Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Joe McGinniss discusses "Babygate" on the View.

I cannot TELL you how long I have been waiting to see this issue discussed openly on network television.

If you are still angry at Joe McGinniss after watching this segment then you have to ask yourself where your priorities lie, and are you being fair?

Once again let me remind you that he did NOT have to discuss babygate in his book, he chose to do so even though he realized that it might backfire on him.

Whatever you do, don't forget that point.

Update: Here is what is on Joe's schedule for tomorrow (Please keep in mind that new interviews are being added that were not on this original list that Joe gave me.)  

“Jansing & Co.” (btween 10 and 10:30)MSNBC-TV 

“Countdown with Keith Olbermann” (between 8 and 9 pm) CURRENT TV


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Barbara was being bitchy and snarky. But Joe got the WORD.OUT!!! Go Joe!!!!

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Yet another chink in the paylum armor. EXCELLENT!!

  3. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Joe did discuss babygate in his book. But he prefaced the discussion by saying that he didn't believe it. So no, I don't have to thank Joe for discussing it (already did enough thanking by buying the book). I don't have to be grateful. I don't need to think about whether I'm being "fair." He hedged his bet, that's all.

  4. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Joe McG really put his reputation as a responsible journalist on the line with his Babygate chapter. He is to be commended for being a real investigative journalist who puts it all out there, unlike the weasels in the "lamestream" media who cower whenever the Teabaggers screech. He's a brave man, and I applaud him.

  5. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I thought Joe handled this interview fairly. Kudos to Barbara for bringing up an aspect of the book that other journalists wouldn't touch. Knowing that McGinnis is a self-proclaimed "Trignostic" his answers weren't surprising. I would have felt better if he had chosen to express a little more of the non-believers reasons, something on the order of, "people believe that having a disabled child would enhance her status with the evangelical community," or some such, even as he makes it clear that he doesn't subscribe to the theory.

    I'm so glad the discussion has been broached; let's see if anyone else brings it up.

  6. Anonymous4:57 PM

    It's quite clever: "I don't believe it, but thousands do (and just as many believe the mendacious grifter more than capable of having pulled off the hoax)."

    Let me tell you why!

  7. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I saw this earlier today and I was furious at the way they treated Joe. Barbara was the worst to me, but they were all bad. I think Barbara is holding up hope that she will get Palin on there, as if that is going to happen. Joe should have gotten up and walked out on them. There were plenty of comments made on their website about their rudeness.

  8. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Martin Bashir just interviewd Joe McG on "The Last word with Lawrence O'Donnell." Like so many in the media, he chose to focus on the "lurid" and seemed very unfriendly towards Joe. I always liked Martin, so maybe he just doesn't like nasty details. The thing is, Joe didn't really concentrate on lurid details in Palin's life at all, but that's what the MSM singles out during the interviews. Meh.

  9. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Joe McGinniss could not omit babygate from his book. His research told him that babygate was real and would eventually be exposed. Subsequent to that exposure, books that omit babygate will be laughable.

  10. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Excellent interview and Elizabeth didn't even open her mouth

  11. Anonymous5:05 PM

    whatever happened to Anon "It's me again"?

  12. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I was very happy to see the topic of babygate to come up on the View! I hope Joy takes more time with the topic on her show tonight.

    I just saw the L. O'Donnell interview and was disappointed that Martin Bashir was hosting. Martin tried to talk over Joe but he got in some good points about why he wrote about Glen Rice and about Todd beating up a black 7th grader. Good thing Joe knows how to handle these obnoxious talking heads!

    Thanks Gryphen for the updated interview list and great to hear more people are being added. I sure hope that Olbermann does the interview. He sure has that other guy, can't think of his name, hosting a lot...What's up with that? He just started his show and it seems he is gone half the time.

    I really hope he does an in depth interview with someone like Charlie Rose. These interviews are so short!


  13. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I got it this morning as I was reading the last few chapters. Joe came off looking good. I was disappointed for no one calling out Elizabeth the hag for saying the death threats and other violent threats were okay in her book. I did email the view about her comments.
    Finished the book shortly after Joe's interview on the view, was very glad to see he included Sarah's "gun sights" over Gabby Giffords and the blood libel video in the last chapter.
    I read G Dunn's book and struggled through Bailey's , Joe's is the easiest read of the 3 and the most informative.
    If you haven't bought Joe's book, it is well worth the price. Hubby started reading it tonight on his Kindle and all I'm hearing is "OMG, OMG, why did they ever elect that dingbat for anything above dogcatcher".

  14. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I'm kind of stunned that, of all things, he chose this topic and proposed "Babygate" to an audience that's aimed widely at women.
    Missed seeing it live, and what amazes me is that liz hasslebeck's head didn't explode and she had the bare minimum tone of disbelief in her voice.

    Good for The View and Good for Joe!

  15. Anonymous5:21 PM


  16. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I can tell you how long, 3 years. It didn't long for her to smell phony to me 3 years ago this September. For the life of me, I can't figure out what's taken so long for this story to break.

  17. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Hi, I thought the ladies on the view were way too hard on Joe McGinniss, for no reason. They simply did not want to listen. Joe comes across as the most reasonable person, totally professional, a super high-quality journalist, just looking for the truth. The women on the show came across as non-intellectual, looking for a fake audience...weird...Jamie

  18. Anonymous5:28 PM

    If Sarah had been an avid reader as she claimed, perhaps she would have been aware and taken heed to a quote attributed to Mark Twain.."Don't pick a fight with a man who buys his ink by the barrel".

  19. Anonymous5:41 PM

    After the book went to press, Joe may have had some more enlightenment from people, that now makes him feel more comfortable and less skeptical about talking about "Babygate". :-)

  20. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Why is it necessary to quote the half term governor or her bag carrying husband - when they both refuse to go on these shows to present "their side" of the story.

    No-one quotes Joe on the Palin TV interviews

    just sayin'

    I'm a slow reader - but I haven't yet got up from the floor after reading the list of all the churches in Wasilla - Is this for real? No wonder the country is ..... if this is the norm for towns of 7000 people - more folks preachin' than doing anything else. I would like to see this discussed in the MSM.

  21. Whether or not Joe believes the Babygate saga doesn't matter. He does know, firsthand, how dangerous the Palins are and how important it is to get the facts out there into the MSM. Joe made the decision to jeopardize his reputation - for the good of the country. No matter what version of Babygate or The Wild Ride you believe, none of them make Sarah Palin look good - and that was Joe's point. Joe McGinniss is a true patriot and my hero!

  22. Thank God he is so intelligent and well spoken. Even with the rudeness shown toward him from some interviewers, he looks and sounds believable. Maybe because he is telling the truth.

  23. Anonymous5:50 PM

    The Eddie Burke Show "Who is Trig's Mother Sarah or Bristol Palin?"

  24. What a great job you have been doing! Thank you for your reality and your tenacity and your facts!!

    The MSM is TOTALLY ignoring another major story, and that is occupywallstreet.

    Please, give those folks some play. They are sleeping in the rain to change our country from one dominated by the wealthy 1% to a real democracy.

    live feed of protest:

  25. I can tell you how long, 3 years. It didn't long for her to smell phony to me 3 years ago this September. For the life of me, I can't figure out what's taken so long for this story to break.

    5:26 PM

    Yeah, back then it wasn't so much as WHAT was bullshit, but that SOMETHING was bullshit about $P.


  26. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Sarah Palin Exposed- Must See; Abuse, lies, ignorance, plus...

  27. Martha again5:53 PM

    Laura Novak makes a compelling argument for a motive for Sarah's taking this baby on as her own. Insurance fraud. Makes sense. Bristol's baby wouldn't be covered.

    Levi adds another stick on the fire, with his allegation that Bristol wanted a baby after Sarah had one, because SHE (Bristol) was the one who SHOULD have had a baby, not her Mom. Hmmmmm. Could that baby have been Bristol's and taken away from her by Sarah in order to save that insurance money? Just saying.

  28. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I look at this this way:
    Babygate has been around on the blogs and the net for years now. FINALLY, a well known "Palin" sympathizer tv show *allowed* Joe to speak on this subject. We all know just how controlled that show is. They allowed this to occur.

  29. Anonymous5:58 PM

    You know there was an anti-choice conference in Dallas at the exact same time she was there before the wild ride. Groups that are extreme enough to set Palin up with a baby and keep their mouth shut about a faked pregnancy (after all she's been anointed by Gawwwwd!! to be POTUS).

    February 22, 2008 email from Walt Monegan says she was in Seattle without a security detail. This was after she met with McCain and before the announcement of pregnancy. . If I had to put money on it I think she got that baby in Dallas or Seattle. Alaska would have been too risky.

  30. Babygate discussed on The View with a receptive panel, including Barbara Walters--a beautiful thing to behold. Joe is guilty of courageous journalism.

  31. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Excellent interview and Elizabeth didn't even open her mouth

    That was the best part. I can't stand that show because they all talk at the same time...and usually don't really say anything. And Sherry is an idiot.....comic relief I guess.

  32. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I know Joe had limited time but I think he should explain all the troubling details of Sarah's "pregnancy" and not just the wild ride, it's like reading the middle of a book. He should start with her announcing her pregnancy at 7 months without her family or closest advisors knowing or suspecting at all because she didn't look or act pregnant, (that would perk up a lot of ears). Then how she suddenly "shows" about a 6 month pregnancy belly a couple weeks later when people began to gossip. After the wild ride she goes to work 3 days later with a premie Downs baby in her tight work suit with no postpartum symptoms (all women will scream SCAM at their TVs when they hear that!). Those are realistic details that people can relate to. Joe also shouldn't say he doesn't believe it or his investigative journalism loses all credibility if he wasn't compelled by the "evidence".

  33. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I have been following this story for THREE LONG YEARS starting with Audrey's incredible work at PD. As a mother of two kids (both of whom came early), I didn't believe the Trig birth story from the first I heard it. From the beginning, I could sense that everything about SP was phony and contrived.

    Today is my birthday - and I thank Joe, Gryphen and Audrey of PD for a most wonderful present -- getting that story onto The View and in front of millions of viewers. I wish that Joe showed more conviction about it being the biggest political hoax ever played on the American people -- but I will settle for the fact that millions of people heard about her crazy ass labor and delivery story that JUST DOESN"T ADD UP.

    Thank you - and I can't wait for this to really blow up in her face. Didn't Chuck and Sally ever teach you that cheaters never win??? tick, tock, tick, tock -- your time is almost up, $arah!!

  34. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Joe should NOT say he doesn't believe this because then people will say, well what can we believe about what you've written then? He should say "it's hard to believe, but my investigation reveals many details that lead to a highly suspicious situation surrounding the birth of this child" Otherwise why explain it then say he doesn't believe, it's counter productive.

  35. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I take everything back Joe. You can act like a pompous ass anytime you wanT. Thank you a million times over for making my day and making gryphons day. You were brilliant. Oh, and I bet sullivan thanks you too. Please excuse the typos,on the iPad which sucks for typing. GooooooJooooooe!!!!!!!

  36. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Sounds like Joe wrote a good book. Also, Joe showed a distinct lack of integrity in distributing the Bailey manuscript. It was wrong then; it is wrong now. Nothing has changed.

    I fail to see why we owe him thanks. Most of the investigation into babygate was done for him (maybe all). He still won't take a stand. He is merely reporting what you, Gryphen, and all of us have spent years investigating while absorbing horrendous accusations and abuse. You I will thank. Joe, not so much. He will make plenty of money off of your work and the help you gave him. Is he giving you a percentage? Didn't think so.

  37. Anonymous6:11 PM

    To me, the worst part of the story is that her water broke and she risked infection by not going to a hospital for HOURS! (depsite being wtihin minutes of at least 4 world class hsopitals with NICU units. No one can defend that based on any medical reason. Joe didn't even mention it, and Joy said breaking water doesn't mean labor is coming - like it wasn't necessarily a big deal.

    The second worst part of the story is the inconvenience to other passengers she risked - leaving open the possibility that the plane would have to make an unscheduled landing - possibly causing havoc in the schedules of other passengers.

    There's lots more wrong with the story (calling a family physician rather than an obstetrician for a high-risk pregnancy), traveling an hour to a clinic without an NICU instead of a closer hospital with an NICU.....


  38. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Levi Johnston Claims Sarah Palin Regularly Called Trig 'Retarded'

  39. Anonymoose6:21 PM

    Interesting comment I came across. Who was the family Track was living with in Michigan?

    "Posted By Tommy (1 hour ago)
    Everyone in Juneau knows that Bristol's claim about drinking on the camping trip with Levi was the first time she had ever gotten drunk was not true. Her family lived in the Governor's Mansion in Juneau and Piper the girls went to school there. While Mom and Dad were galavanting around the lower 48, Bristol and Willow had parties on the weekends and dipped into the Mansion's liquor. It happened every time the parents left town and finally the neighbors called the police. Sarah was livid and sent Bristol to live with relatives; they claimed that the girls left town in such a hurry because they were threatened by schoolmates with rape--but Juneau is a small town and everyone knew the truth. Both girls were out of control and had drinking problems. Just like it was common knowledge in Wasilla that Track had a drug and alcohol problem and he was sent out of state to live with his real father's family until he graduated from high school and then he had the choice of serving time in jail or joining the military. Alaskans conveniently gives Blue Tickets (one way tickets to the lower 48 --with the promise that the person will never return to Alaska or he will face jail time) or the choice of enlistment in the service without any criminal record or serving time in jail--a simple solution of saving money for the criminal system."

  40. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Imagine the tawdry soap-opera 'proud to be white trash' and ignorant Palin family being our First Family.

    How grateful I am for the way the Obamas serve with dignity and honor, intelligence, decency, kindness and humor.

  41. Woo hoo! Both Levi and Joe McGinniss are on Joy Behar!

    Gotta love this!

  42. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Babygate on joy behar now

  43. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Anon at 5:05 'Martin does not like nasty details' are kidding me right.

  44. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Sherri has that odd photo op with Bristol where she looks so unlike herself, her face was unrecognizable and this was before her jaw-re-alignment. Thin or Gristly, Bristol just looks odd in that photo.

    Anyway, we know they met and I think Sherri thinks she's got some sort of special connection with the Palins even though they may not agree on a lot of social issues and Sarah calls Sherri fat behind her back.

    So Sherri, who lives in la-la land, doesn't think we live in a world where a mother doesn't duct tape her two year old daughter so she can go out and pole dance at a wet t-shirt contest?

    Where another mother is arrested for raping her eight month old son for her online boyfriend's edification?

    Where a mother/grandmother locks herself in her room, threatening her kids not to disturb her as she binges and purges while watching reality teevee and running the State for three hours a day via blackberry and private unsecure email accounts and billing the state for their burnt macaroni?

    Sherri, go shadow a case worker with Child Services for an afternoon and come back to the show with a sense that there is nastiness and ugliness in the world and that people like Sarah Palin who acts like she's the bastion of Family Values and functionality isn't working to improve the State of the Nation, or care about our children's welfare.

  45. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Levi is lying his ass off about babygate on joy behar. You can tell just by looking at him. And he sounds so nervous.

  46. Levi is lying!

    He keeps looking over at Tank offscreen.


  47. Too bad the segment was so short. They were just getting started and Joe was having a lot of fun.

  48. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Levi must have been paid off. When Behar asked him directly about seeing Sarah in the hospital with an IV he grew visibly nervous. He's a terrible liar. I don't what the real story is but that kid was lying.

  49. emrysa6:33 PM

    yeah good on joe for including babygate in his book. it is confirmation that the story of tri-G's birth doesn't add up - you can bet the farm that there's no way in hell he would have included that if he found any evidence that would prove tri-G is the quitter's by birth. he wouldn't have risked his life-long reputation by printing anything that could be easily disproven.

    tri-G was not born to the quitter. that much is obvious to anyone who pays attention.

    I am surprised that they brought it up on the view, and didn't take the easy way out by just ignoring it. baba wawa has become a fucking joke, with all her suck-ups to the people she has interviewed. she must "keep her connections at all costs," even if that involves letting people get away with lies.

  50. Anonymous6:35 PM

    If you HAVEN'T SEEN THE FOLLOWING, it will blow your mind...and if you have, it's the perfect time to revisit it. Gryphen, I'm sure has all of these in his library and has most likely even posted them in the past, but since I found them in once place, I wanted to bring attention to any NEW readers and especially the ones who have recently read THE ROGUE. I was once again reminded how we dodged a huge bullet in 2008 and feel so much better to know that she is on the way down and out. It's just stunning how easily she lied when she had that damn square pillow under her shirt...and the old news reports, yes, alot of stuff was covered about her that I am now reminded of, and again, it's great to revisit and redistribute into the world and around the net.

    This FIRST one made me do a real double take since the poster said TRIG, not TRIPP. WHOA!


    Bristol Palin pregnant with Trig in the audience of the "MTV TRL" show on October 8, 2007

    Elan Frank traveled to Alaska to interview Sarah Palin for two days early in April 2008. Less than two weeks later Sarah supposedly gave birth to Trig Paxson Van Palin. Here are some more clips from that hard-to-find interview demonstrating visually that Sarah was NEVER pregnant with Trig.

    **LISTEN TO THIS WOMAN LIE! She really is pathological.

    Interviews Sarah Palin-April 2008 part 1

    Elan Frank interviews Sarah Palin-April 2008 part 2

    LOTS OF OTHER VIDEOS, well worth the visit and perusal.

  51. jadez6:36 PM

    again..i remind you all...joe m. would NOT be putting his butt on the line by including this in the book unless he KNEW it was a hoax.

    why cant it say it?

    because the only way to get proof is to break the law by presenting medical documents.

    his reputation like any one of us is the most important thing to him.
    joe is still fuming to this day by palin and her fox shills attacking him as a perv.

    he wants his revenge with this book and he is getting it.
    but he is not dumb enough to do anything that might ruin that reputation with the public in general.

    its just a matter of time before the palin birth hoax is exposed.
    rest assured.

  52. jadez6:40 PM

    ps..i told you to forget the kid levi...

    he is to weak to trust and to stupid to do the right thing.

  53. Anonymous6:41 PM

    oh please, joy behar!...acting like youve never heard the 'rumors' of sp faux preg.
    why didnt they show the Infamous
    dbl pictures of sp?..from march and april 08....

  54. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Why do these 'interviewers' pretend they dont know a thing about the fake preg?

    They All knew about the 'inside-pundit-blog' in the least, let alone how fast emails travel.
    Or gossip.

  55. Put away the champagne. Levi sold out...told a completely new story that conflicts with everything he said in 2009. He's now an eyewitness to Sarah in the hospital with an IV in her arm 4 hours after Trig was born. Conflicts with the Vanity Fair story that he was at the hospital at 6am.

  56. Anonymous6:46 PM

    If nothing else Joe got the word out Palin is a shithole mother for the tory she gave of the wildride. He also got in Sarah was not seeking advice or delievery from a OBYN but a family doctor. With 3 more minutes he could have done some serious damage.

    If Sarah goes toward a run this birthing of Trig with the calendar save the date and other choices she has publically stated she will get hung up on all her lies.

  57. @Gryphen 6:28 pm

    I can't remember what program I saw Levi on (a long time ago), but he kept looking offscreen then too.

    It's as if he's the definition of the "dumb blonde" (I know he's not blonde, but he acts as if he should be.)

    Too bad, things might have worked out better for the country if he were a bit keener.

  58. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Just caught the last minute of Levi's interview and Joe's full interview on the Joy Behar show.

    #1 Levi is a dim bulb. He's a cute kid. May someday evolve into a respectable man---but he will never be smart. It seems as tho' he is so turned around by all the interviews, and so afraid he will reveal whatever it is he has "signed off"(?) not to reveal, he can barely speak in sentences.

    #2 Joe did a great job overall. Methinks he is getting a bit rung out as well--a bit cranky at the end. He had plenty of reason--Joy was being a dipshit. I don't watch her show regularly, is she always like that?? "Levi didn't know about cocaine use" "Levi didn't know about affair with Hanson". well no duh Joy---If I had done cocaine years prior or I had had and affair with a family friend, I probably wouldn't have confessed all to the "f'n redneck" on/off again boyfriend of my oldest daughter. . . sheesh.


  59. Anonymous6:49 PM

    How is it going Joe said he did not want to be on stage with Levi.

  60. Gryphen - Can you put together everything Levi, Tank, or the attorney said in 2009 that conflicts with this new story?

    Here's the Nov. 2009 Insider interview.

    I sent this to Joy before the show and asked her to ask Levi if he put the secret he told Kathy Griffin in his book.

  61. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Watching Joy Behar....Levi is not telling the truth. Look at himm when Joy talks about cocaine, he says "the cocaine" and he answers as if there are other drugs. One can tell he does not want to tell the truth. Sarah with an IV, blackberry and a preemie at risk baby next to her. Gimme me a break!

    Joe was good and Joy's questions were probing and solid.

    Levi is chicken shit! Will not buy his book.

  62. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Babygate's over for me. Levi just said on "The Joy Behar Show" that he saw Sarah in the hospital, hours after Trig's birth hooked up to intervenous, etc. It's hers. She was reckless, maybe it's not Todd's, maybe wanted Trig to die, but she had him. I think we should move on now, and I'm not a bot.

  63. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I wondered who Levi kept looking at...should have known it was Tank. Levi said that he saw Sarah in he hospital 4 hours after she gave birth to Trig and she had an IV in her arm. Joy gave Joe a chance to talk, but she just couldn't get that Sarah took a lot of risks when she was in labor. Levi and Joe did agree on the fact that Sarah was a bad parent.

  64. really disappointed in Martin's interview...damn it Lawrence! Now that would have been priceless. He makes fun of her often and would not been such a wet blanket. Joe handled it but I am sure he was frustrated.

  65. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Walters keeps talking like she 'knows' the Palins because she interviewed them so everybody else doesn't know what they're talking about.

    That old broad is so stunned and stupid that she totally believes people are telling her the truth. She can't get it through her stunned head that she too was 'faked out' by the Palins putting on the 'nice people mask' and bullshitting her.

  66. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I do NOT care anymore who did what to whom, who said what to whom, and Joe was NEVER going to get a fasir shake on The View. WHY do people watch this show? It's not about the guest, it's about the four hosts. Baba Wawa gave up serious journalism a LONG time ago. They're all tabloid.

    The question still begs...why does this family still garner news? Look in the mirror, Palins. Like what you see, or do you have absolutely NO conscience?

    God SCHMOD and you KNOW it! IDIOTS and the people who support them.

  67. Anonymous6:58 PM

    We have some details to work with in regards to Levi interview with Joy Behar. He got into details surrounding Tripp's birth. Would love to hear from Gryphen on what he knows about the timing of some of the things he said.

    Levi did say he was at the hospital about 4 hours after Trig was born. He said that he saw Sarah in bed with a gown on and an IV in her arm! The whole family was there.


  68. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Levi on Behar's show kept looking to his right.

    Gryphen, Tank would have been to Levi's left as no one stands in behind Behar including staff in all the shows of her's I've ever seen.

  69. Why is he lying? it was especially obvious when asked straight questions and his eyes shifted all over the place. Sad. I feel sorry for him. He did look over at Tank to see if his answers were ok. How strange.
    I thought Joe was great...I think he probably believes that Sarah Palin did not give birth to Trig. You know, every time I say his name it makes me sick for him.

  70. Anonymous7:06 PM

    From the interviews I've seen of Joe so far, I have to say Hardball's was the best as Chris talked 'beyond' the cocaine & sex and let Joe speak.

    Behar was crappy with him tonight as she was playing Levi's answers against Joe's.

    One credit I'll give Behar for tonight -- she told Levi that he has to push to get visitation. That he not wait for it to come to him.

  71. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Bristol Palin steps out with cute toddler Tripp as his father hawks tell-all book... (and her parents are said to be talking divorce)

    Read more:

  72. @Gryphen 6:28 pm

    re: Levi looking offstage.

    I now recall that I saw Levi and Andrew Sullivan on Joy Behar's show a couple of years ago. He kept looking offstage for direction from either Tank or Rex, his attorney.

    Sully discussed his appearance on the show on his blog afterwards. Said he had a good chat with Levi, Tank and Rex, but unfortunately didn't provide any details.

  73. Holly7:18 PM

    Mr. McGinnis did quite well at what would obviously be a hostile interview. Barbara Walters loves Palin. I was surprised Whoopie seemed so dimissive.

    I'd love to see a side-by-side comparison of Sarah from the back at the Spouse's Luncheon and at the unveiling in the fitted suit. The belly might go down after birth but backfat doesn't evaporate.

  74. Anonymous7:23 PM

    WAHOO!! The audience sure cheered when they found out they were getting a free copy of the book!

  75. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Something has changed dramatically. Elisabeth didn't say one word. She introduced Palin at one of her events. Later, she felt betrayed by Palin. One might assume she was told to keep her mouth shut or she was driven over by the Palin bus.

  76. Anonymous7:26 PM

    6:50 PM Anonymous said...
    Babygate's over for me. Levi just said on "The Joy Behar Show" that he saw Sarah in the hospital, hours after Trig's birth hooked up to intervenous, etc. It's hers. She was reckless, maybe it's not Todd's, maybe wanted Trig to die, but she had him. I think we should move on now, and I'm not a bot.

    I saw a lot of lying body language on the part of Levi, I agree with Gryphen. Sarah knows everyone on the board at that hospital and I think at one time she was on the board. She either staged it or it didn't happen. She could not have had Trig at that hospital without a NICU! Babygate is not over by a long shot!
    I was disappointed in Joy when interviewing Joe...she had some push back on him when comparing his book to Levi's. She should not have assumed that Levi was telling the whole truth.


  77. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Wasn't the story given long ago that Levi drove Bristol to the hospital and was there when Sarah had the baby????

    Levi on Behar tonight after he songed and danced it as he was one extremely nervous dude tonight -- tonight Levi says he got there hours after the baby was born.

    Levi -- You are an extremely bad liar!!

  78. JayKen Knotstirred7:28 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  79. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Weird things about the Levi interview with Joy:

    1. She refers to Sarah as his mother-in-law. Levi never corrects her. Very sloppy Joy.

    2. Pregnancy stick in the closet? WTF?

    3. Levi says Bristol DID mention once that her mother had an affair while she was married. Then he denies it, but only after almost admitting it again. Rewind the tape, he totally says she DID have an affair according to Bristol.

  80. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Babaygate is over because Levi said what? LMAO!!! Levi has been a liar, a fraud and a douchebag for over a year now. It is obvious he is pussywhipped by Tank and Rex to do Sarah's bidding.

    Nothing convinces me more Levi was sent into Sarah's birthing room to be a witness. Same reason Sherry and Mercede were invited to the compund.

  81. Anonymous7:33 PM

    levi did this at one crucial moment.
    body language:
    - Looking to their right or up and to their right:
    –Using their imagination – watch out for exaggeration of the truth or for complete lies.

  82. Anonymous7:37 PM

    WTF? I've watched this like six times and it just goes so fast!

    Is this REALLY Bristol? Hard for me to tell, maybe somebody knows how to freeze the frames. With TRIG??? Why would she go on a TV show like that in public? Weird.

    Bristol Palin pregnant with Trig in the audience of the "MTV TRL" show on October 8, 2007

  83. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Levi was never going to be taken seriously. He had the advantage before he went trashy like Bristol. Had he kept his stories straight and demanded parental visitation he would have some creed. He is nothing but a fool.

    I am enjoying the BOTS picking and choosing what Levi says is truth.

  84. So what if sarah has intimidated Levi enough to now have him add this new IV in the arm detail (that conflicts with his Vanity Fair interview)?? An IV means NOTHING. Besides, when did an IV become standard procedure after delivery? Especially for such a healthy mom who was back at work almost immediately??

  85. Anonymous7:50 PM

    So Sarah got to the hospital all the way from Texas JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME to give birth within hours, then Levi got up early to see Sarah and she was sending emails by mid-morning, released that day and back to work within a couple of days? That's quite a timeline. And I thought I had an amazing story when my water broke and I got to my hospital (50 minute drive by ambulance) with only 40 minutes before my baby was born. Sadly, I took time off from work so I can't claim any more than that.

  86. Anonymous7:56 PM

    So is Levi's testimony that he saw Sarah hooked up to IV w/baby at hospital the final "nail in the coffin" of Babygate? Her recklessness in risking the safety of her unborn child with the Wild Ride is just as damning, and just as psycho as faking a pregnancy.

  87. It is quite risky to delve into Palin scandals:

    Joe McGinniss, author of a controversial new biography of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, was charged in connection with a hit-and-run accident in Wasilla, Alaska in July 2010, police and court records show.

    McGinniss had moved to Wasilla in the spring of 2010 ...On July 12, 2010, at about 2 p.m., McGinniss was allegedly driving an overdue rental car when he collided with an unoccupied vehicle parked near Kaladi Brothers, a popular local coffee shop, causing minor but “disabling” damage, ...The vehicle was owned by 61-year-old Waureen Darilek, a local dog groomer, who has since passed away due to natural causes.

    According to an affidavit by police officer Daniel M. Bennett, McGinniss failed to report the accident, and left the scene, but not before a bystander recorded his license plate and left a note for the owner of the parked vehicle. ...Two hours after the collision occurred, McGinniss called the police–not to report the accident, but to report that his rental car had been stolen.

    This is a strange story. Look at all the unusual features. The passerby who took the number of the car - but did not address the driver? The owner of the car that was hit is no longer with us. McGuinnes claims his rental car was stolen at the time ... All odd.

  88. Anonymous8:04 PM

    How come nobody is talking about Levi on Wendy Williams show today?

  89. Anonymous8:07 PM

    So looks like Levi is first in line to collect the $10,000 from Brad Scharlott since he claims he witnessed with his own eyes Sarah at the hospital hooked up to IVs with Trig in bed with her? He will probably need the money since hopefully his book sales will tank. Maybe Levi has a photo of the blessed event he can present as evidence to collect the reward money. Man, the players in this farce aren't really worth a shit.

  90. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I'm surprised people here are disappointed in Levi. The whole bunch of them including the Palins and the Johnstons are from Wasilla. Levii,Mercede, Bristol all of them are just white trash.

  91. Anonymous8:29 PM

    No matter how why or what was said during Joe's interviews, the story is compelling and people now I believe, are going to read this and begin to ask questions. Who wouldn't find SP's birth story unfathomable.

    Joe seems extremely likable and that adds points to his authenticity. He's like your ordinary neighbor, uncle, friend, and he doesn't even have to say, "you betcha".

    The temptation to those on the fence about Trig's birth is going to be sparked by this new series of interviews and books. That's why the queen acted forlorn last night.

  92. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Looks to me the View didn't do their homework on screech before talking to Joe.

  93. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Anon 7:10's link to a pic of Brisket with Tripp -- That appears to be Willow beside Brisket. How come she's not in AK in school???? So much for the 'watching Willow' BS the Palins spew. Willow and Brisket in LA -- how many have they screwed already?? Watching for Baby Bumps!!!

  94. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Sometimes women who have labor induced have their IV kept in hours after the birth to help contract the uterus. It causes mild contractions and is uncomfortable, but necessary in some cases to bring things back to normal, maybe to prevent excess bleeding.

    So IF SP did bear Trig with induced labor, she may have had an IV drip still in the morning hours. But, I still find it hard to believe she delivered Trig. Simply because no mother would dare risk endangerment, travel by air while leaking amniotic fluid.

    And no caring mother would endanger her premature special needs baby by not stopping at a NICU-equipped hospital. No CARING mother would do that.

    So, if she cared so little for her down syndrome baby, she won't care an iota for any other baby, or human being for that matter.

  95. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Therese 8:01

    Andrew Breithbart was tweeting about that yesterday and wrote a blog.

    It's been settled - no charges and jusgt someone trying to stir up shit that ain't there.

  96. Anonymous8:48 PM

    2nd 6:50
    so just like that, that's what happened at/in the hospital, exactly what levi $aid ?

    okeedokee then, and if i told you i was peter parker aka spiderman you'd believe me too, eh ?


  97. Anonymous8:51 PM

    After the interview with Joy, my advice to Levi, drop your attorney, Tank, use your money to go back to school, purchase a home, fight for full custody of your son. Trust me, you'll win in the end!!
    All these grifters, including the hillbilly Palins, in your life is not good for you or your son.

  98. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    How come nobody is talking about Levi on Wendy Williams show today?

    8:04 PM


    I think the only person that watches the Wendy Williams Show is Joel McHale, so he can review it on The Soup.

    That being said, was the truly revelatory Levi/Palin information spilled on the WW show? If so, please share!

  99. Anonymous8:57 PM

    @8:01- spreading Breitbart smears here?

  100. Anonymous8:58 PM

    John McCain - sleep well do you?

  101. Anonymous9:01 PM

    The question for the demographic of The View's is: What sane women would risk this and act this way?

    Clearly she has poor judgement!

    That is all Joe has to say directly or rhetorically.

  102. Anonymous9:06 PM

    maybe this is why SP was so slimy mum about stirring anything up when she was on Fox last night. she knew what Levi was going to say somehow. none of what he said makes sense- it's a whole separate scenario.

  103. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Anon 8:29: Joe seems extremely likable and that adds points to his authenticity. He's like your ordinary neighbor, uncle, friend, and he doesn't even have to say, "you betcha".
    and he is over 55, white, grandfather, and friends with Roger.

  104. Levi seems very confused.

    The Vanity Fair article from Sept. 09 says, " I was at the hospital when Sarah had the baby at a little after six a.m. on April 18, 2008, two weeks before we told her we were pregnant."

  105. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Anonymous said...
    So Sarah got to the hospital all the way from Texas JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME to give birth within hours, then Levi got up early to see Sarah and she was sending emails by mid-morning, released that day and back to work within a couple of days? That's quite a timeline. And I thought I had an amazing story when my water broke and I got to my hospital (50 minute drive by ambulance) with only 40 minutes before my baby was born. Sadly, I took time off from work so I can't claim any more than that.

    7:50 PM


    Any "real woman" would have been back to work so fast that she had to deliver the afterbirth into her office trash can ;-)

  106. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Can someone please comment on whether it is normal for women to be hooked up to IV's after giving birth by non-Caesarean. I've never heard of this.

  107. WalterNeff9:23 PM

    I wonder if Joe asked Levi about the IV story after the show.

  108. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Trig is not Scarah's....there's more to be told.

  109. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Is it true that Levi told Joe that Bristol was talked to him about Sarah having an affair? Because he DEFINITELY said previously BRistol thought the Brad Hanson rumors were crazy.

  110. Anon @ 9:21

    Yes, it's common to have an IV lock in place so that if any intravenous meds, fluids, blood transfusion, etc., are needed, they can be quickly administered.

  111. Anonymous10:17 PM


    Now, I have been in studio audiences before and know just how controlled they are, down to where people of what gender and race sit. It's so funny to hear mass reaction to things.

    Note: There is a production manager or PA on the sidelines literally signaling what emotion to convey, when to applaud, when to go "awwwww"

    It's THAT controlled.

  112. Anonymous10:21 PM


    In VF or some rag, Levi said Bristol was 6 weeks pregnant when they told the parents

    On Wendy Willliams yesterday, he said 3 weeks


  113. Anonymous10:27 PM

    I'm always baffled when people ask what her motivation would be for faking the pregnancy, as if they just can't think of any plausible reason. Um, hello, where do you think her pro-life cred came from? The fact that she supposedly gave birth to a baby with Down Syndrome instead of aborting is a huge part of her appeal to the Christian right, many of whom tend to vote based solely on that very issue!

  114. Anonymous10:27 PM

    The thing about relying on people's personal experiences, those cannot really be legally vetted for truth or accuracy.

    Many people can be asked but rumors always abound all over the place and I think it's safe to say that small towns breed a lot of rumors and second and third hand info.

  115. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I know Joe had limited time but I think he should explain all the troubling details of Sarah's "pregnancy" and not just the wild ride, it's like reading the middle of a book.

    I concur that the details of the Babygate saga should be streamlined to a wider audience in "bullet points" (surely, the huntress would agree).

    * questionable 7th month announcement
    * Bristol's convenient case of Mono
    * Traveled to Texas w/o Security detail
    * No NICU at Matsu Hospital
    * Tale of Two Babies (photographically presented by $P)
    * Questionable birth dates of both Trig and Tripp
    * $P's variations to the Wild Ride storyline.
    * Mounting photo evidence

    *** Oh the irony of one who feigned a pregnancy ~ and the other who tried to squash a pregnancy while "pretending" to dance in a Gorilla suit on DWTS! The proof is in "The View" photo with Sherry Sheppard.

  116. It's very obvious Levi Johnston is still being extremely cautious about his relationship (or lack of one) with the Palins and their Wasilla Mafia.

    Read the last two chapters of his book especially, but before you get there, here's a few excerpts that seem to implicitly acknowledge that there were several hoaxes going on:

    "...whispers started when, after Sarah had been sworn in as governor in December ’06, Bristol left Wasilla and moved to Juneau for the second semester of her sophomore year. Then the word was that the family was saying that Bristol, who was MIA, had mono. For the record, Bristol never had mono, no one would have said she did—and she wasn’t pregnant then."

    We know Bristol wasn't ill with mono. And we're sure she wasn't pregnant DURING the second semester of her sophomore year. That happened AFTER the second semester that year -- school let out May 20, 2007, and there are indications Bristol began dating Levi in June 2007, according to Audrey.

    "At the end of the summer of 2007, love was still in the air for Bristol and me. My family situation might be pretty bleak, but for the two of us, the days were long and filled with sunshine. Bristol had been in Wasilla her whole vacation.
    It would have been nice if Bristol had shared. Instead, I learned of her threat when Sarah, hands on her hips, asked me just what my plan was. Plan? I said. Where is it you think you and Bristol will go? Huh? Bristol had said we’d run away before she’d spend another semester in Juneau. Sarah said Bristol was a pain and caused problems. Sarah didn’t like it. Oh, really? It was Bristol, the housekeeper and nanny, who gave Todd and especially Sarah the freedom to do whatever the hell they wanted, as their oldest daughter took on what should have been their responsibilities. Parenting is more than leaving fifty bucks on the kitchen counter. They reached a compromise. Bristol would move to Anchorage, forty miles from Wasilla, to live with her aunt Heather, Sarah’s older sister. Bristol would sign up at Anchorage’s West High School for her junior year."

    Which is when we figured Bristol ballooned with her first pregnancy...

    "I never — and I mean never — saw Sarah and Todd touch or kiss, other than for a photo op. They barely even talked to each other, and when they did, it was about practical stuff like who could watch the kids or who would pick them up from a friend’s house. I had more conversations with the guy who bags my mom’s groceries at the Carrs/ Safeway than those two did with each other. Hmhf. I guess Sarah and Todd were intimate at some point after all. I didn’t share this thought with Bristol."

    You'd think Levi would have realized how unlikely a Sarah Palin pregnancy was, instead of conceding she was still exceedingly fertile at a premenopausal age 44 after 6 years of childlessness and lack of intimacy and sleeping apart?

    "I wasn’t doing such a good job paying attention to Bristol’s mood myself, her negative reaction to her mom’s pregnancy. Wow, I said. Your mom sure doesn’t look pregnant.

    When I think back on it, maybe she did, a little. She had started putting around her neck this scarf-y shit that hung down the front of her. She usually wore clothes that showed what she had. She was dressing a little different, with these looser outfits. When I’d told her how nice she looked, she had thrown her arms around me. She definitely did a good job hiding her baby bump."

    Did or didn't Levi feel a baby bump when Sarah Palin hugged him? He didn't say...

    "On the morning of the day of Sarah’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, as she had raced out the door of our suite after checking on Track, I had asked her, What does a vice president do exactly? Take over — she had smiled — when the president dies."

    Just as most of us suspected she was thinking...

  117. Anonymous10:57 PM

    jadez said...

    ps..i told you to forget the kid levi...

    he is to weak to trust and to stupid to do the right thing.

    And "the kid" is more-than-likely complicit in the fraud, for surely Levi knows the "Truth about Trig."

    Exhibit A: Memorable photo of his gentle kiss on a sleeping Trig at the RNC convent and the image of Trig presented on the Tyra Banks show.

  118. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Wendy Williams Show - Levi Johnston (9-21-11)

  119. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I'm always baffled when people ask what her motivation would be for faking the pregnancy, as if they just can't think of any plausible reason
    My question would be what difference does it "rilly" make "why" she perpetrated the fraud, for who in their "right mind" would even consider doing such, let alone a sitting Governor (in name only)?

  120. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Haven't read comments yet but


    everyone in the studio audience gets to take the book home. That must just really burn Palin's flat ass to have the entire show laughing at her! The lying queen of hatin' on America, our President and the First Lady is getting EVERY thing she deserves and she brought it all on her self because vengeance is her top priority and forte'. Sarah you're a bitch and so is karma.

    Great job Joe! I'm buying 2 copies and then donating mine to our little library where there's a LONNNNG waiting list.

  121. Anonymous11:45 PM

    All these grifters, including the hillbilly Palins, in your life is not good for you or your son.


    And as long as he's using the Palins to make money, he becomes a grifter as well.

    He definitely needs to drop the bad advisors and get himself a life that doesnt involve hunting. He also needs to come to terms with the past because if he truly thinks that his book is a true reflection of his past, that's sad he's so delusional.

  122. Anonymous11:45 PM

    All these grifters, including the hillbilly Palins, in your life is not good for you or your son.


    And as long as he's using the Palins to make money, he becomes a grifter as well.

    He definitely needs to drop the bad advisors and get himself a life that doesnt involve hunting. He also needs to come to terms with the past because if he truly thinks that his book is a true reflection of his past, that's sad he's so delusional.

  123. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Curiouser, there's a lot Levi's doesnt remember he once said.

  124. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Guys, no need to criticize other commenters. It gets us nowhere.

  125. Anonymous11:53 PM

    I am enjoying the BOTS picking and choosing what Levi says is truth.

    - - - - - -

    Because most of what Levi says he another explanation, by him, hardly anything out of his mouth can be defined as truth.

  126. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Barbara was being bitchy and snarky. But Joe got the WORD.OUT!!! Go Joe!!!!


    Thats because Babs knows what it's like to hide huge secrets., as do most well known, infamous people.

  127. O/T-Joy Behar w/Joe McGinniss
    I'm sure Gryphen will write about this tomorrow in better detail but have to say I was surprised that she sorta went with the flow of tepid feigned outrage She also talked over him much like Piers did and refused to let him get a complete answer out. Overall somewhat sympathetic.

    With apologies to Bill Maher, more NEW RULES - Person doing interview MUST read the source material or at the least a more complete synopsis.

    Behar went only for the red meat quotes she has heard and a few cheap headlines. I keep feeling more uncomfortable about how a respected author like Joe McGinnis is being disrespected out of hand. No outcry about Susskind's personal slams of the President on his network book tour. Thankfully he has been fairly successful in standing his ground. People laughed when Hillary Clinton spoke of the right-wing conspiracy against her. Hah! Had we even an inkling of how efficient and proficient these devils would become at destroying the opposition and any semblance of democracy and social justice. These are scary times and it's not a joke or a 'conspiracy theory'.

  128. Anonymous12:25 AM


    I just read a comment on facebook from Lauden about HER mom where she calls her Heather. Last year, Willow called L's dad Kurt, which is more reasonable as other kids and adult niece.nephews do drop the title of uncle etc

    But the dynamic of the whole family calling EVERYONE by their first name is a little weird to me.

  129. Anonymous1:04 AM

    I was induced AND a 40 yr old mom with first kid. No IV FOUR HOURS later.

  130. Anonymous2:06 AM

    If you want a larger audience to understand Babygate, "The View" was an excellent interview!

    It is the role of journalists to remain skeptical during an interview--Barbara is the only journalist on that panel. She chose to bring up the babygate hoax. Score one for Barbara. She then allowed Joe to make the case. Time ran out and she had to wrap up the discussion. Joe as a seasoned journalist also knows how to make a case for something that when introduced to a new audience appears far-fetched. Journalistic skepticism is what has been missing from most interviews / articles on SP. By taking the positions they did, they are allowing the case to be presented.
    Remember the audience for the View is generally women who are home during a weekday, often mothers. A mass audience of mothers was reached with what i saw as an excellent interview.

    And although Barbara was taking a skeptical approach, the fact that she chose to focus on this particular aspect of all the items in Joe's book, makes me conclude she gives it credence. No matter what they say out loud, i do not conclude that Joe M, or Barbara W, or Andrew Sullivan, are just "skeptical". I think they privately conclude that Baby hoax happened. But the best way to present that to people who've never heard that are interviews just like this one on The View.

  131. Anonymous3:11 AM

    My own personal experience:
    2 natural birth babies, 0 IV's.

    I'm sure you'll hear from someone that had them but I don't think they are standard.

  132. Anonymous3:14 AM

    The inconsistencies in Levi's rendition of this tale are enough to make your head spin. The lad is either hopelessly dull-witted or a very bad liar.

    I agree with several posters who hope that Joe could be interviewed by Charlie Rose. The tabloid flavoured interviews he's given so far just seem so bizarre to the average viewer that it diminishes the legitimate points of the book.

    An in-depth and uninterrupted interview with a respected media person, asking serious questions, would be a far better forum for Joe to publicize The Rogue.

  133. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Just recently an uncle of the President was arrested for drunk driving. A rabid member of the gop demanded a "hearing" in congress about this. I think it is time a "hearing" was demanded on Palin, all the lies and deceit. McCain should HAVE to answer for WHY he chose to put this flake so close to the WH? If nothing is done, we could have a repeat of a completely unqualified, lying, cheating, low life like Palin getting into power. Had she been a democratic candidate, the gop would have crucified whoever brought her onto the stage long ago. Any working class person who votes anything but democratic needs their head examined.

  134. Anonymous3:41 AM

    I've lost so much respect for Barbara.

    But I am glad the audience got a copy of the book. I just started it and it is excellent! Four pages in I was already saying Wow! Eleven pages in, Wow, that's incredible!

    The audience of the View is a far-reaching audience, as far as getting the word out there; they probably aren't (or weren't) readers of this blog, let's say.

    Back to Barbara, she really has an agenda, and I thought Joe did a good job persevering to get his point out there, and despite everyone trying to make their own soundbite (which is why I can't tolerate that show for even 10 minutes), they were all silent when he was talking about the absurdity.

  135. Anonymous3:52 AM

    "6:50 PM Anonymous said...
    "Babygate's over for me. Levi just said on "The Joy Behar Show" that he saw Sarah in the hospital, hours after Trig's birth hooked up to intervenous, etc. It's hers. She was reckless, maybe it's not Todd's, maybe wanted Trig to die, but she had him. I think we should move on now, and I'm not a bot.""

    Just like that. Years and scores of evidence but because Levi says he saw an IV and hospital gown (hmm, sounds like something we've wondered about at IM) all of that's out the window? And you just happened to be ready as soon as he did to come here with that? To clue you in, just because you and your lot are that idiotic doesn't mean everyone else is. What did you give Levi for the dog and pony act? An afternoon with his kids? Or was it more interesting than that?

  136. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Levi, Tank, Rex and probably Mercede are all on the Palin payroll, so nothing they say is worthy of discussion. They all are still members of the Queen's court. They will never tell all the truth cause that is just their lifestyle and they enjoy it.

  137. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Just to clear something up. IF she really did get pitocin to speed up her delivery then she would have an IV.

    With my first I had pitocin (OMG how she can say it was an easy delivery is beyond me - when you get pitocin it feels like you are in hard labor for hours). After 15 hrs of the crap they finally gave me a C-section.

    One other thing, unless things have changed I had to have a nurse in my room the entire time. They were not allowed to leave anyone on pitocin w/o a nurse there every freaking second. No privacy at all. I hated it.

    Usually once they put the IV in they leave it there. They just don't pull it right after birth in case something happens to the mother.

  138. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Bravo to Joe for even bringing up the subject of Babygate. He knew he was taking a risk.

    I wish he would have mentioned that Baylor Medical Center was only a few minutes drive from where Granny P. gave her speech in Texas. They have one of the best facilities in the world for high risk childbirth.

  139. Anonymous5:44 AM

    A year ago, we wouldn't have even been allowed on the View, much less to speak.

    And this subject was so taboo back then.

    Things are a changin'.

  140. Anonymous5:45 AM me, Joe is just a
    douchebag who did a good thing.
    Whatever his reasons, I'll bet you
    they were more self-serving than selfless.

    Is that why we got his tirade that no-one-listens-to-stoopid-bloggers? So that we should recognize his role?


  141. Anonymous5:52 AM

    The trolls think they are being very clever,but they aren't.
    Their posts are so obvious.
    How can any of you Trolls call yourselves Christian.
    You are hypocrites and sinners. Lying or distorting the facts over and over AND over again is wrong and a sin.

    The people who read here are not stupid like Palinbots.
    How odd that you think posting HERE canges anyone's opinion.

    Trig isn't Sarahs. There is more to be told and it will be told soon. You betcha!

  142. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Levi isn't articulate but we knew that..

    I did think he was honest, though not anymore. He has caved in, probably because he can't pony up the chlld support. Never will be able. Maybe they will give him a pass on
    Tripps support if he toes the family line.

  143. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Levi isn't articulate but we knew that..

    I did think he was honest, though not anymore. He has caved in, probably because he can't pony up the chlld support. Never will be able. Maybe they will give him a pass on
    Tripps support if he toes the family line.

  144. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Rex Butler is NOT on the Palins' payroll! You guys are nutty. Mr. Butler is one of the best and most respected criminal defense attorneys in Alaska. It may be fair to say that he is the #1 criminal lawyer in Anchorage. He does not need the Palins $$$. He has plenty of his own money. Also, he is required to follow the ethical rules for attorneys. If Levi is his client, he cannot have some sort of "side deal" with the Palins. The folks who comment on this blog are ignorant!

  145. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I was really disappointed in the ladies yesterday, and today as well, when they revisited the topic.

  146. Anonymous2:01 PM

    For clarity -- IVs are used for pitocin induction. Also, with prolonged ruptured membranes, IV antibiotics are given. Plus, the amount of postpartum bleeding is a factor in when to discontinue the IV.

    In evaluating Levi's comments, it makes it infinitely easier if one remembers that Sarah did not deliver Trig, thus everything he says about that pregnancy doesn't apply to her. Think of his words in service to the hoax and Bristol and it will help you with context.

  147. Anonymous2:13 PM

    For clarity -- IVs are used for pitocin induction. Also, with prolonged ruptured membranes, IV antibiotics are given. Plus, the amount of postpartum bleeding is a factor in when to discontinue the IV.

    In evaluating Levi's comments, it makes it infinitely easier if one remembers that Sarah did not deliver Trig, thus everything he says about that pregnancy doesn't apply to her. Think of his words in service to the hoax and Bristol and it will help you with context.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.