Thursday, July 07, 2011

Prosecutors release damaging new information about militia member who plotted against Alaska law enforcement.

As I wrote just last month, Coleman Barney, one of Schaeffer Cox's buddies who helped to plot the murder of State Troopers and local judges, was able to get his bail reduced from 2 million dollars to a mere $100,000. Once that was accomplished his supporters have taken up collections to raise the money, and his legal team has been working hard to get Coleman out of jail and reintroduced back into his community. (Courtesy of the Alaska Dispatch)

Barney's defense attorney has told the court that there are good reasons to let the man go home to his work and family. The state court, in which Barney faces the most serious charges, has already agreed to it. The 36-year-old lifelong Alaskan, businessman and father of five is also a respected and active member of his church. He is stable, hard working, looks out for his family and others and "has a history of contributing to the community, not destroying it," Tim Dooley, Barney's attorney, wrote in a motion filed recently with the court. To reinforce this point Dooley included several letters of support from Barney's friends and relatives.

As you can imagine this has not gone over well with many Alaskans, nor with the federal prosecutors who put the case together against Cox and his fellow conspirators, and who have now released heretofore unknown information to paint quite a different picture of Cox than the one his defense team wants to define their client.

Prosecutors are urging the judge to not be fooled, and to help the judge make up his mind they’ve offered new details about the day of Barney's arrest and evidence found at his home and other locations.

"Coleman Barney, father of five, business owner and member of the community referenced in the defense pleadings and in letters of support, is not the same Coleman Barney who elected to arrive to an illegal arms sale wearing body armor and carrying two loaded pistols. It is not the Coleman Barney who, during this arms sale held and examined with his own hands what he thought were live hand grenades, and a pistol silencer combination. It was not the same Coleman Barney who sought to purchase tactical weapons which only exist to kill either violently, secretly, or furtively," prosecutor Stephen Skrocki wrote in a motion filed Wednesday opposing Barney"s release.

Skrocki goes on: "To this sale, Coleman Barney arrived with a similarly armed and equipped fugitive/co-conspirator whom he (and without doubt his spouse) supported and harbored for several weeks amongst his own family of small children while hatching a plan to murder state of Alaska law enforcement officers and a state court judge. To assist this fugitive/co-conspirator, Schaffer Cox, Barney secreted and left in a very public place -- a well known and popular winter festival -- a trailer he owned, loaded with tactically directed weapons of warfare -- two live grenades, grenade making components, 18 grenade shells, grenade launchers, a belt-fed Browning semi-automatic machine gun, and other militarily offensive firearms and ammunition."

"The decision to deposit this trailer in such a public place defies explanation and speaks volumes concerning character. In leaving the trailer in plain view, Barney placed the needs of his cause and his allegiance to his co-conspirator above those of who lived in his community. The risk of harm to the attendees, which included children of all ages, were very real and very significant."

You know I can't speak for all Alaskans here, but my opinion is that this guy needs to be kept locked away until after his trial, which I dearly hope earns him a life sentence in a Federal penitentiary someplace far, far away from Alaska.

By the way, through my sources I have also heard that the Feds informant in this case, William Fulton, is also understandably displeased to learn that this nutjob might be allowed out into the community, and considers that to be an extremely dangerous decision if in fact it is allowed to happen.

Cox and his buddies know full well that the case against them partially hinges on the testimony of "Drop Zone Bill" Fulton, and having Barney out on the streets trying to tie up loose ends, places him and his family in grave danger.


  1. Anonymous9:02 AM

    So was he released to be with his family regardless of this information or is the judge still deciding?

  2. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Is Fulton in witness protection? If he is communicating using his own name, that would seem to indicate that he is not. Not good. Since the judge dropped bail so dramatically, it would seem he's pro-defense here. I'd be unhappy if I were Fulton, too.

  3. Anonymous10:03 AM

    That is just amazing--a man charged with targeting a judge, etc. seems like a no-brainer for someone to be kept safely locked up. Especially with his co-conspirator being on the run. I guess church-going doesn't mean what most of us think it means... Church of the Holy Gun?

  4. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I'm glad the Feds are involved, and I'm glad they're PISSED at the judge. They should be. They don't mess around, esp when they've invested that kind of time and money in building a case. I'm glad the prosecutors are releasing more info--I hope this triggers a huge outcry not only against Barney, but against the idiot judge as well.

    The whole judicial and administrative structure in Alaska reminds me SO much of what I've read about Huey Long's Louisiana in the 1930s (basis for the book and film "All the King's Men"). Someone needs to write an Alaska/Palin version!

  5. Anonymous10:20 AM

    This story should be given national attention. National scrutiny should be brought on this judge. This is domestic terrorism.

  6. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I would give him a piece of advice...don't drive on any road where the State Patrol has the opportunity to stop you :)Just saying, our men in blue take care of their own.
    wink wink a broken tail light, speeding, driving too fast for road conditions, going over the center line. If I was him I'd walk everywhere for the rst of his time in AK.

    I do not agree that he should be let out and I can't believe that the judicial system in AK is so corrupt that they don't protect their own officers.

  7. Anonymous10:41 AM

    " also a respected and active member of his church."

    Why does this rationalize a free pass for him? What if the phrase were modified a bit to read:

    " also a respected and active member of his cult."

    Perhaps it's way past time for us to assume than anyone who goes to some church has a moral edge? After all, "By their works ye shall know them."

  8. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Looks like a real winner in that photo... Like who wants to talk to a guy with a semi automatic acting like a protective cup?

  9. angela11:02 AM

    I'm with Anon 10:41 on this one.

    I am getting sick of people using the fact that these domestic terrorist assholes go to church to make people think they are somehow redeemable.
    Hell, pedophile priests were in church every day. It means nothing . . . .

  10. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Imagine if you would that one word was substituted in the argument. " a respected and active member of his mosque". Does anyone believe that he wouldn't be charged with domestic terrorism and completely out of the jurisdiction of Alaska.

    Is there a national journalist who can take this on to shine a light on this judge?

  11. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I wish Maddow would cover this.

    She is currently doing a great job hammering away at Exon regarding its Yellowstone disaster.

    Every time she goes after something big time, others in the media pay attention.

    I agree, this needs to get national attention because there are countless militia around the country - each probably containing a few nutcases like this guy.

    If I lived where he does, I'd be very concerned about the safety of my family and the police.

    What is it with that judge? Maybe the feds will check his bank account to see if he's been paid off.

  12. Anonymous11:26 AM

    The man who killed Dr. Tiller in Wichita not only killed the doctor in the doctor's church on a Sunday when the doctor was acting as an usher, the killer considered himself a very upright, religious man.

    Church-going people are just people. Period. In fact, in some ways, they are more dangerous if their "faith" is fundamentalist or they think they are acting with the "grace" of God.

    Going to church doesn't make you a moral, compassionate person.

    See the subtitle of this blog for clarification. It is all about an individual's character (and sanity).

  13. Anonymous11:31 AM

    " also a respected and active member of his church."

    Church, the magic word! Which church and what do they teach? Do they condone murder conspiracies, and congregants who possess small arsenals and munitions trailers who also hide fugitives? Does "respected and active" church member mean these criminal actions this creep is charged with should be lessened or diminished because he attends church (and that somehow makes him an upstanding citizen)?

    These vigilante militia nuts are dangerous, and when caught in the middle of criminal activities, it comes out that they are often tangled up with some far out crazy religious beliefs. (For example: Mich. Hutaree militia group, "We, the Hutaree, are prepared to defend all those who belong to Christ and save those who aren't. We will still spread the word, and fight to keep it, up to the time of the great coming."

    Perhaps this church did not know about this "respected member". But who knows? These days, "God" is often used to justify all sorts of heinous behaviors. (Fred Phelps and Terry Jones)

  14. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I wonder what kind of a 'Mad Max' world this POS envisions?

    If we did 'live' in the Teabagging utopia he fantasizes about, he'd be hung for insurection!

  15. Anonymous2:56 PM

    This man is scary.

  16. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Not just Drop Zone Bill and his family is now again in danger but so are the families of all Alaska's various peace keepers.
    Not just the cops themselves who are armed and armored and trained but their unarmed, unarmored families.

    Jeebus, who paid off the judge?

    His/her name wouldn't happen to Posner would it?


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