Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Who Doomed Sarah Palin's Presidential Dream?

So what, or who, is REALLY to blame for the demise of Sarah Palin's Presidential aspirations? Benjy Sarlin of Talking Points Memo thinks he has the answer.


The launching pad for Palin's political career may have proved its undoing as well. Her abrupt exit from the governor's office in 2009 freed her up to make million < s as a speaker, author, and general celebrity, but all but destroyed any hopes of building up a credible resume for a presidential run. 

The Establishment GOP 

Palin relishes her role as an outsider, going back to her days battling the "old boys' network" of entrenched Republican officials in Alaska. Her willingness to buck party leaders dovetailed nicely with the rise of the insurgent Tea Party, but earned her the enmity of establishment Republican figures like Karl Rove, who has questioned her electability at every turn. 

Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann 

One reason polls don't show a groundswell of support for a Palin run is that other candidates have already taken over her obvious territory. If you want a hardcore religious right leader running on her personal family values while horrifying establishment Republicans, Michele Bachmann is happy to accommodate your needs. If you're looking for a red-state governor with solid conservative credentials running on anti-elitist resentment, Rick Perry is ready and waiting. 


Palin's entrance on the national stage was heralded as an opportunity for the GOP to reach out to female voters, who traditionally lean Democrat in presidential elections. Instead, women have proven a weak spot for Palin. John McCain learned this the hard way in 2008 after his VP pick disproportionately turned off female voters despite a focused effort to pick up disaffected Hillary Clinton voters. 

Sarah Palin 

Ultimately, Palin has been her own worst enemy. Over and over she's made costly unforced errors that have solidified her critics' worst impressions of her while alienating potential supporters. The most disastrous -- and illustrative -- recent example was her response to the Gabrielle Giffords shooting in Arizona. Under intense scrutiny for her use of violent political imagery, Palin actually began to garner some public sympathy from unexpected corners as it became clear the alleged killer was motivated more by a deranged worldview than any coherent cause. But she instantly squandered it by releasing a tone-deaf video condemning a "blood libel" against her that only appeared more inappropriate after Obama delivered a moving speech focused on the individual shooting victims' biographies later the same day. Palin's popularity plummeted to new lows in the aftermath, but the episode did little more than confirm the already entrenched image of the ex-governor as a thin-skinned, rash, and divisive figure. 

I have to say I agree with much of waht Mr. Sarlin points out here. Especially that last part.

However I would also add that it is also very possible that Sarah Palin NEVER seriously considered a run for the Presidency, or at least changed her mind early on after considering the unavoidable embarrassments she would face, and that all of this has just been one long drawn out con game directed at her under educated supporters.

Whatever the reason I think we can rest assured that Palin has no REAL plan to launch a campaign, and if she absolutely believes she has to at least fake one, it will undoubtedly be the shortest campaign in American political history.


  1. Anonymous3:06 AM

    No one who seriously wanted the presidency would have taken the reckless gamble of walking off their job as Governor. NO ONE. My prediction is that once she announces she isn't running, she will then build up suspense on which GOP nominee she will endorse. (And ultimately she'll endorse whoever her puppet string pullers tell her to.)

    Palin will be remembered for pulling off the biggest tease in political history, I give her credit for that. But that's about all her place in history will amount to.

  2. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Sarah is just the "Big Daddy Dog" of grifters.

    She is not a serious political candidate.. and never will be. You just don't recover from QUITTING.

    Sarah ... you and your skank daughter Brisdull need to get all the money you can now... because it will dry up shortly.

  3. Anonymous4:00 AM

    What galls me about all this is that nobody speaks out and says she is NOT QUALIFIED for the office. She does not have the intelligence, maturity, or likeability for the job. Family values? I know people who live in trailer parks with more values. Remember, "It is not where you live that counts, it is HOW you live" This woman is an empty shell. I can hardly wait for her speaking gigs to dry up, and she goes off the radar, but I think she intends to stick around for a long time. Next up? Appearing on Bristles pathetic "reality show"

  4. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Why shouldn’t she run? She has certainly avoided getting busted for her most obvious blunders and possibly illegal activity. Look at Housegate – the only national figure who has ever questioned where the Lake Lucille house came from is Greta. The answer should have raised eyebrows at the very least – Todd and his buddies built it one summer in their spare time? Really? Sarah has miles of scandals – did she get a college degree? Dairygate? Where did the child the world knows as Trig come from? If I thought Sarah really did believe in God, my bet would be that she thinks He is protecting her. But I don’t (her faith is phony too). Why shouldn’t she jump in to the race? All of the “close calls” on her fake pregnancy haven’t gone main stream yet – she’s going to continue to bang against that door until someone stops her. Go Anon!

  5. I believe she once aspired to be prez, however once she realized she couldn't pull the same crap on a national level that she pulled in AK she changed her mind. I agree that if she jumps in it will be for a very short campaign.

  6. Anonymous4:13 AM

    I want to see her run...then maybe the MSM will grow a pair and vet her. I want to see her humiliated so she will never dare show her face in public again. I want to see babygate and all the other gates revealed.

    And I want to see what the c4per's will say when they realize what a grifter and a skank this woman is. That's not too much to it?

  7. Anonymous4:31 AM

    The half term governor is one of the greatest anomalies in US political history. If she had come any closer than she did to the White House it would have been a sign the country was finished.


  8. angela4:49 AM

    More than anyone or anything Sarah has indeed been the instrument of her own destruction. But her total destruction isn't over yet as long as she has a mouth, ghostwriter and thumbs to Twitter stupidity.

    If not for Rupert handing her out all the wing nut welfare of ghostwritten book contracts, squawking time on FAUX and paid tabloid photo ops she'd be hawking religion on the 700 Club and selling bumpits
    on QVC.

    She's like watching a slow moving train wreck the way she pillars the media, democrats and of course President Obama when it's really everyone else and herself that have been her downfall. The President ignores her, the media licks her like she's a sad kitten and the Dems just laugh at her as she makes money for them.

    She looks to the blogs like they are the MSM (I don't think she knows the difference). She attacks the President constantly through a mixture of dog whistle racism to the bagger crowd and an extremely disturbing obsession she has for him which hopefully the Secret Service keeps in check. She's become a punch line and her stale "screeching points" have become drinking game fodder. I swear I got drunk listening to one of her FAUX clips as she said common sense (which she has none of) about thirty times.

    Of course she won't call out those personally in the GOP who slap her down except for Karl. That would be too embarrassing and destroy the narrative that she is the patriot savior everyone has been waiting for. So she just hates the GOP in general and grifts from the flying monkeys paint chip eaters, crazed baggers and lunatic secessionists (Hi Todd).

    She has to run for president . . . .On Facebook and Twitter! I can't wait for the ghostwritten cyber nastiness from the incompetent cow.

  9. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Thank you America, for rejecting this woman in 2008.

  10. Anonymous4:54 AM

    She's going to New Hampshire for Labor Day, maybe she is stupid/delusional enough to run, oh wait, there's MONEY in them thar states.

    As the grifting continues ...

  11. Morgan4:59 AM

    A fake campaign as short as her fake pregnancy with Trig. How totally her.

  12. Olivia5:01 AM

    I think they are in the wrong order. Palin should be at the top of the list. She would self destruct even without the other list items.

  13. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Maybe Toad decided that would be too hard for him to manage. After being mayor, then governor, he was ready to take things easy?? Once he got off the fishing boat and saw the lower 48, he thought that would be REAL WORK trying to manage that. Besides, he has the Alaska p.d. in his pocket it would be almost impossible to hide his activities while in DC.

  14. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Uh oh, Christine O'Donnell will speak at Sarah's after all!

  15. Anonymous5:09 AM


    She managed to grow and deliver a six pound baby in a little over - what? - two months or so? She can run for POTUS in less time than any other candidate because she's the queen of wasilla.

    Good riddance to her once she finally goes away - at least the kardashain's are moderately hot

  16. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Hello all, me again! I have a minute before an early dinner with some family, so I wanted to add a point to the information about Trig as well as share something I heard today which was divinely hilarious. I have been horrified at the length of my comments--in the spoken word I am normally quite concise and clipped. I can only attribute this repeated word-vomit to a metaphorical burst dam; there is just so much to say.

    I've not yet had time to read all the latest comments but I am sure at least some people assumed Trig was HOME by Valentine's day. In the photo with the mommy's valentine shirt, he has little round band aid type circles on both cheeks, like they are used to keep tubes in place but were moved for the photo or perhaps some other reason. You can see in the photo that Trig is laying in something with clear plastic on its sides, such as a hospital crib. I know when Trig was very small he went somewhere between the NICU and home, something called "SDU". There was an email which stated that Trig didn't do so great in "SDU" and had to go back to the NICU for at least 48 hours. I wish I could recall the date of this email, sorry. Don't despair, however; upon my return I'm sitting down with the person who has showed me all the photos and emails and shared so much information and they are helping me fill in blanks of dates and places. We thought it might be fun to get on the phone in the next day or two and discuss some details and emails we thought would give you the most "mileage", info-wise...and try and have at least a small (but detailed!) missive to share on special reason for that date, naturally...;)

    I will post to this thread because honestly I'm not sure where else I'd do it.

    As to the funny story recounted to me this morning--my source tells me the small circle still with Sarah is becoming more and more frustrated. She's obsessing over how she can get in front of what I have already revealed here and what I will be revealing in the future. She is frantically trying to get associates from several years ago to suddenly go on the record stating they saw her bare pregnant belly. She came right out and said "we can't have another person say they saw it through a layer of clothes!"
    So not surprisingly...nobody wants to be Sarah's eyewitness account savior. She's trying to act nonchalant in asking people to do it, basically saying the "liberals" are "picking on Trig" and if they would just do her this one tiny favor, it would really help "Trig". She is so gross!

    Two of her handlers have coined a new term (new to me at least) for this frenetic history revision she's obsessed with--SARAHNOIA. Brilliant, right? It is no small irony that even her closest "advisors" are making fun of her behind her back, given how she talks about people.

    Sarah has paid one of those info databanks to try and get dirt on Gryphen...she is so desperate to get people to stop reading/respecting Gryphen. Of course as you all can probably guess, all she's done is waste her money! (She has also tried in vain to figure out the identity of a certain blogger...and she's wasted her money there as well)

  17. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Anonymous said...

    As I have been going through the times this person has really vented to me about Sarah and as I've written down more and more, my abject disgust for her has grown by leaps and bounds. I knew of course Sarah and Bristol both have immense jealousy toward Sadie but what I had not realized is that Sarah was being vicious toward Sadie even several years ago when Sarah was still the governor and Sadie was a teenager. She obviously hates anyone who has youth and beauty. She also told people Sadie "snuck" those photos from Levi's birthday so she could "sell" pictures of the governor's new baby. Her gall in making up lies is unbelievable. First off, Sarah herself POSED in one of those photos...and next, Sadie had posted them to my-space! Not exactly what one would do of selling the photos was a consideration.

    I think that right there sums up Sarah's general MO fairly well---wealthy head of state in her forties picks on and bullies a teenager from a broken home. Class all the way.

    Today I'll close with this-- Sarah is freaking out now that she thinks people are actually contacting the school and trying to verify her college degree. So keep digging. I think there's strong indications you'll find exactly what you'd find if you went looking for a birth certificate with Trig's name and 4-18-08 on it; absolutely nothing..,or at best, forged documents.

    I shall see you all on the third! You too, Sarah and Bristol! Oh, by the way Bristol...I heard about the newest development on your "reality show". What a shame. I'm sure they won't REALLY fire you even though you're bombing with test audiences. Surely they'll take into consideration that you've been professional, courteous, genuine-- oh, that's right. You've made them wait endlessly while you post your transparent pablum on Gryphen's leave the crew to deal with YOUR child and your "Godson" (oh, I'm sure they'll buy that) when you can't blackmail or pay Willow to watch your DWTS baby)...what else? Oh, how could I forget?! You "have less personality on camera than a deaf-mute dustbunny". Ouch.

  18. Randall5:19 AM

    I've said it before and I'll reiterate:

    Sarah will never run - because she would have to disclose her personal finances.

    She will never do that.

  19. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Speaking of dreams...

    This C4P poster seems to be dreaming in technicolor. Hilarious!

    Doc Yeager

    She's standing on her own platform.

    I can see the wind blowing her hair and her dress, as the American Flag fly's behind her. Her voice as tender as velvet, and yet as earthshaking as thunder. Multitudes standing before her, with the American flags in their hands. Shouts of agreement roll across the valley. The lame streeam media quivering in their political correct shoes. Liberal newscasters having heart attacks. Dying before Obama care can help them. Newspaper headlines around the world, in absolute shock that the American people have risen up against the political established machines.

    A New Day Has Come!

  20. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Hello Palins. The grift game is played out. Time to go on the lam.

    Where will you hide so no one can find you? Escape plans in place? If not better do it. I see the FBI from my window...


  21. Anonymous5:26 AM

    I still think Palin will come out in support of Rick Perry. Just heard Palin is going to NH to screech on Labor Day - the day after Romney speaks. Take that, Karl Rove!

    And that Christine O'Donnell has been re-invited to speak in Iowa and has re-accepted. If nothing else, COD is by far more gracious that Palin and nowhere near as insecure. Just imagine Palin being uninvited then re-accepting the re-invitation. Ha!

  22. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Her self centered, self absorbing, hate filled bile and all the uns' uneducated..... have come full circle in the image of Sarah....

    Karma is a real bitch, u betcha!

    How was this woman ever able to hold any office is bewildering.

    I read Mudflats.... that's what the masses have been saying...expect the media of course.

  23. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Another picture where she looks......well dirty.

    The 'hair' looks like it hasn't been washed, eyes bloodshot and just plain weird jewelry.

    And for goodness sake , cover up those ears!

    This is not the summer of 2008. A certain downgrade of personal hygiene standards and style.

  24. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Another Republican thinks she isn't jumping in -

    (from the home office in Indianola, IA)

    10. Donald Trump.
    When the Don is at the top of your list of references, you're way past your freshness expiration date.

    9. Creepy Chuckie.
    It's hard to create such a narcissistic, crazy daughter without the help of a creepy, old, limp, impotent creep of a Dad to carry the Quitter's gun for her.

    8. Levi.
    For leaking the secret
    about Sarah's fetish for Crunch Wrap Supremes. And of course, for being a quarter short when he went to purchase a 3-pk of Trojans for a camping trip with Brisket.

    7. RAM.
    Because Sarah must ask RAM to move her face in order to scratch her ass, every kerfuffle is RAM's fault.

    6. Bristol.
    Footprints on the ceiling of camping tents all over the Mat-Su say all you need to know.

    5. God.
    What started as a practical joke soon approached a disaster.

    4. Christine O'Donnell.
    She's not a witch, Sarah. She's you.

    3. Karl Rove.
    Because he's an architect of evil, not a complete idiot. Turd Blossom was known as Bush's brain, not his ass.

    2. Gryphen.
    Because he's Sarah's go-to blogger whenever she decides to act the fool and create a squirmish; plus, Jesse can count on Sarah's insane behavior for 2-3 posts every day of the year, regardless of the weather. It's good work if you have enough pairs of pajamas in your wardrobe to do it right.

    and finally,

    1. Sarah.
    Although she's tried many times, Sarah can't hang her stupidity around anyone else's neck. She deserves ALL of the credit for digging the crater she's stuck in.

  26. Anonymous5:40 AM

    From the Cutting Room Floor of Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin – Obsessive Perfection and Anger Mismanagement

    This is the first article we will be posting on material that was ultimately cut from Frank Bailey’s memoir - Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin. That book was Frank’s story, but we felt it was important to share what we learned that was outside the scope of Bailey’s direct experience. For a full explanation and introduction to this post, read HERE.

    Note: All of the sources who came to the authors after McGinniss’s leak of the Blind Allegiance manuscript in February (and there were several) did so voluntarily. Their longstanding relationships with the Palins were verified and their comments were willingly taped or supplied in written form. While individuals remain fearful of the well-documented Palin retribution (therefore requiring anonymity), they are in unanimous agreement that Sarah Palin is ill-suited to have a position of power or influence. We have every reason to believe the comments are credible and accurate and in no cases did these stories conflict with our findings in researching Blind Allegiance for two years. In addition, when stories overlapped, the details corroborated one with the other. Finally, except where noted and referenced in Blind Allegiance, Frank Bailey had no part in conducting or writing these pieces.

  27. Anonymous5:53 AM

    But CNN reporting that Mrs. Palin is heading to NH on Labor Day for another TP rally, shortly after giving her big announcement screed in IOwa on the 3rd of Sept. Doesn't that sound like she's running for something? I dread going to the Sea Of Pee now because of the obnoxious squeals of delight emanating from there. Hurts my head.

  28. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Per Huffington today, Christine has been reinvited. I bet Sarah is pissed or will cancel...

  29. Anonymous6:03 AM

    As soon as she got a taste of that sweet, sweet Fox money, the idea went right out of her head.

  30. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Angela -- Nicely said. You nailed it!

    Southern Virginia Voter

  31. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Anonymous has posted again on the Nick Broomfield post. This latest one is pretty satisfying to read, so be SURE to check it out...just scroll towards the end of the post...Looks like Sarah is fit to be tied that all this information is coming out and she is out of her mind trying to stop Gryphen. Love it!

  32. Randall6:15 AM

    Sarah Palin is NOT a politician;
    she's a celebrity.

  33. Anonymous6:32 AM

    "have less personality on camera than a deaf-mute dustbunny"

    Brisdull ..... damn, reading this has to chap your ass.

    Truth hurts... too fucking bad, you grifting fame whore.

  34. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Whether she runs or not...she is not going to make a difference

  35. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Palin's Labor Day schedule smells like a candidate. Fox should suspend her immediately or get hauled up for election manipulation.

    Not saying Palin is running. Just saying that Fox keeping her on the payroll is illegal.

  36. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Who doomed Sarah Palin's presidential dream you ask.

    I blame Creepy Chuckie Heath!

    Three generations ago Creepy impregnated Sally before marriage... I not sure of her last name and the tradition continues today. If Creepy would of made an honest woman of Sally and married her first then maybe Sarah's luck would of been different?

    Then again if Creepy never impregnated Sally maybe she would not of married Creepy and there would of been no Sarah for Todd to impregnate before marriage.

    There would of been no Bristol for Levi to impregnate before marriage.

    There would of been no Track to impregnate Brita before marriage.

    Wasilla would not be in debt because of the ice rink Sarah screwed up.

    The tragedy in Arizona would not of happened.

    Curt Menard would be here today.

    The tragedy of hearing Sarah play the flute for 3rd looser runner up Miss Alaska would not of happened.

    Then ......

  37. Anonymous6:39 AM

    BTW, Trig is a grifting goldmine. Long after the political rallies end for Palin, the anti-abortion circuit will still drool over Sarah's choice (a "choice" they would deprive other women from making).

  38. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Sarah is just the "Big Daddy Dog" of grifters.

    She is not a serious political candidate.. and never will be. You just don't recover from QUITTING.

    Sarah ... you and your skank daughter Brisdull need to get all the money you can now... because it will dry up shortly.

    3:38 AM

    Sarah Palin is the older uglier Christine O'Donnell. Both are grifters trying to scam for bucks.

  39. JayKen Knotstirred6:51 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  40. Anonymous6:52 AM

    It's all Sarah. She and her 10 gallon hat of ego on her wobbly, wattled neck perched on a bag of bones she calls a body that 'birthed' three babies and a combat vet.

  41. Anonymous7:08 AM

    HA! The Anonymous poster 'me again' has Bristol's number too! Looks like she's not making many new friends, the damn diva!

    Oh, by the way Bristol...I heard about the newest development on your "reality show". What a shame. I'm sure they won't REALLY fire you even though you're bombing with test audiences. Surely they'll take into consideration that you've been professional, courteous, genuine-- oh, that's right. You've made them wait endlessly while you post your transparent pablum on Gryphen's leave the crew to deal with YOUR child and your "Godson" (oh, I'm sure they'll buy that) when you can't blackmail or pay Willow to watch your DWTS baby)...what else? Oh, how could I forget?! You "have less personality on camera than a deaf-mute dustbunny". Ouch.

  42. Thank you for reposting Anon's comments. I would not have known about the update otherwise.

    I thought the "bombshell" about SP's lack of a degree (not that WE really doubted the lazy bitch actually COMPLETED SOMEthing!!) would have sent SOMEBODY out to cover it.

    Simply saying she is an "alumni" is a smokescreen we've all heard before.

    Can "we" write letters to the University to find out?

    Is that "privileged" information? I would doubt it.

    wouldn't it be SO cool if "we" could help Gryphen, Laura, etc. with a "little nugget" like that?

  43. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Two of her handlers have coined a new term (new to me at least) for this frenetic history revision she's obsessed with--SARAHNOIA.

    Brilliant, right? It is no small irony that even her closest "advisors" are making fun of her behind her back, given how she talks about people.

    Sarah has paid one of those info databanks to try and get dirt on Gryphen...she is so desperate to get people to stop reading/respecting Gryphen. Of course as you all can probably guess, all she's done is waste her money! (She has also tried in vain to figure out the identity of a certain blogger...and she's wasted her money there as well)

  44. Smirnonn7:10 AM

    Hi Sarah! Welcome back!

    Sheesh, this thread is just packed with excellence! What a great read! Not only is there some more Anon from the Broomfield thread but Buzz's top ten list is laugh-out-loud funny :)

    SP won't run. That's too much work. But Gryphen, you might really have something there with the "fake run." Easy way to rake in more $ and keep the brand out there. Sarah, all I ask for is ONE debate. Just one. Tina Fey just had another kid and could probably use the money :)

  45. Maddies_Mom7:22 AM

    OMG! Angela@4:49 you are the best! "Wingnut welfare" is now my new favorite phrase! Keep 'em coming.

  46. Anonymous7:26 AM

    She might announce a run for Pres but I think she is aiming for the cushy job: VP.


  47. Anonymous7:32 AM

    U know what Gryph....the media can F Off. They printed this fools every stupid, FB post, tweet and followed her around like bees to honey for the last three years....and now they reach and epiphany????
    I am mad as hell at them. They only care about ratings, always profit over people. This woman is an idiot and she definately does not speak for me. I agree with you on one aspect, she never planned to run, she just wanted to milk this gravy train for as long as she could and a large number of sheeple bought it hook line and sinker. SMDH

  48. Smirnonn7:46 AM

    Palin pulls out of Baggerpalooza:

  49. Anonymous9:06 AM

    "Video Dilled the Radio Star"

  50. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Both lightweights, easily bored.

    The "both" would be Palin and Obama.
    Sad but true.

  51. Anonymous9:59 AM

    @9:23 - so not true. One is president. The other is a resident.

  52. Anne In DC11:21 AM


    Fewer and fewer Americans are buying the false equivalency between President Obama and the Quitter Queen. While the GOP wants him to fail, they continue to underestimate him and make themselves look more and more foolish each time he proves them wrong. The idea that she is in any way his equal didn't work in 2008, and after 3 years, it won't work in 2011, much less 2012.

    As for who and what doomed Sarah Palin's presidential aspirations, all the reasons listed are factors. But the main one is the woman Simple Sarah sees whenever she looks in her mirror. She is

    Simple Sarah has been harmed by no one but herself. Her own mouth is the most effective weapon ever wielded against her.

  53. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I'm sorry, I have to disagree. While they're all saliant points, the truth is simply this:

    President Obama doomed Sarah Palin's Presidential Dream.

    Simply by not even acknowledgeing she exists.

    Oh, and also, too, according to "The Ed Show", Sarah's bitching about the Iowa invitation kerfuffle, lamenting the reason she refused to go as "lies that the media made up".

    The Quitta from Wasilla- fly like a bee and sting like a butterfly.

    Thin Skinned much? Sarah?

  54. What blows my mind is that she had the NERVE to have her PAC send out another letter soliciting donations to "help her make the decision whether or not to run". The UNMITIGATED GALL!! Knowing full well that she never had any intentions of running, she squeezes the last dime out of the imbeciles who believe in her before throwing in the towel!! What a cowardly, disgusting, grifter!! And there are still idiots out there supporting, her asking her to consider 2016!!! Who ARE these people??? Can they not see past the folksy talk and the divisive language? Or the cute little body with the fake boobs? Seriously! If the woman looked like Susan Boyle, she'd be flipping burgers!! Because no one would ever have paid any attention to her since she has NO BRAINS!!


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