Thursday, September 08, 2011

While praying to God for rain to put out the Texas forest fires for him, perhaps Rick Perrry should have prayed for the intelligence NOT to cut the firefighting budget by 75%.

Courtesy of Opposing Views:

According to KVUE-TV, the state of Texas, under Gov. Rick Perry, cut state funding for the volunteer fire departments that protect most of the state from wildfires. 

Firefighters have actually been dipping into their own pockets to fight fires. Volunteer departments that were already facing financial strain had their funding cut from $30 million to $7 million. 

There are 879 volunteer fire departments in Texas; 114 are paid fire departments, while 187 departments are a combination of volunteer and paid.

So just to clarify what is taking place in Texas: Rick Perry decides to cut the volunteer firefighting budget by 75% (What could go wrong with that?). The state is soon subjected to one of the worst droughts in American history. This results in perfect conditions to allow numerous devastating fires to ravage the countryside. Having no idea how to solve this crisis Governor Perry pleads with his fellow Texans to pray for rain. Then when THAT does not work (Go figure!), he asks one of the very Federal programs he is always railing against, FEMA, to come to Texas and rescue his state from his huge screw up.

Does THAT about cover it?

And THIS is the guy that the Republicans are seriously considering running for President?

P.S. Hell I did not even mention the number of innocent people that were put to death under his watch.


  1. Anonymous7:05 AM

    He is one scary person. I recently read about him cutting funding for fire fighting and was amazed at that. What a mess Texas is in right now.
    During the debate last night I was really shocked at the reaction from the audience when the numerous executions were mentioned - and his position of having no problem or concern about possibly executing an innocent person. As disgusting as that was - what kind of barbarians were in that audience that they would applaud??!!
    Pat Padrnos

  2. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I'm glad the independent media is finally looking at this guy's record, even if the MSM is still enamored of him. He's a sociopath and not even a very bright one.

  3. Anonymous7:09 AM

    And also the immoral crazies at the debate last night that gave their loudest cheer when Texas' record number of executions was announced.

  4. Anonymous7:13 AM

    FYI - There are firefighters from AK in Texas right now. And, guess what? They are from the National Park Service, a FEDERAL agency.

    I don't see RP saying he doesn't want them there!


  5. Olivia7:17 AM

    Wonder why he can't hear what God is really saying. The bible belt seems to have been hit with an awful lot of natural disasters in the last few years...just sayin'

  6. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Fires continue to rage east and west of our ranch, hopefully they are far enough away.
    We have taken in an extra 30 horses from friends and friends of friends in the affected areas. Unfortunately our drought parched land can take no more. We have already sold off most of our small cattle herd ( stock up on meat now, the price will soar this winter).

    Perry is an ASSHAT (sorry for the language, but thats as nice as I can be) and has stripped service after service to the citizens and towns in Texas.

    Little Rabbit

  7. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Well, this is what happens when a state all but eliminates taxes for businesses. You kill your revenue for badly needed public services. Texas has a budget shortfall of billions and billions of dollars as a result of its tax policies, and this is the sad result.

  8. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I can't wait for Gov. Goodhair to have his "Willie Horton" moment. He's such a tool.

  9. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I was driving on a West Tx highway on Tuesday night, and counted THREE vehicles in front of me whose occupants threw LIT cigarettes out of their window!!! I would have called the state police and reported their license numbers but had no cell phone reception. Good old AT@T service didn't have coverage in that area. People, please use that common sense you are supposed to have!

  10. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Perry strikes me as a now it all slimeball. Even my Repub hubs doesn't trust him and his smirky smile.

  11. A disgusting as the participants were in the debate last night they at least could make an attempt at answering the questions with complete sentences. The half term governor would have been incapable of any type of answers other than her typical word salad, "Obama is bad, common sense solutions, real Amerik", garbage.

  12. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I live in Bastrop. It is a nightmare watching the devastation of the fires and feeling so helpless.
    Perry's responses at the debate were filled with lies, take it from someone who knows the truth. We're suffering here in Texas...what does that say about a 10 yr. leader?

  13. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I agree, this man is a farce of the lowest order, to call him slime is paying him a compliment.

    Praying to God for rain or intelligence is, in itself, proof enough he's crazy. Intelligence is something humans do to better themselves and the world around them, it's their choice to avail themselves of the opportunity, not any god.

    The people of Texas are suffering, while this tone deaf bozo toots his own horn and lies about the record.

    I'm with those who were appalled at the audience reaction about the death penalty and the possibility of killing an innocent person. Very disturbing, considering they most likely check off the "pro life" box as a self identifier.

    FEMA does have a place, and this asshat knows full well.

  14. Anonymous7:56 AM

    OT but... Joe McG is outdoing himself over at his blog. Just how desperate IS he now?

    "My old friend Roger would never be anything less than ‘fair and balanced’ with me.
    Would he?
    Hedley had better not tweet or blog or broadcast or publish anything from my book prematurely.
    If he does, I’ll have my pal Roger fire the son of a bitch.
    Trust me: it’s great to have friends in high places."

  15. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Google - Rick Perry Pink Cowboy


    Rick Perry Gay

  16. Anonymous7:58 AM

    You see this yet Gryphen?

    What in the hell is going on?!?! LOL!

  17. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Rick Perry, all hat and no cattle!

  18. Anonymous8:01 AM

    OK P-Rick cuts the firefighting budget by 75%, then expects President Obama to bail him out. This is why I do not trust anyone who is a Bush Jr. alum.

  19. lostinthemidwest8:25 AM


    7:13 AM

    Oklahoma is also sending firefighters. My friend just got bk from a 4 week stint.

    10 days off and bk he goes.
    Texas cuts funding and the rest of us pay for their fires.

    Perry always has his hand out for something.

  20. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Cigarette smokers are the filthiest pigs on the planet.

  21. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Does he use the same hair dye as St. Ronnie? Someone should tell him jet black hair accentuates all those wrinkles. Too much like W for my taste, seems to be dumb like him too. Anoth Texan, all cow chips and no cows, or horses, or sheep. (Or brains)

  22. As of reports released this morning, 1386 homes have been destroyed in Bastrop County, east of Austin.

  23. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Rick, Gov. good hair, really blew it last night. He simply didn't answer the questions or flubbed his way along.

    I want to know all about his sexual affairs and the trouble with his wife. He is an ASS of the first order and crooked as they come. He makes George "W" Bush look like a saint.

  24. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Were the idiots in the audience aware that Todd Willingham, an innocent man executed was WHITE? They seem like the kind of people who think all people who are executed are black. W put borderline retarded people to death. Fortunately, HE came from a wealthy family, so no worries about him coming face to face with justice. I would like to see W and Cheney face justice for their war crimes. They are responsible for the deaths of thousands and thousands, yet swagger around free.

  25. Anonymous8:47 AM

    He also has asked for help from one of the military bases in Texas. He is having a fit because he can't get any help from the base. What he does not tell people is that the base is fighting its own fires. (I can't remember the name of the base but a local paper had the story.)

  26. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Little Rabbit, our thoughts and hearts go out to you and yours. Be safe.

    How kind of you to help others. May your kindness bless you and your ranch and all the lives it now shelters.

    You so very nice as well because I would not be able to stop at calling Perry merely an ass-hat if I were in your position. That man's ignorance, arrogance and incompetence has cost too many lives, livelihoods and property.

    Please write back when this is all past and let us know you have fared. Readers here will worry about you.

  27. FEMA is paying to put out Perry's fires.


  28. Anonymous8:58 AM

    This will happen in every state where a GOP governor and lege are intent upon cutting budgets to the bone and beyond.

    For example, Gov. Brownback, a bud of Perry's, has cut Kansas services and his GOP lege promises to go even further. His Sec. of State, Kobach, was the author of the AZ immigration law that we all hate. Brownback has promised to do away with (after he got into office!) all corporation taxes.

    Oh, yeah, the GOP bastards have to be voted out and never allowed never power again.

    They worship at the altar of ego, money, and fame.

    Any power they get is always used to harm the average citizen, but I will wager that if Big Business ever fails to contribute big bucks to their campaigns, these Rethugs will go after big business as well.

    I can only hope the people they harm get out the vote and send them packing. We all have to remember the damage they have wrought and not let it happen again!

  29. Did Brian Williams bring up the fires, drought, prayers, and fire department budget cuts in the debate last night? It seems like the most obvious question to put to Gov. Perry.

  30. Roger Ailes and Joe McGinniss's book exist, but the reporter Hedley is a fictional character. I'm pretty sure McGinniss knows this, but all his readers may not.

  31. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I cannot believe that GOP primary voters and backers are so stupid and so crass that they would help this man become a front runner in the primary.

    Good grief, have they no brains or hearts or self-respect? Guess not, if the applause for putting people to death is any indication.

    The GOP has become a nasty piece of work. Even Romney pays tribute to the Tea Party that dredges up all this slime and filth.

    Was a Republican long ago and far away. Never, ever will be one again. These people are the lowest of the low now.

  32. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Rick Perry hates poor and middle class Texans! What a dick!

  33. Anne in Texas9:12 AM

    I hate Rick Perry. Anything good happening in our state is not because of something he did. I am terrified he will be president. Can you imagine him jacking up the whole country like he has Texas? He cares not one bit for us. All he cares about is making cash for himself. Anything he does that might seem altruistic is done only if it benefits him, like wanting to require young girls to get the HPV vaccine. He could give a shit about young girls, but it would have been a great gift to his buddies in the drug industry. A gift I am sure they would have repaid. I am a life-long Texas. Been here 48 years. Will be getting the hell out as soon as we can find jobs in another state. I can’t take our politicians and our wingnut population any longer. The ONLY thing I have ever appreciated that Perry did was declare us a disaster prior to Hurricane Ike landing so we would be assured of federal assistance. Oh yes, Gov Asshole knows very well how to get his funds from the government. And execute people. The Cameron Todd Willingham issue, out of all he has ever done, is the one that disturbs and disgusts me the most. This guy cannot be our President. Having W back again would be better than Perry.

  34. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Rick Perry is Sarah Palin with better advisors. His signature alpha dog swagger, smirk, and trash talk are all he's got going for him. Well, that and a career's worth of back room deals and cronyism. He has decimated Texas education.

    Best comment on the debate last night was regarding Mitt to Rick: what, so now you're responsible for the oil in the ground in Texas too?

  35. So Sarah's supporters are bailing on her and are now cheering Perry? What a sick and stupid bunch! Wonder how long it'll take them to figure this one out. Gives me a stomach ache just thinking about it.

  36. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Texas, you can do better than Perry. The man is ignorant and has no shame.

  37. Anonymous9:41 AM

    8:47 I believe it is Fort Hood.
    Malia has done a real good article on Perry this morning.
    Pat Padrnos

  38. Enjay in E MT9:41 AM

    I wonder about Homeowners insurance companies in TX right now. After the multiple hurricanes hit FL several years ago, a number of insurance companies pulled out of the state due to the record losses. This has created a problem with buying a home and having it sufficiently insured for the lender, plus the cost is often outrageous.

    Considering free-market enterprise and all -- how many national insurance companies will cancel polies for TX properties as soon as the policy is up for renewal?

    Another factor - the Governor cut the firefighting budget - many insurance companies base premiums on firefighting services within a given area for 'response time'.
    So government actions (or inaction) can & will have an effect on private business (insurance) and insurance assessed higher for lack of government services.

  39. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I have seen a couple of comments concerning Joe McG. I have not been back to his site since he wrote that recent article about Palin not paying any attention to the blogs/bloggers. I was really disappointed with him. I know my one little click is not going to impact him at all - but I don't know what is going on with him.
    Pat Padrnos

  40. Anonymous9:50 AM

    8:47 AM

    Fort Hood

  41. Anonymous9:51 AM

    The whole debate reminded me of the Gong Show...only we didn't have the gong.

    Between the MSM/and the clowns that think they belong in the WH, and the crowd cheering loudly for Perry's rate of execution, many of which have been exonorated by DNA posthumously, I am very discomfitted. Oh I forgot to mention the lying......

    Americans need to step up and take our roles in our government of we the people, by the people and for the people more seriously, and more responsibly.

  42. Anonymous9:52 AM

    It's very sad. Bastrop county, where most of the damaged/destroyed homes are, has a median household income of $27,000. This is an historically black area, rural, and poor. Sandy soil, pine trees, and very little else. Hyatt built a huge golf resort there recently, but that's about it.

  43. hedgewytch9:54 AM

    What I wonder is will the people of Texas actually keep in mind Perry's lies and giveaways to his corporate fat-cat owners? Or will Texans just blindly continue to support Perry and his type, just because they have an "R" after their name?

  44. Enjay in E MT9:57 AM

    Cute flow chart for which GOP candidate fits you.

  45. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Anon 7:56 am

    OT but... Joe McG is outdoing himself over at his blog. Just how desperate IS he now?

    Agree. Was just going to say Joe seems to be desperate for attention. He should have thought of that before he shut his blog comments down. Seems to be yelling "Look at me. Over here! Look at Meee!"
    Well, I'm just interested in the book, not the silly Doonesbury free publicity he's garnered from Trudeau. Something's not right with this guy.

  46. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Creepy how Perry looks like what GWB and St. Ronnie's love child, all grown up would look like. This is the second photo I've seen of him that makes me think that.


  47. Anonymous10:07 AM

    @7:31 I live in Oregon and it is pretty dry here, not Texas dry but still, and some chump chucked a lit cigarette butt into our pasture and it started up, thank god some passing drivers called the fire department, if it had another couple minutes head start, I wouldn't be able to type this as my home would have gone up in smoke. I just can't understand how people can be so stupid.

  48. Anonymous10:08 AM

    If citizens of this and other states could sue the governors and legislators for making such messes, maybe they would think instead of having a god like complexes. They show they go against the bible. putting themseves above and knowing better than others.Everyday I look at these scums and think they are so evil God doesn't even know them at all.

  49. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Pssst: don't tell Rick Perry that hair dye contains lead (in the form of lead acetate – the penetrating kind). And don't tell him that putting lead on your head (you know, right over your BRAIN) could penetrate through the skin and damage your brain. Could be that poor Rick has a case of early Alzheimer's as a result. Of course, maybe he was also a dim bulb to begin with.

  50. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I feel for Texans who see through this idiot. I have suffered as an Alaska since 2006 when our own idiot came on the scene and low info voters jumped on her bandwagon.

    I will go door to door to speak against this man to make sure he is never close to the presidency.

  51. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Joe McGinness is playing a game. Nothing is as it seems. Please don't allow that mess get you all atwitter about nothing. Just playing a stupid game. And when we get all excited over what he puts out there he laughs. He loves manipulating people. DON'T FALL FOR IT. He is a Sarah Palin wannabe.

  52. Anonymous10:43 AM

    What is it with these teabaggers? They claim the want small government then they cut their budget eliminating crucial social programs. Next they have the nerve to cry to the government for special money and for help during a (natural or man-made) crisis.

    bt--perry sounded and looked real crazy while lying to that kid about evolution. he's a creepy fake cowboy liar.


  53. Anonymous10:47 AM

    hey slick rick, did someone pray for a drought for Texas?

  54. Anon 7:48 from Bastrop, you're in my thoughts -- Austin here.

  55. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Here's another one for Perry to chew on.
    "LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) — National Weather Service says Texas sets record for hottest June-August in US history"

    No climate change indeed...

  56. StopthePerryCoverup11:11 AM

    Texas Death Penalty? Cameron Todd Willingham (1968-2004)?

    The Republican Parties blood lust and immorality was on public display last night. Featuring Rick Perry, and the other candidates on the stage. These candidates do opposition research. At least one of them probably is familiar with the name and case Of Cameron Todd Willingham. Their silence is affirmation that they know you must believe or go along to get the nomination

    When shocked viewers begin to put names and facts to the 234 they will find the name Cameron Todd Willingham. He was convicted and executed for setting a fire that killed his three daughters. One year old twins and a two year old. He was probably innocent. Rick Perry doesn't want you to find that out.

    " Trial by Fire
    Did Texas execute an innocent man?
    by David Grann September 7, 2009"

    Like many inmates on death row, Willingham eventually filed a claim of inadequate legal representation. (When I recently asked Martin about his representation of Willingham, he said, “There were no grounds for reversal, and the verdict was absolutely the right one.” He said of the case, “Shit, it’s incredible that anyone’s even thinking about it.”)

    Evidence of Willingham's guilt included Iron Maiden and Led Zeppelin posters on the wall, his large tattoo of a snake and a skill, the testimony of an psychologist with a family counseling practice and an arson investigator.

    The prosecution cited such evidence in asserting that Willingham fit the profile of a sociopath, and brought forth two medical experts to confirm the theory. Neither had met Willingham. One of them was Tim Gregory, a psychologist with a master’s degree in marriage and family issues, who had previously gone goose hunting with Jackson(the prosecutor), and had not published any research in the field of sociopathic behavior. His practice was devoted to family counseling.

    At one point, Jackson showed Gregory Exhibit No. 60—a photograph of an Iron Maiden poster that had hung in Willingham’s house—and asked the psychologist to interpret it. “This one is a picture of a skull, with a fist being punched through the skull,” Gregory said; the image displayed “violence” and “death.” Gregory looked at photographs of other music posters owned by Willingham. “There’s a hooded skull, with wings and a hatchet,” Gregory continued. “And all of these are in fire, depicting—it reminds me of something like Hell. And there’s a picture—a Led Zeppelin picture of a falling angel. . . . I see there’s an association many times with cultive-type of activities. A focus on death, dying. Many times individuals that have a lot of this type of art have interest in satanic-type activities.”

    Mr. Willingham was executed by the State of Texas on February 17, 2004. Rick Perry was the Governor of Texas at that time. At the time of his execution there were already questions being raised about the testimony and evidence used to conclude that the fire was arson.

    Quack science? Suggestions of guilt by Heavy Metal music? Suggestions of statanic connections? Guilt by scary tattoo? Court appointed attornies that think their client is guilty? A jail house snitch that testifies Willingham confessed to him? This case has it all.

    Mr. Willingham needed a few hundred
    fellow churchgoers to pack the courtroom at his bond hearing. Maybe he would have bonded out so he could continue to attend church.

  57. StopthePerryCoverup11:11 AM

    Cameron Todd Willingham was executed by the State of Texas on February 17, 2004. Rick Perry was the Governor of Texas at that time. He was also the Governor when by many accounts he took a number of actions that stymied the post execution review of the evidence used to convict and execute Cameron Todd Willingham. Apparently Perry might have some worries about the possible execution of an innocent man (Governor Perry did call the executed a "bad man") on his watch.

    An editorial was published by the Houston Chronicle on October 14 2009 detailing some of Perry's action with respect to the continuing investigations into the innocence of Cameron Todd Willingham.

    "Execution controversy about more than 'bad man'"

    Yes, by most accounts, Cameron Todd Willingham was a “bad man,” as Gov. Rick Perry declared Wednesday to reporters.

    But being a bad man isn't a crime punishable by death, even in Texas.

    The governor offered his most ardent defense this week against accusations that he recently stymied a state-funded investigation questioning evidence used to convict, and execute, Willingham in the Corsicana house fire that killed his three young children in 1991.

    The state's expert found no evidence that the fire was arson.

    Late last month, days before the Texas Forensic Science Commission was to hear the expert's report in a public hearing, Perry replaced the chairman he'd appointed, and two other members. The new chairman promptly canceled the public hearing, saying he needed time to study the case.

    Governor Perry takes decisive action.

    But the story isn't just about Willingham anymore. It isn't just about guilt or innocence. It isn't even about whether Perry did his homework before allowing Willingham's 2004 execution.

    It's about whether Perry is purposefully trying to subvert the law in Willingham's case, and potentially obstruct justice in countless other arson cases that could benefit from the commission's review, all for political gain during a hotly contested primary.

    And the case looks clearer every day.

    Perry not only has continued to hack away at the commission's institutional knowledge on the Willingham case — he replaced his fourth and final appointee this month — now there are reports that Perry's lawyers tried to pressure the former chairman to halt the probe before his ouster.

  58. StopthePerryCoverup11:19 AM

    Rick Perry is probably not surprised by several recent news items.

    His newly appointed commissioners might have participated in requesting this opinion:

    Texas Attorney General Limits Authority of the Forensic Science Commission

    Posted: July 29, 2011 4:37 pm

    Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott ruled today that the Texas Forensic Science Commission does not have the jurisdiction to review cases involving evidence that was introduced before September 1, 2005. This spring, the Commission issued a report finding serious flaws in the arson evidence used to convict Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed in 2004 for allegedly setting a fire that killed his three daughters.

    Willingham always claimed his innocence, and the arson investigation used to convict him was questioned by a leading expert before Willingham was executed. Since 2004, many other experts have reviewed the evidence and agreed that the original fire investigation was deeply flawed.

    The Texas Forensic Science Commission recently asked the Attorney General’s office to clarify its scope to conduct investigations on evidence offered prior to the commissions creation in 2005. Abbott ruled today that there is no time limitation on the Commissions general authority to investigate allegations of professional negligence or misconduct, but that Commission is prohibited “from considering or evaluating specific items of evidence that were tested or offered into evidence” prior to September 1, 2005.

    On the same day where people cheered about the executions of 234 in Texas, the Texas State Forensic Science Commission met, and the Willingham case was on the agenda.

    The state's top forensics panel may be getting ready to pull the trigger on the most publicized death penalty examination in its six-year history: the case of Cameron Todd Willingham.

    Members of the Texas Forensic Science Commission meet today for the first time since being told that they do not have the authority to scrutinize the state fire marshal's office arson investigation that led to Willingham's 2004 execution.

    The Texas Attorney General's (an elected position in Texas) opinion was applauded by some, including State Fire Marshall officials.

    In a July 29 opinion, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said the panel cannot examine forensic testing that predates its September 2005 inception.

    Since then, commission members have remained mostly tight-lipped about the future of the Willingham case but haven't called it off. The commission is scheduled to meet beginning at 9:30 a.m. to discuss the effects of Abbott's opinion on the Willingham case and others, its agenda shows.

    Fire marshal's officials and others who lauded Abbott's opinion argue that it closes the book on the Willingham case. Fire marshal's investigators had determined years ago that arson caused the 1991 house fire that killed the unemployed Corsicana mechanic's three young daughters. Ed Salazar, general counsel for the state fire marshal, said he told the commission long ago that it lacked the authority to look into the case.

    Did Perry know the outcome of this meeting before the debate?

    Another Texas death penalty case was in the news yesterday:

    "Lawyers, Victim Seek Clemency for Death Row Inmate by Lara Lapin 9/7/2011 "

    Buck was convicted in Harris County for the July 1995 shooting deaths of Debra Gardner and Kenneth Butler. During his 1997 trial, psychologist Walter Quijano testified that because Buck was black, he was more likely to be a violent threat in the future. Quijano gave similar testimony in six other death row cases.

  59. WOW...get a load of what that bully did during the commercial break last night!!! He damn near assaulted a 71 yr old Ron Paul. Huntsman had to step between them!!!

    Wonder how long that will take to hit the MSM???

  60. williambanzai7
    1 hour ago

    if for some reason that doesn't work:

    Cutting taxes and saying your state is good for business, while needing the Federal Government (FEMA, Military) to bail out your sorry ass seems a little intellectually dishonest, Fireman Rick. Little like that lying fraud of a grifter, the Half-Term Governor.

  61. StopthePerryCoverup11:28 AM

    Rick Perry is probably not surprised by several recent news items.

    His newly appointed commissioners might have participated in requesting this opinion:

    Texas Attorney General Limits Authority of the Forensic Science Commission

    Posted: July 29, 2011 4:37 pm

    Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott ruled today that the Texas Forensic Science Commission does not have the jurisdiction to review cases involving evidence that was introduced before September 1, 2005. This spring, the Commission issued a report finding serious flaws in the arson evidence used to convict Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed in 2004 for allegedly setting a fire that killed his three daughters.

    Willingham always claimed his innocence, and the arson investigation used to convict him was questioned by a leading expert before Willingham was executed. Since 2004, many other experts have reviewed the evidence and agreed that the original fire investigation was deeply flawed.

    The Texas Forensic Science Commission recently asked the Attorney General’s office to clarify its scope to conduct investigations on evidence offered prior to the commissions creation in 2005. Abbott ruled today that there is no time limitation on the Commissions general authority to investigate allegations of professional negligence or misconduct, but that Commission is prohibited “from considering or evaluating specific items of evidence that were tested or offered into evidence” prior to September 1, 2005.

    On the same day where people cheered about the executions of 234 in Texas, the Texas State Forensic Science Commission met, and the Willingham case was on the agenda.

    The state's top forensics panel may be getting ready to pull the trigger on the most publicized death penalty examination in its six-year history: the case of Cameron Todd Willingham.

    Members of the Texas Forensic Science Commission meet today for the first time since being told that they do not have the authority to scrutinize the state fire marshal's office arson investigation that led to Willingham's 2004 execution.

    The Texas Attorney General's (an elected position in Texas) opinion was applauded by some, including State Fire Marshall officials.

    In a July 29 opinion, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said the panel cannot examine forensic testing that predates its September 2005 inception.

    Since then, commission members have remained mostly tight-lipped about the future of the Willingham case but haven't called it off. The commission is scheduled to meet beginning at 9:30 a.m. to discuss the effects of Abbott's opinion on the Willingham case and others, its agenda shows.

    Fire marshal's officials and others who lauded Abbott's opinion argue that it closes the book on the Willingham case. Fire marshal's investigators had determined years ago that arson caused the 1991 house fire that killed the unemployed Corsicana mechanic's three young daughters. Ed Salazar, general counsel for the state fire marshal, said he told the commission long ago that it lacked the authority to look into the case.

    Did Perry know the outcome of this meeting before the debate?

    Another Texas death penalty case was in the news yesterday:

    "Lawyers, Victim Seek Clemency for Death Row Inmate by Lara Lapin 9/7/2011 "

    Buck was convicted in Harris County for the July 1995 shooting deaths of Debra Gardner and Kenneth Butler. During his 1997 trial, psychologist Walter Quijano testified that because Buck was black, he was more likely to be a violent threat in the future. Quijano gave similar testimony in six other death row cases.

  62. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Just one more sociopath to add to the slate of sociopaths that call themselves R presidential candidates.

    One has to wonder what kind of idiots voted them into office. Or was it Diebold malfeasance that got them into those positions?

  63. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Not only did P-Rick cut the firefighters by 70%, he also cut the state forest service by 30%.

    Hows that workin out for ya Ricky ol boy?

    Lets just pray for (prey on?) the poor people.

  64. Here he is to save the day!

  65. Another Republican Governor, this one supported by the Kochtopus:

    look at how close that is to NYC, with all the Wall Streeters and banksters.

  66. Thank you, Gryphen, for bringing this to the forefront. Don't know if the regular media will do it.

    He is sooooooo BAD; really could be worse than Palin. I can't say it enough..... I think he is pretty much the male Palin.

  67. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Gryphen, You should post the pic of Perry intimidating Ron Paul during a commercial break from last night's debate.

    He took hold of Ron Paul's arm & Perry's finger is in the air close to Ron Paul's nose.

    Posted on Democratic Underground at 3:06 pm by WarHorse.. ron..

    Or thereabouts..

  68. If NJ can pull the veils off of Christie, TX and AK can do the same with their turd Governors.
    "As I described in my BRAD BLOG piece linking to Part 2 at MoJo on Wednesday morning, the good citizens of the Garden State (and the whole of the mainstream media along with them) learned only yesterday that their Republican Governor had snuck out of state on June 26th, right after appearing on Meet the Press, jetted across the country to deliver the keynote address at the super-secret, ultra-exclusive gathering of rightwing corporate barons and billionaires --- otherwise known as the Koch Brothers 2011 Summer Seminar --- at a resort near Vail, Colorado, before he then flew back home to NJ that night, and went on to appear on three cable news shows, in studio in Manhattan, the next morning. Nobody ever knew he was gone --- at least until my story broke at MoJo yesterday morning."

    AK and TX, let the truth get out to the broader world....

  69. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Thanks Pat in Austin for the good wishes.
    To 9:52...apparently you haven't been to Bastrop lately. There's a whole lot more here than the Hyatt.
    There is a disparity in the incomes of residents as well as the value of homes that have been destroyed...many of them are $400k and up! This is not predominately a black, rural, poor community!
    Kallie in Bastrop

  70. Anonymous12:58 PM

    During a commercial break Perry approached Ron Paul and got physical with him, to the extent that Paul's bodyguard approached and Huntsman stepped in between them. THAT's Rick Perry, trying to bully a 71 year old congressman.

  71. Erlene1:06 PM

    I'm a native Texan who moved away and came back a few years ago. I just can't take the crazy anymore. Like Anne in Texas, Mr. Erlene and I are making our plans to leave.

  72. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Rick Perry looks like Charles Manson by the eyes. That is very scary.

  73. Anonymous1:43 PM

    “Rick Perry has not won elections in Texas because he is loved. He has won because he sticks a fork in his opponent’s eyeballs.”
    – Republican consultant Alex Castellanos, quoted by Politico.

    He was at it again, sans fork, with Ron Paul during the break at the debate.

  74. Anonymous2:43 PM

    People in America need to realize what Perry is REALLY all about! He is another Rethug tea potty nutjob that would be a disaster as POTUS. He's financed by big bucks and is really all about looking out for the wealthy.

    Hard to believe that people out there would actually vote for this phony!

  75. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Kallie in Bastrop - I can't even imagine. We went camping in Bastrop state park last year and loved it. Beautiful area, and the old downtown was adorable.

    We moved out of Texas by chance several years ago. I miss it terribly, but we've had the good fortune to live in a nice midwestern state where we aren't having these sorts of problems. Part of me really misses Texas and wants to come back, but the other part of me is so grateful that I haven't had to endure what y'all have. Good luck and God bless.

  76. Anne In DC3:18 PM

    I've always said that it makes no sense to pray for solutions to problems he caused, which could have been easily avoided if he hadn't been such a zealot for cutting critical services in his state. As a result, Texas is number one or close in a number of unenviable distinctions.


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