850 people.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, in this small town there are still many bumper stickers from 2008 that proudly say, Obama.
I have only donated to ONE Congressional race in my life.
ReplyDeleteIt was to support Taryl Clark ~ the woman who ran AGAINST Michelle Batshit. I do not live in their state.
I was really disppointed she lost. Obviously, it kept MB "in the game", and now you see how she's stepped it up.
She's still batshit crazy, and ANY reporter worth their salt would rip this woman apart with the moronic, slanderous, anti-government rhetoric she has spouted in the past.
Pig in lipstick indeed.
Andrew said...
ReplyDeleteThe ability to raise tons of money is not a sign of greatness, but a sign that said candidate should be defeated at all costs.
5:55 AM
That is stupid and makes no sense whatsoever. And its corollary is just as stupid.
I donated a day or two after OBL was killed. I'll send more to the President's campaign, and some to the DNC, shortly. I don't have much to give (like $15 a pop), but I try.
ReplyDeleteI never used to donate to elections, but Sarah Palin getting on the ticket in '08 put the fear of God in me, and I started sending money to Obama's campaign, and I know I wasn't alone.
Thank you diz, 7:03 a.m.! Simple and insightful observation. President Obama will be able to flex his muscles in a second term. = Let's get him in, and give him a smart House and Senate, so we can move this country forward for our kids.
ReplyDeleteI have been sending donations to Obama as well as others...Wisconsin Dems (a lot of those), Tarryl Clark, Kathy Hochul,Planned Parenthood, Emily's List, Scott McAdams, Joe Sestak, Bill Halter, Elaine Marshall, Doctors Without Borders, Rob Miller, Public Television, etc. (Sorry, I was just reviewing the list for myself and ended up naming them all here.) Not everybody won their elections, and my contributions were usually about $25, but I am happy to be included among all of you who are standing up for our causes. And Obama is definitely going to get more contributions from me.
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah, my most satisfying contribution was to Planned Parenthood in Sarah Palin's honor. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when she got the thank you card...one of many I think.
I'm waiting to see how he handles the debt limit. I'm sick of giveaways.
ReplyDeleteIf Medicare, Social Security or another program for the real American people is given away I'll be reregistering as Green.
Those Tax Cuts better go too.
I'll give him time on the tax loopholes and subsidies.
But I am sick of giveaways to Republican extortion in the name of bipartisanship and compromise when he knows they'll still vote no no no.
me, too.
ReplyDelete“Obama lit him up. Cantor sat in stunned silence,” said an official in the meeting. “It was incredible. If the public saw Obama he would win in a landslide.”
the President of the United States monstered down on Representative Eric Cantor in Wednesday’s deficit ceiling squabble. This is so refreshing on so many levels. Cantor has been using this crisis to undermine his leader John Boehner, by playing the Tea Party/Grover Norquist recalcitrance card. The boy badly needed someone to get up in his face and Barack Obama, of all people, apparently did, telling Cantor, in no uncertain terms, that he’d veto any short term deficit ceiling fix or, indeed, any plan that did not include revenue increases. Then Obama walked out, or the meeting ended, depending on whom you talk to.
I haven't donated since 2008, after reading this, I'm going to start again.
ReplyDeleteAnd after President Obama gets re-elected in 2012, I'd love to see Presidential term limits removed.
Barack Obama -- President for life!
Proud 2B an Obama 2012 donor !!
ReplyDeletegreat post gryph...
ReplyDeleteExtremely proud to say I donated early!!!
Also really proud to say that I was not one of the new ones, I donated last time and will continue to do so...
Kept up the good work.
ReplyDeletePlease don't cheer lead for President Obama. It puts you on the same level as the Palinbots. Blind allegiance to any politician is a dangerous thing. This is not a football game where you pick a team and cheer for them no matter what.
I can tell you that I am one of the people whose support the president has lost. And I'm not alone in my displeasure.
Hey, if you're OK with endless war, going after government whistleblowers, rendition, tax cuts for the rich, cutting back on medicare and social security, not going after evil doers on Wall Street, continuing the Patriot Act,and having the TSA grab your crotch, by ALL MEANS support this president blindly.
The excuse that the other side is worse (the Michelle Bachman boogeyman excuse) isn't gonna cut it.
If more bloggers held this president's feet to the fire instead of obsessing on Palin's pumpit, we might get this country out of the cesspool that it's in.
Already donated to Obama 2012 once and am about to send in an additional amount with the presidential 50th birthday card!
ReplyDeleteMe, too! The recent actions regarding the debt ceiling makes my choice even more clear and shows that he runs circles around these idyuts. He is two steps ahead on them on almost every issue.
ReplyDelete@9:09 - No,. Sorry. I lived through the debacle of 2000, where folks thought Gore wasn't "progressive" enough, and voted for Nader and others. Thus, Bush--with help of those voters, and with an assist from the Supreme Court and Katharine Harris in Fla.--was able to take the presidency for 8 years. I will NEVER sit out an election. And I will always vote for a Democrat over the corporate shills we have in the GOP/Tea-Koch Party. I have never seen more transparent corporatists in MY LIFE.
ReplyDeleteHow much did Palin rake in?
ReplyDeleteObama supporters don't to be lured with self printing merchandise.
What about a White Trash Palin 2012 bumper sticker?lol
I'm also one that donated...and, will do so again during the campaign.
ReplyDeleteI watch what these asshole Republicans are doing in Congress and I'm praying the main players are not re elected when their time comes around.
Suspect we are going to see more Dems elected. Can hardly wait. We just seen two Dems elected recently - one in CA.
They keep saying how the 'American people' are NOT behind President Obama. Yea, right you jerks...look at the polls. Love seeing the fact that Limbaugh and FOX are not winning w/their horrid lies and rhetoric.
Like Chomsky says, even if you disagree with him there is no other choice because the other side is so horrendous for our country. I choose however to not be starry-eyed about him and examine his motives and allegiances. We are still waging wars and spending most of our money on military. Obama has expanded military bases. We are continuing to have secret prisons. He is willing to negotiate with Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security while we continue to pour huge amounts of money into financing other countries. He has increased military-type raids on activists. Don't forget the imprisonment of whistle-blowers. I understand he is dealing with a country that has been polarized, but he was elected because of the things he said, then he let the crazies on the other side alter his decisions rather than work around them.
ReplyDeleteI did my part as well, my group of 50 worked as a team and recruited 25 additional helpers each , what amazed me most was how little effort it took. If you sign up at OFA, they send packets with talking points and lists of phone numbers, names and addresses in your area. Yeah, you get the occaisional asshat, but just move on. People give, on average, checks from five dollars to hundreds.
ReplyDeleteI'm so especially proud of the young people actively involved. We targeted major campus areas where a lot of first time voters are chomping at the bit to cast their first informed vote, and with the Republican line-up, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Go Obama, 2012! The future begins now!
I am VERY proud to say that I just made a small donation after reading this post. I get regular e-mails from the campaign, but haven't had the opportunity to donate until now -- you know you have to "catch" me at the right time! I will do everything I can to make sure that Obama is re-elected.