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March 16, 2008. The "nail in the coffin" picture. |
Question: What's the story on the book's publication?
Answer: Final publication details are still being worked out.
Q: So there'll be a website?
A: Yes, within a week - ten days.
Q: Will the book be hard copy or an e-book?
A: The book will be available in all formats, hard cover, soft cover and all ebook formats.
Q: Any more details about timing?
A: As soon as I know for sure, I will tell you. The delay has been caused because of my fervent belief that the answer to the story is in Palin's emails. We have found several that are highly damning. Reviewing emals and going down various paths has taken a huge amount of time. I have a research assistant that has probably read more of the emails, and more carefully, than anyone on the planet.
Q: Can Fred come back and update us?
A: As soon as the blog is up and running you can look for info from there.
Just let me just add a few of my own answers to this list.
No I am not author. Neither is Andrew Sullivan. (Though he might have some association.)
Yes there new bits of information in this book, that should satisfy and fascinate even the most jaded "Trig Truther." (As a matter of fact I just learned of one yesterday that might move this from the realm of probabilities, to the land of certainty. And I would give my eyeteeth to be able to post about it, but that is NOT how I treat my friends and fellow investigative journalists.)
I actually look forward to hearing about more attempts to defame the people who say that Palin did not give birth to Trig on April 18, 2008. Because the amount of crow they are soon going to have to eat is guaranteed to almost choke them to death.
So glad to read this. Time for the freedom bells to ring...Truth is coming....Bwahaha, The Faker is Toast.
ReplyDeleteThe bar for "proof" is being lowered every week that she keeps of this grifting tease. She's lost most of whatever credibility she was granted - after the bus tours, moving the dates farther out, and the absolutely nasty stink on her from all the the dirt about her affairs, etc.
ReplyDeletePeople in general are now MUCH more willing to believe she's capable of just about ANY trashy behavior, lying or cover-up.
Her "brand" is beyond tarnished; it's covered with slime and it smells bad.
"Trig- the Tubal-ligation Pregnancy and how I Fooled America"... sigh.
ReplyDelete"Crow! Yum!" said the fools.
ReplyDeleteThat's going to be fun to watch. I'm going to the store for popcorn!
Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?
This sordid story will make the John Edwards' baby coverup look amateurish.
ReplyDeleteI so hope this book is all that you say it will be. It's been a very long, frustrating and scary 3 years since John McCain foisted those grifters on the country!
ReplyDeleteMy next wish would be that there are orange jumpsuits just waiting for several Palin family members and associates to fill!
Run, Sarah, Run!!
I always thought babygate was a crazy conspiracy and a needless distraction. There was plenty of legitimate stuff to criticize the ex-governor on. But then I read the article by the journalism professor in the Business Insider. Then I saw Joe McGinniss on The View. That really changed my mind. If this was such a crazy conspiracy why did the women on The View act like it was a possibility? Why would a respected author like Joe McGinniss dedicate a whole chapter to it? Why didn't Hannity even bring up McGinniss while interviewing the ex-governor? Hannity is a fricking pitbull. He's been like a protective, hot headed older brother to Palin. Something smells to high heck about the whole thing. Why doesn't she just show the birth certificate and put it all to rest. The story is in the mainstream now. People are really starting to talk.
ReplyDeleteSex and the Palin Women
ReplyDeleteThe first night Sarah Palin appeared at the Republican Convention, sex was intentionally thrust into the national dialogue.
I TOLD you to ALWAYS wear that empathy belly in public! But you wouldn't listen! You always thought you were smarter than everyone else and NO ONE would figure out Trigs not yours!
ReplyDeleteNow we're REALLY screwed...
ReplyDeletedo you know if fred has any association with the anonymous "me again"?
scarah is having a bad month!
Pretty clear from McGinniss and Doonesbury that the author is Geoffrey - Jeff - Dunn.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, don't print it if I'm right. He deserves the privacy.
Here comes the damage control from the Palin team!
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin's Rep Says She's Not A Homophobe
Here's what Palin's rep told TMZ…
"(Bristol) was approached in a confrontational and inappropriate manner when two men aggressively shouted expletives aimed at her in reference to her mother. Bristol responded to the unprovoked verbal assault by calmly standing her ground and defending her family."
Because of Sarah Palin's future political ambitions, Bristol's rep was clearly hampered by an inability to spell out the whole truth in the above statement. Since I have no stake in her (possible) future run at the White House, let me go ahead and spell it out for you. Sarah Palin has a long history of making inflammatory statements about the homosexual community.
There is NOTHING Sarah can do to unring this bell. She's shown her ass repeatedly, playing out every petty grievance and vendetta, rushing to post and tweet her nasty little attacks, showing herself to be thoroughly untrustworthy and lacking any sense of decorum or taste.
ReplyDeleteSHE made herself a national joke. No way now to make people stop laughing and gossiping. Juicy, you're not in Alaska anymore! You pushed the button, now take the ride because there's no re-set, no way to get off now, hah!
Sarah was either a negligent lunatic to risk the health of her special needs baby OR she was a calculating bitch faking a pregnancy to benefit her career. No matter which story is true, Sarah is a self-centered boob. She alone is responsible for the negativity that her kids have had to suffer and will likely suffer the rest of their lives.
ReplyDelete"Everything I touch turns to shit." That should be Sarah's slogan.
I will definitely be buying this book.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds very much like something to look forward to!
ReplyDeleteGryph, I think this sentence may need fixing: "I actually look forward to more attempts to defame the people who say that Palin did not give birth to Trig on April 18, 2008."
Maybe should be: I actually look forward to more attempts to defame the people who say that Palin did give birth to Trig on April 18, 2008.
Game on!
ReplyDeleteQuick Question Fairy Tale Trolls:
ReplyDelete(borrowed from JayKen thx!)
Why do you think it's taking Palin so long to jump into the presidential race when she barely waited for Grampa McCain's viagra to wear off before unblinkingly accepting his VP offer?
tick. tock trollies...
Sarah Palin's handlers may decide to get out in front of the story with eye toward the martyrdom angle. "She did it to protect to faaaammmmilyyyy because she is such a wonderful godlyyyyyy woman."
ReplyDeleteI hope Fred not only exposes the faked pregnancy, but that Palin did it in a bid for power. I hope Fred can show that the GOP staff knew the pregnancy was faked and knew Palin was/is mentally unstable. I hope the full extant of the cover-up is blown wide open.... Parnell, GOP, McCain, news media, christian fundamentalists, medical personnel etc. CONSPIRED to disguise how much Sarah Palin is unfit for public office.
But I'll settle for any tidbit! Thanks, G.
I am so glad to hear from Fred, the update is just what I had hoped for. And the ongoing dialog with MeAgain is very encouraging.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to Fred's book and WILL buy it, but I'm not sure I'll read it immediately. Don't know that I can stomach another bird's eye view of the sausage-making that is Sarah Palin's personal and professional life.
ReplyDeleteI'm on page 178 of Joe McGinniss' masterful profile of Sarah and Todd Palin. It's the only Sarah book I've read thus far, although I bought both the Dunn and Bailey books. I love, love! the way it's written, with Joe weaving his own journey writing the book with the story of Sarah and Todd.
Considering how Palin has been such a big part of our national discussion, I'd hoped to come away feeling better about her, especially if the GOP field implodes and the economy brings bad news for Obama. I had also hoped to read the details about Housegate or Dairygate, but what I've so far read is surprisingly worse: a sickening story of such unrelenting ugliness! Pow! Bam! Kick! Thud! And that's just how they treat the people they like! It's like watching pirahnas. You're shocked at the rubble of cleanly picked bones left in their wake.
Then there's the gross incompetence Yikes!
I also find myself deeply saddened for what their children have lost. Someone else pointed out that while Todd was the better parent, he did walk out the door for weeks at a time, leaving 3 kids under 10 to fend for themselves. Ramen? Gross. Remember when Sarah tried to feed Kate's Eight Lunchables? It wasn't spite. That's just the way Sarah rolls.
My take thus far parallels what what I've seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears for over three years: Sarah and Todd are deeply mean and ugly people. That they have no respect for others shows in their every interaction. How ironic, and even tragic, that Sarah's true talent is making people believe she cares and using their own fears and emotions against them.
I hope Fred's book will address the Frontiersman (online) and ADN (in archives) publication of Mat-Su Regional's birth announcements that include Trig and investigate the process for putting that list together. This doesn't provide proof that Sarah is Trig's birth mother but I think it's important to explain why this is so.
I hope Fred can get some respected obstetricians to comment on the
March 14 and March 26 photos, with appropriate disclaimers, of course,
Will this book be as legally vetted as Joe's? The fact that Sarah hasn't filed a lawsuit against him speaks volumes. I'm hoping the same for "The Wild Ride". I can't wait for this madness to be over.
ReplyDeleteCome on Sarah, just tell the whole world all about how you did what any Christian mother would do, and explain how hard it was for you to lie like a rug all this time. It's your only out.
ReplyDeletePlease please please please, God.
ReplyDeleteI never got that pony.
Prince Charming was a no show.
My lottery ticket was a dud.
So pleeeeeease give me this one, and let the author be Matt Taibbi.
I used to think she might have gotten away with the whole noble reason thing, but what is the public going to think about the fact that neither Bristol nor Sarah NOW raise that child, or rather that they see him very little?
ReplyDeleteThey "disposed" of Trig when they no longer needed to use him in a particular way.
Noble women do not do this. They stand by their children, and grandchildren. (Unless they are debilitated by mental illness or a substance abuse problem, or are in jail or something.)
What will Sarah's and Bristol's excuse be? There is no reason in the world that one or the other cannot be hands-on with that little boy. They have the financial means, they have the time. They have support structures that many women do not have.
Sarah faked the pregnancy to save her political ass. It had nothing to do with stepping in and helping her family, as so many grandparents do nowadays. Nothing at all.
And if Sarah tries to pretend that she has been raising Trig personally, I sincerely doubt that will come across convincingly.
You see, the public now is ready to doubt most of what comes out of this woman's mouth. She lost whatever credibility she ever had just by being stupid, over and over again - except with the tiniest sliver of the population, so that will be meaningless at this point.
Warrior89 said...
ReplyDeletePretty clear from McGinniss and Doonesbury that the author is Geoffrey - Jeff - Dunn.
Gryphen, don't print it if I'm right. He deserves the privacy.
3:02 PM
Jeff is a character on Doonesbury that has nothing to o with Geoff Dunn.
3:41...I agree with you in theory, but it is waaaay too late for Sarah to make the martyrdom work this time. Sarah has sold her Trig pregnancy and decision to choose life for her "retarded" (her word, not mine) baby for millions in countless speeches, books, and tabloid covers. Trig is part of Sarahs political narrative, just like Todd the hunky snowmobiling fisherman, Bristol the slutty abstinence advoate, and Track the fake combat vet. Sarahs image is just that...an imaginary character Sarah has crafted to catapult herself to fame and fortune.
ReplyDeleteWhen this fraud is finally exposed, Sarah is done.
In your last paragraph -- Why do you want more attempts to defame people who say Sarah did NOT give birth to Trig?
ReplyDeleteThis doesn't make sense. Aren't you one of the people who thinks Sarah did not give birth to Trig?
Someone else already pointed this out, but you didn't fix it. So the confusion in your statement continues. Reading it about 5 times, I believe you mean the people who are attempting the defamation will eat the crow, but it doesn't come across as that in the first 4 readings of the sentence.
I cannot even feel slightly sorry for her. I am embarrassed that I feel that way about another human being but all I have to do is think about her at the convention. I can see her and hear her say the rotten things she did about President Obama and I knew then that she was a horrible person and not even slightly of the intellect to be in that position.She does not even respect knowledge or learning, worse, you can tell. Immediately.
ReplyDeleteThere has never been a campaign like that before and I sincerely hope there never will be again. You cannot get away with being a hypocrite any longer, not with the internet. In is an old adage that the bigger they are the harder they fall........It is only sweet when they deserve it.
ReplyDeleteTV Show About Sarah Palin’s Favorite Hair Salon Debuts, Ends
After TLC gave Sarah Palin her own reality show, many wondered if it cable television had hit a new bottom. Then last month, the network announced plans to air a series about the Beehive Beauty Shop—that's right, a program devoted to Palin's favorite hair salon in Wasilla, Alaska—and America shook its collective head.
Big Hair Alaska debuted tonight when TLC aired back-to-back episodes for its series premiere. But since there were only two episodes in the entire series (seriously), tonight marked the series finale as well. Of course, an hour was still an hour more airtime than Big Hair Alaska deserved, as you can see for yourself in this four-minute highlight reel.
"Gryph, I think this sentence may need fixing"
ReplyDeleteYou turned it around to be the opposite of what he said. Gryphen looks for more attempts by Palinbots to defame him and others who believe Trig was not born on April 18, 2008. The people who keep coming here to "fix" other people's writing are getting really annoying. The comprehension problem is yours, it's not Gryph's writing. Sheesh.
I've been a faithful reader of IM for over 3 years. The day McCain announced SP as his VP pick I started my internet search and was brought to Mudflats and from there found Palins Deceptions and IM. From the beginning of this babygate saga my thought has always been that SP's deception must be exposed by whatever means necessary. Up until the blood libel speech I was still concerned that there was always the threat of her making her way to another elected office. I was angry with her, angry with the tea party, angry at my fellow citizens for allowing her to seemingly flourish. But over the course of time my anger and sadness about the state of our country has shifted from SP to the Fourth Estate...the media. The story that should have sparked disbelief and an automatic investigative report was babygate. But like, John Edwards, the media set it aside, ignored it and the man's quest for elected office and power continued and so it has been with SP. It makes me sad that the once proud journalistic traditions and work of our press has given way to what makes a quick buck and how it can stretch the story for more bucks. It saddens me to see media so clearly biased whether it be Fox News or MSNBC. Brad was right...this is the real story. The story is how we have been lied to and manipulated not only by SP but more importantly, by the press. If nothing else, when the details of Babygate are revealed with solid irrefutable proof, we may see a change back to journalistic integrity. My fervent hope.
The deafening silence from the right wing media right now tells me something is up. Other than Breitbart's half-ass attempt to smear Joe and Greta's weird meltdown with Tucker no one has really stepped up to defend Palin? Where is Joe Miller, Christine O'Donnell, that loudmouth Joe Walsh, Erik Erickson, Jim DeMint, Bill O'Reilly, the National Review crowd, the neocons, Jan Brewer, JOHN MCCAIN, Steve Doocey, John Ziegler, Michelle Malkin, Dana Loesch, Ann Coulter, etc, etc?
ReplyDeleteYou think they would be holding a freedom rally for her or something. Yet there is this strange silence.
Almost like a calm before a storm. Did Roger Ailes get a heads up about federal indictments? That Palin really faked a pregnancy? That Todd is ready to spill the beans?
oohhh the rectangular baby bump
ReplyDeleteOkay I inserted a "hearing about" into my last paragraph, even though I thought it read just fine.
Can't wait..Thanks Gryph for all your hard work...
ReplyDeleteMany of are anxiously waiting to buy your book :)
After having surgery and being on a morphine drip for a week I mustered up the courage to walk with my IV pole to the restroom and take care of business.
ReplyDeleteAfter a 30 minutes of sweating and grunting and pleading with God I ultimately passed a 5 pound dessicated fecal football.
I hear that making Big Hair Alaska was a similar experience for those involved.
Alison 3:58PM
Just donated the previous 2 Palin books to our library - they don't put donated books on the shelf, but they will go to the "friends of the library" and be sold to help raise funds - at least I passed them on and another person will be exposed to the truth (the brand new books will sell for $1 ea) - will do the same with this new book too.
ReplyDeleteThanks for helping me look respectable compared to your skanky, lying ass!
ReplyDeleteAK Pet mom - thanks. I don't follow Doonesbury, but I've been reading them the last few weeks on Slate and one day there was a Blowback comment that said, "I just hope Jeff Dunn's article gets published."
ReplyDeleteThat led to my erroneous thinking - thanks for the correction!
Anon @3:45 PM
ReplyDelete"I am so glad to hear from Fred, the update is just what I had hoped for. And the ongoing dialog with MeAgain is very encouraging."
I'm missing the "ongoing dialog with MeAgain". Where are the MeAgain comments?
Ohhhh I can't wait to get this one! Time to restock my popcorn supplies!
ReplyDeleteGryphen, I agree, it read fine the way you had it.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it a cozy, warm feeling, though, to know so many are watching your back? :-)
Sarah cannot use the excuse of needing to protect family because she thrust her pregnant daughter front and center to squash the rumors of her faked pregnancy that were swirling pretty strongly at that time, but with throwing her daughter under the bus in a global forum to try to cover for her lie, she forfeited her 'trying to protect' meme altogether. She may try, but it just won't hold up.
ReplyDeleteDoes "Fred" have a publicist and is he working on getting some national media exposure? Is Fred preparing himself to be attacked and hacked? Has Fred been introduced to Joe?
ReplyDeleteSarah won't announce. It's near the end of September. She promised she wouldn't let her supporters be strung along.
ReplyDeleteHow much can those at C4P wait? Or those who are volunteering to help her start a campaign and eager to get started?
Wonderful news about the book. I think we'll have to polish up our crisis counselor skills because a lot of Palin fans will be going through Palin detox symptoms.
thanks for keeping us updated on this, gryphen! appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteI hope fred finds what he needs in those emails, altho I would think that the quitter was somewhat careful about not putting anything about tri-G in the "official business" emails. that whole thing with her adding tri-G to her insurance during the open enrollment period is very interesting, though.
go fred! go gryphen!
ReplyDeleteWill you consider creating a post that brings forward Shailey's press release. She is asking for help.
For those interested it is dynamite. AK residents should be particularly offended by the abuse of power and failure to follow court orders.
@ curiourser 3:49pm
ReplyDeleteIf you want to know how the Frontiersman got the birth announcements this article that was published in the Frontiersman on Jan. 5 2010 will clear up that question.
Probably all the other newspapers in Alaska got birth announcements by the same process.
Thanks for getting & passing along the answers, G!
ReplyDeleteAs with so many of the potential babygate developments, I've kept my expectations modest on this book. But now I can't help it, thanks to Fred & you -- more great stuff to look forward to!!!!
To stay up to date with Meagain, just bookmark the old post.
Thanks for the update Gryphen!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read the book. The implosion of all things paylum as of late has been absolutely amazing. It's hard for me to conceptualize someone being THAT deceitful. But all the evidence does point that way. What a truly despicable, sociopathic person. At some point someone will have to kick McCain in the nuts for foisting this snowbilly griftard on the US.
Team - if you're FB friendly, pls go to http://www.facebook.com/joemcginniss and like Joe's last post re his interview on FDL tomorrow. there is one freak who needs to be taught a lesson. thanks.
ReplyDeleteEven if all the other quirks about Palin didn't already prove to me that she is a seriously sick piece of work and mentally dangerous towards her own offspring.
ReplyDeleteThe point that took the first place spot away from throwing her pregnant teen daughter under the bus and sealed the deal for me, was when she barely [like 3 seconds worth of time] acknowledged her new granddaughter on Hannity's show taped at the Iowa fair that Palin crashed for the media spotlight.
She didn't even acknowledge who the baby's parents are.
Just that she was "born INTO the family" and that's it.
Rather cold if you ask me.
But I guess she had more important things to talk about.
Like NOT running for prez.
I got an email from a moronic person I know stating that Obama has no past, there is no one who remembers him, no school pictures, etc., etc, but Sarah Palin was fully investigated and we found out about her prowess as an athelete and her great romance with Todd. What an idiot. I will answer her by simply sending back links to photos I've seen of the president in school as a child. This is the kind of shit these right wingnuts believe wholeheartedly. How i'd love to shove babygate in her face and laugh my ass off.
ReplyDeleteLevi's Deer in the Headlights, Chapter 15, The Trickster Strikes Again: Levi makes one comment that explodes off the page.
ReplyDeleteHe says, "I hadn't seen Trig--my special little boy--for so long and would love to have been included. I had to settle for the magazine version. The Palins all looked great".
He pays lip service to the Palins by saying they look great but he quietly drops that bombshell about HIS "special little boy".
He reinforces Sarah's giving birth to Trig pretty much throughout the book. OTOH, it seems he may be walking up to the edge of the cliff but for some reason, can't take the plunge... "my special little boy". Loaded phrase.
I think Levi had to sign something and is bound by whatever type of legal document it was. I also think that - and this is just a wild-eyed assumption - maybe he would love to see the entire hoax exposed even though someone besides himself will have to do it. Or maybe he's scared about his mother being vulnerable to Sarah's wrath. I don't know.
I am ASSUMING things here, folks. With so much speculation, theories, etc., about whether or not Sarah gave birth to Trig, why would Levi throw a phrase in that will surely add fuel to the fire? Unless...???
Yes there new bits of information in this book, that should satisfy and fascinate even the most jaded "Trig Truther." (As a matter of fact I just learned of one yesterday that might move this from the realm of probabilities, to the land of certainty. And I would give my eyeteeth to be able to post about it, but that is NOT how I treat my friends and fellow investigative journalists.)
Can't we do this on a pay-per-view basis ? I don't think I can wait for the book. Please !
You know, like one of those big boxing matches, $49.95 for private viewing of the info ;-)
What will all of you think of Frank Bailey, AKM, and Shannyn who looked down upon us Trig Truthers w/tin foil hats?! Will AKM and the other author feel betrayed by Frank! Will Shannyn and AKM apologize to " friends" they disregarded? Just curious.
ReplyDelete@5:35 PM
ReplyDeleteThe article is dated January 2009. I wonder if that decision by Sarah's cronies at Mat-Su Regional Medical Center would, by any chance, be so that they would not announce the actual date of Tripp's birth? Hmmmm.
For people who say there's no record or pictures of Pres Obama, send them here:
I always wonder if that little girl at the museum knows she's famous.
ReplyDeleteHope Fred's book spends a considerable amount of time discussing the media "personalities" who ignored this - they sure as shit aren't reporters.
Vaughn - Thanks for the link. The article explains that parents approved including their child in the published announcement but doesn't report how that happened.
ReplyDeleteI think it would be helpful to know the nitty gritty of how the newspapers got the list: who compiled it...the chain of information. Did someone in the hospital get the data directly from its records and ask parents to sign a simple 'Yes/No' permission form? Or did parents complete a form that included their baby's data? If the latter is true, did the form go to someone in the hospital who compiled the information and sent it to the newspaper or did the parents send the form directly to the newspaper? Is it possible that Mat-Su stopped reporting births completely because their experience with the Palins drove them nuts and they didn't ever want to go through that again?
Anon 6:22 - Thanks for highlighting that part of the post. I missed it.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks, Gryphen, for the encouragement that there's substantial new information.
Whoo hoo! MeAgain as they have now dubbed themselves is in the house!
ReplyDeleteHere's a series of posts that are the newest:
Anonymous said...
I'm sure a few of you are wondering how my meeting went. Despite people like "rubbernecking" who theorized on Laura Novak's blog that I was going to "regretfully" announce that legal constraints precluded me from sharing anything else...(Rubbernecker, here's me giving you Bristol's fave hand gesture) I am happy to say that about 90% of things I felt needed to be disclosed to the public get the legal all clear.
Apparently when Sarah sent BlackBerry messages to 5-7 recipients at a time with NO privacy disclosure at the bottom...she basically forfeited her "expectation of privacy". Who knew?! The delicious irony here...if Sarah had just used her government email like she was supposed to, there would have been a privacy disclosure! So by trying to keep people from seeing her emails...she basically is throwing away her right to actually HAVE THEM kept from public view.
The main sticking point as far as legality went was photographs. The one I was most interested in was the one of Trig (or "original Tripp" or whatever the hell it was) in the valentine baby shirt, being propped up in a plastic hospital type baby crib.
The attorney said if Sarah had sent out this photo to multiple recipients with no privacy disclosure, it'd be one thing. But the photo in question is a cell phone photoograph OF a framed photograph, under glass, on a white shelf. It's a little blurry, you can't see the baby's ears, and even though I am 100% sure it's the same distinctively faced baby we saw in the Palin kitchen, all it would take is Sarah saying "That's not even Trig! That's my sister's baby and that photo is ten years old!" or some other twaddlebunk line...OR someone pointing out that a baby could wear a valentine shirt in April or a Santa shirt in July...and it would make the considerable risk of "stealing" a photo worthless.
The attorney advised Sarah could find it legally actionable since the photo OF the photo was taken inside her home--where she DID have an expectation of privacy.
I talked with my source after the meeting with the attorney and we agreed insofar as that photo is concerned, we are going to let Fred's book come out before considering such a risky and possibly fruitless move. We decided the attorney was correct in stating "what does it prove except a baby who resembles the newborn Trig Palin was in a hospital and wore a holiday themed shirt...at SOME point in time.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
But do not despair, comrades in arms of our war on injustice and big fat Sarah-concocted lies. I have some emails, some firsthand statements which provide verifiable dates, times, and so on. Nothing that will put her in the well deserved canvas panties and orange jumpsuit...but definitely some things she would rather keep under wraps.
Because some emails and details may make more sense with certain backstory applied, I am going to (from this point forward) be sending my posts directly to Gryphen and allowing him to choose what is most pertinent. I'm going to go ahead and tell you now to please not post over and over ask Gryphen if I have told him this or that...I promise to be as quick and thorough as possible.
ReplyDeleteBefore I sign off I just want to note a couple of things. I know some people have long theorized there is a "paid" troll here. You are absolutely correct. It is a very close friend of Bristol's and they both post here and at other Palin blogs. (but here more than anywhere else) The friend of Bristol's is paid monthly and is lazy as hell lately. A member of Sarah's team set this friend of Bristol's up with an out of state smart phone and laptop. She posts under multiple names and doesn't care that the posts are obviously from the same person--it's just a job to her.
Today Sarah said they should "send Barbara Walters flowers". Whatever that means.
Sarah is getting a little yappy about bits and pieces of the real story about Trig coming out in the comments on various blogs. She and Todd had a massive blowout over the past weekend. He thinks they should secure a massive payoff for telling the truth bout ALL the pregnancies. He knows she is done politically and I don't think their marriage is too much longer for this world based on the way they talk to and about each other.
Sarah is still laboring under the false impression that if she just grinds her heel into the blogs, books, etc...it will eventually go away.
At least that's what she says. I think she knows the end is coming, and soon. She may be able to pay people like Breitbart TODAY...but eventually she will look around and there won't be anyone left who is willing to put their neck on the line for her. She really thought spending a few thousand and getting a couple of reporters to say they daw her "fabric covered bump" would close this chapter. And she thinks getting Breitbart to circulate manufactured ...whatever... and have Hannity ignore all the elephants in the room...will keep her base appeased.
But even she sees the writing on wall. I think the fall is going to be a big one and even people who hate her won't be able to take much delight in it because it's just going to be so, so ugly.
6:56 PM
Point for clarification--
When I say Breitbart manufactured "whatever", I am not trying to say he fabricated the email. I remember months and months ago Gryphen mentioning Joe asked for more proof. So the actual email is no big deal--it shows Joe won't go to print without proof. I think they call that journalistic integrity. Obviously Breitbart wants people not to have the "aha!" moment...whereby the realize Joe DID find more proof, more people to talk to, and so on...in the intervening almost year between when the email was written and when it was released.
No, what I mean is Breitbart is manufacturing (or trying to) this line about Joe publishing a "fraud". Breitbart and Sarah are 100% in collusion...well, Breitbart and Sarah's TEAM are in collusion; Sarah is really just on the sidelines.
The major issue now, of course...how did Breitbart come to have that email?
Given who we KNOW is at the top floor of The Palin Facade pulling the puppet strings...it's very interesting to consider how Gryphen's private communications ended up being gleefully lambasted by one of the most vile, vitriolic nutjobs in RW media.
#5 and final
ReplyDeleteI am neck-deep in my perusal of two plus years of emails; the "good stuff" among it is what I am sending to Jesse. BUT...after that, I might consider doing an interview. I don't know that enough people are interested in me to make it worth your time...but I have found all this unburdening of things I've long felt should be public knowledge...very cathartic. I hadn't realized how the knowledge of some of Sarah's (and Todd and Bristol) wrongdoings was just poisoning me from the inside out. I was watching Sarah treat someone I care about SO badly and while I can't say (yet) exactly why that person is "stuck" dealing with Sarah for now...it was highly liberating to realize I could blow off some Palin manufactured steam by spilling my guts here. So that's the long version of...yes, I think an interview might be fun!
12:54 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh, this is rich.
I've just this minute found out Sarah wants to mount a "major campaign" to discredit me. And her idea for that is to have her paid troll (the friend of Bristol's, whom Sarah doesn't even realize is sabotaging the whole thing by posting obviously ridiculous posts about how happy and strong the Palins are) to post even more.
And she wants to start a rumor that Laura Novak is only posting about Trig because she REALLY wants attention for her BOOK! I bet poor Laura spent more on licensing that photo than she has made on all her book sales put together.
We all know how Sarah could shut everyone up--it rhymes with schmerth lertificate and we ain't never gonna see Trig Palin's real one.
Sarah's next smear agenda (besides the continued paid troll posts) is to try and pay someone to say Joe tried to bully them into telling lies about her, etc. So far I don't think she's had too much interest.
Have you, Sarah?
Didn't think so.
3:12 PM
Thank You for these updates, it's great to get the answers to our questions, and I can't wait to get my paws on this one!
ReplyDeleteThree years ago, who'd have thought an entire book would be devoted soley to Babygate. Unfortuantely, I do feel badly for Trig, Ruffles, and Tripp more than the other Palin kids, only because of the harm her lies have done to the most defenseless and most trusting souls. Children deserve better. Any of them, all of them.
What's truly mind boggling to me, is, other than exploitation and body shields, was any of this necessary?
I've seen pro-life, pro-family candidates and have no clue what their kids and family even look like. Somehow, they get elected to office, they get votes, they prove their points without the visual in our faces 24/7. Sarah's a lousey candidate, with or without the visual, it only prooves she never intended to run and it was all about the money.
Was it worth it?
Who will be there when the money evaporates?
Syonarah, bubbeye, cee ya, wouldn't want to be ya! Sarah did herself in, these books will just make it crystal clear.
And on another topic
Can we please have a moratorium on the grammar police thing? I think we all picked up what Gryphen put down the first time, at least I did.
At first I really didn't believe that the whole Bristol thing was a set up; but considering times up on Sarah's decision and she had NO excuse not to run, that bar run in with Bristol with cameras running appears awefully convenient.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThe deafening silence from the right wing media right now tells me something is up
They wont defend her now that they know she slept with a black man!
APD's very own Lt Dave Parker admits to lies about Shailey Tripp. Why? Becasue Sarah Palin's lawyer told him to.
My question is about the E-mails Fred has...
ReplyDeleteAre they the "officially released" e-mails, or does he somehow have access to ALL the e-mails?
If the latter, isn't he already in legal trouble?
Shannyn is a local and ex fisherman who reminds us of that all the time. She can be as bad as Sarah
ReplyDeleteI saw this at the Sea of Pee.They are so incredibly stupid.
ReplyDeletenkthgreek Today 08:05 PM
Most Presidential hopefuls pay to campaign. Ours gets paid. Thanks Fox.
They don't even know that would be illegal.Maybe thats why they don't comprehend she is not running,she is grifting.
"Sarah won't announce. It's near the end of September. She promised she wouldn't let her supporters be strung along. How much can those at C4P wait? Or those who are volunteering to help her start a campaign and eager to get started?"
ReplyDeleteThe clock runs out for Sarah to announce in five weeks. That's when she starts hitting the filing deadlines for the primaries. And that not only takes money, it takes signed petitions in some cases. She doesn't have the ground game going to get on some of the ballots. See this Politico article for more details on the ticking deadline clock:
Then there is this idiot who thinks gay men have "vagina envy".The gay men I have known all seemed pretty pleased about not having one.
Ralph Buttigieg Today 10:08 PM
Stephen Hanks is a prime example of the misogynist gay man. When Bristol asked him did he hate her mother because he was a homosexual his response was " Pretty much" . Now, this is not to say all gays are like that but anyone who associates with gays knows misogyny is common among them. Theres certainly no shortage of bitchy gay men. To be blunt Mr Hanks has a bad case of vagina envy. The Palin woman are a fertile lot and even oppose abortion. This is just too much for them. It also explains a gay trig truther like Andrew Sullivan.
@ Anon 6:37--I think there are only a handful of actual, honest-to-God reporters any more, and the rest just news readers.
ReplyDeleteBy sheer coincidence, our local news now features a female sports reporter. Of course she's competent, articulate, educated and doesn't have a wonky eye. Most likely didn't sleep with any of the athletes she's covered either.
Could that be why Super Sporty Barbie's stay at KTUU was so short? Enquiring minds want to know....
There are major forces, especially in Alaska, that are desperately trying to prevent the publication of the truth. Several people in Alaska are deeply implicated in covering up the details of Sarah Palin's pregnancy, especially the officials of Mat-Su Regional Medical Center in Palmer, where Sarah Palin "officially" gave birth. The largest newspaper in Alaska, the Anchorage Daily News, is "guilty" as well, as their journalists have started to twist the facts and distort the truth of the details of Palin's pregnancy and the details of the subsequent investigation into the pregnancy in order to keep Sarah's "secret" under wraps. This may be because they are afraid to lose valuable government contracts. The ADN interviewed Sarah Palin's now "invisible" doctor, Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, in late 2008, as well as other people, including babygate-bloggers, in a new investation by ADN-journalist Lisa Demer, for a story which in the end never appeared. Editor Pat Dougherty observed back then, in an email to Sarah Palin in January 2009
ReplyDeleteWas Sarah Palin done in by Trig “birther” story?
ReplyDeleteWhen McCain picked Palin, his campaign team thought the media would hail Palin as a fellow maverick, a moderate who could work with Democrats, and avoided polarizing social issues by, for example, vetoing a bill banning benefits for same-sex spouses of state workers. That is, Camp McCain expected the sort of in-depth look that Green provided in “The Tragedy of Sarah Palin.”
They also thought that personal profiles would portray Palin as a pro-life Republican who walked the walk when she chose to give birth to a son with Down syndrome.
Alas and woe to her, Palin had the misfortune of walking onto the national stage in the era of the blogosphere. A Daily Kos blogger charged that Palin faked giving birth to Trig five months earlier in order to conceal her teenage daughter Bristol’s pregnancy. Other bloggers, as well as British and Australian newspapers, joined the pile-on. That rumor was put to rest for all but the most ardent Palin “birthers” when Bristol turned out to be five months pregnant.
The ride is not over yet, it's just about to begin.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin's pregnancy, which I think was faked and which for years has been a taboo subject in the mainstream media, is not a taboo subject any more - but that doesn't mean that the media have "distinguished" themselves. Indeed the opposite has been the case. We have recently observed respected journalists put their credibility on the line for Sarah Palin, claiming in a serious of articles that a pregnancy hoax never, ever possibly could have happened.
These articles, which I think will go down in history as one of the major failures of American journalism, steadfastly and stubbornly ignore facts, reason and common sense.
Like everyone else who follows politics, we’d read about Levi and had seen him on TV. We are parents to seven kids and have six grandchildren, and this fellow, Sarah Palin's almost son-in-law, looked to us like he could have been one of our own, a bit shy, personable, respectful. We knew Governor Palin was fond of him—before she began to talk trash about him. Others had joined in, suggesting this teen was a slug—ignorant, a deadbeat dad, an uncaring father. The opposite view was out there, too, like Bristol saying Levi loved their baby and saw Tripp every day.
ReplyDeletePeople who disliked Sarah discounted everything that came out of her mouth….unless her comments were about Levi. These were accepted by donkeys and elephants and every horse’s ass in between—including the media. What had this boy done to generate such animosity? Was there a culture-wide anti-male, anti-father bias? Was there some antipathy to country boys more interested in hunting than man caves. Was there a story there?
And what exactly was Sarah’s beef?
We two—authors who write together—read everything we could find about Levi and still had trouble understanding why he was hated. It seemed worth pursuing. We knew there was a character named Tank Jones flitting around Levi. We’d seen the Wonderful pistachios TV ad campaign, with this huge, well, Tank in the background. We found Tank’s address buried in Google’s history and shot him an email query.
Once the electronic missive was on its cyberflight to Anchorage, one of us said to the other:
Do you think we’ll ever hear anything?
Me neither.
The phone rang. A deep voice, the kind you’d expect a Tank Jones to have, said,
Hello. This is Tank Jones.
It took a three-week stay in Alaska for us, for our agent at Sterling Lord Literistic, for Levi, Tank, and attorney Rex Butler to hammer out a collaboration agreement, then for us to sit down and get to work with Levi in his living room with his cat, Trigger, mewing in the background, playing with Tripp's toys. Levi made an outline of his experiences and then talked as we recorded and listened, taking him to places he didn’t wish to go.
He edited with us...added, subtracted, clarified.
At the end of a second month-long trip to Wasilla, Levi read and approved the manuscript.
It’s just like me, he told us.
A photographer was flown from Manhattan to shoot the jacket art. The manuscript went into production at Simon & Schuster’s Touchstone imprint. Done. We thought.
Bristol Palin's book emerged; we knew nothing about it at that point. Levi was asked to answer her most outrageous comments and he did so, in a 2-page addendum.
With the book’s publication, with that "And One More Thing" addition, you, the public, have a chance to see if you agree with our assessment of this young man.
We found Levi to be honest, self-deprecating, fair-minded. He could be any eighteen-year-old who happened to come of age just as his life was caught up by the swirl of national political events and a woman—Sarah Palin—whose complex relationship with him, with her family, and with the country are illuminated by Levi’s telling. This story is an Alaskan tale told from Levi's fresh perspective with insight and passion. Read it and let us know if you agree.
James and Lois Cowan
FDL Book Salon Welcomes Joe McGinniss, The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin
ReplyDeleteThe Rogue is constructed around Joe McGinniss’ 2010 summer stay on the shores of Lake Lucille. His introduction to the ambience of Wasilla is lengthened by over a page, as he lists all the churches in the greater Wasilla area – about 50. He even misses some that are hard to find for one reason or another.
The chapters alternate between retelling the meetings, interviews, encounters, conversations, emails, hate mails, visitors and narrowly avoided altercations as they roll by, and looks back at Palin’s rise. The looks go back into her family’s background, before Sarah Palin was born. McGinniss throws a lot of fresh light and detail onto available biographical information about both the Heath family into which she was born, and the Palin family, into which she married. He adds quite a bit of important new information too. The looks back eventually merge with the present as it was when McGinniss finished the manuscript early this summer:
“This may be a strange thing to say in [opening] the last chapter about the star performer of the circus. But no matter how much my book sales might benefit from a Palin presidential campaign in 2012, I sincerely hope that the whole extravaganza, which has been unblushingly underwritten by a mainstream media willing to gamble the nation’s future in exchange for the cheap thrill of watching a clown in high heels on a flying trapeze, is nearing its end.”
The selling of Sarah's sex is titillating to the right wing nuts. Think of it...a governor has sex which makes her very very sexy and then uses a borrowed baby to make it look like she gave birth to him while proclaiming she didn't abort him. Then we find out she likes big black dick while telling Dr. Laura nigger nigger nigger to reload. What a scam.
ReplyDeleteI am LOVING watching the wicked witch from the north star melt!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to "The Wild Ride".
ReplyDeleteLevi's cat is named TRIGger? WTF?!
ReplyDelete"I think she's very happy in Alaska -- and I hope she'll stay there."
ReplyDelete~Barbara Bush~
...and they are working very hard to make it so.
Thank you, @7:07 - agree completely about the grammar/punctuation police. Whenever I see the red pens come out I just shake my head and wonder what's up. I think Gryphen can proofread his own stuff. He is the host, we are his guests, and unless it's something we think he might truly wish he'd changed, for ex a title error or something, I think he can go over things when he wants and fix anything he'd like. There are so few errors, honestly, and when you consider how prolific Gryphen is, it's amazing he has so few typos!
ReplyDeleteVenefica Nigra said...
ReplyDeleteLevi's cat is named TRIGger? WTF?!
WTF, indeed!
Now isn't this interesting. Levi has a cat named Trigger. Earlier someone flagged a portion of his book that talked about missing Trig.
ReplyDelete<< He says, "I hadn't seen Trig--my special little boy--for so long and would love to have been included. I had to settle for the magazine version. The Palins all looked great".
He pays lip service to the Palins by saying they look great but he quietly drops that bombshell about HIS "special little boy".>>
Did he name his cat after his lost baby boy Trig, or did he name his son Trig, who was later appropriated by Sarah, the same name as his cat?
Or he likes hunting and Trigger fit the bill. I wonder who old his cat is? Hmmmmm....
Further, for me this is pretty huge. He's referencing Trig as his 'special little boy'. Is this is hidden message to anyone who can understand it, that Trig IS HIS and therefore Bristol IS Trig's mother?
I am really trying to find some sympathy for Levi. However, he has not made any apparent effort to pursue his legal rights concerning Tripp. He should have had a DNA test done long ago. He should have a lawyer who specializes in custody issues. Bristol and Sarah insult Levi publicly. Bristol takes Tripp out of state. At one time, they accused Levi of exploiting Tripp and making money from his being photographed. Now that Bristol is doing that, there should be a lawyer arguing for Levi.
ReplyDeleteInstead of pursuing his rights, he allowed a book to be published where he keeps defending the premise that Sarah gave birth to Trig. She hid her pregnancy so well that he didn't notice it. He saw her in a hospital bed wearing a gown, with an IV in her arm, which was all the proof needed that Sarah had just given birth. His remarks about Bristol just don't make sense. I can't imagine any kid in high school dreaming of getting a girl pregnant so he can quit school, get a job and be saddled with a responsibility for the next 18 years. Some of the descriptions in the book sound more like Sarah's voice than Levi's.
I think that he is bound by a confidentiality agreement that he was forced to sign with the Palins. That, or they hold his mother hostage for his silence and cooperation in that book. If Levi signed anything while he was underage, he needs to get a good lawyer. A minor cannot enter into a legal contract like that.
Not sure about the intent of Levi's book. Hard to tell if he's another hired hand of the Palins or truly an innocent young kid caught in the headlights.
ReplyDeleteHis claim that $P had a little 'cougar crush' makes me lean toward hired hand. That remark is so off the wall and geared to cause uninformed people to write-off anything further written about the paylin soap opera as idle gossip.
Look, the Palins have the goods on Levi just as he does with them.
ReplyDeleteIf he goes too nuts and says something that crushes the Palins they will go ballistic right back at him.
They have a sort of understanding.
That's why Levi never says anything really damaging about the Palins any more - or in his book.
Even though Levi said long ago he could take them down, they can take him down as well.
So nothing really happens with either of them.
Don't know if Sarah had sex with a black man or not, but the photo on the book's cover confirms she had sex with Spongebob Squarepants!
ReplyDeleteWe all know how Sarah could shut everyone up--it rhymes with schmerth lertificate and we ain't never gonna see Trig Palin's real one.
Thanks MeAgain/Anon238!
"The Palin woman are a fertile lot and even oppose abortion. This is just too much for them. It also explains a gay trig truther like Andrew Sullivan.
Your homophobic reasoning is full of shit.
Didn't you read where levi said he screwed (unprotected) with bustol for 2 years before she got pregnant? So your fertile bullshit is just that bullshit.
I believe the "cougar crush", although I wouldn't call it that.
ReplyDeleteSarah flirts SHAMELESSLY with men AND women of all ages to ingratiate herself.
Just take a look at the Elan Frank footage and see the constant come-ons of hers. Look at how she flirted with Barbara Walters, and Oprah!
So. Toad wants to "go for the big payday" tell the truth for a huge sum?? Any magazine or TV show that will PAY these grifters to finally tell the truth will be off my list of reading and viewing. These people have raked in millions with their lies, now they want to be paid to tell the truth. The truth is slowly coming out in books and interviews, so why pay the Palins? No matter how much money they have some things can not be bought, and they will NEVER be respected. They have made themselves into a joke, and a bad one at that. Toad must be the laughingstock of his manly buddies, being paid to tote her purse. All credibility has been lost, but I suspect that was gone long before McCain came along. I STILL think the McCain people should be questioned about this entire fiasco they foisted on this country. I do not believe this could happen in any other civilized country, that a family of below average grifters have made all this money, and been given air time on national TV. It is a disgrace to the USA.
ReplyDelete4:17 - AMEN. I am also sick to death of these damn grammar trolls. It's like a compulsion, and it's very annoying.
ReplyDeleteBack on topic, can't wait for this new book! Go Fred!
Yesterday Nancy in New York made a comment at 3:37pm - it kind of jolted me. She is absolutely right. When McCain asked Palin to run with him - it took her about a split second to say yes. And - now she has managed to drag it out for months. Along with that - she continues to ask for money from her fans to "help her make up her mind".
ReplyDeleteWhen are these blind followers going to get that she is pulling a sca? Now Palin has put her "decision" off until November. She is conning them and they are so stupid, they still believe her. Really pathetic.
Although, I have noticed there have been less comments from them on IM. Thank you, Nancy. Honestly, I had not ever put the two thoughts together.
Pat Padrnos
What ever happened to the claims that Sarah had Lipo-dissolve injections right around the time she was supposed to be 6 months along with Trig. Wouldn't that be proof enough that she never gave birth to him
ReplyDeleteI know that the publisher chooses cover art,but for me the cover was a big minus.
Sarah Palin is the biological and birth mother of Trig.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ 2:08pm said...
ReplyDelete"Sarah Palin is the biological and birth mother of Trig."
Can you prove it?
I do not believe the Palins could take Levi "down." what does that even mean? What could they possibly do to him that they haven't already?
ReplyDeleteAnon 2:08- first of all, NO, Trig is not the biological - birth son of Sarah and 2) why would you write that here? Writing it down doesn't make it true. Will you apologize when proven wrong?
ReplyDeleteExcuse me? Would you mind clarifying?