Friday, August 12, 2011

Talking Points Memo has a MUST SEE highlight reel of the Republican debate from last night.

Just in case you thought I exaggerated with my earlier post.

By the way I just have to say I that I think Bachmann won the debate when she reminded the panel that SHE introduced the "Lightbulb Freedom of Choice Act."  I mean seriously, which one of THEM has done anything even remotely as important?

(I know a lot of you have asked me to post the bit from the Daily Show about this Ames poll, and I will later, but I really thought that this video was actually funnier and more entertaining. Which is especially humorous because this bunch of nincompoops actually thought they were convincing Americans that they could be President.)


  1. Gryphen, here's something to scare the bejeezus out of you.

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Mrs. Greenspan reported on MSNBC that the half term governor skank is now at the Iowa State Fair with Toad and Piper the brat. No sign of Trig at an event one would think a little boy would love. She is a horrible woman.


  3. Anonymous9:18 AM

    G -
    HP has an article about Bristol's new reality show. In the comment section she is getting pretty much torn to pieces. People are even bringing up Track's new baby.

  4. Thanks Gryph..... I think I'll go run off a mountain now....

    My word these are truly stoopid people....

  5. Most polls of people who watched the debate thought Ron Paul did least bad. Frankly, I think Obama won the debate.

  6. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Sarah where is Trig? We were all sure you would bring him with you to the state fair! I mean what a great opportunity for lil Trig to see the world. Why isn't Trig with you Sarah? I thought he was your son? Why wouldn't a good mother like you bring your son to the state fair? I'm confused. Please explain.

  7. Anonymous9:43 AM

    ot Shailey Tripp has added some more to her blog. Very interesting stuff.

  8. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Good lord she is one hot mess in Iowa today. Did she even take a shower, wash her hair...yechhhhh.

  9. Anonymous9:55 AM

    You and I may look at this and see crazy, but the people here in South Carolina just eat it up!
    NancyB in SC

  10. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Palin Spotted – and Swarmed – at Iowa State Fair

  11. Anonymous10:00 AM

    If it takes this long for little Sarah from Wasilla to decide whether or not she wants to run for President of the United States, maybe this isn't the job for the White Trash Warrior! Of course we all know she isn't running, has never planned on running, and is going to be humiliated when that becomes more and more apparent. I hope she seeks professional help soon, or if she already is getting psychiatric care, someone needs to plan for the coming crack-up when she gets laughed out of the whole country.

  12. Anonymous10:02 AM

    What a complete waste of time... I wanted to see their stupid answers to those questions, not just hear the questions, see their facial reaction to it and then smash cut to some other part of the debate. LAME

  13. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Casey Anthony recently "won" a poll as the most hated woman in the country. The half term governor must be thankful to her along with Gramps McCain.


  14. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Well, it didn't take long for this leg of Sarah's Griftin' Bus Tour to have its first Paul Revere moment. She just said Romney was right that corporations ARE people...because its "people that pay the taxes, not the corporate entity."


  15. Anonymous10:19 AM

    We can laugh, but I am expecting the biggest PR campaign we have ever seen, created by talented people with unlimited budgets (that we are no longer entitled to know about per the Supremes), to convince us to vote for Repubs in this next election. I am expecting this campaign to be successful. Look what happened in Wisconsin, twice!

    As old Joe Kennedy said, when JFK started his political career by running in 1946 in Boston, "For what I'm paying, I could elect my chauffeur." This quote is from the McGinniss book, The Last Brother. When Joe paid for election results later, he offered fewer quotes about it. Except for the famous one after JFK's presidential election, Joe is said to have said "Well, you didn't expect me to pay for a landslide, did you?"

    I just mention this here because no matter what these Repub candidates say, and are, and represent, we have already seen them be successful at the polls, so it will the job of the rest of us to turn that around in the next election, in spite of what I believe will be a staggering amount of money to prevent us, and to elect a Repub majority in both houses of Congress. Which will injure the U.S. of A. beyond belief.

  16. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Equally diverting will be the off-stage gesticulations of two Republican stars: Sarah Palin and Texas Governor Rick Perry. By virtue of their dithering, neither was in the debate nor is registered for the straw poll.

    Out of the blue, Ms Palin announced plans to crash the Iowa State Fair today on her putative campaign bus. She told supporters here she was "excited to try some of that famous fried butter-on-a-stick, fried cheesecake-on-a-stick, fried twinkies, etc". While she has so far done little here – or in any other state critical to the early parts of the nominating process – to convince anyone she is serious about running, her appearance will rekindle speculation about her intentions.

  17. Anonymous10:37 AM


    I just read Shailey's newest post. She must feel like no one will listen. I can't imagine being given the runaround like she has by the APD. Hopefully her lawyer can get to the bottom of this. Pisses me off, to no end, that the Palin's can deep their shit secret.

    On topic: Those Republican clowns and the money behind them scare me to death!

  18. Virginia Voter10:44 AM

    Ooh boy we are in for a treat with Gov Goodhair:

    He's as stupid as Sarah

  19. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Todd Palin really gives off that Brokeback Mountain vibe

  20. Anonymous10:53 AM

    As old Joe Kennedy said, when JFK started his political career by running in 1946 in Boston, "For what I'm paying, I could elect my chauffeur." This quote is from the McGinniss book, The Last Brother. When Joe paid for election results later, he offered fewer quotes about it. Except for the famous one after JFK's presidential election, Joe is said to have said "Well, you didn't expect me to pay for a landslide, did you?"

    I just mention this here because no matter what these Repub candidates say, and are, and represent, we have already seen them be successful at the polls, so it will the job of the rest of us to turn that around in the next election, in spite of what I believe will be a staggering amount of money to prevent us, and to elect a Repub majority in both houses of Congress. Which will injure the U.S. of A. beyond belief.

    We can laugh, but I am expecting the biggest PR campaign we have ever seen, created by talented people with mercede told you that her daddy was the father and Bristol was the mother didn't she? and so now you have to drop the baby gate issue because you have promised her that you will keep her secret. unlimited budgets (that we are no longer entitled to know about per the Supremes), to convince us to vote for Repubs in this next election. I am expecting this campaign to be successful. Look what happened in Wisconsin, twice!

  21. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Has anyone seen Trig at the Iowa state fair with Sarah?
    Where is he? I thought people "crave Trig".

  22. Sally in MI11:14 AM

    I saw a picture with Sarah holding a small boy (not Trig) facing outward, one hand under his arms and one holding his bottom. His head was lolling around; he may have been asleep. Two questions: why does a mother of however many kids not know how to hold a child, and who in their right mind would allow SARAH to touch their kid?

    Oh, and the water bra is back under the flimsy white tee shirt. Nice look, Sarah, for a 15 year old.

  23. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Have family that has lived in TX for a number of years and they all tell me that Perry is really disliked there. I hope the media does its job in an investigative manner. Their unemployment is high - taxes are up, etc.

    This religion stuff has got to stop in politics. I so hope Americans are paying attention when it comes time to vote, but I have my doubts after watching what just happened in Wisconsin.

    I'm very disheartened about our government on the national, state and local levels. Republicans need to be voted out - which includes those teabaggers.

  24. AJ Billings11:17 AM

    Questions for the Repub candidates:

    So if you believe that a wife has to submit to your husband, would you allow him to overrule your own decision on any bills the congress presents you to sign?

    Perry: At the Response rally, one
    of the preachers on stage (Alice Patterson) believes that Democrats
    are controlled by a demon called Jezebel, and has said that publicly. Is that what you believe?

    Santorum: Do you think all methods of birth control should be banned completely? What about the "morning after pill" that prevents implantation on the uterus wall?
    Questions to All of them, any of them Repubs:

    Would you sign a bill that would criminalize homosexual behavior?

    Do you feel that you can't be a true blue "conservative" without being a Christian evangelical.?

    Do you truly believe that the millions of us who are Jewish, Catholics Buddhists, Islamic, Hindu, Bahai, atheists or agnostics
    are doomed to a fiery future in hell unless we convert to evengaliical christianity?

    Question to $Palin:
    Why aren't you wearing your wedding ring?

  25. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Gryphen, OMG. Check out this photo from the Iowa State Fair. Someone forgot her Water Bra! There is NOTHING there.

  26. Anonymous11:24 AM

    She's as animated as any speed freak in that video. Up your Adderall today Barbie?

    Perky Pollyana, mouthing platitudes and throwing bombs, and being grateful for the Rill Americuns in the real part of America, not like those haters on the coasts.

  27. Anonymous11:25 AM

    i do believe $arah is in her manic state at the fair. wow.

  28. Well, Frank Schaeffer just spoke a lot of truth on MSNBC's "Martin Bashir" show, guest hosted by Jonathan Capehart. It aired around 3:30 EDT, and I'm sure a link will be up fairly soon.

    It was his usual mantra about Bachmann & Perry (with "Palin sniffing around the edges"!) using religion to sway conservative white, racist voters. He predicts Obama will win in a landslide because the R primary system is in the TP's headlock, and Obama will rock in a second term, once the crazies have been shown the door.

    One can hope. (And support good candidates!)

  29. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Would they use the same phrase the MORON used in 2000 "I think God wants me to be Presdient"?

  30. This is just the best, from Larry Eisenberg of NY, posted in the NYT:

    Can anyone read Sarah's mind?
    Toward money she's always inclined,
    Right now she is free
    To be someone's VP,
    And make sure Obama's maligned.

  31. I'm curious as to how Romney responded to the question of job elimination in the companies that he ran. (Saw portions of the debate, but not this.)

    The most depressing thing to me while watching most of the participants was that it doesn't matter to their supporters whether the candidates lie or not. Supporters of Bachmann and Perry latch onto whatever fits their beliefs, and flatly refuse to listen to anyone who might try to bring up, oh I don't know... the facts, the truth.

    Bachmann emphatically and forcefully LIED and said the reason S&P downgraded the U.S. rating was BECAUSE the debt ceiling was raised. Whether or not this is picked up by the MSM (which I doubt) this soundbite is certainly in TPers' inboxes this morning and will become truth to the Tea Party community.

    It also depresses me that I was completely wrong when I predicted that Palin would be ignored at the Iowa state fair. I wish that national political reporters could have the tenacity, smarts and reasoning ability of Fareed Zakaria, an immigrant who has unquestionably enriched this country.

  32. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I just hope Americans are paying attention (other than FOX News) when it comes time to vote.

    Perry is very much disliked in TX - I have relatives that have lived there for years. They have high unemployment and tax increases.

    The fact that the media covers Palin and family continues to amaze me. That is our problem - the media! Watch the constant negative that is out there today as to our president. I'll be scared to death if a Republican is elected president. They messed us up horribly before and will again. They have not allowed President Obama to do so many things - bills are stuck in the House as to jobs, etc. What bullshit!

    I wish the Republican take as to President Obama was that he is half white vs a black man!! I'm sure that many of the elder R's were members of the KKK.

  33. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Gahhhhh, if one more person says that Corporations aren't people, I will scream. Corporations are just small businesses that took off. They supply a shit ton of jobs, with decent salaries. The head honchos are the ones who front the capital, start up and take the risks. Im not applauding bad behavior that we know does exist, but to say they aren't real people is absurd.

    The wrong comes in when they are allowed to buy election and give themselves bonuses and freeze underdogs salaries. Wrong, not stoppable. Greed is greed.

    There's a reason America is full of innovators and achievements. People have the opportunity to get rich off an idea. Could you IMAGINE if people told dropouts Gates and Jobs NO, go back to school. You offer nothing without a complete education?

    People don't think. We can't punish people for being successful. Without them, we'd have a lot less.

  34. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Sarah Palin rolled onto the grounds of the Iowa state fair here to begin the Midwestern swing of her "One Nation" bus tour on Friday in an appearance that generated a mob of reporters and cameras as she greeted fair-goers and posed for pictures inside a building filled with cattle.

    Palin, who has yet to decide on a presidential run, arrived at the state fair on the same day that many of the Republican presidential candidates were there speaking to the tens of thousands of Iowans in attendance. Much of the Washington press corps is in Iowa for the fair as well as Thursday night's debate and Saturday's straw poll.

    But Palin insisted she had come simply to meet "the good people of Iowa," not to score votes. Asked if she was "looking for votes," she told CBS News: "Looking for votes? I'm looking for hands to shake, and I'm looking for fried butter on a stick and a fried Twinkie as soon as I can get there, just looking to talk to the good people of Iowa, these good hardworking farm families, I love it."

    "I don't think I'm stealing any spotlight," Palin said when asked about the timing of her appearance. "In fact, if anybody thinks I'm stealing the spotlight, go! Go find the other folks and say hello."

    Palin refused to discuss timing of an announcement about whether she will seek the Republican presidential nomination, saying only, "When we're ready to announce -- when we are or not -- you guys are not going to miss the announcement."

    "I'm not the only one who has not decided yet and is not ready to announce yet," she added. "There's still a lot of contemplation that needs to go into such a life-changing, earth-shattering decision."

    As she fought her way through the scrum, I asked her if she ever wished she could walk through an event like this without attracting so much attention. ""Well, you know, when I'm in Alaska we don't have this woosh of YOU," she said. She said she looked forward to attending the Alaska State Fair in a week, which she said would be far quieter.

    "But no, I mean, I appreciate the opportunity I have to meet so many good people, especially these good kids," Palin said, leaning down to great a pair of young girls.

    Asked the same question, Todd Palin, who accompanied his wife at the fair, said "this is the life that we chose when she took McCain's nomination, when she ran for governor, when she ran for mayor. This isn't something new."

    He said he and his wife planned to eat barbecue and see the famous "butter cow" at the fair. Palin is scheduled to appear live on Sean Hannity's Fox News show on the fairgrounds at 8 p.m.

    Asked about DC pundits dismissing his wife's presidential chances, Todd Palin sarcastically said, "They're the smart ones, you know."

    "After she resigned they said that she was washed up and done, right, and you guys are still here," he added. Asked if he was "gung ho" about his wife running, he replied: "No I have mixed feelings about it. It's a big step, you know." He said the decision was not his to make -- "you're not going to push either spouse into a direction that they don't want to go into" -- but added that they discussed the pros and cons of a run.

    As she watched the scrum pass by the cows inside the building, with reporters and fair-goers pushing and shoving to get near Palin, one fair-goer joked, "Boy, you talk about a cattle call."

    After about 45 minutes of interacting with fair-goers and reporters, the Palins were whisked off to a private lunch somewhere on the fairgrounds.

  35. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Sarah addressed why Trig wasn't on the bus tour in NY.

    Don't worry about him. He is fine and happy.

  36. Anonymous12:07 PM

    As she posed for pictures with fairgoers at the Iowa state fair Thursday, Sarah Palin was asked about comparisons between her and Rep. Michele Bachmann, her possible rival in the fight for the Republican presidential nomination.

    Palin called the comparisons "so passé," calling it "ridiculous" for people to make an issue of the fact that "there may happen to be two women in a race."

    "It's kind of even a sexist notion to consider that two women would be kind of duking it out," she added. "No. If I'm going to duke it out I'm going to duke it out with the guys and the gals."

    Palin also criticized Newsweek magazine over its Bachmann cover, which featured an unflattering photograph of Bachmann and the headline "the queen of rage."

    "I've had my own experience with Newsweek because they put me on the cover wearing running shorts which was quite ridiculous too," she said. "I think that the headline is really worse than the picture. 'The queen of rage.' Because I don't think normal, everyday, average Americans, you can ask them around here, if they think that she's the queen of rage. Not at all."

    Sarah Palin in Iowa: I'm not stealing the spotlight
    Iowa state fair: Fried food with side of politics

    Asked if Newsweek was trying to make a woman look bad, she replied, "I think that they're trying to make a particular candidate look bad right there, not necessarily having to do with her gender, but just trying to make a fiscally-conservative candidate look bad."

    Palin also took a subtle shot at Texas governor Rick Perry, who is entering the presidential race on Saturday. Perry is sometimes dismissed as "weak governor" by virtue of the way his state's government is structured, and Palin seemed to draw pout that distinction when asked to contrast their records.

    "You have different functions in the state of Texas and the state of Alaska in terms of governing powers from the governor's office," she said, "So it's tough to compare what the executive duties are. We have a very strong governor's office... but, he's a great guy and I look forward to seeing him in those debates."

    Palin later added that it will be "great" to have Perry in the race.

    Palin also said Thursday's presidential debate in nearby Ames was "great" in part because the candidates took shots at each other.

    "I thought it was a great debate, they certainly took some gloves off, which is good for the electorate," she said. "Good to hear the ideas and positions articulated quite aggressively. That's what I appreciate."

  37. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Except for Mitt, those guys are all nonstarters, but they're all better than Sarah Palin.

    Mitt is only marginally better than any of 'em, all of 'em.

  38. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Phil Munger @9:35, lol!

  39. Anonymous12:54 PM

    It's weird that Sarah wouldn't bring her son Trig to the fair. It sounds like a great place for him to play, laugh, coo and have fun. I'm starting to worry about the lil guy. Why does Sarah never mention him? Weird.

  40. Anonymous1:17 PM

    In this Iowa state fair photo it looks like a hair roller had been left in her hair.

  41. Anon @ 11:21, OMG is right! That pic (sans water bra) is high-larious, esp when rememberigbn the Newsweek, um, spread.

    Someone with those photo skills really ought to juxtapose those. That's as fun as the museum/Gusty ones!

    Tee hee hee...

  42. Punkinbugg2:41 PM

    Ha Ha She was just called the Tasmanian Devil by Jake Tapper on ABC & they showed the vortex from the Daily Show as an example.

    "We just incorporated this stop into our One Nation tour."

    She really thinks we are THAT stupid.

  43. onething9:25 PM

    I loved Bachman's suit. I mean that.

    Now, Ron Paul is not an idiot. He speaks truth.
    Which reminds me, everyone in this country and in the world should watch the youtube documentary called The Secret of Oz. It's about money, and it's about the Wizard of Oz story being symbolic of the struggle of the common people against the money power. I've seen other documentaries of this sort, but this one is the best.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.