Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jon Stewart pokes fun at the hypocrisy of the Fox News channel becoming defensive over the Oslo terrorist being labeled a "Christian."

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
In the Name of the Fodder
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I LOVED this segment last night, and thought that Stewart did an amazing job of mocking the Fox News talking heads. So of course I felt I needed to share it with you.

I actually almost forgot about it because there was so much going on today. 

However perhaps saving it for last is not so bad as it is a great way to end our day, don't you think?

Oh, and there is SO much more coming tomorrow. Stay tuned!


  1. Gasman9:29 PM

    I find it amusing that Bill O'Reilly gets his dildo stuck on high at the thought of Breivik - baptized and raised a Christian, professing Christian belief, idolizing Christian warriors - being labeled Christian.

    How come Islam is subjected to collective guilt for the actions of individuals while Christianity is not? O'Reilly CONSTANTLY blames all of Islam for the actions of a damn few Islamic fundamentalist extremists. Why is it not equally valid to blame all of Christianity for the actions of Christian fundamentalist extremists?

    How come O'Reilly gets to be the arbiter of who is and who is not Christian? Who appointed him in that role? Who the fuck made him pope?

    So, according to O'Reilly, a lone gunman/bomber who commits mass murder forfeits all claims to Christianity, but a president of the U.S. who lies us into an illegal war which causes exponentially more deaths, and as an added bonus embarks on a systematic program of torture, can remain a Christian in good standing.

    I wonder how Jesus would feel about that?

  2. Anonymous10:06 PM

    pssst - Breivik is extreme right-wing alsotoo. Don't tell anyone.

  3. Anonymous3:21 AM

    O/T: Grapevine AMC 30 is blessedly free of "The Oft-Defeated".

    On topic: Very funny and truthful clip of Jon Stewart. I also listened to about two minutes of Bill O'Reilly pretty much shouting about how "the media" was trying to smear christians.

    I bet Breivik's testimony is going to be interesting. The judge refused to let him appear in court in a black uniform, instead of prison clothes. Nutjob supreme, and the trial will only lend credibility to Joe McGinniss and Leah Burton's work.

  4. Jon Stewart is brilliant.

  5. I had never been able to interest my children in things political until the past couple years by steering them toward Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert and the occasional dose of Bill Maher.

    Old codgers like O'Reilly and Hannity do themselves a serious disservice by dismissing them as mere 'comedians' and 'jokesters'. They are awakening a new generation of liberal, intelligent young minds who will not be so easily fooled by right-wing, freedom crushing propaganda and especially that tinged with fake religosity.

  6. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I thank Dog everyday for Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and for asshats like Billy, "the go to guy for Christian opinion" O'Reilly and Sean "Pee diddler" Hannity.

    Stewart and Colbert have made the jump from comedian to political pundits so well, that Fox News just can't keep up with supplying them material for their craft.

    If Al Franken can become an effective politician, then surely these two can as well.


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