Sunday, October 16, 2011

Courtesy of SNL: Marriott TV brings us “yet another GOP debate,” live from “Conference Room 5 in the Cedar Falls Marriott.”

Okay this damn thing is hysterical!


  1. Anonymous7:27 AM

    OT mas importante

    “Herman Cain is the first presidential corporate spokes-candidate,”

  2. Anonymous7:59 AM

    OK...So where is the spoof?

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Not one of their best skits. IMHO

  4. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Hilarious and spot on!


  5. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Koch-Cain 2012. In Corporations We Trust replaces We The People

  6. The Hermanator told David Gregory on MTP that he did not know what a neoconservative is. Remind anyone of "In what respect, Charlie?"?

  7. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I love the Herman Cain: I didn't think anyone would take me seriously, I just wanted a Fox News gig!

  8. Anonymous10:25 AM

    OK, so the only thing funnier would have been to see Tina Fey in the back ground of each of those sets. Would she have been doing her political prick-tease in her naughty monkey pumps, I might not have recovered.

    I said so in the comments hoping someone reads it and realizes Tina Fey should guest still as long as Palin "tries" remaining relevant.

  9. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Something WRITTEN has appeared on Palin’s Facebook page. They have changed her status from a “Republican” to a “conservative.”

    One Palin supporter explained that:

    “I suppose one could draw a multitude of conclusions regarding this status change. I know that I certainly have. You can be certain that any move Sarah Palin makes has been well thought out and is with purpose.

    “Could she possibly be sending a message… that they need to strengthen the conservative planks of the Republican party. One thing is for sure, time will tell.”

    Obviously nobody knows what Palin is planning. We do know that Palin has previously stated that if she ran it would be an “unconventional” campaign . On Sean Hannity’s Fox News show she hinted ever so slightly that the current “unconventional” political landscape may allow for a later entry. Given the weak Republican candidates, the candidates might drag out their decisions much longer than one would expect. Sean Hannity suggested that she might be able to wait as long as November and still be able to get on state ballots. Palin specifically said:

    “But I do think, Sean, this is going to be such an unconventional election cycle because this has been such an unconventional administration that we are fighting so hard.”

    While it was widely reported that Palin had announced she was not running for President, the assumption was that what she said in the Bob and Mark interview was what she really meant. However if you look at what was written to announce her decision regarding the 2012 race, it was slightly different. She said in the first sentence of her Facebook post that:

    “After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not be seeking the 2012 GOP nomination for President of the United States.

    She didn’t say, in her written words, that she will not seek the presidency as a Tea Party candidate, or as an independent. Her attacks on Romney and Perry would signal that she still intends to run. If she did not intend to run, there would be no advantage to making enemies of the two candidates most likely to get the GOP nomination.

    It might be embarrassing to support “Herb”.

    The election of 2012 is more than one year away. The facts are:

    1. Palin has never said in writing that she will not run as an independent or Tea Party candidate.

    2. Palin has said that her campaign would be an Unconventional one.

    3. Palin doesn’t care if she splits the conservative vote, and seen in the Alaska senate race with Joe Miller and Lisa Murkowski.

    4. Palin doesn’t follow conventional thought as illustrated by her resignation from the office of the Governor.

    5. Palin has changed her status as a “Republican” to a “conservative.”

    6. Palin has directly attacked the two leading contenders in the GOP race.

    7. Palin has not received as much media attention once she announced her plan not to seek the GOP nomination, and we know how much she thrives upon attention.

    8. Palin stated in her speech in South Korea that the United States would have a female President.

    9. We should never assume Palin will make a decision to run based upon whether she could win or not. Her goal is not to win, but to remain relevant. She can probably prolong her speaking opportunities and continue to demand huge fees as the Ex-Presidential candidate, rather than the Ex-Vice-Presidential candidate.

    10. She has devoted significant time and energy to early voting states including Iowa and New Hampshire.


  10. Another brilliant segment among many lately in the current run of SNL. It's great to see them truly back on their game. By the time she decked Newt I was laughing out of control and was pulling myself together when Ron Paul showed up and I made me double over once again.

    I'm there every Sat nite again and so love that I can watch the whole show again online the next day.

  11. Anonymous 11:16

    The half term governor is so delusional it is possible she might run as some third party candidate. However, even the MSM would take it as a joke, no big money donors would support her as they have Perry, and the Palin bots would be lucky to raise a couple of million dollars at most. She is too much of a coward, but if she did it would be one of the most amusing jokes in modern political history.

  12. Sillywabbit, the Onion is having the same problem. Real life is already a parody.

  13. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I hate to say this, but I found myself NOT laughing at this SNL bit, and noticed the audience seemed to be rather still during it, as well.

    I suspect the reason why, is that even when the writers were trying to be over the top, giving really wild lines to say, to the comic actors, it comes off too close to what the actual candidates say and think, to be all that funny.

    It is very difficult to satirize someone as crazy as Orly Taitz, and the Republican slate of hopefuls are way too close to being just as nutty as that.

  14. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Both my husband and were laughing and just lost it when "Ron Paul" stepped out of the white van.


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