Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Time for a caption contest!

I have moved the GIF below the page break to spare the sensibilities of certain visitors to IM.

The caption contest is for those with a rather adult sense of humor, though to be honest the GIF itself is really PG, it is only our filthy minds which makes us see something that is not necessarily there.

So before you proceed keep in mind this might not be your cup of tea if you are easily disturbed by photoshop, or get queasy on the merry-go-round.

I knew you couldn't resist. Animated GIF of the Day
see more The Daily What

Now go ahead and think up a caption.

I'll start.

"Oh hi Governor Perry! Did you go to my husband's clinic too?"

"Remember first one to get to the middle gets to be President."

"This is how we hypnotize Teabaggers into voting for them."

All right I will leave the rest up to you.

(H/T to The Daily What.)

Update: On a topic completely unrelated to the above GIF (No really! I swear it!), it appears that Rick Perry may have a porn problem:

Rick Perry, God’s Chosen to pray Texas into prosperity, invested as a private citizen in Movie Gallery corporation to the tune of between 5-10k according to his 1995 personal financial reports. Movie Gallery was, at that time, the largest distributor of porn in America, and able to sell and rent regular videos for much cheaper than the competition due to their heady porn profit.

Shocked!  That's what I am! Shocked!

What kind of conservative Christian from Texas only invests 5 or 10 thousand in PORN? I would expect a high roller like Perry to have ponied up at least fifty grand!

Five or ten thousand? That's just sad!


  1. In the words of the immortal S. Clay Wilson character,
    "Mmmmm, the head tastes best!"

    Mark Springer

  2. Anonymous3:08 PM

    That is just disgusting on so many levels! I'm no prude, but that picture cheapens and demeans all the good work/discussion that takes place on this blog.


  3. Skip it, Gryphen. It's too easy. And tacky. If the President had gone to the Iowa State Fair, he too would have been expected to devour a corn dog. You have to be from the Midwest to get this stuff. Also. Never allow yourself to be photographed eating anything eaten without a fork. It's posterity fodder. Just like Dukakis in the tank with the helmet.

    Bill allowed cameras to roll at Micky D's but not during the french-fries-being-shoved-into-the-mouth moments. Michelle with the corn-dog is a sexist aside on your part. Sorry guy.

  4. Oh, This is waaaay too easy!!

    1) Who's the better Kochsucker?

    2) Marcus is gonna be soooo jealous!

    3) Perry and Bachmann will suck your dog in 2012!

    4) Pray away the Sulphites!!!

  5. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I knew you wouldn't be able to resist this one! LOL

    "Koch at the Iowa State Fair"

  6. Will there be repayment required for Koch Bros. money

  7. Anonymous3:27 PM

    "Who let the dogs out"

  8. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Holy Hypno-disc, Bachmann!

  9. Anonymous3:33 PM

    That's just Naasty!!! Gryph, you could have at least give me warning. lol!

  10. Anonymous3:34 PM


  11. abo gato3:34 PM

    Just another reason for me to say, I LOVE the Internet and how creative people are. This rocks!

  12. watching in wv3:36 PM

    two headed monster

  13. abo gato3:37 PM

    Oh, my bad, I got so carried away with the whole creativeness of this, that I forgot it was a caption contest!

  14. Anonymous3:39 PM

    That's disgusting. But they are disgusting anyway, so...

  15. Tyroanee3:45 PM

    Mmm, stop moving, wait roll over...
    NO, you roll over... I was here FIRST, you can have sloppy seconds just ask Marcus!

  16. Anonymous3:46 PM


    and i cant with that image in my head.

    honestly these corn dog pics make me gag.

    and without lube i am sure they will gag too.

    too bad we cant get sarah in there. it would make a great menage a twat.

  17. Anonymous3:46 PM

    um, now that's the ticket...

  18. Anonymous3:49 PM

    um. now that's the ticket...

  19. Anonymous3:53 PM

    "We were supposed to put it where?'

  20. Anonymous3:56 PM

    "Yo MoFo... does this taste like Marcus to you, too?"

    "Deep throat contest!!"

    "Perry does Dallas"

    "Lady and the Tramp"

    "Daddy says I'm the best"

    "Ron Jeremy told me to practice!"

  21. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Using part of the words and tone of the late TX Governor Ann Richards -

    'Poor Ricky, he can’t help it. He was born with a weiner in his mouth.”

  22. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I was going to call you out on posting the original Bachmann picture and didn't because I figured you would once again dismiss me as a supposed Palin troll like you usually do. This is completely disgusting. Your objectification and disgusting misogynistic, overt sexualization of women on this blog should be beneath you. This is a good blog except when you degrade into this kind of stuff. Please, please stop.

  23. Anonymous4:05 PM

    'The Koch Bros said there's more where this came from'

  24. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Long time reader, and anti-Palin to the core. But I don't come here for this juvenile kind of stuff.

    Don't lower yourself to posting this childish porn-lite humor, Gryphen.

  25. Last night, Anderson Cooper did the 'Michele and the corn dog' story. He didn't show the actual photo because he said the photographer wanted $5,000. So they had a cartoon drawing of her eating a corn dog, which was creepy and funny! Great press for the photog, as I'm sure everyone hit Google to see the real picture.

  26. Anonymous4:30 PM

    A good corn dog meets its end

  27. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I'd agree with Brett. This kind of post really cheapens this blog altogether.

    I've seen a disturbing trend on this blog for the last few months. You're moving from serious blogger to sensationsalist, crude, immature blogger.

  28. Anonymous4:35 PM

    "Shelly, word on the street in Kentucky is Mitch McConnell is gay. Have ya heard that one?"

    She drops her end of the corndog.

    "Lemme ask Marcus, Rick."

  29. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Michelle: I just prayed that this thing really IS a corn dog.

    Rick: My prayer just cancelled out your prayer!

  30. Sorry some are offended by your Gif, Gryphen, but I'm not one of them. I finally quit posting on HuffPo last year because of their egregious censorship policy. I'm not talking cursing or anything like that, but I was censored once for using the word KARMA. I LOVE the freedom on IM! And the humor here would make the Pythons laugh! Thanks, and keep going!

  31. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Sometimes you are incredibly immature and not in a good way. The first corndog photos were funny. This is just stupid sorry.

    From a long time reader.

  32. Anonymous4:57 PM

    They both suck!

  33. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Pres. Obama would have never made the corn dog mistake. Obama eats square or round sandwiches and things that can be eaten with a fork like pie, never things on a stick. But Pres. Obama is a guy who uses his brain. Jus sayin.

  34. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Love all the "Concern" Trolls!
    Love the gif!
    I like "Lady and the Tramp"
    Has a good ring to it, lol!

  35. Gryphen--the more I think about it, the more disgusting this post becomes. Wipe it out, or apologize.


    You want to give people room to take your work and dismiss it -- you just accomplished it. Think, think, think.

  36. Anonymous5:10 PM

    "Are you sure this is pure beef?"

    "Eat this, Sarah."

    Chill out, people.

  37. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Wow -- Lot's of stressed out uptight posters and/or trolls.

    Lighten up!! The initial pic was a gift -- of Michelle's and her handler's stupidty.

    For all the Palin photo gifts -- which many of you we know comment on -- get over it. IM's posts are not up that long and he did listen in that he took the pic off the front page.

    Adults need to have fun once in awhile but it appears you've forgotten how to do that.

  38. LOL Gryph! I was not one to be offended by the original post. It really, seriously just made me dizzy.

    Actually, the original (albeit 5th grade) quote I could come (cum) up with it is: oh...nevermind, I can't say it online, but it did have something to do with swallowing. Sorry kids.

  39. Balzafiar5:17 PM

    My caption:

    As soon as we get this all slick with spit, Marcus will take his turn!

  40. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Oh I loves me the poutrage! The man busts his butt day in and day out, putting together some of the best posts and commentary in the blogosphere, it's humor. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean anyone should censor nor remove a post from their blog.

    I'm with Soapydog and others who said "Lady and the Tramp"

  41. As to your admonition to readers to "think again" premise.

    Wait a minute--adult sense of humor? Ain't adult at all.

    Unless you're definition of adult is entirely than mine.

    Don't know quite how to suggest that when the whole world is watching, you might want to think more than twice. Try again. What you just posted is so destructively over the top. Jebus. Not helpful at all imho.

  42. Anonymous5:24 PM

    DEEP THROAT in 2D (two dipshits)

  43. Anonymous5:24 PM

    As you can imagine, the gang at Stephanie Miller have had a field day with the Bachmanns and the corndogs. Really, her handler should have NEVER let her be photographed like that. Marcus can speak for himself. Probably call everyone Bastard People! (ref. Corky, Waiting for Guffman)

  44. Well excuse me anonymous, anonymous and anonymous. Oh and you too, anonymous.

  45. To Brett @3:08: Take your petticoat and smelling salts elsewhere. That is the EXACT photo of Bachmann; she knew EXACTLY what she was doing.

    THIS cheapens the BLOG?

    Holy Fuck! What about what these ASSHOLES have been doing to CHEAPEN OUR COUNTRY? TRY and make OUR PRESIDENT look weak? Inarticulate?

    Oh, go Fop off somewhere and come back (no pun intended) when you have a CLEAR mind!

  46. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Tsk, tsk poor little nancydrew. Just is so upset that her little dirty mind got all wee-weed up when she saw that spinning gif.

    Well Nanc, I can tell you that if you judge Gryphen's blog based on a FUNNY and SILLY and CLEVER little photoshop trick, then you don't deserve to come here, since you have NO CLUE of the enormous value that Gryphen brings to us.

    Grow up and stop being such a stick in the mud. I am female, I thought it was funny and I applaud Gryphen for letting his 'inner corniness' take center stage for a moment or two. What's wrong with encouraging people's creative thinking?

    You didn't HAVE to look at the image...but you did...and Gryphen did give you fair warning and he put it not in plain site, so you have no basis for your bullshit complaints.

    It's the internet, it's how it is, learn to open your mind and stop being such a head up your ass sort of person. It's YOU who are attributing anything 'disgusting' to this photo, I just see two people (who I intensely dislike) eating a corn dog, what do YOU see in that dark, dank place you call your mind? Yeah, I figured. You're one of those who 'doth protest too much'. Well, it's a free country, so I can tell you what I think of your judgemental whining. And you can continue to whine, but I'd bet most of the readers here don't take you very seriously. I know I sure don't.

  47. Bullshit to ALL the fucking "non-prudes" who want to call Gryphen out for posting this.

    BULLSHIT!!! '

    Um, who is "protecting" President Obama from all of the DISGUSTING, HEINOUS, and yes, TREASONOUS things posted ABOUT HIM EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. ??

    These assholes are running for the Presidency (it applies HERE, Michelle, not EVERYWHERE!) of the United States.

    Not to mention the fact that the photo of Bachmann is REAL.

    Perry? Who gives a FUCK?!?! They are up for EVERY.SINGLE. Question, Association, and Picture they have EVER taken.

    You think this is too much for them?

    Then THEY shouldn't be running for the Office of the President of the United States of America!!!!!!

    Fuck off! This is Gryphen's blog and he can post whatever he wants.

    It's not even remotely "too much".

    Christ. Get yourself someone to fan you, dearie. This ain't nothing, kids.

  48. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Anon said
    "Adults need to have fun once in awhile but it appears you've forgotten how to do that."
    5:14 PM
    The problem is they are not "Adults" or they are cons... can't take a joke.

  49. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Who ARE you people who come here and read the blog and then bitch about what you read or saw? Seriously? It's GRYPHEN's BLOG. Got that? If G wants to post something that is his right to do so. Did you forget that? Go get your own blog and censor it to your delicate sensibilities if you don't like it. G has made no secret of his personality, his sense of humor or his positions are any number of subjects. If one of those pleases you, you stay and participate, if one of them doesn't you don't. Simple as that. No one wants to hear you project your old fashioned, outdated, uptight opinions about 'eating a corndog'.

    Perhaps you just get uncomfortable with the imagery, so rather than take responsibility for your thinking, you project it on G and make him out to be the 'bad' guy. THAT is disgusting, what G posts is funny and I find nothing offensive about it.

    Life is too short. Find the humor in it.

  50. Anonymous5:51 PM

    >>>I was going to call you out on posting the original Bachmann picture and didn't

    LOL! Call him out? What are you the blog police? How ludicrous is that statement?

  51. Your objectification and disgusting misogynistic, overt sexualization of women on this blog should be beneath you.
    How the F.U.C.K. did you EVER get that Gryph is Misogynistic?!?

    He calls out Scarah "I Quit This Shit" Paylin and Michelle "I'm a lawyer cuz my husband told me to be" Bachmann.

    He is a Big, Big fan of females such as his fellow bloggers: Regina @Palingates; Laura Novak; Blade; and, oh yes, his Amazingly Talented Daughter!

    So, Trolly, take ur shit elsewhere.

    If you've EVER been a fan of Gryphen's, go ahead and give him a few dollars right now.

    Yeah, that's what I thought. C4P is waiting for that money...

  52. Anonymous5:55 PM

    OzMud said...

    Oh :P to all the nay-sayers this goofy gif is exactly the 'kind of stuff' we're all made of - put the snobbery back in the box and just enjoy the humour!

    Gryph - the gif got me humming this tune: (Cue the bagpipes)

    Oh! ye'll take the high road and
    I'll take the low road,
    And I'll be in Wash'ngton afore ye;
    But me and my horndog
    Will never meet again
    On the bonnie, bonnie banks of the White House.

    Thanks Gryph! I so needed a huge laff this morning!

  53. Yeah, you have GOT to be KIDDING ME with all these "concern trolls" about the validity. of. the. blog.

    It's. ONE. FUCKING. POST. that Gryphen did NOT. DO. Himself!

    Michelle DID suck this corndog and rolled her eyes back in her head.

    Shut up, all y'all.

    Fucking ridiculous.

    Even SCARAH believes in the FIRST AND SECOND AMMENDMENTS so that means Gryphen can do what??

  54. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:01 PM

    I KNEW it wouldn't be long until Shelly found herself on the Perry-Go-Round!

    This gif wobbles between brilliance and pure insanity. Bwahahaha!

  55. Hey Chelly, should I swallow?

    You better, Rick! According to Marcus, you sure can't PRAY these things away!

  56. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I'm a 70 year old retired school teacher, and I didn't like this. The going around in circles part. The picture itself was funny! Hey, it's okay to be juvenile once in awhile - life's short, laugh a little.

  57. Virginia Voter6:12 PM

    OH MY GOD...I am appalled at all the people who think they are holier than thou...do you have a corn dog on a stick up your butt oe something? Geez, get a sens of humor already, and chil the f out already. Nancy Drw, you must be a blast at parties.....YAWN.

    If Perry and Bachmann are stupid enough to deep throat corn dogs in front of the press pool that has been following them around everywhere in Iowa, then they get what they deserve. These newbies are in for a rude awakening. Perry has already been trying to dial back his rhetoric after only 2 days as a candidate. Retards.

  58. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Caption: I never 'sausage' a thing!

  59. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Chelle: Mmmm, this is so delicious!

    Rick P: MmmHmm, and so fabulous!

    Marcus: It's fabu-licious!

  60. If Gryph DiDN't post these ridiculous photos?

    SOME people, MIGHT think...

    these two weren't complete degenerates.

    It's public, people!!

    What oh what do YOU Do in PRIVATE?? I Think we MIGHT have to make some LAWS about that...

  61. Nancy Drew said: "Gryphen--the more I think about it, the more disgusting this post becomes. Wipe it out, or apologize."

    You really must want to live in the 1950's, Nancy Drew. This language comes dangerously close to calling for censorship. It could have been one of many comments made about the film "Life of Brian," "A Clockwork Orange," or "Harold and Maude." Anne Frank was banned and Mark Twain has been rewritten. As a vegetarian, I was offended by the rabbit-skinning scene in Michael Moore's masterpiece, "Roger and Me," but I'm more offended by censorship. It's his film and his creative process and I loved everything else about it. The last thing I'd ever want to do is stifle Michael Moore's creativity. Or Jesse Gryphen's.

    As the wise ones say, "It's easier to put on shoes than try to cover the whole world with leather."

    One of my favorite comedy films is "Team America." You should definitely NEVER see it.


  62. Virginia Voter at 6:12 PM.

    Brilliant. Thank you. You rock!

  63. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Don't Ask Don't tell!

  64. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I'm with Brett @3:08. Childish and just plain dumb. Not funny. We're all adults here, right?

  65. Since it is a turning photo like vinyl, how about......

    It's On The Record. We Have It Here. We both suck Koch.

  66. Anonymous7:07 PM

    "Yin and Yang- up the yingyang"

    Can you imagine this with 3D glasses?

    Wild Tortoise
    (with a kaleidoscopic gag reflex)

  67. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I LOVE this blog. It's always a surprise, it nearly always makes me laugh, or cry, or get really pissed off. It speaks to me in so many ways. It's never dull, always enlightening and forever clever.

    That said, little miss nancydrew, you really don't need to get your panties all bunched up, you need to just find someplace that DOESN'T offend your sensibilities. It's a big wide net and there is a little for everyone out there, even pansyass prudes like you.

    I shudder to think what YOU would conjure up from that silly little animated gif, for your reaction suggests that you travel in very sick and twisted places in consciousness to accredit such harsh words to Gryphen's snarky humor. Shame on you for your nasty thinking.

    Bless Mr. Gryphen for being able to let his sophmoric and college dorm side out in the sunlight when he occasionally does. But more importantly, bless him for all the serious, time consuming, relevant, hot off the press, deeply researched and backed up ADULT, mature, serious, sensitive, intelligent, well read, politically astute posts that we are lucky to have each and every day, often many times a day.

    Nancypants, you and anyone else who feels the need to call Gryphen out and demand an apology? You're just spittin' in the wind, dearie.

  68. QUOTE: [50's Valley Trash said...
    Since it is a turning photo like vinyl, how about......

    It's On The Record. We Have It Here. We both suck Koch.

    7:00 PM]

    So true...and best submission by far for the original photo.

  69. Censorship--wtf are you people talking about. I'm pointing out the fact that lots of people are reading this blog. Get it? nancypants? jesus.

    Don't misread this blog as a little internal ha-ha world. Some other people read the widely-read blog and they think you're all nuts. Not to mention trashy. DKey. Check out Litbrit and our long, long exchanges from last summer. Give it a whirl. Maybe you can keep time.

    Some of you don't seem to understand that the bulletin board here is public. Virginia Voter--you especially should know better.

    And yeah--well here's to all of you--here's my sense of humor. David Byrne--"this ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no foolin around…….. and his sense of politics. Yeah. I'm a real horrid and repressed drag. Any day now. You betcha and also too.

  70. Anonymous8:24 PM

    "Whoa, we really do suck!"

  71. Bess Marvin8:47 PM

    nancydrew, you're entitled to your opinion, but you're not entitled to dictate how Gryphen runs his blog. BTW, kudos to you for using your real name. Say hi to George & Ned for me!

    Keep up the good work, Gryphen! You deserve a break from being a grown-up every once in a while. xo

  72. Gasman8:48 PM

    Brett and other prudes,
    Unclench your sphincters. Christ, the best part of the photo isn't doctored at all. The disturbing nature of the image of both dogsuckers - they both have obviously done that before - was that they so willingly did what they did publicly.

    Any campaign pro with half a brain should have seen the disastrous possibilities of a politician going down on a corn dog. There was no possible way for these images to appear as anything other than hilariously pornographic. These images should have flashed before their campaign staffers' eyes and appeared as some great fried phallic sword of Damocles hanging over the head of their respective candidate. Giant flashing fried phallic danger signs, as it were.

    Both Bachmann and Perry have been dogged by rumors of THE GAY that they can't shake. Anybody on their campaign staff that let them do this should be fired. Campaign pros thought Bachmann and Perry goin' all Deep Throat was a GOOD idea? Do the Dems have moles in their campaigns?

    If Bachmann had decided to not give a corn dog a blow job it would not have effected her standing in Iowa one bit. As for Perry, he just likes giving more than receiving.


    "Bachmann and Perry goin' head to head in the GOP."

    "'Tis better to give that to receive."

    "Both Bachmann and Perry suck."

  73. What is wrong with FOLKS!! Gryphen warned you what was coming (no pun intended) but you still clicked on the "Read More" and here you are complaining!

    BEAT IT or get a fucking(again, no pun intended) sense of humor.

    Uh NancyDrew....you probably want to take a break from Gryphen's blog for awhile apparently you have become the blog police and then you "NAME DROP" Lilbrit as if that is suppose to impress us!

    Chillax...maybe take a bubble bath because you're getting a little bit ummm...."concern trollish"...IMHO.

  74. Oh yeah here's my contribution to the Caption contest....

    "Here we go round the mulperry bush,
    The mulperry bush,
    The mulperry bush.
    Here we go round the mulperry bush
    On a cold and frosty morning."

  75. So angry, Nancy Drew. Might want to get help for that. Buh-bye!

  76. Gasman9:22 PM

    Brett, nancydrew, and others,
    Gryphen CLEARLY posted a disclaimer on the thread. You had a warning that the image was adult in nature and likely less than clean and certainly juvenile, yet you follow the link and STILL think it's appropriate for you to get on your high horses and act all wounded and indignant?

    Maybe you require some sort of giant fried phallus in your face to warn you off?

    Phuck off!

  77. Anonymous9:41 PM

    not that I am a prude, but if you want to keep being thought of as a serious political blogger, I would stay away from the cheap shots. It might be fun but you pay a price.

  78. Yeah GinaM--the "concern troll" charge stuff has always been so helpful on these blogs.

    Congrats to you.

    You have no idea how much of a not troll I've ever been. So please--give Deborah Newell Tornello an e-mail. She will clue you in.

    Oh. And fuck you. I didn't tell Gryphen how to run his blog. I'm concerned about the larger world which reads it.

    You take a bubble bath child. I've had more than enough at my age. Bubble baths will leave my feet looking like Sarah's dried out toes. And that's not a good thing, I think. Although, I'll have to double check with my husband. I'll get back to you.

  79. Anonymous10:04 PM

    My only objection to this post is that it reminds me of the movie, Requiem For A Dream. I saw the flick in 2001 and it still disturbs me.

    I'm with DKey. I left Huffpo long ago because of the stifling censorship. I love the freedom here.

    How nice is it that Gyrphen allows practically anyone to disagree with him. Pretty cool, huh?

  80. Anonymous10:05 PM

    My my Miss NancyDrew, you certainly turn aggressive quickly don't you. First you berate Gryphen on his blog post, which is completely out of line (it's like going to someone's house and dissing the decor), then when you get called out for your behavior, you start to drop names, call out others in a threatening way and make a sweeping generalization about how people think we're all nuts.

    When you can't stand on your own, you pull in the charade that 'others' support your point of view. That's weak. And panicky.

    You were not liking being called out for the way you misbehaved and so you had to pull in the 'blog troops' to back you up. Just so lame.

    Do you think that Jesse doesn't KNOW that he has a HUGE reading audience from around the world?

    Do you think that Jesse hasn't considered the impact his writing or opinions might have in the general marketplace?

    How insulting and diminishing you are to suggest that Jesse doesn't give thought to his words and actions and that you must take it upon yourself to tell him how he must behave. Hogwash. Jesse is a big boy and he doesn't need you to come to his blog (home) and diss his taste in decor. But then, perhaps that's what example was set for you in your childhood, poor thing.

    Jesse's blog does not need to be legitimized by you or anyone else. His abundance of readers and posters are clearly illustrative of his important place in the blogosphere. Who are YOU to tell him differently? You remind me of Sarah Palin, sniping from the sidelines. It isn't pretty.

  81. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Isn't it just so predictable, and fascinating that people who start their sentences with 'I'm no prude but', will instantly end that with a prudish interpretation or perception. Wonder what Freud would say about that?

  82. Gryphen,
    My comment is that you are flogging the corn dog issue (pun intended). This is crossing a sexist line leaping to unnecessary vulgarity. As a female I object to you objectifying Bachman. It is degrading to females. I find no humor in this contest.

    You must be thinking with your other (corn dog) head.
    Enough. Women have put up with crap like this for decades.

  83. I posted my honest opinion about this caption contest prior to reading the comments.

    After following this blog for several years I can not recall any post in which individuals resorted to name calling, cursing at to blatantly telling anyone with a different opinion to fuck off.

    Gryphen, thank you for respecting the choice of adult humor is not embraced by all. We may not all agree on the content but respecting opinions versus name calling and fuck off is more adult.

  84. hauksdottir11:05 PM

    The first thing I thought of was "Lady and the Tramp"... especially since Michelle's hair looks like tramp ears.

    However, "On The Record" may be the better caption, since politicians ought to be aware that every thing they say and do is grist for publicity.

    Me? I wouldn't eat a corndog in a scrim of photographers. There are other "fair food" treats that can be nibbled upon neatly.

  85. Gasman11:13 PM

    Bullshit. Is it sexist for you to accuse Gryphen of "thinking with [his] other (corn dog) head?"

    Was it sexist to accuse Perry of THE EXACT SAME THING AS BACHMANN?

    Bachmann's gender does not absolve her from ANYTHING. She is no more, and NO LESS capable of greatness, stupidity, and fucking idiocy as anybody with a Y chromosome. She is just really good at the last two, in spite of her gender. She would be just as stupid were she male, and the corn dog porno picture would be just as ridiculously funny.

    Bachmann is trying to evade charges that her husband is a closeted gay, she parades her tight ass fundagelical views about sex and gender, AND she stupidly poses for what is OBVIOUSLY a hilarious, HIGHLY sexually suggestive image of her going all Linda Lovelace on a corn dog? SHE is the one trotting out the porn imagery. Gryphen didn't doctor her image at all. That is all HER doing. She and her campaign should have seen that one from a mile away. It's Gryphen's fault Bachmann is too stupid to see the obvious?

    Goddamn, you are picking fights with the WRONG person. Gryphen has to be one of the most pro feminist men I have ever encountered! You have a major chip on your shoulder and seem to be looking for a fight. You are also really barking up the wrong tree.

    If it ain't sexist to make the same charge of Perry, how the hell is it more so for Bachmann? Gryphen wasn't impugning a whole gender, just making fun of one hapless, feckless, utterly clueless woman.

  86. Ooohh....it's getting good now!! Nancy true colors are making an appearance....almost Sybil like!!

    Not interested in emailing Deborah whatever...you actually remind me of that crazy commenter from PG who got mad at AustinTx talking about SP's stinky coochie. Didn't you have your own blog?

    Ummmm...and congrats to you and your husband?

  87. Anonymous11:35 PM

    >>As a female I object to you objectifying Bachman. It is degrading to females. I find no humor in this contest.

    AS A FEMALE I CELEBRATE the objectifying of Bachmann or Palin or any other woman that uses her sexuality for political gain. Bachmann needs to be marginalized, humiliated, degraded and disregarded. She's a bigot, a homophobe who is in denial about her gay husband, an extreme religious follower who WANTS TO BE THE PRESIDENT!

    Please get off your high horse of women's lib history and get a grip. Stop taking on women's issues as if you're the only woman in the room. I'm in the room and it's likely that I've been in the room way many more years that you have, and I find no issue whatsoever with the way that Gryphen has playfully brought attention to the folly of these two. I look forward to anything and everything that takes these women down. Just because they have a vagina, doesn't make them get a free pass when they are acting like total asses and setting women's rights back to the dark ages.

    I resent that you would defend her in the name of women, when she is intent on taking away women's rights all down the line. If you're going to defend women, defend the ones who are doing worthwhile things, not the ones that want to destroy the country and control the bedrooms of us all.

    I'll be the first one to stand up for women, but not for women who USE being a women to further their political twists and turns and then cry 'sexist' and 'misogeny' when they get busted for it. Nope, doesn't fly.

    I witnessed the original 'women's movement' when it first caught fire. I burned my bra and declared my freedoms and never looked back. But I know a traitor to our cause when I see one and she wears the badge like shining star, instead of a scarlet letter.

  88. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Too funny Gryphen. These two wackos deserve it. I'm with the other folks. If you don't like this kind of humor, why did you look? Go bitch somewhere else.


  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Anonymous2:53 AM


    Is there an XXX Pat?

  91. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Oh, you trolls you! You is funny folk!

    I'm a woman. I find the gif hilarious. No one told bachmann to to stick a large phallus in her mouth like that in public. Like Sarah, she did it *all on her own*.

  92. Anonymous3:16 AM

    menage a trois

  93. London Bridges3:46 AM

    Nearly every thing Sarah Palin has ever said or did is far more obscene than the corn dog pictures.

    Half the people (at least) in Congress or the Supreme Court or running for president are irrational, insane, or fear mongers, greedy, and hateful.

    Yet people are objecting to displaying documented photos of two people who want to be POTUS???

  94. Anonymous4:06 AM

    "How big was it?", they asked.
    [cups hands around mouth and mumbles, like having a mouth full of corndog] "Id wos ish 'ig!" the reply.

  95. Anonymous4:06 AM


    You are letting your good long time readers bully your also good long time readers who find this post in poor taste.

    As Martha Stewart would say, that is NOT a good thing.

    Didn't you used to work for the school system? Did you condone bullying? I didn't think so, but now you do?

    I bet redstate and cee4pee are laughing their asses off at all the bullying and fighting here.

    Just remember, this was your call.

  96. Anonymous5:25 AM

    One Question...Did this contest bring anything positive or helpful to this site??? Think about the new people coming here..wonder what they think when they see this..
    Love you Gryphen but please stay away from shock blogging.

  97. Boorish?
    Cheap Shot?

    Did I miss any?

    Oh yeah, it was funny for about as long as any of the other absurd pics of these political nitwits in Sarah's corner who are always dressing and behaving inappropriately.

    If you look at the graphic spinning more than about 5 seconds and think it's supposed to still be humorous, it's easy to lose focus of the fact that it is merely pointing out the absurd behavior of a couple of not-ready-for-prime-time dominionist christianists that both deserve all of the scorn and ridicule that we can give them.

    But that's about it. This is something that evidently hit a raw nerve with some who take the graphic seriously. Personally, I thought it was silly and over the top, but I still chuckled and then shook my head bc the photos were not doctored, and to think these two presidential wanna-bes have such little self-awareness... well, considering the danger presented by their dominionist views, I hope that the pics will highlight the hypocrisy of their behavior and desires to intrude into our lives.

    I'm rambling, but my point is that all of our negative emotions toward the pics of these two nutcases are valid because these people deserve all of the scorn and ridicule that we can muster.

    Thanks, Gryphen, for having a truly open forum so that we can vent and learn how these things affect others within our community that we wouldn't get the benefit of reading on one of the other censored blogs. I do appreciate the readers who felt the most outrage who expressed their position. I didn't feel these folks weren't being prudish just to draw attention to themselves, but to give their opinion in defense of the blog's view by others outside our immediate community. Valid points, nonetheless, and definitely food for thought.

  98. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Let's see if I have everything as prescribed for me by the gentle readers:
    Smelling salts - check.
    Petticoat - check.
    Sphincter clenched - check.
    okay, good to go!

    Now, I found a lot of humor in the original picture, as well as an amazing sense of disbelief that a person seriously running for POTUS would be photographed in that manner - she had to know, right?

    But, after laughing at the photo, making nasty comments, and shaking my head, I moved on the to real reasons about why she, Perry, et al, need to be seriously vetted by the American public. I don't feel the need to list why, as readers of this blog and other publications surely know. And yes, I know the photo certainly adds an defined element to the serious discourse of these candidates qualifications (or lack thereof) for POTUS.

    I appreciate adult humor/sexual innuendo as much as the next person, and indulge in it myself, but not to the extreme portrayed by that GIF.

    And I was amazed at the attacks, which went beyond the pale, taken on my, and other readers comments. There is healthy, good natured ribbing and then there is all out visciousness as spoken to those who chose not to like the GIF.

    Fortunately for me, I have a thick-skin, hardened by 22 years in the military, and have been told/called a lot worse than that by the amateurs on this blog.

    So, will I stop reading IM? Not a chance. Will I comment if I feel strongly (pro or con) about a post put up by Gryph? You bet your sweet ass I will. Because, you know, I just may want to play the First Amendment card too!


  99. The Wiener Mobile.

  100. Brett-

    22 years in the military?

    If it was the US, then thanks.

    But I also know a few military veterans. I can not imagine a Single. One. of them. saying:

    "I appreciate adult humor/sexual innuendo as much as the next person, and indulge in it myself, but not to the extreme portrayed by that GIF."

    Is there ANOTHER GIF? Because the one WE are talking about is a REAL STILL PHOTO of CANDIDATE for POTUS, Michelle Bachmann, with a Picture of Perry added.

    My brother saw more shocking stuff on his First. Day. of the military.

    I really think you have to be joking.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.