Saturday, July 30, 2011

Laura Ingraham blasts Sarah Palin's ghostwritten Facebook post. Seriously?

Courtesy of Politico:

Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham, one of the high-profile certified non-moderates urging the GOP to support John Boehner's debt ceiling bill, leveled criticism at Sarah Palin during today's show for raising the prospect of 2012 primary challenges to House Republicans.

Palin published a Facebook message Thursday urging Republicans to stand firm on fiscal issues, adding: "Everyone I talk to still believes in contested primaries."

"Well, just, watch out, 'Everyone I talk to still believes in contested primaries.' God bless her, Sarah Palin's saying that in a message she put out," Ingraham said.

She proceeded to run through a list of conservatives who have endorsed Boehner's plan, quipping sarcastically: "I guess we're threatening, implicitly, explicitly, Paul Ryan, Col. Allen West, Mike Pence is gonna be out of the House of Representatives. He'll be the governor of Indiana. Maybe we can run someone else as governor of Indiana, to run for the governorship, 'cause Pence is obviously a sellout. Can I have the whole list of sellouts? I need the list so I can make sure I understand who's going to get the primary challenge."

"It's a very odd way to go about things if we have a common goal," Ingraham continued, urging tea party-aligned Republicans to seek a "real and meaningful" role — "not just, ok, I'm the spoiler here. I stood on principle, everybody else is impure."

"You can stand on that soapbox and it might make you feel good in the moment. It make might you feel good to put out these Facebook postings," she said. "But in the end, does it actually advance your cause? And does it advance the cause of fiscal restraint, which I think we all have?"

Interesting, it looks like Palin's scorched earth philosophy is not selling well with the people who have some rudimentary connection to reality.

After all Ingraham is pretty damn wingnutty her own darn self, so if Palin starts losing the batshit crazy crowd, she will end up simply standing next to an isolated lake in a remote part of the world talking to herself.

Though come to think of it, that is already kind of what she is doing NOW!

Only in the rapidly approaching future, nobody will bother to pay any attention to what the crazy lady is screaming into the chilly Alaskan night.  Pretty sure Todd and her kids (Except Bristol of course) stopped listening to her quite some time ago.


  1. ingraham really said "everbody else is impure" in reference to ANYTHING in/about current politics?

    to me, that seems weirder than her saying it while referencing SP..... really? "impure"?

    that show's her own bizarro-world mixing of her religion and her politics "reporting" right there.....

    so if even she thinks SPalin is a joke dear sarah should take note....

  2. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Time to start calling 641-512-8101 to check on the sheet home showing of "The Retarded". I left a message asking if wine coolers will be served.


  3. angela3:02 AM

    What I love is the way she makes Sarah look like a toilet paper eating idiot to be pitied. She gently lets it be known that Palin is out of her element. I personally loathe Ingraham and to say she has a better grip on the debt ceiling than Palin is basically not a compliment because everyone but Sarah and 60 bagger congresspeople have a better grip on it.

    Damn those GOPers are a mean lot, but they always try to take each other down like they are leading their crazed buddies who just ate a couch to the happy place with bread crumbs and copies of Newsmax. She'll apologize to the Quitter next week.

  4. That is really what $arah has been doing all along, standing on her little soapbox and posting on facebook and pretending that she is newsworthy.

    Nobody cares about $arah anymore, she is so yesterday. Maybe she needs to buy a clue; everybody realizes by now that she is mentally deranged and a trashy mess.

  5. Anonymous4:11 AM

    In time people will not want Palin to promote them for she does not hesitate to exact revenge and threaten to disempower or destroy anyone she believes she is entitled to control. Palin is delusional and abusive demanding people be under her thumb and do what she orders.

    Her support of candidates had strings attached and she is yanking them like a leash now. The freshmen elected will learn they were to serve Palin, obey not serve the people or contribute to the better or good of all.

    Palin has also sent demands and dictated to the POTUS. She is like the Wizard of Oz. When people do not obey she sends Todd, chief flying monkey to do her bidding. Then she cries wolf using words false allegations to manipulate and marshall her loyal subjects under her thrall to destroy anyone not compliant to be subjugated to her.

  6. Anonymous4:40 AM

    And so the process of the establisment Republican Party's attempt to rid themselves of the monster that THEY created begins. They told Tea Partiers a year ago, NOT to compromise on certain issues, NOT to "retreat", in order to get the majority that THEY wanted in congress. Now, with this debt ceiling crisis, the Establisment sees the monster finally threatening their bread-and-butter crowd, the super-wealthy, and it's time to use their lies and double-speak against them. I can only imagine all of the confusion among the most naive TP'ers: wait, I thought it was supposed to always be "all or nothing"--now they are saying to "give in"?
    Get it poor, working class, elderly, and idealistic Tea Partiers? Get it now? YOU WERE USED. The Establishment Republican Party NEVER cared about YOU or the USA. They told you what you needed to hear to get your support, and now they are done with you.

  7. Anonymous4:45 AM

    I'm pretty sure Sarah is now the only politician to actually construct her own facebook and twitter posts. It's very rare but that's definitely her.

  8. Anonymous5:08 AM

    It's all heading towards a TP third party...And I, for one, will be glad to see the GOP free from the nutballs. Not that there aren't nutballs in the GOP -- there are. But if we could just go back to the way it used to be where GOP senators and congressman at least were semi-intelligent. ie -- I miss Alan Simpson.

  9. Anonymous5:23 AM

    'Ya gotta love the folks who post on Wonkette:


    "Every time Sarah Palin pretends to say something informed about the economy, an angel is thrown headfirst into a turkey decapitator."

  10. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Of course 3:02 a.m. What sells out the most at a redneck bar? Ladies night and mud wrasslin women. So, public catfight - yeehaw doggie! and Ingrahams publicity folks know it - cause Laura's always been fightin' Coulter, and now COulter is on the wane. Laura got herself a two-fer.

  11. SusieQ5:33 AM

    It's beautiful, really. Ingraham is showing us just how splintered the party really is and for that, I thank her.

  12. Anonymous5:47 AM

    The Wasilla Retard knows she is not running, why not just come out and admit?

    Sarah wants to shear her sheep a few more times before September and her followers will turn on her for playing them.

  13. Olivia6:03 AM

    Apparently, the rest of the nutters are now starting to see and/or admit that Sarah Palin is an empty vessel. They have tolerated and encouraged the drivel that she spews as if it had substance or relevance, all the while knowing that the word salads coming out of her pie hole are just jumbled together out of some random word generator.

  14. Anonymous6:09 AM

    There is no one that Sarah Palin won't make an enemy of. No one. She is now threatening the very legislators who are most in line with her positions. And, she's dividing conservatives by doing so (while unifying everyone else). Just sit back and let this woman keep talking. She practically does our work for us.

  15. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Wow, these very same legislators she's threatening have been putting forth bill after bill right in line with her righwing agenda, and the one time they pause to give some thought on an issue, she immediately threatens them?

    This is going to backfire on her, because not even the most rabid rightwinger appreciates such threats and attempts at intimidation. She's burning bridge after bridge.

  16. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Of course Sarah Palin wants this country to default. That will probably cause interest rates to skyrocket, along with suicide rates of anyone mortgaged to the hilt. And it will make the holders of these loans and mortgages even richer than they already are.

    She's pretty evil, isn't she?

  17. Perhaps the sane republicans realize their party went to bed with demons and woke up with them too?

    Just saying in a spiritual warfare kind of way.

  18. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Uh oh!! Does anyone else think Sarah will respond to this? She has to-I mean how dare Laura talk down to queen Sarah like that. Shameful!Just Shameful! Surely Laura hasn't experienced the wrath of Palinbots yet.
    I'm sure C for P will defend her holiness. Has anyone looked at C for P?

  19. laura better woman up, now. y'hear?
    too fucking funny. ingraham is an ugly piece of shit too, but she is smarter than a cheese grater. $arah, not so much.

  20. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Palin is such a stupid idiot that she doesn't realize Alaska will get a very bad deal if the federal government defaults. Alaska depends more on federal $ than almost any other state. Nice going dumb ass... cut off your stupid nose to spite your moronic face.
    Ditto for every other welfare state (mostly red and southern). The idiot teabagger representatives will be tarred, feathered, and run out of their respective towns should they ever dare to go back home.

  21. Well, $arah doesn't understand what she's saying, doesn't know who's on what side, and doesn't understand the way legislation is done. She's a dip$shit. Hoping she'll disappear from the public discourse soon...

  22. 4:45 am - I'm pretty sure Sarah is the only person to construct her twitter & facebook posts

    That's for damn sure she is doing them because the posts reek of stupidity, uneducated woman ranting, and very jr. high school posts. Sarah is just an anti-social unintelligent middle-aged mentally ill woman who seeks revenge and hate on everyone anymore.

  23. Anonymous8:00 AM

    There is no bigger fool than $arah Paylin and that whore of a daughter she birthed.

  24. emrysa8:12 AM

    I can't stand ingraham. when you consider her other venomous rantings she was really pretty easy on the quitter here. didn't want to rock the boat TOO hard.

  25. Anonymous8:23 AM

    4:45 am anomys I's pretty sure Sarah is the only politician to construct her twitter and facebook posts now. That's pretty rare....

    First let me correct several things in your comment that I am sure you were not aware of when you commented.

    Sarah is NOT a politician - she quit. She is unemployed and is not running for anything except maybe insane idiot of the decade.

    Many, many elected officials do their own twitter and facebook posts themselves.

    There is nothing rare about $arah Palin except she is a racist, uses her sex in a derogatory way, is uneducated, a compulsive liar, has no morals and a traitor to this country.

  26. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Sarah Palin is stupid. Laura Ingram is not much smarter.

  27. JayKen Knotstirred9:16 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trig's birth certificate?

  28. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Nothing better than watching them eat their own. I used to feel sorry for those old ass farts (her followers) but when I saw this comment at c4p, I thought you know, Game On!

    John Norton, making a joke about Driving Miss Nancy:

    "I was trying to make a joke ,refering to Rep. Clyburn ,Pelosis shoufuer..."

    Racist idiots and assholes.

  29. Anonymous9:47 AM

    4:45 said: "I'm pretty sure Sarah is now the only politician to actually construct her own facebook and twitter posts. It's very rare but that's definitely her."

    Well, she should, considering that she has NO JOB. Loser.

  30. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I love ya, Gryphen, and I don't mean to be nit-picky, but the italics are really starting to confuse me. I can usually tell what's your commentary because it's not italicized, but in about 6 posts over the last week the italics seem pretty much random.

  31. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Wingnut Catfight at the Not-OK Corral. High Noon.

  32. Nancy In New York12:19 PM

    Is it just me, or is Granny starting to look more psychotic by the day?

    That screen shot is damn scary.

  33. Anonymous3:02 PM

    508am You can take Alan Simpson and go back with all the conservative Rethuglicans to hell or where ever. That man was not a good senator he had to leave the senate because he was presented the bad things he had done and felt it was time to go before legal charges would be presented in the proper place. Why the president picked that man for anything is a mystery. It makes one wonder if the president truely is a conservative rethuglican just shining the rest of us.

  34. Anonymous9:00 PM

    This picture says everything about the debt ceiling discussion...

  35. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Laura Ingraham is not a conservative. She was blasted by Mark Levin on 7/29. I stopped listening to her 8 months ago. It's like listening to Michael Medved. I only listen to Rush, Levin, and Bruce. I think O'Reilly is rubbing off on her.


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