Sunday, July 17, 2011

From the "What in the hell were they thinking" file.

I don't care HOW drunk you got, there is just no excuse for that!

Just imagine, this poor bastard has to walk around wearing that butt ugly thing.

I guess there is no mystery as to why it is featured on blog called "Ugliest Tattoos."


  1. London Bridges2:43 AM

    Gee, I thought it was an iconic image which formed on a tried moose turd!

  2. Anonymous3:12 AM

    If Bristol "being taken advantage of" in a tent required 25 wine coolers, this ugly ass bumpitheaded tattoo of Sarah would be more along the lines of a 50 wine cooler night.

  3. Anonymous3:38 AM

    What, not on his ass like that military guy?

  4. Anonymous3:57 AM

    If Mrs Palin looked like Madeline Albright would we even know who she was? McCain certainly would not have chosen her for his VP! The majority of her worshipers are middle aged white men who want to do her & the others are middle aged women who want to be her!When we discuss important people from our past we generally don't include their attractiveness as one of their attributes but with Sarah that always seems to come up!

  5. Anonymous4:49 AM

    If it were on his butt, it might make sense.

  6. Anonymous4:50 AM

    What body part is that? A shin or a forearm?
    I guess if its a forearm he can save money on magazines when spanking the monkey.

  7. Anonymous4:51 AM

    OT But they've just arrested Rebekah Brooks!

    They should arrest Rupert and James as well, woohooo!

  8. Anonymous4:52 AM

    If you're going to get a tat of your idol, why choose am awkward picture like that one? There are way hot pics of her out there. That's whats so funny about this.

  9. Could he not find a picture of her with clean hair? Oh, wait. Nevermind.

  10. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Do you suppose he's gonna have plastic surgery on his arm every time she has it on her face? Just wondering how he'll keep that thing current.

  11. Anonymous5:06 AM

    She is a disgusting woman in every respect.


  12. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Now we know how she'll look mid-sixties....and I'm being generous.

  13. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Wow stupid and with Miss. Quittypants for life.

    Maybe it is his only way to get her to be close up and personal?

  14. Anonymous5:41 AM

    What a fool. That says racist, ignorant, uneducated, backward asshole.


  15. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Found this on post secret

  16. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Oh my. What a mess.

  17. So if he crosses that leg over the other knee, she is gazing adoringly at him?

  18. Anonymous6:17 AM

    I know of someone who, during election '08, named their poor dog Palin. Sarah Palin was the shiny Good Christian Star that made the liberal John McCain semi-palatable to Real Americans.

  19. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I am so glad you put up a separate post for this after I sent it to you a day ago. I always read the Ugliest Tattoos and when I saw this, well I thought it was tailor made for IM. As I said in my other post, the comments are just hilarious.

  20. Anonymous7:38 AM

    And they say they aren't worshipping her? Right.
    No wonder the first word that jumps from their mouth when confronted with someone who disagrees with her is "jealous". That's THEIR frame of mind.

  21. Anonymous7:54 AM

    At least the tat artist got her fake glasses correct.

  22. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Do they have the Dud on their other arm and Bristol the Pistol on her name's sake?

    Gryphen feel free to delete. It's just the image that seeing that horror conjured up.

    And it can't be that much grosser than that photo.

  23. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Hope his hair grows back in and we can see what Sarah will look with a beard.

  24. Anon at 8:19.....for those who think Toad is gay, $P IS the beard! Cute, but off-base. He's not.

    But can we tawk? How about that "Dr" Marcia's beard, Crazy-eyes Bachman? A Nora Desmond wannabe.

  25. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Awww Glenn Beck got a tattoo!
    How patriotic of him!

  26. F J Dandy1:42 PM

    Is that Marion, the Librarian?

  27. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Is that Rebecca Mansour's leg?

  28. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Hey........ is that RAM's arm??????

  29. Is that his leg? I notice a lot of hair above it. That leg was shaved to do the tattoo. What happens when the guy gets too lazy to keep shaving his leg? Sarah is going to look like a Werewolf.

    And here I thought she was going for Dorian Gray.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.