Monday, August 01, 2011

Did President Obama get taken in this debt ceiling compromise, or did he quietly, and calmly win again?

Interesting analysis from The People's View:

Here's the quick and dirty (The White House has a summary here and more details here):

  • $900 billion in initial cuts (below CBO's baseline) through capping discretionary spending (meaning that nothing is being cut right now). Both parties had largely agreed to these cuts during the debt talks. This is really only about $750 billion of actual cuts; the other $150 billion comes from saving on interest payments on the national debt. This also raises the debt ceiling by $900 billion.
  • Initial cuts do not include Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, or programs for the poor. It actually increases Pell grants - even in Boehner's bill.
  • $350 billion (almost half of these cuts) in cuts in the base defense budget - these are not simply the savings coming from winding down the wars. This actually cuts the base defense budget.
  • Specifically protects the President's historic investment in Pell Grants.
  • Sets up a bipartisan "supercommittee" of Congress (half and half Democrats and Republicans) to achieve $1.5 trillion in additional deficit reductions with both tax reform and entitlement reform on the table.
  • They must achieve at least $1.2 trillion in reduction or automatic cuts set in of that amount, spread equally between security (Defense and Homeland Security, mainly) and domestic spending set in. Social Security, Medicaid, low-income assistance programs and Medicare benefits are exempt (yes, I know you can swear you read or heard on the ether that it is not so, but it is. Follow along below). These are the so-called "triggers."
  • Either way, the debt limit goes increases additionally by a commensurate amount to the cuts (at least $1.2 trillion, at most $1.5 trillion).
  • A balanced budget amendment is guaranteed a vote, but not passage. But Congress can avoid both the supercommittee requirement and the alternate automatic cuts if it sends a balanced budget amendment to the states (which. will. never. happen. - because Republicans won't agree to anything balanced in terms of the balanced budget amendment.).    

Remember that the President can still veto anything coming out of this committee and Congress (in which case the triggers go into effect).
Now let's get to the fun part: the triggers. The more than half-a-trillion in defense and security spending cut "trigger" for the Republicans will hardly earn a mention on the Firebagger Lefty blogosphere. Hell, it's a trigger supposedly for the Republicans, and of course, there's always It'sNotEnough-ism to cover it. No, the loudest screeching noise you hear coming from Krugman and the ideologue Left is, of course, Medicare. Oh, no, the President is agreeing to a Medicare trigger!!! Oh noes!!! Everybody freak out right now! But let's look at the deal again, shall we?  

From the White House fact sheet, here is what the President actually agreed to.   

"Consistent With Past Practice, Sequester Would Be Divided Equally Between Defense and Non-Defense Programs and Exempt Social Security, Medicaid, and Low-Income Programs: Consistent with the bipartisan precedents established in the 1980s and 1990s, the sequester would be divided equally between defense and non-defense program, and it would exempt Social Security, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, programs for low-income families, and civilian and military retirement. Likewise, any cuts to Medicare would be capped and limited to the provider side. Read that again." 

That's what the media and the whiners are not telling you. The President agreed to no Medicare benefit cuts in the "trigger." None. The cuts, if they automatically happen, would go to whom? The providers. Who are these providers? Doctors, hospitals, clinics, Medical device makers, service providers, drug manufacturers. Who do you think they mostly donate to in the political season? 

The entire pressure on these Medicare cuts are on the private medical (and pharmaceutical) industry! So let's ask that question again. The Medicare "trigger" is a trigger really from whom again? As a matter of fact, both big triggers (Defense and Medicare provider cuts) are triggers for the Republicans.

The author of the post (Who by the way is a MUCH better policy wonk than I am) also makes the point that these "triggers" cannot go into effect until 2013, which is AFTER we have the next election.  In other words the make up of the Congress might have substantially changed by that point and the President may have MORE instead of less support. 

Go ahead and read the whole post, and visit the numerous links provided and determine for yourself who knocked who down and took their lunch money.

Personally I feel much better.


      1. Anonymous1:58 PM

        The National Organization of Women would strongly disagree. They are very much opposed to this deal.

        Their press release

      2. Comment from another blog:

        Let me get this straight. The President kept revenues on the table, did not touch the sunset provisions in the Bush tax cuts, ensured that military cuts keep the GOP honest, protected Medicare by adding in only provider cuts in the trigger, made the reduction apparently enough to stave off a debt downgrade, got the debt ceiling raised, wounded Boehner by demonstrating to the world that he is controlled by the Tea Party caucus, took out the requirement that a BBA be passed and sent to the states and got the extension through 2012? What exactly is wrong with this deal?

      3. Anonymous2:15 PM

        The issue was the debt ceiling.

        So why crap up a simple issue that, with the 14th he could not possiblt loose, and end up loosing.
        How the hell does a reasonably intelligent person do that?

        The poor and middle class are screwed, the rich make out like bandits and SS and Medicare are going to be robbed to pay off the Bush deficit at the cost of an entire generation who have spent 40 to 50 years investing in SS and Medicare.

        My expected life span has decreased from 82 to 78 just since Bush was elected. Under this plan it will plummet. If I were rich my expected life span would still continue to increase.

        Obama has literally agreed to murder an entire generation so he can clam the "Grand Deal" that he so wanted.

        Fuck his Grand Deal.

        Why would I ever vote for some one who has just written me off?

      4. Anonymous2:18 PM

        The answer is A. He got taken. Sorry Andrew, no meep, meep on this one.

      5. FEDUP!!!2:18 PM

        Well, I am not so sure that this is how it actually will turn out. He has NO increase in revenues, has agreed to a 'Super-Congress'(!) - and will have to go through all these shenanigans AGAIN next month for the budget battle.
        He should have simply invoked the 14th amendment.

        (And, yes, I start sounding like my hubby who daily tells me he will not vote in 2012, and who daily tells me that President Obama only got elected because of the bankers who knew he could be the easiest to manipulate.
        Some days, I am almost believing the same. (Still, there is a glimmer of HOPE in me that he will do the right thing, and will actually for once take the stand of and for the People.)

      6. President Obama has always been the smartest one in the room. We'll all see this vividly when he's reelected with a Congress NOT filled with asshats in 2012.

        For now, here's a little humor which we all need! Michael MacDonald is the Tea Party and Mo Collins is Boehner. And, oh the irony(!), I guess Chyna is President Obama!

      7. Anonymous2:23 PM

        Blogger Karen said...
        What exactly is wrong with this deal?
        2:01 PM

        For one thing. A Constitutional Amendment requiring balanced budgets,even in times of real war, national catastrophes, and recession.

        Permanent documents like the Constitution should not be altered to deal with temporary problems, especially politically motivated temporary problems.

        For another thing we are still fighting and not winning 4 or 5 or 6 wars with no end insight. The cost of those wars is bleeding our economy to death, quickly. Yet they were not part of the"Grand Deal" Obama is so proud of.

        That is 50% of our annual expenditures left untouched. Expenditures that are draining our economy not building it.

      8. I suffering such sensory overload with this topic, I couldn't bring myself to read the whole post. But I am dying to hear what Lawrence O'Donnell has to say about it tonight. His take on all this during the last couple of weeks has been extraordinary. Here's hoping he's at least nominated for his coverage of BHO's negotiations with the Repubaggers and how he really, REALLY smacked them down. Yet again.

      9. Anonymous2:29 PM

        Unions oppose the plan.

        Gee I wonder why.

        No jobs. No protections for union members.

        What's not to love.

      10. Anonymous2:35 PM

        If Dems really think winning is by making protest votes, they deserve the Republican president, Republican Senate and Republican House they will get. And if you think things are bad now, you haven't seen anything yet.

        Have you seen what Rick Perry stands for? Have you heard the crap Romney is touting? The only way to keep the car from steering off a cliff is to vote Democratic and keep voting Democratic over and over with a relentless will of iron.

      11. Anonymous2:37 PM

        I think, with time, we will come to thank President Obama.

        He made a good deal that no one acknowledge last time at the same time his opponents thought they won, he mad ensure they didn't kill key promises. A good attorney tries to find win-win situations because each side has to feel it has gotten something.

        What he isn't good at - and neither is the DNC - is explaining the wins. He doesn't boast, toot his horn or fling it in his opponents' faces.

        It is up to us to exercise calm analysis and judgment and not fly off the handle and denounce things until we really understand.

        So, thank you, Gryphen for not blinding supporting him, but communicating the more complex aspects of this situation that can actually benefit us all.

        I believe that any cuts to Medicare and Medicaid will come to the insurance, medical EQ, and pharmacy costs. Our doctors have discussed this with us, admitting that costs apart from their services and overhead are often padded beyond belief. So, there is fat to be trimmed before touching the premiums, copays and benefits.

        I will continue to put my trust in President Obama before I will any Republican, Tea Bagger (insult intended), or Libertarian. However, I will also keep putting pressure on him and the Democratic party to ensure that promises are kept.

        After all, he is repealing DADT - which everyone and their third cousin removed screamed he was ignoring. Change takes time.

        Change also takes cooperation. We have to, have to, have to make sure we vote for him and progressive-to-moderate Democrats in 2012 - at ALL levels, but particularly in Congress.

      12. Anonymous2:40 PM

        1:58 anon:

        i've lost faith in NOW ever since they came out in defense of palin.

        palingates had a few choice things to say about that drama. go read it.

      13. Anonymous2:48 PM

        As a mere "voter," I place my faith in my President, my liberal congressman, and my 2 female senators. Thanks, Gryph, for this updated explanation.

      14. Anonymous2:51 PM

        I, too, quit donating to NOW, esp. after they became pro-Palin. As a feminist, it pains me to see how they were infiltrated with anti-choicers who want to legislate my womb.

      15. Anonymous2:53 PM

        @2:40 PM i've lost faith in NOW ever since they came out in defense of palin.

        Yep, I'm with you and I was a card carrying member of long standing but between the group's stance and the NOW apologists for Palin - that was it for me. They haven't spoken for me in years.

      16. Gasman2:56 PM

        Any deal which does not include revenue in the discussion is bullshit. Any deal which discusses a Constitutional Amendment is bullshit. We've been served up with a double load of bullshit, it is pointless to try and spin this as a good deal.

        I would be willing to discuss nearly anything, but to leave ANY discussion of revenue off the table tells me that nobody is serious. Any legislator who refuses to even discuss revenue has no business being in office.

        As to the Constitutional Amendment, it is so fucking stupid it should have been swatted down immediately. You don't amend the Constitution because legislators lack the courage or will to do their jobs. This "crisis" was created by the teabaggers. The would amend the Constitution on a weekly basis if they could.

        This makes Obama and the Dems look like they've been owned by the teabaggers.

        As to the 12 member super commission, such bodies have historically proven to be very ineffective. I don't see this one as being an exception to that rule.

      17. I sent that post viral about 30 minutes ago because it explained this whole dealio better than anything I have heard from the tv or online news and blogs. I have tried not to give in and sit in front of my computer and drive my self crazier and borderline depressed about what all this means. Have gotten my share of morning emails stressing the need to call, email, etc all morning. I wanted to read the bill myself, have it explained realistically. And that post lays it out.

        Given the people that he had to work with, a whole party of NO driven by even crazier ignorant base, he really did an awesome job of negotiations.I was getting a little annoyed with his letting it go before the House and Senate, but that's is how it works. I continue to ever amazed on how the President can remain so calm and gracious.

        I am waiting in anticipation to see how Rachel, Laurence and Ed handle this but am sure that Jon Stewart will give us some much-needed humor.

      18. Anonymous3:13 PM

        OMG Gabby Giffords is on the Floor right now.

      19. Anonymous3:15 PM

        Gabby is BACK. I'm so HAPPY!!!

      20. Anonymous3:15 PM

        Good blog, I'm sure that you'll find my blog somewhat interestingly similar...

      21. justafarmer3:17 PM

        Gabby Giffords at the House floor for the vote!

      22. Anonymous3:20 PM

        Watching Gabby Giffords cast her vote on the House floor was inspiriting. She is the true undefeated.

        Giffords is no quitter!

      23. Where I live those on Medicare essentially get no care. If they are cutting payments that means the one org that does see Medicare patients may stop. Not that much will change since they are incapable of knowing what they are doing, so it is useless to go to them. I am on Medicare yet can't get any health care. If hospitals get less money for Medicare patients they will begin policies of getting them out the doors asap, which means more complications. This will decrease the ability of seniors and the disabled to get care, it is already so bad people are dying or have to wait until they are very ill to get help. Why do you think special clinics had to be created in Anchorage for those on Medicare? The doctors in this state are Republicans and capitalists, not humanitarians. Putting sugar on a shit sandwich doesn't change the fact that it is full of shit.

      24. Anonymous3:24 PM

        I cried when when I saw Gabrielle Giffords waving to everyone. What a moment.

      25. Anonymous3:25 PM

        Interesting link, and thanks for that, but if it were me, I'd have searched for a link explaining the debt crisis, that was not written by someone that seems to "Oh Noes" spend a whole lot of time on the Lol Cats website. If this person wants to be taken seriously with their breakdown of the debt measures and conciliatory agreements, perhaps he or she should write like and adult, rather than a "teen web surfer".

      26. Anonymous3:25 PM

        Well, we knew going in that "Change" would be difficult ~ but necessary. And it's only been 2.5 yrs. Still, I would not change my vote considering the options.

        Thanks Gryph for shedding light in a dim situation.

      27. Anonymous3:34 PM

        I just saw the picture of Gabby voting on the house floor. I have tears running down my face. I love that woman...she is sooooo much bigger and brighter than SP. I don't tweet but if I did I'd tweet that pic to SP. She should be ashamed.

      28. Anonymous3:36 PM

        Is there a reason why you enable anonymous users to post comments? All YouTube users have Google Accounts, bro.


        Gabby returned to vote for it! What an amazing woman.

      30. Anonymous3:39 PM

        Ever wonder how Palin can have so many twitter and FB followers yet no one came to her movie. Why on only a handful of people participate in C4P polls. (Probably the same 6 people).

      31. Anonymous3:39 PM

        Regarding Social Security and Medicare; I'm 45 years old and have been assured for the last 10 years that those programs WILL NOT be available to me when I meet the age of enrollment. I still receive those great little flyers from the SS admin that tell me how much I'm going to get each month when I first become entitled, in 2028, but the government has been preparing the public for a sunsetting of SS benefits as early as 2025.

        People of my age must attempt to secure their future in IRA's and 401K's. An IRA has a cap of $3000 each year; put in $3 grand (match your Permanent Fund Dividend with your own cash, that's what we do) each year and the tax benefit for those individuals making under $45,000 per year will offset any federal tax payment greatly. However, one must rely on the Markets cooperating with any investment opportunity, but still, do a $3000 IRA each year, put it in a very low risk investment (1-1.5%) per year and you are not paying your hard earned dollars to Uncle Sam, and you have savings. Coupled with a modest mortgage, the average wage earner (under 50 grand per year) can come out either having Uncle Sam pay them a tax return check or owing the Uncle only chump change.

        We older folks have to look out for ourselves because we WON'T HAVE SS OR MEDICARE after 2025-2030. I for one don't want to eat canned cat food. Be smart, take care of yourselves and screw the government that is going to screw you.

      32. Anonymous3:41 PM

        I am waiting in anticipation to see how Rachel, Laurence and Ed handle this but am sure that Jon Stewart will give us some much-needed humor.

        2:59 PM


        Actually, of all of the media personalities listed above, Stewart probably provides more truth, less humor, although he is thought by many as merely a comedian.

      33. Obama got steamrolled and capitulated in almost every aspect of this manufactured crisis... He sucked thru the whole process and this will cost him his re-election.

        BUT, just think, with a WH that's held by a pee-party representative, and a completely rethuglicon congress, we'll be in WW 3 by 2014, inflation will be 200% a month, un-employment will be around 25%, and the national debt will be $ 200 trillion. good going clowns....

      34. Martha again3:50 PM


        See pictures on the front pages of the NYTimes and the Huffington Post.

        Glory, glory hallelujah!!!

      35. Anonymous3:52 PM

        I'm in tears having read the Gabby has returned to vote!!

        Here's Huff which has pics

      36. Anonymous3:56 PM

        Karen 2:01

        The last thing that the Pres should mention at this time is the Bush tax cuts. That would have been an avenue to a 'no' vote in the house.

        Get the debt ceiling vote out of the way before hammering on that.

        We've spent since the day Obama was sworn into office with the party of 'NO' which I wish the MSM would highlight instead of just making reference to the 2010 election of the baggers in the house. How quickly the MSM forgets.

      37. Martha again4:02 PM

        WATCH Nancy Pelosi !!! She made me cry!!!!!

      38. Anonymous4:12 PM


        If you have a blog and don't want anon posts - go for it. Your choice. As for Gryphen's blog -- it works and being he has been comfortable with it - it's his choice.

        As for me having a goodgle account - no fucking way. I've had more shit from google and the same with the Facebook sister who is now on her high horse about anon posts. I'm not signing up with those freaks to give them more action and hits. That's what it is for them.

        I'm tired of their changing the rules and security everytime they sneeze.

        As for Facebook and Goodle -- they can fuck themselves.

      39. Anonymous4:53 PM

        12 Ways to Tell Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann Apart

      40. Medicare already compensates providers far below fair market value.

        How many providers are going to continue to provide for medicare patients if their compensation is further cut?

        They'll either stop. Or they'll hike their rates to everyone else. For those with insurance, they'll be responsible for what insurance doesn't pay. And that amount will increase. So the rest of us wil be subsidizing those medicare patients.

        Where is the end to the Bush tax cuts? Where is the revenue?

        I'm also not at all pleased with this so called SuperCongress that *I* didn't elect. That is not representation.

        And who decides who these elite 12 are? All we need is 6 'baggers and 6 blue dogs and we're totally screwed.

        Obama is worse than Jimmy Carter.

      41. Anonymous5:14 PM

        Great link, Gryphen. It is an excellent primer on the proposed debt compromise. It would be a refreshing change if many of the so-called progressives would educate themselves on the facts before they hurl themselves into their typical infantile tantrums of outraged disappointment with our President.

        It never ceases to amaze me that so many Dems consider themselves to be the "educated elite," yet they precipitously shoot off their mouths as quickly and ignorantly as the "uneducated rabble" on the Right. As Daniel Moynihan said, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.

      42. Anonymous5:19 PM

        I am sure The Repugs had it all set to impeach the President if he had used the 14th or not.....instead the world and all have seen what the Teabaggers are all about. It is up to us to march do all it takes to make sure they are out of office.We have to suck it up and support the President.

        Sarah Palin just had a big load when Gabby Giffords entered that hall.

      43. I had the same response as you after I read all the details. Not much will happen until 2013 and, hopefully, the teabaggers will be a distant memory by then. What people have to remember is that this is what happened as a result of a lot of Dems sitting home in 2010. That cannot happen again. Give Obama a clear, filibuster-proof congress and he will work wonder in his second term.
        Just look at what he did so far.

      44. Yes, he did (win) and every republicon knows it and the dems are too stupid to realize it.

        This is the guy who got bin Laden...he ain't dumb.

      45. Anonymous5:49 PM

        Obama for America 2012 campaign just emailed the entire text from ThePeoplesView to subscribers. Gryph, you are always right on top of things! Thanks.

      46. Anonymous5:57 PM

        Joshua the Centrist @3:36, we had this discussion a couple of months ago.

      47. Anonymous6:04 PM

        I actually wouldn't have minded more triggers that impacted the poor - after all, people with skin in the game are more likely to bother to vote.

      48. Anonymous6:18 PM

        In a very real way Medicare was put on the chopping block. By targeting Medicare providers this deal makes the future bleaker for Medicare recipients because it will go from difficult to nigh on impossible to find a provider (aka physician) who will accept Medicare patients. In my state the search for doctors who will accept a new Medicare patient is long and arduous and not always successful. Because so many Medicare recipients are women, this will disproportionately impact older women (which explains the position of NOW). The unions understand this, so they are appalled by this "deal." This is the reason for the opposition coming from the Congressional Black Caucus and the Progressive Caucus. If you are poor, elderly or disabled and on Medicare, you will be screwed.

      49. Anonymous6:29 PM

        Let's hope this explanation of the deal is what we really eventually get. If it is, then kudos to him on a well fought battle. Though the debt ceiling should not be tied to all this bullshit.

        What will the R's do about "job creation" now? Wasn't that the platform on which they were elected?

      50. Anonymous6:44 PM

        Head on over to to see what Sarah looked like just three weeks before she "birthed" Trig.
        Damn! She had tight abs!!!

      51. Anonymous7:00 PM

        Looking at how the media kept spinning this entire fiasco was absolutely sickening. So many "chicken littles" who grasp onto one particular issue and blow things out of proportion.
        As time passes, and the facts come out, the defeat that Boehner and the republicans and Tea Party think they've perpetrated on President Obama and the Democrats will be short lived.

        I am disappointed that the revenue issue's been kicked down the road, because the sooner we get the rich on board, the sooner President Obama can work on the job issue.

        There are "for now" winners and losers and "down the road" winners and losers, and they're not the same people. The tea pary has been exposed, and Obama knows their weakness and will use it to his advantage.

        Just look at what's out there, barring a miracle, Obama is head and shoulders above the competition.

      52. Anonymous8:09 PM

        What is critical to remember is that most of these radical right wing crazies who just held our country's economy hostage were put into office because too many people were either too impatient or too lazy to vote in 2010. We need to get to the polls next year and undo the damage that was done to our political system by replacing these idiots with Democrats.

        This past spring I voted in the special election to replace Christopher Lee (of shirtless-photo-in-the-mirror fame). I voted for the Democratic candidate, never expecting her to pull off a victory in this deeply red district. Well, much to the surprise of everyone, she actually won! Only FOUR Democrats have won in this district SINCE 1857 but she won over the heavily favored, and extremely well-financed, Republican.

        Every vote counts and, if we all work together, we can take back our government from the people whose primary goal is to destroy it.

      53. Anonymous8:34 PM

        Anyone who thinks Obama was going to allow himself to be the President (w/brown skin - and a Socialist to boot) who invoked the Constitution to commandeer a legislative process, or the President who stood back and let a potential Economic Armageddon trash our already fragile economy, is dreaming BIG TIME. The GOP was just praying away that he would do one of those two things. They probably had the ads made and cued up. They were going to have a field day, they were going to hammer him relentlessly until the American public had no idea what was true and what was false. Death panels would be child's play compared to what they were going to do to him.

        Thank you so, so much Gryphen for pointing out this excellent analysis. The TPM breakdown was also helpful today. I will continue to share both with my nearest and dearest Progressive whiners.

        I couldn't stand all these fools on TV last night, blathering away, making dire predictions, political football calls, the usual - but all freely admitting THEY WEREN'T SURE WHAT THE DEAL WAS. Truly stupid.

        I adore our President. He is a consummate chess player and he kicks ass every time.

        FIRED UP is right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      54. ibwilliamsi8:56 PM

        My husband and I agree that this deal is a "do nothing" deal. Maybe President Obama did win. Maybe the Republicans didn't win as much as they could have. When do WE get to win? When do the uber-wealthy start paying us back?

      55. Anonymous9:20 PM

        LOL, I just emailed the link to my progressive pal at work. He greeted me this morning practically in a panic... quoting Krugman AND many of the highlighted comments in his NYT article today. Insisting that Obama just "let them win" even though "he has the bully pulpit AND the Senate." I tried to explain that, no, Obama doesn't have the 60 votes for a filibuster-proof Senate, but it's all on deaf ears. I'm not losing the faith.The alternative is too freaking crazy.

      56. Anonymous10:37 PM

        It really scares me to read progressives saying they feel they can no longer vote for Obama and Democrats.

        The reason the Tea Party has the power it now does, is that a lot of people figured they should go with the "throw the bums out" plan, in 2010...and ended up sending their local witch or goblin to congress...while most of America watched television instead of urging their friends to vote, and doing so themselves.

        What a (NOT) surprise that those town fools newly elected by a deluded public, have caused nothing but grief to the nation--coming so close to bringing about a worldwide depression, in their ignorant actions.

        And another surprise that anyone paying the least attention saw coming: all of those crazy people elected in 2010 were Republicans! All massively financed by big corporations and the billionaires with insane ideas of how the country should be run.

        UNHAPPY? Then get your butt out and vote/campaign for the SANE people, in spite of how they seem too willing to negotiate with the crazies.

        The alternative is to sit back and watch the plot of many awful science fiction novels, unfold.

      57. Anonymous11:00 PM

        Gawd, what a bunch of whiney crybabies. Do you believe in magical thinking? Elect Obama and the world is magically filled with unicorns? He never had control of the senate - it was full of DINOS. Sitting out the 2010 elections because he didn't make your world perfect created this current disaster. So are you going to GOTV in 2012 and back him, or sit on your asses and lose the senate and white house as well?

        He never had the power you credit him with. And you NEVER had his back. Despite that, he got a lot of good bills through, including an overhaul of health care in this country that we can build on - if he's re-elected. If he isn't, it's going in the trashcan with TParty footprints all over it.

        And forget that 14th amendment nonsense. If he had done that, he would be impeached by the TParty house, which would shut down the rest of his administration.

        He bought time with this agreement, so deal with it. Use the time wisely or continuing whining and sucking your thumbs and having temper tantrums and turn over the country completely to the Koch brothers. Up to you.

      58. Anonymous1:04 AM

        P.S. Obama haters - healthcare parity for women just took effect. You really want to kick that to the curb?

      59. Anonymous3:00 AM

        Gollum and Smeagol make it plain...

      60. Anonymous8:28 AM

        Thank you for this. I understand it more and feel much better.

      61. When they started talking about a "Super Congress" and a "balanced budget amendment" they lost me.

        Keith agrees:

      62. Gasman11:00 AM

        Anon @ 1:04,

        "P.S. Obama haters - healthcare parity for women just took effect. You really want to kick that to the curb?"

        Fuck you. Why does it follow that because we think that Obama got bitch slapped by Boehner and the teabaggers that means we want to dismantle healthcare? Pull your head out of your ass, it is Boehner and the teabaggers that want to do away with ALL healthcare reform. I wanted substantially MORE healthcare options for women - and everybody else as well.

        Why is it that ANY criticism of Obama makes one an "Obama hater?" Obama lost this battle because he hadn't the spine to stand up to Boehner. Boehner won this round, no question. Stating the obvious does not a hater make.

        Obama has NEVER seriously challenged the GOP control of the narrative on any issue. Not on healthcare and not on the debt ceiling debate. He could at least start by calling the teabaggers out on their idiotic hyperbolic fear mongering lies.

      63. Anonymous6:31 AM

        Unfortunately, the whining continues w/ppl not doing their own research. It just burns me up to hear ppl say they're not going to vote 4 him again, without looking at REALITY. Yeah, don't vote - let's see what happens. the 2010 election was a prelude. Want more of the Tea Party? Jeesh - use this to get active, fired up, and get out the vote!


      Don't feed the trolls!
      It just goes directly to their thighs.