Monday, July 18, 2011

Somebody fixed Sarah Palin's movie poster for her. I bet she won't even thank them either.

 Now THAT is truth in advertising.

(All credit goes to the amazing AzureGhost.)


  1. Brilliant.

  2. Anonymous8:37 PM

    That is hilarious, and then some !

  3. Anonymous8:49 PM

    0% at Rotten Tomatoes. I hope that she's also nominated for a Razzie. That's winning!

  4. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I can't see it!!!!


  5. That's our Azure! She is the best!

  6. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Seriously, Becky Mansewer clapping with that panty-sniffing grin, alone in the audience, is perfection.

  7. Anonymous9:03 PM


  8. Anonymous9:03 PM

    caint see it neither (google chrome)

  9. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Sobs! I can't see it either! Wuz up wid dat??

  10. Anonymous9:08 PM

    There is no photo!! I've tried twice to pull it up so that it shows.

  11. wakeUpAmerica9:09 PM

    I couldn't see it either until I clicked on "AzureGhost"

  12. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Is that the way it is suppose to be 'a blank'? Good one, if so!

  13. Sorry about that.

    The picture should show up now.

  14. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I wish I'd thought of this! Absolutely comically perfect.

  15. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Too funny!

    Thanks, I needed that.

  16. Anonymous9:39 PM

    OMG..LMAO!! Perfect!

  17. Anonymous9:42 PM

    She isn't going to like this!!! Her refrigerator door must be full of nothing but holes by now.

    That horrid photo of her face when she makes those ugly glares - it couldn't be happening to a more deserving person!!!! She's as ugly inside as she project on the exterior.

  18. EX Cat10:04 PM

    So sideshow sarah, How's that Look at meeeee thingy werkin out fer ya?

  19. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Azure: Brilliant!

  20. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I have TRIED to make that face, and I can't! (try it) The emotion that causes that face must be one that she feels often as it comes so naturally. She is NOT a happy person, that's fer sure.

  21. Loose Era10:37 PM

    OT but Daily Caller (!) is reporting that Bachmann has "episodes" that leave her incapacitated for hours or more, sometimes once a week....I am no fan but this little rumor has Sarah's fingerprints ALL OVER IT. What better entree for her?

  22. Gasman11:22 PM

    The stunning, breathtaking, nearly silent indifference that met Palin's opening was perfect. Even the teabaggers couldn't be bothered with this dreck. I guess that it's so bad even they realize it's not worth spending their money on.

    I bet Palin is glad she invested in this narcissistic pile of dung.

    So, after this dismal failure of an opening, and with all of the scathing reviews, who the hell is going to go see this piece of crap NOW?

    I wonder if they will even have the stomach to spend the money to send it to DVD? Would anyone even buy THAT? I bet they'd lose money on that, too.

    An embarrassing, humiliating smack down for Palin AND Murdoch is looking at the end of his empire and wondering if he'll be somebody's wrinkly old bitch in prison!

    Man, has this been a great week, or WHAT!?!?

  23. Anonymous12:18 AM

    I see Rebecca Mansour (Ram) is the only one in the audience.

  24. Good one, Azure! And I'm wondering . . . can Sarah see the empty theater from her house?

  25. Anonymous1:32 AM

    @10:28 said...
    "I have TRIED to make that face, and I can't! (try it) The emotion that causes that face must be one that she feels often as it comes so naturally. She is NOT a happy person, that's fer sure."

    Oh you are so funny! I can't make that face either. I even got a mirror out and tried it, nope, no can do. LMAO trying tho!

    The weird thing is I have been studying body language and one exercise he has us do is to make the face of the subject and notice what emotion you feel. But with that face Sarah is making, if I can't make the face, I can't feel the emotion. IMO her face looks like a spoiled 5 year old.

  26. AKRNC1:37 AM

    Nope, she won't thank them for it. However, I will--great job, Azure Ghost! I've seen the other posters you did and was impressed by those but this one is my favorite, by far! I wonder which one $arah likes best? Maybe we should ask her!

  27. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Anonymous said...
    0% at Rotten Tomatoes. I hope that she's also nominated for a Razzie. That's winning!

    8:49 PM


    Funny, but no, I don't want her nominated for anything. I want her to fade into obscurity, and then a jail cell.

  28. Anonymous2:16 AM

    It's brilliant, Azure Ghost, brilliant!

    The RAM insert was genius...well, the entire thing was. : )

  29. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Love, love, love that! Hope it goes viral also, too.

  30. Anonymous2:43 AM

    I saw this on It's from the comment section and thought it was funny and wanted to share:

    Alexander Thornade 1 day ago

    The premiere was awesome. I didn`t expected and as I can see, a lot of people didn`t.

    Atticus Dogsbody 22 hours ago in reply to Alexander Thornade

    Is Palinglish your first langauge, Alexander? You seem quite proficient.

    Thorace Bunghole 19 hours ago in reply to Alexander Thornade

    Alexander, if life gives you thorns, make thornade!

  31. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Love, love, love that! Hope it goes viral also, too.

  32. Wonderful poster.
    Then, also, too, there is Bristol's "book": Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #4,316 in Books

  33. FloridaDem2:46 AM

    What a perfect poster. The great thing is, none of this is actually manufactured. Her face is real, she wore that ridiculous helmet, RAM unfortunately is real,'s just priceless.

    She should do one for Bristol's book tour called "The Unbelievable."

  34. Anonymous2:48 AM


    OMG, the pic of RAM in the audience just about made me hurl my coffee!! Thanks Gryphen, for providing a big belly laugh first thing in the morning.

    R in NC

  35. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Hey FOX can you see now? Can you read now? How are your rave reviews? The House of Murdoch is falling down and Sarah and her ilk thought they had all this nasty power to say and do to others, whatever they wanted.

    Hang on folks, Bannon said he is making another to drop just before Iowa and it will be earth shattering.Can't wait!

    Bannon 0 Azure Ghost 10

  36. Beldar TeamLulu Conehead3:30 AM

    Awesomeness! How many tickets does a Mobilizer have to buy to receive THIS poster signed by the director?

  37. RAM sitting in background is beyond funny.

  38. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Love it! RAM and the pitbull together forever!

  39. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Hilarious; especially RAM in the audience with glowing approval.

  40. Ripley4:13 AM

    OMG. RAM as the only audience member, with her hands like that.... PRICELESS

  41. Anonymous4:32 AM

    I want a big shiny one to hang in my bathroom! Can Azure market this?

  42. Anonymous5:11 AM

    ha ha ha ha! Now that's funny.

  43. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Fantastic. I love Penguin RAM in the background, applauding her lesser.

    RAM is a poor man's Sarah, what you'd get if you pushed her inner nastiness to her outward appearance.

    If only the microphones were lowered to chest-level, then Sarah and her admirers could fantasize about her cup size.

  44. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Haha! Love it!

  45. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Have you noticed that Bristol's lack of comprehension and critical thinking skills actually work in her favor re: footage?

    You can't capture an ugly face like Sarah can't help but show (she thinks emoting keeps her down to earth appealing while she chatters her nonsense and pretends she knows what she is talking about) because that vapid twit keeps her face free of emotion because of unencumbered idiocy.

    What do you know? Slow witted actually works in Brisdull's favor.

  46. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I actually didn't see The Penguin in the lower left corner until my second look. Nice to start the day off with a laugh.

  47. DebinWI6:44 AM

    OMG, Azureghost, that was awesome! I especially liked Becky in the audience, her one and only fan.

    Someone should have warned me to put the coffee down.

  48. Wow, thank you Gryphen - I'm honored! I'm really glad to hear that folks enjoyed this one. I sure had a lot of fun putting it together! Please feel free to use any of my Palin spoofs on your blog, and let me know if you have ideas for new ones. :-)


  49. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Brava! Azure Ghost, this is perfect!

    The villiage idiots will surely be up in arms over this, but when did the truth ever mean anything to them?

  50. Anonymous8:25 AM

    love it! Especially RAM, Sarah's brain, sitting alone in the audience.....Priceless!

  51. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Azureghost: Wow, this was is an excellent and hilarious image! I especially love RAM in the background with her hands pressed together and Sara's 'sour milk' face knowing that she's stuck with two piles of steaming moose nuggets (this movie & RAM).

  52. Anonymous9:01 AM

    The Great Gazoo!

  53. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I wish you knew how to hack websites like someone did to Fox News yesterday, where it redirected to a story that Rupert Murdoch had died. I would LOVE to have "The Unintelligent" redirect to this poster! Great job!

  54. Anonymous11:55 AM


  55. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I remember Bristol used to wear a helmet like that to protect her head from banging against Sarah's headboard.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.