Saturday, August 06, 2011

Did Sarah Palin base her whole political persona on Lois Griffin from an episode of the Family Guy?

Apparently this episode first ran in May, of 2007.

Kind of spooky isn't it?


  1. Beldar Cletus Conehead3:02 AM

    No, Gryphen. The screechy wretch's persona is based on Brandine Spuckler (wife of Cletus Delroy Spuckler, the Slack Jawed Yokel and mother of Gummy Sue, Tiffany, Andie, Gordon, Lizzie, Jackson, Heather, Cody, Dylan, Dermot, Kevin, Jacob, Jordan, Taylor, Brittany, Wesley, Rumor, Scout, Cassidy, Zoe, Chloe, Max, Hunter, Rubella Scabies, Kendall, Caitlin, Noah, Sasha, Morgan, Kyra, Ian, Lauren, Q*bert, Condoleezza Marie, Phil, Birthday, Crystal Meth, Dubya, Incest, International Harvester, Jitney, Witney, Mary, Stabbed in Jail) from The Simpsons.

  2. Just for accuracy purposes, I thought I would tell you that is actually Lois Griffin, not Meg. :)

  3. JayKen Thegirls3:08 AM

    Hi Sarah!

    Quick Question.

    Does the carpet match the drapes?

  4. Anonymous3:12 AM

    That's Lois, not Meg. It reminded me more of Giuliani but it's still a funny video.

  5. Anonymous3:30 AM

    I thought everyone knew that.

    Old news dude.

  6. Anonymous3:41 AM

    That's Lois Griffin, not Meg. And typo on caption: should be *of* 2007 not *or* 2007.

  7. You hit the nail on the head, Gryphen.
    Or, nailin' Palin!

  8. That's not Meg Griffin. That's Lois. And the answer to your question is yes. Yes, she did.

  9. Beldar Undivider Conehead4:29 AM

    Why all the hate, Gryphen? If you would only open your librul eyes long enough to see the true spirit of the screechy wretch and what she means to literally hundreds (HUNDREDS!!) of addled people across this great nation of ours you might come to love her as they do. Or not.

    Don't you see? She gives the little people from all walks of life hope for a brighter, whiter, Jeebus-ier future! The confused, the uneducated, the deranged, the imbecilic, the brain-damaged, the angry, the lonely, the pious, the dumb-founded, the befuddled, the ignorant, the frightened, the naive, the tired, the stoopid of all colors (ok, mostly white), every religion, (yeah, but mostly fundie xtian), every gender (mostly men) and age (mostly middle and senior) can all come together in small awkward clumps of uninformed worshippers trembling in awe at the feet of their balding goddess.

    Can't you see that for the beautiful thing that it is?

    I hope next time you're tempted to deliver one of your clever, snarky, Obama-lovin' bons mots at Granny Lulu's expense you give some thought to these very special people.

    Remember, they hate because they love.

  10. London Bridges4:36 AM


    You got it totally wrong. Sarah (& Ram) based their whole career on this!

    Click on the TV & watch the I Love Lucy episode, especially ewhen Sarah says being president is EASY!

    limited availability!

  11. You know I actually watch this show so you would think I could remember that the wife is Lois and the daughter is Meg.

    Oh well, thanks for the correction folks.

  12. i thought that was Guiliani's platform...

    9-11 was bad.

    But then, of course, The Great Brain Fart:


  13. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Beldar Undivider Conehead you have outdone yourself with that clever post. Thanks for opening my eyes with a smile this morning.

    And Gryphen, as always, you rock.

  14. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Councilwoman Palin, what do you propose we do with our trash?

    We use our trash to stick it to the learned members of our community. Let them swim in our collective filth.

    Sarah, please re-read this oldie but goodie, it nailed you - but good. You insignificant, insecure (yet arrogant) washed up gum smacking 50 y/o has-been wannabe.

    In her inimitable style, her idiot verbiage spelled out her insecurity and class resentment out for us:

    "I'm not one of those who maybe came from a background of, you know, kids who perhaps graduate college and their parents give them a passport and give them a backpack and say go off and travel the world," she [recently] told Katie Couric.

  15. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Beldar @ 4:29 a.m.

    Bon Mots? I thought they were called Bon Bons? - Sarah Palin, avid reader of the man who seeks to destroy her children and can't keep her eyes off what the haters think of her.

    But it's okay cause it's like water off a duck's back and they have the thickest skin around and are happy and laughing all the way to the bank and God is on their side.

  16. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Gryphen - Not to detract, but are you going to post anything on Mercede's interview where she says that Palin would have had a mental breakdown if she became President? I believe this to be true..also.

  17. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Very funny Gryphen, thanks.

  18. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Another quick question Sarah:
    Why did you name Tri-G after his extra chromosome?

  19. G@#D$%^ that Seth McFarland and his rapier wit.

  20. Anonymous9:35 AM

    $arah Paylin is an idiot, and Ram is a double idiot.

  21. Anonymous10:22 AM

    What I find spooky is that the premise of the cartoon is true.



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