Thursday, August 18, 2011

Christine "I'm not a witch" O'Donnell walks out of interview with Piers Morgan over questions about gay rights.

I have a confession to make.

Of all of the Teabaggers I have seen, Christine O'Donnell offends me the very least.

Sure she is ignorant, politically incompetent, and an opportunist, but she just never seemed as dangerous, or vindictive as a Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, or Michele Bachmann to me.

She kind of reminds me of that girl in high school who JUST got "saved" at church and cannot stop talking about how cool Jesus Christ is, and how much she wants you to come to her next church barbecue/flea market/tent revival.

Having said that, I still think it is funny that she simply cannot stand up to ANY scrutiny about the things that she believes or writes in her book. In other words, EPIC FAIL, Miss "I am not a witch."


  1. Anonymous6:02 AM

    She, Sarah Palin and former California beauty queen Carrie Prejean can join up on the speaking circuit and talk about how their conservative values are hurt by their looks, undermining all their hard-ass-work, pride, patriotism, faith and whiz brains by all the jealous haters in the world.

  2. Anonymous6:06 AM

    My question is.... Why is this dimwit even on the air?
    BP in OR

  3. laprofesora6:17 AM

    I agree with you, Gryph, she's like "Grifter Lite". But I'm sure with some hard work and study of the masters (Paylin, Joe Miller, etc.) she could be just as dangerous as the rest of them.

    Wonder how that virgin thing is working out?

  4. Anonymous6:27 AM

    COD reminds me of the most naive of the naive.

    She has never explained what she and that boyfriend actually did on the altar when she was playing with Satanism but my guess is he probably convinced her it wasn't sex because it was an altar. Something like that.

    She is a rather harmless party girl who got handed an opportunity to make some money and took it by talking about nonsense. Now she's a minor celebrity or laughing stock - the live-in boyfriend she doesn't have sex with. Maybe he's going through Marcus OBachman's course?

    Who knows?

  5. Anonymous6:30 AM

    There is a good chance her handlers planned the walk out. Her apperance has had much more coverage because of the walk out than because what she had to say. Regardless, who would buy her book?


  6. Nancy In New York6:39 AM

    Someone who is looking forward to the 'second American Revolution' seems kind of dangerous in my book.

    Sometimes I think the tea bagger klan imagines that every interview they give should be a soft ball love fest that fox is famous for. God forbid they should be asked about statements they have actually gone on record saying. It's kind of like when Palin gets mad about the 'lamestream' media quoting her verbatim.

    This O'Donnell witch (sorry I couldn't resist) has the perky and cute thing down, but if she is ever put into a position of power, God help us. She'll be a corporate controlled, fox drone puppet just like Palin.

    When a public person cannot answer a reasonable question in a reasonable manner, we have a big problem. The Fox news propaganda network has given people like O'Donnell (and Palin, Bachmann, etc.) a safe place to spew their half truths, untruths and outright lies unchecked. I'm sure O'Donnell will find refuge on Hannity's show. Maybe he's still stuck in her back pocket from the last election.

  7. Anonymous6:47 AM

    She really is nothing more than a big child. "I want to talk about what I want to talk about."

  8. Anonymous6:55 AM

    "Making America great again" - an obvious dig at crazy, stupid American politicians. And I don't blame him.

  9. Anonymous6:58 AM

    What is it with the teabaggers not being able to answer questions? Why do these "steel spined patriots" constantly run in terror from reporters when asked to explain things they've actually said?

    It really seems like they're embarrassed about their convictions. A psychologist should look into that.

    Personally, I think it's because the simple-minded cretins surround themselves with other like-minded cretins who have all bought in on the same shallow, unrealistic bumpersticker slogans rather than on any kind of intellectually-founded philosophy.

    So, when they're confronted by someone who doesn't just accept the bumperstickers at face value, they suddenly realize they have no deeper explanation for what it means! They become terrified of the inevitable humiliation of having put themselves in a public position of scrutiny and are now going to look like the shallow imbecile they are.

    You can get the same result by asking a Christian extremist where in the Bible it says that marriage is between a man and a woman.

  10. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I'm so SICK of these GO-PEE'rs dictating what they will and won't answer. If they want to be taken seriously, they'd better start answering anything and everything. Else, all I see is DECEIT and no way in hell would I ever buy their stupid books let alone vote for them.

  11. Anonymous7:00 AM

    "Of all of the Teabaggers I have seen, Christine O'Donnell offends me the very least."Gryphen

    I think you should rethink this.

  12. O'Donnell also was pulled out of radio interview while talking.....DJ's assume her publicist cut the call off.

    The brief interview can be heard here:

  13. Grey Lensman7:07 AM

    This is Sarahlite. Celebrity grifting apprentice. Take the fools for all you can, and pay your rent, go bowling, wtf-ever. Are we going to see her trying to be somebody again? Please, noooooo...

  14. Anonymous7:10 AM

    "....What I write about is mostly constitutional...."

    Come again? She says she writes about things, most of which of constitutional. Begging the question - so some of the ideas are not? Lucy

  15. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Based on this snippet, I'm confused about why he kept pushing the gay marriage question. What was the premise of the interview to start with?

    Nevertheless, I agree with the comment here that her walkout was staged. She is trying to drum up interest for her boring book.

  16. WakeUpAmerica7:11 AM

    Not-A-Witch is a typical teabagger in that she is a liar, grifter, delusional, and thin-skinned. No surprises here. She used the typical teabagger ploy of ad hominem attacks on Piers, not that he was affected by it in the least.

  17. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Sarah will ride again!!!

  18. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Her book is currently ranked 2,166 on Amazon. Not too many sales, I would say.

  19. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Just like Carrie Prejean. Exactly. Look, I'm sure some Nazis seemed lovable too, but just remember what their ideology led to: mass execution of those who they deemed less than. Gays, professors, liberals, artists, communists..all of them were rounded up before they rounded up the jews. These are modern day nazis and they wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in your head if told it had to be done in order to protect the God-fearing nation from radicals from within. It is what Rush and the echo chamber tell them everyday that liberals are not human.

  20. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Poor little Christine. Scared off the stage by lightweight Piers Morgan because she is a delicate born-again Christian who mustn't be upset. She and her fellow Christian entertainers/politicians have made women look like fools. I face harassment daily and I have to stand up to it, and this idiot can't even field a question without throwing a huge, drama queen hissy fit.

  21. Anonymous7:18 AM

    This is spooky!

  22. Sally in MI7:21 AM

    She, like Palin, Angle, and Bachmann, are cowards. They bank on their looks and their cutesy attitude making them immune from any real questions. It works on Fox...Chrissy was just fine with Sean the other night, who followed up on nothing she spewed, and agreed with her every biased statement. But put her in front of anyone else, and she collapses. Sarah flat out lies; Chrissy and Angle walk away. And these people think they are leading? Or worthy of our time and money? Go on, ladies, get a life, and come back when you're woman enough to stand up for what you say.

  23. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I agree looks like she had it planned she was looking to the side, when someone montioned for her to walk off. No one care what this bimbo has to say . No one care about her book. She is a nothing. She reminds me of a lot of ppl here. They don't how Government works Who has the purse strings and don't even read the newspsper except on Wed to see who went jail,or got divorced.

  24. Smirnonn7:29 AM

    The spunky chunky runs from sunlight like a cockroach. Typical bagger.

  25. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I don't dislike O'Donnell either, because I don't think she's hateful or desires harm to those who disagree with her. She does seem to have always been after an easy buck, though, and is clearly looking to profit off of the tea party movement.

    It's telling that she acts like a typical celebrity, instead of a former candidate for senate, and has some clearly legitimate questions that she doesn't want asked. Palin, Beck and O'Donnell want to effect the real life political world, but be catered to by the media as if they are mere entertainers, entitled to deference.

    The fact that she is so obviously upset and confused that she cannot dictate the terms of the interview shows how much Palin has blurred the line between celebrity and serious politician. Can you imagine Obama walking out on an interview because someone asked him his personal views on gay marriage? He wouldn't like it, but would find a way to answer it like the professional politician he is.

  26. Anonymous7:38 AM

    OT but we're off to the races with Perry:

  27. Anonymous7:40 AM

    You watch, she will never go on the LSM again. Fox only...

  28. Anonymous7:43 AM

    COD is ignorant and a grifter just like SAP. They both leach off others but I have to say that COD is not evil or hateful like SAP and that SAP looks like a great grandmother.

    COD, well you wouldn't kick her outa bed for eating crackers.

  29. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Piers is a creep. If Christine wants to turn him into a toad she has my blessing.

  30. Triskele7:54 AM

    Ahhhh, so now we have a name for the Tea Party underlying motive: The "2nd American Revolution;" it is disguised by cute, dumb, and perky, but is nonetheless covert and requires vigilance.

  31. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Christine O'Donnell is a big fat liar. This article is from the Wilmington News-Journal.

    O'Donnell Memoir Not a Hit Locally:
    State Republicans Dispute Its Accuracy



  32. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Hell no she is not a witch...

    Sarah is the real witch of the GOP.

  33. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Dear Anons 7:11 and 7:18,

    I'd enjoy seeing the pics, but after cutting and pasting and eliminating all the spaces, I still can't get the URLs to work for me.

    Have you considered learning how to make HTML links? More people will see your info if you take a minute to make a nice link for them.

  34. Silly girl, whatever would she have done if she actually got elected to something...ding dong....

  35. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I am tempted to side with Bill: this may have been a PR stunt to amplify her presence. I think her book is or will be tanking, and she and/or her agents thought they needed to spice things up a bit to draw readers.

    She is a dimwit - but so naive that she isn't dangerous. She has obviously always been in over her depth.

    I thought she could be dangerous because she could be used - however, like Palin, she is self-centered enough that total control over her would be difficult.

    It might be impossible to totally control Palin because she is unpredictable and volatile. COD is a bit more simplistic than Palin but she still shares the same cunning that any good grifter possesses. She knows how to take advantage of any opportunity.

    Palin just takes it to the psychotic level. Sarah has no sweetness lingering in her aura. COD just barely does. But then, she still has her looks. Sarah barely does.

  36. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Just because Bill Maher likes her doesn't mean she's not a True Believer Bagger. She's certainly as stupid as Palin. She seems a lot more polite than Palin, though. However, she is immune to her own contradictions. She is speaking in L.A. this weekend at a woman's theatre, trying to sell her book. Since it is a very lesbian-friendly theater, her non-answer to Morgan's question is especially interesting.

  37. Anonymous8:32 AM

    COD cannot be a witch. True Wiccans, and before them the herbalists, subscribe to the "do no harm" ethic.

    COD is just a bitch. She's always been an opportunist with no real moral compass. She's found what she thinks is a good cover for her need for the spotlight and her need to make money doing as little as possible.

    I haven't yet visited amazon to track how poorly her book is doing, but I suspect is not faring much better than Bristol's did unless the TP is buying it up to shore up her persona in hopes she will still have time (before her looks go)to run once again. They know Sarah's beauty sell-by date is nearly here, so Sarah Jr. (COD) is being given the bull-pen warm-up.

  38. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I remember reading about her comment concerning the satanic altar, something about blood, etc. I have studied wicca - and never, ever, was there anything about a satanic altar. I think she either made it up - or had sex with someone on something he may have called a satanic altar - who knows. But her description is full of beans. And yes - I am a good witch.
    Pat Padrnos

  39. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Hope Piers didn't take it personally...she also hung up on this radio host..

  40. 6:06 am @BP in OR
    She's obviously on a book tour, but you're right, CNN would only book her because they think people would be interested in seeing her. Which leads to...

    6:30 am @Bill
    who says her walkoff was staged. Agree 100%. She had problems executing her stage directions though.

    Reality TV & John McCain are responsible for the GOP dysfunction. McCain elevating Palin made it acceptable for celebrity seekers to run for positions they are completely unqualified for, and for ignorant people looking for a voice to endorse.

    But I agree with Gryph. O'Donnell is harmless (and only qualified to do performance art) and obscure. The tragedy is that she unseated the moderate, reasonable, honorable Republican Senator Mike Castle in last year's Delaware primary. Which got the ball rolling to where we are today; overreaching Congressmen and Governors who gleefully take Tea Party positions that are detrimental to our economy and society.

    P.S. Thanks @Anon 8:05am for link on creating hyperlinks. I'll give it try on the next article I (attempt) to link to.

  41. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Christine O’Donnell On CNN Walk Off: Piers Morgan ‘Would Not Stop Talking About Sex’

    Former Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell says she didn’t walk off an interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan Wednesday because of a question on gay marriage–she says it was a series of questions about her past statements on sex that made her uncomfortable. “Well first of all I want to set the record straight, it wasn’t the question on gay marriage,” she told Steve Chenevey on WTTG-TV in Washington, DC. “He had a decidedly inappropriate line of questions leading up to that, that many people – bloggers, are saying was just border-line creepy.”

    “And, I’m trying to move away from it, you know, I’m not a 20-year-old on MTV right now, so let’s get back to the political issues that I lay out in the book – and he wouldn’t let up,” she said, in the first interview she’s had since the walk-off. “I was not there to talk about sex – and he would not stop trying to talk about sex,” she said.

  42. Anonymous9:22 AM

    The online versions of her book explain that it is fiction! A "novel".

    The print version, not so much.

  43. Anonymous10:22 AM

    A total wuss.
    M from MD

  44. Just had a chance to watch it...Wow. So, the issues which are in her book are not issues she wishes to discuss, so why doesn't Morgan ask her about issues in her book.

    There, I think I covered it.

  45. "not-stop-talking-about-sex"

    the rorschach test was being given - to one ink blot after another, the response was sex-related. at the end of the examination, the psychologist says, "you seem to be obsessed with sex." "why do you say that, doc? you're the one with all the dirty pictures."

  46. ...I just went to amazon and began reading reviews...I can't tell if some of the 5-star ratings are people being sarcastic or totally serious...Some are quite funny, though. Here's the link: Troublemaker Amazon Link

  47. Anonymous11:17 AM

    This just shows you that you can't believe what you read.

    I just read that Piers Morgan was rude and weird and asking questions about sex and after watching this clip I disagree with how this was a rude interview. They made it sound like it was sexual questions, Piers was only asking her about her position regarding Gay people and not asking her about her sexual positions. If Christine O'Donnell can't answer that question then why did she ever go into politics? Simple question even idiots like Sarah Palin and Christine should be able to answer it.

  48. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Anonymous said...
    There is a good chance her handlers planned the walk out. Her apperance has had much more coverage because of the walk out than because what she had to say. Regardless, who would buy her book?


    6:30 AM

    Who would buy COD's book? Maybe the same 5 people who bought Bristol Palin's book?

  49. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Gryphen did you read this?

    Willow was kicked out of Colony High School last year for misbehavior and was going to be home schooled. Not sure if that panned out or not. Rumor has it that Willow was sent to a clinic in New York State for anger management.

    I wonder if Sarah's story about Track being sent out of state to Michigan to attend hockey camp was a lie? Did Track go to some drug abuse clinic?

    If this is true then what kind of mother is Sarah if she is running around the country blaming Obama for everything while her kids are getting pregnant, kicked out of school, skipping school and impregnating others while dad solicits prostitutes?

    One fucked up family!

    Tell me again Sarah that you are deciding to run for POTUS when you can’t even be a mother to your children?

    Sarah how about ya keep your ass at home and try to save what’s left of your fucked up retarded family?

  50. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Watched the interview. She has a big, big attitude. Didn't think Piers questions were off base as they were things she supposedly talked about in her book.

    Understand she also rang off on a radio show the same day. CNN should ban her in the future as well as the radio station.

    Wanne bet her book will not be a best seller? No one I know is going to purchase it.

    What is wrong w/these Republican/Tea Party people?

  51. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Tea Party Denounces Christine O'Donnell After She Walks Off Piers Morgan

    The Tea Party has denounced Christine O’Donnell after she walked off the set of “Piers Morgan Tonight” last night when Morgan attempted to discuss issues of same-​sex marriage and “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” with the Tea Party Republican and failed senatorial candidate. O’Donnell, who was invited to discuss her new book, spent two minutes discussing why she would not discuss those topics, stating she was there to talk about only the issues in her book she wanted to talk about. Morgan repeatedly reminded her that those were indeed topics she wrote about in her book.

    Characterizing her performance as a “temper tantrum,” Judson Phillips, founder and head of Tea Party Nation writes, “if you are going to play in the big leagues, you have to play by the rules. CNN and Piers Morgan are pretty far to the left but this time Morgan is right and O’Donnell was not only wrong, but extremely unprofessional to walk out of the interview.

    “She was on the show to talk about her book, which Morgan commented on favorably. O’Donnell refused to answer the question about gay marriage, saying it is in the book. If you write a book, be expected to answer questions about what you put in the book.”

    “Piers Morgan was not asking anything inappropriate. Christine O’Donnell’s immature and unprofessional response makes the Tea Party movement look bad. Was she ashamed of her position on gay marriage? Did she not feel competent enough to defend her beliefs? We will never know.

    “Conservatives everywhere should be able to articulate their political positions and the reasons behind them without throwing a temper tantrum when they are asked to defend them.

    “We may have just seen Christine O’Donnell’s last prime time performance. I am sure she is a nice person but she does not understand what she has to do if she is going to be a national figure.

    “If she does not understand this, perhaps fading from the scene might not be a bad thing for her.”


  52. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Last night on Daily show: Jon and Steele take a dig @ Palin: Steela says its too late for her to run.

  53. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I love your comparison to "That girl in high shcool who found jeebus" because it fits COD to a t with one exception.
    She definately didn't practice what she preeched. She was a party girl with the college crowd in Philly, known as a vapid, low tolerance to alcohol and poor impulse control to saying no (something like Bristol).

    Bill Maher had so much ammo against her that he didn't get a chance to use. Now that she's published a book and is playing interest up by walking off programs, he'll bring out more of the better tid bits he has archived.
    What could this bimbo possibly have to write about? She'll join the ranks of Carrie Prejean in short order.

  54. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Still the fascist Kewpie doll...

  55. This is a review of Christine O'Donnell's book which sent coffee up my nose:
    "In all my years of rabid book reading, I have never come across such a beautifully written piece of work. A brilliant work of satire at it's best. I laughed, I cried, I ate a pint of icecream and lit a black candle in a fit of inspiration. All those who ambition to be a political Andy Kauffman could do well to use this book as a yard stick to measure yourself against."
    He gave her five stars! :-)

  56. Meanwhile in other gay rights news:

    These people truly make me sick.

  57. @1:59- "if you want to play in the big leagues you have to play by the rules"- tea party dude

    this is THE EXACT group that made Paylie their unofficial queen before Batshit Bachy stole her crown.

    Paylie has never. Ever. Played by the rules, and they LOVED her for it.

    COD is simply boring and irrelevant.

  58. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Just like Granny Grifter PAYlin when she was "debating" Joe O'biden
    for VP back in '08

    She publicly stated during the debate that she may not answer the questions.

    And then we find out later she had the list of questions BEFORE the debate started.

    Cuz, you know, also too, those are gotcha questions, and the media is unfair, dontcha know.
    You betcha, wink wink!

  59. Anonymous6:38 AM

    There is just nothing there. In that head. And in that book, I'm sure.

  60. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Dim bulb.


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