Monday, August 01, 2011

As promised here is the update on the long awaited book about Sarah Palin's faked pregnancy, and the culpability of the American press for not revealing the deception.

Just smile Todd. Trust me, NOBODY will ever figure out what we did.
Thank you for patiently waiting through the weekend for this update.  With no further ado, I will let Fred fill you in on the book's progress and just when we can expect to see it in our local bookstores.

The book is nearly finished, and large sections of the book were turned into our publisher's legal department in late June. We are still shooting for a release date within the next four - six weeks. 

However, there have been some hold-ups, and I'll share the status of that now. I noticed that after Gryphen kindly posted my request for title ideas back in May, many people asked if there were going to be any great new revelations in the book. Would we finally have the answer? At the time, the answer to that was - honestly - no. 

My original hope for the book was to, first, present, in one place, an iron clad summary of the material that have been collected by multiple researchers that Sarah Palin's pregnancy with Trig was not as presented to the public in March and April of 2008. One way that the mainstream media has been able to ignore the story is that the bits and pieces have been scattered on multiple blogs and websites, and presented piecemeal. Each piece, then, is argued about and ignored individually. The weight of the story, however, when presented as a coherent whole, becomes overwhelming. Crafting this "coherent whole" was and continues to be a very difficult job. For example, there are actually about fifty separate photos from the time frame of March 4th through April 18th that are relevant to the story, and tough decisions had to be made about what material to put in the book and what to leave out, since we simply cannot use it all. The main market for the book is going to be those who know almost nothing of the story. Too little evidence and the story falls flat. Too much and the main point - that the media ignored terribly glaring inconsistencies in multiple areas - gets lost. 

Secondly, the thrust of the book was to show how and why the mainstream media first during the campaign and second, since, have ignored the story

The "smoking gun" was the presentation of all the material together in such a way that the weight of the evidence made the idea that she had faked the pregnancy plausible beyond any reasonable doubt. As I am an attorney, the reasonable doubt angle is one that I explored a great deal in the chapters on the pregnancy evidence.This was, as I said, the original plan for the book.

Then, on June 10th, thousands of pages of Palin's emails were released. Within 24-48 hours, the Palin apologists were shouting, "There's nothing to see here!" and encouraging everyone to move on, even though no one could possibly have read even a fraction of the mail in that time. 

One extraordinarily interesting discrepancy was pointed out by Gryphen in his blog on June 13th, when he shared the enormous disconnect of Palin sending herself a draft copy of the letter she intended to release to friends and family after the baby was born. This letter was sent six weeks before Palin's announced due date and eleven days before the child's announced "birth." Numerous other media outlets had already commented on the letter, most taking the position that it actually "proved" Sarah Palin was Trig's mother, with none noticing the eye-popping discrepancy that she referred to her pregnancy in the past tense and as "easy" when she still supposedly had six weeks to go.

This discovery led me to believe that there was "plenty to see here." I put any new writing and editing on hold as I, with the help of two very dedicated research helpers, have pored over emails. Our persistence has paid off. The bread crumbs are tiny (more like crumbs of crumbs), but the trail is there. No, of course there is no email stating, "I woke up this morning and decided to fake a pregnancy." If there were, it would have been found weeks ago and the story would be over. 

But, as any good Catholic school-boy knows, there are sins of commission, and sins of omission. 

Those who spent months (paid for by the state of Alaska) redacting Sarah Palin's emails likely pulled out a lot of "commissions," but they missed the omissions, because they could not possibly know what to look for. We did. I can now tell you with confidence that there will be new material in the book. After almost three years, there is more to find...

I'm sorry that all of you who have been waiting for the book will have to wait a bit longer. Prior to the release of the emails, I believed that an August 15th release date for the book was realistic. Now, I am working terribly hard to make this all come together by September 1. 

Also, for all who are wondering about a title, we have made a decision, but are not yet releasing it.


  1. Balzafiar4:35 AM

    Excellent news!

    Please let us know when we can pre-order the book.

  2. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I am so excited!

    So, this author is an attorney and attended Catholic schools..... I'm not even going to speculate but I have a dream guy in mind! Whoever he is, though, this was a great and well-written email!

    Thanks, Gryphen!!

  3. So,who has the two new photos from the spouses lunch that you told us about?

    And does this author know about the photos we discovered yesterday?


  4. Anonymous4:49 AM

    GO, FRED, GO!!!!

  5. ManxMamma4:52 AM

    I cannot wait. And Gryphen, I approve of your Sunday rant 100%. You're the best.

  6. Irishgirl4:59 AM

    I guess I can wait another few weeks. I'm glad Fred is including that email she sent and I'll be looking forward to whatever other nuggets they found in the email dump.

  7. This is exciting news! I can't wait until September 1st.

  8. Anonymous5:07 AM

    OK this was all good. Sept 1 may mean Oct 1, but still better than Dec 1st.
    This book has been needed for a long time. I'm glad Fred is a lawyer. As soon as more people are simply provided with the information that the MSM has ignored, the hoax will be exposed. Every woman who has given birth, or knows someone who has or who took biology knows "Tight Abs" can not a growing uterus hide. You can look pregnant when you are not, but you can't not look pregnant when you are 7 months pregnant. There is a plethora of evidence to prove she faked it, when put together into a cohesive whole, will expose her for the sick sick sick sick fuck she is. It will also make our political system and the MSM look like Tri-Gs.
    GAME ON!!!

  9. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Sarah, here comes the PAIN.

  10. Anonymous5:10 AM

    I guess Sarah will wait past
    Sept 1st to announce anything.

  11. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Helloooo to the Palins and Heaths, we know you are all reading this post today.

    So fuck all of you, you retarded bastards.

    A big middle finger to Bristool and Sarah.

  12. Nancy In New York5:20 AM

    September is going to be a fun month, if your last name isn't Palin. Fred's book, Joe McGinnis' book and to a lesser extent Levi's book.

    For Palin worshippers, no evidence in the world will sway them to believe anything negative about their queen. She simply can do no wrong. If there is undeniable evidence that she did fake her pregnancy, they will spin themselves silly figuring out ways to explain how she was justified in doing so.

    The real issue in the pregnancy scam, is the media's culpability in it by ignoring it completely. I never for the life of me understood how it was off limits, when the Obama birth certificate issue was given credibility and coverage in the press. Not once did I hear someone say (about the b.c. crap) "This is a non issue, the President was born in the US. End of story."

    Palin should be thanking her lucky stars for the 'lamestream media' not continually cursing it.
    She has proven herself by deed and by word beyond any shadow of a doubt to be an unhinged, unstable liar, yet the media 'pussyfoots' around her pretending she is a viable, intelligent potential President.

    I hope all these books (yours included Fred) pulls the curtain away once and for all from the shoddily constructed superwoman myth that Palin hides behind. She is nothing more than a grifter and a fraud who hit the jackpot when one senile old gizzard put his own twisted desires over the well being of his country.

    And thank you Gryph, for your unrelenting pursuit for the truth. Which we all know is the Grifter's worst enemy.

  13. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Fred: Could you tell us who is your publisher and what the marketing plan is, please?

    Seems to me that Dunn, Bailey, and Orr's books had no real marketing efforts, and so have not made a big dent. McGinniss seems to have big-time media efforts lined up.

  14. Bring it on!
    I've gotten so I don't bring it up anymore to friends and family, they think I have gone over the deep end with all things Palin. This story of hers has screamed "BULLSHIT" since she arrived on the national screen and my radar for her deception and her string-pullers is always on red alert. Call me crazy, call me obsessed but I have a deep sense that she needs to be outed for the fraud that she is. And damn the press for giving her a free pass all along.
    You gave a well-deserved rant yesterday and if there had been a like button, I would have pressed it a hundred times, lol. TY.

    Keep up the good work,it's all going to finally come undone for the Quitter and maybe, just maybe, we will not hear from the Idiot Queen ever again.

  15. Anonymous5:31 AM

    "I have sinned through my own fault, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done, and what I have failed to do."

    To be more specific, I said recently that I "always knew" that we'd never see this book. Now that I see this, however, my opinion is very different. I expect to buy more than one copy.

  16. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Dude. Anon5:13, what are you 12? That was uncalled for.

    Maturity is not judging people you don't know.

  17. Anonymous5:35 AM

    May this book and others like it, make a thousand times more cash than that silly movie.

  18. Anonymous5:42 AM

    I'm waiting for Palin to use babygate as her excuse not to run for President. She'll have a "come-to-Jesus" moment and confess some version of the truth. She'll spin it as her heroic sacrifice for her children, while lashing out at those who have stopped at nothing to "destroy" them (translation: anyone who has just wanted to get to the truth).
    Then she'll try to reinvent herself, maybe as some kind of televangelist. That would keep her in the public eye and give her hope that her political career could still be resurrected.

  19. Anonymous5:43 AM

    I cannot profess to know what anyone is thinking but I know the Palins aren't living in fear. And yes, they know and have known of all impending books.

    This really just affects Sarah, if people end up actually caring about the book's contents. Ok. It also affects the media and possibly sarahs staff. But no ones going to be thinking of specific enablers. It really is just sarah.

    You had the brain of the op Todd

    Tracks fishing

    Willows working

    Bristols busy buying investment properties (3)
    And filming with Kyle

    Pipers being 10

    Trig is being cooed at and being 3 and a half

    Their lives will continue.

    Its actually up in the air as to how sarah herself will be affected. Nothing has been addressed publicly so far that is remotely scandalous (compared to most politicians). People have proven how human sarah is, how real she is.

    This will probably change that. But who knows.

    With all the lies and current public mentality, this could backfire.

  20. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Interesting news but once again I can read the reluctance and outright ignoring of the MSM for it. They worked so hard to ignore and even cover for Sara I just don't see them having the stones to come forward now and admit they were wrong or even cooperating in the deception. And if they get under babygate doesn't the whole house of cards fall apart and the State of AK and people like APD all start smelling and looking guilty of crimes and coverups?

    Reminds me of Watergate. We still need a smoking gun to bring down the queen of teflon.

  21. JayKen Knotstirred5:54 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trig's birth certificate?

  22. Fred,

    I've always hoped someone would present the evidence as it would be presented in court and show that it reached the highest criminal standard of beyond a reasonable doubt (BARB).

    As I have said repeatedly at Laura Novak's blog, the March 14 photo does this and there is no evidence that contradicts it that can't be explained away by padding or adoption. Yet apparently journalists claim to have a higher standard than BARB (despite the fact the MSM presents slanted and half-truths all the time).

    Thank you, Fred, whoever you are, for being a journalist, book author, and attorney trained in recognizing facts who is willing to put Babygate together for the reading public. Gryphen has my email address. If you need someone to help you proof quickly, I volunteer. I'm actually good at that, plus I've followed this since Audrey began, so I know the story.

    No other author has told just the Babygate story of Sarah Palin. The bad Governor, Dominionist, and other stories are important, but Babygate is the most important. If the MSM can ignore that, what else?

  23. Anonymous5:56 AM

    @Karen 4:40am. What new pictures were discovered yesterday?

  24. Anonymous5:57 AM

    On the one hand I'm tickled pink that Fred is pulling together all the loose ends with a few new crumbs.

    On the other, I'm disappointed as hell, if this is nothing more than more male, photo-analyzing, theoretical blog-spinning. I'd hoped for boots on the ground in AK, for someone who'd search out Dar Miller's partner, who'd dare to ask questions of the church fire, who'd knock on the Johnston door, who'd interview Shailey, track down former women friends that Palin has left in the dust, dig up former female staff members who are ready to talk. . . you get my drift. There are folks in AK who know the truth. Nobody's asking them.

    I had such high hopes and still do cuz I'm a damn fool. But we'll see.

  25. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Thank you for letting Fred give us an update Gryph.
    yep, hard to talk about how a pregnancy was "easy and too short" if it hadn't happened yet.

    When the title is released I will be pre-ordering a copy immediately!

  26. MC30316:02 AM

    Fairy Tale Trolls are all over this today, aren't they?

    Sounds like an interesting book and I'll definitely check it out (as I have Floyd's and Dunn's). I don't need convincing about QuittyPants and her lying lies but any more info that gets out there to those who have yet to understand what a blight she is to society might finally wake up.

    Not the FT trolls, though. Ain't nothing gonna make them wake up.

    Good morning to you, Sarah Lou!

  27. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Congratulations.. and well done..

    I, for one, would be pleased to read a book where all the lies and discrepancies are lined up for everyone who cares.. to see.

    Most people are not exposed to people who lie convincingly..and Palin was able to lie & look adorable for her fans.. which was a huge asset for the GOP/Fox News/ Propaganda execs.

    Best of luck...

  28. Nancy In New York6:04 AM

    To "Anonymous" 5:43:

    We get it RAM, she had you at hello.

    In the words of the Granny Grifter herself (gee, I never thought I'd actual quote that idiot):

    "Game ON."

  29. Anonymous6:11 AM

    "You had the brain of the op Todd"
    WTF is that?

  30. Anonymous6:18 AM

    @5:48 Did we every think Murdoch would be called out for his illegal practices? Murdoch has way more power and dirt on people than Palin.

    For Sarah, it can and WILL happen!

  31. Anonymous6:19 AM

    I've always maintained that she's going to rule the narrative in one of her clumsy speeches that she undertook a ruse to 'birth' a DS child for altruistic reasons that can't be rationalized by rational people. Her base will eat it up, accept it as gospel and with applause.

    We need to be on her and the normal thinking public that this was fraud with the most audacious intent - to take the reigns of this country with her trickery through her dried up loins.

    They are a sick and deceitful Family. I live for the day the truth comes out. About Bristol and Todd too.

  32. TwoBlueJays6:21 AM

    On some level, I honestly don't care what the Palins have to say about Fred's book, or anyone's book, about them. What I want to see - and have waited three years to see - is the reaction of the general public to undeniable facts, the people who don't follow these blogs, who don't know the story and the lies. The voting public is the target audience. Not the grifting asshole liars. Their reaction, while delicious if dramatic, is not the point. The point is to take her down and render her and her atrocious family irrelevant and toothless in American politics.

  33. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Anon @ 5:34 a.m. criticizing Anon @ 5:13.

    It's Sarah Palin's m.o. to critcize the American and world population she doesn't know.

    She is a 12 year old trapped in a 50 year old bullies bag of bones.

    What she says is horrifying enough in public, can you imagine what that shithead says about loved ones and strangers in front of her kids? It shows.

  34. Excellent, and I am very pleased this will all be in one place if for nothing else than having the true history of Sarah Palin where everyone who cares about truth can read it. Thank you Fred and Gryphen.

  35. Anonymous6:26 AM

    And still no proof.

    You can't prove anything by inference.

  36. Anonymous6:30 AM

    : )

  37. Jeanabella6:33 AM

    palin is so old news now that she's not even a d lister as we can tell with non recognition of her in msm.
    Great work Gryphen! It's not easy to keep going when you're up against the creeps who protect palins with lies & cover stories, and people who are against her but want all the credit.
    Yours is the first blog I go to and the last of each day because you are always on duty and I thank you for your hard work.

  38. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I enjoy reading "Who Done it" books, and watching investigative reports on tv. To me, this would fit right in there. Put the facts out their, and let people make up their own minds.

  39. Anonymous6:34 AM

    To the poster who keeps writing things like trig being 3 and being coo'ed over, can you please say who is actually caring for him when Sarah is gone so much?

  40. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Anon 5:43AM - do you talk as confusedly as you write? What's
    Todd "op"? You sure have a window
    on what each member of that bunch is doing on a daily basis, or you'd like us to think you do.
    Oh, I know, this is Willow, right?
    OK, maybe you can tell us about the
    necssary therapy Trig is receiving
    or is he just being babysat by a
    nanny. Not got an answer Willow?

    Sharon TN

  41. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Do someone really just write this?
    - - - - -
    Most people are not exposed to people who lie convincingly
    - - - - -
    Um, both Clintons, Bush, Obama, Pelosi, Newt, Nixon......
    The list of people who lie convincingly goes on and on. Unless you live under a rock, you've been exposed to them.

    And sorry for my typo

    I meant to write "you have Todd, the brains of the operation

  42. 8tseven6:42 AM

    Ditto on everything 5:13 am said!
    And, thank you Gryphen for not letting this go. In the beginning, I read all of the Alaskan blogs but, not anymore. Yours is the only one that I read and I hope that you get the credit due to you when this blows open.
    Thanks for all of your hard work.

  43. Nancy In New York6:45 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    And still no proof.

    You can't prove anything by inference."

    6:26 AM

    Dear Sarah Lou,

    Is inference your big girl word of the day?

    News flash: You can't prove something is 'inference' when the evidence has not been laid out before you. You haven't even read the book yet. Although, I'm sure it's nothing new for you. You probably haven't read the two books you supposedly wrote.

    What you are doing is running "interference." Which proves this book has got you (and your bots) justifiably spooked.

  44. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I'm curious what "omissions" you found in the emails. I am pretty 'in the know' and, while I found the emails interesting, I didn't see any further proof.

    By 'in the know' I mean I've personally spoken with Alaskans who don't speak to media. I'm still wary about several sources of bloggers, as there have been many weird rumors that have no credence. But ill also say most of them Gryphen has admitted to be rumors.

    Everyone has a right to pen a book. But the real story can only be told by one person. The person who the story's about. That's where the most authentic feelings are. Am I wrong?

    You can technically prove things all day long. But you'll never know the real truth as long as the feelings behind it are kept as secrets.

    True story. People are moved by emotion.

  45. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Since that church fire destroyed all of the pertinent records I don't think there will ever be definitive proof, but I'm hopeful the book is as good as advertised. Another problem is there must be a probable explanation for who the baby's real mother is. Hopefully the book will address that as well. We'll see. That fire is the second time a Palin lie was covered up by a tragedy. The first was the small plane crash that killed Palin's first love who was living next door to her when Track was conceived and Todd was on the slope.

  46. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Yeah, Sept 1 -- just before her IA speech. Love the timing.

  47. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I do not know many specifics. I do know Trig HAS spent time in Phoenix. I also know he's also in AK a lot and with Willow. It sounds like he travels with Sarah semi regularly (between AZ and AK) but I can't speak decisively as these are observations.

  48. Anonymous6:51 AM

    My birthday is Sept. 1 and with the other books coming out also, too in September it looks like I'll be celebrating all month long. I couldn't ask for any better presents!

  49. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Sharon, why are you so unhappy?

    I haven't shared any more specific details than Gryphen has and you don't criticize him for sharing too much. And I have a more accurate understanding of the family.

  50. Anonymous6:52 AM

    She is preparing a scenario regarding why she won't run, and as others have said as well, it's going to be something concerning being a victim of the haters, possibly how the lives of her children were threatened, something huge. It will be a lie of course, but she will be more careful to be sure it cant be proved a lie. Something to garner sympathy and poke the hornets nest over at sea o' pee that will turn them rabid, and in turn they will rise up and start doing unlawful things to avenge their queen.

    Yes, then a televangelical career is in order, because she can still appeal for people to send her money for nothing. She can still get people all riled up and frothing at the mouth, still feed her narcistic craving for attention.

    Since there will soon be so much focus on the absence of a real pregnant belly she will subliminally capitalize on this, and the televangical show will be called "Bellies Afire with Sarah Palin."

  51. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I don't see how Todd is the brains of the organization at all. He didn't even know that she quit or she wouldn't have had to rush him home.

    I do believe that he has motives though - freeing AK from the big bad gov. His wasn't so smart when he followed & reported stupid stuff about his brother-in-law either. He seems like a bully to me.

  52. Anonymous7:05 AM


    Yes, you can prove things by inference,see below:

  53. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Rock on, Fred.

  54. Anonymous7:09 AM really have become a troll magnet lately. Bunch of delusional idiots, all!

    Troll at 5:34 said: "Dude. Anon5:13, what are you 12? That was uncalled for.

    Maturity is not judging people you don't know."

    The same troll went on to tell us how none of the Palin's are paying any attention and are living their busy lives. Todd is being an "op". Willow is "working" (is that a code word for drinking yourself into a coma and screwing anything with a penis) etc etc.

    Clearly, this troll is Todd himself. He is the only one who believes he is master of the family.

    I say to you...Dude...REAL maturity is looking honestly at the people you do know and realizing they are all a bunch of whining grifting losers and are in serious need of help.

  55. Anonymous7:10 AM

    5:43AM. Seriously? Someone is "cooing" at Trig? Trig is 3 and a 1/2 years old. I would hope their interactions with Trig would be more along the lines of helping him communicate, reading him stories and interactive play. Either you have no clue about how his nanny is interacting with him OR something is terribly wrong.

  56. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    @Karen 4:40am. What new pictures were discovered yesterday?

    5:56 AM


    These, among others.

  57. Thanks again for this Gryphen, and thank you Fred. I only wish that Fred would give us the name of the book and where we could preorder it. I would order it today!

  58. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I think it is appalling that Sarah & Todd pushed this fraud on the American public. It is criminal. However, I can't imagine what was going through the minds of her parents to actually support a crime of this magnitude.

  59. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Fairybot loves to judge others for judging others.

  60. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I didn't notice until now the garish lip liner in this photo. She forgot to color in the rest. Yuck! Quick and easy, that's our $carah.

  61. laprofesora7:31 AM

    "And still no proof"

    Proof would seal the deal, but it's not necessary. As Fred said, we just need to raise reasonable doubt. I haven't seen any "proof", but when I saw the picture of Scarah with the little girl in March, she had a flat stomach. I don't know what happened, but I know she didn't give birth in April. People need to say, "wait a minute, something about this doesn't add up." That's enough for people to question $P's ability to tell the truth. If you can even suspect that someone is capable of faking a pregnancy, all credibility goes out the window.

  62. Anonymous7:45 AM

    6:38 said: "I meant to write "you have Todd, the brains of the operation"

    LOL!!!!! So, may I just say: Hello there, Todd!

    If you are the "brains of the operation", well that explains EVERYTHING! We've read your emails and your brain is obviously not functioning at a high level. LOL. Go coo at Trig, you dipshit.

  63. Anonymous7:48 AM

    What is the point of the incoherent responses that appear here regularly in support of Palin? Anon@5:43 is a typical example: It is just random phrases and vague thoughts loosely strung together.

  64. Anonymous7:48 AM

    6:50: "It sounds like he travels with Sarah semi regularly (between AZ and AK) but I can't speak decisively as these are observations."

    Translation: You're a stalker.

  65. Beldar "The UnAmused" Conehead7:49 AM

    Two questions:

    1) Are we being distracted by the pathetic maneuverings of this proven grifter while the deranged minority teabaggers destroy this country?

    2) Is it implausible that the Cock Brothers purposely and quietly promote the twitchiest candidates such as the screechy wretch and screechy wretch II, (R-MN) in order to make puppets such as Governor Shrub-Lite and Smiling Mittens look "moderate" by comparison?

  66. Olivia7:51 AM

    Oooo @Anonymous at 6:38...There you go again, judging people you don't know. How dare you! Fucking hypocrite!

  67. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I hope the book turns into a serious classic and gets onto the required reading list for some college level journalism courses for generations to come.

  68. Anonymous7:56 AM


    Can you see to it that Fred gets copies of the photos shared yesterday,of Ms Palin in the grey coat, less than 2 weeks from her 'delivery' date?

    The one that was the coffee-out-the-nose item for me was when she is coming out a door, with a wide stride and twisting to the side. Physically possible in a late-term pregnancy?


  69. Anonymous8:05 AM

    5:42 a.m. yes, this would be her plan. The hypocrisy of it would simply not occur to her. After all, she is just human and prone to human frailty. She would just belly up to that bar of fundy forgiveness and be on her merry way. And the Christian Broadcast Nation would lap it up like an iced mocha on a steamy, hot day. Money everywhere!

  70. Anonymous8:07 AM

    5:42 a.m. yes, this would be her plan. The hypocrisy of it would simply not occur to her. After all, she is just human and prone to human frailty. She would just belly up to that bar of fundy forgiveness and be on her merry way. And the Christian Broadcast Nation would lap it up like an iced mocha on a steamy, hot day. Money everywhere!

  71. Anonymous8:10 AM

    ¨I know the Palins aren´t living in fear.¨

    Really? sarah´s facial twitches, involuntary head nods, and tongue flicks say otherwise. She appears in public with dirty wigs, often crooked. There are times when her anti-anxiety medication is so strong she is rendered heavy-lidded in her national TV appearances. She hides in hotel rooms when traveling. The mere knowledge of Kathy Griffen sharing the same hotel makes sarah flee to another hotel. Katie Couric made sarah mess up her hair and smear her makeup. Joe Biden rendered her catatonic.

    She is afraid people will think she is stupid, so she wears fake glasses. They do not help. Not only does she forget Trig´s date of birth and location, the woman can´t even properly dress herself.

    She is afraid people will notice how barren she has become, so she wears a padded bra. Too bad they don´t have a prosthesis for sunken eye sockets.

    This is the person the rest of the palins hide behind. Enough said.

  72. Anonymous8:14 AM

    anon @ 6:50 says "I do not know many specifics. I do know Trig HAS spent time in Phoenix. I also know he's also in AK a lot and with Willow. It sounds like he travels with Sarah semi regularly (between AZ and AK) but I can't speak decisively as these are observations."

    My question to you is, do you find it strange that Sarah spends so little time with her young son? These are his formative years. This is when so much learning takes place. This is when his personality is set. These are years that are very important to Trig. These are years that will be gone in a flash. Sarah has spent the majority of time on the road without him. How could a mother leave her young son so much at this important age?

  73. Anonymous8:19 AM

    6:38 p.m.
    And Todd is the brains of the operation?
    It shows.
    Todd is a gum chewing ADHD fool. He seems nice enough, but he is truly challenged. There are big missing pieces of ethical thought on his part if he is the "brains" of this operation. He and Sarah are deluded beyond all reason. His little stint in the governor's office was truly scary. We Alaskans are now on high alert to make certain such easily played bumpkins don't end up in Juneau again.
    As to the rest of the Palins, who the hell cares?

  74. Guess on who the author is:

    Fred Graham, journalist, attorney, hosts Court TV at CNN.

  75. Anonymous8:22 AM

    anon @ 7:28

    sarah's "lip liner" was tatooed before her makeover.

    i think they toned it down.

  76. Martha again8:23 AM

    5:48 Watergate mentioner: My dearest friend Nancy couldn't stand to hear me rant about Trigonomics until she remembered what it was like to be the only person watching the ship Watergate head for its iceberg and having people sigh and look the other way when she began to describe the coming crash. She remembers being pooh-poohed and scandalmongerized and feeling crazed by people who thought SHE was crazy. So it is. Usually I don't care about being right as much as being loved, but this time I can't WAIT to be right.

    I just thought of "Trigonomics." Cute, eh?

  77. "Trig is being cooed at and being 3 and a half"

    My grandson is 3 1/2. He was born in November, 2007. Trig was allegedly born six months later, which makes him a couple of months past his supposed third birthday, or three.

    Why are they cooing at him? Are they not working with his therapy? Can he hear the cooing? (Which means, are they letting him wear his hearing aids and, by extension, his glasses?) What developmental marker has he reached? Lots of people out here care about Trig and whether he's getting appropriate care, given that the Palins don't seem to be able to even keep a cat or dog.

    Oh. And Willow's working? What useful task is she actually capable of? Is this housework, or gainful employment? Is it safe to let her go out unsupervised? Enquiring minds want to know.

  78. Reposted from yesterday:

    To expand on what Virginia Voter did with the Brian Wallace pictures of Sarah Palin allegedly 32 weeks (7-1/2+ months) pregnant:

    I looked at two of the photos that didn't have the watermark superimposed directly over Palin's belly; a mid-distance shot and a more closeup shot.

    mid view

    I used GIMP to posterize those two photos to emphasize contrast.

    mid view posterized
    closeup posterized

    And in the mid-distance shot I changed the threshold for some real contrast of Palin's entire torso and those pants.

    mid view threshold tweak

    You can see quite plainly in the mid-distance posterized picture that her upper abdomen is a vertical line.

    And in the threshold change picture there is very little curve to her belly from below bosom to crotch.


  79. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Dude. Anon5:13, what are you 12? That was uncalled for.

    Maturity is not judging people you don't know.

    5:34 AM

    1) I'm not a dude, I'm a dudette.
    2) I'm not 12, I'm younger than 12.
    3) I'm not mature, I'm Alaskan.
    4) I know them bastards, Sarah made me go with her on our family vacation.

    So Fuck You Too.

  80. Anonymous8:36 AM

    What I don't get is, why all the secrecy about the book -- title, author(s), etc?
    I'm not a troll, and I believe there is a book in the works, and it sounds like it will give credit where credit is due (which is great), and I am looking forward to reading it. I'm just curious. J MG has gone to great lengths to keep his own book under wraps -- not hard to understand given that he knows exactly how unscrupulous the competition can be -- but the existence of the book was not hidden.

  81. Anonymous8:38 AM

    OT, but look at the header of the GOP website here:

    Look at the date for Obama's last day! LOL!

  82. Fred gives us no information about either the title or the publisher.

    This seems very "cloak and dagger".

    Are they trying to protect themselves from hostile action from Sarah and her wealthy, powerful backers (the ones financing the Tea Party, most likely)?

    Is there a more probable alternative explanation?

  83. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Thanks, KaJo. Looks to me like a pillow strapped on with an ace bandage (or something similar). Typical insufficient, idiotic, low rent Palins.

  84. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I look at this picture and think about how SP is such a total fraud, but then how about Todd. He was in on this conspiracy as well.

    There was a time I pitied him for quite some time thinking his life had to be hell living with a narcissist. I lived with one and know what it's like - some really good days with a little bit of crazy making on the narcissist's part here and there, but then some kind of huge narcissistic meltdown about every three months that could just blow your mind.

    I left that relationship far behind and count myself lucky to not dwell on it much anymore. It saved my life, getting out of it. I bought all the books about it, read them all and have quite the library. Recently I picked one out and randomly opened it. It talked about how meaningful relationships with narcisists are impossible - the only way it might remotely work is if the other person is a narcissist as well.

    I think that might explain how this pair sticks together. Otherwise Todd would have waved the bullshit flag long ago and gotten the hell out, money or no money, and tried to save the kids.

    Needless to say, kids raised by narcissist parents have a tough row to hoe. Many become narcisists themselves... and thank God some are able to distance themselves and get the hell away.

  85. Gasman8:50 AM

    The MSM are co-conspirators with McCain and the GOP in foisting ignoramus Palin upon the nation. Palin is so incredibly stupid it is unconscionable that any reporter who retained even the merest trace of a shadow of a rumor of vestigial professional ethics could listen to this vapid twit for more than 20 seconds and NOT comment on how fucking stupid she actually is. It is simply not possible to listen to her for more than a couple of incoherent sentences and not realize that she has no earthly idea what she is talking about, no matter what the subject at hand.

    That the MSM could ignore all of the GLARING, FLASING, PULSATING, ROTATING, GODDAMN BRIGHT NEON LIGHTS of inconsistency in Palin's entire faked pregnancy narrative is astounding.

    The press suffers from the Aaron Brown syndrome. Regarding the lack of coverage of the antiwar efforts in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq, Brown famously declared that "it's not my job to create the [congressional] debate; if there's no debate [to report], there's no debate." The press not only didn't cover the antiwar effort, they sought to minimize and dismiss it as being nothing more than a bunch of fringe liberal pussies. Their decision to not cover it and the subsequent decision to belittle the movement was itself a conscious decision to effect policy in a very pro-war direction and side with the bullshit Bush rush to war.

    So too, the coverage of Palin. As long as there was no serious objections from the Obama campaign regarding the faked pregnancy, the MSM saw no need to cover it. Subsequently, they have sought to diminish any and all attempts to draw attention to the subject, because to admit there was indeed substance to the Wildass Ride/Immaculate Conception/Instant Pregnancy would be to admit their initial laziness at not covering the story.

    It does not matter a damn if the Obama campaign chose not to make this an issue. If the vice presidential nominee of one of the two major parties faked a pregnancy IT IS A BIG DEAL and a story worth covering. The press is far too often lazy and interested in taking the path of least resistance and is content to merely play stenographer. They knew that to go after Palin would alienate the McCain campaign and the GOP and shut them out of direct access. So they chose to ignore the giant bleeding elephant in the snow.

    The result? Now none of the MSM will touch this story until it is just too glaringly obvious to ignore. It will have to be someone outside of the MSM loop that makes this a big enough issue that the press can simply no longer ignore.

    They are intentionally protecting Palin, they are covering their own asses.

  86. Anonymous @ 6:48 AM said Everyone has a right to pen a book. But the real story can only be told by one person. The person who the story's about. That's where the most authentic feelings are. Am I wrong?

    Yes, you are wrong.

    A person predisposed to pathological lying, as Sarah Palin has proven to be, can "pen a book" and tell their "authentic feelings", but the book can be 100% fiction, as "Going Rogue" was.

    That would indicate to me that OTHERS, not "the person who the story's about", are more likely to present facts, not fiction or fantasy.

  87. Molly_WI8:56 AM

    Any hint as to who "Fred" is?

  88. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I do think another poster's educated guess is quite probable: The odd shape of the squared belly pad in these photos can be explained by liposuction recovery gauze and compression wrap to minimize swelling. Then presto! Back into a size 6 pencil skirt 3 days after giving birth.

  89. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Who in the heck "coos" at a 3 1/2 year old??? I've been babysitting a 10 mo old and I don't even "coo" at him, play with him, talk to him, read to him, tickle him but cooing? not so much!!!If they are still "cooing" at him, then he is not receiving therapy!

  90. Anonymous said...
    Everyone has a right to pen a book. But the real story can only be told by one person. The person who the story's about. That's where the most authentic feelings are. Am I wrong?

    You can technically prove things all day long. But you'll never know the real truth as long as the feelings behind it are kept as secrets.
    6:46 AM
    "But the real story can only be told by one person. The person who the story's about. That's where the most authentic feelings are. Am I wrong?"

    Since you asked, yes, you are wrong. Totally wrong on so many levels.

    There is no reason to think that an autobiography by definition is true. If anything the author is more likely to want to paint themselves in a positive light by twisting, omitting, or revising any number of events, feelings, and happenings. (Ex. Sarah Palin's Big Book of Lies.)

    Also, this is not about feelings. This is about actions and facts and observable behaviors.

    "But you'll never know the real truth as long as the feelings behind it are kept as secrets."

    This is just idiotic. Truth is truth regardless of feelings.

    For heaven's sake, find some other yapping point than your incredibly stupid and false notion that one can't judge people one hasn't met.

    And now this equally stupid and false idea that only an autobiography can tell the truth about someone.

  91. Anonymous9:01 AM

    @6:38 - Did you mean that Todd is "the brains" behind the prostitution operation?

  92. "One extraordinarily interesting discrepancy was pointed out by Gryphen in his blog on June 13th, when he shared the enormous disconnect of Palin sending herself a draft copy of the letter she intended to release to friends and family after the baby was born. This letter was sent six weeks before Palin's announced due date and eleven days before the child's announced "birth." Numerous other media outlets had already commented on the letter, most taking the position that it actually "proved" Sarah Palin was Trig's mother, with none noticing the eye-popping discrepancy that she referred to her pregnancy in the past tense and as "easy" when she still supposedly had six weeks to go." -- Fred - from the IM site

    Fred -- I, personally, wouldn't make the above 'discovery' a major part of my argument, if I were you. I don't think I'd even make it a minor part. It was a draft of a statement to be released *after* the birth -- thus, it was written in the past tense. Corporations, businesses, and individuals prepare this type of statement all the time *in anticipation* of the which time the statement is released to the public.

    IMHO, there's nothing untoward in her saying the pregnancy was "easy", either -- up to that point, she'd not been hospitalized for it, not missed a day of work, or had to cancel any events because of it. There was no reason for her (or anyone) to think things would drastically change between the time the draft was written and when the release would go out *after* the birth.

    All this by way of saying: If your intent is to take media to task for dropping the ball on the story, you do *not* want to present them with an 'argument' that holds no water.

    The media, itself, writes drafts of *future* releases, all the time -- of hopeful new shows in the pipeline, of cancelled shows, of obituaries, of personalities leaving the medium, you name it. I have a strong suspicion they'll dismiss you and all of your *other* discoveries out of hand if you include the 'argument' about her writing the draft in past tense and at the time she did.

    Just something for you to think about. beth.

  93. Trig is 3 1/2?

    That is interesting, since he won't officially be 3 1/2 until October 18th.

  94. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Anon @ 6:46

    Your logic is horrible.

    Emotions are not truth.

    If the source of a story is undependable in all matters of the truth how is their version of a story deemed reliable. "Consider the source" is advice often soundly given and taken, for exactly that reason.

    Authenticity is dependent on truth not on source.

    I appreciate your tone, but can't for a minute support your thinking.

    Sarah Palin is not a reliable source, despite being the source of the story, which is just that a story. There is little to no guarantee of truth.

    Sarah Palin has to IMO be mentally ill, how else would she be able to live with the manufactured reality that she espouses and the resulting secrets that she must protect and hide. Not to mention the destructive and corrosive nature of hate and vengenance that she both harbors and deploys.

    She needs help, and we need to be relieved of her toxic and destructive energy.

  95. Does anyone know the names of the two women that stayed in the Johnston home to help them and then poof, Mercede's pics disappeared. According to Mercede, Sherry received a call from Sarah that these ladies were there to help with the whoopla.

    Please if you know the names of these ladies please respond. (I had posed this question on Mercede's blog but she never answered).

  96. Anonymous9:11 AM

    The funny thing is, that's the only picture of Granny LuLu where she looks like she could be post-partum, with the puffy face and tired eyes.

    And it's a sweet photo, too. You wouldn't know she was a crazy lady who would fly across country while in active labor, risking her life and her baby's life while also risking enormous cost and inconvenience to the crew and passengers.

  97. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Sarah and Todd strike me as the kind of parents who are so involved with their own selves (tunnel vision) that the kids raised discipline unless things get out of hand then they take care of it..Track, Bristol and Willow are products of parents who are not involved in their day to day activities. They did't go to school regularly so I highly doubt Trig is getting regular therapy, that's just not the way that family is wired. Cooing and smiling is good enough for Trig, at least that what our resident fairy thinks!!

  98. Anonymous9:15 AM

    @Ivyfree 8:26 Willow is capable of doing meaningful work and being highly paid from SarahPAC for doing it. I think that she trolls the websites that posts honest information about her mother, and it's her job to insult, distract and mix up the message. The next time you see some immature remark, you can bet that Willow is busting her butt working very hard at her job. Hi, Willow, how come you left your family vacation so early? Did you and your friends ever clean up the house you trashed or apologize to the them?

  99. Anonymous9:16 AM

    6:38 am - You have Todd, the brains of the operation

    Do you mean the brains of the prostitution ring?

  100. Anonymous9:16 AM

    >>Numerous other media outlets had already commented on the letter, most taking the position that it actually "proved" Sarah Palin was Trig's mother, with none noticing the eye-popping discrepancy that she referred to her pregnancy in the past tense and as "easy" when she still supposedly had six weeks to go.>>>

    Fred, I'm really hoping you have more to go on than this. This is nothing. I'm a mother (of several kids) and can easily imagine writing a birth announcement letter weeks before the birth, planning to put the final details in after the birth. I can also imagine writing such a letter in an upbeat tone -- trying to put a positive spiritual spin on things after learning I was to have a child with health problems.

    I'm glad if reading this inspired you to pore through those emails, and sincerely hope you've found something better than this, because I really want this fraud exposed!

  101. Anonymous9:19 AM

    9:02--3 yrs 3 1/2 mos from his alleged birthday but 3 1/2 from his actual birthday....getting a little picky aren't we??

  102. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Gles @9:07, I cannot remember the names but if you go to Palindeception, it was there I first read the name of one "handler." It was a female. I remember that much.

  103. PalinsHoax9:22 AM

    Anonymous @ 6:48am said ...
    " ... That fire is the second time a Palin lie was covered up by a tragedy. The first was the small plane crash that killed Palin's first love who was living next door to her when Track was conceived and Todd was on the slope."

    Besides the church fire that you referred to at the beginning of your commentary, isn't there another fire, a third tragedy as well, the death by fire of Dar Miller and her dogs?

  104. Irishgirl9:30 AM

    @Gles. I think one of the woman's names was Anna Arodzero of Gallatin Public Affairs of Portland.

    See the comments section here.

  105. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Anon at 6:46, Sarah, is that you? Because you lie--Gryphen has stated many times that he has solid sources who are afraid to go on the record, and does not rely nebulous rumors.

    The fact is, when you're dealing with deceit and criminal activities, the last person likely to pen the truth is the central figure involved, in this case proven pathological serial liar Sarah Palin. But just as no man is an island, this is a story with many, many players besides Sarah, and all have their own stories to tell, each shining their light of truth and knowledge on the ugly parts of her life she has been trying to keep hidden. Bailey was only the beginning.

  106. Anonymous9:37 AM

    "You can technically prove things all day long. But you'll never know the real truth as long as the feelings behind it are kept as secrets."

    There's the opinion of a low-information voter, believing there's a "technical" truth and a "feelings" truth. No wonder this country is being run by people voted in by idiots.

    Ivyfree, thanks for saying everything I wanted to say about how Trig should be in therapy, not being "cooed at."

    Beth, I agree with your point about the release and hope that the book isn't depending too much on that.

  107. Anonymous9:40 AM

    "You can technically prove things all day long. But you'll never know the real truth as long as the feelings behind it are kept as secrets."

    Maybe, if you're assuming that each person has their own personal version of REALITY.

    We may never get to the true depths of personal emotion ('cause $arah would never, ever admit to having lied) but we can surely find out what "technically" happened and make sure the people know so that The Unworthy can never again take a seat of power.

    I can settle for that. :)

  108. Anonymous9:47 AM

    9:02 am Beth says

    Beth, may I call you Beth? Don't worry about what Fred will or won't put in his book. He is very accomplished so he needs no advice from the likes of you, and yeah, I know who you are dipshit.

  109. Anonymous9:53 AM

    "And it's a sweet photo, too. You wouldn't know she was a crazy lady who would fly across country while in active labor, risking her life and her baby's life while also risking enormous cost and inconvenience to the crew and passengers."

    -That's because SHE DIDN'T. :)

  110. PalinsHoax9:56 AM

    Gryphen, I'm glad to see you displayed the picture of the baby wearing his cloth cap with its little blue "My Puppy" tag on the right side of the cap, by Todd's chin.

    I hope Fred has a copy of the Palin e-mail from a few years ago that references the delivery of a little puppy (around the time that the baby was born) and that he can use this information in his book.

    Can you make sure that Fred has this connection between the above photo and that particular e-mail?


  111. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Whoa dear, the bots are OUT today! The truth is so frightening to them all. Keep up the good work!


  112. Bristol/Willow/Ivy/Kristin @ 6:38 AM

    Do [sic] someone really just write this?
    - - - - -
    Most people are not exposed to people who lie convincingly
    - - - - -
    Um, both Clintons, Bush, Obama, Pelosi, Newt, Nixon......
    The list of people who lie convincingly goes on and on. Unless you live under a rock, you've been exposed to them.

    Here, let me help you with who's the worst liar (anyone with a plus rank tells the truth more than they lie, exponentially; anyone with a minus rank, the opposite:

    Kent Conrad +83.33
    Chris Van Hollen +50.00
    Jon Huntsman +25.00
    Hillary Clinton +20.11
    Alan Grayson +20.00
    Pres. Obama +11.59
    Mitt Romney +4.55
    Joe Biden +2.22

    Tim Pawlenty -3.33
    John Boehner -11.36
    Mitch McConnell -16.67
    Newt Gingrich -19.44
    Sarah Palin -25.49
    Nancy Pelosi -29.41
    Eric Cantor -50.00
    Herman Cain -55.00
    Jim DeMint -57.14
    Rick Santorum -83.33
    Michele Bachmann -83.93

    Formula: See paragraph "An average of all Truth-O-Meter rulings"

  113. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Anon @ 6:38

    I am an Obama supporter. I value what I appreciate to be qualities of honesty, and integrity in him.
    Lying is not something I associate freely to him, and yet I am sure he like the rest of us has expelled a lie or two. I do appreciate those who will support and substantiate the accusations that they make. I think stating someone is a convincing liar would qualify as an accusation. Please don't stop at the blanket accusation, please enlighten and inform us of the basis of your claims.

    Your list seems to be heavily biased towards Democrats, is there substantiation for that as well, or were you simply careless in the example that you used.

    It would be really great if we could move past accusations and begin to talk to each other, engaging in legitimate conversations. I hope you will do your part to engage with us further.

  114. Gles @9:07 am---One of them was Kristi Tanner, daughter of Kristan Cole

  115. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Boy, are we going to be busy reading newly published books in September about Sarah Palin. I've already ordered two and will do so w/this one too.

    Fred, handle your book as has Joe McGinniss...put the manuscript in a vault and make sure the publisher doesn't distribute it as they normally do prior to publication.

    Keep Sarah and Toad on the 'defensive' up to the minute it is actually published.

    I so hope this draws media attention -

    There is no way this woman can run for anything...too much 'proof sourced' stuff will be out there about her as well as her own published words about the subject of the child and the wildride back to Alaska from Texas. She has painted herself into a corner.

    There is a place in hell awaiting her and Todd. I'm sure of it.

  116. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Square pillow/bandage theory: Indeed this is what a bandage does look like after abdominal surgery. Only, it isn't very long after such surgery that the bandage would be removed. Perhaps Palin then just strapped on the six-month stuffed stomach. And, on her trip to Texas, the damn thing was just too hot and uncomfortable to wear home.

  117. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I agree with Anon at 9:11 a.m., that oddly Sarah looks like a new mom in this portrait.

    It IS funny that in this ONE photo of the trio, Sarah actually seems to appear warm and maternal. I think holding the newborn elicited a primitive and real emotion from her dinosaur brain. She is probably also relieved that she pulled it off.

    However, I've also seen the video clip from this same day (I believe this was his "presentation" 3 days after birth), and there is no way that the trim lady in pants that a show a real waist had just given birth. No. Even models who manage to return to shape quickly don't appear in the press with svelte figures at least for a few weeks. NOT THREE DAYS.

  118. PalinsHoax10:26 AM

    Anonymous @ 9:53am said...

    "-That's because SHE DIDN'T. :)"
    in response to a previous poster who wrote:

    "You wouldn't know she was a crazy lady who would fly across country while in active labor, risking her life and her baby's life while also risking enormous cost and inconvenience to the crew and passengers."


    So what exactly do you mean by
    "-That's because SHE DIDN'T. :)"

    Do you mean:

    1.) Palin didn't risk her life or the life of her unborn baby because she wasn't really pregnant while flying across country while in active labor.

    2.) Palin lied to reporters when she told them about her amniotic fluid leaking, then still gave a speech a few hours later, and then a few hours after that caught two separate airplanes to get back from Texas to Alaska. And on top of that she immediately had Todd drive her, without any kind of security escort (that is automatically given to sitting Governors), drive her from Anchorage to Mat-Su General almost an hour's drive away, in order to "deliver" her baby - in a hospital not equipped to handle a high risk pregnancy?

    What exactly do you mean by
    "-That's because SHE DIDN'T. :)"

    And also please do share exactly what Palin actually DID do.

  119. Anonymous10:26 AM

    "And now this equally stupid and false idea that only an autobiography can tell the truth about someone."

    I once read an autobiography that was highly footnoted by the editor noting all the discrepancies between the author's recollections and the facts as reported at the time. Simple verifiable things, such as whether someone placed 2nd or 4th in a competition.

  120. FEDUP!!!10:43 AM

    8:44: They are trying to prevent the Palin bots as well as the Palins themselves from trying to come up with an 'explanation' for whatever is being presented in those books.
    Catch them red-handed with their guards down, so they will have to scramble to explain the obvious.

  121. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Rather impressive update Fred . . . and we certainly appreciate your due diligence to the research of a story that's been hiding in plain view.

    Much oblige ~ and many thanks to you and your research team for taking the time to compile the glowing evidence.


  122. Anonymous10:53 AM

    5:56 there are multiple links on yth weekend threads.

  123. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Re. the email that Sarah composed "from God".

    Did she also claim that he (God) granted her with an easy BIRTH, or just an easy pregnancy.

    I remember reading that missive, but can't recall whether she also made that statement.

  124. Anonymous10:57 AM

    With all due respect to Fred, doesn't sound like this book is going to show us anything we haven't already seen or heard, and highly doubtful it will get any attention at all for the very same reasons the MSM didn't cover babygate to begin with.

    Without real proof there will never be any proof, and those who pursue this are evermore seen as crackpots. In some ways, this has the potential to help Sarah play the victim even more and make all those who criticize her seem like crazed conspiracy theorists.

    I do applaud Gryph for sticking with this, for continuing to look into it, but have come to the conclusion now that we will never know the truth.

  125. Anonymous10:58 AM

    If you enlarge this photo, you can see that the outline of the padding is very square on the left. The watermark doesn't cover the belly portion on this picture.

  126. Anonymous11:02 AM

    6:46, you are wrong. not even the person about whom the story is written can actually be the "truth." It is only that person's perspective and reasons/excuses. People lie to themselves all the time.

    The "truth" is pulled together from a composite of many sources of FACTS, not perception, where, ideally, the lies are cancelled out and the pure story emerges.

  127. Anonymous11:03 AM

    6:48. Dar Miller makes three.

  128. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I just posted a comment asking whether Sarah claimed that the birth was easy in her Letter from God.

    Well, I just googled my answer and she did not exactly say that:

    "Then, I let Trig's mom have an exceptionally comfortable pregnancy so she could enjoy every minute of it, and I even seemed to rush it along so she could wait until near the end to surprise you with the news"

    So, the words "rush it along" are suspicious, but ambiguous because she may be alluding to the fact that others would PERCEIVE it as being "rushed" because she didn't disclose it until more than 7 months along. Or, she could be mysteriously predicting that the baby would be premature.

  129. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Dear I really hate to give you this shock but according to Going Rogue in Sarah's own words she fully intended to send that letter before Trig's birth.

    On page 195:Going Rogue
    The audience laughed. I smiled and waved good-bye. I thought,
    . if you only knew!
    I reached Todd at the exit, and he eyed me with a grin, "Love
    this state, but we can't have a fish picker born in Texas." It was
    a calm, relatively restful flight home. The flight crewmernbers,
    cheerfully representing what's got to be the most accommodating
    sector of customer service, were their usual impressive selves.
    One brought me tea while I confessed to Todd that I may not
    have handled the whole pregnancy announcement thing right.
    "He'll be here so soon, I didn't have time to prepare anyone, not
    even the kids," I said. "I should have given everyone that letter
    already. I feel guilty knowing that I'll put them through more
    shock when he's born." Todd said he didn't know if we handled it
    right, either. He held my hand and we prayed together that God
    would prepare other hearts, since we had not. I asked again that
    I'd be prepared, too.
    Many hours and two plane flights later, with Todd and our
    daughters nearby, I delivered Trig Paxson Van Palin into the
    world at Mat-Su Regional Medical Center. When the nurse
    placed him in my arms, I was overwhelmed with love and with
    wonder. I knew. God had answered my prayer so completely.
    He just nestled softly into me as if to say, Aaaah ... I'm here,

    Personally, I believe you should keep your trap shut until you know what you're talking about.

  130. emrysa11:22 AM


    here's the thing to those of you who sound disappointed. maybe fred's book will not tell us anything WE don't already know. what's important is that (presumably) this information will be presented in such a way as to be digestible and understandable to those who don't already know. and we can hope, that since this person is a reputable journalist (think name recognition) that this information will get out to a much wider audience than it does now. and as fred said in this post, it's about the reasonable doubt. he doesn't have to prove anything, just present enough reasonable doubt that people will draw their own conclusions. I am glad to hear today (for the first time) that fred is a lawyer. is there anyone better suited than a lawyer to show reasonable doubt? this is good news. GO FRED!!!!

  131. Enjay in E MT11:28 AM

    lol @ AnnieOakley (5:27)

    I can relate - my family feels I have PDS. So I limit my Palin tales to one a week - everyone was roaring about the recently released epic film Undefeated being viewed across American households on tacked up bedsheets.

    Looking forward to another Palin book!

  132. GBIllinois11:51 AM

    Re: The square pillow/bandage theory

    So you're saying Sarah had liposuction less than three weeks BEFORE delivering a baby?

    Is that the new-revised cover story for why nobody knew she was pregant?

    I'm not buying it...

  133. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I can't wait to see Sarah Palin GO DOWN. After watching that Teabagger video below and knowing Sarah Palin got these crazies going, I want to see her humiliated and exposed.

  134. Anonymous12:19 PM


    The big news always hits in August. Watch the papers.

  135. @Karen 8:21

    That's a pretty good guess, it appears he's targeting the book on the failure of the media to cover or acknowledge the story, and he has written about the media before:

  136. Anonymous12:34 PM


    Sarah and the Brain may not be nervous now but I'll bet that will change when people start asking questions about why the BP North Slope spill lawsuit suddenly went away after Palin took office. That second batch of e-mails from her early days in office that were released later sure were redacted. And who knew the Bush Justice department could deputize Department of Law attorneys and make the US attorneys.

  137. Great post regarding Babygate! Way to go Gryph & Laura!

  138. The photo you used for this post is curious.
    Is it suppose to be Sarah and Todd holding Trig, right after his birth? Whose arm is holding the baby? Sarah looks like she just blew in from the airport, and Todd is oddly placed in the photo.

    Anyway, it's always bugged me when I see it.
    Sarah's hand holding the baby's hand, the manicure perfect? How did that happen?!
    The witch doctor clearly failed.

  139. Anonymous1:20 PM

    The Bachelors of Science Nursing (BSN) degree has been chosen as THE toughest degree among ALL the college degrees by the Guiness Book of World Records on 18 May 2011. It has 64 university exams, 130 series exams plus 174 assignments within four years (maximum 1000 working days). All BSN nurses post this on your wall for at least two hours and be proud to be a BSN degree holder. I know I AM!!!

    I don't think mom to be Britta will get her BSN!

  140. emrysa1:27 PM

    hey gryphen thanks a bunch for collaborating with laura and getting the pics!!!!!

  141. Why the Secrecy? A non-paranoid hypothesis

    I was wondering about all the secrecy, and I'm not the only one - one of the most prolific commenters on this blog, "Anonymous", asked earlier today, "What I don't get is, why all the secrecy about the book -- title, author(s), etc? I'm not a troll, and I believe there is a book in the works, and it sounds like it will give credit where credit is due (which is great), and I am looking forward to reading it. I'm just curious."

    By g_d, I think I've got it! "Fred" (not his or her full name) is working assiduously on getting things together and putting them in order, in a way that gets the message across to the intended reader. Once "Fred" is known to be publishing a book on this topic, a great many people in the biz (whatever biz that is) will call up and want to know wazzup? And since it's not completely up yet, "Fred" thinks it's a better use of his or her time to keep on working, rather than take time to talk to everyone who wants to know about at.

    At some point, if someone "in the biz" wants to know wazzup, you can hand them a hard copy or email them a PDF. Until that final version is ready, getting it ready is the most effective way to pursue truth, justice, and the potentially sentient way.

    So you see, you don't have to suppose that someone's car might be forced off the road, or somebody's publisher might be bought up by a big conglomerate, or somebody's house might catch on fire, in order to have a really good reason for privacy.

    I could be wrong, but I'm not.

  142. Anonymous2:55 PM

    "Anonymous said... Dude. Anon5:13, what are you 12? That was uncalled for.

    Maturity is not judging people you don't know."

    Still older than any freakin repubagger. STFU

  143. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Well, I am buying and I am excited !!

  144. Anonymous4:37 PM

    One can't make a typo a whole sentence.

  145. Anonymous4:55 PM

    "What is the point of the incoherent responses that appear here regularly in support of Palin? Anon@5:43 is a typical example: It is just random phrases and vague thoughts loosely strung together.
    7:48 AM"

    Just like the uneducated insufferable bitch palin

  146. Anonymous @ 11:19AM --
    With all due respect, please REread the quote I took (@9:02AM) from Fred's note to Gryph. It *specifically* speaks to:"[...] the enormous disconnect of Palin sending herself a draft copy of the letter she intended to release to friends and family after the baby was born." (emphasis added)

    What Palin['s ghostwriter] 'wrote' for 'her' book (and you copied to your post) is *not* relevant to the point of the draft email/release she (Palin) sent to *herself*. The draft letter/email was written during the timeframe being addressed in Fred's work, Palin 'wrote' the book you cite, well over a year later. As we all know, that book is chock-full of falsehoods that're easily proven to be so -- I take *everything* that comes from that woman (and/or her ghostwriter) with a HUGE grain of salt.

    Fred is, I'm presuming, wanting to use the fact of the past-tense language as 'proof' to his argument. For the reasons I presented in the post you've taken exception to, IMHO, he ought *not* to. That was the gist of my post to him.

    Incredibly enough, when I read: "Personally, I believe you should keep your trap shut until you know what you're talking about" (from you) and, "[...] and yeah, I know who you are dipshit" (from "Anonymous @ 9:47AM), I am saddened. Such personal attacks and ugly are plentiful on RWNJ and other sites from Palin-bots, but I honestly didn't expect to see them here, on IM. beth.

  147. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Thanks for the update and the new information. I've waited so long, what's another month or two?
    I have Joe's book and levi's to look forward to. I'm sure I will read Joes at least four or five times because I relish his writing style and don't want to miss a thing.

    So glad Fred is a lawyer, they have a way of laying out the facts in a factual way, explaining each step thoroughly.

    I have a feeling someone's gonna have that fire in her belly problem again, but she'll deal with it because it's God's will. lmao

  148. Just one more reader saying thank you, Gryphen, keep the faith. Truth will out!

  149. I haven't gone back to read the post of Gryphen's that "Fred" refers to, but there is a MAJOR ERROR in what "Fred" is saying in this post, which error is unfortunately being replicated in the comments:

    We don't have this letter as a result of Mrs. P having "sent a draft to herself".

    She had —herself— actually ALREADY released the mass e-mail out on April 7!

    The fact that it say "To:" is because that is how mass e-mails work when you want to send Blind Carbon Copies (Bcc). You still need at least one recipient to appear, and so usually one chooses oneself as the only visible recipient. Anyone who uses email on a regular basis should know this.

    However, we only have an accidental copy of it since it was cited/forwarded incidentally by someone RESPONDING to her in a return mail dated April 19.

    Whoever had been on the list to receive the "Heavenly Father" mail got something in their in-box on April 7.

    I hope "Fred"'s book is not rife with mistakes like this…

  150. Anonymous, Irishgirl & carrie....thank you so much for your help. I hadn't seen the article in Alaska Dispatch which I read religiously:

    The wiping of pics, silencing of church acquaintances, highjacking state inqueries, emails, etc. was a deliberate inside job.... There had to be more to hide in Alaska besides Sarah's fake pregnancy.

  151. Lidia17 @ 11:01PM --
    Although mass mailings are often (and correctly) sent as you describe, not necessarily, did the glurge get sent out by $arah as a mass mailing when you say it did. The Bcc line is proof of nothing.

    As proof *against* it having been sent out as a mass mailing on the 7th of April, there's this:
    As Todd and their three daughters gathered around the bedside (Track, an Army private, listened in by phone from his base in Fairbanks), Willow said of the new arrival, "He looks like he has Down syndrome."

    Palin, who says her own qualms were laid to rest "the minute [Trig] was born," felt a lump in her throat. "If he does, you know you will still love him, Willow. It'll be okay."

    Willow pressed: "But why didn't you tell us?"

    Palin admitted she didn't know how to break the news. "I was a little shocked," says Willow "but I don't care - he's my brother and I love him."
    [from here: ]

    IOW, as of the 18th of April, $arah had still *not* even told her children that Trig had been diagnosed with DS - it's *highly* unlikely she would have sent out a mass mailing to everyone else and not let her 4 kids know about the DS -- either along with everyone, or first. beth.

    The "Your Heavenly Father" glurge, here:

  152. "Beth", you are using Sarah Palin as a source here!?

    Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    How about this, instead: I KNOW that the e-mail really did get sent out because… PEOPLE OUT IN THE WIDE WORLD ACTUALLY RECEIVED IT, as proven by the e-mail exchange it's linked to!!

    Lord Have Mercy, you bots are stupid.

  153. Lidia17 --- again with the name calling? Sheesh! [If you had *any* inkling of who I am, you'd know I'm as faaaaaar from being a Palinbot as Marcus Bachmann is from straight. Seriously!]

    I have NO doubt $arah sent the mass email of the glurge out. I'm not disputing that at all. What I *am* questioning, is your insistance that she mass-mailed it out on the 7th. There is NO proof of that, that I'm aware of -- none. If you are privy to that proof, please share it. thanks, beth.

  154. beth, look at the Crivella West pdf. The "Heavenly Father" bit is forwarded BY SOMEONE WHO HAD RECEIVED IT ON APRIL 7. If disputing minutiae like this is the best you can do to protect Palin's reputation, you are all in deep, deep shit, and you know it.

    Invent a faux liberal pose if you like… citing Palin's hogwash shows that you are not really interested in the truth.

    I don't care if you waste my time, though, because I figure that for every bot out there, there may be one person who is reachable and who can finally perceive the truth when it's presented to them.

  155. Lidia17 -- I find it utterly remarkable that of ALL the people $arah [according to you] mass emailed the glurge to on the 7th of April, only ONE person responded *specifically* to that mass emailing...and he did so on the 19th! Yes, quite remarkable, indeedy.

    And, speaking of the Crivella West pdf [ ], if you look at it even semi-closely, you can discover a whole lot of stuff...

    First off, the message from $arah is obviously in response to something from Tom...she mentions an email, but she is NOT responding [did not hit "reply"] to that specific email. She writes: "Hi Tom! Thanks for the beautiful "congrats" emails. I am so glad to know Trig shares a
    birthday with Marci... I knew we'd hear of someone sharing April 18, and I'm so glad it's
    with a special person via her awesome Dad - you. Thank you!" It is ALSO obvious $arah is convinced she is too clever by far in having written the glurge -- and, being the prideful person she is, she sent it to Tom *with* the 'response' email.

    Now, whether Tom was included in the mass-emailing along with *everyone else* when the baby was born, or not, we don't know, but we do know he got it at least once...on the 19th. How do we know this? Because he writes to $arah: "I read the attached letter, unashamed with tears in my eyes. I am so appreciative that
    you would share it with me."

    What the Crivella West pdf shows is: $arah was responding to Tom, but she was not doing so *directly* [ie -- she did not hit 'reply' to an email from him.] She initiated a *new* email and sent it.

    But WAIT, there's MORE! $arah's email to Tom (talking about the shared birthday and including the glurge attachment) is: Sent; Sat Apr 19 07:58:52 2008. Tom's reply --with him admitting to crying over the glurge!-- to her is: Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 11:58 AM...nearly 4 hours later. Tom is rhapsodizing {stroking $arah's ego} over something he has *just* read...*not* something he read 12 days prior. Any questions?

    Contrary to what you've already decided about me, Lidia17, I *AM* "interested in the truth" -- if I weren't, I'd just say: "Oh, Lidia17 says $arah sent the mass emailing out on the 7th of April, so that *must* be what happened." NO! That is *not* what happened. [see above] Seems kind of funny that you'd call me out (and cast aspersions on me) over "minutiae like this" when that exact menutiae ends up showing how wrong some folks who slam others, can be...hopefully, those slammers "can finally perceive the truth when it's presented to them". beth.

    btw - there seem to be a whole lot of "faux liberal" folks over at the mudflats. Gryph links to them - you might enjoy checking the site. It's always lively, respectful, interesting, and full of many "faux liberals" hunting down and sharing verifiable facts with each other. b.


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