Thursday, July 14, 2011

Jon Stewart fights the urge to mock Michele Bachmann's husband.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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I thought this segment was FABULOUS!


  1. That was just brilliant. Add in Jerry Seinfeld and it's comedy gold: "You get Emmys for this crap?" I think that the Marcus Bachmann I'm-so-gay-but-I-advocate-pray-the-gay-away hypocrisy has gone mainstream; it will only get worse as other humorists and pundits pick up on it. Best thing about it is that Palin cannot even get much attention anymore. Not when there's such a rich comedy vein to be tapped in the Bachmann story.

  2. That was a brilliant bit. I watched it this morning.

    Gotta admit I was thinking the same thing as Jon about Marcus Bachmann...Actually, the thought crossed my mind long before this bit, just from hearing about 'pray-the-gay-away' practice. I thought for certain he had something to hide.

  3. ManxMamma9:27 AM

    Jon Stewart is brilliant.

  4. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Well there is always the Razzies. No nomination for Palin and her lame ass show.

    Outstanding Reality Show
    The Amazing Race
    American Idol
    Dancing With the Stars
    Project Runway
    So You Think You Can Dance
    Top Chef

  5. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Did you notice that Sarah had on a wig last night on Hannity and she was going for the Bachmann look? I watched part of the video on palingates and Sarah looks stoned or half drunk. She can't keep her eyes open. That woman is an idiot.

  6. Anonymous9:53 AM

    He looks like the dad in Family Guy.

  7. Anonymous9:53 AM

    John Stewart just keeps getting better and better. There is so much material on the GOP side, he will never run out of material. And, really, who does Dr. Bachmann think he's kidding?

  8. My brother was an editor for the Sioux City Journal and used his voice to advocate for the gay marriage law. He was one of many straight, Christian Iowans who supported this law.

    He died in 2009. I wish he were still here to take on Bachmann and Palin and all the other phonies.

  9. Anonymous9:56 AM

    OMG Had never heard Bachman speak before...............Gaydar, Radar, Gaydar, Radar, beep beep beep. Would LOVE to know more about this man's life and childhood. I bet the skeletons in his closet are suffocating already just dying to get out. Oh how much fun this is going to be. Sorry, scara, there is something more funny to laugh at, you can leave now.

  10. Anonymous10:09 AM

    That might be my favorite segment of the Daily Show ever. He also took my favorite thought and ran with it. Marcus is Cam in a suit!

    There is other videos of Marcus. It is very obvious that his practice is self-loathing.

  11. Is it just me or does "Batshit Bachmann's" hubby look like Peter Griffin from Family Guy? It looks like the same set of balls on BOTH their

  12. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Michelle Bachmans voice is almost as irritating as Sarah Palins.

  13. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Just was notified that Levi Johnston's book will be published a week ahead of least, I'm receiving the copy I ordered a week earlier.

    Can hardly wait and I wish him much success!

  14. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Michelle Bachmann has absolutely no gaydar at all. Her husband all but screams homosexual. Its always people like him that gay bash the most because they cannot and will not deal with their own sexuality.

  15. Pat in MA10:55 AM

    Saw this last night - comedy gold. Side by side of dancing Marcus and Eric Stonestreet (Cameron) from Modern Family was hysterical.

  16. BAustin10:57 AM

    ....then there's the video of Mr Bachmann practically skipping down the hallway at one of his wifes events.

  17. My dear step-brother was one of the first AIDS deaths in the early 1980's. He was raised as a Mormon and even went on a "Mission" for his church. Though I always knew he was Gay, he wasn't able to bring himself to come out of the closet. Even to his uber-progressive step-sister.

    I blame people like Marcus Bachmann for creating such a climate of hate for Gay people! My husband and I now live on the island of Maui and we LOVE the freedom here. Our beloved neighbor (who grew up in a racist family in Arkansas -- and was the fourth child born to a 17-year-old mother!)had her name legally changed to "Lesbian Zami Sappho Dyke." Now, that's coming out!! Marcus should try it. It's FREEDOM, Marcus!

  18. Enjay in E MT11:33 AM

    How can anyone NOT look at Marcus Bachmann and say it's choice not biology?

    The 'choice' may be praying away the desires and OPTING for hetero lifestyle - but he appears to be walking-talking proof it is biology.

  19. Marcus seems to clearly understand the 'curiosity' first hand. Flaming gay he is! I love that Stewart sees it like it is and runs with it.

    What is strange is that Marcus makes no attempt to modify the 'flaming' which does seem to be a choice. I have a lot of gay neighbors/friends and, for most of them anyway, no one would guess they were gay based on their voices or mannerisms.

  20. "Dr" Marcia is going to have one more issue to deal with soon: how he, personally, simply by existing, scuttled his wife's chances at being the Rethug nominee.

  21. Enjay in E MT12:05 PM

    Politico is reporting SarahPac for last 6 month period raising a whopping 1.6 Mil

    Oh yea, what did Obama raise in the last Quarter???

  22. The segment with Marcus Bachmann and Eric Stonestreet dancing side-by-side: Wow, the most out-of-control laughter I've ever experienced. Even more hilarious when you stop to realize that Stonestreet is acting.

  23. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Breaking News

    FBI launches investigation into Rupert Murdoch's News Corp amid 9/11 hacking allegations.

  24. Anonymous12:17 PM

    O/T, but the FB has launched an investigation into Murdoch's News Corp.!!!!

  25. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Fucking brilliant.The Dr. has a beard.

  26. Anonymous12:28 PM

    When anyone tells me that being gay is a choice, I ask them just when did you choose to be heterosexual? That usually shuts them up.

  27. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Has anything come out to suggest MB is gay other than some suggestive behaviors when walking or dancing (which my husband says are equivocal). Have been any sightings at gay "places"?
    Are people really convinced MB is gay? or are people talking because it's funny and a way to get at someone who deserves to be gotten.
    These are honest questions. Sometimes I'm naive :~

  28. Anonymous1:24 PM

    @9:46 AM - I went over to Palingates to check it out and you're right. that was a bad wig. The bangs were totally wrong, and it sure looked like the MB hairstyle. And it really wasn't that flattering to her. Was she trying to copy? or usurp? MB's image.

  29. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Bravo! Stewart at his best!

    Marcus does look like a dancing queen, maybe he should go on dwts to boost his wife's ratings.

  30. onething11:12 PM

    I haven't seen enough of Marcus to form an opinion of his personal fairy factor, but after watching enough of these types go down in flames (get it?) that I've come to the conclusion that anyone who works that hard to suppress gayness is, well, suppressing gayness.

    I mean, a normal person just has better things to do. No, no, I don't mean normal as in "not gay" I mean normal as in not full of inner conflict.


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