Friday, August 26, 2011

Sarah Palin presents flute playing as a metaphor to explain how she approaches politics.

In my opinion this video of the future Grizzled Mama, massacring a flute solo during her failed attempt in 1984 to win the crown of Miss Alaska, provides just about everything one needs to know about Sarah Palin the "politician" of today.

It does not take anybody with a great knowledge of music to recognize that this is somebody who simply did NOT put in the time to really master her instrument.  Much like the Palin of today, who NEVER really puts in the hard work to understand the issues that she is expected to know about as a potential Presidential candidate.

It also painfully evident that little Sarah Heath is not disciplined enough to play the proper notes at the proper time. Instead she goes all "mavericky" and plays any damn note she pleases, while assuming that the much louder music accompanying her will drown out any mistakes.  Of course this is much like how Palin makes ridiculous statements on Fox News while expecting Hannity, or one of the other paid arbiters of misinformation, to polish it up to look like a pearl of wisdom instead of yet another intelligence free moose nugget. 

After she finishes Sarah Louise stands swaying unsteadily (Which in her church I believe was referred to as "Dirty Dancing.") to the background music, while staring out at the audience with her wonky eye and daring them to say anything negative.  If they had, just like today, she would have written down their names and made it her mission to destroy each and every one of them.

You know I have done some research and I understand that this was in fact Sarah Heath's THIRD choice for the talent portion of the beauty contest.  The first two choices were "butchering the English language" and "faking a pregnancy." However when the all male judging panel asked her when she first became interested in the flute and she started her explanation with "You know this one time at band camp.."

The rest, as they say, is history.

Later of course Palin would work to master two entirely new talents, "hair design through electrocution" and  the "art of the glassy eyed hypnotic stare." 

But sadly Sister Sarah's days as an empty headed, marginally attractive, beauty contestant were over. And she later went on to become an empty headed, marginally attractive, political contestant.

P.S. Hey you know maybe Bristol WAS right that Michele Bachmann is stealing her mom's look.

Wow!  That is just freaky!


  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Granny LuLu fails at everything she does. LMAO What a loser. No wonder she takes so many illegal narcotics.

  2. Anonymous8:35 AM

    The flute video is possibly a close second in humor to the Couric interview asking the skank what newspapers does she read. Wait a minute, there are too many to try to rate them


  3. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Yuk. That woman is an idiot and always has been. As we used to say at KTUU, "wow, she is unhire-able."

  4. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Am I nuts or did she misspell Gadaffi on her Facebook post? Looks like the people who commented on her post spelled it the same way as she did. I have seen it spelled "Qadaffi" or "Gadaffi" but never the way she spelled it.

  5. Anonymous8:39 AM

    At that point, she was a performing artist for TEN YEARS???
    WOW! Alaska sure has a low barrier to jump over to be an 'accomplished performing artist'!

  6. Anonymous8:43 AM


  7. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Without glasses her goo goo eye is even more noticeable.


  8. I just think if everyone in America saw that photo of a younger Sarah she would be officially over with.

  9. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Good Gawd...
    That leaves me speechless....

    She seems immune to embarrassment. How else to explain her self-satisfied expression at the end of that massacre?

  10. Oh, my, lord. Yanno, I thought she started out okay, but then she lost it in the middle section and never came back.

    Her eyes. Ohmygosh. You can see the crazy in the eyes from not only that far away, but in the fuzzy video it comes across...

  11. You know what it reminds me of? Bristol's DWTS gig, wherein she has minimal talent, but is carried along by the music, the costumes, her partner, and the fuss and feather of being on a stage.....Sarah displays talent at being able to blow into a flute (not a small feat) and to make several notes throughout that correspond to the backround music that carries her performance. She could almost have just stood there with the musical accompaniment and just pretended to play the flute, and she would have come out almost the same.

    As for the wonky eyes, I must say she really cannot help that; my daughter started displaying strabismus at age 3, and even with patching for the past 4 years, she still is somewhat crossed-eyed without her glasses. With glasses, however, her eyes look normal. Her opthalmologist does not recommend surgery as she is corrected with glasses. Now that she is 7, no further patching is warranted, since from thence, a child's brain and optic system is pretty much set. She will, however, most probably need glasses for the rest of her life. So, in this one small thing, I am sympathetic to SP.

  12. Anonymous9:09 AM

    not a particularly difficult song for an "accomplished flutist". she should have done Flight of the Bumblebees if she wanted to show off real talent.

  13. Anonymous9:09 AM

    That is SUCH a riot. HILARIOUS.

    I had never listened to this tape before. She sounds perhaps 5th grade level by today's standards, and I speak as a musician. She would be considered weak at that level, even. Maybe this is more like a typical 3rd grader, in many school districts of the US where they have been fortunate enough to hold on to a music education curriculum. I am not saying that would be true everywhere.

    Most kids are WAY beyond this playing level by the age she is in this contest, particularly after 10 years of playing an instrument - even if they haven't taken private lessons but have just been involved in school band activities and group instruction. She had to try hard NOT to improve, I am telling you.

    The funniest part is her deer-in- the-headlights facial expression.

    I am still laughing.

    Yes, a good metaphor for her, Gryphen. Can you say half-assed?

  14. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Be safe and take precautions if you are in the path of Hurricane Irene.

    Remember, if Palin, Bachman, or Perry get the Presidency, there won't be any emergency help because they want to minimize government involvement in our lives.

    Thank goodness for saner people such as President Obama. He sounds as if he is on top of this emergency. He may not be known for playing a musical instrument, but he sure knows how to be serious when it comes to helping people.

    Did you all see where Rep. Cantor wants a dollar cut from the budget for every dollar spent on federal emergency services? Dumbass Cantor.

  15. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Poor Sarah. I imagine a young Sarah staring at her reflection in the mirror, and like all young women struggling to accept herself, be comfortable in her own skin, before turning to go out and face the challenges and opportunities the world would offer...

    Nah. She put on glasses she didn't need to hide that wonky eye, piled that hair up in a tousled just-bedded look, pushed her boobage up and out, and otherwise wriggled, winked, jiggled and teased her way past every expectation of competence, achievement, talent or even simple effort. And developed a similarly robust suite of revenge skills for everyone who got in her way.

    The sociopath as a young girl.

  16. Anonymous9:16 AM

    She really wowed them with all that difficult fingering.

    Why does she look like someone just goosed her?

  17. Anonymous9:19 AM

    LMAO! Sitting here eating lunch with my 4yo son listening to Sarah's solo, and he's groaning in agony covering his ears!!!

  18. Anonymous9:21 AM

    THAT was funnnnny

  19. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Gramma and her cross eyed tootin on the flute! GOD, I HATE that video! My 13 year old kid sounds better then that.....sp just let the music track carry her!
    Kristin V. kicked your ass back then, ms. big legs, and STILL does! Have you SEEN her?!?!? WOWZERS!!!!!

  20. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I got your flute right here, Sara

  21. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Yep‼ I also noticed a few (at least) 'off-key' moments -- but then thought, maybe it was just me. LOL

    Her fingers were hardly moving to make much music, but I am sure it was still, really her attempting to be talented.

    And, also (too), she seemed to finish her number a bit before her accompaniment/background music was quite through. hahaha

    Oh well, she may get an 'E' for Effort, but most likely, an 'F' for FAIL!!! (which she did very well)

  22. Anonymous9:31 AM

    It IS a perfect metaphor! Clearly she put little effort into her playing in general or even this particular piece, but there she is, acting for all the world like she absolutely deserves to win, like every exception should be made for her. You know, because she's Sarah.

    Sarah: the Exceptualist

  23. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Oh my God, that was hysterical!! LMAO! Gryphen, this almost needs a NSFW warning just due to the laughing. I'm stifling laughter here with my door shut but it's about to bust out any second.

    Whew, thank you for putting a bright spot of laughter into my day. Your words were funny too; great post!

  24. JayKen Knotstirred9:33 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  25. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Molly @8:55, if you can blow into a beer bottle, you can toot a flute, I played one in HS and college. I could whip out virtuoso numbers on beer bottles and get free drinks all night long.

  26. True Blue Girl9:36 AM

    Poor girl. No talent. Wonky eyes. Early signs of mental instability. So-so looks. And no hiding the mean-nasty-crazy trifecta she's putting out into the world.

    OK, that's it, I'm done with the empathy.


    (1) an evil bitch; (2) unhinged; and, (3) an idiot.

  27. Anonymous9:38 AM

    terrible. She should have chose baton twirling.

  28. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Gawd she just awful. she tries to play the same notes over and over (just like she says her empty talking points over and over.)

    First graders who play recorders are pissed.

    And her ideas are as flat as her ass is that pageant's bathing suit.

    What a freakin joke.


  29. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Hey Sarah - today would be a GREAT day to announce that you faked your pregnancy with Trig! Everyone is watching the hurricane - you could just say it was your servant's heart telling you to shove a pillow up your shirt. NOBODY will care! The LSM will completely ignore it - who has time to analyze a half-term governors psychoness and play loops and loops of the Elan & Wild Ride videos when there is weather? Go for it!

  30. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Wow, that is one seriously lazy eye to go with that lazy contestant/mother/wife/spokesmodel/politician.

  31. Anonymous9:51 AM

    For crying out loud. If we show that insufferable bitch her faults, we are'nt talking about anyone that has the same affliction.

    When someone in your family has a wonky eye and are or trying to pass laws on other that will harm them, then I will give them the same shit as I do that triflin sloot.


  32. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I am laughing so hard! My dog starting howling..finally went out the dog door to get away for the noise. Bet people in the audience wanted to do the same.

    I love the way the band keeps getting louder and louder and totally drowns her out..trying so hard to cover up her horrible shrill notes.

    So ten years of work netted that? Wonder if her parents got their money back from her teachers.

    James Galway needs to sue her ass for butchering his arrangement like that.

  33. Anonymous9:54 AM


    Glenn Beck Flips Out Because Government Is Going To Help Irene Victims

    ...Glenn Beck and his ilk may hate the government, but if he is a victim of a crime he expects the police to show up when he calls. If his house catches on fire, he expects the fire department to put it out. If his the town he lives in floods, and puts him in a situation where all of his money is worthless, do you really think that he or is family will care whether the people rescuing them are public or private?

    The biggest hole in the no federal disaster aid should ever be administered argument is that it doesn’t acknowledge that disasters will occur that are too large for the private sector to handle. Yes, we all should be good neighbors in a time of crisis, but what happens when the disaster is big that all the good neighbors in our country can’t cope with it?

    As a major hurricane barrels towards the United States, Glenn Beck is advocating that we don’t use the government to help the victims. Beck is saying that these victims have to hope that enough private aid can be raised and it can be provided to them.

    This callous and ideological attitude of Glenn Beck should strike most Americans and un-American. If history is any sort of guide, Hurricane Irene is going to damage, destroy, injure, and kill when it arrives in this
    country. This debate isn’t about big government versus small government, or public versus private. It is about doing what is right.

    Glenn Beck is outraged, but fortunately for those in the path of Hurricane Irene, the federal government is already waiting to help them.

  34. Olivia10:01 AM

    That glassy eyed stare is Sarah trying desperately to hold the wonky eye in place long enough for the camera shot. Bachmann's glassy eyed stare is her trying to force herself to see Jesus while heavily medicated.

  35. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Truly hilarious in all possible ways.

  36. emrysa10:10 AM

    I realize that is an actual song, but as anyone who's ever payed an instrument can notice - it's like she's playing scales. she's playing the same thing over and over and over. did she really think that this example displayed talent? it totally figures that the quitter would choose the easiest possible way out.

  37. emrysa10:12 AM

    rofl - I meant to add - I bet ian anderson is sooooo jealous!!!

  38. Anonymous10:12 AM

    an unmitigated fraud of epic proportions

  39. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Her eyes are so crossed that watching this made my eyes hurt.

  40. Anonymous10:13 AM

    That is too funny! How pathetic.
    And then she stands there looking so proud of herself!

  41. Anonymous10:26 AM

    How stupid to you have to be to choose to play a FLUTE when you have that wonky eye you're trying to hide? I mean, really? Watch that clip without sound. It's painful to look at.

    Must have been the result of Sarah Math: least effort + easiest to hide how bad I am at it + makes everyone look at how my lips pucker so provocatively = flute!

  42. Anonymous10:29 AM

    " she would have written down their names and made it her mission to destroy each and every one of them."

    Whats sad is, Sarah was the opposite of that back then. She was an Alaskan sweetheart. Too bad she fell into the political trap of power and influence.

  43. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I noticed the accompaniment music got much louder when she was floundering- presumably to cover up her lack of talent. The few bars she did play ok were the very easy refrain. She is no musician, but then the talent section in beauty pageants is always a hoot. Looked like a scene from the hilarious 1999 movie, "Drop Dead Gorgeous" starring Kirsten Dunst, Denise Richards, and Ellen Barkin.

  44. Anonymous10:30 AM

    And she played her flute in 2008. Think Elan Frank. I dont recall her saying she was a good flute player though. She was tenacious though. Never a quitter in her younger years.

  45. Anonymous10:34 AM

    That video actually makes me feel sorry for her. Standing up there in front of the audience & judges with her crossed eyes, no real talent, and trying to look pretty, talented, appealing, and "together."

  46. Anonymous10:35 AM

    It's interesting you're criticizing someone who didn't set out to be a master flutist (sp?) or even a pageant girl. If she weren't approached to earn school money, I'm sure she would have continued to waitress and fish to pay her way. What's she supposed to do in the talent portion, stand there?

    People are cruel. I fear for your children who have to live in your cruel, judgmental, world.

  47. oh my gosh that was HORRIBLE. Incredibly easy piece, poor tone quality, and did she even tune that thing before playing?!

    My 20 years of musical training have not included one single second of formal flute work, but give me a flute and a day or so to brush up and I could play better than that...

    I realize that $arah is pretty damn dumb, but could someone please look into the claim that she had ten years of experience?? It's hard to imagine ANYone could play even slightly consistently for 10 years and still be that bad. I note that the announcer words it very carefully ("performing experience" could be taken in many ways), and I doubt it's really true in any capacity. Still, it'd be entertaining to shoot down yet another one of her pointless lies made in a pathetic (and failed) attempt to get ahead...

  48. Anonymous10:36 AM

    There are a lot of critical, eye-opening articles about Sarah Palin that are on my all-time favorites list, Todd S. Purdum's It Came From Wasilla and the New Yorker's

    But this is one that is the BEST EVER just because - well, read it.

  49. Anonymous10:37 AM

    And yet she was well-liked by her pageant friends, called one of the most beautiful, continued to encourage everyone, and hasn't allowed her detractors to silence her YET. She married her first love, has a great family, and is living the life she desires.

    sarcasm on

    Yeah, Sarah's a real loser.

    sarcasm off

  50. So funny!

    I wonder if her flute playing was even worse in the 1985 pageant when, as Miss Big Lake, she failed to place.

  51. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Sarah is an Alaskan sweetheart, loved by all, happily married with her childhood sweetheart, her happy, happy, happy brood of dysfunctional children who aren't getting any smarter with stupid school larnin".

    Saracasm. Ya Betcha.

  52. @Anonymous 10:37 AM
    Riiight. Keep telling yourself that. Keep telling yourself that.

    Oh, BTW, where's Trig? How come no loving photos of 'mother' and child? Huh? Tell us that Sara--oops, I mean Anonymous 10:37 AM. Still got that black eye?

  53. Anonymous11:00 AM

    67% of Voters Say They Would Never Vote for Sarah Palin

    A little more than week before Sarah Palin’s tea party event in Iowa, a new Pew poll has found that 67% of voters would never vote for Palin.

    The Pew poll asked voters which Republican candidates they were most likely to vote for. Mitt Romney was the leader with those who knew him with 54% of those asked saying that they would (16%) or there was some chance (38%) that he would get their vote. Rick Perry was second at 47%, but an equal 47% said there was no chance that they would support the Texas governor. Ron Paul (42%) and Michele Bachmann (39%) both got lesser support.

    Sarah Palin has the highest name recognition of any of the Republicans (97%), but only 13% of those polled said that there was a good chance that they would vote for her, and 19% said that there was some chance that they would support her. (That 19% is the lowest number in the entire GOP field. For the sake of contrast 25% said that there is some chance that they could support Jon Huntsman, and 23% said they might be able to support Newt Gingrich).

    Among only registered Republican voters, and Republican leaning Independents 24% said that there was a good chance that they would support Sarah Palin, and 34% said there was some chance. However, 41% of REPUBLICANS and Republican leaners said that there was no chance that they would support Sarah Palin. In contrast, only 17 Republican voters said that there was no chance they would support Rick Perry, and only 21% said there was no chance that they would support Mitt Romney. Sarah Palin’s 58% possible support is 19 points behind Perry, and 17 points behind Mitt Romney.

    In short, Palin has virtually no chance of winning the nomination. She has over three times more Republicans who refuse to support her than will vote for her. A 2012 run by Sarah Palin would be a dead end. It is fast track ticket to failed presidential candidate oblivion.

    Palin is doing all the right things to keep the speculation alive. She went to the Iowa State Fair. She released a campaign like video of her Iowa trip. She has played coy on Fox News and continued her feud with Karl Rove. In the end, all of these gestures mean nothing because 67% of the American people will never vote for her.

    As her September 3rd gig in Iowa approaches, many in the media will be sucked in by the slow news holiday weekend and cover the will she or won’t she question with undeserving seriousness. The truth is that it doesn’t matter whether she does or doesn’t.

    America has made the decision for her, and if Sarah Palin can’t take a hint, voters will deliver their rebuke of her personally at the polls in 2012.

  54. emrysa11:11 AM

    anon @ 10:35 am sez:

    "It's interesting you're criticizing someone who didn't set out to be a master flutist (sp?) or even a pageant girl."

    apparently you missed the part where the announcer said she had played the flute for 10 YEARS. the criticism is valid - someone with 10 years experience should not be so f-ing shitty.

  55. Anonymous11:19 AM

    fail! omg and that eye! Granny is very weird. No I don't think the USA needs this thing of a human.

  56. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Anonymous said...

    It's interesting you're criticizing someone who didn't set out to be a master flutist (sp?) or even a pageant girl. If she weren't approached to earn school money, I'm sure she would have continued to waitress and fish to pay her way. What's she supposed to do in the talent portion, stand there?

    People are cruel. I fear for your children who have to live in your cruel, judgmental, world.

    10:35 AM

    What's she supposed to do in the talent portion, stand there?

    Basically that's what Sarah did as mayor and governor. She just stood there while Todd did all her work for her.

    Kinda sounds like Bristol on DWTS, it was Mark Ballas who did all the work while Bristol stood there.

  57. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I'm loving the Fairy Tale Troll spin. Truly hilarious. So she joined the pageant for "school money"? ROFL... okay. Too bad she didn't actually put the money to use. She learned nothing at school and doesn't even have a degree. Try again trollscum.

  58. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Uhh sarah doesn't have a "great family" She has a BROKEN, DYSFUNCTIONAL "family". (Family is always in quotes when its in the context of Palins because its not a real family.) Sarah's "family" hates her. She hates them. Her family is nothing more than a prop for her. She's a bad mother and a child abuser. She is a FAILURE and a LOSER. The sooner you accept that the sooner we can all move on.

  59. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Anonymous said...

    And she played her flute in 2008. Think Elan Frank. I dont recall her saying she was a good flute player though. She was tenacious though. Never a quitter in her younger years.

    10:30 AM

    Hold old was Sarah when she turned into a quitter? She did quit going to school in Hawaii because she was creeped out by the Asians.

  60. Anonymous11:31 AM

    The "i don't know, its weird, people are cruel" troll is here. Welcome. You're so obvious its laughable. Sarah is a loser who is hated. Deal with it.

  61. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Come on, Bristol! Two minutes between posts defending your mother is TOO obvious. Please try to concentrate for another few minutes so it won't be so obvious.

  62. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Anonymous said...

    That video actually makes me feel sorry for her. Standing up there in front of the audience & judges with her crossed eyes, no real talent, and trying to look pretty, talented, appealing, and "together."

    10:34 AM

    That was Sarah's job description as mayor and governor. LOL and she wants to take her act on the road to the White House? Don't think so!

  63. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I've always heard skanky sarah was rather adept at playing the skin flute.

  64. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Behold, peeps, the result of ten years of practicing. Just look what sarah can do when she dedicates herself to something.

    I wonder if sarah would have pursued politics if she knew then she would be on the receiving end of the most humiliating public spanking in political history.

    I still wince when I think about Karl Rove tanning her hide like that. On Fox TV, too, for Christ´s sake.

    sarah must have cried like a baby, because she sure isn´t fighting back.

    That woman has literally sat down on her sore bottom and STFUpped.

  65. Anonymous11:46 AM

    O/T for the East Coast readers of the blog, this seems like a good source for information on Hurricane Irene:

  66. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Her eyes are so crossed that watching this made my eyes hurt.

    10:13 AM

    Sarah's crossed eyes made me want to slap her momma for hatching that poor sad thing. Bless her heart.

  67. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Q: How many notes did you play, Sarah?
    A: All of 'em.

    (Not even close)

  68. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I still think Rove spanking sarah´s ass on Greta was funnier.

    Sarah Heath looks full of false confidence, high on something in that ¨performance.¨ Middle School students warming up their instruments play and sound better.

  69. Thank you to some of your bloggers for their voice of safety during the hurricane. I am on the Outerbanks and although prepared, my partner, my 4 dogs and myself are feeling intimidated. You are right about Palin, Bachmann and Perry. Imagine, they would suggest just praying our way through it.

    Personally I am so grateful for highly educated scientists who are keeping us updated on the progress and the threat of this storm. You know little things like tracking the storm's progress to keep people safe. This is probably a step above, well, "praying about it". Ya think????????? Imagine that mess. Further, thank goodness they are not graduates of Oral Roberts University. Law enforcement officials are relying on science as well. Some of them may vote for crazy Michele Bachmann or lunatic Rick Perry as the two of them would would just tell the police to keep bibles in their cars. The low IQ want that sort of thing. A bible in the car is about as high as they can go with the process of thought, and then......well.... they're comfortable.

    What about government's role in this emergency. How come these republican govenors, in states which are vulnerable, are being so quick as to declare a state of emergency before the storm is even here? It wouldn't be to get in line for government handouts after the storm so their constituents think they are doing "a heck of a job brownie", would it?? Aren't they against government spending?????? If Michele Bachmann were president, she would have dismantled every federal agency by now so nobody would know anything or be able to do anything to help anybody. She and Perry would tell us to pray. Isn't that easy?

    I wanted to comment on Sarah's flute playing and I got carried away on the storm. She is being herself here, deeply deceptive regarding her ability to play so she has arranged to have the overwhelming accompanyment drowning her out. This woman is always hiding. If we are supposed to listen to her mastery of the flute, (and that was some intro, I was expecting the beauty of her playing to bring me to tears), why was she allowed any accompanyment at all? Thanks to the musician who told of her less than 5th grade ability here. I guess if Alaskans are told this is a significantly accomplished musician they wouldn't know the difference. So, so very truly is laughable.......

  70. Anonymous11:54 AM

    emrysa said...

    I realize that is an actual song, but as anyone who's ever payed an instrument can notice - it's like she's playing scales. she's playing the same thing over and over and over. did she really think that this example displayed talent? it totally figures that the quitter would choose the easiest possible way out.

    10:10 AM

    Hey come on don't be so cruel.

    It was either play the flute or recite her Paul Revere story. There was a third talent but nobody wanted to see Sarah play with herself.

  71. Anonymous11:56 AM

    emrysa said...

    I realize that is an actual song, but as anyone who's ever payed an instrument can notice - it's like she's playing scales. she's playing the same thing over and over and over. did she really think that this example displayed talent? it totally figures that the quitter would choose the easiest possible way out.

    10:10 AM

    Hey come on don't be so cruel.

    It was either play the flute or recite her Paul Revere story. There was a third talent but nobody wanted to see Sarah play with herself.

  72. Anonymous11:59 AM

    10;29 She was "an Alaskan sweetheart"?? Really? Just like her daughters loose morals, always pregnant Britles, vandalizing Willow, bratty Piper, like THOSE Alaskan sweethearts?? Peole do not change THAT much, she was always a bitch.

  73. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I wonder if McCain picked Sarah to be his vp because he seen her talent video?

    It is very obvious that Sarah had nothing else going on for her?

  74. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Shailey Tripp mentioned that Todd had a 4 inch penis.

    Sarah argued that Todd had a whopping 8 inch penis and now I know why.

    Sarah is crossed eyed and each eye saw 4 inches which resulted in a total of 8 inches!

  75. My 12 year old niece was now worried sick that she will be as bad a Flautist as Sarah is in 9 1/2 years from now.

    "Hannah, honey, you don't get worse over time if you practice. Mrs Palin was never as good a musician as you are right now. That's why she sounded so awful after having played and performed for 10 years."

    "Uncle Buzz, is this the same lady that couldn't remember anything that she reads?"

    "Yes, sweetie, this is that lady."

    "Haha, that's pretty funny, Uncle Buzz. She needs to go back to school and study this time. And practice her flute, too."

  76. Anonymous12:11 PM

    "hair design through electrocution"
    Does that mean she got ECT?

  77. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Sarah's been surrounded all her life by enablers, or worse, so no surprise that some poor troll with latent co-dependency issues comes to her defense.

    I used to think it was maybe a sister or cousin, but now I think it's just a troll who has dealt with someone like Sarah in his/her own life: too crazy, too mean and hateful, who holds a grudge and has adopted the victimization profile as both a lifelong coping and manipulation strategy.

    In what world does Sarah deserve the sympathy of these poor schmucks? A parallel universe in which Sarah has not single-handedly and with gleeful malice inflicted pain, suffering and shame on everyone who ever crossed her.

    She's both crippled and taken hostages in her own immediate family circle. And still wannabes clamor to be taken hostage too. Unbelievable.

  78. Anonymous12:13 PM

    @10:35, listen, you can't be serious that our pointing out she should be better than that after 10 years constitutes cruelty. Puhleeze.

    Sarah didn't care about playing that flute, and she won't care that we are critiquing it. She probably laughs at it herself.

    As for "being approached" to earn school act like this wasn't her idea at all, like she was forced.

    Do you happen to know the story of her college career, btw? Why so many different schools, so much transferring around?

    ('Cause you sound like you might know her personally.)

  79. Anonymous12:18 PM

    This video explains why it took Sarah Palin the Great White Hunter five shots to kill a caribou in Sarah Palin's Alaska.

    The bitch has wonky eyes and can't see straight!

    All that time her right eye kept hitting the target while her left eye kept looking at her daddy laying next to her.

  80. Anonymous12:20 PM

    wow, scary eyes...on both of them.
    A little factoid: Mozart hated the flute- the sound really bothered him - to the point of phobia, which is why he composed only one flute concerto.
    M from MD

  81. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Happy families.

    Who cares? If they are really, really, really happy why should they care what anyone else thinks as they trip off merrily, merrily, merrily to the bank?

    It is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ that is worshipped by the Palin tribe.

    Nothing else.

  82. I'm sorry I couldn't watch that shit...not today! I'm enjoying the comments and that's more than enough :)

    I did peek over at Crazies4Palin and I had to hurry up and shut the door! Those folks are in some serious denial...I don't think denial is the right's just say that they are in full blown INSANITY!

    It's like they are all at an Insane asylum and they are hanging out in the Dayroom talking to each other about their craziness! Except the Grifter is their INSANITY! I'm just waiting for Nurse Ratchet (RAM) to show up and give them all their shots so they can go "sleepy bye now".

    They have a "wonderful" post up talking about her FB post (that she didn't write...but who wants to quibble over the small stuff huh?) saying that "Triumphalism" is so a word! Well it turns out it's from a bunch of people on TWITTER who were talking about how stupid she is...the comments are a sight to behold!

    THIS is the bunch we need to keep and eye on come September 3rd...I know I will be hanging out there the entire day because it is going to be COMEDY GOLD!!

    Oh and for the Fairy Tale Sarah Palin is 47 years old....and she looks 57! Get that woman some help STAT!

  83. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Like Sarah Palin, I too am a flautist (cough, cough), except, in my case, I really am a flautist (or flutist, depending on your preferences).

    Sarah does a few things right: she is holding the flute parallel to the floor which is good, for example. On the other hand, her pinky finger is being held way too high. Fingers should never be more than a hair away from the keys without actually touching them - especially if it is an open-hole flute (rather than the closed hole student models). The really big problems are that her sound is not supported (guess she did not have her tight abs at that point as sound is supported from the diaphragm); she did not warm up her instrument just prior to playing (which is one reason why she started to go off key part way through); she rolled the flute to accommodate the higher octave (another reason for going off key); and she was rushing the accompaniment (she has no rhythm). She could probably have been a decent flute player with a little discipline.

    Having that video out there has got to be embarrassing. Geesh.

  84. Anonymous12:45 PM

    There's no excuse for slaughtering the flute, but I am proposing total amnesty on the 80's hair. I mean, really, who *did* look good in those hairstyles?

    The problem comes when you continue to wear those "Fluff Chick" looks.

  85. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Our town of Wasilla went into debt because Sarah Palin had our hockey rink built on private property that our town did not own and we had to pay extra money for lawyers, court costs and settlement fees.

    Future generations of Wasillians will have to pay for Sarah's mistake.

    Was this fuck up because Sarah is a complete dumbass or it is because of her wonky eyes and she had the rink built on the wrong side of the property line?

  86. Anonymous12:46 PM

    terrible. She should have chose baton twirling.

    9:38 AM

    One actually has to PRACTICE baton twirling - take a look on youtube at some of the champion twirlers.

    it's obvious from this video that SP never practiced the flute.

  87. WakeUpAmerica12:48 PM

    Playing for ten years? Wow, that was awful!

  88. Anonymous12:54 PM

    They say Curt Menard is Track's daddy.

    This could be an honest mistake!

    Sarah is cross eyed and after drinking a case of wine coolers Sarah thought she crawled into Todd's canvas tent and badda bing badda boom it was Curt's canvas tent and a month later Todd was fooled into marrying Sarah.

    Honest mistake!

  89. Anonymous1:01 PM

    My daughter plays the flute and she wasn't a prodigy of any sort. She played more complex pieces at 10 years old and her teacher would have simply died to hear such a lame piece performed at the most basic recital. Sarah Palin's performance rates a C-. How interesting she considers it one of her best moments.

  90. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:04 PM

    Wait, wasn't this a video clip from the talent portion of Toddlers & Tiaras? Sarah has the same glazed look (and astounding musical gifts) of any three-year-old "beauty queen" I've seen on that bizarre show. Maybe Sairy was really trying for the Ultimate Grand Nacho Supreme crown?*

    *Anyone who has seen the T&T program knows what I'm talking about!

    Great post, Gryphen, BTW.

  91. linda1:13 PM

    ok, don't call me a troll, but i do feel a little uncomfortable with this post and the comments. first, if i were ever judged by some of my photos from the 70's or 80's or even 90's i would absolutely cringe. the hair, the clothes, the poses. have any of you ever visited the website "awkward family photos"? most of the photos there are only awkward in hindsight -- at the time they seemed fine. yes, her flute playing was atrocious, but i will give her some credit for finishing and keeping her stage presence even though she obviously failed abysmally. as for the wonky eye -- the comments about that REALLY bother me. i have an artificial eye that does not track well sometimes -- have had it since an accident at age 10. it looks like a lazy eye and i know people notice. there's not a thing that can be done about it and i am not easily offended or hurt by people's looks or comments, but, really? should we be making fun of someone about a physical defect?

  92. Anonymous1:38 PM

    CNN’s Jack Cafferty Slams GOP Frontrunners: Why Are Americans ‘Allergic To Brains?
    LOL he hits hard on Palin- calls her a wack job

  93. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Sarah Palin Makes Forbes’ Powerful Women List in ‘Lifestyle’ Category

  94. She still blows......

  95. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Gawker: Fox News fears upcoming story

  96. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I played flute in high school. Granted, I wasn't very good, but good enough to know that this is a beginning level song. She isn't too bad at the start of the song, but it quickly becomes bad and off-tune and stays there until the end of the song.

    It was hard to focus on the song given her crossed eyes throughout the entire song. People had always talked about her crossed eyes, but I can't say that I noticed them. This video nailed it. It was really obvious.

  97. Dear fairy tale troll,
    What does it mean to "marry her first love," if he's not her first loveR...
    nor (supposedly) her last??

    PS. Sarah, Where's Trig's birth certificate?

  98. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Weeks, months since there has been any actual news around here. Maybe years.

  99. Anonymous1:55 PM


    --Who is the anonymous poster (anon238)?
    --Is it "Fred"?
    --Are you and Fred the same person?
    --Or you?
    --Can you tell us if s/he is legit?
    --Were all his/her comments true?
    --When is Fred's book coming out?

    Thank you!

  100. ManxMamma2:02 PM

    Oh poor Anon 10:37 AM - she did not marry her first love. He just wasn't that into her. Poor Sarah.

  101. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Anonymous @ 10:35 -
    The difference between most other people and Sarah is that most others recognize when they not have enough talent to parade themselves on a stage and be filmed for prosperity.

    "If she weren't approached to earn school money, I'm sure she would have continued to waitress and fish to pay her way. What's she supposed to do in the talent portion, stand there?"

    She should know enough to say "No."
    Evidently she believed that her talent was strong enough to allow her to win - otherwise why do it? If you are going to put it out there expect reaction (good or bad) to your performance. It's as simple as that.

  102. An accomplished flautist? Gee, I don't know--I guess we would have to ask Todd about that. Or maybe Brad Hanson.

    Sorry Gryphen, I couldn't resist.

  103. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I don't like her any more than you do, Griffen, but I also have a lazy eye. Would you back off on it? And most women over 40 and under 60 had that 'do mess. The hair is funny, but the lazy eye? That's something she was born with and when I get tired, it creeps people out and it's embarrassing.

    On the flute-- jeez, what can I say? You are right. She is lame! /pant pant/

  104. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Ouch! There were some clunkers there!

  105. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Did you see Joe McGinniss' post with the nasty dig about people who write about Palin several times a day without getting paid being obsessives? Joe thinks people who care about what happens to their state or country are fools, money is his only motivator. He has had a long career of showing he only cares about money, disregards the truth or makes it up and has stabbed people in the back to get what he wants. As always he is constantly creating drama just as he is getting ready to publish a book. What a jerk off.

  106. I followed Anon @ 1:45's Gawker link for more info...

    "I have for several weeks been working on a story about a Fox News personality that Fox News really does not want published! Fox knows what the story is, because I've asked its PR department for comment (they refused). Tune in next week to see what the story is."

    Fox News "personality"?!? Well, that's a lot of low-hanging fruit, but it would be fun if it were one more thorn in SP's side. :)

  107. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Dear SunnyVee,

    Your questions are based on purely speculative reasoning. I stand forth on my assertion that Todd is her first love.

  108. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Anon1:53, oh there's news. Liberals just fail to report real news because reporting real news means reporting Obama's failures and absence of leadership, something democrats are in perpetual denial about.

  109. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Sarah was a pretty girl. She is naturally pretty now. Of course beauty, eye of the beholder. Nuff said.

  110. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Wel, I will say this for her. She is gorgeous without any makeup on, as are her daughters. How many can truly say that?

  111. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Sarah doesn't look 57.

  112. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Dude, she was playing the flute because there was a talent portion of the show. If she could have, she probably would have shot at targets like she did in high school with friends. Talent portions are typically stupid anyway. Beauty pageants are ALL about the swim suit, presence and gown. It's general presence of each girl. Sarah was a charming, pretty girl who people liked. She did rather well in these pageants.

    When she speaks about it now, she does so grudgingly because that's probably not really who she is. Cmon, a tomboy thrown into the ring for a bit of money? Yeah, ok. Fish out of water. I'm shocked she didn't fall.

  113. I see that a couple of people have become incensed at my pointing out that Palin was a "wonky" eye.

    The only reason that I am pointing the eye out is because I am of the opinion that Palin wears the glasses, that she does not need due to Lasik surgery, in order to distract from her eye.

    However when confronted about the glasses, the excuse provided was "they made her look smarter," which in of itself is pathetic. But what is more pathetic is that even THAT was a lie to cover for the first lie of the glasses themselves.

    I'm sorry but when somebody creates multiple layers of misinformation to cover for a cosmetic problem, while becoming famous mostly for their appearance, that makes the cosmetic problem fair game.

  114. Anon @ 12:20p:

    You are mistaken. Mozart LOVED the flute and wrote much music for it. He left us two flute concertos (one a rearrangement of an oboe concerto, an "Andante" and a divinely beautiful "Concerto for Flute & Harp." Check the Koechel catalogue of his works for verification.

    Mozart DID write a "Concerto for Trumpet" early very early is life, but it is now lost. (Mebbe he destroyed it!)He hated the trumpet; said it caused him pain. He used it sparingly, VERY sparingly, in his orchestral music. One notable exception is the atmospheric "Turkish" music in his opera, "The Abduction From The Seraglio."

  115. Anonymous4:05 PM

    What is that comment that Bristol & Willow use all the time? Oh now I remember, they say HE IS SO GAY.

    Has anybody seen Todd?

  116. Anonymous4:06 PM

    In response to:

    Gryphen said...

    I see that a couple of people have become incensed at my pointing out that Palin was a "wonky" eye............I'm sorry but when somebody creates multiple layers of misinformation to cover for a cosmetic problem, while becoming famous mostly for their appearance, that makes the cosmetic problem fair game.

    3:47 PM

    This makes Bristol lie about her cosmetic chin and facial enhancements fair game since she claimed her chin extension was done for medical reasons. That whole family constantly lives under an umbrella of lies.

    Someday Trig's real story will come out as well as Track being sent away to hockey camp after all the troubles he has created. So Sarah if Track played basketball, would you of called his sentence to rehab as "basketball camp"?

  117. Calli Pygian4:09 PM

    OMFG!!! Did that emcee say 10 years of practice??? Because my 13 year old, who has played for four months, plays with more skill than that!!! Where's the tremolo? The vibrato??? What woeful technique- but really no different than anything else she attempts- half-assed, no conviction, and completely without concern for the outcome and its consequence ( and yes, scarah, the proper use is ITS, not IT'S, dolt).

  118. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Sarah doesn't look 57.

    3:11 PM

    I agree with you!

    Sarah looks more like she is 59 with her turkey leather looking neck!

  119. Anonymous4:14 PM

    This clip is an illustration of why Quitty will run. Despite a wretched performance, there she stands, beaming because everyone is looking at her. LOOK AT ME is only second to GIVE ME MONEY in her world.

  120. Anon at 3:06.
    This is just another weird/wasteful convo... Does marrying one's 'first love' make one a good leader? A qualified president?

    How about staying with one's 'first love' after extramarital affairs on his side?? prostitution?

    Time to remember that (I) dont care about their romance, long as TRIG is okay and crazy granny Sarah has less & less political influence as she goes down in September.

    Its sweet, though, that you knew who I meant when I address the fairy tale troll.

    Have a good weekend.

  121. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Wel, I will say this for her. She is gorgeous without any makeup on, as are her daughters. How many can truly say that?

    3:10 PM

    Hey Willow! You forgot to say Bristol and your mom are HOT!

    I've seen your mom without make up and that is one old aging ugly ass bitch. Not a pretty sight to see. That is why your daddy spends his money on prostitutes.

    Bristol, she is going to need another overhaul pretty soon.

  122. Olivia4:21 PM

    Do you suppose that Palin was one of those "good job" kids? When they are little, their parents are super supportive and yell "good job" and clap for every single thing they do, whether they did it well or not. The kid grows up thinking that every single thing they do is a masterpiece. The problem is that as adults they are awful to have in the workplace because they do a half-assed job, what they do complete is crap and they can't figure out why no one yells "good job" at them.
    In this video, when she is done playing, she steps back and she is beaming like she just completed the most beautiful piece of music and is waiting for everyone to yell "good job" even though it is at 5th grade level and very poorly done.

  123. Calli Pygian4:39 PM

    @ 9:29-

    LOFL!! She got the "F" for fail because there was, for ten years, no "E" for effort!! LOL!!

    As with all things Granny Lou Palin...
    EPIC FAIL!!!!!!

    (**wiping eyes**, ROF)

  124. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I will give her some sympathy on this one.
    If you are a soloist and not used to working with full orchestra or eve a combo, you have to count like your life depends on it. Because if you miss an entrance, those instrumentalists will just keep right on going and you better be a good enough instrumentalist to figure out where they are and where they will be in measure or two so you can come back in and be in the same measure and on the same beat as them.

  125. Anonymous4:48 PM

    $carah's as fukin' adept with the flute as $he is with fukin' firearms. SHE DOESN'T DO EITHER WORTH A FLYIN' FUK ! Target shooting ?!? Give me a fukin' break!
    $he's a freaking cowardly grifting lying FRAUD, simple as that

  126. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Anonymous @4:42...She is playing against recorded music, not an orchestra.

  127. Anonymous5:17 PM

    HAHAHAHA I watched it again.

    Looks like that fucked up eye was trying to keep time.


  128. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Take the easy way out. That is Paylin's motto. Hasn't bothered to learn a real skill ever. Just enough to get along. Excelling at BS and half assed attempts at glory.

  129. Anonymous5:27 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Wel, I will say this for her. She is gorgeous without any makeup on, as are her daughters. How many can truly say that?

    3:10 PM"

    Stop your freakin lying. she looks horrible with or without her pancake make-up. she blotchy, boney, pale and greasy.

    bustol looked like a goofy doofus
    willow has a box head
    track is nice looking, but I bet he's as dumb as a rock (just like the rest of them)


  130. Anonymous5:40 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Anon1:53, oh there's news. Liberals just fail to report real news because reporting real news means reporting Obama's failures and absence of leadership, something democrats are in perpetual denial about."

    Listen troll, there are plenty of news about the ignorant, stupid repubaggers. The stupid is ridiculous. Look into that you idiot.

    President Obama has done so much for us it isn't funny. You chose to ignore his biggest accomplishment that he diverted a full blown depression, clamdic.


  131. Anonymous5:49 PM

    No wonder she fired Bitney. He's a Coug (higher IQ) and her so-called diploma, if anyone knows the University of Idaho (8 miles away), is to LAUGH. She might as well have gone to clown college. Cheaper and interchangeable.

  132. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Inside the Palin Industrial Complex: The People Who Thrive on Speculating About Her Presidential Intentions

    In the world of political journalism, Sarah Palin is good for business. Love her or hate her, readers feel passionately, and passion makes people click. We've written plenty about America's Sweetheart here on Daily Intel. New York's Gabriel Sherman and John Heilemann have each written cover stories about her. But there's a smaller subset of journalists who are even more deeply involved in the prospect of a future President Palin, and I once was one of them.

  133. Anonymous5:54 PM


    Take your self righteous condemnation and shove it up your ass! If fishing and clubbing halibut were her only "Talents", then she souldn't have just stood there blowing into a flute. She should have clubbed halibut or shot wolves from airplanes.

    She joined a Beauty Pageant just to make money for College?

    Guess grifting wasn't her major, it took her six years to get a four year degree.... because she quit.

  134. Anonymous6:16 PM

    The failure of mainstream media to acknowledge that even doubt about Sarah’s account of her pregnancy with Trig might be legitimate has prompted him to continue to express such doubt, even in the face of widespread ridicule and condemnation.

    I would call that persistence, not obsession.

  135. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Great Post, Grypen! Couldn't stop laughing through the clip, because it's so obvious there was nothing going on between her ears.

    I think she got an "F" because they were marking on a curve. She probably quit mid term, each of those ten years, or she'd have nailed "flute playing for dummies"


    Everyone in Irene's path, (My family included) Fasten your seat belts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride, but we'll pull through, we're much stronger than we give ourselves credit for. I plan on playing the flute and practicing my pageant walkin' all weekend! Either that, or drinking, lots and lots of drinking.

  136. Anonymous6:25 PM

    How was she gonna learn the flute when Coach Chuck had her tape her "injured" fingers to get out of flute practice?

  137. Randall6:30 PM

    Oh Jesus Christ

    Gryph, I'm a musician.

    That flute video was painful, god-awful.

    I think I shit my pants a little bit at about the 1.38 mark.

  138. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Sarah doesn't look 57.

    3:11 PM

    seriously, she doesn't. That statement is actually an insult to 57 year olds.. She looks even older.

    for comparison check out "20 Most Beautiful Women Over 50" on youtube. Sure, some of them have had plastic surgery, but so has Scarah.

  139. Dis Gusted6:47 PM

    In this video, when she is done playing, she steps back and she is beaming like she just completed the most beautiful piece of music and is waiting for everyone to yell "good job" even though it is at 5th grade level and very poorly done.

    4:21 PM

    I agree. This is the way SP was raised. She's "special needs" so exceptions were made for her. Surely, it was amazing that she accomplished anything at all. But, OTOH, she's had daddy dear and Hawt Toddy to carry her along and sing her praises.

    The way she fell apart when she was not allowed to give her 'fire in the belly' speech when McCain lost was very bizarre. She cried like a baby, blubbering everywhere while Daddy held her and stroked her.

    It's not good to tell children (in this case SP) that everything she does is exceptional.

    Her flute talent was non-existent. I'm embarrassed for her. She should have memorized Heart & Soul on the piano, it probably would have sounded better and wouldn't need to be drowned out. Or maybe not.

  140. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Hate to tell you, I am pretty sure she was playing to a music-minus-one tape. No orchestra, no ensemble accompanying her.

    Still completely lame.

    That video is funny. So funny even Sarah would laugh.

  141. Anonymous7:58 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    Weeks, months since there has been any actual news around here. Maybe years.

    1:53 PM"

    Where can Gryphen mail your refund?

  142. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Like the sign above the bar in Sitka says:
    "Ladies, the further south you go the uglier you get".
    Better stay north sweetie!

  143. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Dis Gusted said...

    In this video, when she is done playing, she steps back and she is beaming like she just completed the most beautiful piece of music and is waiting for everyone to yell "good job" even though it is at 5th grade level and very poorly done.

    4:21 PM

    Growing up, Sarah Palin constantly needed special attention and she got this at the Iowa Fair, the Palin family vacation bus tour and every where people stroked her ego, Special Needs Sarah was in 7th Heaven... She soaked that stuff right up.

    However as governor, her office wasn't filled with retards filling up Special Needs Sarah big ego and it was not fun. That is why Special Needs Sarah was not a good mom and does not want to stay home to raise, educate or keep her daughters from being the town whores because only Todd and Trig are at home and they were not praising Special Needs Sarah the way she needs it.

    So sad, 59 year old Sarah Palin is still battling "I Need Constant Worship and Attention Syndrome".

  144. Anonymous8:46 PM

    All that money and you would think Sarah would be happy with life and she is not because money can't buy her happiness.

    Only people lined up to see her makes Special Needs Sarah happy, not her family.

  145. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Anon 10:35. Perhaps you did not play an instrument. For those who have we recognize Palin or anyone who did not even fairly master a song before performing it in public and in a talent competition. Palin did play the same simple part over and over worse the longer she played.

    Personally, I admit after one year of learning clarinet in school band in 4th grade I played like Palin. I did not apply myself nor practice regularly.

    Palin had herself introduced as an accomplished clarify of ten years. That is why this is funny or pitiful.

    There is a grandiosity gap between the reality of Palin and her self definition.

  146. Anonymous9:18 PM

    With respect to the Flute solo; it was bad. I have heard way worse. She did perform a very easy piece, she played the notes, it was out of tune in many places. Essentially what I would expect from a talentless person that stayed in band, and later decided she needed a talent and dribbling a basketball would not do.

    She remains unfit for office. It shouldn't count, but if you want it to, add 'sucky flute player' to the mix. I won't even call her a 'flautist', she doesn't come close.

  147. Anonymous9:32 PM

    I also think Palin's parents probably heaped excessive praise or actual distortions of factual reality on her.

    My ex's mother would blather false claims about her child, self that were disconnected from reality.

    I observe Sarah does the same with her kids. Offspring learn to grandiosely overinflate their existence habitually lying.

    To the fairy tale troll: hmm... Beautiful without makeup post implants, a new chin, injected lips. How dare you state few people are pretty?

    I can't hold back: that Bristol did not bust her ass during DWTS. The Palin's are F'ing clue less what working hard is. Just showing up is huge to Narcissists.

  148. Anonymous3:47 AM

    The woman's looks and musical talents should be the least of our worries. She has gathered together a following of people who worship her with a blind faith in her ability to lead this great country. That is what bothers me the most. She will never be elected President but she can and will continue to make speeches filled with hateful rhetoric against the leaders of this country. That seems to be her power and she uses it well. She constantly "brags" about praying but what does that really mean to us? I pray all the time but not for my own needs and I don't have a need to tell people that praying is important in my life. Her followers admire her large family and her devotion to them. I have a large family myself and my devotion to them means that I put my needs last and theirs first. At times I feel sorry for her but most of the time I just want her to decide whether she is going to an angry voice for a political party or a devoted wife and mother. In my eyes, these roles are polar opposites. If she chooses the angry voice role, fine by me but I hope she quits dragging those children into the spotlight and then complaining when that bright light focuses on them.

  149. Anonymous4:46 AM

    @ 5:54PM Guess grifting wasn't her major, it took her six years to get a four year degree.... because she quit.

    ummm....try 6 years for a TWO year degree....IF she has one at all.

  150. WOW! As a real accomplished flautist, this is really painful!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.