Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I am trying to give Levi the benefit of the doubt but...Update!

This from an interview that Levi gave over at the Huffington Post:

HuffPost: You write that Bristol wanted to get pregnant. 

Johnston: Bristol was on birth control for a long time. She got off it soon after Trig [Sarah Palin's son] was born. I think Trig was a big motivator for her. Her mother just had a child and I think Bristol was really jealous. She was the one who was supposed to have that kid and that's when she got off of [birth control]. We weren't practicing safe sex and she ended up getting pregnant.

This of course would have been impossible. Even if Bristol would have gone off the pill the exact same day that Trig was born it would have been a least a month or more before her body would have become receptive to pregnancy.

Which means their baby simply could not have been born only seven months later in December.

In the book Levi suggests that Bristol declared she wanted to get pregnant after she learned of Sarah's "pregnancy" which would have been in March. That scenario works better, but just barely.

It also fits better with Levi's claim that they told Todd and Sarah that Bristol was pregnant the day after his birthday, which would have been May 4.

Still to have decided to go off birth control and then get pregnant in less than two months, providing the perfect excuse for Palin to use Bristol's pregnancy to avoid having to produce Trig's birth certificate during the campaign, is somewhat suspicious as well.

HuffPost: What do you mean she was the one meant to have it? 

Johnston: We'd always talked about a kid. We'd been dating for several years. I think it kind of hurt her because she really wanted a kid so bad and seeing her mom have another one really made her want a kid now.

Well at least this part matches what Sadie and Sherry have been saying about how long Levi and Bristol discussed becoming parents, and getting married.

HuffPost: You say that Sarah kept Trig's pregnancy a secret until the seventh month. 

Johnston: Yes, she kept it very secret. Willow had actually found the pregnancy stick in her bedroom. That's when we all found out because she went around telling everybody. Bristol and the whole family was hurt that their mother couldn't share that with them. Keeping it away from your own family is kind of messed up.

I am sorry Levi but this is absolutely impossible to swallow.  NOBODY keeps a pregnancy test around for six or seven months.  And besides that I have a very good source that says Bristol learned along with the rest of Alaska by watching it on the news. And another very good source who claims the Heaths found out the same way, and a another source who has said that actually NOBODY in the family knew until Sarah announced it to the world. Which would also coincide with what Bailey says in his book about the iron clad secrecy, though he claims to have heard it for the first time only one day earlier.

However giving Levi the benefit of the doubt, I would say that this might have been something he heard from Bristol later and never had first hand knowledge of it as it was happening. 

I hope that this is just a sign that Levi has trouble remembering dates or something, because if it is a fact that he repeating a lie that he well knows is a lie, that makes it impossible for us to consider him one of the good guys.Which I really do want to be able to do.

By the way I talked to Sherry last night about some inconsistencies in the book and she said the following:

"I have read that some people are suggesting that Levi might be keeping Palin secrets in order to protect me from further legal trouble. But I would GLADLY return to jail tomorrow if it meant that Levi could tell everything he knew about the Palins! That would be worth it to me!"

Now THAT is a mother who loves her son!

What sacrifice has Sarah ever made for her children?

Update: Levi's story is REALLY upsetting somebody in the Palin camp. I have rejected at LEAST a dozen comments on this post alone, all written by what sounds like the same person, or different people with the same talking points.

What they are desperately trying to get published is that:
  • Levi was into drugs and drinking.
  • Mercede and he are telling conflicting stories.
  • Levi has told conflicting stories in the past.
  • Bristol was a very sweet girl, and a good student, until she met Levi.
  • Levi cheated on her numerous times, but she remained faithful throughout the relationship.
  • Bristol was too busy to think of having a baby in 2007.
  • Bristol loved Juneau and still has many friends there that she sees frequently.
  • Levi was NOT close to Sarah and he is making that up.
  • The Palin family is very close and these attacks only make them closer.
I think that about covers it. Happy now?

Now I know for a fact that MOST of those are pure bullshit. But what I am somewhat amazed by is how desperate they are to get this information onto THIS blog!

Do they really think it will seem believable to those of us who have been following this family?

I cannot imagine what the pay of is for these people, but if it is monetary they need to request a raise.


  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

    This morning on the View:

  2. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I remember when Bristol was PG, supposedly Willow found like 7 pregnancy test strips. What is with these people? Don't they realize they peed on those strips. EWWWWW!

    I am think Levi got that story mixed up with Sarah's.

    Also...Willow surely comes off as a snooping little creep in these stories. Maybe she is the one who found the baby oil bottle in the guest's bedroom and ratted them out to her mother?

    Losers..all of them!

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Keeping and hiding a used pregnancy test definitely sounds like something a scared, bewildered teen would do, not a mother of 4 in her 40s who's ambivalent about being 'pregnant' again.

    Don't those things start to degrade after a certain period of use? Would the result still be readable after 6-7 months?

    Once again I find it strange that older teen girls didn't notice the changes in their mom's body and only learned of her 'pregnancy' when everyone else did (or in Willow's case, a nasty months old test...)

  4. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Sherry on the View was all over Joe for daring to suggest that Sarah was such a bad mom she didn't even feed her kids. Grow up, Sherry...the woman is mentally ill.

  5. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Even if Bristol would have gone off the pill the exact same day that Trig was born it would have been a least a month or more before her body would have become receptive to pregnancy.

    Technically, thats not true. I had two babies while on the pill, taken responsibly.. Even missing one day can fuck up the whole thing.

  6. Given the information in Levi's book, it seems Candies has a good case of fraud against Bristol Palin- since she took money under false pretenses. It would be the same if a son of a celebrity attempted to become infected with HIV in order to be a multi-million dollar spokesman on safe sex practices.
    If Levi thinks that by writing this book, he can win the heart of his "babe" he will sadly mistaken.

  7. Anonymous11:54 AM

    When Levi alludes to Sarah having Trig as if it's factual, that's when Levi lost his credibility. And then you try to give him the benefit of the doubt??

    Levi said something that just gave away the hoax even more though when he mentioned Willow finding the pregnancy test strip that he suggests was Sarah's. To suggest that Willow wenat around talking about it is ridiculous. What may have happened if it's based on truth at all is that Willow went around talking about Bristol being pregnant. And hey, whattaya know, people did talk a lot about Bristol being pregnant during that time period!! As far as we know, not a soul talked about Sarah being pregnant until she started faking it with the long scarves and saying she was pregnant.

    On a brighter side, it could be Levi's lame attempt to embellish Sarah's phony pregnancy story. Now he's going to be in deep shit with Palin for fukking up when he should have remained quiet. Heheheh!

  8. forget this kid.
    he doesnt seem to have payed much attention to what was going on in his life and he comes across as weak and dumb.

  9. WakeUpAmerica11:55 AM

    Ok I go along with the rest of your premises, but I call bullshit on your assumption that it would take at least a month to conceive after going off birth control. First, you are assuming she was on the pill. BC pills come in a variety of mixes and strengths and MANY women have gotten pregnant while religiously using the pill including me. Second, obviously if her birth control was a diaphragm or sponge, she could get pregnant shortly after stopping.

  10. Anonymous11:57 AM

    " in order to protect me from further legal trouble. "

    What does her legal troubles have to do with anything?

    Levi's book is a total fabrication written to make him look responsible.

  11. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I know how much work goes into writing a book. I'm the author of two. What I don't get is why Levi would bother to write a book and NOT include the most important information related to his story. Mainly, what he knows about the Palins.

    Sorry, Levi. You're cute and all, but nobody really cares about the life story of a high school dropout from Cooter, Alaska. All they want to know is the truth about Sarah Palin. And you know it! Why on earth would you ruin your credibility on a book that's nothing but fluff and bullshit?

  12. Anonymous12:01 PM

    My 2 cents. I think maybe you ar ebeing a little hard on Levi because you wanted him to deliver a stronger punch. But after seeing him on Dr. Phil yesterday he in his quieter way did deliver that punch. Sadie got to have her say and he got his. The most pwerful things that happened on that show are Dr. Phil defended Levi and gave him a good review. Dr. Phil made Bristol look like a hateful idiot. Dr. Phil gave Levi a lot of legitimacy in saying that the Palins are different than their public image. It hurt the Palins, believe me it hurt. The credibility of the Palins is crumbling. Joe and Levi's book sync up on the main messages. Just for the record any gyno can tell you, if you get off the pill you become mad fertile. That is why if you miss 1 day or takte 1 pill late the gyno will tel you that you are in danger of becoming preg. Also you can take the pill every single day at the sametime and still get pregnant. Rare, but it happens. My soapbox for the day.

  13. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Grow up, Sherry...the woman is mentally ill.


    What does that have to do with growing up? Joe paints a somewhat biased, inaccurate depiction. The Palin kids were not unhappy nor neglected. Both their parents work. So do mine. Until 5pm everyday growing up, my brother and I were lackey kids. Theres too much evidence to fully prove Joe's depiction.

  14. Anonymous12:02 PM

    11:51 AM I caught that too. Sherrie is really stupid. Seriously! Sherrie also said, "I can't believe a mother would neglect her child." What world does Sherrie lives in? Maybe she should visit foster care homes & find out for herself from kids who were neglected.

    Nevertheless, I'm glad Joe put Babygate out there. It needs to be heard.

  15. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Wasn't it that Willow found the pregnancy tests in Bristol's purse? These people are crazy.

  16. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Wait a second ....

    "... HuffPost: You say that Sarah kept Trig's pregnancy a secret until the seventh month.

    Johnston: Yes, she kept it very secret. Willow had actually found the pregnancy stick in her bedroom. That's when we all found out because she went around telling everybody. Bristol and the whole family was hurt that their mother couldn't share that with them. Keeping it away from your own family is kind of messed up. ..."

    Okay besides Gyphen calling out the fact that no woman leaves a pregnancy test applicator lying around their bed/bath rooms for months on end. Unless of course you're saving it in a momento box for your baby which would mean it would be put away in such a box right after seeing the stick turn positive and not leave it lying willy-nilly all around the bathroom.
    It would also indicate that Palin's bathroom [or bedroom] is not cleaned on a regular basis.
    Yet that's neither here nor there.

    What jumped out at me was the story about "finding" the applicator strip itself.
    Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Willow that "found" Bristol's pregnancy test stick in the garbage???


  17. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Levi might not have known "exactly" when Brisket stopped taking her pills! Hadn't she been thinking of getting pregnant for a while?

  18. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I was off the pill for two weeks when I got pregnant. Doctors recommend that you wait at least a month, but it doesn't always happen that way.

    The test strip thing is weird, but some people keep them as a keepsake. I worked with a woman who was so happy she was pregnant that she took her test strip to work. We were all disgusted, but she wasn't. So: it's possible Sarah still had it.

    Sad to say, Grif, but if these are your reasons for disbelieving Levi, you may need to believe him.

  19. Anonymous12:08 PM

    The other thing about the "pee sticks" is that they fade after a few weeks and after a few months there would no longer be a definitive result to see. (I admit it -- I washed the other parts and tried to keep it for the baby book.)

    So I knew that story was bunk as soon as I heard. However, I think Levi is probably repeating the story he was told over and over again. I think Sarah lies to everyone. Even many in her own family. She lies even when telling the truth would be better for her. She just has to lie.... she doesn't know how to stop.

  20. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Not only does no one keep a used pregnancy test stick for months (God I hope not -- who leaves a peed on stick in their bedroom? A complete slob, I guess), within a short period of time, the color changes and the results can no longer be read.
    As for a woman who parades around nude keeping a pregnancy secret from her family for 7 months? No. That defies credulity. Complete load of horse pucky. Her shape would let the secret right out if her frequent visits to the doctor and months of vomiting didn't.

  21. Anne in Texas12:08 PM

    Both times my sister-in-law got pregnant it was in the same month she quit taking the pill.

  22. I think it's more likely Levi is being blackmailed with visitation. There are certain things he must not say, or lies he must back up or he'll never see his son again.

    Levi is too young or too lacking in experience to recognize that if that is the threat being hung over him, nothing he does will alleviate it. If they threaten to keep him from Tripp, they'll do it no matter what he says or does, so he might as well tell all and come completely clean. His sister knows this.

  23. Anonymous12:14 PM

    When we were trying to get pregnant my pregnancy stick indicators would fade after a few days. That may have been just the brand I was using, but I'd like to hear from other commenters here who have used pregnancy sticks if they kept them and how long the ink lasted.

  24. Anon 11:51 - That's bullshit that you got pregnant twice while responsibly taking birth control pills. For certain types of pills, missing a day might increase the chance of pregnancy but a responsible person who didn't want to get pregnant would use backup. Taking certain medications that diminish the effectiveness of the pill without using another form of birth control isn't responsible. Being very overweight can also diminishes effectiveness.

  25. Johnston: Bristol was on birth control for a long time. She got off it soon after Trig [Sarah Palin's son] was born. I think Trig was a big motivator for her.

    WTF??? Bristol WAS pregnant when Trig was born (Sarah's story) or Bristol was jealous and wanted a baby after Trig was born(Levi's story)? These people drive me nuts. Who's the biggest liar. SOMEBODY (everybody?) is lying.

  26. Anonymous12:20 PM

    What's up with no one defending Palin? Hasselbcck was completely silent while Joe was on. I think the house of lies is finally collapsing. It reminds of when the gig is up for an addict. When all the people they lied to and used and played against each other start comparing notes.

  27. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I put nothing past Sarah when it comes to plotting and scheming to fool others. I wouldn't even be surprised to learn that she got the pregnancy stick from someone else who really WAS pregnant and left it on top of the trash for her kids to find on purpose. What better way to break the news to her teens anyway?

  28. Anonymous12:23 PM

    "Also...Willow surely comes off as a snooping little creep in these stories."

    You should check out the vdeo of the first time sarah, Bristol, Willow and Piper vistedt the gov's mansion in Juneau. They were video taped climbing up into crawl spaces, running through rooms, rummaging through drawers.

    These fools would white trash the White House in 20 minutes or less. No respect or dicipline whatsoever.

  29. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Remember that Levi said a few years ago that Palin would come into the house and say "Where is my grandson" When someone took Trig to her she said "No, not the retarded one, the other one" Also a few months ago Levi said "They are keeping my SONS (plural) away from me" The truth is not being told yet.

  30. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Willow : pregnancy tests
    Pig: truffles

  31. Anonymous12:39 PM

    You can buy prank positive pregnancy sticks:

  32. Anonymous12:39 PM

    IDK, before 2008, Bristol was a sweet girl having fun with her friends. Her relationship with Levi was bad all the time, which is why she slept with him so much and never cheated on him, ever.

    I think Bristol was a lot like me when I was a teen (just ask my hotshot choreographer brother who I never talk to). She's real and not afraid of life, but kind of a little tramp (like I was when I was a teen, just ask my hotshot choreographer brother).

    Bristol always had fun in the magical land of Juneau, where everything is unicorns and rainbows and Bristol goes there sometimes to hang out with her unicorn and rainbow friends and to be blunt and real and funny and sweet and stuff.

    I've hung out with Bristol for like 10 seconds when I saw her in a drugstore in the magical world of Juneau when I flew up there to try to meet Bristol and the Palins. She's really fun and really real and blunt and not afraid of life and always hanging out with her friends in Juneau, laughing and not caring at all what people are saying about her. She's blunt and real and has a thick skin.

    I've also talked with her lots of time on her facebook page. I write a whole bunch of posts on her wall. She doesn't write back to me, but she doesn't delete them or anything and sometimes she writes that she's thankful for all her friends and fans and I know she's talking right to me.

    Also, IDK, but Bristol is just trying to live her life. All these people talking about her personal life after she wrote her autobiography with that other woman and did all those magazine articles about her lovelife and invited people into her house in Arizona and started filming a reality show about her life...those people should just mind their own business and let her live her life in private.

    Did I mention Bristol is blunt? And she really has a good time in Juneau with her friends, too. IDK

  33. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I have NO respect for Levi, I feel like he sold his child to the Palins. IMO And he knows much more and needs to tell us.

  34. Anonymous12:41 PM

    My bet is that Levi loves his kids and wants to keep seeing them, so he says what he's told to say.

    As long as those kids are in the custody of any Palins, don't expect revelations from Levi.

  35. Anonymous12:44 PM

    WTF??? Bristol WAS pregnant when Trig was born (Sarah's story) or Bristol was jealous and wanted a baby after Trig was born(Levi's story)? These people drive me nuts. Who's the biggest liar. SOMEBODY (everybody?) is lying.


    If you read his book carefully, he heavily contradicts himself with this.

    -Under the picture of Sadie and Bristol, it says Bristol is two months pregnant. The picture was taken APril 26th (or thereabouts)
    -He says Bristol was inspired after Trig was BORN to have a baby
    -He said in 09 they told the Ps they were pregnant at 6 weeks
    -When he was discussing the events around Tripps birth, he said Tripp wasn't due until3 weeks later (mid Jan) though this could have been bad writing. Hard to tell. He describes the May 3rd meet Trig date long after that part of the book, yet the events around that in the book totally don't make sense.

    I really don't think these ghostwriters were paid. There is hardly any effort into the organization and coherency in this freaking book.
    But you would think they would have made sure there were blatant contradictions to well known events.

    What this means: EVerything in this book is suspect and we cannot believe Levi on anything. He didn't have to tell blatant lies. He could have just left crap out or remained vague.

    What stood out to me the most: when he changed his tune and now says he's never seen Sarah cry.

  36. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Dear curiouser,

    It is not bullshit. It is rare as hell, but there are people who DO get pregnant while on BC.

  37. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I think the contradictions are there because Levi is being blackmailed and can't tell the truth. What if he and Bristol are Trig's real parents, and Trig was born early in February. Perhaps he knew he was the father, perhaps not, and this is why Sarah has made the mistake of saying Levi both was and wasn't there for the birth of his son. He was there for one birth (Tripp) but not for the other (Trig).

    Perhaps there has been no formal adoption, and Sarah forced the issue by announcing her 'pregnancy.' Bristol responds in anger at her baby being 'stolen,' and immediately gets pregnant again. Sarah blackmails both Bristol and Levi by stating that there is no way they can handle the expense of a grossly premature baby with loads of health problems (and this is true - they can't). If Levi dares to tell the truth, he will have to bear financial responsibility for Trig, and he knows he can't. He also knows that Sarah at least has the wealth to provide for this kid (if not the kindness or love). What does a young, uneducated man do in such circumstances? He probably keeps his mouth shut for the most part, but makes continuing errors in the accuracy of his statements about the events.

  38. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I think it's more likely Levi is being blackmailed with visitation.


    If Bristol truly had something to hide and Levi knows it, there would be visitation. Sarah doesn't even think about Levi. Why would she? Only about .5% of Americans think of Levi.

  39. Anonymous12:48 PM

    For all the negative about Levi and his book about the gaps and gaffs, etc. - you have to remember a few things.

    Firstly, his age when this was happening. What teenage boy digests and remembers so many facts and the 'little things' that we've had time to expose etc. Hell -- my significant other who is decades older is still 'devoid' of the small things and facts. Ask him what he had for lunch yesterday and he looks at me like an idiot. 'I don't know -- food' would be an uncommon response.

    You also have to remember, when this was going on and Levi was a teen, he had no knowledge that there was a scam going on. He truly was a deer in the headlights -- not realizing he was being used and soon to be thrown under the bus by Scarah/Toad. He was screwing the mayor/governor's daughter -- not as a person privy to all the 'inside info' of what's to come as the VP candidate, etc.

    As an adult, it would be a lot to digest. A teen, not looking for it or the clues, would be even more to not understand or remember. Most people don't keep 'date' journals. I don't remember everything on my shopping list -- small details and that was only last Friday. I'm an adult and seriously -- you're expecting a teenager to recall all this crap as we've seen it play out. Hell -- in the Palin household and even in her books and speeches -- her's and Brisket's stories change more than Gryphen changes his underwear.

  40. Just to clarify I got the time it takes to get pregnant after you stop taking your birth control pills from a pregnancy expert. Though obviously if Bristol was not consistent while taking them she might have become pregnant earlier.

    I am also thankful to those who are saying that the pregnancy test results cannot be read after a specific amount of time. THAT I did not know.

  41. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I've seen several people say that no one would keep the pregnancy sticks around.

    To be clear, I don't believe any narrative the Palin's put out there, ever. . .but I've kept all my baby's positive tests as keepsakes. I find it sentimental as a pro-choice family planner.

    Yet Christian pro-lifers would still judge me as not patriotic or American enough to be worthy of constitutional and civil liberty rights to determine my manifest destiny.

  42. Anonymous12:51 PM

    The "Bristol can't be Trig's mom because Trig is 4 months old and Bristol is *about* 5 month pregnant" argument just flew right out the window! If Bristol decided to have a baby AFTER Trig was born (which is what it sounds like from Levi), she can definitely be the mother of both, time-wise. What say ye now, Palin trolls?

    (Yes, I know that it only matters that Sarah didn't give birth to Trig, not who did, but since the main argument was that she was pregnant before Trig was born, that Bristol COULD be mom to both matters.

  43. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Two of my cousins got pregnant on the pill. The same brand. That matters.

  44. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I have no clue as to the specific reasons Bristol is currently living as if Levi never existed but this tells me that there's nothing he can say that would cause detriment. But remember, hurting HER hurts his son as well. I highly doubt Levi would do anything that causes his son future pain, you know, besides trashing Tripp's loving grandmother.

  45. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Why is willow always snooping around looking for pregnancy related items? What a freak !

  46. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Wasn't the story in 08 and 09 that Willow found a sonogram? Bristol wrote about the sonogram being found in papers.

    I believe Levi's the only person who mentions the pee stick.

  47. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Gryph @ 12:48 p.m.

    Look from where I log in and know I am an IM faithful. I loathe the Palin's and cheer for the Johnston's, the real Wasilla underdogs in the fantastical Heath / Palin narrative.

    But I have kept my pee sticks as sentimental keepsakes, proud of my planned pregnancies and ability to birth healthy children. My son turns seven and I can still read his positive stick. I guess it depends on the brand.

  48. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Sherry's (Levi's mother) comment brought tears to my eyes.

  49. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Theres really no reliable science to not getting pregnant. Everyone is different. I had a teacher who got pregnant even after she and her husband were rendered neutered. Whether that was a surgical mistake or a miracle I don't know but the child was theirs.

  50. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I highly doubt Levi was in tune with all these things. He was playing hockey through February. Sarah wasn't even in Wasilla much in the tail end of the "pregnancy".

    "Sad to say, Grif, but if these are your reasons for disbelieving Levi, you may need to believe him."
    There are plenty of other things that makes Levi incredible on every thing he "writes."

  51. Virginia Voter1:01 PM

    OMFG! Some of you really don't get it, do you? What is important here is not the Bristol did or didn't get pregnant immediately after stopping the pill, but Levi's obviously impossible timeline which does not sync with Trig and Tripp's alleged birth dates.

    Trig was supposedly born on April 18, 2008, according to everything we have read officially published by the Palins. Bristol was supposedly 5 months pregnant with Tripp on Sept 3 , 2008 according to the official Palin statement, with a due date of December 18, 2008. This puts her conception date at around March 9, 2008, well before Trig's alleged birth date, but right around the time of Sarahs pregnancy announcement . Coincidence? No. Trig was born on February 7, 2008, which would be the exactly right timeline for Levis story to make any sense.

  52. Anonymous1:02 PM

    The Palin kids are miserable. They have always been unhappy. Bristol is the most depressed. Todd and Sarah are unemployed grifters with no life.

  53. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Hey! Didn't Sarah say in "Going Rogue" that she bought her pregnancy test sticks when she was in New Orleans on business, because she knew that everyone in AK would recognize her if she bought them there?

    So this would mean that she brought that one test stick home, then carelessly left it somewhere that a teenage daughter would "find" it, and that the stick, presumably, hadn't faded in the intervening months?

    I am smelling some serious El Toro caca here.... Poor Levi, he does tend to believe what he's told, doesn't he?

  54. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Cute interview with Levi on Wendy Williams with Roseanne Barr....

  55. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Hey -- just thought of something. If Bristol wanted to conceive, she could have bought some of those ovulation predictor kits. The pee sticks look just like the pregnancy ones.

    But the whole story still seems fake. But if the Palins keep repeating it enough times it, people around them start to believe they were all there when it "happened."

  56. telah1:06 PM

    Hey Sarah, Brad Scharlott will give you $10,000 if you turn in the pee stick, k?

  57. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Gypsy girl, Willow found Bristol's pg stick in her purse in both Levi's and Bristol's accounts.

    In Bristol's account, Willow found a SONOGRAM in a bunch of papers and the girls promptly called their dad who was in Juneau.

    On the specifics in Levi's book, he says when Bristol found out about the pregnancy (which was just before the 6th I assume) he came over. He said Sarah was in her room. This is a little unbelievably because:

    Sarah was in LA all day March 3
    Sarah was traveling all day March 4th, which was when she emailed her closest staff members and told them about the pregnancy
    Sarah revealed the pregnancy on March 6th in JUNEAU

    So, the kids could have discovered the stick or sonogram or whatever on the 5th, but because there are so many different stories, it's more likely she told no one.

    PLUS, you have Willow saying on Barbara Walters they found out about the DS the day he was born, which contradicts Levi.

    Honestly, I have no clue who to believe. It appears no one knew anything and no one asked questions.

  58. Two For Tuesday1:07 PM

    Um, Levi?

    You said before that Willow found "8 pregnancy tests" in Bristol's purse during the Tripp pregnancy.

    SARAH said in Going Rogue that Willow found an ULTRASOUND PICTURE in HER purse during the Trig pregnancy.

    Sounds like you all can't keep your pregnancy stories straight, Leevs.

    The only completely true thing Levi said, IMO:
    "Trig was MEANT TO BE Bristol's baby". Because he was born to Bristol and wanted by Bristol.

    Levi, one day SOMEONE is gonna talk about what happened on 2/7/2008 and what definitely did not happen on 4/18/2008. And when that happens, you will really wish you'd gotten the truth out while you had the chance.

    God sakes, know how many thousands of books you'd sell if you told the TRUTH? Before at least you had us, the "trig truthers" as a receptive audience. Everyone else either thinks you're a muscleheaded joke or is a rabid fan of Sarah's and therefore hates you. But WE were willing to buy your book...until we found out you flat out lied about Trig and all the pregnancy issues.

    Whoever you think you're protecting..I swear they would be better served by you telling the truth. What happened to that little baby with the ruffled ears, Levi? Don't you owe that little baby, where ever he is, the truth?

  59. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Levi probably is not revealing what he REALLY knows about the Palins, as he is involved in a child custody case. The Palins have the money and the power. Unfortunately, I think he already is well aware of this. From what I've read of comments so far, his book is not credible or worth buying.

  60. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Knowing the timeline doesn't work if Trig was born in April & Tripp in Dec -- I think this might be Levi's way of telling us that Trig wasn't born in April!!

    Might be doing it in a way that it's not so direct so he avoids getting thumped by Palins/Bots, but knowing there are those like us that can read between the lines!!

    He's 21. He wants to still see his kid. His support system sucks but he's still too 'thick' to realize that who he has surrounding him is not good for him.

    Most of us posting here -- at 21, we thought we knew everything. You're parents couldn't tell you anything different in that you closed your ears to them.

    We really are looking for too much from what still is an immature young man.

  61. Anonymous,

    I completely disagree with almost every word you said, and I am not fan of Palin.

    I would love to debate the topic, but alas there is not time.


    Well said. You never disappoint.

    And finally, to you, Anonymous,

    What the hell?!


    And Anonymous, I assume you have read Levi's book, since you know that it is a "total" fabrication, right?

  62. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Virginia voter- I was thinking the same thing- he let something slip.

  63. I was on the pill and got pregnant. I was a resident, too. My kids are 14 months apart. Whoever is telling you stuff like '... it would have been a least a month or more before her body would have become receptive to pregnancy' is telling you nonsense.

  64. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Here's a link to a keepsake thingy for pregnancy sticks. Read the comments, everyone except for one person said their results faded away or it was digital and the power source died after 24 hours.

  65. Anonymous1:22 PM

    12:47 pm - good comment - I think you nailed it!

  66. Anonymous1:27 PM

    What Sherry told you, she needs to tell Levi. He is simply not believable.

  67. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Maybe Levi isn't lying when he says Bristol got pregnant AFTER Trig was born He may very well believe that. Bristol may have already been pregnant by someone else and duped the poor kid. He does seem a bit gullible.

  68. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I'll post this yet AGAIN, as it is pertinent to the pregnancy dates. I got an email from a friend in Wasilla who knows everyone in that town, and who used to work w/ Sarah. This email came to me on MARCH 30th, and it said "Have you heard? Sarah Palin is gonna be a Grandma". This person knew that it was Bristol who was pregnant, and that Levi (also an acquaintance), was the father. It's always been hard to believe that Tripp was born in December, as that would've meant that word got out awfully fast after the conception (gestation is longer than 9 months), and beyond that improbability, it blows Levi's story WAY out of the realm of possibilities.

  69. THANK YOU, @Virginia Voter, for snapping this back in perspective!

    For those obsessing about the details of peed-on sticks and the (in)fallibility of BCPs, whenever any of the major players/first-hand witnesses put something on the record -- as in a book -- when we find credibility problems, they need to be highlighted.

    There are all kinds of reasons Levi could understandably be mistaken or could be covering his own or someone else's a$$.

    But, as Gryphen points out, the sequence of the events of his story...

    1. Trig is born (4/18/08)
    2. As a result, Bristol is overcome with maternal urges and quits BCPs
    3. Tripp is conceived and allegedly with a due date of 12/19/08

    ...DOES NOT ADD UP based on the standard human gestational period (conception-due date).

    Another data point as we all keep looking at the puzzle pieces.

  70. Anonymous1:28 PM

    With the pill it depends on the dosage, sometimes the prescribed dosage is so high it can take months to conceive after regular ingestion. Sometimes, however, with some of the newer low-dosage birth control prescriptions a missed pill can be all it takes.

  71. Anonymous1:30 PM


    Bristol claimed she's been on the pill since she got her period.

    No sponges etc. necessary.

    Of course, since she refused to take the pills, she got pregnant. However, her timeline does not work. Also Levi's story about adoption by Sarah does not work unless he means TriG.

    Of course the whole family was surprised by the pregnancy because SP was not pregnant. Bristol was mad because mom made her give up her firstborn and then swapped her for a DS child.

  72. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Did I mention Bristol is blunt?

    you're confused. Bristol rolls blunts - smokes blunts - but is not a blunt. The proper description does end in UNT though.

  73. telah1:34 PM

    @John Myste,
    I see you're back to yell at all the Anonymouses again.

    Be sweet.
    We're celebrating!

  74. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I watched Dr. Phil yesterday and I will watch it again to see if I get more from his statements. I loved it that Dr. Phil liked his book and took Levi's side.
    I think Levi probably did sign a non-disclosure agreement or is protecting Trig. He seemed to be truthful about his motivations for writing the book--He wants the money to fight for 50/50 custody. After watching the interview I felt he wanted to set the record straight about some things but at the same time not say things he felt would do harm to his child(ren). That was my take anyway. I thought he came off looking good with help from Dr Phil and his clips of Bristol bad mouthing him. LOVED that!

    I believe the truth is leaking out in his statements though.

    Johnston: Bristol was on birth control for a long time. She got off it soon after Trig [Sarah Palin's son] was born. I think Trig was a big motivator for her. Her mother just had a child and I think Bristol was really jealous. She was the one who was supposed to have that kid and that's when she got off of [birth control]. We weren't practicing safe sex and she ended up getting pregnant.


  75. Anonymous1:36 PM


    Willow : pregnancy tests
    Pig: truffles

    LOL. This raises the bar!

  76. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I watched Dr. Phil yesterday and I will watch it again to see if I get more from his statements. I loved it that Dr. Phil liked his book and took Levi's side.
    I think Levi probably did sign a non-disclosure agreement or is protecting Trig. He seemed to be truthful about his motivations for writing the book--He wants the money to fight for 50/50 custody. After watching the interview I felt he wanted to set the record straight about some things but at the same time not say things he felt would do harm to his child(ren). That was my take anyway. I thought he came off looking good with help from Dr Phil and his clips of Bristol bad mouthing him. LOVED that!

    I believe the truth is leaking out in his statements though.

    Johnston: Bristol was on birth control for a long time. She got off it soon after Trig [Sarah Palin's son] was born. I think Trig was a big motivator for her. Her mother just had a child and I think Bristol was really jealous. She was the one who was supposed to have that kid and that's when she got off of [birth control]. We weren't practicing safe sex and she ended up getting pregnant.


  77. Anonymous1:37 PM

    bwahahahaha - Levi outed Bristol by claiming she intentionally got pregnant after Trig was born.

    It's possible that Levi has no clue who the mother of TriG is. However, if he was seeing Bristol while she was staying at her aunties house, then he knows. Bristol was thrown out of SP's house at 16 because she was pregnant.

  78. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Haven't read other comments yet, but didn't Sarah claim that she purchased a pregnancy test at a Walgreens while she was out of state on business somewhere in the Lower 48? I distinctly remember that story. If so, why did her kids "find" it in a trashcan at home? Highly improbable, unless you're Sarah Palin, in which case Up is Down, Wrong is Right, and voters are gullible enough to elect a psychotic, narcissistic, pathological liar to be the Leader of the Free World because they're all as stupid as she is.

  79. Anonymous1:39 PM

    At Amazon, Levi's book is #843 in sales overall, #8 in the Rich & Famous category and #12 in Political.

    Bristol's book is ranked 11,585.

    $arah's "Going Rogue" is #7,328 and "America by Heart" is #12,221.

    Joe's book is #55 overall so far, #3 in the Womens category and #5 in Political.

  80. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I wonder why the Palins are so threatened by what Levi knows. I guess both kids must be Bristol's after all if you're having to reject so many troll comments. Thanks for the confirmation, trollbot.

  81. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Anon 12:39PM - Horse feathers.

    Sharon TN

  82. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Bristol claimed she's been on the pill since she got her period.


    NO she didn't. Bristol wrote she got on it while living in Anchorage

  83. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I don't know. My cousins friends 2 sisters all got pregnant while on the responsibly taken pill and my whole family kept their used pregnancy sticks. We keep them framed on the wall as a keepsake. It's weird but I can personally attest to this. Theres just too much evidence that disputes the picture youre immaturely painting. If you dont know somebody you shouldnt say mean thing you have to meet them personally. It matters. You can trust me Im a lifelong democrat who doesnt like Sarah.

  84. Anonymous1:48 PM

    when we find credibility problems, they need to be highlighted.


    Then Levi's whole book is suspect.

  85. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I'd love to remind Sherrie on the View there are mothers who have killed their own babies and if mothers didn't "neglect" their kids there wouldn't be the need for Family Services. Not all mothers are nurturing and Sarah definitely isn't one of them. We all saw how well she took care of Trig on her book bus glasses, no shoes and not dressed properly for the cold.

  86. Anonymous1:50 PM

    1. Trig is born (4/18/08)
    2. As a result, Bristol is overcome with maternal urges and quits BCPs
    3. Tripp is conceived and allegedly with a due date of 12/19/08

    - - - - -

    But elsewhere IN THE BOOK, he states Bristol's due date as being 3 weeks after he heads to the cabin with Todd and the other girls.

    He writes under Bristol and Sadies picture that B is 2 mos pregnant. (now that could just be forgetfulness of when the photo was taken.)

  87. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Wow. What a convoluted clusterfuck. Sounds like Levi got some facts through, huh? Too bad he didn't choose to tell the whole truth - it would have set him free.

  88. Anon 2:06 - Bailey's book documents Sarah sent the email on March 3 (page 208)

    It's also evident from tv news reports, Sarah's schedule, and emails that she announced the 'pregnancy' on March 5. Several newspaper articles dated the story March 6 which has led to some confusion.

    Her schedule also shows that Todd, Willow, and Piper flew from Anchorage to Juneau on Sunday March 2.

    It wouldn't be surprising if the family found out about the 'pregnancy' from the news reports considering she didn't tell the kids about the VP nomination. She lied to them about their East Coast family vacation bus tour, too.

  89. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Gryphen in response to your update,

    The blog choice doesn't really matter, as to why people write those things.

    Most of those things are true. They choose YOUR blog because you refuse to see that they're true.

  90. Anonymous1:56 PM

    He is an admitted liar, why bother with him at all? Why promote anything he has to say? Why line his pockets?

  91. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Remember that Levi said a few years ago that Palin would come into the house and say "Where is my grandson" When someone took Trig to her she said "No, not the retarded one, the other one" Also a few months ago Levi said "They are keeping my SONS (plural) away from me" The truth is not being told yet.

    - - -

    You're definitely imagining things.

  92. Anonymous1:58 PM

    haha Anon 12:39, real mature, but thanks for highlighting all the truth we need

  93. Anonymous2:00 PM

    It's kind of hard to

    "say what he's told to say." by the Palins since he has zero interactions with them. And why would Tank and Rex tell him it's a good idea to completely fabricate a book to create a fictional version of himself?

  94. "That's when we all found out because she went around telling everybody."

    Gryphen - Levi may be saying that they found out from the news sources. Is he saying Willow had found a pregnancy test stick but they didn't know what it meant until they saw it on the news?

  95. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Levi is saying on Inside Edition that he believes Sarah did give birth to Trig. I think he really does not know or does know and is afraid to tell. If Sarah did give birth she should be arrested for child endangerment. She admitted to that herself.

  96. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Posting this here too as it unfortch applies to every "Levi" thread:

    Gryph, Bristol (BRistol, if you will) is absofrickinlutely ruining your blog.

    I realize you're trying to be the diplomatic equal timer, but MAN. How many of those ludicrous "BRistols so nice and genuine and she didnt want a baby pre 2008 this I know her family support is great thats why she can handle this Levi lies Levi lies this blog used to have integrity and I'm no fan of Sarahs but its not fair democrats dont get the same treatment" ad nauseam ad infinitum can we take?

    And now that Bristol has realized everyone knows it's her, she's posting a few "I hate Sarah" comments in the mix.

    Seriously Gryph, I think it may be possible to have an annoyance induced heart attack. Please consider letting some of Bristol's comments float to the bottom like the turds they are.

  97. About the Update. G, Can you see where the comments originate? All of those comments sound like 'Brooklyn' who also uses a dozen or more names. She's a spammer more than a troll and either being paid or just plain nuts. She posts the same stuff on PaG and Laura's blog, too.

  98. Anonymous2:09 PM

    The Palin kids are miserable. They have always been unhappy. Bristol is the most depressed. Todd and Sarah are unemployed grifters with no life.

    You keep believing what you need to believe to stay mentally functioning. I will stick to truth.

  99. wakeUpAmerica2:09 PM

    Gryphen, can you determine from what part of the country the troll posts are coming? That might be interesting. I know another blogger figured out that hers were coming from New York.

  100. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Remember that Levi's Facebook was deleted by the McCain camp. Before that he stated that he was "a redneck, who did not want to have kids" Remeber THAT??

  101. Anonymous2:19 PM


    Thanks for that.

    This is interesting:
    Her schedule also shows that Todd, Willow, and Piper flew from Anchorage to Juneau on Sunday March 2.

    Sarah was apparently still traveling the 4th no? Emails written by and to her discuss layovers and waiting.

    I think she went straight to Juneau from Anch (milk run)

    Levi description of Bristol's mood when she told him of the Trig pregnancy doesn't sound believable and I immediate thought of traveling and Sarah not being in Wasilla. Thats all.

    This is why we mustnt lie, Levi,Bristol, Sadie, Sarah

  102. You would think that PAlin's would be FAR more upset about this:

    "The View" openly discussed the possibility that Sarah Palin could have faked her pregnancy. Having Joe McGinniss, who is not shy to talk about this subject, as a guest on "The View", broke the silence. It's obvious that Joe McGinniss is being taken seriously in public when he talks about this issue.

    More proof that the discussion about Sarah Palin's pregnancy finally reaches the mainstream. Which is virtually the greatest danger to Sarah's already damaged, but as yet not finished, political career.

    This discussion on "The View" probably came as quite a surprise to the audience, as large parts of mainstream America certainly have never heard that there are questions being asked about Sarah Palin's pregnancy with Trig."


    See the clip on this YouTube video;

  103. Anonymous2:24 PM

    By this time Bristol's book had hit #109 on amazon. Levi's appearances may help sales.

    I find it interesting that Bristol's sales have increased since Levi's publicity.

  104. Anonymous2:26 PM

    None of the stories make sense because Sarah wasn't never pregnant in 2007-08. She had had that tubal right after Piper, remember?

    The only pee-sticks to be found in the Palin house would have been the daughters.

    The confused narratives are from several different people trying to tell a plausible cover-story.

  105. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Bristol was thrown out of the house. She moved to Anchorage in January 2008.

    In 2007, she was seen publicly mid Oct

    she was referenced in Hawaii then and recently in Nov at that wedding

  106. Anonymous2:28 PM

    My cousins friends 2 sisters all got pregnant while on the responsibly taken pill and my whole family kept their used pregnancy sticks. We keep them framed on the wall as a keepsake.

    Um, doesn't he say Willow found them in the trash? Who keeps their pregnancy keepsakes in the trash?

  107. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I've put myself on the "hold" list for Levi's book at the library. I am number 2 on it, and also number 2 on the list for McGinniss's book.

  108. WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! Where is our anonymous 238 (is that right?) who said that Willow is driving a big new SUV because she is threatening to spill whose purse she found the pregnancy stick in? Where are you? What do you know? You said this would be the week you would be cooperating with Gryphen.

    My head hurts!

  109. Olivia2:30 PM

    All the inconsistencies in Levi's book make me think of what prisoners of war would do when their captors would haul them out to reporters to show the world that the prisoners weren't being mistreated. The prisoners would make gestures or say things to signal to their families that it was all bullshit and the captors never would catch on because they didn't understand the culture. Maybe Levi is trying to cryptically signal to the world that something is bullshit.

  110. Anonymous2:32 PM

    This is starting to sound like a battle and the Palin Camp is getting over powered on all fronts and there asses is getting slaughtered and has reverted to their last stand.

    Now is the time for Wasillians who knows about the evils of the Palins to stand up and speak out or forever remain under Sarah's foot.


  111. Anonymous2:32 PM

    The bots over at C4P are hilarious. All year long they have been attacking every poll, trying to dismiss them & dismantle each.

    Now that they have ONE positive poll, they're suddenly going nuts about how great it is. lmao.

    They completely lack the self-awareness to realize how comical it all is, after they have been dissing the notion of polls all years.

  112. Anonymous2:33 PM

    You guys are missing something. Everyone is complaining that Bristol couldn't possibly have gotten pregnant *after* Trig was born.

    But if Bristol is the one who had Trig--and I truly believe she is--she would have HAD to have given birth to him before she could get pregnant with Tripp.

    Levi, who of course knows that Trig is Bristol's son, didn't even think about lying regarding the timing because it would seem perfectly logical to him that Bristol didn't try to get pregnant with Tripp until after Trig was born.

    I also think he slipped up when he said Trig was meant to be hers. I think that is the first baby he and Bristol tried to have, and Bristol was furious that her mother took the baby that was meant to be hers.

    Sarah probably bullied Levi and Bristol into signing over custody to her, made Levi sign a confidentiality agreement on that score, and told Bristol she would disown her if she ever said anything to anyone. Given that Trig had Down Syndrome, Bristol probably decided it was for the best to let her mother raise him, but she still wanted a baby of her own...and so she and Levi conceived Tripp.

    I always thought that the reason Sarah rushed home from Texas like she did was because Bristol went into labor. But now I think Trig had already been born but kept under wraps because he was in an NICU somewhere, giving Sarah time to pretend to be pregnant, and while away she was informed that Bristol was pregnant and had to hurry back and "have the baby early" to help ensure no one would ever assume Trig was Bristol's son.

    Of course, Sarah could disprove any of this with a birth certificate and her legitimate medical records.

  113. Anonymous2:44 PM

    John Myste, please do stop that. I don't think you are picking up that no one here is terribly concerned about that issue. There are friendly anons, troll anons, you name it. If you have some idea that you could ever hope to keep track of particular writers' comments, you are being overly optimistic in an environment such as this.

    If you have something to contribute other than complaining about anons then go right ahead and post away. Otherwise, please save it. Or, I am going to truly wonder what your agenda might be...

    Thank you.



    PS I said please as much as possible, so I know you can move on and get to something more substantive.

    (None of us are truly out re: our identities, excepting Gryphen and maybe one or two others - yourself, I suppose. It doesn't add or detract, however, except in Gryphen's case obviously. As you can see if one is interested in responding directly to a post, just specify the timestamp of the comment. It's really not that much trouble. I am sure you realize how to do that without my telling you.)

    Gryphen it IS rather interesting that people seem especially threatened by this Levi stuff, inconsistencies and all.

  114. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Sarah Palin: What I've Learned

    As Going Rogue hits bookstores, look back at our controversial interview with the former Alaska governor for her perspective on campaigning, the media, biting her lip, and her priorities both public and private

    Sarah shares her point of view on what a marriage is:

    (notice the words love, commitment, sharing, caring, bonding, heart are not used)

    'This is what I've been telling Bristol, before she gets married, is, Bristol, there are definitely gonna be tough parts in marriage. You have to look at those tough times and remember that you have essentially a business contract with this person. You've signed an agreement: You're going to be together. And you look at it that way as you work through the tough times, because I guarantee the better time is there on the other side. That's how we've looked at it.'

  115. Anonymous2:48 PM

    No offense to all the moms out there, but keeping your pee stick as a souvenir?? YIKES. I can't decide which will gross your kids out more - that ol' pee stick or a detailed re-telling of their conception story.

  116. Anonymous2:50 PM

    For those who are able to form logical conclusions from the evidence we have not gained from Levi's book, the door is now closed on any further speculation on who are Trig's parents. It's Levi who is the father because otherwise there would be no onus on him to protect Sarah's secret. And Bristol is the mother simply because what Levi's obvious lying tells us.

    Now please, let's go forward with this information now. This has gone too far with too many commenters making illogical speculations.

  117. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I don't know. My cousins friends 2 sisters all got pregnant while on the responsibly taken pill and my whole family kept their used pregnancy sticks. We keep them framed on the wall as a keepsake....

    1:47 PM

    What a fine example of how to mock the trolls. Wish I had written it.

  118. Anonymous2:54 PM

    @12:47 PM #2
    "Sarah doesn't even think about Levi. Why would she? Only about .5% of Americans think of Levi."

    Why wouldn't Sarah think of Levi? He's the father of at least one of her grandsons, isn't he??? Bristol, you've written a load of idiotic comments on this blog, but this one sure takes the cake.

  119. Anonymous2:55 PM

    If You Pay Her, She Will Run – The Latest on Palin 2012 from SarahPAC

    ...The little eyes of the Palinbots fly open and they sit bolt upright. The mail is here, and within it… a letter. Not just any letter, mind you – this is a letter with a very important announcement. They rip open the envelope from SarahPAC. It’s signed by Tim Crawford who is running the show over there. They frantically skim, and see these words:

    “…Gov. Palin is on the verge of making her decision of whether or not she will run for office.”

    “OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She’s on the VERGE!” squeal her supporters, in red. The agonizing days of the ‘tease gone dull’ are almost at an end! Hallelujah!

    “Someone must save our nation from this road to European Socialism!

    Do you think it should be Gov. Palin?”

    Yes! Yes, Tim Crawford! We do! But what can we do? How can we tell her that if she doesn’t save us from universal health care, long summer vacations, and decent cheese, nobody can?

    Well, it just so happens that Mr. Crawford has something in mind that you can do to encourage her to maybe think about getting into the race. She’s having trouble taking that last step… She IS on the verge, but there is something that just might be able to sway her, and convince her to get in the ring. Can you guess what that is Palinbots?

    What? What is it, Tim Crawford? Tell us!

    “If so, can you send your best one-time gift to SarahPAC today to help her elect more

    common-sense conservatives – and show her that we support her if she decides to run?

    With time running out, thank you for your swift response!”

    That’s the ticket! If her supporters really want her in the race, they’ll empty their piggy banks, and sock drawers, and bank accounts to show her that if she decides to run, she’ll have their support. And remember, time is of the essence! The VERGE is NOW! Of course, there’s no guarantee she’ll run. She might and she might not. Granny’s $50 “gift” might buy a few yard signs, or it might go to pay for de-icing the wings of Sarah’s private jet. Don’t laugh, that private jet wing de-icing ain’t cheap. Last year it ran SarahPAC more than $14,000!

    But for Palin, it all works out in the end. It’s a win-win. Money is money, whether she chooses to remain in the political discussion, or blissfully fade into obscurity on the lecture circuit.

  120. Anonymous2:58 PM

    The Pee Bots are peeing their pants, get a load of these comments:

    "The Thrilla from Wasilla is about to kick this show into gear…!

    Sarah Palin is an honest person who can’t STAND users. Consequently, she would NEVER praise 04P and C4P (as she did in Iowa) or allow such work to continue, if she had not ALREADY made her decision to run, ages ago, imho: she wouldn’t USE us to sell her books, keep her media presence alive, etc. Nope! Sarah is merely deciding WHEN is best to announce a decision to run that she made LONG ago.

    Thank GOD she is running! We call down all heaven’s help as we on earth join to fight WITH her against the evil Marxism that is choking our nation’s economy and trying to destroy our US Constitution. May God richly bless her and her family, and help her WIN!!!!!!

    How anyone could believe she isn’t running is beyond me.


    she is in , she has been for a long time , you just want her to do what the Establishment tells her to do and that isn’t going to happen , unconventional campaign already

    I *JUST* got this letter in the mail a half hour ago. Checked off the box that I wanted her to RUN. I also hand wrote next to that “RUN SARAH RUN!!!”. Made another donation to Sarah PAC, and it is in the mail already on it’s way back to them! :)

    I can’t take it…I am soooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I suspect in a few years there will be quite a large number of Democrats and “Independendents” that will now be referred to as Sarah Palin Democrats. And suspect many will permanently leave the dark side

    I’m on the verge of falling off my chair with excitement and anticipation! I gotta get a hold of something if it don’t happen soooooooooooooooooon!"

  121. @Ponce,

    Use two forms of protection. A single form does not prevent pregnancy.

  122. Anonymous3:02 PM

    "I don't know. My cousins friends 2 sisters all got pregnant while on the responsibly taken pill and my whole family kept their used pregnancy sticks. We keep them framed on the wall as a keepsake. It's weird but I can personally attest to this. Theres just too much evidence that disputes the picture youre immaturely painting. If you dont know somebody you shouldnt say mean thing you have to meet them personally. It matters. You can trust me Im a lifelong democrat who doesnt like Sarah."

    1:47 PM

    This HAS to be satire, right? Your "cousins friends two sisters all got pregnant while on the responsibly taken pill". LMAO.

  123. Anonymous3:04 PM

    ...But I have kept my pee sticks as sentimental keepsakes, proud of my planned pregnancies and ability to birth healthy children. My son turns seven and I can still read his positive stick. I guess it depends on the brand.

    12:57 PM
    Ah, yes, but sentimental you probably were not HIDING a pregnancy for months while you were GOVERNOR of a state, not even telling anyone in your own FAMILY that you were pregnant.

    See, you are what we call normal, but Sarah Palin is something else... she is mentally unstable.

  124. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Why did you write this post if you're addressing the book later this week?

  125. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I doubt anyone's paid to troll blogs. Once paying people to write bogus articles is different and not uncommon for public figures. How do you think celebs remain marketable? They market themselves via tabloids and rags.

  126. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Anon 2:50, except Levi probably has no idea where Trig actually came from. He can only comment on things he saw, was told and has read/heard.

    The conflicting statements confuse me though. Are his writers that stupid? His editors?

    The publishing company paid how much for this shit? There's nothing new.

  127. Anonymous3:18 PM

    What's up with the Palin women keeping their pregnancy strips in their purses or lying around the house???

  128. The only thing that concerns me about Bristol giving birth to Trig on February 7th is that she got in that car accident the next day. I know they sometimes try to turf the moms loose right away, but it's a little hard to believe that she would be driving in Wasilla the day after giving birth. I am working on a timeline with that, the reasonable birth dates, and the dates she was/was not in school. I'm flummoxed since I've read she went to school through the beginning of March.

  129. Anonymous3:20 PM

    "Even if Bristol would have gone off the pill the exact same day that Trig was born it would have been a least a month or more before her body would have become receptive to pregnancy."

    Wrong. Especially with the lower doses of hormones that have been used for the last 30 some years, even being late taking your pill on one day, much less missing a day, can release an already ripe ova that is just sitting around waiting to be released.

    Stopping taking the pill isn't the same thing as just having had menses and starting a new cycle of ova maturation,that takes aprox. 28 days.

    That's why women can, and do sometimes become pregnant even though they are on the pill.

  130. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I really don't think Levi is smart enough to do anything slyly, under the radar.

    The book is meant to make him look responsible, despite not having an education or employment and despite not seeking pro bono family council to see his son.

  131. Um, "Sherry" from The View is quoted as saying she NEVER KNEW THE EARTH WAS ROUND!!!

    Baba Wawa was like, "did I really just hire this dumb rock"?

    So Sherry says she was TOO BUSY with her KIDS to LEARN THAT STUFF.

    I'm pretty sure I learned that round the 3rd grade, so not sure what Sherry is saying there.

    (A globe? A globe keychain? Nothing?)

    THAT is why NO ONE should give a FISH FART about a celebrity's opinion about ANYTHING...

    Most of the world would be knocked over with a feather re: the "truths" in Hollywood.

    Makes Sarah n Todd look like Disney characters.

  132. FEDUP!!!3:25 PM

    Sounds to me like Levi has "Stockholm Syndrome".
    Just saying...

  133. Anonymous3:28 PM

    of course Sarah knows and loves Levi - or she did at the time of the RNC. She was stroking his face and rubbing him.

    She had previously invited him into her bedroom (to show her how to use a gun). Ho.

  134. Dis Gusted3:31 PM

    Given that Trig had Down Syndrome, Bristol probably decided it was for the best to let her mother raise him, but she still wanted a baby of her own...and so she and Levi conceived Tripp.

    I think this is the correct timeline. Also, consider if TriG, born with a hole in his heart, jaundiced and DS spent a long time in NICU before being discharged. His hospital bills would have been astronomical.

  135. Anonymous3:32 PM

    The book is meant to make him look responsible, despite not having an education or employment

    you mean like Bristol's fable about her mother????

    Not educated, not employed (at least any more than Levi is).

  136. Anonymous3:32 PM


    SarahPac is making their last push for money before Sarah quits again and withdrawls.

    Sarah needs to build her coffer before the well dries.

    It cost money for wigs, nannies, air conditioning in Arizona, pool boys, vacations, magnum condoms for her NBA ballers.

    Sad sad day for Sarah...

    Oh Happy Days for Wasilla and Alaska!

  137. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I think this is a interesting statement by Sherry

    "...But I would GLADLY return to jail tomorrow if it meant that Levi could tell everything he knew about the Palins! That would be worth it to me!"

    This statement to me reads as... Levi has something he COULD TELL, it wouldn't send Sherry back to jail but he can't tell because of something else?

    I have read up on "Statement Analysis" and I am not an expert by any means but from what I have learned is that people do leak the the truth in the way they say things.


  138. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I am a medical laboratory tech.

    The types of hCG or pregnancy tests available a drug stores are often exactly the same as the ones used in medical labs.
    They must be read with a certain time limit, not earlier or later or they will give false positive or false negative results, depending on the way a particular kit is constructed.

    To cut to the chase, the molecule human chorionic gonadotrophin, produced in huge amounts early in pregnancy as the placenta develops (or in men with prostate cancer), is an organic molecule and it biodegrades, as well as other chemistry realities that result in the appearance of the test stick changing over time.
    So no, Willow did not find Sarah's pregnancy test, weeks or months after the fact, unless Sarah had just gotten pregnant, either that or she found Bristol's.

  139. Anonymous3:40 PM

    "If you pay her, she will run."


    or maybe not.

  140. I have been on the fence about Levi.

    I now officially believe he is a SCUMBAG.

    I just saw him on something, oh Inside Edition...

    he claims that he is 100% sure that Trig was birthed by Sarah... and that yeah, he was there, um a COUPLE OF HOURS AFTER... she gave birth... and that SHE LOOKED LIKE SHE'D JUST GIVEN BIRTH...

    "looked like" but he's 100% SURE...

    ummmm, methinks, KNOWS, there was another version of this story and that he previously said he was THERE at 6:30 am, the hour Trig supposedly popped out...

    bad memory of the truth? I don't think so, just can't keep up with and remember all the lies. Just like the Palin clan. LIARS all.

    WAS glad to see that they mentioned the wild ride on that show though. Maybe the previous incurious will be inspired to look a little deeper.

    Levi is a scumbag.

  141. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I'm flummoxed since I've read she went to school through the beginning of March.

    no - she dropped out of school in the fall of 2007. She attended the school near Aunt Heathers for a couple of weeks and then dropped out again to be homeschooled WITH Levi.

  142. lol

    I'm flipping you some $ later this month for your steadfastness in reporting about the Horror of Wasilla

  143. Anonymous3:45 PM

    In this latest version of Bristol & Levi's Love Story, Bristol wanted to get pregnant after Trig was born. I can count 9 months from April 18 and it won't match the date that they picked for Tripp's birthday.

  144. I don't know what "positive" poll everyone is talking about for Sarah, but is it not funny that a positive one would appear to make the news just as she is being lambasted by negative publicity?

  145. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Years ago, I was reading an article in the DC City Paper, I think, that looked at women getting abortions and why. One of the cases was a woman who was on the pill and got pregnant unintentionally because she had also taken OTC cold medicine. Apparently, it can mess with the efficiency of the pill to take cold meds, which was interesting to hear.
    M from MD

  146. Anonymous3:50 PM


    Joe is on Joy Behar's show tonight. Joy will let Joe talk about Babygate in that Joy has had Andrew Sullivan on her show before -- in fact, the same night that Levi appeared on her show.

    Joe is also on The Last Word tonight too.

  147. Anonymous3:51 PM

    It's absolutely ridiculous to think Sarah kept a pregnancy strip for months, and then left it out for someone to find it. What, every day Todd and Sarah used their master bath and stared at the strip? They windex'd and mopped and wiped up around the stick and just left that out? Makes absolutely no sense.

    BESIDES, didn't Levi go on tv and say he and Bristol were using condoms, not the pill? He told Tyra they used a condom every time, except sometimes they didn't and that's how she got pregnant.

    And for everyone who believes that it's easy to get pregnant on the pill, I call bs on that. Yes, there are low dose pills but normal birth control pills work. And it's not like you're fertile 30 days of the month anyway. It's just a few days. So unless you're banging like rabbits during those critical days, you probably won't get pregnant very quickly. Bristol was probably trying to get pregnant for a long time.

  148. Anonymous3:56 PM

    12:01--"Also you can take the pill every single day at the sametime and still get pregnant. Rare, but it happens. My soapbox for the day."

    OK! We get it! In fact, we heard you the first time!

  149. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Gryphen, I thought Levi and Bristol were talking about getting married and Todd and Sarah just supported it. at least at first?

    Why is Levi saying now they were forcing them to marry the first time? And Levi said the 2nd engagement was real? Did he tell Sadie because she definitely told playboy it was Bristol's ploy?

    My head will forever hurt I feel. This is why uneducated opinion are epic fails.

  150. Anonymous3:57 PM

    OMIGod those retards are sending her more money. Can you believe it. AHa they are such pussies.

  151. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Not only is Joe McG. on Joy Behar tonight -- so is Levi.

    Last time Levi was on Behar's show, that same night so was Andrew Sullivan!!

  152. Anonymous3:59 PM

    The book is meant to make him look responsible, despite not having an education or employment

    you mean like Bristol's fable about her mother????

    Not educated, not employed (at least any more than Levi is).

    - - - -

    I don't know what you mean but Bristol at least had a lucrative job for a year following Tripp's birth. Yes, they seem to have the same intellectual limitations.

    I'm just saying there's a reason why Levi is exaggerating to the max in this book. I find it hypocritical for them to say Bristol exaggerates and lies when these two books are meant to do the exact same thing.

  153. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I have a theory--they are all putting out multiple versions/lies in order to make it harder to fit the pieces of the puzzle together. Say you have a jigsaw puzzle and you dump out the pieces and then you dump pieces from a similar puzzle and mix them in. The puzzle will be impossible to fit together. This is what they've done either because they aren't so smart OR because it's a pretty good strategy. You don't come off looking so honest but the really bad stuff can never be sorted out definitively. Move over Karl Rove.

  154. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I doubt Levi has Stockholm syndrome. He was laughing and joking on Wendy Williams. He said he had no idea why Bristol wanted a baby, but just said she was jealous.

    I'm starting to think he has no idea what's in the book.

  155. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Does anyone else remember this scene in the film done by the Israeli director: Sarah and Todd are in the kitchen, and the director is asking about her pregnancy and she says she's going to have a boy. Todd gets animated (for him, you have to watch carefully to detect it) all of a sudden and says, "We are?"

    Am I crazy, or was this really in the film? If so, it's just more evidence of the extent of Sarah's deception, even with Todd. I'm starting to think that everyone thought she really was preggers except for the doctor, and perhaps the real baby momma. She is such a vile piece of skin.

  156. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Most of the world would be knocked over with a feather re: the "truths" in Hollywood.

    Makes Sarah n Todd look like Disney characters.

    - - - - - - - -

    That is for damn sure.

  157. Anonymous4:01 PM

    C'mon. Sometimes this site often suggests that Trig was born weeks before the *official* April date. It does seem unlikely that the supposed 5 weeks premature baby shown in photographs with the Heath grandparents was actually less than one day old. If an earlier birth is what Levi has in mind, then his story doesn't seem so off. If he is really speaking in some sort of code and describing a second pregnancy for Bristol, well then that makes some sort of sense too.

  158. Anonymous4:02 PM

    curiouser at 12:15

    i, too, got pregnant while on the pill. this is many years ago when the pill had different levels of hormones.

    please be a bit more empathetic towards women that have had these situations. BC of any kind is not 100 percent reliable except for one - celibacy.

  159. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Does anyone else want to know why Sarah was in talks with OCS and several children in abuse situations? (Not that this has anything to do with Trig or Levi, it's just interesting that she takes on these specific cases herself. Is she a social worker? Do Governors in yalls states do this?)

  160. I think the finding of a pregnancy test strip could only be part of the larger $P ruse about her attempt to fake a pregnancy. Who needs a pregnancy test at 7 months????? As young, naive and gullible as Levi and the other Palin kids are, she probably thought they would buy her little trick.

  161. Anonymous4:09 PM

    The wheels of the bus go round and round. Round and round. round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round thru Palin town. The wheels on the bus go bump bump bump. Bump bump bump. Bump bump bump. The wheels on the bus go bump bump bump. Mrs. palin under for once.

  162. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I just reread some things. Levi's account of the Harper's shoot is weird. He says the whole family was dressed and he acted like he knew specifics on everything. Yet there's video of the setup and only Willow, Bristol and Tripp are there.

  163. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Levi said "Bristol was on birth control for a long time. She got off it soon after Trig [Sarah Palin's son] was born. I think Trig was a big motivator for her. Her mother just had a child and I think Bristol was really jealous. She was the one who was supposed to have that kid."

    Why? Because Bristol was the one who had birthed that kid, that's why. Thanks, Levi!!

  164. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Second Anon @ 12:39:

    That was a spot-on parody! Bravo! You caught the perfect teen-babble of the Fairy-Tale Troll!

  165. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Re the update:

    The fact that the bots are frantic trying to post here is just more confirmation of what anon 'me-again' has stated -- that Sarah is obsessed with this web site. This has also been confirmed by Wendy Waitress. And it meshes perfectly with the creature we've seen described in all the books and articles about her. Sarah is obsessed with her image and the way she's perceived, especially in Alaska.

    It also confirms what anon 'me-again' also stated about both Sarah and Bristol being recently furious about Levi's book and cooking up any schemes possible to try to undermine him. I can't wait to hear more from anon 'me-again.' She/He has been right on the money.

  166. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I see that lots of people brought up that you're totally wrong about going off the pill and getting pregnant. Not only that - she could have already been pregnant before going off the pill.

    Anyway, there are total weirdos out there who DO SAVE those pregnancy tests. I think that they put them in their baby boxes. Weird, but it happens.

  167. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Can we stipulate to a few things:
    1) Levi was a dumb kid in 2008
    2) He is not a lot smarter now
    3) He might well have signed a confidentiality agreement
    4) He has shown amazing restraint in his comments about Bristol, at least up until now (don't know if this extends through his book)
    5) He has been WAY outgunned in his battle with the Palins, their resources, the powerful forces that have supported them (in the past at least), and their flock of flying monkeys.

    All of that said, I suggest we give the kid a break, and think about why the trolls/'bots are so incredibly worked up. Is it just Bristol being her usual vindictive, mean-girl self? Or has Levi told us some important truths? Maybe we should be focusing on the latter, and not helping the 'bots beat up on a dumb kid?

  168. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Excellent cutting through the undergrowth to find the trail, Virginia Voter. That is spot on. We know now from Levi that Bristol was angry/upset and it's got to be related to Sarah announcing she was "pregnant". Someone posited that maybe she had a baby she had to give up and it was not DS but the DS baby was "traded" for her real baby. I've always wondered if the baby might have had problems stemming from the partying and drugs and alcohol. Sherry on one of the tv interviews said how happy/relieved they were that the baby was healthy. I got the impression this baby (tripp) was a do over. I wonder if maybe Bristol was forced to have an abortion. The timing of when she left school and when she reappeared don't fit for a full term pregnancy. Abortion or preemie would fit the timeline. An abortion would be a BIG secret for a fundie family. It would mean the end of Sarah's career. Likewise, a FAS preemie baby would be a big embarrassment. Perhaps they were trying out several possible babies to replace the baby that wasn't. And of course Bristol would be devastated and full of unfulfilled maternal instincts. And anger.

  169. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Something occurred to me this morning: Sarah had a c-section with Piper...I read that here a few days ago.

    Okay, that officially makes her story bull.

    Doctors don't like doing vaginal births after c-section. You can do one but,,.,it's not the norm. I have never had a baby but I was my friends birth coach and one thing that was stressed was VBAC. Doctors arent into VBACs because there can be complications. Drs dont like complications and Sarah doesn't seem like the kind to go to a midwife.

    If she had a C-section there is NO way Sarah was back to work three days later. In normal panties. I saw my friend. That shit is painful.

  170. Sex Ed For Dummies4:40 PM

    3:42 PM "no - [bristol] dropped out of school in the fall of 2007. She attended the school near Aunt Heathers for a couple of weeks and then dropped out again to be homeschooled WITH Levi."

    That must have been an interesting home-schooling setup, since the headboard of Bristol's bed was probably banging on her bedroom wall all day.

  171. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Greg Gutfeld Is Sick And Tired Of Rehashing Sarah Palin Speculation: ‘We’ve Done This Segment 48 Times’

    On Wednesday’s edition of Fox News’ The Five, the panel again speculated on whether Sarah Palin would run for president in 2012. Greg Gutfeld said he was “sick and tired” of speculating this same subject for the umpteenth time. “We’ve done this segment in the last two months, I’ve counted it, 48 times!” Gutfeld groaned.

    The segment was preceded by an ambiguous statement Palin made on last night’s Hannity continuing to leave open the possibility that she still might run for president. “In this primary. I think people are still going to be coming and going because there is still time. And I’m still one of those still considering,” Palin said. “But I do think, Sean, this is going to be such an unconventional election cycle. … Mark my word, it is going to be an unconventional type of election process.”

    Panelist Juan Williams pointed out that in a new poll, Palin was closing in on President Obama.

    Monica Crowley thought it was not too late for Palin to jump into the primary race, but the “long, drawn-out tease had to end”, and it was time she “fish or cut bait.”

    Williams asked Gutfeld his opinion about whether he thought Palin would run, to which the visibly exasperated anchor expressed pain at having to discuss this same topic yet again.

    “Here’s the thing, this reminds me of the season of Friends — remember the one with Ross and Rachel, were they ever going to get together?” Gutfeld snarked. “This is exactly playing out that way and after a while I just got sick and tired of it…I’ve had it.”

    Gutfeld agonized that this was the 48th time the panel had recycled the same discussion.

  172. Anonymous4:51 PM

    The weird thing is, "ruffles" is the baby who actually looks like present Trig. April 18 baby does not.

  173. Anonymous4:56 PM

    "no - she dropped out of school in the fall of 2007. She attended the school near Aunt Heathers for a couple of weeks and then dropped out again to be homeschooled WITH Levi."

    I don't know if she was a student at WHS during fall 07, but she definitely attended homecoming with friends AND she played in the powder puff game. So it appears she was a student at WHS for at least part of 07.

    She moved to Anch in January.

  174. Anonymous4:58 PM

    3:45---Trig was born a sickly preemie in Feb/March...Now count 9 mos. Presented April 18 to coincide with Sarah's Texas trip.

  175. Anonymous4:59 PM

    "Until 5pm everyday growing up, my brother and I were lackey kids."

    Oh, you sad ignorant bot. I was going to correct you to "latchkey" but I don't know, maybe you and your brother WERE lackeys.

  176. Anonymous5:14 PM

    "Jennie said...
    The only thing that concerns me about Bristol giving birth to Trig on February 7th is that she got in that car accident the next day. I know they sometimes try to turf the moms loose right away, but it's a little hard to believe that she would be driving in Wasilla the day after giving birth. I am working on a timeline with that, the reasonable birth dates, and the dates she was/was not in school. I'm flummoxed since I've read she went to school through the beginning of March."

    Keep in mind it would have bee a preemie she gave birth to so smaller baby AND the accident was near medical office complex.

  177. Anonymous5:15 PM

    To the troll that stated Brisket had been on the pill since she started her period I have two questions.
    Why at 12 yrs old was she on BC pills?
    Most OB/GYN will not put that young of a girl on BC unless sexually active. Dr.s usually wait until a girls menses level out before dealing with someone with "bad cramps" so that is NOT a valid answer.
    Why would a evangelical mother of a 12 yr old on BC. Is it because she knew someone was "visiting" her at night?

  178. Anonymous5:26 PM

    2:05-Curiouser and WakeUpAmerica..Totally agree..The trolly is taking over your blog Gryphen! Sick of reading it over and over and over and over and over and over!

  179. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Sherry is a wonderful person! I felt badly for Sadie the other day when Levi discussed his book on Dr Phil (slightly different than this interview, btw). Had Levi gotten better legal counsel, he'd have never signed the agreement between him, his family, bristol and her family in regard to Tripp and custody.
    That was a travesty, it should have been between the parents alone and the court system.

    And I have to call bullshit on the "Bristol wanted a baby after her mom had one" fairy tale. Nothing turns a teen guy off more than a girl mentioning she WANTS a baby NOW or ASAP. Only a low iq girl would say that.

    Now do I think needy, insecure, lonely Bristol was smart enough to "forget" to take the pill three or more days in a row to TRAP a guy into staying with her? Hell Yeah!

    And I use the term "girl" loosely, because, even today, she comes off like a spoiled little child, not a woman with a child.

  180. Anonymous5:41 PM

    We all know the Palins are spendthrifts. They buy pregnancy tests at Costco in bulk, then save them to use as swizzle sticks at cocktail parties. They're conversation starters, doncha know?
    wink wink.

    Yeah, and she writes in her book she was afraid to go in a pharmacy in a strange city to buy test strips, because someone might recognize her. Sarah needs professional help, seriously.

  181. Anonymous5:42 PM

    1:07..I think that little "ruffled" baby was a girl..that was Bristols baby, not so sure Levi was the father, maybe that is why he's not talking about it.

  182. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Jennie said...
    The only thing that concerns me about Bristol giving birth to Trig on February 7th is that she got in that car accident the next day. I know they sometimes try to turf the moms loose right away, but it's a little hard to believe that she would be driving in Wasilla the day after giving birth. I am working on a timeline with that, the reasonable birth dates, and the dates she was/was not in school. I'm flummoxed since I've read she went to school through the beginning of March."

    Keep in mind it would have bee a preemie she gave birth to so smaller baby AND the accident was near medical office complex.

    5:14 PM
    The reason most mother stay in the hospital for 2 or 3 days is not for their health, but the fact most mothers and children are released at the same time. But I have worked in a NICU, and many times when a baby is transferred from an ouside the hospital the mother is "medically released" from the 1st hospital. Even in circumstances with moms and NICU babies in the same hospital, the mother is released almost immediately.
    Even with my full term daughter--we were both released after a day ( there was a window 30 yrs ago when thats all insurnace co's would pay for--it then went to the normal 2 days).
    The mother may be sore, but after the afterbirth has been expelled , there is no "medical reason" for a woman to be hospitalized.

  183. Anonymous5:50 PM

    12:23..I remember that video, they acted like a bunch of hillbilly, wild brats. The pictures and story were in the Alaska magazine also.

  184. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I am going to take the ick factor up a notch. I have no doubt that people save the sticks as sentimental souvenirs, any of em, all of em. Many years ago, a friend's father died. They were going through his personal items later to help her mom move to a smaller place. They found a shoebox with used condoms, each labeled with the date of a special evening with his wife. People will save anything.

  185. Anonymous5:55 PM

    5:15..because Bristol was a wild promiscuous girl and her mother knew it and it was easier than parenting, just put her on the pill. Willow is most likely the same.

  186. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I definitely believe that the stories are mixed up, that Sarah did not give birth to Trig and that Bristol's timeline with Tripp is completely off. However, that being said, your most fertile month off of the pill is actually your first month off. To hear that Bristol is so incredibly fertile is BS. It takes people on average 9 months to get pregnant. Every month you only have about a 20% chance of getting pregnant, and that's with having sex around ovulation. I'm sure she wasn't tapped into when her body was ovulating, as being on the pill you never have to track temperature, or look at your cervical mucus or even check for changes in your cervix. I find it so incredibly impossible that when she "wanted" to be pregnant, magic happened and she was! Second, you are right, pregnancy tests go bad after about 2 days. You can't keep them around for months on end. Why would you anyway? You freaking peed on that stick! Gross! I can't wait for the truth to come out, but I did want you to know it is possible to get pregnant your first month off the pill!

  187. Daisydem said...
    WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! Where is our anonymous 238 (is that right?) who said that Willow is driving a big new SUV because she is threatening to spill whose purse she found the pregnancy stick in? Where are you? What do you know? You said this would be the week you would be cooperating with Gryphen.

    My head hurts!

    2:29 PM


    Anon 238 seems to be missing and never really had any new information to begin with; he or she simply embellished previously published tidbits. Sadly, I never thought they had anything, but I guess in time Gryphen will tell us.

  188. Anonymous6:36 PM


    Give up on the bullshit about celibacy - that one sure didn't work for Bristol.

    Despite any comments about the pros and cons of the contraceptive pill - in 99.9% of cases it's more reliable than what passes for celibacy

  189. she definitely attended homecoming with friends AND she played in the powder puff game

    It sounds like that Brisket is Wicked Fun! And here we were calling her BrisDULL!

    **Wa Wa Wa**


    You sure told us.

    I for one would LOVE to see how Pretty, B. looked at homecoming,

    got pictures to share?

  190. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I haven't bought Levi's book yet but will in a couple of weeks. What I remember most about Levi is that during the RNC, he looked nervous as did all the kids. (Who wouldn't be scared?) The only time Levi didn't have a "what am I doing here?" expression is in the photos of him holding Trig. For those people saying nasty things about Levi, look at those photos again. The teenage boyfriend "that Sarah didn't know very well, who hadn't been to their house much and who (Sarah) didn't like at all but who knocked up her goody-two-shoes teen daughter" ... very touching photos of Levi. He sure was sweet to "Sarah's" beloved child. Hmm...

    Sarah was 22 or 23 years old when she hooked up with Glen Rice for her one-night-stand. She had a regular boyfriend since her Senior year in high school or so we're told. But everybody scream "irresponsible" about a teenage boy? Geez


  191. emrysa7:00 PM

    Daisydem @ 2:29 sez:

    "WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! Where is our anonymous 238 (is that right?) who said that Willow is driving a big new SUV because she is threatening to spill whose purse she found the pregnancy stick in? Where are you? What do you know? You said this would be the week you would be cooperating with Gryphen."

    oh I'm sure we're going to hear some story about how the palin's have cut "anon's source" out of their life so therefore no more info. or we'll hear that the source has cut anon out of their life. blah blah and in 3 months there will be some new anon talking about some new info. this person is a freak.

  192. Anonymous7:13 PM

    OK for what it is worth, I too got pregos twice on the pill. I was taking it correctly, but there is much more to the story for each women. You only have a few hours each ovulation cycle to conceive,sperm can be active for a few hours, but when you realize the odds against the conception,they were doing the nasty like little bunnies. Reading the updated postsand hearing that levis story is changing, I am convinced he is being paid. I agree with 3:59 and the puzzle theory. Levi has been asked to put out just enough info to confuse the story to the point we just throw up our hands. I am sure he has been paid handsomely,,,,,,can you blame him? I like you Levi but having a son your age, I know not to expect much. I also think he is trying to send hidden msggs. The release date of his book is the biggest clue for me. For evey tidbit that Joe throws out there, here comes Levi With an update.......I am guessing they are holding that unpaid child support over his head. Levi if you just help us with a few small details,then we won.t make you pay. Well, to bad foe scara,she is not known for hanging out with competent people. Give him time, Levi will fuck it up. Typing on an iPad sucks, Steve jobs!!!

  193. emrysa7:16 PM

    4:18, you're full of shit.

    wendy waitress and anon "I have an inside connection to the palins" are both frauds. they're both the same fictional writer, and you're probably the same person who is here to get people interested in your fictional bullshit as an unrelated character. fuck off.

  194. Anonymous7:19 PM

    This thought just occurred to me: Levi's current attorney was originally Sherry's for her drug case, right? And Sarah helped pay for his services, to help out Bristol's boyfriend's mom, IIRC. So I wonder if Sarah maybe has a back-door arrangement with this person, and maybe Levi thinks he can't go to someone else because he signed a "contract" to use this guy as the family attorney for three or five years or something. Then Sarah is really calling the tune - she has someone in her pocket representing her interests without Levi suspecting a thing.

    Just an idea.

  195. emrysa7:30 PM

    you know, the fact that levi would repeat this "so-and-so found a pregnancy stick 6 months later" bullshit just shows that levi ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer. cute young man, but dumber than hell.

    and the people on here claiming that they've kept their pregnancy sticks... yeah right I suppose you have a bridge to sell us? why keep a pregnancy stick when you'll have a lifetime souvenir in 9 months? you people are full of shit.

    I believe levi is only repeating what he has been told, and he's so "not bright" that he doesn't think much about it before repeating it. if he had good brains he would know that these stories don't make any sense. I wish the kid had some good guidance.

  196. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Daisydem said...
    WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! Where is our anonymous 238 (is that right?) who said that Willow is driving a big new SUV because she is threatening to spill whose purse she found the pregnancy stick in? Where are you? What do you know? You said this would be the week you would be cooperating with Gryphen.
    What day is it? Wednesday. This week isn't over yet, is it? Have you been discussing this with Gryphen? Has he indicated that 238 isn't cooperating? Let's just wait a few days, okay?

  197. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Aaacckk! It is Wednesday and nothing from Anon 2:38 since Joe's book came out...yesterday. Fraud, fraud! Get the torches and pitchforks!
    I am seeing some self esteem issues.
    How about we get a grip, OK?

  198. Gasman7:46 PM

    Anon @ 12:02,
    WTF is a "lackey kid?" YOU are the fucking lackey, one of Palin's lackeys.

    You trolls are becoming even more unhinged than normal. You are either brain dead or have not spent much time on this blog. You are insane if you think you can establish your bona fides by declaring yourself a "lackey kid" and think that you will sway ANYBODY'S opinion.

    What assholes you Palin sycophants are.

  199. Betsy S7:47 PM

    Anonyous 4:31 has nailed it.

  200. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Just as an aside, I still have my positive pregnancy stick and my son is almost 2 years old! Otherwise, I agree with everything you said Jesse!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.