Monday, September 05, 2011

As if you needed ANOTHER reason to keep Michele Bachmann out of the White House!

Courtesy of CNN:

Painting herself as a "constitutional conservative" Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann told Sen. Jim DeMint's forum Monday that if elected president she would look to get rid of the Department of Education, among other things. "Because the Constitution does not specifically enumerate nor does it give to the federal government the role and duty to superintend over education that historically has been held by the parents and by local communities and by state governments," she said, responding to a question by DeMint, a popular figure among the tea party movement.

So there you go voters, a vote for Michele Bachmann is a vote against providing your children with the same access to a free public education that you took for granted as citizens of the "greatest country on earth".  Try competing with China with a nation full of chronically undereducated video game addicts.

In a completely unrelated story, by no means connected to his candidate trotting out her bucket of batshit for all of America to see, Bachmann campaign manger Ed Rollins got a note from his doctor excusing him from having to work for her campaign: 

Ed Rollins is going to be stepping back from day-to-day management of the Michele Bachmann campaign, and moving into a senior advisory role, he said in an interview. 

Rollins said the reason for the change is personal — his health and the rigors of a campaign. 

“I wish I was 40 years old, but I’m not,” he told POLITICO. “I’m 68 years old, I had a stroke a year and a half ago. I’m worn out.”

Yeah I don't blame him.

I have only listened to her speak a handful of times and I am pretty "worn out" too.


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM


    Levi has done an interview with Dr. Phil!!!

    It will be on his new season which starts Sept 12. There was no specific date given for the Levi episode.

    The teaser statement was "We have a letter from Brisket's lawyer saying "you haven't paid child support................"

    On the site you can click on a preview of the new season titled "All New Season of the Dr. Phiil Show starts Monday, September 12! Watch a preview". Scroll about half way down the home page.

    On Sept 12th is George and Cindy Anthony.

    (I am reposting this here as I just posted it on the previous blog)

  2. Chenagrrl4:49 PM

    Batshit, totally. I wondered when Rollins would slither away.

  3. Republicans won't be happy until education in the US is reduced to that of a third world nation. She and others in her party want our children to be uneducated serfs. Then they'll have to work for slave wages for their corporate overlords. Bachman and other republicans want to bring back the good old days of 4 year old children working in coal mines. That's what they mean by getting government off the backs of business...put the burden back on children! Where it belongs!

  4. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Unfriggin’ believable.

  5. Sweet anny4:56 PM

    Well.. it obviously didn't do HER any good.

    Shot heard 'round the world?

    John Wayne (Gacy)

    There are other examples, but she tires me out, also, too.

    And our Sarah? How much good did it do her?

  6. jadez5:06 PM

    this C**T wants to make all the children stupid as she is because she hates other woman and their offspring.

    thats why she seeks to control their reproductive actions...she really wants women submissive to men and in poverty raising as many kids as their husbands..ahh owners want.

    these hos like her and palin are totally haters of their own sex.

  7. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Bachmann totally looks like the Bride of Frankenstein

  8. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Christo-Fascist douche bag.

  9. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Bachmann, Palin, even Perry are just a sideshow. Americans are really smarter than to choose any of them as President. Obama will win again, inspite of the slings and arrows from the Repugs, especially those from the screechy right wing. Those nuts in no way represent the majority of Americans, they just represent the screechiest ones.

  10. Anonymous5:27 PM

    What a waste of skin these idiots are. She got her education, but wants to deny it to future generations.
    So, her plans for America are to obliterate health care, freedom of religion, and now the educational system.

    Does she truly think these are the priorities of our citizens?

    I can't wait for the Republican Cannibal fest next week, Michelle has lost any crditbility, either real or imagined.

  11. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Re Rollings -- that's not news. I've already read that Rollins was not involved in the campaign as the normal daily schedule and travel. He's been a back-seater I think from the start. So to hear that he got a 'note' -- sounds more like he's trying to still collect his full pay for less work.

    Interesting read on Rollins on Motherjones site when Rollins first signed on to Bachmann's campaign.

    It's all about the $$$$ you know as clearly as short time before he was saying she had no chance!!

  12. Anonymous5:39 PM

    sorry Gryph. bad link--

  13. Anonymous5:41 PM

    "Try competing with China with a nation full of chronically undereducated video game addicts."

    Um. We already do.
    I don't think it would matter much. We've got several generations now of ever-increasing numbers of homeschoolers with poor competencies and minimal skill sets.
    [Yes, I know - all of you homeschoolers out there are producing Rhodes Scholars and I'm not being fair to the hundreds of thousands of you who work very hard to educate your kids. But I ain't seein' it in MY neighborhood, okay? I'm seeing that a high school diploma is no longer a respected academic milestone.]

    So, sure. Dump the Department of Education. The STATES will pay for schools. But I'll tell you what - the state will probably stop shelling out the $4,000/year per child to homeschoolers. Education will get very dear. NOT EVERYONE WILL QUALIFY FOR EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES and it will no longer be an entitlement. People will have to WANT it.
    That's how other countries work. And they have smarter smart people and a more prepared work force. EVERYONE does NOT go to university; only some do. University in other countries is not a frat party.

  14. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Oz Mudflats is GREAT!

  15. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Batshit Bachmann is toast. Stale toast. Burnt stale toast. That's been thrown into the garbage. Next!

  16. Anonymous5:49 PM

    They're jumping from Bachmann's ship!!

    "On the heels of our report that Michele Bachmann campaign manager Ed Rollins is stepping back into an advisory role, citing health concerns, comes word that his deputy, David Polyansky, is leaving the campaign."

    Man overboard!!


  17. Balzafiar5:51 PM

    I considered, then rejected, the thought that perhaps I should start the process of praying away Michele Bachmann and her gay blade husband Marcus.

    I realized there is no need to go to all that effort. She is going to be fading into the sunset on her own, just like Sarah will.

    There really are more important fish to fry: P-Rick, for one. He heads the list, IMHO. He has to go.

  18. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Ed Rollins is a lot of things, but he's not dumb: he's jumping ship before it sinks. He might also be worried that listening to her logic will throw him into another stroke situation.

  19. lwtjb5:52 PM

    The critical issue is not just to re-elect Obams. He can't do anything by himself. The critical issue is to change Congress. If the Teabaggers stay in control it won't matter one whit what Obama does or doesn't do.

  20. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Now that Rollins is stepping back into the shadows which I've heard before this 'announcement' and that the Deputy Campaign Manager, David Polyansky, is leaving too -- wonder how long it will be when we hear that those that quit on Newt sometime back -- sign on with Bachmann.

    They don't give a rat's ass who runs/wins/they work with -- it's all for the $$$ and a win. They will spew lies that they believe their candidate no matter what the candidate says.

  21. Grasshopper6:10 PM

    Elvira was just kissing Jim DeMint's ass. The true leader of the Republican Tea Party. These clowns are going to "extreme" themselves right out of office.

  22. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Bachman is fading away along with Palin. Rill umerikans like those gals but Real Americans think they are crazy. NH is not into Palin at all and if she runs as a third party she will totally split the GOP. I can't wait, because she will run (she can't now).

  23. 5:52 I disagree that Obama can't do anything by himself, we have 2 supreme court justices coming up for appointment,(I have heard) do we want the GOP to pick them? But I do agree we have to make sure we get control of the house also.

  24. Anonymous6:43 PM

    @ lwgtb- You are so correct! Our CongressCritters are to be watched, vetted and fired (not re-elected) from office if their only concerns are for and to corporate lobbyists and religious extremist factions.

    Down with corporate elitists and their whores in Congress, their lobbyist ex-bosses and now their newfound new-bosses who dictate what the new rules of engagement will be towards the stupid electorate and suffering masses.

    Rules were meant to be broken and Caveat Emptor, so the Ruling CongressGroupThink.

    P.S.-Thanks Bill Clinton for repealling The Gless Stendall Act! Fucker. Hope your proud of yourself.

  25. I've seen several documentaries where children in third world countries are miserable because they can't pay the fees necessary to attend school. So they sit at home doing nothing. Do we want that to happen in this country? NO! The only thing those children wanted to do was go to school & learn, something our children take for granted here. I hope & pray that will never be taken away from America and I think most people would agree. Bachmann's statements write democrats campaign ads. Use them, get them out there, let the american people see and hear all the rights that this woman (and other republicans) want to take away!

  26. Margaret and Helen...they never disappoint! Hurricanes and hairdos.

  27. Anonymous6:54 PM

    There may be one 'small' hitch to her comments, which may end up causing her to 'walk them back'. The hitch? The Bush family/dynasty, and their cronies/friends have made tens of millions of dollars from federal funding for school 'testing'. I seriously wonder whether they would just stand back and let Bachmann take that away from them.

    Viewed from another aspect: The two Bushes claimed to be the 'education' presidents. Will Bachmann claim to be the un-education or anti-education president?

  28. Anonymous7:01 PM

    What a fucking lunatic.

  29. I still think the GOP manipulators are going to keep these freaks front and center until everyone is losing their minds collectively over all of this, and then their "real" candidate will come forth to save the day. Everyone (that being a relative term) will be so relieved they'll crush each other in the stampede to the polls.

    I just can't believe they would seriously let any of these nutcases get the nomination. But maybe I give them too much credit. They did give us Sarah Palin after all...the gift that keeps on giving.

  30. Tea Partiers are panderers to their base, the more outlandish, the better. The good news is that you won't worry about slim plickin's for your blog for more than a year.

    Couple of tweets from Politico reportersregarding Michele Bachmann campaign shakeup:
    1) RT @JillDLawrence: Wow. New #Bachmann campaign manager was advance man for Dan Quayle's "potatoe" event...

    2) .@maghabepolitico scoop: Rollins stepping back from mgr role w Bachmann

    Can only get URL for 1st tweet now:!/benpolitico/status/110903259937521666

  31. Anonymous7:16 PM

    On another, unrelated note, in the real world, here's The President, What a man!

    Look at that crowd! Feel the excitement! Listen to his speech, and know this:

    He got where he is because of Education.

  32. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Off topic, but not that far off.

    Consider the nose, ear, wrinkles. Doesn't say it's Sarah Palin, but she's dressed just like she was after Iowa race. Hmmmmm

  33. Gasman7:54 PM

    The Constitution also doesn't say anything about the government making Medicare payments or farm subsidies, but that didn't stop Bachmann and her Mucho Macho Marcus from accepting them, ne-c'est pas?

    New Rule: Ignoramuses don't get to propose doing away with the Department of Education. It is just more than a little self serving.

    Bachmann is a batshit crazy buffoon. She won't get the nomination and neither will Perry. Both of them have very gay skeletons in their closets that will doom them with the teabaggers.

    And who is waiting in the wings, ready to mend the broken hearts of the teabaggers?


    Those teabaggers need a batshit crazy candidate. You were born for the job.

    You go girl!

  34. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Here is another Palin race photo to go with the one posted at 7:32

  35. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Also slightly OT (Bachmann is an idiot, absolutely) -

    Did anyone see the footwear Sarah wore today at that NH speech? I know her shoes are probably the height, literally, of fashion, but REALLY! She needs to get a grip. That type of shoe looks like a hooker shoe on any actress, but on a woman who is hinting at running for President of the United States?

    I always find her fashion choices almost hostile, as if she is saying, F*^# all of you, I am going to wear what I want and I won't be hemmed in by convention or discretion! It's just childish.

    She's out of her mind, what else is new? No judgement whatsoever.

    When you look at the photos of the speech, you can just tell by looking that she yet again took a shrill, hysterical tone, pointing her finger and shaking her fist. Angry white woman appealing to all the angry white people out there. She has got to know that her approach wouldn't get her very far should she "jump in the race".

    Very subtle, Sarah - you couldn't possibly have believed we'd miss that one. Still doubt you are going to be in strong enough shape to run for more than a month if all the skeletons fall out of your closet.

  36. JayKen Knotstirred8:30 PM

    Hi Michele, Welcome back!

    Quick Question, What's the name of your campaign director again?

  37. ThanksABunchJohn8:34 PM

    So, apparently Bachmann is not letting Palin get way with seducing the Koch Bros with the income tax pole dance, she too wants to eliminate Federal Income Tax for corps.

    They keep testing, seeing how stupid, or lazy, their base is. I believe the think tanks have been shocked and ecstatic how malleable the Christian, NRA, and racist blocks are. Palin started the trend, they realized how much can be gained with ample doses of hate, anger, and fear. Just fire up the fight-or-flight neurons, and the base will practically beg for matches while being doused with gasoline.

    Good God, the powerful are drunk with how stupid the right is, it is terrifying. They sit and laugh at the Fox New addicts, and dare to go further, why the hell not?

  38. So Ed Rollins is resigning or close to it. This IS getting good. It is so reminisent of something............ What is it? OHHH........ I can't think. Oh yes, I have it. Was it in 2008 when McCain picked $$$paylin only to realise a short time later she was a complete and total nutjob?. When will these convervative men ever learn to properly vet a prospective candidate??? Gryphen, as a guy, can you tell me what they concentrate on?? It sure isn't their qualifications or beliefs. (Have I answered my own question?). If they vetted prospective candidates properly, then these sad, aging men wouldn't have to worry so much about looking like such fools after the fact. I mean let's face it, John McCain will always be remembered, first and foremost, as the person who is responsible for unleashing $arah Paylin and the tea party on America and the rest of the world. He can never live it down and will always hang his head because of it. He pretends not to, but he does, every day. Unfortunately for him, it will trump everything else he has ever done in his public life. It will be his legacy.

    I was wondering about Ed Rollins and how much of this craziness he was going to take thrown at him. And it is becoming a long list.

    The clinic, the $$$$, the foster kids, the $$$$, the farm, the $$$$, the conflicts of interest tied to all these $$$$$$ reimbursements. Marcus's seemingly gay issues and tendencies. Marcus buying his PHd, the investigated online university having to shut down. The fact that he has virtually no education in psychology at all except the education the bible gave him. The Bachmann's blatent job discrimination practices, hiring only christian centered therapists at their clinic as they "create jobs". Freely admitting to the world that this was a requirement of employment at Bachmann & Assoc. And so proud of it. Completely clueless that this is against the law. Michele stating on national televison that no openly homosexual person would have a place in her administration unless they believed as she does regarding their "sickness" and were willing to be same sex celibate and pray the gay away. Completely clueless that this is against the law.


    Can you imagine what we, the public, do not know that Ed Rollins does. Weren't they just popping champagne over the Iowa Straw poll? Michele's "God is angry and creating violent weather to wake us up" mantra, now the federal dept. of education, dismantled??? Yeah, I guess Ed Rollins is thinking it might be time to jump ship.

    Michele, think of it this way: the federal government must oversee any state government, regarding education. If they don't, well, we'll have more people like you in our society and that........well........that just wouldn't work. The government works hard to keep people just like you OUT of our children's education. Laws have been passed, oversight is in place and has been for a long time. And you cannot change this just by flapping your lips and waving a wand. You do not control this and you will NEVER have any control over this.

    Oh, and one last thought Ms. Bachmann: public school education MEANS the federal government is keeping the bible OUT of our children's minds, exactly where it belongs.

  39. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Keli Carender, who is credited with starting Tea Party activism got her brilliant idea when she visited Washington DC for the first time and saw the Department of Education building and thought to herself that it was unnecessarily large and the government shouldn't be paying for it. I'm paraphrasing, but I heard her interviewed (on To The Best of Our Knowledge???) and that was what got her unmentionables in a twist. And this is the result? We have a presidential candidate actually suggesting this nonsense out loud to whomever will listen?

    Yes, it's laughable, but I'm still very VERY concerned about 2012. It doesn't seem possible that ANYONE would vote in another Republican, Tea Bagger, or any combination of the two. However, with all the redistricting (by the Repugs) and voting machine manipulation (also by the Repugs), and other Republican machinations to try to keep Dems away from the polls, I'm not convinced we will have a lot to celebrate in November 2012.


  40. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Sarah, New Hampshire, California radio station WIBW:

    Her speech did not contain many specifics in terms of policy proposals. She said America needed a "pro-growth" agenda that would cut taxes, promote personal liberties, reign in the power of the federal government, and loosen regulations on oil production.

    "You've already withstood the wrath and the disdain and the lies from the media and the permanent political class looking down on us. Mocking us. Making things up about us. telling us to 'go to hell,' you've already withstood that. We're still standing, right?"

  41. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Say what?? Eliminate the Department of Education??

    Michelle the pathological liar Bachmann often brags about "raising 23 foster kids. It was through them that she got involved in school politics. While she taught her own children at home before sending them to private Christian schools, state law required foster kids to go to public school. Seeing their curriculum, she became convinced that “politically correct attitudes, values, and beliefs” had supplanted objective education. She helped found a charter school but soon left the board amid allegations that she was trying to inject Christianity into the curriculum. Then, in 1999, she decided to run for the local school board.

    I can't believe this woman has the nerve to run for president. Who are you voting for? Michelle or her gay husband who practically runs her 24/7. She's subservient to him and he even picks her dresses.

    And those foster children---they were all girls. Can't have male teens running around the house arousing the flaming husband now can we.

  42. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Jon Stewart is back on Tuesday!! So is Colbert.

    Republican Buddy Roemer is Stewart's guest.

    Tim Pawlenty is Colbert's

  43. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Maybe Ed just had enough of the crazy?

  44. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Oh geezus. Dr Phil is probably going to slaughter Levi. And Levi totally deserves that shiz. What "father" chooses to bash his son's family PUBLICLY instead of actually FIGHTING for child visitation the decent, moral way?

    From an objective standpoint, NOT good for Levi. The only quality I've seen in him is laziness and immaturity.

  45. Anonymous2:01 AM

    I have a comment about your most recent blurb on the half marathon. You say YOUVE never talked to anyone who's seen her run, but it's been pretty clear by specific posts that you don't talk to people who actually know Sarah and her activities.

    And the fact that you see some truth in Anons words only further proves this for me.

  46. Anonymous2:40 AM

    "We don't need no education."

    Thank you Pink Floyd.

  47. Anonymous4:28 AM

    I know this sounds bad but I will be renewing my passport--just in case. Might be hard to leave if these freaks get in office. We could be indentured servants.

  48. Quick question:

    Aren't most states bankrupt or nearly bankrupt?

    Who would be paying for all of these services (Education, Fire, Police, Hospitals, Infrastructure) if the Federal Government was NOT there to save their asses?

    If all these States and all these Governors are SOOOO convinced the Big Ol Mean OL Over-Reaching Federal Government is "the enemy" (Bachmann), then, well, why is EVERYBODY looking to the FED to help them in crisis?

    Jindal, Christie, Perry. Fucking Fuckers ALL! Tea Bag SUCKING ASSHOLES!!!!

    (And, can I just say for the record. Now that I have learned more about Ron Paul AND Rand Paul, they are the scariest, most BIGGOTED, fucking CALLOUS NUTJOBS I have EVER heard. Nasty, nasty.).

  49. Anonymous6:02 AM

    The public schools would fade to skeletons of what they are now. The religious schools and charter schools would boom.
    What Michelle would like to see, I think, is schools teaching the 4 "R's" - readin', 'ritin'. 'rithmatic and religion.
    Our schools depend on fed funds and mandates.
    Her plan, no doubt, would also put an end to the wonderful free breakfast and lunch program we have in our schools here in my community. Our community is rather low income and the majority of children in our schools get much needed meals twice a day.
    Pat Padrnos

  50. Anonymous2:00 PM

    So let me get it straight, if it ain't in the Constitution, it ain't Constitutional.

    Dangerous precedent, you bimbo.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.