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This will be on the book cover. Click the pic to see it in full size. |
The vast majority of Americans are utterly unaware that there was, and continues to be, a significant controversy regarding the alleged birth of Sarah Palin's fifth child, Trig, in April 2008.
Even that sentence, I suspect, will cause half of the people who have picked this book up in a book store or started to read the sample online to put the book back down or click away, shaking their heads. Not again, you think. This is crazier than the Obama birth certificate saga. No thanks.
I hope you'll give me just a few more paragraphs.
Still reading? Please consider each one of the following documentable facts before you also put this book down.
*From the time Sarah Palin announced her pregnancy until Trig Palin was allegedly born was 44 days.
*Sarah Palin never appeared pregnant prior to her statement that she was nearly seven months along.
*Sarah Palin appeared in public after announcing her pregnancy showing no signs whatsoever that she was pregnant.
*Even though Palin has asserted that this entire allegation was fabricated to hurt her after she was selected as John McCain's running mate, she was actually accused publicly of not being pregnant and covering for her daughter in early April 2008, before Trig's alleged birth.
*Sarah Palin has given details about the diagnosis of Trig Palin's Down Syndrome that do not meet standard diagnostic guidelines.
*Sarah Palin has stated that after her amniotic sac showed signs of leaking, instead of seeking medical care, she went to a conference and gave a speech, then took two separate commercial airline flights, each approximately four hours long.
*The community hospital at which Palin has stated she gave birth allows no high-risk obstetric patients to be admitted.
*Sarah Palin was accused, on the Anchorage Daily News website, of being the child's grandmother within two hours of his birth announcement.
*Reporters who interviewed her three days after Trig's arrival were openly skeptical of her story.
*The physician Palin claims to have been at her birth was a personal friend who was not actively practicing obstetrics in April 2008.
*The physician Palin claims to have been at her birth has refused to state publicly that she was even present at the birth.
*No physician who has even been asked about the obstetric details of Palin's birth has been willing to say anything other than her story is completely implausible.
In spite of all of these, (and many additional details, each one of which makes her story more and more unlikely), Sarah Palin has never provided one piece of objective evidence that she actually gave birth to Trig on the day she said did.
Not one.
Not a birth certificate. Not a single medical record. Not an unequivocal statement from her doctor. No explanation as to how a 44 year old woman, with multiple high risk factors, was allowed to give birth at a community hospital which does not allow high-risk obstetrics to be practiced there. No explanation as to how multiple photographs exist, from unimpeachable sources like the Anchorage Daily News and the Juneau Empire, that clearly show no discernible signs of pregnancy during the period of time when she should have been six, seven, even eight months pregnant.
Sarah Palin has been called an outright liar on the Trig Palin story since the day after she was selected as McCain's running mate, yet her primary proof that she did give birth to Trig has been
*she says that she did
*she would not lie
*her daughter was five months pregnant in September of 2008
* some reporters saw her and she looked pregnant
*you cannot ask about it because you are not a doctor
* if you do ask about it, you either are picking on her kids, think Trig should have been aborted, or hate her because she is a Christian (or possibly all three.)
On August 29, 2008, four and half months after Trig Palin's announced birth in Wasilla Alaska, Sarah Heath Palin walked onto a stage in Dayton, Ohio.
Behind her, carried by her oldest daughter Bristol, was a child whose Down Syndrome diagnosis gave her instant and unassailable credentials with the Christian Right. She had walked the walk. She had courageously "chosen life" for a baby whom most would have chosen to abort.
That's not even the real story. The real story is the media's cowardice and collusion, first with the Republican machine during the campaign, in covering the story, and then, in the three years since, in doing their collective best to see that the story never sees the light of day.
Welcome to the Wild Ride.
Wow! Did anybody else get goosebumps?
The book is essentially finished, though there is some tidying up yet to be done, and the website should be up in the next week or so.
This book should piggyback very well off of the courageous work that Joe McGinniss has already accomplished, and will, in my opinion, make an ironclad case, using multiple pictures and Palin's own e-mails, that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Sarah Palin faked her fifth pregnancy.
Personally I am very excited about information contained in this book, and if the increase in hits that I, and others, have received recently looking into the babygate story are any indication, now is the perfect time for the publication of this book.
What is it that Palin and her fans keeping bellowing? Game On?
Sounds good to me, Game On it is!
ReplyDeleteAs a celebratory gesture, would you put my blog back on your roll? even so or no, happy to celebrate.
BEAUTIFUL!!! I love it already - self-deprecating about the nature of the subject matter, yet firm in presenting the idea that this NEEDS to be addressed. Can't wait to download it at 00:00 on the morning it comes out!
ReplyDeleteUm that would be nailinpalinnow.blogspot.com ignore this if you don't want to paste me up with the immortals. Currently I have a piece on the Dead Kennedys but who remembers them, right?
ReplyDeleteHave you seen TMZ vis a vis Bristol Palin today?
Oh Man!!! Bristol goes all trashy on a man who calls her mom a whore and proceeds to call him a homosexual!!! You can't make this stuff up
Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin daughter, was enjoying her time at West Hollywood's Saddle Ranch restaurant with her friends and the film crew of her new reality show. Bristol got on the mechanical bull and rode it. But, as Bristol fell off the mechanical bull a man from the bar started shouting things to Bristol such as "Your mother is a whore," "Did you ride Levi like that," and "Your mother is a f***ing devil." Well Bristol was not happy and having any of that especially in front of her film crew and the paparazzi. Bristol quickly walked over and confronted the man and both began shouting and arguing. The Saddle Ranch management tried breaking it up but Bristol and the man kept going at it till the film crew took Bristol away!
Brilliant introduction!! I am prouder than ever to be one of the "Trig truthers."
ReplyDeleteI hope that when the curtain is completely pulled back, we will see Trig get all the love and care he deserves.
That is a great, well-written introduction. Is this the book you've been talking about by "Fred" or is this something else entirely (ie- did you collaborate on this book or is it new to you)?
ReplyDeleteOh and when the man talked about Glen Rice Bristol didn't deny it
ReplyDeleteWow. If this doesn't send her over the cliff, I don't know what will. And to all the people who think that the scrutiny of Sarah Palin is over the top, I submit that we have never had a public figure with so much to hide. And, had she not told so many conflicting stories, used Trig so shamefully, and then basically abandoned him to seek fame and fortune, she might have gotten away with it. As it is, this woman still wants to be President, and someone who would do something this incredible should be in a mental hospital, not the White House.
ReplyDeleteThank you for continuing to ask questions, continuing to find photographic evidence, and continuing to search for the truth. America deserves that. We do not deserve the lie that is Sarah Palin.
game on indeed!
ReplyDeletejust a thought...when i came home with my 2nd child, i DID go right back to work, because, well, i had to! i can tell you; i sat very quietly, moved very slowly, was extremely tired and emotional, and i felt pretty sorry for myself, that i had to work. if rah-rah went to work all perky, that's one of the best signs of her LIE available.
rah-rah is the "toast" of the town!
ReplyDeleteAnd I guess Bristol took her moms advice to make her boring reality show something worth watching...lol
ReplyDeleteTo be truthful I was skeptical until I saw Levi lying through is eye teeth on Behar's show.
ReplyDeleteYes - definitely goosebump time! :)
ReplyDeleteHowever, I think we all need to keep in mind that we have to keep the BIGGER picture in front of people - a lot of folks don't care even if she fake it, some will give her a pass because she faked it for a good reason (i.e. to protect her daughter Bristol), some will say it is none of our business, etc., etc. - some will say she is over and unimportant why should we care -- to ALL these folks we must be very clear and very vocal...
IT MATTERS because the Republican party leaders, the people with big bucks, and the press worked together to fool the American public -- if this kind of hoax can go on for sooooo LONG what else are they hiding, what else will try to shove down our throats?
This is why it is important and why we have to help folks understand why the truth about this has to get out and to everyone - not just supermarket tabloids.
Stay safe and thanks for all you're hard work!
I can't wait to see what the panty sniffers response will be. What will even be better is Palin's response.
ReplyDeleteBitch, you are SOOOO done.
Why is it she never fails to wear a flag pin but often forgets to put on a wedding ring?
ReplyDeleteI thought the RNC Convention was in Minneapolis/St. Paul not Dayton OH. Could someone please clarify that?
ReplyDeleteAnxiously waiting and I pledge to buy a couple of "rill" books, besides my kindle copy to donate to local libraries ( I did so with Joe's book also too). Yah know, like a "rill amurkian" . taking care of my community without "big guvmint" interference, and exercising my rights (any of them, all of them)
ReplyDeleteAnd in the mean time, some right leaning poll claims Sara is closing the gap on POTUS and is only five points behind him. WHERE do they get these bits of information? Will Sara drink the love me cool aid and jump in now? I can hardly wait. If she goes the wheels are going to come off, or is she waiting until everything gets out there so she can rely on the majority of the population that has the attention span of a gnat to completely forget about it by the time she announces in November? Looks like 11-1-11 is that drop dead date for her one way or the other.
ReplyDeleteBring it on!
ReplyDeleteAnd it sounds like P-Rick did not do well in the debate last night. Time for the fundies to cut their losses and get on board the Obama train!
Also heard on MPR that the teabagging mayor of Joplin,Mo was luvin' that FEMA money.
Hypocrites--all of them, any of them.
I think my favorite part about that video of Bristol, is "Do you hate my mom because you're a homosexual"
ReplyDeleteI only hope there is more in this book than we already know. After seeing what the media has done to Joe even though he verifed everything this book will not get far.
ReplyDeletePlease, please, please have some proof of something to make this all end!
watch those split infinitives,Fred!
ReplyDeleteshe was actually accused publicly =
she actually was accused publicly
Trig Palin was allegedly born = Trig Palin allegedly was born
No physician who has even been asked about = no physician who has been asked about
friend who was not actively practicing obstetrics = friend who was not practicing obstetrics actively
Hope Fred is well known enough to get air time on many TV shows.
ReplyDeleteThere is more than enough circumstantial evidence to convict Sarah of this fraud birth hoax.
Troy Davis in Georgia was executed on less evidence.
Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Wheres Trigs birth certificate?
"Perfect timing" is right!
ReplyDeleteOT. Look to the link to your left.
Some guy takes on Bristol about her mother. It turns very nasty.
too much money involved for this to be a hoax this long. Someone would have come forward by now to collect.
ReplyDeletetoo much money involved for this to be a hoax this long. Someone would have come forward by now to collect.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for this book!
Gryphen: I keep seeing you type out "Game On" and it's always in caps.
Is this gonna be the title of the book...?
SPHASH at 8:00:
ReplyDeleteShe was introduced by McCain as his running mate in Dayton.
And woo hoo hoo! I hope the rest of this book is as meticulous as the opening paragraphs.
Sarah, I do believe it's time to fire up your Christian-like excuse for shoving a pillow up your shirt.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin has a serpent's heart @ 7:00 AM said...
ReplyDeleteI thought the RNC Convention was in Minneapolis/St. Paul not Dayton OH. Could someone please clarify that?
Dayton is where McCain introduced his VP candidate for the very first time.
Wow! Wow! Wow! I know I overslept this morning, but is it December 25th already??? The intro is SO well done, it gives me very high hopes. I've always thought when you lay out the facts like that, they're impossible to refute. Thanks so much for that Gryphen!
ReplyDeleteHappy, Happy Friday, everyone (oh, and especially to YOU Scarah!)
This will be on the book cover. Click the pic to see it in full size.
ReplyDeleteThis just sank in that THAT photo will be on the cover.
I think my favorite thing about the timing of all of this is that right now tons of Breibart's Right Wing hooligans are coming over here to take a poop on the "defunct" blog only to confronted with the fact that there is a well researched book about to be published concerning their Queen's most odious lie.
ReplyDeleteI keep forgetting, who said "I don't believe in coincidences."
That excerpt is beautifully written. Hooray!
ReplyDeletepalin..you stinkin grifter ho!!!
ReplyDeleteGame on!!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for this book I can hardly sit still!!
ReplyDeleteI was thoroughly disappointed in Geoffrey Dunn's book regarding babygate, he didn't even point out one of the most significant factors: that Sarah waited until McCain won the Republican nomination before announcing the VERY NEXT DAY that she was 7 months "pregnant". She began wearing long scarves on 2-19-08 after the mysterious 2-14-08 weekend in Fairbanks where Sarah & her daughters supposedly attended the AHA Go Red for Women luncheon but there were NO PICTURES of the most photographed & photogenic Governor.
Joe McGinniss also failed to include many many significant factors, so once again, babygate was not properly & fairly presented. Joe spent most of that Chapter 19 quoting Andrew Sullivan.
Sarah's faked pregnancy has deserved a book focusing on just that alone, and how the MSM has covered up for Sarah even now.
I love you, Fred! MWAH!
"Sarah Palin has a serpent's heart said...
ReplyDeleteI thought the RNC Convention was in Minneapolis/St. Paul not Dayton OH. Could someone please clarify that?"
You don't know how to Google?
Sarah, the clock is ticking. Get ahead of the story. It is your story to tell and you need to be the first to reveal the story.
And also:
I believe Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK.
ReplyDeleteI believe Americans landed on the moon, not a sound stage somewhere.
I believe radical terrorists carried out the events of 9/11, and the buildings collapsed as a direct result of their actions.
I believe Barack Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.
I do NOT believe that Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig in the manner she described in her "Wild Ride" story.
(I am at present agnostic on whether "me again" is legit.)
So Breitbart is actually a deep cover anti-Palin mole in the Republican media establishment who has been activated with orders to promote these new Sarah Palin exposés?
ReplyDeleteThe author needs to make the other picture equally prominent (possibly side by side?) -- the picture in a earlier pregnancy when she IS huge.
ReplyDeleteHaha - defunct blog my ass. I must say Gryph, you have been writing some incredible posts lately. I have enjoyed you so much over the last few years and this has been quite a week in IM land. Schadenfreude for all!
ReplyDeleteI hope when the hoax is proven without a doubt, the first McCain and the "other McCain" both feel like they're crapping cacti.
ReplyDeleteAt least Bristol asked the guy if he was a "homosexual" and not a "faggot."
ReplyDeleteI really can't blame her for defending her mother; that was an ugly remark to make to anyone's daughter. what I can blame her for is her equally ugly, homophobic, response.
The apple didn't fall far from the tree.
Sarah is technically not a whore... unless she charged money for sex with Glen Rice.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for this book. It's been surprising for me to see how few of my friends knew much about Palin before Joe's book came out. They had never even heard of the Wild Ride story, or the doubts about Trig. After hearing info from me (and pointing them to this site), they now believe there's a fraud going on. The more attention this gets the better.
ReplyDeleteI almost got goosebumps reading that. I hoped that more people would understand there were factual reasons people doubted Palin's implausible tales. It has worked for Palin to throw up her victim shield and paragon of virtue shield while reloading throwing verbal granades making cookies national warfare.
ReplyDeleteJust to get them caught up with the other items in the blogging news, here is a link to Anon 238 "me-again"s latest post, which ends with "I think the fall is going to be a big one and even people who hate her won't be able to take much delight in it because it's just going to be so, so ugly."
Bristol is boring even riding a mechanical bull. That whole scene must have been scripted and rehearsed.
ReplyDeleteToo preposterous!
I've noticed the new traffic in the comment section. There have been several, "I never believed the fake pregnancy story until.... " this week. Welcome and come 'em coming!
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin
ReplyDeleteAttacked By Heckler
Bristol Palin stood face to face with a very ANGRY Sarah Palin hater at the Saddle Ranch on the Sunset Strip last night ... after he screamed at her, "Your mother's a whore."
It all went down after Bristol rode the mechanical bull -- when the man shouted, "Did you ride Levi like that?"
During the confrontation, the man called Sarah "evil" -- and Bristol replied, "Is it because you're a homosexual and that's why you hate her?"
The man responded, "Pretty much ... and why'd you say I'm a homosexual?"
Bristol shot back -- "Because I can tell you are."
Bristol -- with her reality TV crew in tow -- eventually stormed out of the bar with her friends.
Ro Roh. Duck, Mr. Frig, duck...incoming cans!!
THE UNIFIED TRIG THEORY - For the Palin Watchdog Community To Analyze, Probe and Refine
ReplyDeleteI am formulating a theory that goes something like this:
1) Bristol calls Karlene at OCS and says she is pregnant and wants to give up her baby. She then births a very, very premature infant in November. (Sarah may have not even known she was pregnant because she was living with Aunt Heather to be closer to Levi). Bristol surrenders the baby to OCS to put up for adoption.
2) Karlene calls Sarah and says, "yah, um, your teenage daughter signed over her baby to us, and he has DS. I just thought you should know."
3) One month later, Sarah passes the "you can surrender a baby without getting into any trouble" bill
4) Around this time, Sarah decides she wants Trig once he gets out of the NICU, and tries to talk Bristol and Levi into letting her adopt Trig because she sees the political advantage of having a DS son. They say NO - it will be too painful to have to watch him grow up in the home. They fight her off for months, while Levi is living in the Palin home, home schooling. (They also do it a lot, maybe by this point hoping for a "normal" baby to replace Trig.)
5) McCain gets the nomination on Mar 4. Sarah decides she will just take Trig and announces she is pregnant on Mar. 5. Bristol FREAKS OUT because she wanted to give up Trig for adoption, and it is HER choice what happens to him, NOT her mom's.
5) Bristol decides to get revenge, and immediately sets forth trying to purposely get pregnant with Tripp. She returns to school in February, but is pregnant again by mid-March (and could have gotten pregnant any time after December).
6) Sarah finds out Bristol is pregnant again in early to mid-April. She is LIVID. She knows she can't survive a daughter who
has had TWO teen pregnancies. She can't turn back now. She will "give birth" to Trig.
7) She "gives birth" under cover of darkness April 18 and presents Trig as her own.
8) Karlene Jackson knows Trig is Bristol's and quits her job working for Sarah on May 9.
9) By the time of the RNC, Bristol is 6-7 months pregnant (not 4-5). They pad her bust to make her look LESS pregnant. The belly looks positively small in comparison to the crazy bust (see also: DWTS). Sarah doesn't want her to publicly give birth around the time of the election, and is worried she could deliver early again, so she fudges the due date to fall well after the election. She also doesn't want McCain to realize she knew Bristol was pregnant way back in the spring/early summer when she was being considered. She needs McCain to think that she too just recently found out.
10) At the time of the RNC, Trig is, and LOOKS, 9 months old. Levi kisses him like he is his son.
10) The last time Bristol is seen obviously (and HUGELY) pregnant is at Walmart in October. After that she disappears.
11) Bristol is spotted going to church in Wasilla in early December, and DOES. NOT. LOOK. PREGNANT. When she sees cameras, she jams her hands into her vest to push it out in the belly area, and literally starts running, ON ICE, into the church.
12) Tripp's birth is oddly announced by a distant relative on Dec. 27. Nobody sees him until February.
13) Tripp is seen on the Greta interview and the Today Show in mid-February and is HUGE - much larger than a 6-week old.
14) Several bloggers publicly question the Tripp pregnancy timeline, and Sarah sends her attack dogs after them to threaten them and shut them down (Robert Stacy McCain, who made the threats, co-wrote a book with Lynn Vincent, Sarah's ghost writer for Going Rogue.)
Why won't Sarah just get an independent DNA test done? I don't understand what she's hiding. Doesn't she want to prove all the "haters" wrong? Hmmm.
ReplyDeleteOMG. Watch this video of Bristol. She gets in a fight with a guy at the end. Unbelievable!!!
Very nice.....especially since you are defunct.
ReplyDeleteLevi Johnston: Sarah Palin and Hubby Todd Had Separate Bedrooms!
ReplyDeleteLevi Johnston has become the permanent thorn in Sarah Palin's side—and he's not shutting his trap any time soon, especially with a tell-all book to promote.
After revealing that he thinks the former vice presidential candidate had a "cougar crush" on his much younger self, Johnston is now telling E! News that Sarah and her snowmobile-jockey husband, Todd, don't even sleep in the same bed.
In fact, Todd's been banished to the couch.
Say what?!
"Todd slept on a little black leather sofa, not even a comfy one! And Sarah always slept in the bed. Since I've known the family, that's how it's always been,"Johnston exclusively tells us.
Oh and he's not stopping there. Levi, who once tried to make amends with the Palins (and tells us Sarah used to refer to him as her "second son"), also says he's preparing to take baby mama Bristol to court because she is trying to prevent him from seeing their baby, Tripp, by taking the tyke out of the state.
"Oh yeah, you betcha," Levi says of going to court, mimicking Sarah's famous line before catching himself and quickly adding: "I probably shouldn't say that."
Levi says he's legally supposd to see Tripp twice a week, but that Bristol "makes that impossible," and he's only seen his boy once in the past month. He doesn't like the idea that people see him as a deadbeat dad.
"I know that's what everyone says, the media, it's ridiculous what she says," Johnston says. "I didn't give Bristol's book the time of day."
He also tackles the touchy subject of Bristol's claims she was date-raped by him after a number of wine coolers and that he "stole" her virginity.
"We dated for several years and made love," he tells us. "For her to say something like that, that's just a road you should never go down.
"She was not drunk. I was buzzed...It's unbelievable. It takes two. I don't know what else to say."
Finally, he says he is still holding out hope that one of his reality-TV pitches will catch on so he can get some income to support his son. Failing that, he is also planning to start a tour-guide company with his dad and he wants to get his pilot's license.
"This is the truth," he tells us. "I just want to see my son."
And if you are having trouble understanding the glen rice part in the video here is what was said...lol. Man I wish I saw that in person.
ReplyDelete"Well, you know what," the man snapped. "You don't look anything like [NBA player] Glen Rice. I thought you would."
"You're right," Bristol said sarcastically. "I'm half African-American. You caught me!"
She stepped away form the conversation, then had yet another confrontation with the angry patron. "You're f**king white trash from Wasilla," he screamed. "Your mom ran that city into the f**king grave. F**k you, you f**king b*tch!"
Without so much as a word, Bristol stormed out of the establishment.
Uhh hey bristol. Everyone hates your mom. Not just "homosexuals". Even her own family hates her. LMFAO
ReplyDeleteGryphen, you bad boy! Checkmate, you say?
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin, Sarah Palin daughter gets into a fight at Daddle Ranch
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin, Sarah Palin daughter, was enjoying her time at West Hollywood's Saddle Ranch restaurant with her friends and the film crew of her new reality show. Bristol got on the mechanical bull and rode it. But, as Bristol fell off the mechanical bull a man from the bar started shouting things to Bristol such as "Your mother is a whore," "Did you ride Levi like that," and "Your mother is a f***ing devil." Well Bristol was not happy and having any of that especially in front of her film crew and the paparazzi. Bristol quickly walked over and confronted the man and both began shouting and arguing. The Saddle Ranch management tried breaking it up but Bristol and the man kept going at it till the film crew took Bristol away!
wow Bristol really gets rough treatment from a guy in a bar on TMZ
ReplyDeleteVery well done introduction! I was skeptical about this book when you told of it earlier. Perhaps just a another tabloid book, I thought.
ReplyDeleteI am becoming very optimistic now, Gryphen! Can this unfortunate chapter in our lives really be over soon???
OT--You might want to place a call to Shailey. BBarf's claiming he's secured an interview. She needs to keep as far away from that trash as she can. No way will what she ACTUALLY says make it into his "interview." Palin might be sounding out how much Shaily knows.
ReplyDeleteIn light of the stories about Bristol and how much experience she has with "riding", why would they think it would be a good idea to show her riding a bull on the (un)reality show? It was so obviously a staged event, with the camera and sound and lighting set up. The person controlling the bull was in on it too, giving her a very easy ride.
ReplyDeleteIf it were anyone else, I might feel sorry for her having to deal with the drunk afterwards. But this family brings it on themselves. Too bad, however, he couldn't be more articulate and actually recall true facts.
She showed her upbringing, immediately calling him out for being homosexual..thus that's the source of all of his problems.
Who was the skank who came in to help defend Sarah?
I think this was set up to be exactly what it is..a big publicity stunt.
To Serpent's Heart: The GOP convention was in Minneapolis, but Palin was first introduced to America at a rally in Dayton, just after the close of Obama's convetnion.
ReplyDeleteOK. My opinion (I know... it is not that important! ;) ) :
ReplyDeleteThe book will be too specialized, and few people(except the 'choir') will buy it, because it is simply too wild of a speculation to make ... for rational people.
But we are talking about $arah Palin. She cannot be named in the same sentence as 'rational people'. Most people think she is batsh*t crazy, but faking a pregnancy in front of the whole nation - and getting away with it - is simply too outlandish for even the most conspiracy minded people. Mind you, many, many people do not know Palin beyond her name and her picture. So, having to think about something like babygate will totally turn them off - UNLESS they somehow get a hold of Joe's book first, and get a bit interested in reading a bit more. (So, in a way, IMHO, it is good that the book is coming out AFTER Joe's book).
OTOH, of course, we have Levi coming out on the same day as Joe, and pretty much claiming that $arah IS the birth mother...:/
Fantastic! I'm going to Tweet this post right now.
Whats a "good christian underage girl" (gag1) doing in a bar???? Maybe Brisket should be home taking care of her kiddos?
ReplyDeleteHer bigotry came shining through, why am I not surprised. I guess she also too wants a Barstool named after her, just like her slutty momma.
Welcome to the party. We Republicans have been mocking Sarah´s fake pregnancy for quite awhile. Last Halloween there were no less than five women and two men dressed as pregnant Sarah Palins at our conservative get together.
ReplyDeleteThis year I will wear cans of Aqua Net in lieu of a wig. Really, why does she even bother with hair?
Hotty Toddy, ya´ll!
If bulimic $arah has eaten anything today, I'll bet she's puking it up right now.
ReplyDeleteHey McWolfKiller! How's that "fakey...fraudie...thingy" working out for "ya? LOL!
Talking about Wild Rides, Bristol looked great riding that bull - it looked like a stimulating experience, if you know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteFred, a typo. Period goes outside this parenthesis: "(or possibly all three.)"
ReplyDelete@serpent's heart. McCain intro'd Palin as his VP pick in Dayton, prior to the RNC.
ReplyDeleteThe dlisted coverage of Bristol's outburst is most hilarious.
ReplyDeletePlease Note: Dlisted is a rather raunchy website and the author tends to be really raunchy in his take on a story. You've been warned.
Sounds interesting for sure! Is there a publisher, or is it still in the shopping stage? Related question: publication date?
ReplyDeleteUm, One Who Wants To Be Perfect, those are not infinitives, split or otherwise. Here's a split infinitive:
ReplyDelete"to boldly go where no man has gone before"
Arbitrary rules don't necessarily make for good or even clear writing...
That photo on the Wild Ride cover looks like she's wearing a girdle or some kind of long-form bra thingy to squash her stomach and her boobs. She's such a strange person, who knows what the final truth will be? I just hope it will be revealed for our country's sake. If she weren't toying with "leading this country" it wouldn't matter a flip if she faked everyone of her pregnancies.
ReplyDeleteThe internet is the most amazing thing. I can comment on blogs and so can others. Even "defunct" blogs work! will the miracles of science and technology never stop :)
Bam, goes the pee stick!
ReplyDeleteThis is why morons with no education should not be in the limelight.
The typical Wasilla teen cares nothing for attention and is enjoying their own life. Truth be told, Levi has a small following of ingrates.
WHY aren't more people calling him out on his lies in interviews that go against pretty much everything in the book..
In one interview he said Todd sleeps in the chair, Sarah on the couch.
Makes your head hurt.
Regarding Bristol, I am sure it was probably a setup. They have to bring in some drama to make her show a smidgen interesting. Remember, any news is good in their world. How many people do your really think give a flying poop about that girls life? How many people even know they are filming a reality show with her?
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the book. What amazes me about the bots is why they think the hacked e-mail shows anything. Idiots!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"I believe Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK.
I believe Americans landed on the moon, not a sound stage somewhere.
I believe radical terrorists carried out the events of 9/11, and the buildings collapsed as a direct result of their actions.
I believe Barack Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.
I do NOT believe that Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig in the manner she described in her "Wild Ride" story.
(I am at present agnostic on whether "me again" is legit.)"
Yep. I'm with you.
@7:37 AM Anonymous said...Sarah, the clock is ticking. Get ahead of the story. It is your story to tell and you need to be the first to reveal the story.
I read somewhere that SP is appearing on Fox at 2:15 today. If true, what is she going to say?
Uhh hey bristol. Everyone hates your mom. Not just "homosexuals". Even her own family hates her. LMFAO
ReplyDeleteYou're immature and ignorant.
@Sarah Palin has a serpent's heart said...
ReplyDeleteI thought the RNC Convention was in Minneapolis/St. Paul not Dayton OH. Could someone please clarify that?
She was introduced to the public in Dayton. It was her "unveiling."
Levi needs to stop with the cougar stuff. That is just insane and makes him look ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteLady Rose 6:59: You are so right. This is not about Palin's disabled child, it's about a lying politician aiming to be VP to an aging cancer survivor; who perpetrated an unprecedented hoax in order to affect a presidential election; it's about those who enabled her (McCain and his senior staff), who funded her (Murdoch, Ailes, the Kochs), and the MSM who failed to tell us even though there has been an abundance of evidence all along. And the Dominionists, who probably participated.
ReplyDeleteTo OneWhoWantsItPerfect: as a seasoned editor, I can tell you that split infinitives are not a big deal anymore in today's highest-quality writing. The examples you cite are NOT split infinitives (which are the "to+verb" form), and a misplaced adverb (all your examples fall into this category) is no big deal, as it does not affect instant understanding of the text. We have bigger fish to fry.
Thank you, G-man and "Fred."
Levi's totally trying to completely change who he was as a teenager. OMG like anyone with eyes and a mind will believe him. hahahaha
ReplyDeleteHey Levi, you seem to forget you had multiple girlfriends in 2007.
How is Bristol a homophobe by asking that question? She has to know most of the gay community doesn't like republicans, even though Sarah has no beef with them like others do.
ReplyDeleteShe handled herself well, by asking for examples of his bizarre, juvenile shoutouts.
These men make haters look bad. If I were Bristol, that man would have been eating cement.
"I think the fall is going to be a big one and even people who hate her won't be able to take much delight in it because it's just going to be so, so ugly."
ReplyDeleteI will celebrate the day she falls.. and the uglier it is, the better.
OT: Last night we saw a Government of Canada anti-drug promo. Various kids say a word or phrase and the meaning shows on the screen. The last one is "Juicy" with the meaning "Marijuana with Cocaine!"
Love those Paylin family values! Bristol riding a mechanical bull at a bar (while underage!) shouting homophobic slurs at a man! Go Bristol, show the world how classy you are! Oh, btw, where are all your children??
ReplyDeleteThe whole dirty rotten lie needs to be exposed. Sorry to all u religulious peeps but these types of x-tians just have to go and they need to take their nasty sewer rat bloggers, RSM, DR, and AB With them.
Even science will tell you that darkness cannot prevail whever there is light.
Cheers...and I do mean several rounds! WooohoO!
Susan in MD
Dipped, Battered, and Fried!
ReplyDeleteKarma works in mysterious ways.
OT Bristol take a major hissy fit, while falling off a bull, wearing a shirt that says "Empowered by Christ" in a hollywood bar.
All to drum up attention for her boring unreal reality show, if there's a camera on, she'll take advantage of it!
A cow on a bull picking fights with a heckler...stay classy, sweetheart!
Tripp needs a new pacifier and diapers
Only a stupid bitch like Bristol would go to West Hollywood (a hugely gay part of Los Angeles) and call somebody out for being homosexual. Makes me think the entire thing was staged. They obviously needed some gay-for-pay to liven up that dreadful dud of a "reality" show.
ReplyDeleteAnon 7.56
ReplyDeleteThe unified Trig theory sounds very plausible to me. Remember when Audrey starting questioning Bristol's pregnancy, she was threatened by Stacy McCain and had to stop blogging. Palin must have given him a ring and told him to "make her stop, make her stop blogging now."
When was the last time Bristol was seen in public in 2007?
I still like the juxtaposition of these three photos to tell the story. I hope you use them in your book, and connect then to the week of pregnancy that is alleged in the MD letter, which Palin surely forged or altered, using CBJ's name.
ReplyDeletesounds like just more of the same stuff we already know.
ReplyDeleteanything new in there?
I would like to point out that the incident at the Saddle Ranch restaurant appears all setup.
ReplyDeleteShe was not just there with the film crew, they were filming. And as everyone should know by now, there is very little 'reality' in reality television. It is all scripted. This is a desperate attempt to gin up interest in her show.
And who would let there friend approach what appears to be an angry drunk?
hmm, Did Levi really justnow say he voted in 08, bcause he definitely said then he wasnt registered.
ReplyDeleteIs there one truthful thing that comes from his mouth? WHITE TRASH FAMILY those Johnstons.
This poll on CNN should be enough to scare everyone. Palin is gaining on Obama in the polls!!
You HAVE to post about Bristol riding the mechanical bull, seriously, google it. She freaked out on some guy who yelled that her mom was a whore. Claiming he must be a homosexual. Classic.
ReplyDeleteYou HAVE to post about Bristol riding the mechanical bull, seriously, google it. She freaked out on some guy who yelled that her mom was a whore. Claiming he must be a homosexual. Classic.
ReplyDeleteThe single mom repeatedly asked the man for "one example" of "why [my mother] is a whore," but he continued to tell her that Sarah was "evil."
ReplyDelete"Well, you know what," the man snapped. "You don't look anything like [NBA player] Glen Rice. I thought you would."
"You're right," Bristol said sarcastically. "I'm half African-American. You caught me!"
3) One month later, Sarah passes the "you can surrender a baby without getting into any trouble" bill
Sarah Palin, as governor, can not pass a bill. She can sign a bill that the legislature passes. She can propose bills to the legislature. She can urge the legislature to get moving on a bill. All sorts of stuff she can do, but pass a bill? No.
Check out how long the "surrender a baby" was meandering through the legislature.
Is the book available right now????
ReplyDeletePresident Obama's birth certificate(manufactured racist repugbagger lie) is not comparable to trig's invisible birth certificate. Beside President Obama willingly provided his bc way before the baggers started in on him with the Kenya bs.
ReplyDeleteIt was baseless from the beginning. Oh yeah, we have a birth announcement of Barack Obama which wasn't done on the insufferable bitch's last child (her gift from her god) trig.
trig's parentage is a known hoax we have pics, emails, first person accounts, cover-ups, and her and her dysfunctional crazy family messing up the trig lie over and over again.
What could be more exciting than watching a tv show of Bristol taking her kid for a hot dog and ice cream (other than watching paint dry)? Coming Tues.:
After you've seen the clip, you just can't wait, can you?
Bristol Palin Bar Fight: ‘You’re a Homosexual, I Can Tell You Are’
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin was riding the mechanical bull at a Hollywood bar in front of a throng of paparazzi and reality TV cameras, when a rude drunk yelled, "Your mother's a whore!" Bristol marched up to the man, jutted out her new chin, and got into a heated confrontation:
Man: She [your mother] is evil.
Bristol: You want her dead?
Man: You know what, if there is a hell, and I don't think there is one, she will be there.
Bristol: OK, why is that?
Man: She's evil. She's evil.
Bristol: Is it because you're a homosexual?
Man: [ironic tone] Pretty much!
Bristol: And that's why you hate her?
Man: And why do you say I'm a homosexual?
Bristol: Because I can tell you are.
On the way out she gets into a fight with another pair of angry drunks, including one who yells, "White trash Wasilla!" and "You fucking bitch!" as Bristol and friends storm out of the bar.
It's official: Wasilla Hillbillies is the new Jersey Shore. [HollywoodTV]
too bad he couldn't plug this site or come up with a few good one-liners...damn, wasted a perfectly good opportunity to get the message out.
ReplyDeleteDamn those girls like to fight don't they? She pursued that guy at the bar though. He shoulda told Willow to get her butt in school. ;-)
how was willow in that bar? Someone should definitely complain to the alcohol board about that violation.
ReplyDeleteDuring the confrontation, the man called Sarah "evil" -- and Bristol replied, "Is it because you're a homosexual and that's why you hate her?"
ReplyDelete7:52 AM
If the above exchange is true, then Bristol Palin's attitude toward gay people will soon be a liability. Bristol is old enough to understand that she has to watch her mouth when she is being filmed or recorded. Losing control like that will impact her income. And it will certainly make her interactions with gay people at her job (reality TV) less than optimum.
Besides, what a despicable thing to say. If she had said "black" instead of "homosexual", she would be vilified. Bristol seems to think it's "safe" insult gay people in public. Regardless of what she grew up with in Wasilla, she's out in the big wide world now. And acting like a disgusting creep.
BTW, there is no doubt that Bristol was entitled to be angry. And an angry person says stupid things. But that kind of stupid shows a great deal about Bristol's underlying issues.
Well, I think Bristol is not going to be riding any mechanical bulls for sometime soon. That video is going to be a pricking thorn for both her and Sara.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, I have been like Thomas the Apostle, who did not believe Christ had risen, and stated he would not believe unless he could place his finger through the wounds on his hands and rib area (paraphrasing). It is an example of my pessimism for the last 3 years that I have sat here at my desk awaiting your articles.
But, from this Bristol altercation, I see now, that people have been empowered by everything that has been said about Sara, that they have now confronted one of the Palins. Pretty soon, the attacks will be directed to Todd and Sara herself of this nature. To actually say your mother is a whore is most damaging. They have been empowered only because there is proof that she had an affair with Rice.
In law there is a saying, "you lie once on the stand, you will be seen as lying all the time thereafter." In this case with Sara, its the opposit, If one thing is true, everything else must be true." So, it is the perfect time for this book on Babygate to come out. My gratitutde to you for bring back some optimism, and a fond recognition to Bree Palin.
IT MATTERS because the Republican party leaders, the people with big bucks, and the press worked together to fool the American public -- if this kind of hoax can go on for sooooo LONG what else are they hiding, what else will try to shove down our throats?
ReplyDelete6:59 AM
Bless you. This is EXACTLY what the issue is.
I actually feel sorry for Bristol that she has SUCH a tough life. No one ever called MY mother an evil devil whore. What a horrible way to learn not to make a sexual spectacle of yourself in bars -- in front of a camera, at that, and now for the whole world to see.
ReplyDeleteLevi lived at the Palin's house for several months, presumably sharing a bed w/Bristol.
ReplyDeleteSo much for $arah's platform of 'family values' and 'abstinance before marriage.'
As Joe M righly says, $arah is a total fraud - and a hypocrite, also too.
Has anyone ever reported seeing $arah breastfeeding TriG????
ReplyDeleteAn important clue to the 'birth' story that has never been mentioned.
THIS is the book I'm looking forward to. Will it be our Christmas present?
ReplyDeleteBTW, good bull riding requires superbly toned abs. Bristol, fail.
ReplyDeleteYou know I've been effective in using that picture with a couple of people by starting as if I am going to denigrate baby-gaters and I show them the pic and say that baby-gaters are trying to use that photo as proof because it was taken a month after she had given birth to Trig, and there's no way she could have lost the weight that quickly. They always agree and say "she totally looks like she could have given birth a month ago". Then I drop the hammer and tell them it's actually a month prior to Trig's birth (point to the date in the lower right, and affirm that date is verified by the photographer) and they are dumbfounded. Then I show them the Gusty photo, which makes her look like a loon for padding her belly pretending to be pregnant.
ReplyDeleteThat pic is the nail in the coffin, you just have to get past the initial defenses first.
You know, after watching the video of Bristol, I have to say, the guy was a douchebag. Bristol didn't handle it well, but wow, going around shouting at someone that "your mother's a whore" is pretty low. And "she's a devil"? WTF? Sarah does lots of pretty low stuff, stick to that. He sounds as deranged against her as the C4P people think all of us are. Sympathy is going to be on Bristol's side here, even with her stupid "are you a homosexual" line.
ReplyDeleteWhy is the name of the author still a secret?
ReplyDeleteO/T I get it that the man heckled Bristol but what was she doing in the gay bar? Methinks she was baiting gays.
ReplyDeleteThis was a "hate the gays" dog-whistle moment to fire up the Palin Cult. All caught on video to distract from "The Rogue", from Levi's book and probably from "The Wild Ride" as well.
A good little 20 year old Christian girl, hanging out in a gay bar. Don't they have any bullrides in non-gay bars in LA?
Bristol said, "You hate my mother because you're a homosexual".
Sarah and Bristol, listen up: People don't "hate you because they are homosexual" or African American or liberals or any of the other groups that you've targeted. People despise you because of the cruel things you've done to other people and to the country, because of your lies and because of the hate that you dish out every time you open your mouth or hit the keyboard. The man at the gay bar was crude and rude but I share his sentiments and I'm a straight, white woman.
This is an obvious attempt by Sarah to distract from the filth that's coming out about the way Sarah and the Palin family have lived their lives.
Interesting UNIFIED TRIG Theory posted at 7:56 am.
ReplyDelete...OT. Bristol, bar, bull, and barbrawl video...
ReplyDeleteIs Bristol 21, yet...? If not, why is she in a bar...?
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI think my favorite part about that video of Bristol, is "Do you hate my mom because you're a homosexual"
7:05 AM"
Ya know if that arrogant skank wasn't surrounded by gay men she would have called him a faggot. The little shithead coward. Also who is she to tell him to come to her? As if she is some kind of movie start with some star power. Pluse she was all up in his face because she had some back-up with her.
She is going be stomping away from many, many, many truthful comments from decent people. The ball is starting to roll. YEEHAW
No that corny reality show won't make a blip on any ratings.
Bristol was really getting a thrill out of fighting in the bar.
ReplyDeleteShe could have ignored the shouting, it would have been edited, but mama did tell her to spice up the drama since there is talk of it being duller than dull.
Bristol is very experienced at fighting. She and her mom have been at it hammer and tongs for years.
Courtesy of Dlisted.com - sorry if someone has already posted this. Hilarious!
With her reality show's camera focused on her renovated face, abstinence advocate and idol to wholesome teen mothers everywhere Bristol Palin rode the mechanical bull at Saddle Ranch in West Hollywood last night. (Cut to Bristol on the cover of Life & Style in 10 months holding her miracle mechanical bull baby.) But the real ride went down when Bristol hopped off her future baby father and got an ear full of sweet poetry coming from a probably drunk ho who is fluent in the official language of Dlisted. The Palin-hater shouted into the bar that Bristol's mother is a Whorah Palin whose whore lying whore ass will rot in the whore layer of whore hell. Dude might've thrown a "bitch" in that flood of WHORES, but all I really heard was a magical hummingbird singing my favorite song.
Because Bristol has a reality show to sell and needs some exciting footage to be cut in between scenes of her assembling her new face every morning, she confronted the whore word thrower and their conversation went something like this:
Bristol: What did you say?
Palin Hater: Your mother's a WHORY WHORE WHORE WHORE WHOREFACE WHORE. She's the fucking devil, dude.
Bristol: Oh, is she? What did she do wrong?
PH: She lives, she breathes. If there is a hell, she will be there.
Bristol: Why is that?
PH: She's evil.
Bristol: Is it because you're a homosexual?
PH: Pretty much. And why do you say I'm a homosexual?
Bristol: Because my vagina does not want to make child with you and my vagina usually wants to make child with all men. I mean, because I can just tell you are. And that's why you don't like my mom.
PH: No, that's not why. Your mom is evil.
Bristol's backup: How old are you?
Bristol's backup: Okay, then leave her alone.
PH: Why? She came up to me.
Bristol's backup: You said it first!
Bristol asked her hater to give her one reason why her mother is a whore and he mumbled out a few words that sounded like "whore lying devil whore devil whore." It ended with Bristol doing some mocking gay mannerisms dance like the dim bitch she is before her hater said her mother ran Wasilla into the ground and she's nothing but a white trash bitch.
Why watch clips from the Republican debate when I can watch this masterpiece of two attention whores battling it out instead. You know, I was almost sliding over to Team Whore Caller, but he needed to say the word WHORE one more time. Team NOBODY.
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWhy is it she never fails to wear a flag pin but often forgets to put on a wedding ring?
7:00 AM"
Because she can fake her patriotism but can't fake her marriage. Beside toad doesn't wear his either.
What's an underage, single-mom doing hanging out at a gay bar instead of being at home, taking care of her child?
ReplyDeleteI'm an editor, and I've never given a shit about split infinitives. But I would still offer my services to edit for Fred. She/he doesn't need much editing. The intro is already great. But I could make it better.
ReplyDelete@Sharon 1943
ReplyDeleteThat's a gay bar? I've been there a number of times and had no idea!
#1 What the heck is Brisket doing in a bar? She's only 20, isn't she?
ReplyDelete#2 There's nothing like arguing with drunks to make you look classy. LMAO!!!
O/T: Lovely.
ReplyDeleteBristol on the town in LA:
Okay, Which One Of You Called Bristol Palin's Mom "A Whore" To Her Face At Saddle Ranch Last Night?
ReplyDeleteWith her reality show's camera focused on her renovated face, abstinence advocate and idol to wholesome teen mothers everywhere Bristol Palin rode the mechanical bull at Saddle Ranch in West Hollywood last night. (Cut to Bristol on the cover of Life & Style in 10 months holding her miracle mechanical bull baby.) But the real ride went down when Bristol hopped off her future baby father and got an ear full of sweet poetry coming from a probably drunk ho who is fluent in the official language of Dlisted. The Palin-hater shouted into the bar that Bristol's mother is a Whorah Palin whose whore lying whore ass will rot in the whore layer of whore hell. Dude might've thrown a "bitch" in that flood of WHORES, but all I really heard was a magical hummingbird singing my favorite song.
Because Bristol has a reality show to sell and needs some exciting footage to be cut in between scenes of her assembling her new face every morning, she confronted the whore word thrower and their conversation went something like this:
Bristol: What did you say?
Palin Hater: Your mother's a WHORY WHORE WHORE WHORE WHOREFACE WHORE. She's the fucking devil, dude.
Bristol: Oh, is she? What did she do wrong?
PH: She lives, she breathes. If there is a hell, she will be there.
Bristol: Why is that?
PH: She's evil.
Bristol: Is it because you're a homosexual?
PH: Pretty much. And why do you say I'm a homosexual?
Bristol: Because my vagina does not want to make child with you and my vagina usually wants to make child with all men. Because I can just tell you are. And that's why you don't like my mom.
PH: No, that's not why. Your mom is evil.
Bristol's backup: How old are you?
Bristol's backup: Okay, then leave her alone.
PH: Why? She came up to me.
Bristol's backup: You said it first!
Bristol asked her hater to give her one reason why her mother is a whore and he mumbled out a few words that sounded like "whore lying devil whore devil whore." It ended with Bristol doing some mocking gay mannerisms dance like the dim bitch she is before her hater said her mother ran Wasilla into the ground and she's nothing but a white trash bitch.
Why watch clips from the Republican debate when I can watch this masterpiece of two attention whores battling it out instead. You know, I was almost sliding over to Team Whore Caller, but he needed to say the word WHORE one more time. Team NOBODY.
via TMZ
How come there just happens to be a film crew where there just happens to be in incident?
ReplyDeleteThere are no such things as conincidences.
And I guess Bristol took her moms advice to make her boring reality show something worth watching...lol
ReplyDelete6:58 AM
I was thinking the same thing. Total set up.
If Bristol is such a homophobe what's she doing partying in West Hollywood?
ReplyDeleteThat girl is straight trailer trash.
Scene in the bar with Bristol was totally scripted.
ReplyDeleteThere is NO reality in reality television, it's too risky.
TMZ? That is the Palin's personal PR firm.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on everything and for a defunct blog you've had over 36000 page loads in the last 24hrs. Not too bad. Oh, and also congrats on over 9,000,000 page loads since 2010. Very defunct blog. Heh, heh, heh so many of those pages visited by Sarah and her minions. One more thing, speaking of Sarah,
Where's the birth certificate?
ReplyDeleteAt least Bristol asked the guy if he was a "homosexual" and not a "faggot."
Another tick in the column proving that this was a set up.
Wearing an "Empowered by Christ" sweatshirt to a gay bar...
"You're right," Bristol said sarcastically. "I'm half African-American. You caught me!"
ReplyDeleteThat's far too snappy for Bristol to have thought of. I think the whole thing was staged, which makes it even more disgusting. That chick will do anything to make a buck.
Very presidential daughter-y, Bristol...
@Anon8:33 - The Editor.
ReplyDeleteI guess we read different high quality writing. I may not know the name of the sin, but I know it when I read it. It's clumsy. It tripped me up as I read. (As did the overuse of adverbs in general.)
I want any amateurish aspect of this book cleaned up because I want it to succeed.
She is so not going to run now. Even *if* in some bizarre state of denial she was even considering it, it's over.
I actually thought Bristol was doing a pretty good job defending her mother against the drunk at the bar. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a little liquid courage herself. He had no logical arguments, probably because he wasn't expecting her to confront him (and he was drunk).
ReplyDeleteI was actually on her side. Right up until her homophobia started showing. When did people go from hating Sarah because she didn't abort Trig to hating her because they're homosexual? Bristol's gonna have to learn to sit down and shut up. The more the Palins say, the more they show their true colors.
Poor Bristol can't even go humiliate herself by wandering into a gay bar and falling off a mechanical bull without being attacked viciously just because the haterz hate her mom just because they are homosexual and homosexuals hate our freedom and are jealous of our hair or our ability to be pregnant all the time and be on TV. Whatever.
ReplyDeleteBut wow, isn't it convenient that those cameras and those production crews and the lights the signed releases from the bar - stike that - the resturant patrons and the microphones were there to capture the whole thing for Bristol's "reality" show so now the whole world can understand how mean homosexuals are and how they hate her mom and hate all Christians and how poor, poor little Bristol has had to suffer the slings and arrows of celebrityhood and how since that pervert who moved next door to Piper's bedroom and his nasty book are hurting poor innocent victims like Sarah Palin's adult daughter who now can't even go into a homosexual bar with a full entourage and production crew to have a little fun falling off a mechanical cow without being accused of being half black. Or something.
Poor Bristol. Always the victim. But so strong, and a fighter also too, just like her mother.
I really don't like that picture. It's not the best and it gives the Palinbots a chance to say that it shows her pregnant. Now if the author used the picture of Palin with the long scarf which has been lightened for us, there would be no argument left to them. Other than saying that it was a picture taken at a different time than was stated. Mark my words on that! They are going to interpret that picture in Palin's favour and they are going to have some success in doing it. They shouldn't but they will.
ReplyDeleteSo if someone doesn't like Sarah Palin its just natural to assume they must be gay.
You my friend are The Idiot of the Day
Go, Fred!
ReplyDeleteAbout the bar incident, it could be set up to depict Bristol as a poor little thing who is just out trying to have a little fun when she is viciously verbally attacked by a caricature of a heckler who, when asked by a surprisingly calm and non-swearing Bristol, has trouble articulating why he says her mom is evil.
If it was an act designed to create sympathy for Bristol, she blew it with the "Is it because you're homosexual" line.
Then again it may be a real incident. It's hard to know what's real and what isn't with all the fakery surrounding the Palins.
Pledge a few bucks to Brad Scharlott's Palin Truthometer!
Actually, the cover picture is a good one because it shows Sponge Bob Square Pillow in all his fetal cuteness.
If the Bristol incident was staged, she's even a bigger idiot than I though. It would mean that, not only did she agree to ride a mechanical bull on camera, but she called out a guy for his homosexuality because he looked like he was (again, on camera). If this was planned, somebody's playing a nice little trick on Bristol.
ReplyDeleteThis is the domino effect. One small trickle, then one book here, one book there, then WHAM! It's like an avalanche of bad press for Sarah.
ReplyDeleteNow, with this new book coming out and Bristol's naughty bar fight with her reality series, it's not going to be Sarah's year.
The trolls are having a hard time keeping up today. Is Sarah late with the paychecks?
ReplyDeleteThe trolls are having a hard time keeping up today. Is Sarah late with the paychecks?
ReplyDelete@nailinpalinnow 7:56 I love your blog and your comments. I agree with you 95.5% of the time. As far as Trig is concerned, I think that the most simple explanation is usually the right explanation. However, when dealing with the Palin Convoluted Thinking, anything is possible.
ReplyDelete1. May 2007, Sarah takes Bristol's phone away as punishment for being pregnant. (There's sound parenting for ya).
2. Bristol has been sexually active, and does conceive during the summer of 2007.
3. Bristol and Sarah take a luxurious vacation in NY, staying at a more expensive hotel than usually allowed on Alaska expense account. It is probably too late to "take care of" Bristol's pregnancy. She might be in her fourth month by now. They develop plan B, which is that the child will be adopted.
4. Bristol is shipped off to Anchorage when she begins to show. Rumors abound that Bristol is pregnant. Sarah keep swatting off the rumors, but they persist.
5. Trig is born prematurely, maybe at the end of January 2008. A premature baby born at 7 months can survive. 6 months is very tricky. We know that he was around by Valentines Day, and probably showing signs that he would make it after all.
6. The bad news is that his DS condition made his an unlikely candidate for adoption. It was compounded by the fact that he was going to have hearing and sight problems for the rest of his life. He would require extensive therapy, a burden that few people could afford to take on, even with insurance. The hole in the heart didn't help either.
7. At the time that Trig is looking like he will survive, McCain is selected as the Republican presidential candidate. Sarah's name is on the short list. She is told in confidence that she stands a good chance of the getting the nomination because she attracts the religious right wing part of the GOP. She already asked Levi and Bristol if she could adopt the premature baby. Not getting the answer she wants, Sarah announces that she is pregnant, thus taking possession of the baby whether Bristol and Levi like it or not. A right wing female radio talk show host had already adopted a DS child, and it was considered a badge of honor among the Right to Life people.
8. Bristol and Sarah had a difficult relationship before. Now Bristol is angry that Sarah has taken her baby, even though the thought of Bristol and Levi quitting high school to raise the child is out of the question. Bristol throws caution to the wind and conceives. She really needed to get even with Sarah for taking Trig.
9. Bristol said that she prayed that Levi wasn't the father of Tripp. That could have either been an insult, meant to hurt him deeply, or Bristol was very sexually active. I don't doubt that she gave birth to Tripp. Bristol's pregnancy was used as a device to prove that Sarah gave birth to Trig. It proves nothing of the sort. If Sarah was a thoughtful parent, she would have left her family at home, sparing them all that public exposure. Bristol got even with Sarah by getting pregnant. Sarah got even with Bristol by humiliating her in front of the entire country by announcing her pregnancy.
10. By now, so much time has passed that the only real proof of Trig's biological parents would be a DNA test. We will have to see if Sarah and Todd sue the writer of the Babygate book. It is doubtful, because the only way to prove that the writer knowingly lied would be that DNA test. It will never happen.
The bar scene is TOTALLY scripted.
ReplyDeleteNo woman stands that close to a loud drunk man yelling, and for that long.
Bristol was uncharacteristically low-key and calm.
Bristol wore a Christian sweatshirt.
In Hollywood, any publicity is good publicity, especially if your show is boring. They've hired a shitstirrer pr person to inject some spice into the show, and here it is.
Like whore mother, whore daughter.
These people are evil.
why isn't she taking care of child instead of hangin out in bars?
ReplyDeleteI have a child. I work. I'm married. I don't have time to hang out in bars.
Oh yeah. She has a nanny. Full-0time nanny.
8:33, 8:34, 8:37:
ReplyDeleteThe floodgates are open and you're still trying to create diversions with comments on blogs.
Pretty damned spritely for a "defunct" blog!
ReplyDeleteDidn't Sarah have two miscarriages? So it was her seventh pregnancy. Those are two major additional risk factors.
ReplyDeleteAlso, this is the first time I've heard definitively that the Matsu Hospital has a policy against even admitting high risk obstetric patients. (Never mind having a non-obstetrician inducing them.)
Also, wasn't the common belief that Sarah was eight months pregnant, but then some time recently she claimed that she was only seven-and-a-half months along?
Also, I can't remember the source for the news that Trig had a hole in his heart when he was born, and now someone's saying that Sarah said so. Where did that item start from?
Also, I've been telling my hairdresser this story ALL THIS TIME, and ONLY YESTERDAY did she believe me.
Also, I think Levi's new detail about the IV hanging out of Sarah was a prepared prompt for him, in case anyone asked about what she looked like. He forgot he wasn't supposed to talk about it without being questioned first.
I've been tracking my book every day, and right now it's on the mail truck that'll get here in an hour. Yahooey!!!
Fat cow abuses bull in Hollywood... more news at 11
ReplyDeleteHey everyone,
ReplyDeleteI've started a Truthometer page for Sarah. Check it out:
Yeah!! Great great news. I wish though that the RGA picture wason the cover. That is the one that did it for me.
ReplyDeleteI"m new to reading the comments and to posting, so forgive me if this has been said before. As a mother and wife of an OB/GYN I have to ask: was her irresponsible behavior after her water broke simply a desire that she might not have a live birth of her special needs child?
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong with Sarah Palin's family?
ReplyDeleteWhen they argue with anybody they always have to come out with homophobic slurrs.
Must be something they learned from Todd and his ex wife Sarah.
As they say, turd does not fall far from the toilet.
The only thing missing on Bristol's bull ride was the canvas tent.
ReplyDeleteBristol was doing good on the mechanical bull until she reached ummmm..... and then she slipped off.
ReplyDeleteI just picked up the October 3rd National Enquirer with a picture of Granny P. on the lower left hand side looking grumpy and on the defensive.
ReplyDeleteThe text "Sarah Palin Destroyed!" After new book exposes her secrets and lies - Todd filing for divorce - she won't run in presidential race"
My personal opinion is that she and Toad have been secretly divorced for some time, and that she will run for POTUS for about ten minutes.
Far from being "destroyed" like a zombie she will claw and scratch her way towards her pasty fans muttering "cash... must have cash.."
10:22 Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI really don't like that picture. It's not the best and it gives the Palinbots a chance to say that it shows her pregnant. Now if the author used the picture of Palin with the long scarf which has been lightened for us, there would be no argument left to them. Other than saying that it was a picture taken at a different time than was stated. Mark my words on that! They are going to interpret that picture in Palin's favour and they are going to have some success in doing it. They shouldn't but they will.
Look let's get one thing straight. The Bot's are never going to be convinced... ever.
You could post an authographed picture of Sarah strolling into MATSU hospital with the empathy belly slung over her shoulder and they would still believe she gave birth to Trig.
ReplyDeleteGoogle is your friend.
ReplyDeletean infinitive verb starts with the word "to"
ReplyDeleteThe Bristol bar fight was staged, and very poorly staged at that. Maybe for ratings for her reality show, maybe her mom is playing fast and loose now, trying her best to get the public's attention away from Joe McGinness' book and from this new book.
It was STAGED. So to the bots who are trying to distract us, you may succeed for a minute, but the BIG story is Palin's lies.
For the rest of the IM crew, I know you are wise enough to see through this rouse.
And....if Bristol's acting during this staged bar fight is ANY indication of how she performs on her reality show, it is a loser.
The guy in the bar was totally out of line, but I'm interested in his remark after the "white trash from Wasilla" insult. He said (if this is quoted accurately)"Your mom ran that city into the f**king grave."
ReplyDeleteNow that's a strange kind of "yo' mama" insult to use. Usually hecklers do not comment on small town government and economics, especially when the town in question is thousands of miles away. If I were in LA, I'd go to that bar and buy him a drink, and see what prompted that part of the outburst.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI believe Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK.
I believe Americans landed on the moon, not a sound stage somewhere.
I believe radical terrorists carried out the events of 9/11, and the buildings collapsed as a direct result of their actions.
I believe Barack Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.
I do NOT believe that Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig in the manner she described in her "Wild Ride" story.
(I am at present agnostic on whether "me again" is legit.)
LOL Anon!
I beleive JFK was murdered and Oswald was a patsy
I believe we landed on the moon but found evidence of other life forms or something that we are not allowed to know about.
I believe the 9/11 official story is a piece of shit, no plane hit the Pentagon and Shanksville plane was shot down.
I agree Obama was born in Hawaii and he is trying his best under the constraints of what he has to work with and the shitstorm he inherited.
AND I agree Palin birthed no Tri-G from her loins on 4/18/08. I think CBJ is a horrible medical professional who should pay a price. I think Palin should seek mental health care and/or go to jail!!
I don't care about anon. (Unless they have incontravertible proof, then get on with it already.)
I hope the author gets on "the View" "Olberman" and the other shows that McGinniss was on. I wish someone would call McCain on the carpet for passing this fraud off as a legitimate candidate. They all knew the truth and hid it from the public.
ReplyDeleteDinty @9:51 AM
ReplyDelete"That's a gay bar? I've been there a number of times and had no idea!
You got me there. I didn't verify whether or not it's a gay bar. I went with many, many comments I saw about the bar on various sites.
So am I now going to get a letter from Van Flein because I said Bristol is hanging out in a gay bar ... that according to you isn't a gay bar?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for this book. It's been surprising for me to see how few of my friends knew much about Palin before Joe's book came out. They had never even heard of the Wild Ride story, or the doubts about Trig. After hearing info from me (and pointing them to this site), they now believe there's a fraud going on. The more attention this gets the better.
7:43 AM
Exactly 7:43!! That is why there has been such a media black out. As soon as any woman who has had a kid or knows someone who had a kid or who has a brain or who is the medical profession or who has a brain or who has a beating heart HEARs the story, just simply Hears the story and LOOKS at the photos with their own eyes, it IS OVER.
6:59 am (Lady Rose). Thank you very much for your post. You nailed it! Palin has a tremendous amount of baggage, and is a very vicious and vindictive person that could cause a lot of harm to our country if she ever became POTUS. She is ignorant and immature, but very slick and deceitful. She has managed to fool a lot of her loving fans and has tried to count on her outward appearance and "I'm one of you folks" schtick, while she's anything but a good, decent, middle class American. She professes to be this great Christian with high moral values, yet when you take a good, realistic look at what she is really all about, then it is evident that she is just a big phony who not only uses people, but God as well.
ReplyDeleteI am waiting for Sarah Palin to take her rightful place in US political history alongside Richard Nixon, Joe MCarthy, John Edwards, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, et al. This book may just accomplish that.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Sullivan is the author.
ReplyDeleteI just pledged a Ben to Brad S. TruthOMeter! Go Proff!
ReplyDeleteI think the Saddle Ranch bar scene started out scripted to capture footage for her reality show - you know - to show what a cool and happenin' young fox Bristol is. That's why the film crew was there.
ReplyDeleteBecause of the inanity of the show's directors/crew they did not anticipate just how much hatred there is out there for Bristol and Sarah. The part where the guy starts verbally abusing Bristol was a total surprise - and while it was caught on camera by her film crew, I have to believe, because it was so unflattering to Bristol and Sarah, someone else also caught it on camera and released it to the media - NOT Bristol's crew.
Her reality show folks would be total morons to have let that go public. It also clearly shows someone else's camera with the shots of Bristol and her entourage (along with film crew) exiting the bar.
I also bet that they were so stupid as to either not know it was a Gay bar or that the public wouldn't realize it was. If the video we are seeing came from her own show's film - then, yeah, probably the whole thing is staged.
However, I just can't believe that the things that came out of that guy's mouth about the Queen is something Bristol or her production team would have scripted - especially right now. Another example of faux "Christian" values to video Bristol at a Gay Bar - how utterly STUPID. Par for the course and in sync with all things Palin!
I bet Bristol is getting her ass kicked right now for that PR disaster for both she and her mother. Also, too - obviously someone in her group probably encouraged her to confront the guy, which resulted in even more really, really negative attention drawn to the Palins.
BTW - that guy was verbally abusive and innappropriate, no question, BUT Bristol's advisors should have known that when you go to a bar and many of the patrons are drunk and high - that is the language that you hear! Especially if you and your mother are known Gay Bashers!
What kind of IDIOT comes up with the great idea to get footage at a Gay bar? Even sans the predictable confrontation - who would think clips of underage Bristol at a bar, who's supposed to be the saintly single mother struggling to make a life for herself, would make for a cool public image? I mean, "you just can't make this stuff up" is spot on!
heh. looking forward to it.
ReplyDeleteNo disrespect intended, I love your comments. I haven't been there for probably 5 years, the clientele may have changed (the name did), so it may well be a gay bar now, and it's also totally possible I wouldn't have noticed it was.
anon @ 7:40 am sez:
ReplyDelete"I hope when the hoax is proven without a doubt, the first McCain and the "other McCain" both feel like they're crapping cacti."
lol!! that was a good laff.
they won't though, they'll just start saying that it was no one's business that a sitting governor pulled a huge fraud on the country by faking a pregnancy and who then went around making $$ to give speeches about something that never happened. oh no, they'll see nothing wrong with her actions because they're as fucking insane as she is. birds of a feather, ya know!
The only thing missing on Bristol's bull ride was the canvas tent.
ReplyDelete10:50 AM
Joe has these words for us:
ReplyDeleteOnce more unto the breach, dear friends.
Or at least into the maelstrom.
My twelfth book, The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin, is now out from Crown.
Not for the first time, I’m expecting the publication process to be eventful.
Actually, “eventful,” is a euphemism. What I’m expecting are vitriolic attacks from Palin supporters on my character, ethics, reporting and writing skills, wardrobe, haircut, and even the brand of dog food I feed my twelve-year old Norwegian elkhound.
For some reason, my books seem to generate controversy. It started with my first, The Selling of The President 1968, continued through my 1980 book about Alaska, Going to Extremes, intensified with Fatal Vision, reached tragicomic proportions with The Last Brother, my book about the mythic arc of Sen. Edward Kennedy’s career in the 1960’s (as I recall, both Russell Baker and Art Buchwald published attacks on me the same day), and took on international proportions when criminal charges were filed against me in Italy because of The Miracle of Castel di Sangro.
This pattern—and when a phenomenon has continued for more than forty years, it’s hard not to call it a pattern–has occasionally caused me to ask myself: “What is it with you, McGinniss? Why do you keep writing books that you know will make people angry?”
My therapist has suggested that I have a higher than average need for invigoration, and that taking risks in my professional life provides it. I’ve learned not to argue with my therapist (she’s always right), but I’d like to offer an alternative theory: when I set out to write a book, I do so not knowing what the story will turn out to be.
I didn’t know whether Richard Nixon would win or lose the 1968 presidential election. I didn’t know what I’d find in Alaska when I traveled there for the first time in 1975. I didn’t know whether Jeffrey MacDonald was innocent or guilty of the murders of his pregnant wife and two little girls. I didn’t know how I’d wind up feeling about Teddy Kennedy and the carefully constructed Kennedy myth. I had no idea what would happen over the next nine months when I arrived in Italy, speaking not a word of Italian, in late summer of 1996.
Nor did I know how Sarah Palin would react to my moving in next door to her last summer.
My books are shaped by events that haven’t occurred when I start my work. Nothing is predictable, thus everything is volatile. I’ve never started a book with my mind already made up about my subject.
As Flannery O’Connor once said, “I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say.”
Often what I say is not what my subject was hoping to hear.
Thus, the sound and fury that often accompanies the publication of a new Joe McGinniss book.
I don’t expect it to be any different with The Rogue.
But as Samuel Johnson once said, “I would rather be attacked than unnoticed.”
So buckle up tight and take a ride on The Rogue roller coaster with me.
I thought the RNC Convention was in Minneapolis/St. Paul not Dayton OH. Could someone please clarify that?
ReplyDelete7:00 AM
Let me google that for you -
Anonymous 10:45 AM said...
ReplyDelete"I"m new to reading the comments and to posting, so forgive me if this has been said before. As a mother and wife of an OB/GYN I have to ask: was her irresponsible behavior after her water broke simply a desire that she might not have a live birth of her special needs child?"
That was my thought for a long time. If Palin's version of events is true, she was actively trying to miscarry Trig on purpose.
But, during the last couple of months, I'm seeing the whole hoax theory as being equally plausible.
Bottom line, it's either one or the other, and both are despicable.