Friday, August 12, 2011

The Teabaggers and what their scorched earth approach to politics portends for this country.

Courtesy of Aljazeera:

After its humble beginnings as an astroturf, Koch-Brothers-funded revival aimed at mobilising ill-informed, reactionary, mostly older white Americans against health care reform and other psychologically-constructed monsters under the bed, the Tea Party has become an malignant force that now holds the Republican Congressional Caucus - and with it the country - hostage. 

While the Stockholm Syndrome may not have quite set in yet among all Republicans, the tri-corner-hat crowd seems to behave much like the giant Brain Bug in the movie Starship Troopers, jamming a claw into the heads of their fellow GOPers and slowly sucking out cerebral tissue until only the brainless body remains. 

Most problematic, most of the Tea Partiers, private citizens and elected officials alike, seem to possess just slightly less understanding of the Federal budget or tax code of than say, Mater from Cars. Yet, these are the people in the driver's seat as the country heads for what might be Act II of the Great Recession, unless progressives, centrists, and others edified with high school civics adopt a new strategy to counter them.

And counter them we must, for they and their ilk are nothing new, but representative of a recurring and quite dangerous political strain that has always been with us since the dawn of civilization. Their undermining of the traditions, culture, and give-and-take necessary for any democracy to function has had destructive results on free societies in the past, and taken down a Republic or two.

From its inception, the Tea Party is the very definition of the type of revolutionary movement. Until Democrats, and their leader in the White House, realise they need to stop calling people like Paul Ryan "courageous" and "serious", and start fighting fire with fire, Michelle Bachmann and her creepy pinwheel eyes are going to continue to get their way at the expense of American values and the middle-class that once made this country great.

 The late, great historian Richard Hofstadter added further insight into just the type of "movement" we're dealing with, in his 1964 award-winning tome, "The Paranoid Style of American Politics". In it, he outlines the psychological origins of the type of crazed, Tea-bagger style of all-or-nothing dedication to an absolute end, when he wrote of their forebears: 

 "He does not see social conflict as something to be mediated and compromised, in the manner of the working politician. Since what is at stake is always a conflict between absolute good and absolute evil, what is necessary is not compromise but the will to fight things out to a finish. Since the enemy is thought of as being totally evil and totally unappeasable, he must be totally eliminated - if not from the world, at least from the theatre of operations to which the paranoid directs his attention." 

 In other words, any compromise, no matter how small, is seen as an act tantamount to treason, which is precisely why we need to stop engaging these tottering tea lovers, because they simply do not believe in the workings of democracy. 

Not really too much to add here except to say that between the Teabaggers and the Domininists trying to fuck up our country this may be one of the most divisive and important Presidential elections in America's history.  Yes I realize I said that same thing in 2008, and I said it because it was true, but I am convinced that what was true then remains true in 2012.

 Personally I long for an election that is simply an election, and NOT the potential harbinger to the end of the United States of America as we know it.

By the way in case you have convinced yourself that this is mere hyperbole on my part, let me remind you of a certain Presidential election in 2000, and how the repercussions from that are still resulting in death, financial collapses, and disharmony all over the world.


  1. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Good article, except I don't recall the President or ANY Democrat in Washington calling Paul Ryan "courageous" and "serious". I DO recall some of his Republican colleagues saying such things

  2. Anonymous3:13 AM

    How ironic, now the Middle East's news outlet is calling Americans (at least a portion of the population) extremist. And I agree with them 100%.

  3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:16 AM

    Unfortunately, the "election" in 2000 was a carefully engineered "appointment" by the Supreme Court, and we were too numb by the end of the shenanigans to complain. We're seeing the same rigged crapola going on in Wisconsin right now. It's like a test run for 2012 to see if the Kochs, Dick Armey, Uncle Rupie, et. al. can pull the wool over our eyes AGAIN. We as Progressives have to speak out, but the RWNJs are masters of merchandising to the feeble minded, easily swayed, pseudo-Christian racists and the elderly, tantrum-throwing toddlers who love their SS and Medicare, but have no blessed clue what the Rethugs have in store for them. Why should they care about their grandkids' future when you can give 'em funny hats to wear and make 'em feel like they're part of an exclusive "Patriot club" while they prop up the elite 2% who don't give a rat's ass about them?

    Rick Perry scares me about as much as the Bagger's favorite fantasy mommy, Sarah™ and her sister in nutsoidville, Miz Michele. The media is already comparing Perry to GWB, and NOT in a negative way. They're building up his "folksy," gotta-have-a-beer-with-him manner that I'm sure his handlers are busily crafting as we speak.

    Funny, last year the media was calling the TP-ers a "minority." Suddenly the year before the election, you'd think that these uber dingbats were in the majority. Such is the power of big-$$$ PR and a corporate-owned media machine. What can we do? Keep spreading the word to those who are unaware that this is all going on!

  4. The Richard Hofstader essay which foreshadowed it all in 1954:

    The Pseudo-Conservative Revolt

  5. Jeanabella3:50 AM

    One of the best posts on the Tea terrorists yet! Thanks for posting this Gryph!
    You're doing a great job altogether and again, thanks.

  6. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Gryphen, I hope everyone takes your warnings and suggestions to heart.

    We do have to actively support President Obama because the alternative is totally unacceptable. None of us can afford to stand on the sidelines or take our toys and go home.

    Our nation is truly at risk now thanks to the crazies.


  7. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Under a "Christian" authoritarian government, I'd like to see how they propose to police our bedrooms and doctor's offices since they don't believe in taxes.

    I don't see too many servant's hearts forgoing a salary with benefits to be a New World Gestapo.

  8. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Michele's pinwheel crazy eyes. LOL. That's a good one.

  9. I am familiar with extreme all or nothing, all good or all evil extreme thinking which indeed results in destruction for everyone.

    We can joke about the petty comment about "peas" in contrast to fried food on a stick. However, people who think in extremes suffer delusions the government is indeed going to dictate what you eat and force only and all vegetables. Whether it is a balanced diet, balancing the budget or raising the debt ceiling these extreme good or evil people are incapable of processing anything in between.

    In their mind there is no "both" e.g. Both sides want to decrease the debt or desserts are ok but also eat your vegetables. It is paranoid for in their minds they are battling the bad guys despite no bans on s'mores.
    Their distorted, paranoid extremes are projected.

    There are naive, ignorant people but mostly mental illness is involved also.

  10. Very good article, very good. Unfortunately it's from AlJezzera. I was going to send this to my "list", but the comments at the end of it - their's, not your's - display an anti-semetic tenor that will discredit the well-written column.

    But, thanks for posting it. And I agree that this election will be more important than that of 2008.

  11. Randall7:51 AM

    If any of the current crop of Republicans wins the next presidential election there will be no more Social Security. No more Medicare. No more middle class.

    There will only be the very rich
    -- and the very poor.

    ...and it will affect the entire world.

  12. Anonymous9:04 AM

    The world IS coming to an end, isn't it?

    FYI, one more time - the Tea Party should be dressed in Indian costumes, not English colonists. Paint and feathers. War bonnets. Blaming the Natives, THAT was the Boston Tea Party.

  13. Anonymous8:00 PM

    What an amazingly accurate assessment of the teahadist movement. I happened to read the link, and the comments are absolutely vile and disgusting. Phoebe's in Santa Fe is right.
    I do thank you for sharing the article, but I can't, in good conscience, recommend it to my friends.
    It's a shame, because AJ does do a lot of due dilligence and reports with integrity, only to be ruined by the comment sections that follow them.


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