Friday, August 05, 2011

It has been too long since Jack Cafferty has graced IM with his presence.

Cafferty asks "Are Sarah Palin and Donald Trump the answer to the country's problems?"

I think most of us could easily answer that question, but let's hear what Jack has to say about that.

My favorite portion was  as he referenced the poor performance of "The Undefeated."

"The popcorn stand at the theater took in more money."


  1. RAM surfaces????

  2. Beldar J Conehead5:18 AM

    heh heh heh...

    it's funny cuz they're clueless....

  3. Anonymous5:33 AM

    The last viewer email calling it a useless topic was from "Ram." Our Becky?

    God bless Jack Cafferty!

  4. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Great article on why Sarah Palin can't run for President and won't. But I'm still anxious to hear the excuses she will use to explain her "decision".

  5. at c4p, they say

    "We’ll update when more information becomes available but the Tea Party of America, the organization hosting the Governor’s September 3rd speech in Waukee, Iowa, is working on providing that buses that take you to Iowa for the event from Dallas, Florida, Kansas City, Denver, and the Twin Cities."

  6. Calli Pygian5:46 AM

    Ram says... could this be the missing and humbled RAM?

  7. Anonymous6:09 AM

    I love Jack Cafferty...he always crack me up. That was great. Thank's for the morning laugh. lol!

  8. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Sarah Palin, "The U.S. needs a restoration of all that is good and strong and free."

    Whatever that means.

    Jack always has Sarah's number.

  9. Anonymous6:20 AM

    My favorite was "whatever the hell that means." That could be the standard line after anything and everything that comes out of the Palin pie-hole.

  10. JayKen Knotstirred6:27 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  11. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Hey Gryph, looks like Rick "Frothy" Santorum is imitating both $carah's bus tour, AND her penchant for "victimized" lying.

    Poor Rick, whines about taking his seven kids along and how he has to listen to them whine "are we there yet?"
    But check this out - only the two youngest are children - the others are either teens or young adults. If a 20 y o is still whining - or taking family van vacations with her family - well RIck, that isn't exactly a testament to your or your wife's parenting skills.
    See huffpo for article.

  12. WakeUpAmerica6:31 AM

    Oooh thank you for your pearls of wisdom, RAM! We didn't know. BWAAHAAHAAAHAAA!!! Now be a good little minion and crawl back under your sad rock, my Precious.

  13. "My favorite was "whatever the hell that means." That could be the standard line after anything and everything that comes out of the Palin pie-hole."

    Perfect. Let's do that!

  14. Anonymous7:01 AM

    From the earlier thread of the You Betcha documentary, it shows footage of Mrs. Palin answering a pre-screened question on "Obamacare:"

    "Obamacare was rammed down our throats there was a promise of bi-partisan effort to control the costs of health-care when you look at what Obamacare really has resulted in and you know there's death panels in there and I called it like I saw when I said that these were death panels cause its faceless bureaucrats again another problem with Obamacare, the Death Panels." hold for applause, she is done with that question with her prepared answer.

    Even if you accused the director of editing her answer, WTF did she just say? That is an answer? This is after 20+ years in public service and media savvy backed up with five college's worth of a journalism and political science degree.

    It was as epic a failure of an answer to Katie Couric's bailout question of the unknown VP candidate who said she was wired in such a way to not blink and be ready to lead the country at a moment's notice.

    And about as legible as her answer on American oil exports at the McCain town hall - where Sarah was supposedly showing off her 'energy expertise.'

  15. Anonymous7:07 AM

    LMAO!!! I also noticed "Ram". Now that just made my morning!

    Also, Cafferty is the grouchy old grandpa I never had! I bet he makes holidays fun!

  16. Anonymous7:35 AM

    $carah can't even take care of herself, let alone her family. She and her ex-husband both belonged to AIP, both are un-american.

  17. $arah Paylin, too ignorant for words!

  18. Um, I dig Cafferty but G you need to DATE this cuz he starts by saying the

    "the 2000 election is drawing..."

    he meant 2012, but then he's talking about Trump so I think it's an old piece, but now he's talking about Palin and Labor, for this year? Trump is talking about running...again? For 2012?

    I'm confused!

    Anyway, just wanted to let u know I'm a couple minutes in and that's the circus in my brain.

    A simple date tag (was this yesterday?) would be appreciated, by me at least. =) Thanks, G.

  19. "Obamacare was rammed down our throats there was a promise of bi-partisan effort to control the costs of health-care when you look at what Obamacare really has resulted in and you know there's death panels in there and I called it like I saw when I said that these were death panels cause its faceless bureaucrats again another problem with Obamacare, the Death Panels."

    Whatever the hell THAT means.

  20. Oh wow! Wasn't sure why everyone was talking about RAM but my impatient self finally finished the video.

    It's like an inside joke for all of us Palin-Nots.

    Do you think RAM has ANY idea how many laughs she gives us? How many times we just smile and shake our heads and say, "Ha ha, they can NOT be serious! What ADULT acts this way?"

    And yet, the carnival music plays, so RAM performs.

    (Psst, I'm getting full on popcorn...anyone have Junior Mints to share? ;)

  21. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Palin MUST be running, otherwise why the wait? Surely the Grifter wouldn't string her supporters along, have them contribute $$$ to SarahPac, etc. if she already knows she's not going to announce? Even some of the saner minions at C$P are saying they're tired of "the slow tease." She's probably going to announce at the Sept 3 rally, then it's showtime. "Game on," as they're fond of boasting. Can't wait to watch the Grifter's meltdown at debates, press conferences, etc. Or does she think she can Tweet her campaign?

  22. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I am beginning to think that Palin hired Rebecca Mansour as her fashion consultant.

  23. Sally in MI9:54 AM

    What does Sarah know about anything that is 'good and strong and free?" She is evil, a cowardly little worm, and hasn't done anything for 'free' since she got pregnant the last time (Piper.) And even then, it may have cost Toad big time. I love Jack....he has her number.

  24. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Jack knows old $arah is dumber than a tree stump and equally frightening.

  25. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Ahh Jack and Wolfie, oh how I miss watching CNN!

    Funny Clip, RAM makes an appearance, and her comment got randomly picked as an example? What are the Chances? LMAO

    Would have been more accurate if "wigs" were substituted for "Hats", but it's still funny just as it stands.

    Off Topic,

    Has anyone seen ruffle's photo on their milk carton lately?

    Off Off Off Topic,

    My son saw graffitti in a restroom over the hand dryer

    "For the most recent pearl of wisdom from Rush Limbaugh, wave wet hands under nozzle"

    It was written in sharpie, which makes me think Sarah must be pissed at Rush, but what the hell for?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.